Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1921, p. 5

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hp artou 3hrn ttaa tiiifltbhav mav 10 ittii mv prayer 1 pray for llmu to do my work and li it wu a- riihlxo to hhi w ur 4 thors how ttm nljlil hll of tauku well iloiin i a for tlm not tif hun kiwi r to n nlorl i ant tkto girl in tll t pw still lepdlr it rings a purtlng 1 pray roc i port unity irt ufa ami chwr tiummi win m mot t whoso lonely lives and void of all tt at palplfau wllli iv to i aitluh r tx r ii in 1m all thought or rear to wl from wlstf it y l t rrow inr i pray for w 1ml tin li tust fur uwuy what ml ilit uiin y anna wixul the sunday school lesson for bun da v mav 22 1021 4 tub cimimlan vihw of t vamkytlukn 10 38 4x 3 61 t tim 3 14 1g ool ln tut ohll lrii nliey your parents in all things for this ik wi1 pleasing- to tlm lor i kulhers pro voke not your nhll ireiisthat thoy be hof discouraged col 3 20 31 lhon cgmmtnli versa ibttiiu uertsln villa wu ilethany the incident u related by luka only it u i i of tho striking tittle pictures ip tin new testament martha wm plainly tit head of the establishment uud l robbly the older slater it la evident that she was h true lwllsvor v4s jothbj wuw not mary mag dalene bh was it ilovdut ami atten tive dlaciple disposed to meditate hitting ut the irda feet wa th t- tltudo of a pupil taking loeaona from a teachej verse 40 tcach of these excallont woman was manlfnetlng her luva in bar own way martha wa busy do mestically mary wu buy listening the two munin worn tem peru mentally different but lkoth were affectionately anxious to- honor their beloved guest the incident needs no explanation bo cause it haa a counterpart in thoua- anda of home to day thnaa whose part it la to work vn disposed to erlucis tho whose part it la to think both an realty nacaaury varaa 41 ofaaua la aim ply robukln over anxiety about mutarlal thlnsa vra 41 uary m attitude wu bet ter beoauae alio diaoemntl more cloatly the aplrltuaj mlaalon of the chrlal laika 1 61 aflaf thla inoldont oa- outrtnjr whan jaaua wax twelve he dlaappenm trjtm aacrel hhttory tor oaarly alchteen yeara wo have to imajflne how he apent them with only the key that la turntahod by theaa two vera- the oriental cuatom woa to exult the father a the nbaolnte head of the family that the aaored write re give auch prominenoe here to the mother of jeaue 1 evldanoe oon- onnlnat the truth fulneaa of the atory buch a mother- in auoh a home with auctl a lad eiv ua aomethlnk to think about verse 61 we havo already treated thla pa in ijeaaoii v t la no vvdts5oiiuh jeau0 brerik aehool or oollce or had an oppor tunity to learn except at the feet of the vtltajra rabbi and at the knee of a wtee mother thla home therefore must have been- ilia main achool- tuvery home ahould be constructively educational in ita inquenoe x tlm 1 14the apoaue paul bauur aopualnted with the lire of tim othy remind him that he ahould abide in the hlngn that have bee i tn light to him by hi grandmother lola and hia mother kunioo il6 timothy a home train ins had been rellfloua from hla infancy up there would be loan aln in the world if there were more chrlatlan leaolilna- in the homo verwe 16 tie aacred writ inn were th did toetament script urea in timothy a day children bogiui o lfpi parte of the scripture by heart at the ae of five a home thua foaar- ins the principle qf rlffhtoqmineaa il tend out boya and alnla o atrenalh qod charackr llluatratad truth dlacord may enter into the noma throuah unwladura oa wall aa throuu tinklndneaa and eetoahneaa like 10 wr illustration very good people need to jruard against roaktna themaelvaa wni other uncomfortable by tylns theroaevea too rlarldly to the achodule they have marked out uartha aeema to have been one of the devoted eoifl s tueaday and o on throusn the proarrainme no matter what else mlfht preaent itaelf the horn la too often vrobbed of the awaet cheerfulneaa tha ouabt to pervade ita atmoaphere juat bocauae lta bvaad winner and if bread maker are too buay to t aheerful topic torheaarohand1lauloi l christ in the homo of mary and kortha luke 10 58 43 1what villas la mentioned in terse sftt t deatnibe the disposition of uary anot uartha swht mary la this can every dlaolplp mftnifeef ipynlty n th aame wayt 6 wha doea jfjaija bftry- nhtiuiirpflttr th7 mh j uaruutat ii chriat in hla own home luke 1 el is 7 mow had jeaua apent ilia life up to tile time he wo twelve t t aive your own idea a to how he apent hla life between twelve and thirty 9 what educational oppor tuttltlt would he have in naaaretht 10 la there enough rolbloua etfuca tlon in our homo to dayt iii christ in the homo of kvery chrutlan i jtim 3 14 ii how may cbrlat ho mado dweller in every boraet i some prominent members sthe canadian uthors association althoiiah hily a abort tlmo hi e latnnro the canu hun author asso- rlntlon haa alrvatiy prnved itaalf m very active inliwtl ti and lias done eub- atantlal work for the benefit of the canadlwri author and canadian liter ature the annotation rmw out of u recent onvtntloii held in montreav whlch waa attandwl by over one hundred canadian wrllara many of wham have attahml international fs0 auch u dumii ulnif rtophclt ioaoock arthur btrlitrr trrunk lb 1 ankard imus carmui archibald maa mechan itobert btead majra mao- beth etc it hah received the cordial support of muiiy who onuld not tr- aonaliy le preai nt muoi aa ltalph connor jj m montkomory nsllin mo cluntf jtudfia emily murphy janey canuck harvey o hikriiih isabel tceeleaton macksy aiida boat of utho whoae uameh an houaehold w rdw in canadian mocaalnea ij- hmrlui a were thorn aunh aa r csmiwo h iik w h wallace and iiih tor flurnoau rimi many of the toronto putillnhera a oitnalderabla itumbvr of from h fanallan autliora worn pruxoiit including m iouvlny lit mmtlfiy oi d madame lluuanln wlinun wrlthiitm published under the in n nnmo of mutlnlelne are esonedlntt- ly p4tp ilui with tlm vreuch canadian itopoliitlon tlm mmarkable interest taken in hlm asutuilutli ii la no doubt du to tlm urowiutc hplrlt of tiatloiinj pride which hua evidenced itaelf so stroll y in canadian life whlu apeolfll rtuuon fur the asportation oould be foui 1 in the copyrluht 1uu beforn the canu ilaii lnrllumut which appeared titmnanffrllltliimraulhoraaa endanermt be i li y luid in vvr 1 fore a rpnimltlto wu appolnlod to study an i take a tiu on thla i til i end within 11 r krtuliiht a rvuort lssul which undoiibludly has carried ooiialdarable welrht with tlm jovfrnmnl other conmltlnrm liuvn all ce lwn n hilntwl to 1 mm ii to a numlwr or practioal stihniiifls with the obit of inoreaslntf th t4xnluki of ook relura in cunsilu ut d of enlnrlnjc the interest in cuia hun utru ore thus for tn- tan hi the piihluhrn have ard to no operstw with he author in orran- ultilc a uiuulluti ikmik waek for nx novemlier whu the attention of the ihmik lqvlnif l uhlln will he ooncentratl mi wnrku by catiu luli author- thla in n tn inih in which a treat rnan pvl0 kct boullatu aend ave w nni tn luid it la planned pvolho chrlhti iilso to vncpuraan imkii le in the wast to smd ixhika ly wiimtorii authora lo frleiidsi in thff kust nnil tople in tho tuist in nand itooka by luuloni uulhtrs lo frlnnita in the wnst the asnoolntu n alitlclpatea thuti if the book itulliitf and lxhik buying ubllu 1m inrrvuihhl in this oouiiiry the canudluu uutlior will no iiuur bit tempted to dohcrt hla nallvo oountry tor he more popolous renter or new york un i london but will find a sufficient umreolatlvs uhllc at home already ooiiilltlona in thla respect are lm mvln- and several authorw aunh tut arthur iwrlnser have come tiunk from the united but to live in canada a nation without a hurstur ut aa hoftvlcwa a a man without n nountry and the object of the cnns fiuu authrrvasoctatlorto protnoto u dutlnotlve canadian lllarature is truly national in ita acopo carb of the chicks on rafvotz the care of the chick while in ui brooder atae la most important tar x uiat time tho lances t mortality oo yr the aubeiunnt care of tho chick that havo lived through th brooder sis bo haa vovy much to do with the auocam or failure of the birds later lonty of heat tht n t cut down the heat too soon until the chirk avo ill featherml an 1 even ufter th it if the wsutlmr la ool i an 1 change able they will rauulre u certain amount of heat whether tbry ae raised naturally or artificially naturally liaised chlcua the hen will probably leave the chick to themselves by thu time thny uro feathered sometime eveh iiefore and it la well to havo tho chlttk housed in a fairly eomfortablo coop ur tolony houae so that when the hed leaves t will bo o oornfortuhl can get a lima without her artlflculiy ilaued chick tho aameeare a to heat and comfortable rearing quarter ahould be given to the chicks that are hatched and rear- od brttflelslly w sometime even more care 1 neoeaaury the removal of the heat when nlghta are till cold often result in the chick be coming chiliad crowding in i a a corner and a number of them wing smoth ered thoee thst aurvlvn ore more or tea atunled bocauao of ti chill give them fresh lull 1 h la tiovur advisable to rear nhlcktms in the so mo yards or upon tho hutnn mill thflt ttio old hxiia have used tllvo them now soil that ta owoet and free from dis ease germs such a pin on a a cul tivated orchard potato patch root or corn field or in fac any place where them la a wowing crop of such a nature that thny cannot destroyt will be an ideal spot for the chick penty of blutde during the warm er month shade 1 very important this can be provided by the growing crop orchard shruba or oven the rallng of the bouo and tn some cooea along with thla arflbcui shad made from boughs or ootton acreena la ui flock of chick during the growing season ahould not tie laborious though plenty of feed la required it may b4 given in such a way that th minimum of labor 1 entailed an american view qood hoalth is at least it should he rlmndo a matter or community and iiallornff welfare for much of what noolul progrea 1 dependent it li a fuct worthy of con ullurutlon that a sum of not lea than 700 010 o0d in wam v lost through icalth each year in the united htuuu ul mi on mi nvorage we loe in tiling ilka itovnii days a yttnr in our worklnf tim and when thu nultlpllod by tho number or worker tills country tho sum total la a prlhlngly lurga numltcr detroit advantage- veedlngthe feeding ofi var thla purpose who wou twoah on m and fson hoiiper feeding la vary much toba ft f i rc00 majekopper lli which mixed grains and mash can ling and oaring for the grow- pe placed and to which the chicks eon have aocea at all time insure plenty of feed for the chicks with very little labor on the part of the attendant if the chick are lata and it is necessary to hurry them in order n gvftuetr otowthlnplenty of ttraof for the fall a molat moah fed once n day will help them and milk before them at all time 1 decided adven ts inteedl ing chick 1 ahould a jmrnc ln thai fhe qhief aim is o lutve mufurefl pullets so tha hey witl cpmmanpe q lay before the winter eeghon eamas en the feeder should keep this in mind and feed the bird ucoonltngly icarly ohlck may be fed so that they will mature too early for beat allround production and though thla la an exception still it la well to keep in mind that the pullet that slants lay ing the latter part of october w tho it of november is usually the pullet that given the heat yearly production and certainly yields u hotter revenue than the pullot that does not start laying until after tho aeasoii of high prices for egipj ia over v c ml ford dominion poultry huslwndmuti for sunday reading time la a sort of river of passing events and strong is it current no aoontrjui a thing brought toalght than it 1 swept by unfl another takes it place and this too will be swept away- marcus a uro ii un wcrldtlncm ha been defined looking at the things that are aeon but only cloaely enough a 0 tll market value spirituality lu t lott- ther r value- ther ook vhlch fhelr efernal uethodlsts attending lie rforfh tr- dlaab m w conference in ftlchmond were dlacusslng wlutt had become of 7 number- he oldtime jnlftlaers they hjtil knon vvhen th pnst using became no high aajd one of ua group our pastor resigned wont tovq hla farmland noiclalo 5 dairy buslnesa and i suppose said another he now sells paatoruad mlk the fence that divides men from each other on tho jnoral reform issues of the day is made of barbed wire the straddler will be likely lo get hurt new kihmoids e indioestion quick relief hakkr9 op scotto emulsion u grow finet chops sold rvfuywhefit in canada write lur- new illnstiaitil cilij steei e hriggs beedc mutual growth my started ms null depost- tors or borrow in toe jpank of nora scott an 1 now among the countrys largest concerns they- jve grown with the bank and tho bank has grown wth them the hank bag holpsd them by sound and care ful service lo tpf and aa their huxtness increas ed so also did thst pf the bank ion k the bank of nova scotia jh o not allow worms to sap the vitality of your children if not at tended to worms may work irrepar able harm to the constitution of the infant tho jlttla auftorurkcanht voice their aliment but there n signs by which mothers are made awure that a dose of millers worm lowdars la necessary these ponder cf quickly and wdll exuel worm from the system without uny tnoqn- venlenca to ho chlltj she declined to marry him nftk all charlie gervais house painter acton ontario long bhtperleno careful work done all job promptly completed orders for spring work should be placed immediately residence church street annihilate vpur eve strain dv scientifically fit- tedalasse keep your erncleuoy of vision at to hundred par cooh mark by giv ing the eyes the consideration they ittua tallyouhtyaur viguin la entirely normal avc4rmoaj lmaiwi measurcupi ueaaure up my iwyl measure upl this was the advice father fro iisntly gave his hon who was inclined to weaken when confronted by any tough problem or unusual situation measure up my boy measure upl thire ar tlnirs whmi own the trnngest need the advice the words have one pnutageoua ring and would make a good tnlm tic u litislnea man cymtio thtm and put n upon tho wall of your office or of business where they will constantly remind you that you must measure up to th situation that con front you whatovor it is when you do ud wluui you un swr the call and i ring all your oourag and reaouraofulneau to your aid no rnattr how difficult your prnli- you are likely to romq thtouh all hght there is no situation that fru a man when ha tneaaures up and meats it like a man the troubld with most of us l that we do not measure up lit a supreme crisis when great rnaponslblutln confront us wllen niuusl difficulties oppoaa ua instead of measuring w are apt to tneuuuru down our i mick bones weaken we slump miser- llbly whfn w- realise that tnlnd hak lower over all thing ia greater thai nil obstacles und that man la tb mustrr mind wo find nothing singular in this man wus made to conquer things not to mi nomtuernd by them there 1 something within you bigger than anything- else on this planet it is bigger than any circumstances any luck any accl lent of fortune any sltuatloil or emergency that confront you and the more you use this thing within you the more you exercise end develop it the stronger you become tf we had no i roblom to grapple with no difficulties tn overcome would all be weaklings lnrptul fair weather and smooth sea never make good sailor it is battling with th elements sklltog on through storm and tmpst undauntedly racing hurri ranea and rough aeaa that develop in the mariner his sterling qualities oreat etneraenclea tremendous re sponsibilities hard times tight money commercial crises focusing the mind on the solving of lough problem ad justing means to ends calling out all of one ingenuity and reaourcofulnea to mcalunusual condition three are the things that moke great business men and successful farmers it la battling with and overcoming difficulties that make great leaders great man in every wapx or ufa gream feet fllour children love homemade bread made of cream of the west flour and there is nothing else so good for them that costs so little mablo leaf milling co limited toronto wlonlp0 llnjo mlrk vou can proaur crim of th wt flour from d h lindsay acton ont wesell farm equipment and bcrvlflel suty year of leadership of givfna good value heaping aauafoctlon mod real aarviosl thats why th giuoo nam win a respect and confldeoot from coast to coast thats why w sr proud to u hi dpendbls farm qulprnat the gilson engine buty ka ra a m per duhd on tns ny pnjil puo lt u pay for ilacm lis scddoniy aiul ilnxul ability bavs auuj it is ul mlun va glsa in canada let u itaionuiits on hvlosylo tba tlytit hyle laaureil it 1 toe wonderful ouoo iunj fopti mate glluia hllo piiiho old la ci laat year thso snjr t h rasr- satssd to bs tbs llghtal luaalaf blower niummmde vm indrntojiml st a cluon ilia pult sad all you en ullo with ymw trwo cltoc 4 p lrittit ttis prater tism w voar pars lias btcslcat fndbul the gilson spreader ucioh to itvlo is cuaua i y las ductimlo- sunk fumx- lays for man irs i tl iml ftulin- llhlf lo tb tint twos uo iii tl i rt usimrs kn tinflvmr sllsr ynr paya ibaciwn whyi it baa a wide ipraad ico pn- rent proflt i u ltul w down it its llatit iliad it wul your inytatoiaat cau likt i ihi i w l it la root cluubc you beat itf imm aotl all tuti plica tad paxla caltaad ms eu mt usjar tutm ulnw l will ami tfi you r aa th aqutat ui nd cumi o hy uuuae tno wood saws qt pvap jacks bltl- ft will- tot ctu gilson mfc cct limited oil and sa iuif1 dutlmf ont dalf j w barberree acton ont vestbrdavfa troubles acton granite works i nicol experienced granite cutter ta prepared to supply monut ments of all kind tfth skill fully ouf lnscrlptipn at low price be aampis of work and ntyloe of monumenta at the monument work pbrnymam block mill street aoton ont 1 suppose lies heartbroken r 1 1 don t luink so lie say thing worked out all rlghl ho naked for n raise bi pay thinking he was about lo get murrlad and received it and so hesinai much ahead of the game the manvvith asthma altrtost longs for death to end tilt sufferings ho es ahead ony years of endless tor ment wlrlt lutervulu of rest which are themselves fraught with never ceasing rear of renewed attack let htm turn 1o dr j 30 kellogat asthma rfcmedy n know what complete relief it can i give mt him but use it faithfully many havo been relieved of corns by holloways com nemover it has ror it own that will ho founfl and he will find his asthma greatly egntwa i loaeflta moved ta smaller tbuten bat the bams full slock of au lines kenney bros have moved their boot and shoo store temporarily to tho email store nest door to their old stand on main btrect tho premises are small but tho liiooiivenleneo is ex pected to be only for a ahpr lmo until our uow store la completed on mill htlfr teddy wasnt in a good temper for playing and was spoiling tho fun vlaaale could not understand it but iter a lot of casing aha got at the secret nellie was cross when we went out to walk and she jerkad my arm m floosie looked surprised but thai was yesterday she said of course it was aald teddy what difference does it maker well aald vtoaale dont ever remember crossness eyvc might there are always much nicer things to re member you know toddy wlaughed i suppose there r was all he sjild hut the play went well afterwards bunahlne children cry for fletchers cast0ria matchers castoria te strictly a remedy for infants and children foods uro specially prepared for babies a babys medicine is even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared ior grownups are not interchangeable it was the need of n remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castoria before the public nfter years of research and no culm has been made for it that its use for oyer 30 years has not proven what is castoria castoria is a harmless substitute for castor 0u paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant jt contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic bulwrtancev its aeet is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been fn constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and ihsjthoea allaying foveruhness arising therefrom and byregulsting thtomsjam3owels ulds- the assimilation of food giving healthy and uaturaj rdmp the childrens comfort tho mothers friend genuine castoria always f bears the signature o in use for over 30 years railway time tables at acton- 7 qrsnd trunk ballw ay by stem oolna west mo 3d sunday idiiun no si ldb4ajn no s aigpjn no as c 00 pn no i hipm t no u sunday s t8 pjn- no 2 7 01 am no itt 1118oro no s3 bzipjn no u fl icpm no su i 8 13 pan toronto suburbsrt eleetrlo railway oolnfl we t it a tp pally- exoapt fjundoy ia p n ially uvonpt rundoy d i0 v m ially oxoopt bunday lloajbtn mtindsy only us p1 n uumloy only c p n oolna east 7 41 ar n tially axoept hunday 3 03 pn 1 ijally n sally esrt t bunday a in p except hunday 1 61 oi n tuniloy only wl p n m bunday only hit i n hunday only yujkht dllvcril lv rial expre fill uht trnliflii lku up ut any ad llltlmh 1 i toriiii a it aon ww aent ado heixhants casualty co uptxttaluils id ilalth and and lent insurance foil ls 111 i ml and un reslrlctiut pvi r 1 000 000 pal 1 in b04 royal bank bid a toronto ont- uptodate goods at c a sieigirrs silverware in tahlcu art tint variety also pino cutlery hardware tinwaru ud granite wore big assortment pandora stoves and manges famous heaters small stoves oil stov bverv article ib op excfp tional value c c speight mill blrccu act dustbane makes sweeping easy purifies toe air saves lauoh ask icouk guoceit lleware of imlfatlodfl bk fob it at voutt local bealcrs cwiau omrany iiw vok citv j e palmer valuator and olhoe is prepared to soloot farms in now ontario for sny who desire to purabnso i have a very intimate knowledgeof the boat localities for vrtll also aot as guide for any sportsmen who desire the beat of hunting of mnpse doer and other r can nrrajiga for aacommo- dtlons for homeseekera orl gportg- man dost ur references 1 1 j e palmer anderson housja cafe cehrsne we have tho usual good assort- mont of tennis and outlngr shoes for men women hoys and qlrls jjult 11 nw ok fipiuno and hummlflh llatbst btiltlka rorr bvsirttonni a good baroafn in wall sizes of women plmps and qxpord8 rises 3i to 4 great reductions in but ton qqhool shoes for qirlb repairing as usual kcnney bros main street acton ont for scalds and burn tr thorns eclectrio oh 1 a standard remedy for the prompt treatment of scalds and burna its healing power quickly soothes the puln ami aids a speedy recovery from the injury tt is also an excellent remedy for all manner of cuts bruises arid sprains us welt ae for relieving the pains arising from inflammation of various kinds a ttmtls m the home and stable saves many a doctors and veterlnarys tee acton creamery cahyouwritea business aetterjf ww bl bolatjzw in buslnesa utter wrltlno bookkeeping shorthand commercial law and typewrit i no our training in any of thw is worth the cost of tho oiitlro course start now session the entire vear guelph businesscpllege herald bldo guelph onl a l bouck principal ev proprietor ventilat the hav mow a areat snajorlty of tho nres that destroy bams each year are started from oambuatlou tn the hay mow it has long been known that when hay is pub into a tight mow esitectally if th lisy be not fully cured it wll go through a heating process gases will he formed und sumolont heat gen erated to cause ronjbusjon and start n nre it is a simple matter to ventilate a hay mow well designed cupola will draw the wann air up tut doe a ehlm- tiey these upola also add to the appearance of tho building and cor talnly are of mufllclent value a insur ance ngalnat fire to justify thnh cosl worm in children if they be not attended to cause convulsions and nften death mother flrnve tcsvoi fqxurmmator will protect the children i from thetfo dutressliuj su lie tlon x full maiket price paid for butter fat any smalhtoountofgream will-receive- our best attention sweet cream for sale every wednesday mil solunliiy we willalso pay spot cash for eggs open frjday and saturday evenings best crkameby uuttkhjew laid eggs and fresh uutteitmllk will now be supplied at the creamery every day acton creamery co watson wiles proprietors acton bakery call phono no 77 if you want a delicious loaf of bread or brown bread or a boston loaf steam loaf buoa and rolls plea aufloll kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best food eat more of it phone 77 the wnsffon wul call ei your door m edwards co i aoton ontaro sur olosed every nlgm fxoept frl dav and saturday at 630 tw trft v rra

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