Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1921, p. 4

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jkji ikiww wyryttftt a- ll wmwr mlln wtly nwopr acuil tiiuiihoay may 10 loai thk acitw imelt vhkks i nnlui u 1 tl- li- w llumlii lllll hi iwlil t l tjr r yrr in au tli 11 ii i ii llnllrd klati ilil- artf jilil u imuhui hi ii aivkutjmnc matkstnunl a ach an iitaxrttih cmiirart iliipuy i r t at iy biota loiflo th imalfj u latal t tlia l wnub tub- ulxl illiauill io cfllli pt 1vftiaana r ta tnta mr iimu itch inanition alr- flujiia wlu l till ioclhi and ii 1 lloolte kjllo ad rulliur editorial additional kile protection the unseemly breach of the peace at the town hpll and on thd street last wednesday evening demon strated clearly the need for additional police pro tection in town a chief of pollco of thetypo of the ato chief jlawson who for so many years was always on call when occasion demanded is an im- perilivo necessity- a further protection against un becoming or unruly conduct would bo to swear in the caretaker of the town hall as a constable the council will act wisely if they legislate promptly in this matter f t municipal 0 t a special officer deelrahle since the retirement of chief bf police cooney acton has had no special officer for tho enforcement of tit provisions of the ontario tcmporance act a competent officer would accomplish two esirable ends 1st ho would take prompt action where infrac tions jof the law occtfr and 2nd tha penalties in all cases where a lino is imposedwouldbo paid into the town treasury instead of being rcpaittcd to the pro vincial license board asls necessary because of the lack of a special officer they trust britain a refrcshlngvfaith not only in british probity but also in british future prospects comes in an inter- esing way in an item in the seattle times the magnitude of the budget surplus is sufficient proof of the soundness of government finances in britain if can pay its debts to the united states and will do so in good time without oven being remotely threat ened with bankruptcy frances case is less satis- factory but it will be assisted by the german in demnity of which it will be the principal beneficiary its resilience under pressure military or financial is historic it also will pay none- of the great nations of western europe will commit suicide either by going bankrupt or by going lied twkntv years ago prem thai raeue of the free prea of thursday may 3 101 qy what one paper thinks apparently at least a fow united statsers think as we do regarding that republtos place in the post- war negotiations witness this from so outstanding a papef as the brooklyn eaglo thero can be nothing more humiliating to our national pride nothing more injurious to our sense of selfrespect than the spec tacle of this great country holding aloof while the nations of europe wrangle over questions arising from a war which wo helped to win were no moral obligation involved enlightened selfinterest would still dictate the employment of every means to dis cover a peaceable way out of the present difficulty how the south sees it our recent ontario referendum election was closely watched all over the world and some people at a distance see things in the result which wo did not appreciate ourselves for instance here is some of that sort of thing in a clipping from the st louis globedemocrat the resolute public sentiment hostile to the liquor traffic shown by tho vote in ontario will add an important factor in enforccmqt which is lacking in many places on this side of tho border and will add to the risks of tho contraband trade and inevitably diminish probably the chief result of tho vote will be to reduce the trade in michigan to much less conspicuous proportions and transfer the intensive activity in imports to the part of the boundary adjacent to quobec along the st lawrence quebec is still wet so near in fact to tho point of saturation id wetness as to be the antithesis of dryness r the wolt cry wont apply it is going to be rather difficult hereafter to stam pede tho public into buying heavily in advance i of requirements because a shortage is threatened in a staple article of consumption sugar has taught people a lesson at the beginning of last year a general impression began to prevail that sugar was going to be very scarce indeed by about the time the fru i preserving season was in full swing somebody proved it by statistics and jobbers with a little money loose began to- buy all they could carry in the re- tail market housekeepers cleaned out available stocks and started prices moving upwards with a speed which was accelerated by holders refusing to release supplies in view of the profits they anticipated in the course of a few months the price of both raw and refined sugar doubled then the demand fell off the larger number of consumers had filled their bins and wanted qo more asno real shortage existed stocks began to accumulate until some of the speculators were forced to sell finally prices broke and fay the end of the year raw sugar was down to onethird of the original quotations and onesixth of the peak figures a good many operators were badly hurt in the process but no sympathy need be wasted on them as they deserved what they got once bit ten twice shy the householder who was deluded the sugar worker against himself early last year wqrvery wary about impcndutg ahpetage scares for the heat few months anyway undeserved reflection t now that the victory oyer the forces arrayed to bring about an industrial and political revolution in great britain has been won the opponents of premier lloyd geargo are busy detracting from the credit duo bint for tho brilliaqt leadership be has displayed throughout the crisis a week or so ago when tho miners bad been persuaded to allow volunteers to k mvc the collieries enoinibr the phme minuter who had rashy jumped tothe concloaion that the crisis was at an end endeavored to anticipate popular acclaim by charging hira with having forscen and in part brought about the whola situation for election purposes a suggestion as diabolical as the uctics alleged now that whatever may still be on the knees of the gods in respect of the miners it is assur- et that there will be no general strike we are treated to flfthhahd reports of what unnamed cabinet min isters have said t unnamed ether people in detrac tion of theiifeader and are told that the house of common abrogated tho dictatorship bf mr lloyd the gt labor split which removed the gravest infornai commonwealth has faced in modern times the de- w ittffis the response or the nation to the call to arms issued by the government that gave the labor chief tains pause and convinccdtbera thatther would only injure their cause the more tho longer they persisted in maintaining the challenge they had thrown down but without the strongest and roost amity and unity in the church the signs of the times point very conclusively to greater unity in christian effort and a more demo cratic spirit of christian association and fellowship this is noticeably evident in the action taken by the synod of huron of he anglican church at its session at london last week the synod by resolu tion empowered its bishop to authorize clergy of other communities to preach in pulpits of tho an ion church and to allow his clergy to preach in other pulpits under such circustauces as may appeal to his judgment bishop williams explained that it was proposed to enter into such relations especially with those communions which are leaders in the movement for church unity australias immfarranta australia too is calling for more people and their immigration figures for the last year or two stand above our own juat how the people are flock ing in is shown in an item in the perth xanstrajia western mail australia is only one of many seekers for men and women last year there wore 04000 applicants for free passages totbe dominions cover ing some 10000 people and of these 37000 received f ree jpassages 5400 men and 1000 womeftgojng to australia 3700 men and 400 women to new zealand and the rest to other countries it is expected that during the current year these figures will be largely exceeded especially ifsufbcjent shipping accommo dation be available there is room and opportunity for many thousands of newcomers particularly rural workers every year in this state its future welfare economic and industrial and social is vitally linked with large numbers and in putting forth every energy to secure more people the government deserves tho active sympathy and supportof every citizen- 4 sound proposal in the encouragement of desirable immigrants canada long ago accepted the principle of state aid to settlenrin fanning districts that policy was found tp be necessary and it has proved to be suc cessful the farmer is the settler roost desired in canada yet the immigrant who engages in farming must undergo heavy initial expenses while other classes or newcomers can go to work at o pee with little or no outlay the fanner must have credit or capital to utilize for land labor stock and machin ery it has cost canada no small sum to compel a better balance than existed naturally between rban and rural opportunities for settlement but mount ing agricultural production demostrated effectively during the war has justibed the principle adopted state aid to farmer settlers necessary in the past is equally necessary for the future there being no more free land for use by the government to en courage farming the suggestion beard in parlia ment to make loans to farmer settlers is sound and logical realization that the government backs him financially should inspire the newcomer with greater faith in his venture the immigrant who arrives in quwapjicocediajagricitfr invest in the country and the government can go into partnership with him with good prospects editor at notes sixtytwo at theeightydnerldlngs of ontario gave dry majorities in the recent referendum ontarios aggregate majority is 171335 there is much satisfaction in learning that romes anarchut leader persists jtrhls hunger strike may he hold out tothe bitter endl hamilton spectator the reentrance of uncle sam into the councils of tho allies brings him- into the aatoroom of tho league of nations he will not remain long outside mail and empire the minister of justice has amended the criminal code by making it a criminal offence for intoxicated persona to drive motor cars this will greatly strengthen the clause of the motor vehicles act covering this offence in guelph theyr fluerteamaters whodrivc-over- sidewalks two were fined in police court on friday f was yhltp this orrence in acton although a mmnidpalby- law forbids tliis damaging practice it goes on with impugnity whenever the driver finds its raore con venient todrive over i viotoiu iuy to hlnfflo fanw nvnr tlku railroad to jluy and tomonuw mr w lylnk lm mlclert u nottt now imrth 1 hlw rajlno on mill fitr mr jamoai watuiowa hud 10 000 ptrnwrry turtn of th nwct and boat wariollob u but in 111 markcit miritin lluit tok mr w molviti wrlxir who tor alk ynnr ooouitld tha hop on mill btrt betwn llynd jwllry ator and cooimri uiilqr ahop h rinov4l nnwtlm btrtt t tho lrjor prem- im lauly vatcd liythuthnm a hon till makaia apundld a hop and utut boon ronovatod and turnuhed vary ktlraollvnly a nw mlrrard qurtr mk rajm and other nxtura bav been put in hilly now hn a vvr oomrao- dloua and ttraiitlv ohoii mr o v loodey who h bn an intorprulnic mamhnnt hera for nrly hv yoars but wok purahd th brick houx nd lot on uttln btru bltnaliif to john it kennedy th drion puiil wn 1s00 tho ac tort golf ci nil will play n ma toh tivor thhlr unjia betwn tn mnrrlwl and hiiir nintiiirl todny ulu kaiiimy ttl toronu who ha boon m with v j iwfor on llmr n imnoil ilrenamaklns hd ludlei tailoring parlorm at tho rald- nno of uim jj mor wilbur stroat a trip from anton to nurfilo rnd r turn in on dy with lvan hour nd n hlf t dm xuji amur lean idxpoaitlsn thrown in 1 on of the marvel lou nooompliahmentui of tho nw oentury mthoda of tmn porta tin n rata nuct tuaaday aoton tobukalo and return 1si0 lav acton at bos n ni ar rive in llultalo t htb a m naturn- tna bjiav nuftalo at 11 10 p nl th itartuem and woman inatl- tutft will hold a baakot plonto at th experimental hrut butlon a w ivarfm farm kraaman to- morrow captain ljmton haa aent out infor mation to company f ilorno luflaa latin that tho company will parada in drill order at tho armery on wad- noaday evenlltir 12nd may and on each loooodlna monday wednoaday and krlday vnlna unui juno 10 tho divisional camp commnnoa at mia- raraonthaitko on tuoadnyi jun hew uniform havo arrived and will bo isauod at til armory on any of tho above named evonltuta born unp0ay tn jsaquealna on krlday may i to mr and ura j ll ijnd- aay a win marricd1 john bom amtiiont at tho meth od la t faraonaire reokwood on may x3 by iuv b w holden charlie 11 johnaon to charlotte anthony botb of isrln tflwaohjp tjnen industry in canada dominion limine ltd m ana ii no arid ironlnp dapartment howing calandre hydraullo maoglve pold- ipo- and measuring maohlnoa total nopropaoe aout half on aero thoi unon induatry wo inltlntod jrt canudu n 1dd3 by mr william homey now vloiroaldoift of tho uomlnlnn 14nna llroltm luelph on tario vrevlouo to thin tlmo howovnr thorn hulmwattvnrul attempt at uhpn lufaotmi and mill etubllahed in ilirferont paru of canada but nil had tilted 111 failure krom the oarlleat perlihl of human h la lory till almoot tho ulooo of tho olichteonth century unmi manuranturowua on of tho moat jt- tanalvo und wldnly dlaaomlnatod of tho domoatln induaurlomof leuropoun nouti- trleh it wo moat largely doveloped huaala auatrln tjermuliy holland llelslum northern vranou cortaia uart of knjiland lha nortli of ireland uid throushout scouanct in tho lat ter part of tho eltfhteanth oontury the intlijit of cotton spinning l machin ery cavo tho llnon woavjni induatry fatal blow domoatla oplnmntf olid wonvlns beitan in ohrhik and with t land ioonrwwivinav7t in lslb hj ftrllnbton iqnglutid u 1 1 the power of 8u oq est jon tho other day wt ftcard joqum kncgc a teacher of aaloomanahlpv onqptuiahte mm very salient point on aellias ho related- the followlna vraj incident to iiituirato tho advlaablllty ot pool- tlvo rather than necattve ooiuns atuc aeotiona i wont into a mano atoro the othor ilaht andaaked for a collar tns olorlf wrapped it up took my flfteon oento and polltloly opened tfto door with nothlntf eub woo thorct that fol low actually mado no forffot tbo awrt- 1 aloo intended to buy a woalcot ao later t went into n- ither ehod and aakodtho proprietor to oell mo a collar after aacertaln- loatthe itylo and olao ho ope nod m box and eatd how many do you want fourr nq ill tako only two after thla iterprulna rilow banlled mo my ehanso imald you were pretty wb to aucseat four oollara to me i cuunn in to purohaaoono tjyt for oomo rea- or other ive taken two next time you oomo in ill y etabt won the rejoinder 1 tuo recall vlaluna a readymade clot boo hop and aaklnr for amlpht- weight blaok overooat havent llohtweiht black a dark oxford wouldnt do would itr no aald i you told me it would not niaht aotosa ho atreet waa a tailor ahop and a bualnoaallko aaleaman nu ooon aavln to you want a velvet collar or one to match the uoodat roth poaluvn b ux tome n 11 if x buy the ooat ill iake the vel vet oollar i cabttously anowered shalt wo cut your ooat thl way or thatf indlcatlna two style aheeu both pooltlvoa if 1 buy the coat ml have it cut that way aald ttiu nareful twith a flna flourutb of the bolt or loth and a pleaktant confident untie the miubuui aald step rlftht over hrp for your measure i stopped after my measurement were made i beard pa you want to pay all oaah today or only part caahr and ho daftly rearranaed his samples while i reached for my check book lads and dads m y bujet- job-on- earb- 4a ulofr good father lo my boy was be word of a prominent now torkt city buoloeaa man- id a recent nubile address many a man flnds tbls out all too lata and after ho has made monoy more than be can use he would kiv it all to be a friend ojrajn of the boy that ho ha loaf out ohls life to be a friend of your lad atalx toon and eighteen means that you must hov beanin before he was six or elcht- tho dad la tho lads nero jtn those dwi and aodhelp and forgive tho father who surrenders hu crown t another dotlnsalmflerthlpbrokon and ineffeetaal voices 0 ona fomthru are fought not only iq vi- i p t b in tho dt obiishbvfwtonanavea7whbncanain llatoof tho groat unions without tho most killul oftonand fariniinil forert aro all dotorminod to ieiterhlp tho covornihont and tho general public top foit area then oufqrt will be freed froni mwif have boon manoeuvred into a position from ftravage thl4ejd v5 which extrication would have been possible onjfcat v v vh ftevy in ro 4ndroperty thoprlyai aojdlera otobvtottwe be- ft lf f5 wq a cauk o the high prleeftf papefmnaing mteriala iiui5 a h weatheredone of the mfluiismatin iut m forest fires benefit no one and they rob the wbrkingrnan the merchant the farmer and indhs facts about coal supply ownjr to the public bolns careless about puclna their or ders or next winters comj there were several million tons lew mined during april of thtti year than last year this shortage 7tuuitrbtudp to keep mines going wo have to take an average monthly ton nage mb ooal has to be removed from the mines in cars aa soon aatmlned w can get only the same number ox ears of coal in deceniberaa wedo in may if tbo publlodonot kt theu simply of opa in nvw there wlu jbe a shortage when next -win- tre oold winds blow phioo for mav nut mbso 8tovb 41bjw egg 155 pea f 1300 vadvanee is 10b ton per month ihlho was invented which nfter- tho war tho fin on many improvement and modincuttnno ha bwiimo tho prfoct oyatom of muchlnory with whloli nt the prenent day llneit jiplnnlng mlllu aro rurnlaliiwl tho dlanovory of a pr ocean for tho mechanical twinning of llnon yarn for woavlnif into cloth by txiwtir loom woo muh olower than in tlio norreupondlng oomo of cotton tli re aro two branched in tbo mmlurii manufacture oplnnlng and wnavlng to which may b ddded blenching and various finishing prt- fjumoa tho fbtx fit ire ut racolvnd in bundle from 1he scutch mills and after having been nlaaaod into- varlnum arados nnoordlng to the quality of- tho material u labelled and placed in tttoro ready for tho flax mill when tho manufacture of uuitn in canada wu aiiccotiafully started the idea- was to purchasa yorno frorji the continental and irish spinning mills who were being bp piled with russian hax ata prfoo- much belpwthat for whloh flax could be rrown liroanada as most of the linen manufacturer in ireland wore weavers only buying their yarns frpm spinners it was thought qiiltb posulhleand feasible that t h o sam o out thod oo uld- bo aniploy od with success in canada and prior tn islam i di nitod entirely on thooa imported yai keep tholr plants in operation in the year 1113 it is pt limited that itusula produced about 400000 ton of fx and other lcuropeaiv countries including clreat ilrluin and ireland 100000 tons with tho complete collapeo of it us- kla in lli it became evident that if tho linen business was to be continued in- canada 11 would be necessary to astnhluh a spinning plant here to spin the canadian grown flax which with the improved methods of cultl- vullntt were proven equal to or bettor thun iho iluaalan oax on which the induutry bud rolled previous u the war a modern flax spinning plant which would complete the chain of llnon manufacturers and make the buslnoai a purely canadian ono has iwon installed at luelph and la nowln full running order this plant has been ouulpped wiui the latest modern dry und wet spinning systems to se- cura the highest quality of linen yanis workers were brought from uvutlum via tho c 1 il who vore oxporlancod in water retting flax similar o tho finest klomudi and lie lgunflttxwbichrv used yorjiw2 diking tho highest grade linen safety firbt in london thcqrtnuht have enormous trofflo dlfpcultles in ixmdon uneltfhd and ihatthoy ore using tho slogan a wll as th principles of- on accident- pre vention campaign s evtdenoed in a recent item in tho t london dully uii- y tens of thousands qf people aro being maimod llveur streets unneces sarily unneceaiiarlly bocnuso the vast majority of accidents are ayold- if only all affected by tralllo otwarvo uiaatriit vlgllunoa cryatajllsnd two wordh hafely- irtrst cer tainly our roads can bo mado much iter than 111 ey arc thorouro ton many blind corners nuddttath- tropo all over tho country hut when all of thesa have imou oloured uwuy accidents will occur unloss leoplo whether driving or on foot look where hoy uro going and at what in coming unfortunately it usually tokos two to avoid an aocldnnt und often one falls truffle does bflt tako its toll only front the cureless flood reliable household remedies araindefhtenjtubto in every home per asthma 1wmah has boon famous fur rhnumatlnnii temthionm hhnuma- tlc capsulnu ara the roc o united stand sold by id j hassurd whose foot are voo ont wlion someone stops advertising homeone stops buyldg whan omoqno atops buying bomeone stops selling when someone stops soiling hopiepne stops making when so mop no atops making fjonwone stops oarnlng when everyone atop earning everybody slops buying thon the bread line dont block the traffic- keep jgolng i itch smart or boro rwa trvrrc ubota irritated la jur ci cjaumtdorgranulatod hnrtnsfiniiii leglawbssessii iffnfnr infsator adult atalldroggistawrto banklnig by mail thoso irvinpr ft a distance can do their banking by mail junfc ns nafoly conveniently as though tlond in person mrtny pnrrnora avo themsojveft bpocinl 4 trips to town by adontinor our iiyaten of itankinp by mail tlio mitnagor will oxplain thjb helpful plan ui write or bee him tho noxt timo you aro in town thc rmrchafcits bank of coiniadifx head office monlrexl acron branch ceottcetovm sjaty daapoalt bna lo eetabllthed 1804 i n siiorry iwu ic r ulaucst afaasatal ftee press advs real business getters ahirschorn grxitretown ladies- suit and dress specialist spring goats and dresses satisiactionlsuararltced if a euatomor finds a garment is not satisfactory it may bo returned and the monoy twllhj0tccrfnlly3i5fndear- business directory mcdical dr j a mdnivcn thyaloln ond ourpon lltflfo and 1 li ic trrr ivihiy und icuhi htivou i em-t- formerly 1- i u leraon acton oni lower laald- hon- or e j nclqon physic an burgxan obala acrton ontario rlcirl tin cri lit ttui lilt hr ira offlw und ltnl k 1ft office hours 3 lo 4 p lu an pm 1 to dr c p w ross physician and sur llll st cuoatow phorc flriici iljal kxllouwo frllirkpol himilal attention lo hjf wo men mnd children und infant kdlntfv leoal itfl l 5 a tjrjtsrwt iinti no vi o ili sj- iuu0u nash fakme1e ma barrister balioltor notary publu coijvnyaner etc pernvman block actopj pmt womeiv to jjam irs bi0 sjrt to c p m dental dr j mj bell d d b l d oontut t of trnto unl honor oradi otty tbo dealred offloo i vvoderlek btrooto luat of tfirtnl toes anethetl cornor jkflm and miocellaneoua marriaoe licenses h p moor laouor marrlao llnawooe vrancis nun an boekbindo- j account boolos of all kinds mado te order periodlcala of ovary j ri ttotv ooxoxuliy bound uullng neatly and promptly dooe wyihainbeo4 auelph 0t oyer wl hums 8tor r j kerr licensed auotlonoer sw tho counuee of haltdn woluag ton iool and dtittorltt end tbe city of uuolpfa aoton ontario sales may bo- arrmn by- mall ne at reeldeaos at actoa or at tho free preae ofllca acloti the mercury omoe tiuolph the newaitooord xreigus or with w j cordon hantes wavkor lllllatmrx bale entrusted to it j kerr ro- oelvo attonuon rrom dam of i luting to data- qf sals ijat your sale with mo rosldonce bower avenue aotoe ptaonosc aoton call at my roy hiey auctioneer jjivbi btock hkai ltbtatb ani utmchanpltlb colmolidstod phono erin 4t 11 r r s acton daibxniveh ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surreys bubd visions ilsn lu- borta pescrlptlnaa illueprlnba ot ceruhcaiea tiwlomijsbromd mortgagees burveyo for arch i wet builders and municipal councils dreinan noportm kstlroatss etc molean duildino dawlum aualplt wwina 10b oni j b mackenzie n moleop mp j e cheevers book binder quobop bt- east quelph oo tlooks ajnd magaxlnoo bound n iian4somo and substantial covers- names lettered in gold on bjbuat ilymn nooks and other- books all work pranpuy executed clearing sale 1 of winter qoodb op wintei no need going to ouolph nwr dol- ur day you can makw a dollar here juat ns woll overalls s2jk0 work shirts 3t winter caps it 1mand 2jio and othor goods it proinrtlon coma in anfl see to for bargain shoe repalrlna neatly dons e k cook k b3ricmcsustvfcj ttonohiro caniu i thb old and reliable 7 ormlte and haitle dealers we are paanttfaoturera and direct importers u kinds of monmnentsl sheaiuuoae vork w- awd dtmes to our customerai at wboleeale prtooa thoa oyvloat oat- cnatntnera 0 per cent wi havsttba tmart iupllances and tbo cfttr mechmntcst tar- the- dominion wba operate pnanmatle tools property uaiv gi r f htinfln ot otm eostwawrei in toronto and other plaoaa waara othani have to bave las alts in order to ooucot we nave um largest and bwt atoelc ot oranlte tat tbo pomuttoit ornon than any thro dealer in um wast we are uurlu- mmte- dseoera- aadt enrployno agents anado potannerylof peat customore by senfllng out tgrwrant agents aollett- 4nyord a i eploynly- and del compaction h 7 icwi meiriaiava- sviakiwu me ftmerna

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