Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1921, p. 2

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iv gtyg artan 3rtnr y rjegb j rilllkhuay mav 1 mv trtoudues v luntc jutu 1 ttu mim uunn r ii ulorlntf u ft rry 1 nn ilium my lmru down at iw ator and tut n several ooeaalena seen lullunc about on it i nut ttotliimixl ihwi ttplna unto to drop u plumb- rtoarol uw whul 11 ruivin alttl llm-r- iki w nullou- thin anil there- wan fonllsh frettlne ami llir wan morrow wllh tin till am hothtwywl hrulitk a urlovotis hrootl to bear sums when ull ii i air wo nlll with hon then taine i to thn whl freo rest willi tiuunlit but sky ttlovo ton a hoothlntf wlnil hiy ohoek cnraiuwl unthouclit it woemed to love m jviiiluiiiro hrcakhoil upwonl from the urth tli friiruht mosuiucs of mirth and so-iii- fur below roe roll the latul n fran al spacious my troubles lined rrom my soul and liro raln riw sraolous and no 1 trod tha downward road without a trouble fur a loedl calvin putnam intercedes dy emht cos t- t x u3 x tssi x ess xs ar was over to iturdleaa this i urtornoon john ramaraed jl calvin iutnam drawlna re hennuth it frandly un where hla nelahbor john wade was resting his horse vest sold wade a question in his toimi thet boy o llurdlcks aint ovr un lv hrht to my way o think in declared lutnam throwing oni ver tha nnd of i ho wtfon but 11a m tt curou chap calvin an ho mlataka uwnlod wad atrial ria nt u bis horsefly with tha butt of hla whi 7 curoua john het boy jaha fool exclaimed putnam i imu- hit tin on a couple o plank thet wu tuck out o one o tha bam winder up under the mvm an keel minw rubber tubln runnin from it to tho k round naked che boy what the nieariln ont wan wal tha boy hi jest butod an sain tht bo waa plan nln out a system o irrujcnuon for uui farm now a boy o hla also ought to know that yi cant imupuo no farm with u ralnhar tho wuat ont it u john tlutt hla father aeetna to aort o snooumr tho boy in hla foollahnom cant undaraund ii for uurdlek ajnt nothmlym fool llurdlck la k oonald urahlobr is ht man jiosi a hard work er un if bo hadnt loat wo much money down to th city when thm iwnk fallod hod lw wuth quit a dal o monoy aa it u ho alnt sot bouun akeercaly knoourajcem him nhf vom john he doe if i didnt know liurdlok mo well 1 d bavo a notion that hn wan jeat bout bf fool too when i rut thar he ww helptnl the ivoy wind mrm taoe boot the rubber tubln whar it had prun a leak mow if thet waant aid in an abettln fooluhncam x dont know what la wall ive rot to be drtvltt lonft talvln remarked wade nlokina up tho relna them bena o mine hma sot to be rmlnn the grain la in the back i my wnjron here im aorry bout orrln iletf a bright nouh boy but i bar a mampln wrong aoroawhar aa euro na ynre alive several ttmaa during tho a and fall both lutnam and wade had oecaukm to go ovar to wlllard jiur- dlcka fornt and aach time they saw evidence of the fact that young bur- dick wa atlll experimenfitur with tho rain barrel and l attached rubber tubing the more they eaw of it the more they wave convlnoefl that tia mental caliber oft the yotttur fnan in lueatlon waa conalderabiy below par to expreaa it mildly the following january wlllard llurdlok died and two months later bla wlfn followed hutr leaving orrln nlone in tha world a fortnight later the aon purohaaod tho joel traak fnrm which joined tho xjurdlok farm on the north wow tho traak farm had never been very much of a farm tho jttd wu high and during t dry eaaon the crops buffered baverely for lack of water word of the transaction got abroad v iy hoitly and caiumml conawerabhj comment in town mot a tapped heir foroheada ulgnlncantly with the tlpa of their flngera jest bout what x expected john remarked lutnam the day that tie loarnod of tha buying of the traak iarm fragrance fhe aroma of snjn t got bmlna nouxb to last him ovcr nlghu thar ought to nave been u buanlecn p1nted over him cant gat it through my head what wlllard wa tblnkln on replied wado i hear that orrln paid four l thousand dollars to joel traiuc mo wonder joel grins hed have been glad to sell thafarm for- urattyttvo lllindrod a year go an i alnt suro but what three thousand in cold cash t oubl have looked purty good to hlm what tho boy wants o thet farm 1 cant sec growled iulnam h cant look arter the old homestead let alone joels pbtea qoow and spent four thousand o the ova thousand dollars insurance his father left the a upshot ont will be thet aforo ho gets through ho ii lose both farms uark roy word obt orelu dardiok did llui with the trhak farm thst spring and summer aside from securing the hay and ap ples but with the coming of the fall ha purchased a tractor and turned over somo twenty acres of land on the traak farm in addition to nearly as much on the old homestead i putnam and wads were not the only onas who cogitated over the mental a tat us of orrln burdlck ft was a favorite thaxno of discussion down at th genera store and post oftloe there were those who affirmed tnat the young man in question was any- p thing- but n fool was progre up- fndate but those who advanoed such a belief wwro decidedly in the minor ity tho rank nnd file were of tue r opinion -dat-tus- young- manwas rid ing to a fall the buying of the tractor and tho plowing of the twenty act of land on tho traak farm rrither shook tho faltb of tho tew who had championed the young farmer what did ho want to go an turn over that twenty acres o bind fort snorted heseklah osteal addressing his remarks to the crowd of loungers down at tho store iw knowed jest v what kind o land thet was aforo he stuck tbe ptnt o the plow into it its tho driest strip o tlllags in the halt farm 1 joel never ooald raise nqthtn ont qot bout baf ton o hay to tho acre an had hard work to get that much lit hed turned over that south sloitot thfir might have been a little sense in it ito qouki to make wlllard turn over nu grave the f way thnga la kolnl r up in tho pasture on the trask farrrt locatsd on high land two hundred feet or more above tho gun- era rami ullage wag pond of about ten aerees which was fed by eprtiura this pond naeraod to have interested orfin not little during the lunow tinctured r1 slmut nilllig of ho ponri hrlnsbff ui wn wui w thump oil tha uloro ll n ilu toppl thlt itw to inugculo tlxl twenty huh lioyl itoy it natur tin it iiiioiuih1 to buve thnl bind bios- liiim like lh luxui hharon thar null liuva imkh u illfterenl a ii put thur tbard have immii a hard pati put uinlr it o hold the mo is turn i tlui i b llevn lit aoln oontrary to natur no rihhi 111 oomtf onl it wiiil not long after that thut lutnum a aurmlxi turned out t- be correct for orrln in truth ba- litn uylng a plpo una from tlie abovo tniliinod pond down aoroas the mu- lurn to the plowml und a fourlnoh mnln wan ishl on tup of the ground from tb pond to tha edg of the tilled iumi and ihra in due time an ela- ihtruta ayslorn of hmallqr pipes form- l a network ovar tha field ap- imtreptly not contant wiqi that orrln rxtemwi the fourinch plpa down arruas the rarnt to tha tlllaga of the ohl llurdlck bomeatoad the farther thw plplntf progreased tbe warmar grew tho debates lnlbo general storo un to rne young masu sanity tjrlijouniocltrankniml bin wife back un lbs arm oiinn moru tbe rumor was rlfa that trask had rma on to lake possession trask was a cloaamoutheor nun and towtuunen knew better than to ques tion him such being tbe csae it was taken for granted that orrlna plans had dipped a cog and that as result ha had lost tbe farm men of putnams stamp however were hot a- tittle pusxled to not the fart that orrln sient oonslilerable time on tho trask plana working nver tha elabor ate ay atom of pipes th enure twenty acres of tilled land on the traak arm was again plowed and put to com that spring and with tbe coming of summer it thrived quits contrary to tha prognos tic t ion of numerous wiseacres wfio anlrtad at tha irrigation bystem which had boon in- tailed meanwhile orrln was hard at work on tha old boms ataad looking arte a number of crops which he bad plant id lie bad three men working for him and the old farm seemed toflourlah as never before trom time to time daring dry spells the water from the pond was made useof bothon tbe old homsstead anil on tbe trask farm grudgingly it was admitted by luinsm wade and others that the crops on the two farms wereruksly to prove very sat isfactory orrln aged perjeptlbly that eutnmer although but little more ulan twenty- one years old ha looked ilvta years older with tha coming of fall not a few noted tho fact and commented boon it one morning arly in september calvin lutnam dropped in to see squire lis n croft wnoao farm adjoined the tlurdlck farm on tha oast 1 happened to be passln squire f just dropped in remarked putnam having been admitted to the squires study glad to mo you calvin replied the squire gripping his neighbors from time to time ive seen young jlurdlck walkln in here declared ititnam twiddling his thumbs yosr- i thought a tremendous lot o ht father squire un naturly if take eon alderbio interest in tbe boy ii means all wall nough hut oours ye know he aint just right i know that oomln to seo ye as he does be must pester y oonsldnrbla tali none o my business but x parsuraa hes try in to get ye to advance him money now thet hes got himself in snch a snarl monkey in vound with thet lrrugatlon idee x know yero too shrewd a man to do any thin o thst sort so thet aint why im apeak in bout it i was ist in hopes that yad be sort o foxbesrin with htm jest causo wlllard is laying in hut grave an cant look arter tbe boy orrln works hard tbars no question bout thet part ma works too hard an its tolltn on him the hull rouble uiet hes got big ideas with a skeerclty brains to back em up im jest hopln thet yell bo sort o chl table with him welt ill try to be patient with him admitted the squire darting one swift glance at his daughter oella a young woman of twenty or there abouts who was bent over a book in the corner of the study f have a notion what ha is after ln fact be asked mo to give him quite a lump and z told him to wait a spell and see how his crops turned out this year asked y to give bint some money i ejaculated putnam that settles it in my mind squire thet boy ought to he looked arter a bumper crop of corn was harvest- i off tho twenty acres of land on the trask farm thst rail thanks to tne system of irrigation installed by orrln it passed triumphantly through atorribla drouth that ruined or heavi ly cut down the yield of most every similar crop in tbe township then it was that orrln suddenly seamed to cast aside bis worried carewo looks john what do ye make out ontt questioned putnam one morning in october meeting wade on tbe road to the village orrln kn his men is over to the trask farm nelplo with the husk in o tha oorni jest drlv over thar to borrow a cant book an i see hlra thar lie was as smlun as a bosket o chips i thet dont look nat rat artar him osln thet farm and trask gettln seen a crop o corn on ont wall ril toll ye calvin replied wade a grin on hla face i hap pened to mee squire bancroft this morn in an i asked him jest bout the aajma question yev asked me for see thet orrln looked mighty ohlppor 1 lata the squire says that orrln slnl loet the farm lis got joel traak to come jest to carry it on for htm ye dont mean that joels work in for orrln ejaculated putnam his jaw ilrdplng thsta- bou the alma ont catvitu i thet aint all nuthut cabin orrln marries the squires darter oome thankagtvlnr huhl v lis marries cat la l should say h was getting the lump i cried wade slapping bis leg tne lump i what do you mean the liimpt gasped putnam why tbe squire said thet he told ye a while back thet orrln asked him t ih mmquttaotmmiu cltuck1or wade an i was try in to sort o polo- ftse for the boy i groaned putnam calvin i guess yeou an me is conldarfcle behind jibe umss re marked wade nodding hi bead but till grinning tvo been as bad as ye bout orrln an his irruggatln salada 3 xi a betokens the perfection of thejeaf famous for 3u years salada never varies the excellence of its quality mury u cartdath calvin laugh ml wad- xlood mornln culvlnl wild buulro llunrrolt a minute later rolnlng hla itorsc beside tho two wagonb and you too john how ura you ifust rate aqulro replied wuilo iulnam was wiping tha perapiratlon from hla brow the while trying co ilnd his tongue r thought id take tha lump out to drive exploded tha tuiulra leaning fvrr blld e vulfn hark calla banoroft laughwl in don 1st it it any squire pleaded putnam gripping tlw squlren hand what tho luropt no not that but bw 1 huidu u fool o mysalf said iulnam keep it quut siulrs bont w thn hull town know boat it we wont calvin ssli the squlr uugbbig and picking up tho reins hut horco want flyins down the road setting a creek to work one of tbe most interesting fsrms in tbe united htstes la to be found in new york this farm atlruota much attention because f the way in which much of tho work on it la done by orukny creek one by one the old frankhandles ram 111 em blems of drudgery to every country boy have bean thrown away until today churn separator and grind- atone whir merrily without the laboi of a hand upon them it was some thn ago hat one of the sons of tbe owner of tna farm persuaded hla father to begin harnessing tha uttla creek which plunged merrily down through their rarra to lis junction with the uohawk a dam was hen begun having concrete wings anil foundation and leading to a ooncreto wheelpit a tall of four and n half feet wua obtained wltb a constant flow of four thousand gallons a minute a thirty- ineh upright water- wheel was installed which developed seven teen and a half horsa power and to this was attached a twalve andabalf kilowatt generator kifleon hundred feet of bare aluminum cable led the current to tha house where jlwenty- flve sixteen -candle- power lamps ware installed and to the ham wliere eight mora were placed two months after the dam was be gun the water was sant through the wbeal and tho lights turned on since then tho poworplant has run con tinuously- night and day with no at tention whatever except supervision and oiling two or three times a week puel in the mohawk valley in mid- winter la u courae expensive both in money and in labor required for main taining- fires tho son installed a fouy- thousandwatt beater which beala two rooms about mm eubllo feet to a temperature of seventylive degreos when it is aero outside that plit the old coal stovo out of business in the creamery where the milk from twentyfive oows la manufactur ed info butter there la a separator which must bo turned j too revolu tions a minute morning and evening till the milk of the whole herd hna gone through it a small motor half horse power was mounted so- bm to be convenient to this and connected to it by a belt it did the work to perfection and the first crankhandlo was discarded to make tho action more complete a bucket of water was tipped over the separator and a float arranged to break tbe circuit when tbe last of the milk ran oat mow when the separat ing process ends tho motor is auto matically shut off the water dumped the kpotor started again for a moment and the aepurator rinsed and emptied all without a band being put to it the chum a big barrel affair was mounted on a swivel platform and brought into line with tho same motor and then a grindstone tho terror f the farm was added the band pump which furnished water to the house lank in tho attic discarded and the lltt mot n took over tho flask wood was still burned in the kit alien a large motor was acquired coupled to a saw und tho job of sawuuf wood was enlighten ed of its labor electrical flat irons were provided for tbe kitchen electrlo fans a motor- driven freeser and an electrlo cooker were added for summer comfort t dack home till j bj the life cul bynolda urathed ills jnut hulk luxuriously iti tt big cli wlr und picked up tho evening papor thou lie dropped to remark if wo worn still in t house do you think 1 il bo hitting here in my nllpprr- at 7 oclock read- lliff tho paper t l d be ilown on my it noes digging dandslloiia from thi luwn aitudlns bih ruklng and plant liifapd grubbing arou fish in the north oea it is a fairly wallknown fact that during tho butt year or so oertaln kinds of fish and especially the pllaoe have been increasingly abundant in tho north sea not only so but the fish captured are much larger the general average of also having risen consid erably the mbundance is no doubt owing to the diminution of fishing during tho five- years of war and tt seems prob- bale that the increase in also la in any case partially duo to tbe ash hav ing had time to grow through being less interfered with during the same period something else appears need ful for a full explanation however since tbe ylluoe is a longlived nab and moderate slsod ones caught be fore the war were often five or nix years old another point for consider ation in this connection u the pro tection of tho flali by various areas having been closed to ruhermen on account of mines thia matter la to have special invesogatlon it might prove desirable to deliberately clei areas in order to get similar results a point favorable for research is tho act that he pllaoe cannot disguise its eaev this belnv rveamby tha eonoe uhlts otoliths or earstones no ye alnt john replied putnam ye didnt go on put your toot in it tbe ssme as i did right thar in the squires house with his darter ustea- iu to evry word t said john i reel jeet pout as big si a toothpick x dont believe i can ever look the squire or bis darter in the eye egin so long as i live speakln o the saulre calvla thar he comes now chuckled wade jerk ing bis thumb overnis nhobder to ward a carriage which was aprononrur id know thet pacer o hlsn har mile oft aint thar no oartpaui roundhem john whar i can drive m got o alghtr groaned putnam the blood surging into his fang i disinfect dairyl babn8 the spring renovation in the dairy born should include a good spraying with disinfectant after the dust and oobwebe havo been removed if such things are present let as much sun shine hi as possible us it helps to clean up tho stanchions bark and damp oomttrs am good au-aa-o-brod- ing places and whore tho nunghlna cannot roach tho spray dope should tt used most liberally kibaft rsluf from asthma panona suffer ing from that i extremely trying trouble known aa asthma know what it la to long with alltholr hearts for eecape as from a tyrants meyer do they know when an attack may come and tbey know that to struggle unaided la vain wllh dr j d kolloggb aolbma rem edy rit hand however they can find lellefrrom tholr enemy and enjoy lifo faln it helpa at ones ills wife uyru witting in thec terpart of his eliulr und holding tbe other huf of the impel- nodded her iiniootti hluck bead in ijuluk agree ment and id have sutokad my sup- par tllshuu u ml gotiu out to help ahi dlil in wl in then when x onmo it nfier dark 1 d havo them to do for i cant stand leaving night dishes over tilii tiering up the sink and on apart- menta bo itey to do the work in jut these few rimmts all uit one foor i gua it la i he hfo for ua call thlil iiatan of prulaa for apartment life was aung for bovorul weeks then myru realised thut if it were to be contluuod it must l u solo kvery owning immoulutely utter upper cul tlsuppared hi euhl nothing either when lie wont out oi when he tre- turnvtl for myin let lmr husband gnt i his way utiquestloihhl ills ubsence dovetullnd so neatly wltb her own plunu tliat she wml gladly liave n- cuunfltx lilrrt t b hud ho iioedell neouragemeut isvtrn when thuro cattle telephone culls always inv v9nu1nm voice but kiever the uatno voice myr ltcynplds rufusetl to be dlaturbed if nhi woo tleretl sho kept her woudevwtent l harnelf though it could not bill be baltllng to beut u aort yolos over the wire it thla mr iloynolda houset living jiwurod that it was la mr llevnotda ooml llg w t nwh and uucili dn adilrcus tonlghtl pfom- ined me and id 1m so disappointed if he fuiletl me one evmltif- uuiuier wau lute both hueliand ttnd wfo watched the plook and the lowering burt nnlniuily while they made a host bicul cri refus ing dessert hud no soonur gone duarn the back way and closad tha alley guta than myru hatless hurried down he front stulrfl and walked two blocks down tho elm shaded uureet turned lit ut an alley stopped into bank yard unlocked a amall shed and enteeod soon to emerge wearing a big pink soiihoniiet and carrying a ho and a hand wood r the hurried auroks tho ully to una of tho vacant lot iftinletiu ami uut to work bbo paid littlo utttmtion to the other workers but alia won tnado uwaro that a fat man wun working in the garden plot that joined hers endwise three times wnun bo had reached the end of tbe row alio bud reached the rod of hers tho last time she barely tupprehsod u ulglile und then loo oil up quickly fearful lestt he had heard the mun wuw looking straight ut her us aim ponretl up from undei the big bonnet jlmultunoously they cried myral cull lluuband and wife both arose from their knees and looked laughingly and ulieeplshly into each others races ho thia iffwhero you vs boen going avenlilght unlit d tha woman mope replied the man this the unit tlfne 1 vo been bore the touow that took li la nick pnd he asked mo o give it a gonjjovtif id just us soon but what are you doing hero ilyrut 1 thought all these nights you were perfectly happy at home talking over tho porch with a neighbor or crochollntf luce or read ing- tuxlovfll i took a garden col confessed uynu i know youll think it strange when i rojapujjod ho about tho work our own noma made on account of tha garden and the grounds but i had to get down in lho earthv and plant things and wutoh them utuw if id never had a tnutaof that maybe bo better contented to talk with nelghbora over tho porch or crochet and hero tho v thing thats made mo willing to atand it was be cause i thought you were tho hap piest woman in tlutt shlntine nowork twiihyyour apurtment just ut the first i lilted it myra thought id never want anything butter in life and theri trgorw hankering- for the old place i wantotl to hear the click of the lawn mower and feel tho grass under my feet while i run it when it seemed aa if 1 couldn i stand it an other night k happened to pick up that little local paper and i saw that a woman wanted a man to mow her lawn bay i guess i ran all tho way over i got the job und then she told me about others that wanted outside things done i whs like a oolt vet loose in pasture i was qo happy t haled to take theri money for what 1 was doing its nearly dark lets bo going home said myrn yuu can put your tools wlthmlno in this shod ive got a padlock on it in the shallows of the elms cal drew myrae calloused hand through his arm und hed it howd youllki to go back hornet to our houaetho very same onot myra a voice rose into u small shriek she ah i i found out that the people thae bought the house like a part ra ont life bettor tho women gel lonesome and they dont like to spoil jlh bands and completions gardsna and tpo man says theres too much ror him to do around tha place alone oh cat would it be too late for ua to go over there tonight and see about itr begged oyrn but you know you were awfully snfelous to sell that bouse remarked cal you didnt llko having to fake care of youtjjwu hlt jfalthcr did you and the ashes you were ulways scolding about car rying them out to tha alley and gutt ing them uut i feel now as if i could put bunting on thowheelbarrow and the sifter und cheor while i did the work said cal there are things here i dout like so muqh having to think twice every tlmo you want to turn fttoutnl for far ymi ii ntep on some body toes hut you thought the houowua to big- wanted sorqethul more compact ive had it if anything ever was co mi tact its our apartmentl now i want some juuioe never mind men tioning anymore or my- objections cal you complained about shoveling and about upadlng und hoeing and cutting tha grass und loaning out the henhouse and complained j uut us much about other things cal ahe went on but didnt understand id bo happy doing the dirtiest jobs arouud tho old place now if only wo could go back to dut we tuid two years to think it over whjjo thn place was on tha nuu ket said her husband and dont know what a celsbrstlon we had the night the papers were signed t afy dear i sun pose 1 11 havo to tll that thny ve alroady sold 1 i ln t think such teasing is vpll it ery ifeodhig ine on huo thlu ulul than telling me thny ve hlreudy mold i low could you coir rtinre wira tours in uyras ihln voloa cul broke on u chut kin und wiu ek- nt bar hand its to me tltey havo id sweetheart an autontohlle wrockeil throiigh liv ing bit by a train in a tosus lown now serves aa a warning to other uulo rtrlvers tha wrecked car has tmon planed pn a substantial platform at the crossing and on a largli sign ut- tuc lieel to the car la pointed the driver of this automobile did not look nml mitten tbo wrecked our will serve a good puntoae in this way re sulting no doubt in saving ether cars did live there aro many wrecks tilong lifes highway to warn us of ilungar tha wise man is on the look- nut ror tnss warnings and is often saved from disaster by heeding their admonition nashville advocate a hirschorn ceoktiktown ijadifcb suit and drchs specialif1 spring coats and dresses satisfaction guahan 1 iid it a customer llnds n garment 19 not stuisfactory it muy bo returned and tho money will bo cheerfully refunded a hirschorn cmu sssss jeuxfe the national lve toronto 1030 pm 1 for sudbury port arthur fort william winnipeg edmonton prince rupert vancouver and victoria auwtnv kiaf 1 tjuwtgb suadu 5lmnjn cr sotvk- iq winnlpq lav x th o limited atttn daily itiortji flay tnanrw contioeoul usubsrl vu t 0 no coclttaaei and c n rysj lejarbi ana btformatiaa fiom say agent canadian national or grand trusdc raflwaya canadian national railiuams kmmiamnmiammnmnnvlmihuinmsmuhuuiuiaa studebaker special six j-t-h- a eiaeeatees w ipse ssiiasallll a caif 110 inch wheel base with so35 horao power motor studcbukcr doslgned and studebakor btillt detachable head motor improved carburetor with hot spot intake maaifold positive duplex lubricating system its com fortable and roomy seat 324 goodyear cord tire and many other special features make- tho siudobnkor special slid tho leading car in canada today j n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown distributors op studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for acton georgetown and milton mmmwaja lanwaimm m sceen doors and screen windows mfhi tnil no 20 oi n ihv j h luht id h 30o n 1 iu dull 111 hi 11 hi 35e no j on rl msll if ikht tl ht tie nj i ii j kill jl iut 111 b 4se no 1 jflkil ikllt l iii eee no i 0m j ml hlwht m hi 68e no 7 op ii jouii iriiiit ii j too no m 0i n aot niuituii 6o no 0 o hxtlo hi lklt 11 in 8se no u o i xlil lh iliii u hi oo hln 1 1 0h 1 s fix- 11 1 lutut in hi 8so n u 0tn uirt hilirht jj hi ae no ic on rviii iliiuht j i ooo boraen door mails of cuar llna mad 11 tl mo uiaou 3 rt n in van ij in 3 ft 1 iii x ii ft in in 3 ft wont jhm i3u thop h 10j00 lb ur 1ooh 2jh0 3 do inn tur cn mini ol hrrurt itoorti the honi iiaumvaiu co ua phone 10t2 j goelpm this stpres policy to repreicilt uooda bk- aclly as to tholr quality to soil to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulflll all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savageco jweljerq guelph ontario olachwokdstvkn iinonro can4h4 j grand trunk svtf the double track route llmtw 1jhw mqhtreal tohonto detroit chioaqo toexcellsd tlliilnif oar servloe tjieeplntf cars on nujht trejn ttn 1arlir cars on ir1nclwl day is4p lbull information from any oran trunk tlnkol rmint or c kj hornl district 1auunnii ratji t toronto h fl- holmes aitnt acton ont phone 1 r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity of feed corn and oil cake just heceived flour feed n0rval 1un anp siiobts hay 8toaw rnoble ltd henrv awney maaqeq lmui what you need boots shoes j at any time buy from w williams mui street acton famous ior satisfactory footwear reasonable prices

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