Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1921, p. 6

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fr i nirths usrrlasea and deaths er now oharwd for at the folio win mlial ulrths 60a marr-la- coa1 iil m fcol unmdrla cards 60c 10c imir linn extra for pom m mit i an ii died lrln t wuijilr u jbii ann u ioiiii iiiim iiiucoll m ml llun u hu hal may 13 1031 tali tor if j hri 1 6 yours shjr a rtnn 3frgggrgg luuilmiuy may 10 011 brief local items cimui- ti inx rule til year is 42 lllllu motor- trumfl u uro win isrser the vyn u oiular i 1 for house in town it lay afternoon ho 11 any hull una neratlons are lively in lrllay tho thirteenth want oo cur iiuuln this year hultdr tmli1 her oil baturday at 3u mi 1 otfith ut sin twenty fourth next tuesday eimruo you ii tuk n holiday there was a llht front i lay unit ilonilay night i reported hint buttr dropped on haturdny in ouelph who loves garden still kepa hla youth hi enthusiasm hi birthright haven t bead oxany ft route for tli provincial highway this week th woahb of ulna bloom this woek richly rfums the atmosphere watercress is helnjf gathered hero and hhlptmml to the cities again this sine the milk oow t got out on imwtnrv butter has dropped about jko er pound toronto in under tyiyllgrbt saving- time now remember this when you visit tho city mr a b grlpps axpreasxaan ha supplanted his tun vehicle with fine motor dray nox tuesday twentyfourth tho oldest and moat appreciated mini nor holiday wo have abundance of bloom on the wild raspberry bushes give promise of on ahim lant crop this season choeso 1 selling in northern now york market at 14 cents iwiind the lowest in nix yr neatly painted home and tidily kept surrounding invariably attract publlo attention and win admiration constant practise and wtitl plan ned team work are i iwniiiij if our baaoball taam is to have a successful season how doe your sam fax label readt flmn read it k require adjustment kindly give the matter your attention the more than two weeks without rain and the oool spell over the week end have retarded the growth 0 vog- tatlon considerably every vcar wo renew our faith when we plant our farm and garden seeds and such faith la uaually very promptly rewarded tho plasterers are now at work on the hew btarkman blogk ii few weoka theae lino premlaea will ba ready for occupation ivotbytcrlamt in orinia have fered their church to the methodists for the conference beaalon in june it bavin- a larser audltorlam the nw rifles to b served to the four companies of the hsltdn luhes will bo the short loobjnflttld of tho pattern used durtna th war monday may jjrd wilt be em pire day on historical anniversary observod in tfaoachools with sppro priato assaya raduun and snnca etlln at a farewell social to luv t atsiomin of th jlnsuoan ohureh his glands presented him with a nne dlo- hh room suite rev mr jewett of tho methodist church has been invited to slmlra and has acoepted the invitation d matthews happened with an aool dent one day last week while working irt the sawmill at mimoaa a piece of edtdnjc flew and struck him in tho roe cutting- his eyebrow and cheek and otherwise scratcnln- blfl aoa mr w miller was suddenly seised with an attack of append laltls wednesday of last week and removed to ouelph hospital whore ho under went on operation mrs a kentner 7th lino received the sad news of tho death of her youngest brother mr puncan mocal- lum of bolsaevoln un on monday may 9 three cawoaunra timber are do ing loaded at illllsburs station and will cross the atlanjtto to the old country it is a flno lot of elm borne sticks aro over 60 foet lontf and one is 17 inches square thero is about 3 600 oublo root in tho lot the great er port of tbls tunlmir wum ud by mr alex mcklnnon 4th line isrln arbaaawoindar path- o b htroet from main btreet tsfbeinc put in shape it should ranks al desirable walk by the time the fall rain come whit sunday was rather a cold and dreary day the whitsuntide and pantooostal aerrloas in the churches wore however full of inter- acton has no welcome for the typo of visitors who disgraced the 2h llattery quelph but weak the offloers should have them court mar sh lied t is really a delight to sa house holders in all parts of th town busily engaged these one evening in planting harden mowing lwn and cultivat ing flower u uu t where wo advartlsatuent in the paper is located that counts j it is what th advertiser puts into 11 space and tho servlo that h give his customer that really mattr ehtchange work la tho garden 1 not only interesting anil healthful but tha coht tact wh the sojl and plant give man woman and child renewed vigor of mind and tostlls qualuje for betfer work lit life half day with tho road grader followed with tho steam roller would greatly improve 1 lower avenues road way john willow frwlcruk and ouolflh btretwpud nqj a similar treatment mr a jl mcjan has installed one of tho htteat type of automatic electric heater tot- hi barber shop equipment it is connected with tho waterworks system and gives a con tinuous supply of jlot water tho street are gradually being put n shape again and the irregulari ties created by the installation of the waterworks system aro being obliter- ntefl lxbaraara a goodrjinyoment crossing and roadway depressions still to bo repaired though neighborhood news tovn and country mr ultl mm j h lrl i lult to i l i i in i in ii l nl m ilng 1 nlr 1 iiiutilni v ii ami i in itlwo uwop- at th chulxili for u in i ul pun mtiltuu for iui to atv mtctlig t tli imrtotom lf tho melsitnl uuj hurlliigttn agrlouu tlf lty it was douldud to purobusa 14 acres of lati 1 from mr john west itwimu for a fair grounojh i mr j li banderson pumhased tin stum in which ho has been doing hiihlikuiii hlnrn c ruing to milton mumleii ii is to le congratulate i ihh urlng ttunh a valuable business pro- prty tho band played a generous pro- k rum mo ofsood music at victoria i ark on thury lay evening hoforcnor crewaono corners the sever frnoton monday night tilppecrhsaiis and tomatoes and other tondnr vegetable mr chester mollaln ha hired with mr walter lambert for th season and ha removed his family from urlmsby thy are residing in tho house on mr ll t murray s farm mr and mrs ivlwrt slevanson and children wlio recently returned rrom msnltohu v lulled ut mr m crew son tills week meusrs humpkmy arid hagar spent a few days at mr d a clipps last week nod nonduotel ovangcllhtlo ser vices while there miss edith enls who ha been attending tiuelph lluslness college tho past eight mouths ha hushed har course with honorax mr john crowson ogolph spent the week end with friends here messrs lilngham of georgetown vulted friends hero on hunday mis hosel dennis ha flqlshed her probationary course and ha been ceptsd nurse in training at the ouelph doners hospital mr jackson i rest on spent the weekend with friends here qeonqetown twrfautos collided at the comer of main and walt street on monday morning georgetown s big annual community ipionlc will be held on july 1 this year hours for tho watering or lawn and gardens aro between 7 p m and 10 p m by order of thecoundl mr a- o debbie of tho advertiser- oplc fetrolea spent tho weekend with nig parents mr and mrs a dobble chief of detocuvea george outhrie of toronto spent sunday with qlen- william and georgetown friends mr v a horlay has returned home from trip to new york and 1 hluv dephta mr blmer thompson has disposed of his house and lots on chorue btreet to mrs hocon ot toronto tha high school cadet paraded down town on tuesday afternoon thoy looked nplendid in their now uni forms and aro u credit to our high bohool tho member of tho w m a of tho presbyterian church have succeeded in their objective of increasing their membership fifty per oentf herald everton jrv amojr tovall of ouelnli supplied the pulpit nf the disciples church hero the past two sundays very aooepuhty mr and mr qoerge itossell of aqtoc vlsitod at mr bl n simmon iatwjhbk mrs jl j jttobertaon iondon turned homo loot week after spending a month of so with her mother ifrs james black tho wonena inatftuts has elected the following ofldoer for tho ensuing year itcsldent mrs it- damper vice preamrstttoakes- becrotary treasurer j a mclean audi tors m is pearl lloberuon mr awrey directors mrs robertson miss jen nie to vol i district director miss annie lien- ham organist miss abbou aslstahv ml j a mclean flower committee mrs awrey mis j to veil nepresetitatlves to district annual meeting mr d mcmillan mr loree rvogranimo committee mr ert mrs thompson stewart oarden party commlueo mr john alton ml denbain miss itobertson cunohoh commlttoo vor xay 37 mrs itobertson mrs hortop mlsa benham mr veier oakville poutees 30o et hllttburg the potato market is mo dull tbai therlb no demand for them tha formers are not te only oia that expected to mako monoy out of lb labor by holding until aprtng uu balokoia that onaox th px0qa of th vwag bad eight bag to ah ba oould hava bad 94 u a bag ftur umm aatfau tmrnt week ha aold totfrr foo a fcagradvocate b il chlsholm has been eleciod president pf the imule society rot w n caswell ij a of tor- np preaojied anniversary sermons at muhn s church on sunday this townianosf nnditr daylight saving gen and mrs cart wright of ot tawa will come to oakvlllo whore they will spend six weeks mrs qtrtwrlght ha boon in the hoapltat for tho lost three weeks mr and mr w ar deane have returned from savannah in sunny georgia after spending seven months fbere f ktag raising at the allan street school will b an event on saturday evening may 11 on friday evening at s00 p m th annual heading corodetltton betweorr the pupil of tho four school of tho district will tako pboe in postvluo hall this event aroused much inter est last year and a large number of antrlg expected this tlfnol tho knox church anniversary con cert on monday v may 38 will bo on oj tho musical traata ofatha season j hooie of hamiltoa very bast talent will tako part on too cro- giwrnnrenc4u01ng w ff- hewlett o- genlat ot cntamwy liburoh t the rmtspfty9m wlu votb on tha akote loan to tho baskat company m kwlw f milk 1 hnvo added miih milk to i lliln util will unll pure rli h ml right on the loo nt 10o per quart cuiitomerh rnmt call for it w evans west end msst market make money at home 15 to 60 paid weekly for your bparo time writing show- cards for us nocaftvasin wo instruct and supply with steady work wwtanifua showcard service church colborne ts toronto executors sale at umhhouuib house lot stable and house hold effeotb the undersigned struct inns from thi estate of the late miss hannah newton to ell by publlo auction on saturday may 28 1021 at 3 o clock sharp tho following goods 1 kitohofi range coal heater lor- inaulu 3 old stnyen numbar c stove pipes 1 mohair parlor suite chairs 1 rocknr ami etteo winker rocking chair 4 rocking chulra 2 bedroom suit cm 3 bedsteads ii block bed rnatt reuse 4 bod springs liatl rack whatnot carpets 1 courihj 1 lounge 3 writing diuikh 3 centre tables 3 cupboards large dining room table kitchen table clock lamps 3 gnuis cupboards 3 toilet sets camp bed pictures curtain poles window noreens window shades sealer crocks dlnhnu otn 1 13000 n scales buggy cart cut ter set of small scales long ladder shovels aaws forks hofs and a number of carpenter tools tte furniture is in good condition and must be sold without reserve the property tho real kstate i situated in lime house on tho main street adjoining the iot omoo and store tho house 1 a large frame in a good state of re pair oould readily be made into two houses a grand imaemant with run ning water through house there is a good stable in connection will bo sold separately is no desired this is a brand opportunity to sucure a good home at rausonuhlo price there is a line lot in connection and number of fruit trees the property wll be nftared at 3 o clock subject to n kuserve old which will he within the resell of uny intending purchaser the terms will bo ten pet cent on the day of sale and babincd when pos- esslon will be glvon or terms ar ranged for any other information apply to jl j kerr terms for house hold effects etc cash tflj kerr auctioneer phone 3 acton it ii siloriby clerk 473 clearing auction j5ale in jshin townsiim farm stock harness and implements the undersigned bos received in struction jrcfn john dovd io sell byijpublla auction on hla farnv lc i con ovrln on tha nfth une about fmur mile and hnif north of acinn on t tyebdav may 1 11 at one u clock sharp tne followlikt jionsksl bay homo 7 yoatw sound good wagon horee 1 bay brood maro 18 years general purpose 1 hay brood mare hgtit years if rot j ire v loudly sold 1 black mure 3 years mheron 1 irlack nilyjl2 eberon a pair of good one oradk cattllv purs bred short- horn hull l year black oow 8 yours jerseyholsleln milking well black cow k year bred in pebruaryr ml 1k- iniri 1 red grade shorthorn 4 years duo in august 1 rod oow 4 years duo tlmo of sale rod eow i yoark milking well red heifer 3 years due time of sale red heifer 3 years due in juris s red steer 3 years 1 red steer rising 3 years t black steer 3 years bhidiqp 3 registered ewes oxford down 3 lambs l 1 owe eligible for registration w piqs 1 yorkshire sow duo in august 13 young pigs 3 monthst hauntlgssl set single harness 1 set double harness good 1 set plow harness number of collars bridles etc j set single linos ounntlly lumber elm implbtmujntb irjndor dmrlng in good repair mower fyoet a woodl horse ruko hay loader irroat a wood spring tooth cultivator peter hamilton hortte rork j blsael steel jroller 3 section x set iron harrows 4 section 1 doertng disc drill 11 hoes 1 good dlso cultivator l disc cultiva tor n jtorao cultivator riding plow cockshutt steel railing coulter 3 walking pluwn 1 wagon nearly new box complete i two seated market wagon l open buggy auto seat i open buggy 1 set lob sleighs 1 set pleasure slelgjis 3 seat 1 good cut ter no 1 x cutter no 8 1 buggy iwio grind monor chatham scales srodo lbs now set sllngu nearly new extension ladder 1 root pulper uurekui 3 hay rack 1 stock rack 3 doien grain hogs l cyclone seeder de laval cream separutor no 13 ore extinguisher nowt chains neck yokes doubletrees forks shovels axee etc other article not meauonad h tons timothy tiny thhats all sumsof 310 and un der oaan ovor tbatamount fl months credft on approved joint notes oent per annum off for cash chevrolet agency mr if s wlliion lias secure 1 tha ujfum y tor ai t n for chevrolet mm t tors domonnlrutlimu ar ttiieod cull and see the new models now unrs always on hand ul s wuson bower ave acton ony pllonlq 0 the smm club will hold a dance 1m t1ik towjw iiauj aoton in tuesday hay 24th dancing to com rn on re at 0 p m may s orchestra lunch served admission 1 jhexra lady 60c proceeds for new floor in town hall please look at your free press label if expiry date does not show that you have renewed why not make it so today your answer will naturally be all right manytiranks this week we are giving cut prices onsevef al lines it will pay you to visit this store as we can save you honey blue serge dress goodav this id tho beat value we have ever shown pouble told all puro wool navy serge very suit able for childrens dresses and odd skirta a special at hgo per yard plaid and stripe bkirtlnss extra wide in 14 y ends no two alike good value at 50 per end- black sluc waibla-thcscwaixts-arc- mado of extra good quality pallleo silk sizes are 30 38 40 and 42 regular price i37 00 to clear ai- 55 holeproof hose this hoe of hose is noted for its good wearing qualities colors aro black navy brown tape at 200 per pair 3 pair for 500 ladles black cotton hose 25 dozen pairs of black cotton hose double solo and heels fast dye guaranteed to give good wear regular price is 40c tv clear at 25c per pair a bargain in ladles vestsvwe have sold hundreds of these vests at 50c and we have just 15 dozen letf short sleeves and with band this lot of 15 dozen to clear at 40c or 2 for 76c ladles knit itlooment come in plnku only assorted sizes with elastic at knee and waist made good and full special price 50c each hens fine worsted and serge pants at reduced prices we have in stock to day ono hundred and ten pairs mens flno worsted and sorgo pants cut and made to ntthccpstits are good value at the regular price hut for one wees wo will givo ono dollar on the price you will save one dollar on every pair you buy great values in curtain scrim- ve have 5 pieces of this curtain scrim in stock in cream and ecru with and without border extra good value at 25c per yard to clear at 20c per yard headquarters in acton for floor cov- eringb lmoleums 4 yards wide at 9j0o per running yard floor oilcloths 1 and 1u and 2 yards wide 80c per square yard linoleum squares 3x1 at 1775 linoleum squares 3x4 at 2025 com pare these prices with your catalogue then como to this store where you can see just what you aro getting mclean co muxstbkbt w qpu fob caui we 8elk for lcs8- acton fits tttlnsons home treatment for ep ilepsy twenty year success thousands of testimonial no ease should be considered hopeless vc booklet wm btlneon remedy co of canada 3611 yongo street toronto onl our new store has made such progress and there has been such a demand for our fresh homomade candy wo have decided to reduce our specials still lower for saturday come in and we will give you a real bargain a line op fresh groceries on hand all the time john main stbeet moffat acton ont wedding invitations and announcements the free press has jtjst keccived and placed in stock an assqktment or the latest wedding stati6nery orderspromptly and skilfully executed the free press acton down goes the price of meat w evans of the west end meat market meat s gradually getting cheap buy hore counts and the dollar goes the farthest beef choice boiling beef briskets choice rltrrtmi shoulder roast rump roast ronnd steak sirloin steak sirloin roast porter house roast veal 1 stewing veal front quarter roast jloln roast u veal steak look at these prices fresh pork shoulder pork chopa loin pork chops tegstrpotfc7rost wevans smoked meats rolled shoulder half on wholo sliced l cottage rolls hair or wholo sausages our own make the golden grain bakery saturday special cream puffs vhp bread with the three bs biwers best bread i wit f aflsofltklktjt qn bread bw8 caheirief and pastry op all linuf every bay georgebrewer lik 01 it o b f near baptist church village of acton warning to public r mi lul x nv 1 renlven to th mtwit tlutl iv v loh g dan 1 1 1 v irli a small tr all wll m 1 li i ly w i i i tlm they reolleu 1 hull- a rv wolsl i 1 ft ilun hi and ihn pers wll itlirt tilt iiuty wil tn iui th- hy nwm oitnn aluir it village of acton court of revision notion ih i rt i v ulvu 11 ut ills flrt mtltk t u p a lift f jlnvul m tx the vllluse f ai ti i will i lj tli conn ii i uiir i monoav may 30 1b2i at elht l nu ti i tr nil ron slma gnliic tlm onam i i ii ii f 1911 all iierw us hu vlii lu in id tie said coutt r ravii mv i to attar i tt the mna time init 1a f it n ihu1 it cu rk lat 1 nt acton thla imuiiay rf itj 1331 17 x notice to creditors op the eotatc op uabv vlm- ccnt bouht decltxsed tli irul if mury vtn riruhl lute it tl villas t ac cor whow wiiii llo i it it uuui ttm third rtjtl of xtuy j i u rtwuire on or 1 f oro tltu iw i tlfth day ec june ibxi loifi i iv lt tr w i otherwlui dallvirr ii tin undrlnd solleltor for tl 1- iiiock a atata- rnent nf thalr urn m in llu nature of th security t any lu i i i y thm and rull particulars of thflr names ad dress and daarrlptloiiaj and nollr is hortil y further aivsn that lmmllately utuf tie said twen tieth day of juno 10 tho said icxs- outor will proton i to lutrlhuts th asset of tha said jjttato nmon th parttas entltlo1 theroto arid they will not he resikumlhln f r tiny rlnlms of whloh they iall ot imvn rvoalved notlre at tlm tlmo m t forth for such distribution dated nt anti n outirlo thlu nine teenth hay f mnv 1031 1ii1nuy illlfll woouk john 1iauvfy fxoeutor by if k mrmiir thnlr holl itor 47 x notice to creditors op the estate op peter oib- bens deceased the ereljuirn df 1 oter otliltens lots nf the viiiuko of aoton in the county of it alton itotlrt il 1 miner who died an or about tho mi vwntnonth day of adrtl 1911 nrn ro julrfxl on or before tho thirteenth iiy of june 1b31 to send by iwwt rtitutl i or otherwise tullver to the tin icrhlsued solicitor for the icxeeutorm a htulmiit of theli aocounts tio luituro of tlio seourlty if oiy held by them nil full particulars of their l pmni udltco h kit 1 insorlp tlons anil not loo 1m horohy furtlii r slven that immellutily iifn r dm hull thir teenth day of juno 10ji tli hid lu ecu tor will iriu i to tllatrlhute th uls of tho jiul i ttubito muoc tha narflns eiitltlo i then to and they will not bo rtwihiunllilo for uny claims of whloh they i hull hot 1 uvo rtioelve1 notlott at tl tlmo hfit fi rth fnr such distribution ef ttatml st aolon ontarli this twelfth day of uny a jj ioji john j oliiliienh iltenk ii llliitnnh lciutqrh uy v jfurmor their uolloltor colombia gramaphones and records adam algeo fa rnakliuf a snoclulty of columbia ararnuiihonti i uml itticordu which ho will ilollvor iirorntttly ut your homo pianos any make a alqeo mill at aelon call at the gtor we are on the job ti en er a uorvlco uu iiromufly a w eu um oltlriloiijly jm q pan anil pm reauomiblo uu wo pu under the lilsh coat ot jimeli pnd rutea vfa handle only ho jjonuna flou go nn m nirtf uil tvehiisktvifkir tom rumley t3lskmllh and woodwerher co mm und lurk avo first last and always abigbay fresh lake trout on hand every friday pw a rtsarva as th farm gold r j kerr auattanttr fnons 16 aciou w k qba1iauu olerkv hardware wo wish to an no unco to tho citizens of acton and vicinity that w jwttled inour premises previously or cupled by kenney bros you uro cordially invited to call and inspect our stock and got acquainted our stocks are arriving dally and you will find a full hnof paints varnishes glass cutlery tools aluminum granltowoar tinwcar nails shelf hardware wo ax lflltbt to reduoo irlcen last to advance them and always at your service wo tako tirewt nloasur 10 announcing the redaction to c4c ber lb of all our cooehooolateh inoludlna our famous hand roll although tle reduction in the tax from l to 3 on the wholesale irlce doe not fully warrant such a inrs reduettan in the retail price we expect that the increann in our sales will make up for tho smaller nercenta of profit think of it w are back to rirewar hrloe althoufb we have hot reduced tlm wane a of one of our ero- iloyees we are able to sell our best chocolates at boo lr lb the reason ts jye aro selllna morn candy to day than we have aver sold vye hank ynu for your very liberal itronag n be vu wo ar vint lat nd alwuyi yiurs for butter service t u moqniafjparj saturday treat 9 our motto quality service and reasonable pricbsi- eatimates gladly given on avolrottshing heating plumb ing electric wiring and your work promplly looked alter j w kennedy son ii wbvwo ivatu rorfliuioa tovwa lliutflfltunlay wa have eusred the toronto hawaiian orehdslru to tmertn u man in and customer in our fee cream parlor this music onfnnlatlnn is well known in toronto and wo uusvest that you do not miss this tp portunlty of hearing them daisy caramels 7o lb babe mother pnd orandmother aro fond of our pahry cararacls a soft cream cararnel rear 0o lb saturday treat prlos 17 weekend chocolates 37c this wonderful value brines uu many customers every haturday assorted cbncalnte ite jloo per lb wk end spo1al 7o milk chocolate bars 7 for 25c a very convenient way to treat tho family and an inexpensive one 1 000 chocolate liar rcr 60 each saturday 7 for 29 k1ddjes candies 2 forlc another treat for the kiddles 1 000 one cent pieces ot oandy saturday t for 1c in brampton ma3r24th a double header attilac tion at the fair orounds race meet fotppurso 100000 lacrosse majtlands vs main street acton j1bampt0h pbwiktoffn sssga m excelsiors rucps tlom y i 0 ihrt ulaiuiet 5 ig i sift ami 1q wmi 11 nlttendld nnry a mio afternoon h hkirt in almudy assured lliu llmt huut will he tun i rt twq oflluok stoiids tlui lacrosse match thj will td tttrdpeir ofthl i season tho- maioutiila wcro tha only team to bout tho cxoelsloru in praruiilon last yoni can they do it again tho incuts uro deter mined that thoy won t it wlnl be a lively pontotil dont iuuh it i camp oallodat uimo ji m -admission- trroattiauuwfor the prk i- ri

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