Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1921, p. 1

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fortysixth year no 481 1 100 feu- yeah acton ontarft iioagtfm rsoay morning may 20 102 j um in united states single copies five cents tiie methodist church acton rev i m mover pastor parsonsna willow st ootohundavhciiftllday 11 um huijut tho people who 310 i mahumluy hoikmi 7 p m subject happy wedding oucitts veil are invited la tk church services and to the sunday school coma knox church acton w u pindlay d a minutsr mana willow street lulf conquest notuj t service in wnnnm v school will be held v tovfthvllodvwkiujv tremendous slices cut of f former prices in a stupendous sale of rugs scheduled to begin thursday may 26 and to continue ten consecutive days this tenday sale of rug will btf anq of the biggest even tsdvcrfeatu red byonrhoui7fnmishing department r new advertisements maid wanted por general houaowork no chlu all conveniences in honn pen applications irniml una h1 moouh r notice to trespassers tho public la hereby notified that flahlng anil shooting are strictly totr bidden on our premises lot 14 con 6 esquosing 4ti scott brothers house for bale eight- roomed houao and lot or ail all in first class condition call and sio for your conwr of euglo and iqw street 473 robert m lalno- for sale hartey davidson twin cylinder 7 h tp motorcycle powerful motor in good running order prloo 1 10000 apply to alek moisaao main street bq bargain in motor tirb8 110 each will purchase three its oaodyoar motor tires with tubes sire and tuba in good condition va driven about 1000 miles each apply today at 43ji free press officii business properties and residences for bale two flaa business blockh on mil street each containing two separate stores alao fine now cement block houao a bargain or quick aalat il j kkhr 44cu real estate agenl tenders wanted por transportation op hand tenders from purtles having trucks capable of transporting tha acton citlsens band to and tram garden parti and other engagements will bo received by tho secretory until mon day may so full particulars upon application to n v moore secretary pox meat wanted phono ma ant time it you havo any young dairy calves to dispose of or anlmaju with broken leg or anything suitable for tax moat hay for sale also bhorthom bull ant fresh cows a number of good young wu with lambs and a quantity of alslke and aweet clover seed blake vahnxtrab r b no- t oooegetown lot t con 7 erin phone 06rll 43tf tenders wanted tender wtli be received by the undersigned up to may 30 lil for the painting and decorating of the town hall auditorium the lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted plans and speclflcatldns may be seen at mr john camerons john slrool tenders to be a d dressed o miiao a conway qonyonerr of l p h b committee 4 gbt youb best cash prices if you have for an in any powl bags hides horsehair slathers alt binds of metals and scrap iron or any kind ofjunkrailma up and i will t to your place at onoe and assure your satisfaction alex qilboord acton ont box 100 at foot of school lane bring all your egflk to ohboard yilkige et acton court op re nouoo la haraby given thgt the first j of the court or iteylalon or ibevluaiv of acton will be held in im povtudi- chamber on monday may 80 121 ararequaatod to attend- n tha aamo timo andl-piac- il n pattmbr cuirk1 hundreds of i2w rugs fresh from j thjs factory ill be included in thornonater safe affordine immense selection in room sizes while hallrunners and hearth mats will also bo well represented each rug is perfectly made and warranted to give the utmost degree of service price reductions average fully and in many cases exceed tuirtythhekandathhu peb cent which means that all our regular stocks have been reduced onethird without regard or consideration for losses in the phcocattirig and also that all the thousands of dollars worth of new rugs embraced by this gigantic sale have been secured from tho makers at a reduction of thirty-three-aad-a- thfrd per cent on former factory quotations chobstngtn such a wide range and savings on such a broad scalertberefore that every careful homomajter in this town and vicinity will hale the good news with wholehearted and enthusiastic appreciation every home that has hitherto denied i tod f of needed new floorcoverings on account bf war prices may how make the investment at the good oldtprjcca of bygono days sale prices we dajiot quote herewith but ask you to bear inmind- thqt evcfyono of the hundreds of hgures embraced by tho sale represents a savmr of at least onethird in every case and in many coses even more than onethird d e macdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and largest store wyndham carden and mafjonndl streeta goelph onl always the same is the quality of our soda water and ice cream that is because we use only the very best ingredients pure cream fine sugar eggs and fresh fruits to flavor our sodas ice creams just try our jce cream and sodasrthats all saturday specials fudge squares assorted flavors strawberry vaailla chocolate and maple regular 30c saturday special price 24c assorted chocolates regular 50c and 60 per lb saturday special price 37c chocolates pineapple and cherry centres regular 80c t-sattaaay-rceams- 60c i lb boxes of assorted handrolled chocolates regular 00c per box saturday special 49c h wiles mm street aston hooeat dealing russeles fv w wojjbtoald fhioav hay 7 0 flvb mwp pbom bboidway trom fjaoraaftt cohan stage uoeomstftrrthg charles iuy oorolyno starrtna slutter cat0n saturday may m i tho sourteenth man para- moqntljloture- starring robert warwlolt cpmody bdgkr tkeathe cake pox nowa- tuesday mays hlaown lw author frank urownled star hoburt bos- worth chapter 9 rutlviof the itooklea putha comedy j cominq votitflidotho idtw stanina priaoilla qaaa and lon cbanoy i kili igbegoinc speciaf notice as the remainder of our dry goods and crockery stoct js taking up much needed space everything in these lines must be cleared putat once regardnesa of what it cost including a full assbrtment of mens boys and kiddles overalls and shirts- sam carter 1 nopoinated for commons the choice of the liberals of south welllnfitoja for next election will support cberar ip lat ter leads government mo candidate in tha riding oikouth wellington oyer received more ifearty or unanimous nomination for the house of commons than was accorded bam carter at the ijberal convention nt ouilph on saturday it was the moat harmonious and eiithuaiaaueeon- velillou oftheuberau of thai con stituency held for many years in ouelph mr carter received the unanlmouo nomination of the 300 delegat pres ent only one other name that of ix heatings city manager of quelpb was submitted to the conven tion but mr hastings immediately declined ihe nomination and moved amidst cheers that mr carter be the unanimous choice mr carter was not at the meeting when l he was dominated but a deputation waltud on him immediately at his born and when he arrived at the city hall a abort time later his entry was the signal for prolonged applause you have invited me to be your candidate said mr carter when he arose to address the convention ojirt i would be very unemotional indeed if i did not feel elated at the honor done toe- especially as i did not seek and in no way dhracuy or indirectly did i eoltctttn bopor but before ac cepting it i wgat to apeak plainly mr carter then informed tha conven tion that a snggesuon had already been made to hint by provincial v p o officials that he be tb candidate of the farmers in boutb wellington and he realised that without the united strength of tha progressive forces in the tiding it would bp impossible to beat hon hugh guthrie tba present member i have no wish to return to publla ufel mm mr carter -but- i will aacriooe lay home 1u principally be cause t am very much opposed to the actions of the present member who la only being made a tool of by the conservative party in order to smash the liberals a rought for unionism in order to win the war but i have no use for the brand of unionism of hon hugh guthrie now presented i am in sympathy with hon mr king in then position he holds and i believe he is in the beet position to aelenuncslly and honestly administer the affair of canada bus before no- oepllng the nomination x demand the right u differ from mr king if my conscience demands that i should do so llso want to make it clear that should i be elected and mr crerejr beeome the leader of the oovemment e will also extend my support to him until he proves that he u not worthy of it mr carter told the convention that be would seek tho support of the partner party in south wellington he believed- that he understood their aspirations regarding the marketing of their goods better than anyone else because for the post ten year he had been president of tha cooperative union ot canada if elected be would favor a government banking system to enable tha termors of western canada to market their grain you have asked me to be your candidate he said but you have got to help me in this nbt and not leave it all to no as you did before if you atlll want me to be your candidate after hearing what havo to say let me know t president aula of the south welling ton ijberal association who presided salted for a standing vole asto ex pression of opinion on mr carters stand and again utmost approval was given mr carter was member for south wellington in the legislature from l4 tgwlo a a a chubch parade splendid oatherina efthe brethren in acton en sunday the quslnh district church parade of the sons of ungund but sunday afternoon was an event of muchtoct-r- es w uf t o g news of local import another park near dlue sprint tony seynuk of the west restaur ant haa purchased a tenacre woodsd lot from mr john bennett near the toronto suburban blue spring stop snd 1a busy converting it into a berk an attractive new sign the hjutdsome new sign erected last week on tha aftee factory by messrs llcwelson a son 1s very attractive and arroats tbe attention of passengers going through on the q t1l trains it is a replies or the big sign on the hramplod factory of this enterprising firm j sundays rsln qtprm the first rain of any oonseauenoe whlholluutjnj tho month csjjiaon sunday evenlntr it followed an eleo- irlml storm of iseveral hours duration and was heavy for an hour or so this splendid rain orithe growing cropu and freuhly planted aeds was of ln- ilcuuhl benent pennanent lighting for the park the ifydrolclectrlo commission is havlngthe arand stand and axounds at the publla park permanently installed with electric wiring and fixtures so that any aarden party or other func tion may have the premises lighted at any tlma without special arrangement a reasonable charge forjhls yry de sirable service will be made holds weoofna en the 24th mr and mrs pyfe somerviiu na- ugaweya celebrated their fiftieth wed ding anniversary on victoria day they have spent these fifty years very happily together and the whole of this time in the vicinity of acton they e surrounded by the members of their family at the golden wedding and congratulations were numerous and hearty thousands of flows ring plants the umcera of acton horticultural society delivered about a thousand boxes of salvia asters and verbenas to the members during the week this is in addition to the seeds and bulbs previously distributed acton should blossom a the rose with these ten thousand plants and joore growing and blooming about the bombs and boulevards in town victoria day had queens weather this old time holiday ts alwaya icoked forward to with vlnlons of a delightful spring holiday oood weath er on the twentyfourth was all that could be desired rrlght sunshine in tho morning- and pleasantly cool and enjoyublo in the afternoon and even ing nearly everybody observed ho day loywlly plags were eonalderably in ev id onoe and the day was the equal of its eightyfour prvdeceaaorrf the reformer strenuously objects at the last meeting of the county council the sura of j00 wss-granted- towards helping to drill men in the art or war the curse of the ages while the roudest for the mod tut sum of 9z0o to encourage our youngpeople in the peaceful and necessary pursuits of lire such as agriculture etc which has always been ishnd always will be blessing to humanity was frowned on and severely criticised if not- definitely refused and that by men of tho soil themselves nuff sed milton ueforra- ceubrstlna completion of so veers mr 11 s holmes has just completed fifty yeans of railroading experience between thirty and forty of which have been spnt as o t r agent at acton he is celebrating this fiftieth anniver sary by taking a longdesired trip to new york and other united states points he and mrs holmes left yes- terday ee this pleasure- jaunt our cltlmna wish them a moat enjoy able time my holmes father also completed a half century of railway service mr lorne hewitt will bo act ing- agent during mr holmes month of holidaying dlstestroug fire sunday evening the electrical storm on sunday evening proved disastrous to the ross farm on the fourth line the splendid barn there was struck by lightning and totally destroyed with its con tents the bolt struck about tb0 and it was only a few minutes before the building was in na mr james you will always and our stock well assorted with fresh groceries fruits and vegetables ac loweatpossible prices aatlon nepresedtatlvea were present from the bona of england of ouelph kitchener preston gait and other outside points the brethren assemb led in the park anl led by aclorclu- aeas hand parmdedto um town hall where divine service was held the order of seryloo opened with the dox and an invocation by bro j p scarrow p p the bona of eng land official hymn forward song of jenatand was aung with spirit after the scripture lesson bro w coles sang a solo shadows prayer ssi then offered and the bapflst male quartette sang just outaldo poor- v aftnsjlhe revered classic o ood our help in ages past the bugs audlence rr w u plndlay juldrcesed the brethren lpalfervenx sermon in which they were exhorted to righteous living and obedient and helpful service the baptist mixed quartette then md the nearer my ood to thee rev i m moyer pronounced the benediction this interesting servloe closed with the singing of roood save the kina the brethren all wore the emblem of the order a red rose neatly printed sheets with the com plete order or servloe were supplied- to an who attendee thepw brethren extended raht roya1 british hopnluhu to all the re- mfj1ayitt thl putilf g- trfe drop in food prices one of torontos bis stores had on 1 display but week a graph iq jhuatmuon of what the drop- in foodstuffs means wk year at that time in may jim a iljoib bag of granulated rgogar cost 91100 the same sum to 1 4ay will buy loo lbs granulated hugati s4 r bag- of flour vlisr 14 tba 1 ovrnmeajrs0i 14 lbs rolled oats m j 1 fce potitoes 8 pnta s ma onion 40 rbscurtotsy lbs rtoe mi 1 lbs butter 4l pb tea tq llbs j ooffee ti 1 iba cheese bl s doaan aiv4 iltlna peas j5il ting corn 4 tins tomatoes sb 1 pall plum jam u t pall marmalade 85 tin abortenlug is j 1 lbs prunes 911 10 cakes soap is toul slm icosshsd a heavy afoeaughftn motor truck stored in the bam alao a thresh ing outfit the messrs soott who have been working the farm for several re had a number of implements alao there these were all destroyed the barn was partially covered by in surance but tha loss will be heavy printing which bring comotlnmnta the paaa paasa job printing- depart ment was entrusted with the order for 1000 copies of the agenda for hamilton conference which open in first church hamilton next wednesday the work was delivered promptly on the date requested ehd the- ft t lowing gratifying comments havi been re- eotved- from tbe ofnetais concerned nev 8 et marshall ba bd preal- dencssyei simply delighted with thajwhohaajuttt graduated from aaenda the arrangement and exeeu- loners exoellent revw w prud bam secretary writes the agendas have arrived in fine form tou cer tainly have done us a fine job it bt a credit to the conference i gat more than gratlfled it is a gem a sourtnn esq president of tbe ty belegatea association says this ts one of the finest pieces nf printing the conference ever got out a relative of mlno m hamilton printer says it could not be excelled thank you gentleman- sustained m broken arm tuutt wednesday as kll masters who has been working in a bakery t new market was conung down stairs at his tfoardlng house he had the misfortune to slip 00 the stairs in falling he fractured his right arm he la now at home nuralng it sod is getting along fairly well a belated honor tf tiergt feved l- wright of tho 4th infantry uattallonhas received notice from the becretary of 8uu1 for war at london kng the he was mentioned in a deepetch from plaid marshall sir john french on may si isis for gallant and distinguished services in the oew in addition to this official notice be haa received two of the oak leaf decorations so greatly coveted by the military tnen esqueetno btndy bchoels the tabulated report of aiuealng sunday schools glvos a list of twenty- three schools c anglican z baptist 7 methodist and presbyterian the anglican schools show an average at tendance of 16 the baptist 68 the methodist 443 snd the presbyterian 114 the missionary offerings reported are anglican suoft haptlst fll00 mnthodut s1bs4s and presbyterian s1iib0 the school in the township with the urgent average attendance is georgetown methodist 110 and the school contributing the largest amount to missions is the methodist acton 91u43 death of john c allan news reached here last week of the death at denver col on prtdayi isut insl of john c allan son ot the late col william allan and brother of mrs c o smith mr allan who had leached the age of to years ha i bosi hi for some time he spent hlk boy hood days in acton the drug- busi ness appealed to him and in bis yaung manhood he pussed his examinations as o druggist var years be wns inrr- ested in a wholesale proprietory drug business in buffalo n y his nrm conducting a nationwide bualnesa later he decided to go west and set tled in denver col in this city and in neighboring towns of colorado he spent tbe remainder of his life aa k young mun ho was very popular in the home town after engaging in busi ness in the states he very rarely visit ed acton and it is a good many years since he was home hut wife died w years ago and be hadno family seme newspapermens charaotsristels the newspaper men of this district havo an association for conference courujv and mutual help naturally and necssarlly they are an assorted lot verted in wise und shape and diverse in disposition and gifts the tslleat and handsomest is harvey of the newmarket tcxpresa- herald the most opulnnt opulent but hot uppish is davawlluamu of the colllngwood rulletln the most dignified is mc laren of the harris examiner and the fattest and most comfortable- looking iswalhi r the samo paper the expounder of law snd ethics re lating to the craft bj kltlott of the altisum herald cavo of th reaver- ton kxpresm looks most llko a blabop and hla brother of the midland argus is whispered has private means and regards his nawiaper work more as an avocation than a vocation most of the rest of us might readily m in a crowd without special notice orlllu packet v county educational association inspector denye writes the pan paans that at a meeting of the tcxocu- of the township educational octallons of the county with rev w m morris secretary of the on tario school trustees and lists payers association it was decided to hold a meeting at the court house in milton on saturday may is for the purpose of organising 0 county a saoolauon for helton an interesting programms has been prepared to this meeting nil trustees of public and high schools rural and urban all ratepayers and teachers are oomlally invited amplo opportunity wilt be given for discussion at both afternoon and even ing sessions only by conferenoe to- gether can definite conclusions be ar rived at as to what is best for edu cational progress in our province it hoped that there will be a very general response to this invitation as indicating interest in educational questlona thelode present prizes to school pupils for conipoailjaiib haps and de- aleps awarded pint places by judges llfstsavino medal presented the members of the duke of devon ahlre chapter of the daughters of tbe inplre observed tcmplre day on mon day with a social tea and presentation of prises to the publlo school pupils awarded in their recent cymtest in composition maps designs etc the function was held in the pariah jfajl aathe atlea capacity of the hall mrs lb sborey the regent of the l o d e presided with ability and grace- as she called the successful contestants they responded in the- fol lowing order junior primary room illustrated poem helen oatrander senior primary exhibit of paper design ivy milter plrst book union jack margaret mcionald junior second composition sub- iect a walk in boring lillian tyler the judges made special men tion of a very creditable paper on tbe ram subject by marjorle bwltavr 1 venlorj second map of the county ottfhajtotv cbarue prwrost third hook composition subject our boys in the great war mar- jorie iawsm and wlule babooek pourth book oompoaltlon subject pioneer life la canada b blah ralph henderson baiwrahla mention was made of the compost tlpns of helen mcdonald ernest cotes and wu held on tha amine topic as the prise winners la turn read their compositions or exhibited tbelr deaagns- they were presented fay mrm bhorer with an interesuoa book on behair of the f ol k kl the judges in the contest were rev l m moyer chairman of tbe board of fcducatlon jtsrv w l- plndlay d a and rev el p mannsell m a liev mr moyer was an loterested ustenor jn the successful prbno winners at jhe meeting the rnombem of the x- o- dt b served tho co to tea at the close of the programme tha gathering was made the occas ion of another interesting event via tbe presentation of m usesavtng medal awarded by the royal humane society of canada to ray gamble in recogni tion of aavlng rugene mophersot from drowning in palry lake last january tbe presentation was made by if p moor police magistrate who had in- forested himself in securing- this splen did recognition 1 the rnerial is a beautiful bronxo one and been the following inscription i resented to ray clambls for rescu ing kugene mcpherson from drown ing in acton january ltll fay the royal humane society of canada th wnui u mounted on a- royal blue ribbon and has a bar bearing the wirri kv bravery hay is naturally very proud of his 10 medal and kusene is fully ap- preclatlvn nt the honor done hbl res- the ontario quoiting cilampionsinp f gallaaher wine in splendid days sport en victoria day the mautlrul bivrut of acton athletic association had a very busy tmoephera on the twenty fourth tho tennis players were there lii full foroe and had a very keenly contested local tournament the lawn bowlers were trying out the now bowling greens where the central district tournament is to be held ne i month and found them tn prime form i wise for howling both ways of tho green but it was the ontario quolung championship contests for the beard- morn challenge trophy cup which attracted the big attendance tbe contests opened at b a m and con tinued until evening and were very iswrvt ili it- tji si- sf atep defeats quelh iljl a game played here saturday the acton team defeated a team repre- seauiuvsyloavrbeakhflphr very handily the anal score was 11 to i at no stage 6f tho game did ountph lobk to have a chance against the locglwj whooonllroudd play was a great surprise to uie few faaa who attended the acton boys batted and fielded wbll behind the good pitching of mcleods who held the ouelph team to s scattered falts the batting and fielding or george anderson waa the outstanding feature at the gamej ha evidently found ty a ouelph pitchers offering to hut liking as he got 4 hlta srtgi a triple double and two sinales he ooponied all itla 1 field without an error and his catch of redwoods drive in the 4th inning va a great play all the local play ers showed to good advantage and with regular practice this team will provide stiff opposition to tbe teanp in tbe surrounding district ritntmhtv aojnn it runs is iiltahndb crropt quolplh a runs a htla q 4 erropa in ontario aosln after s2 years they have been having happy times at the home of mr william mainprise church street the past week mr mainprises brother aeorge has been here from thayer mlssourl on his bret visit to canada since ha left ptyth -fifty- two- years agvhola a prosperous miller at thayer in the oaarks his life baa been a busy one he shaving spent many years as a millwright and travelled in that capac ity through the western states taking contracts with leading mill owners ten years ago he settled at thayer and he thinks tbe sun shines a little brighter there than at any other point excepting in the old home in canada mr mainprise la accompanied by his grandson orthbl a bright young fellow ijifl high school tbe grandfather is show ing the sights of canada tp his grand son they were at niagara polls toronto and other points and intend visiting the oldv homes at newmarket and rlyth- mr william mainprise e spending the week with his brother and nephew- on these interesting out- irurs house built and sold in a day a unlquo contest in house building as held in toronto last saturday re specting- the result nf which the star sayrthe build a house in u day competition which was held on satur day on the itowntrea estate in which four bu im i ng eontraetors eonpete waa won fay a rlopoge tlie bunga low apeciallst who started his house at oclock in the morning and had his house absolutely completed by b oclock that evening mr lopage told the star today that the house waa io by 24 and had 4 rooms with a cellar and a furnace in it it was plstely wired bmui equipped with elec trical fixtures not only that mr lepage added but we had the plumb- tng installed and tha water running we even itad the flower boxes filled with nowenranrt thoitnuruncaplaced on the house he added with a smile the house was auctioned off a oclock by llr wcd prloe and w sold to p w pulten of 7l dupont street for 11860 mr leppgo ui eon of mrs h t lepagtnee mies maggie moore aclou and a nephew of the editor of the fnae pnsao the scores were as follows 1st round w sharpe 41 il callander j a smith 35 p anthony j macku is j queen d robertson 4f a buchanan il bennett w it kee j nlchol j lelsfaman ib iircanieton p oallagbor n millar 2nd round p anthony 41 j queen w bharpe 37 w weir y kee w m n muur c9m j- iwhertfon 3rd round p qalugher 41 n aullar 39 w weir 41 p anthony m pinal p callagher 41 w weir 16 one of tbe most venerable and in teresting players was hush cameron of bamla who heldltbe championship of ontario when hewas a resident of acton although mr cameron la in hl7bth ar he pitched a very goo4 game and enjoyed the day un- menaely j queen of drayton was also mi i p teres ted contestant social and personal- was home for the miss ttlale barnes uf turonto is visiting acton friends mr wm mcnabb of toronto was herd over the weekend mbut nettie cook ueorgatowu spent pridsy with friends here mr george utovell of ouelph spfaut sunday with acton friends llr nenrynklirrtoronlo viollcj acton friends over tite holiday miss vera wufglris of toronto spent the holidays at her homo here mr harold wansbrough la spending tbe stth with friends in toronto mr and mrs chas hymla and babe of toronto visited acton relative mrs robert 4 jolly and daughter of colt were hervthis week on a brief visit hlanrii clara and marie lnata spent the holiday with friends in george town mr and mrs john given and mr walker jr of ouelph were here over sunday mr and mrs herbert swltaer spent tbe twentyfourth with relatives at bl oeorge v mr john pv searrow wee home from the military hpspltal toronto over tho weekend mr samuel bomarvllle of usmlllon was a guest at mr john harveys on the twentyfourth mrst james moore and misses pearl and laura spent tho week and with acton friends mr sheldon moyer of toronto spent a few- days butt week at the mslhodliu parsonage mr and mrs george wallace and miss dorothy of ouelph visited acton friends over the holiday mr j l lane and daughters of georgetown visited mrs thomas som- ervllle on the twentyfourth mrs- itobt mcpherson br of tor ontoj visited at the borne of iter son robert mcpherson bower avenue mr and mrs ray braby and chil dren of hamilton spent tho weekend with mr and mrs harry mcdonald mrs j sheppard of hl paul ultin is visiting her slater mrs oeo camp bell who is 111 at mr j k gambles rev j w jtae ofdrono is clerk of bowmanvllle presbytery and a commissioner to the oenoral assem bly mrs dr j a mcmurchy and baby jack of dresden a imnt a few days with acton friends during tho b x m miss charlotte mackir miss tennto chruitle and mr momlllan of toronto spent the holiday with mr and mrs j mackte mbm olive robinson pr ken 11 worth vlsltad at cloverdala perm the homo of mr and mrs a j murray during the 1 in memoriam ida j crawkord mr and mrs alex crawford of ouelph waro sadly drrbft last friday in the desth of their daughter ida after a long illness ida was a bright girl greatly beloved and a trusting- christian character during- the resi dence of the family here abe made many friends the service at ouelph was conducted by rev dr mooll- irvtyxt pnlrview tjemelerjrrovt m moyer had charge of the burial it was a motor funeral tanls lash and miss kllpat- rtck of toronto spent the weekend at the manse the guests of rev and mrs w l pfndlay rev i m moyer and mestfs cbarlas el bailey and h r moore leave for hamilton conference at hamilton heat wednesday mr john bcriven has been nursing a- very painful poisoned hand follow ing an eccklent sustained at tho tan nery a couple of weeks a go mr harry campbeu miss uxslu harper dr o a and mrs monlcbol and mum crncoxtorontovhutod al mr j fc oamblea on sunday mr and mrs c u moore of the dundee star and miss ruth motored over on saturday for a short vult with mrs jaaaaa moore and auau miss fiusla barnes of toronto sad miss anna wansbrough acton spent the weekend at the home of their undo and aunt mr and mrs bmjtfa- oruhn brin mr john r kennedy mrs james syrnon mral d n motavlsh and ura thomas rumley attended the township sunday school convention atnorval 1 tuesday of hutweek mr and mrs robert tuck nelson announce the engagement of their only daughter sarahalmo to edward ear r vivian son of mr and mrs wm vivian the marriage to take place the endof may at the meeting of oak district of the methodist church last week rev c draper of preston was sleeted chairman of the district to succeed rev j ii mcbaln kitchener whb ham been transferred to toronto confer- ee mrs tv 0 speight unit mrs a t brown represented the womens mis sionary society of tho methodist church at the hamilton conference gathering at brunt ford last week utas bertie speight waa the delegate from thehalhneiadnmlsslowolrcun they- reikirt ft splendid coiiventipn and moat enjoyable tune 15 w mmbsm i ksnney nros ftaye oll aylea an i batterlea ouelph pgcklinana lad- j slaes tiijennls vtlm in rupalrliur we er afltomolcofl anil rontrer uriv ido sawod solo work as isrell aa rr rchm mffa hcnr tho taronto hawaiian or cheat ru at moonbheada on saturday nlghl 7 mcarion bl prabkh mlas marlon hi praaer formerly of acton died at the home of mr john m warren turonto on saturday last slstttnat- after an illness that ex tended over- several months hlsa pruner was a uughter of donald st qeorge pnuwr late of houtadale pa- she came to canada over twenty years agw and- has uvedrnheremtotn9art of this time in toronto with her coualn mraw t stop bpe had a kindly und generous disposition and wum exceedingly thoughtful of the wel fare of others the funeral service on monday waa cenductjbdtiy rev arthur huuk pmtse of olivet baptist church an nnuroprlatet selection was aung by mr brheat a warran tbe waa carried- by william john and i m buppqsevjust once suppose an editor shoubl just for once relieve hu mind by printing all thejiews he happened to know at thai mlnutel options would be thrown up v cltlsans- arrested famlliea disrupted fights fought on every street corner candldhlea-resumlngr- ministers- inav ing for distant parts lawyers taking long vacations bualnesa men turning things over to their clerk for a sea- son hired girls hunting new jobs and so on down a long list of casualties and the editor would be so mussed up that pis corpse couldnt bo identi fied- by iw own family ancwhpapor raatt doesnt know everything but ida work is such that fan hears a lot that charlie stone prod km oat and carey common sense oomtrum decency and warren lite retnolna helps interred irtrwtnmou urudenco keep out uf the lrospect cataeury toronto paper confwall freeholder n

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