Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1921, p. 3

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tiflt artott styes jrebb thuhday may 2i itijl whcn the dlle has oone out of your bkv wllnii thn bill but gnu olltof your ami wild t ought 4 f dull irnm 1m may yt ii not thn li ug hour with u nigh or live j n tit shadowing past there nm uklri jt as gray us your there nr hearts yon run heln to or the him always shlnt over there and thuts wlnxi tli uky id hlu it will uhlnn tmouili yoor borrowing lint ilm biua of your sky 1m in you molly l lbrlck dcbtrovinq weeds v means of chemicals while tltn hn and th cultivator are likely to rinlti un tl two ti rrflnlent wouikioj to umf in tha combat willi w inula thorn urn ortutii cast whira tlt tinnor uoiuo rlumlmil may i lntlii ilnlrnltli x gintil ci ulrpl of th luttor 1h tha ium of brain rop infected with tin annual uitrli iih wilt mustard where it jmuu by si raying with iron hul- nhate o copper hulphata to inji th whii to audi an extent that it is unable to upon it meeds thorn br also numirau plot of vuta ground id tow rut miles of road sides nil nvr the ntuniry railroad tracks and large rau of atony or rocky groand that cannot l cult voted whore tho employment of chom iral matins for keeping down wood tnlght i hi profitably conaldered tim himy hkouui bo applied in fine culm weather whn there i it probabil ity that no rain will fall during um next 14 hours tho amount of spray ing mixture will vary somewhat with tho kind of spraying machine uaed hut a a ran oral rule tit least gullons mr necessary to cover on b the auray should be applied while the weed are young the chemical nubstanoe that are tnoat employed for kill i rut weed ant aulphurto acid iron sulphate copper sulphate common wait caustic soda odium arson i te carbolic bold orchard heating oil and fuel oil after tho us of home of these the moll remain hterlle until the chemical ha been washed out by ruin in calculating the strength to he used it haa la be remembered that u gallon of water weighs 10 pounds sulphuric acid or oil of vitrol ha a corrosive effect on the pray in ap paratus and can be uael only in weak molutlon varylnf from 3 to 10 per oent h ban no injurloua effect on wheat oata or barley crop and haa a fekllulnif effect on the aoll iron mulphate or copperas u taaed in aolutlon of is to 20 per oenl but cannot be applied with aafety to crop of beana or flax copper uulphate or bluqstono can be uaed tnatad of iron e inhale but only in a molutlon of 1 to 1 per cent common bait or vadium chloride la uaed in a tit react h of so to 25 per cent it check the arowth of other planta beside weed until it btut been washed out by ttn cauaua aoda or aodlum hydrate la uaed in a s per oent solution it kill nil kinds of vcttion bodlum araenll la uaed at the rate of x pounds to t0 cnltona of water la vry poisonous and tho powder is dangerous to health if inhaled kills all veentatlon carbolic nctd ui ujmki in a solution of 18u per cent- or atroncer orchard heatln oil u applied at full atrensth in a fine mut ii destroys all vecetatlon hut la not poisonous and does not injure tho soil fuel oil canoe used on waste around or snrdon paths after its use the oil remains atarllo for n considerable perl ol of tho various patent wood killer atlas a was tasted durina the aum mrr of 1bs0 on various woods and guv irood resulu j adams division of botany ottawa onl speeches iti school a veneration ajro friday evenlnc was looked forward to by the school children with various fenllnr for t that time there were declamation apelllnx battles or other turcuw- may 1 not aay pastimes t out of io usyal routine some timid ones dread od sayln spcochca while others thought of ths prostamme with pleas ure and while the greater number delighted lirthe spelhtuf contest a few perhaps lacking oonqdenoe in them- elves recardorl it with rear and trembllaa- amoni tho old tlm favorites for recitation may be mentioned first mrs henuuaa csabunc founded on on actual incident of the battle of tha hho if i ha truth were lcnowiv-p- haps scores of the american orators of the last century made their first effort with the poem tmainnlna- the boy stood on tho bo rains deck for it was well known as early as 1815 v bliurn on the ithlne is not lock- in- in merit as a poem and was popu- taxns arteottatlon olherboisot more or less merit which w memorr led and declaimed were lochlels warnlnjr usually spaken in a aln- bopx way the ocartnera dream and jlord ulna oauhter cur few became popular muohi later the forecoln- were spoken by boys from ten to alxteen years of lure bmajj iris tuuv a- predilection for mary had uttle ilamh tho boys of elsht or len years wont to edify the audience and the school by recltlnjr uttle thiols uttls drops of water- utus aralns of sand make the mfchty ooeaq and the beauteous land t m 1 fl 1 a w is ua yf old man jbxsm of twsssfl big cxacarisbbsl ssbsasal t aasasasas fuallh jjism euuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai uhsbbbob itmvl lo you know i nut iho hrul flthlirdiwn i yihptultlnrthff uther- iluyl vou know hiv rccltli hlout cltnrlla cook or i uuiumxm should buy ituv ii r cm k wyrc sent in and prlnloil whan ho wna in koka and of aourss mlud tba ndltorhil auixirvlnioii hlu lpnclllnff and oorrfflllon well whan h anw my frmil of riimombratkipj of ohar 1u hi ituidon dr cooks he jumped on me quick you know it rouldn t be utherwlso with 11a said whflta wronb with your old rememberer this wek onyhosrt dldnt you kiuiw thut whan charlie cook was lit toronto chtrkln li wholesale house that mo of tho hi fqlks in the llaitlnfj church down there uvf that he vould make a his preitdhor if ho had a nliatioa and they sent him owr tti hpuraaans college lit london icmlaml it was there ha took his course in thnoloary and not at uawulx toronto tlmo aaln he said you fmt him in 1 a rl lament htreot church toronto as his first charj dont you renumber thot his first call was to kingston and that he preached there sevekl vora before he was called to the toronto church t well xrnad to glvo in to the man who tuiuf this itaixr that 1 washout entirely in my rememberlnifa i ktfew all rbjht that charlie had been nor at spurgeons co hobo and that tie had preached la kuumton hut my lold thinker had one off wool gatthrfne and v made tho break he complained of you know the editor and charlie wra boys toctlr and the a looui thinks u koo1 dutl of charle and ha wouldnt itermlt a crooked story to bo about him if ha bad to atop the press to atrulghtcn it out well 1 vn rot it all o k and i kueas charlie ii let mo down easy over it you know i wrotu that tuff just about the nrat of may and all the time i was thinking about tho hoys rolns trout rutting- and rrottlnr just a mite because i couldnt co myuelf wish i could ho i woul i if it wai for this old rheumatism of mine tnakes me tutheo jealous when i no illlly bayers stalking off all hy himself about throe times a weak to tho trout streams and 1 m not bo vary much older than iniiy either bay hens another intorestmb nit of news about phurllo i mean ttv lit- cook 11 wbm oalletl to the first baptist church llutto montana five or six years ago tho church thero had a bio job for u wldmawako and axperlannsd pan tor uml tho monojilna hoard thought there waa no one wl id do this job bo well as tlr cook this was nothing loos than to knap the church wldo awake and hustling with a welcome for everybody and a crackr of a sermon uvury bun day morning and evening and i is 000 debt to raise lxitwcon times welt charlie 1 moan r cook went to butte metaphorically you look up the dictionary for tho meanlng of that juwwaukor look on his coat rolled up his sleeves and wont to it wtftlmx heard the other duy tlmt the tank has boeiu completed the baptist folks and their friends in that hustling mining city have piled up thut 118 000 cleared off the mortgage und had a tirno of rajololna and do you know it hasnt hurt them a hit and the church hi as hvey and ultructlvo as aver it was im und for years it was a oarrent zprcnslon lit those days of long credit t tho u res when a merchant was in nod of fundh and prcsulrttf far his mil in y or tlin txiulvalnnt for his dnhtof ii tmy oh jkiht i luiran it to itnnnom vhn lluiihom liixl ittmint thirty yesrw ago it wuh found that hn hail lort huiulroilb or uotos fi r umull umounlu with mlthor intcmut or prlnolpul paid many of thauo wer outiwxl by tho l iry of tliim without rtinowal well mr and mro kra adams had two sons josiah tiul abner ahnnr was the ynungor and was never vnry strong lie wont to wchool and studleil well but in the summer ilm t ulmiil nfty yenrw sgi aflar wnelm of llhiess this bovd younger mm dlwl tile mother nnvor got oy o iohn of her htudloum tuthy 1x1 lie was f tur- teeo or nctaen johihii grew to man- hmml und wan a linny mun in town for yiaih x think ho wuiu u- arpontir 110 marnlthl a daughter of wmson iumshsw and built hlmsrlf a hoiim whin tlin town hall nw stands this tirtiimty wum imught hyahe town and tho town hall wall srectml thero by control or w micullu of llrumiitmi altout forty iwr uk thw ajlsmx cottsifa was move 1 to the lot south of the liall it 11 jrahntrl who wuil munlcl4i olfll biiiight ui lrokrty whfn ha wtlm lit dino ud enutrsod it with of bscoimi nlirv tnd othnrwlsn improved it mr flruham lived them until his lutnolll death he was srtnost bhlvtranluscfut cor i rut ion and ulway jealous to rtiy 6lit the liualneus nntrusleil in him to the ueit of bj rhulty joaluh adams was uue iv hn ae- nuui and always manased to havu a fabt horsp or two to handle one day a good many yoara ago before the law aint crtlalty t animals had beooma very gonoruuy ourhtlvu joslah and hob avntw were talklntf fast horses whll standing in trent of the idomlnlon hotel thy finally nratohed a race with joslsh m faat mare and one mr agnew put against hor from acton to mton and ha ok it was m cruil race joalahs raoer won out hh reached milton twelve miles away in 66 minutes but she was blooding at the nose and mouth and wuh badly used up generally neither of the horses were ever of much use afterwards in the course of timejoluh slept with his fathers hlb wife was left with two sons and a daughter with admirable pluck she opened grocery and provision btore in the premises now occupied by the na store uf john moffat on main htreet all her exertions were directed to the work which motherlove lnvarlabry umlartakew the bringing up of her children this she did with credit ajptll they mere able to take care of kemaolveo la- great sorrow came to hor whan her beloved daughter took 111 and panned away in her toons mrs adams finally moved to toronto with her removal the last descendant of the adams who settled hare and founded acton nearly an hundred years ago left the place with which the name had 1mm n constantly associated from the time when the first whlto man troll led to this locality keat week i think i shall take readers into ifttlrvlctf cemetery beautiful routing place for the ed which has been such nn spot for thirty years and wherw j drods of the earlier settlers of xeu and vicinity aloep the sleep of tho jusu well charmo foe la that hot done his work and lit about to retire from the ministry about midsummer t be lieve ho hag a hon who has prospered at beattle wash and ho and mr cook have aooaplod an invitation to cook have accepted an invitation to go and reside with them and enjoy the rest he has bo well earned after foukyfour years of strenuous minis terial labor acrwufi itaribom hi roe now lalr- view avenue from tho cook homo- btcsd itlohdrd trommnnliuiltvtlne frame houae of attractive design shortly after he ywas married about nlxty years ago dick hamilton was one at the beat carpenters we ever had in acton this house he regarded with much pride it won one of the onest houses tho village then possess- drieplet8 a doctor is reported to have operat ed on him ho if uml removed his own u nomlfx wi ii we out our owq r otio unit if hn doctor liadn t atty ixitur uuikjoi in his ofitlou thnu wn ha i in ours lh rusult umt tm dlitinruglng vrry fow imopln uae as important thny think lly aro nov tui unim portant as lots of folks say they are whou you soo a unm with a red mun you can usually be uiunxl that it iiuh not been done in wuter colors murrlaufr is u ttnrlouslhlng usually wrfhtly tin irrtuken thp high c fact thut 1 hon t ilond l of uvuia is due to the rtuuy wiint it ioii t worry uhout irnulilo it has nvcr mluikd an ui ktitmnt yet wliirt iibk tors dlxagroe it should n it ho jmipruink if tha meillclne dora not uttrm wonder how many young uillsa will oluiarvo faint hp wejik the fish will soon be biting ho will tho rcudurs of bummer resort clr- tlw ontp in the price of milk was iwirhaps inteitdod as oon solution after the itoferaildum vote wasnt it remarkahl how uulokly our noble lg ula tors decided to call it a seslon after they got that 100 his apoloqv wliy aimmle dmed the mother of a precious arold tfor- are you not us hair jail aunt- stupldt lo to her und tell her you are sorry aunlio aalf nw fully sorry 1e fellow n stupid im ad muvhdldottllehereloitg took a fanay to build a brick he lie and th no leas popular poem begin nlng ton d scarce expect one of my ago to speak in public on tho stag the first has beau credited to more than one author to mrs julio a carney mrs samuel s osgood and dr c brewer it ho hod uveral versions but tho one commencing with the lines quoted is h one largely used the second poem was written especially for recitation sometimes the boy wh attempted t did not trpeasrwtiublio on ihitstag he roadt m fallurobut generally he i roared it off standing stiff with his hands plastered to his hlpstnd his gone fix ed on a nail feomewbero in tha opposite wall th author of these lines was david teverett born in princeton ma in 1770 and died in ohio in mil fho wrote it white teaching a arammar sohooj at new ipswfoh memorials have been erected to the supposed author of uttlo things while david blvorett lawyer journal- tat and aothor la mainly remembered thrdugh thm many yaars by a poor little rectfauon for children even in maklna rhymes wo often build better than we know r though areiy better than wo hop real daylight aavinq la your boy in favor of doyilsht aavlnst f reckon he la replied farmer- orntoagot if ho ffoon on toyln out o nights pretty moan ho wont be juuur any dayht at allvvaaaliui ton atar for a home down town and shortly after the acton plow company was organised in 1174 and bought the od holt mill property and part of tho sidney smith rrontage on main htroot he bought from tha company tho lot at tha corner of main and lllvei utreetq and built his new home it wm a tine brlok house this time and till stands there and is in good state of rpalr mr james if bold is tha present owner it was the fifth sixth brick house ejected in acton well after mr ha m i jib n left his big frame house on- hansom btreet havld williamson and his bride re sided there for a time blnce that time a nuniber of esteemed residents have owned tho proprty mr wlbton rumshaw was here for quite a time and then my old friend henry itoe and family of tcsqiieslng uobert btory of niisaugaweya was its next purchaser here tm spent a good period or busy years und always kept thn place nsut attractive ami prod na tive tho prosant owner is mr a i bishop gardener und he s making good in tho production h of plants flowers and vegetables meat to tha hamilton pro perry hero lived far many years on the corner lot an aero or more kara adams wo always called him undo kara ho waa a brother of ransom but no body even thought of culling itamsora uncle ho was of u different typo en tirely kara was a qulot man or kind ly disposition never in a rush took the world easy but hod a pleasant word for everybody and everybody liked tho od man itunoom was u hustling business man with ono object in life that of making money he made it and hoarded it and mudo mprcj but little good it ever old him kara never had much or this world u goods but he was a happy map and ho und mrs adams lived a very happy llfo together though in the very humble domicfiavhlcb atlfl atands where ejsra built it between sixty and seventy years ago ilanaom never could quit making money long enough to got nuuyrled ha died a very lonely old bachdor u vary painful death from cancer at tho bono of tho tongue in his day kanaora wan our nanled man spring woo k in the flowep garden no doubt moat gardens liavo been clouned up by this time even though much hnu at to bo sown in many parts of canada tha covering- is often left on tnueu too ions in tha uprlna with the result that a disease of the stem bets in and th plants are badly injured it 1 desirable to get the uteres of roses dry as soon as posit i ida hence aven if tho covering 1 not removed nlto- tretber it ahoulili at uaat imi loosoned up so that air- will got through and in our experience it is better to irii rover very early rather than to leave it until lute among the first seeds to bow in tha garden are those of tha sweat pea and the sooner they are sown in spring the hotter many having planted thorn this year early in april the object of planting early is to ensure the roots catting down into tha ooolreubsoll before the hot weather sets in as the sweet pea needs a cool soil for best results instead of sowing- in m trench as hi often recommended sow seed on the level from one to two inches deep and firm tha soil so that seed will get sufficient moisture among other hardy plants tha seed of which can be sow q very early in tho open are bwaet alyasum candy tuft cosmos bummer cypress lup ine zinnia snapdragon poppy phlox drummondl lobelia oalllardla kor- gatma not pansy and cornflower tha mlataka la often mado of sow ing flower beads deeply none of tho abwotswarsninnutowrwnrh half an inch deep and for most bf them one quarter inch uf often too much if seed la sown too deeply the young shoots will ndt r4 tho urfacaninl the seedsman is often unjustly blamed although the above mentioned plants ura among tha hardiest it will be tlmo- almost- immediately to so w- any other seeds jls danger of frost after the seedlings are up will goon he over and ground will have warmed up soon warm soil la just as important for home seeds as tiro vent ion of injury from frost ur- tulh seeda will hot germinate in cold soil und if it is moist they will rot instead there is often a temptation to put plants whloh have been growing in tha house outside as soon as there ore a faw fine warm days while it will not hurt to sat the pots out on such duys if thay are taken tn at ttlaht the plants should not be set in the open ground until the lost week of may or aarllf in june- too often plant which have been nursed all winter are killed or badly injured by spring frosts outside tha geranium is u very popularttower and too often considerable money is spent for plant tor a bed only toy have them badly injured if not destroyed by a hard frost in most parts of canada tha last week of may or even tho first woek of juna is the beat time to set out bedding plants that are liable to be injured by frost w t ms dominion horticulturist exf 0rs sale h tr stable and houoe- hol eff j undersigned has received in- ctlons from the hcecutors of tho jte of the late ml 08 hannah newton to sell by publlo auction on saturday may cs 1ft2t at 3 o clock sharp tho following goods 1 kitchen runga ooal heater pen insula s old stoviut a number of stove til pes x mohair parlor suite s chairs 1 rookerf and aettee wicker rocking- chair 4 rocking chairs 2 bedroom suites 2 hodstaud 3 block beds mattrehcb bed springs hall rack whatnot cur iki is 1 couch 1 lounge 3 writing desks 3 contra table x cupboards large dining room table kitchen table clock jumps 3 glass oupboarda f toilet wets carpp bed picture curtain notes window bcicann window hhides sealers crocks dlshum pii t 12 000 lb bcmuim buggy curt cut ter set of small sealant long ladder hovels saw forks hoes und a number of carpenter tools tho furniture is in good oondltlon and must he sold without roerye the property tho heal ktato is situated in lime- house on tho main btraet adjoining- the i out office und btore the house is a largo frantn in u good suite of re pair could rwudlly bo made into two houses a uratid basement with run- nlng watr through house there hi a good atahln in connection will be aold separately is so desired this is or grand opportunity to secure a good homo nt u reasonable price there la a fliiu ht n uoniucjon and a number uf fruit trottji tha property will be gfred rt 3 oolook aubjeot to a hoaorva bid which wltl be within thtj roaoh of any lntendng purchasers thotorm will bo ten per cent on the day of aula and balance when pos session will bo given or terms ar ranged or any other information apply to 1lj kerr term for house hold enacts otc cash r j kerr auctioneer phone ss acton l 11 bl rollte y clerk 47 1 his end a man stepped up to henry ward lhtrcher on lhy und add hlr i am uu evolution 1st utul i waul to dlsnutm thn jorullin wllh you 1 nm also an umuhlliillot1 t i l u vo that wiinu 1 dl thut will ii mid of ma tlin nk iioodneiui for that i 1 mr lltclir as hn wulko 1 off and inft thn nuivdaxod j qne wavi a leaiilifir who hull glvtm n uhhoii on uwmntrlml dr twlng iibumi bar 1 insm tha fjuonllon lluw can you make a mullnsa erossr one bright little girl put hor imlid up at oiiii nnd on ixtlng uuked for r repllod without honlta- tloi i lot i tittuhr atsp on lui tail a little wisdom flood company shortami the lingotil join nny what li ni t sul 1 imu not to hi m in loidmil fur lit thu mun with a will u wny in uover wanting thn mn who won t jt ailvluad can t hn hohied of two avlls liioobo not thn ihumi inlther is 14 luitatlllll gn h a klllfi a lilui wlthiillt ci wllhout nn edga ftnrousm hhnuld imi kept us armor not iinud as n sword ttovjhn- takeri a wlfu hhoiild luku curt no l will tuka cum if provlleix u shuts thn door tho wise mun dims not get through tho win low trustee investments 615i71ll v to yield pkom lurltles are moerliblly attractive very raimd h interest yield u hloh the smiurltr unqoestianabte end st trialurlty im hai these bond will return handecm prenta to the hehlera prov1ncb op alberya 44 bionds due peb ib 1043 vrlnelpel and interest mv- vil bu in nw yeh funds prio k4 and intsmt reflt at maturity mt4 in addition te fi 1 cw tntarest and premium o new york funds j jo province op alberta s4 bonds do april 1 1bu deimmlnntlens of 41000 crlce bo nd seemed intsrest lit addltleo mm lhe lntrst ssmed thae eeeurttles will ehew f 7sw a preflt er xm en principal at maturity u provinqb op alberta auarantcdd 04 coupon bearer bonds due dan 1 1tt denemlnatlena tloou prlea nia and accrued intvsst bvetlt in addition to annual intsreat about tnle i an ax- c 7- cepuanal opportunity v- jo otty op edmonton tji bonds tttatwrmo in 130 tial in prlee ta yiatd 7 loh in addltteo to tn annual inter the balder wilt hava an additional pnnt of abut v i tozi ui at maturity favo we etrttnply recommend th pureha ef thee eeurltlas at present ortoea they are really bargain and knay b purehseed en our partial payment plan yhla plan naalaa inveatere te take full advantage ef apeel apportion i tie euh aa the abeva g a stimson co irs lntmtiutw iuhhllrmdi nhawt all spring hats at reduced prices to make room for our summer styles nellie m stockf ord acton guexph clearino auction sale in hjun township a lesson in collectinq ho was running a small country found him very backward in payment of his accounts thay sent him latter artar letter each more politely threatening than the but finally they bent their ror presents live down to give him utsport ing chance now said tha caller wa must hava a settlement why haven t you sent u anything arc things going badly no every think a going splendidly you naedn t worry my banker will guarantee me alright then why havent you paid up well you see those threatening lot- letntof yours were no well dotio that i havd been copying them and endinrf thetp around to a few customartr of my own who wouldnt poy up and rvo collected nearly all outstanding debt i was only holding back beaua 1 felt aujo there must bo a dual lattr farm stock harness and implements john boyd to aall by publlo auction an his farm let 3 cotib krln on tha fltth line about rour mues and a half north uf acton on tuesday may 31 1921 ana oclock sharp the foliovhur hollfleft- bay horse 7 years aaund good wagon horse 1 hay brood mare li years general purpose 1 bay brood truirc light 0 years if not previously gold i blank mar 3 yea grade cattlk pure bred bhoet- horn bull 1 year black cow b years jerayhouteln milking well black cow 8 yeara brad in february milk ing 1 rod grade bhorthorn 4 tyears due in august 1 red cow 4 years due tlrao of oalo red cow 14 years i milking well red heifer t years duel time of sale red heifer i years duel in june 3 red steers 3 yeara l red steer rising 3 yaars 1 black ute years fliikep1 registered ewee oxford i down 3 lambs 1 owo eligible for registration i pk1h 1 yorkshire sow due i august 18 young pigs 2 months hahnbss 1 set single harness oat double harness good 1 set plow 1 1 harness i number of collars brldlas jstat i 1 set single lines hardware wo wish to announce to the citizens of acton and vlctnity that wo are now settled in our new premises previously oc cupled by kenney bros you are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock and get acquainted our stockslne arriving daily andyouxlll and a full lino of paints varnishes glass cutlery tools aluminum granitoucir tinwcar nails shelf hardware v oar motto quality service and reasonable trices v v estimates gladly given on envetroughliik heating plumb ing electric wiring anil your work promptly looked after j w kennedy son malnblreet -tactan- an honored emblem in a new field the lianner of hie red crosf bearing an emblem universally honored trust ed and loved covered wllh the glory of fa ttli ful service during war b now earned into peacetime fields of en deavor the improvement of health the pre vention of disease and the mitigation of suffering tint i the great peace time mission of the red cro sociejlcj of the world organized voluntary effort supporting and supplementing government action is needed to make effective the great crusade forqood health to tbooo vrho came under iu beneficent niiiustraticu in war time or who aerred axular it banner as wrall s to oil otner pubuceptriud citizen the red cross soetetrpi rotolrlnll enroll tn irrtfceri t r of txrtasw- rnitaifsa enroll tn its rank avnd go r help to ereato active public opmion tn faror of oound health measurea ontario enrollment may 2228 knroll with your local had croas hranoh or lcnrollmant committee or if thr is hone in your community with tlin ctntaitlo piiov- incxax hi vision 410 bhi0u11ouiimu utitlcicl tohonto ucenbmshlp frc1 annual ii 0o vjfn 3sjh canadian red cross society ontario division easy walking u linpurutlvo for tho mun who pnnjnm tint mroutur purl of tho time on his font itlioe built on tha propor inwl tint to of good leather thnt lit tho fi ot should be tulti ii euro of lfv n uji thut comfnrtuhln ourfjhmt itiiitlrliig lira of your hiioi i rlri tholr useruinehm und inunim omfort economy and uutlufuntlou to you de nat foroet that w carry a first class line of shoes for man and doys t e gibbons mill st acto n hilvo un flit ifnrtuhln ni 1 pair wedding invitations and announcements hie i ree press has just mcblvld and pi acfd in stock an assortment of he iaiisi wedding stationhry orders prpmptly and skilfully executed the free press acton cockshutt implements estaftushed tb7g- businpss barometers seem to indicate that thd poriod of easy money and inch prices is neadiir an end a dollur saved now in tho form of a savings bunk deposit will bo worth much mora in tho next couple of years utter tho reaction tins bat in v bank of hamilton georgetown itanca 0 c iwackay manager the brunswick ot tho town tbb local banker in act f and i wanted to nt th eerlea eot- ttjwr vcl ax loana and crrttt rom wj l ingle lines quantity umber m lilplemicwtatninjen oeering 1 good rsplri mower kroat a wood horse rake i hay loodpp irroat i lvood spring tooth oultlvulna pclcr i hamilton horse forkl 1 diesel meal i roller 3 section 1 set lroh harrowa er section i jeerlnjrdlso drill 11 hoeaf 1 good dlao cultivator 1 disc cultiv- i tor 1 horse cultivator riding plow i cookahvitt steel rolung coulter 2 walking plows j wagon nearly new 1 box complete 1 twoseated market i wagon 1 open buggy auto seat ll open buggy 1 setioh sleighs 1 set pleasure sleighs 2 seats 1 good cut ter no 1 1 cutter no i 1 buggy i pom grind atone chatham monies i 2 ooo roa no set sllngm nearly new i extension ladder root imlner i ujureku 3 hay rucks 1 stock rack 3 dosen grain hjjgs 1 cyclone seeder i ielval cream aobarator no 13 nro i estlnguisher new chains neck yokee1 doubletree forju e hove is axes etcj i other articles not mentioned 4 tons timothy hay terms all sums oft 110 und un- dr cash over that amount b months 1 1 credit on diiprovod joint tiotosi 0 pas cont per luinam off for oa-h- no raaorva as tha farm i 8pld ft j kerr auetlantr phone 34 acton w 1c ohatilam cleric t1 1 hello gentmmen farmers attention patroniza homo made and homccxhibltcdi high atandard nd fully guaranteed farm machinory everything necessary for full upto dato farming manure spreadors waggons plows cultivators seed drills harvesting goods cream separ ators for hand or power louden barn equipment bepalra promptly attended to atstephensonu blacksmith shop the proop op the pudding isiiear all we ask you to do isto investigate the brunswick with your own pars i j w barberree main street fll new machine marf acton ont frank king i j the dealer jrwh ebtonstraa 1wa1n street gkor0kt0wn n 1 i

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