Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1921, p. 6

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iilrthi marriage and death are no charged for at the follotving rtaattib fioa memorial caraa gdo 0 jar una extra tor pmffla dorn hituhqk at athaltnnca ijimllnrt al- jjerul imijrtmnutny muv- 12 1b31 i mr und mm uoorgemy flmicc a muii julm arehhmhl mcklnnnii mahnieo huhiimanllowvklcfat the mstli- ill iurwinmk annin wednwi- ny mtv 3 1021 liy v i m moyer icdward vlctof itunlimnn to victoria i lour lot in luuhtor of mr nti1 mr jolt w lawyer both of tlulili died 1iiahkii at iii- home of mr john m wamn 10 wychwood avenu toronto on usy 51 1m1 marlon k m limit lwwr formerl of acn mount at th knut vlamuoro ibzl huldnli a tu i ly ol d once bumlay may 3 ib21 huinon wlnirovn wwiw of h- uto alulsus mount in her7ui i your hikh3au at nurllnjclnn w wwlxm- toy may 11 1bj1 arau victor b youf aljian at lnwr cot mi isuy ii ull john campbell allan youngest win of tho late col yil- ham allan anton and trothr or mr 0 it rmlth aged 7 yoars ctltawpoitdat th homo nf liar iurilt c3 ovonhlre htret flutdtui on frluy may j j daiiehtiirof mr end mr am crawford cfu1ph in her tirenuath year jsit ittotttlttta thviisday may imt brief local items jasallm 1m now selling in torou at 58c injoyaltle twenty- it wm a qult llion your wantad to llw the vs tassii will do the rest iielhilr town council urnqosa tax of ii on funeral held on sunday thomas i llle ha been made an onlolal hoi valuer for the town ship nw waterworks sarvlco arob- inff installed dally by the waterworks staff plant potato theyll command mom satisfactory prioae neat tall and burloa the janeral aaaembly of tbt pres byterian church will tnoeti in toronto dominion pay i to be the next general boildiy7joat five week from tomorrow the next meeting of bsoueslng council wll be hold on monday juno 13 at 10 oclock the garden tiavo taken on a new evidence of vioroua arrowth alnce sandaya ahowera mr william landaborousn jlce avenue la rebuild lac and otberwtao irapmvlttc but realdcnce alex joe baa been appointed to unooed the late peter olbbona mm ft fencavlewerfor pqiwlrut tueaday nbjthta ahowera fonowlns sunday downjwur have aiyen vee tatlon a aratlfylna impetu oarden operatlotm occupied the attention of moat householder on the mornlns of the holiday at leaat next bundav will be oo-to-snn- daysohoolt3ay throuaout amerlou xxotv make it a bla day and all co dirty motor license humdera axo furalnat tht law a driver is liable to a one if his nnmber ore not easily readable the cloverdale and acton dalrlr will reduce the price of milk to all regular customers on june 1 to 30ft per quart the government uauor xlspenbnrlm have advanced price ft per bottle ajnc the new tariff came into effect nev brovllf 8 hamilton d d a m oolt wul ofnciolly visit walker loose a f a a- ml on monday even in 30th inal knox sunday school will meet at 10 a m durlns the summer month and moraine church service win be held otlusu m l the isoo student attendlnc an- nunlly the o a o at quolpb spend upward of a quarur of a mllllqn dol- -lar- everyyaarlnuiateltyt collection of agiucul- juttal statistics canadas flsld crops inoreaasd from 30 million ars in 1015 to s3 million in 1d21 iror ho fciurlliuiicoiiiwf year slims lotl- uiu uudiinlon jtureaunf lllatui hum nnl rtlm irovlnclul iiepartments of aattinlturo wul in june mnke their umiuul miuiueratloit thnihohout can ada of ttio urounjbnyri to fluid orta and of fur m uv stook this onumor- atlnn will u altocted as before by card nchodulotl dutrlbuted to individual farms when ihlcd and returned the cards will lm transmitted to the do minion duroau of statistics at ottawa for compilation into total exooplltt ontario and iirltlah columbia vfhcrw the compilation will be undertaken by the provincial lepartmenl- the oulloctlon of these statlstlctf rep- rcsouu a national agricultural stock- itluluir which 1 a important in the interest of farmer as am the oun- dltlon of other industrie to those whose livelihood depml upon the co operation of futmart in fllllnir yp and returnlns tho schedule issuoilto them because the greator the number of return the surer will bo the estimate luutod thereon it is the aim of the tomlnlon and provincial statistical authorities to mwure ultimately nn annual return from every individual farmer in the dominion in flllntf lip tho rorms farmer are not only advancina their own individ ual interests but also those of tho areatest natlomil industry in canada from a national and provincial stand point food merchants transport com panies banker anil oil business man are keenly intereated in pb jain inn tho earliest possible information a to the quantity and value of tho product of the bol the principal aaaurtty of bankers in dnaiicln- ucrloultural client i the produce of tho soil early and accurate information a to which is essential boras farmer fall to return too schedule from a mistaken fear that tbelr taxes will in consequence be in creased the fact is however that tbo collection of these statistic ha no direct connection with taxation at alt the schedules are received and dealt wltb under the seal of absolute ecrecy and only the estimate of totals based upon the replies received are published if the- aarlculturftl statistics as published may be con- aidered as affordlns any iruldo u statesmen in proposlns fiscal lealsla- uon the interest of farmera are just a likely to suffer a not through atatlsdcal inaocuracy they are a liable to be over- taxed as undertaxed ix the countrys aarlcult ural- rod uo- ilon be not accurately eatimated owta to tho existence of these annual statistics it i possible to ahow that the area under field crop in canada has increased from about 3 mlulon acres in 116 tp nearly million acres in 1010 arid tbelr value from tmej70eoo in 1916 to 1 14663 ooo in 1950 fact ouch a thoa col lected by the present system of ajrrl cultural statistic cannot- but tall in favor of the dominion by attractlna aarlcult ural irnmlajrant and belplmf to develop the axeat resources az tho country neighborhood jntews crew sons cornens the rolnn on hurnlny und tuosday proved- very bciicnclal to tho nprlna train 1 i mr wmt murrnylrmprovlnirnd onlurjilnb imue uprlna park in reoill- niuui for mummer picnics mr harold wiles acton mill have nhuriffl of th rofruhhiuout ifooth tlmro for picnic thin yoar mr ii u urown hamilton spent the holiday with his parents hers oakville the council lias ordeixl 10 street nno slsns tliy will lie metal and neut in deslffn the cost u 1140 each itov j in uunro preached an able hrtimn to the oddfellow at their loshd anniversary service from the text 1 1ster 3 tiionor all men love the tirothcrhod fear tod honor the kill- wlist happened to jones t why th polico not him and majciatrato shield chalked up 1100 and costs on wednes day momma for a n o t a ho was a toron ionian hecord terracotta there i quite an epldamlo w ta mumps in our hamlet all vm tu be recover i us nicely n mr j icavos went to the cluslph oonnral hospital btat week where abe ha undersone a very successful opera tion ilsr friend hopejsoon to hear of her ultimate recovery the jialton brick yard and also tho conaua jlrlck co here resumed operations and are in full blast mrs 11 torr 1 quite lit we hope soon to hear of ber recovery mr jas mckane br- u now on the mend s noaera bro report dolns a rush ins- trade in their quarrie on the moun tain this summer rockwood helping unfobtukate ciuldhkn messrs nell ollues and thompson were each paid hja00 a part payment for tbelr work a town ship assessors by bsueslpjr council 1 last week after the tennis tournament un th shore of fairy take at mr ij b shoreys and enjoyed a plcnlo lunch toaether boston church anniversary ser- vices will be holdrvn sqnday june at followed by a aarden party on monday nhjht at wm mclntnh mortui btraot l milton particulars u tor tb pretty red rosea predominated for lapel adornment on sunday bvery member of the son of jcniand wore this mucnprued omblem in connection with owor district church rarade the stotm on sunday evenlna ap- peared to play bavoo with the electric d wire tbs ushta were on and off in- termlttently ab tba arenlna and were off for a abort period hurlo hie chttrobr aervlees the temperature last sunday was in striking- contrast to thatotuia previous sunday it sunday the mercury realstered 10 dearesa in the shade the sunday before it wna only i degrees above freealnav a larae apple crop may reason ably be looked for thl year there wu absolutely no rain durlna tho blossom period and theboas were plentiful and had every opportunity for tao fruit bqda i- humor magistrate cant thlf eoso 1m set tled out of court t s multlaanf sure euro thate what w watotryinr to do yoiir iwinor wb hviuco mutrtered- dad what aro the allcnt watcbea ofhnjhtr r 1 tbey are the watches which their owtiera ttorfot to wind toy sonl whero art you koiimi wtth that mlserabuloouiig doa johimyt jbut oucail win a pri- ttth him- r wall maym j utqru ftlvo um sjpeoiai prjae lorabowln tba jdnd of floathat no doc gojw to- b the annual conference of the aaeo- tion of chlldrene aid societies wa bald on may llth and 13th in the r- oepttos roocxoiliaparuamsnt build inc toronto tbeattendanoo was largo and the interest throuxbout was excellent there were five aeaalona each devoted to child welfare darto tfae econd aesslon mr al m dymond xarllamentry clerk explain ed two bills passed at tho recent aesslon of the provincial parliament bill no 100 la an act- for the protoatlon of children of unmarried parent bill 110 la an act reapectlna adoption of children at the third session mr j j keiso superintendent of dependent and ne- lectina- children in a very lntarostlna and instruouve manner drew aomo vivid word pictures showing thasood work belna done in savins airlaond boy to useful uvoa by the children aid societies mr c i chute oj m y state dlacussod the- workinaa of the juvenllo court and probation in hi state tho time may not bclar dutant when thoro will bo established a juvenile court in each county of the province two addresses were given durlna the fourth session on upon tho dlnv cnluea children aid societies have by mr ttx rusten of bell evil lo and one upon the successes of tho childrens aid societies by m a tovell of onelph those who were present nould not but feci that it wa 0 tune or in spiration bleaslna and encouraaement for continuance in tho good uork of tndeavoria to alvo every buy and alrl imbored into this world n chance to become a good ohrlatlan citiwn milton the milton spinntna co is aaklna for exemption from taxation for a j period of years the court of revision will alt next tuesday evenlna mr iv b bhwk nndjlttle gn too to weretne guests of her alatar mrs w b clement last weck the member of the milton farmers club will have a weekly half holiday on saturday afternoon until hanreot bearlns mrs v 1 white who ha been aerti oualy 111 la slowly improvlnav sho is still ooanned to her bed the lt fraduauna class of the john hopkins hospital tralnlna sohool for nuraea baltimore ml contains aiabtyfour name seven of which ars canadians of the seven rve are from ontario one 1 a jfery ii ptolemy of milton judae iloraiojrsriin fa monday for two weeka duty more cases awai tinf trial than tho city judaea can handle judge lelllot bald division court sit una at west tor onto a wek ao and disposed of about thirty oaaea the oddfellow sohool of instruc tion wiube bold ho thl tbursdoy ovenlnav champion kcmplr bay was celebrated here with unusual eclat a callthumplan parade in the mornlna a baaaall tournament in th afternoon a arand coacert in the etenlna and muslo mil lay bv the waterside park band were the attraction mrs m p barry was rockwoodjs delcroto to the uberal convention at uuctph on saturday ulsa minnie nlckell of the sani tarium at klnaaton visited her mother here hurt week the new methodist parsonaa now under construction on the york road near the public school bundlnc prom isee to be when completed one of the handsomest residences in nockwoo and a credit to the rock wood -jbra- moea circuit the trustee ore spar ins no expense in providian home for tbelr pastor which will do the church and tha vllhure credit nohval a sunday schol convention for cs- queslnc township wa held in morval presbyterian church tuesday after noon and evenlna of last week this i the first convention held since 101s and the programme wa very lntereafuna and helprul rev t a halpenny superintendent of the ontario relaious kdncation association waa present ond showed the ability or a master in hlswork of instruction fend in directing tne organisation of the cooperative re- liatous instruction work of the protes tant force of the dominion a more important work than that of the a soclation which mn halpenny repre- enu can hardly beionoolved when fully organixed a u now planned making the township thobasla of or- ganlxauon it will amount to a prac tical federation of the protectant churches of the dominion for tola most vital work of society- georgetown tea ta the new budget having impoanrl a sale tax or lon tea the onus la placed upon the balada tea company of- charging thuon thejrlnvoloeto tho arooers and after oolkwtion to pay it to the inland revenuedepart ment thl is the only tax the oooj- rramwof balada need pay to the there la a further tax of u on importations of tea whleh the salada company are paying thcmielvea i thla 1 not being pasaed alongt 1 grocer or the consumers v v built ofyitraw iuia with wall made of com- 1 straw has been erected in the faubourg dela chausaeo 04 montar- kfrranoe the fntnewqrk or the building 1 of woodand the side aro filled jn with block of tigbuy 00m- peeed atrmw wfilch are auted to be a hard a oonereto and just a un- inflammable owing to the- uairtnes of tjno jnaterlala only amaji- founda tion re needed and a house or thl und pan be built in e mpnth tho mo or uainbtraw inthuj way is 4- turlbutadtb a frapeh texitjja sjtiguttaar the ladies bowling club held their opening gurao on tho green last thurs day afternoon anniversary service ab union church wll be held on may rates for lawn sprinkling are as follow s0v for onoritf eadh ad- fluonal loor part of lot lb0 hour ir using water 7 to 10 p m dr thoma mcculloiigh of cbaus- worth and mlaa ully mcculloughoi owen sound were here last week u vult their kilter mrt w a wilson who wo quite seriously iii but la now improvlna mr juvx mrs john ballanune left last week for hamilton n y whore they will spend a few day with their son col james ballantlne v s 0- and mr baliontlne- aeorgetown high school cadets were inspected by col baker of toronto weete -puoorr-drill-rtfto-exer- else and marching ware all executed in manner quite creditable to the or ganisation report wore given from each de partment of the methodist church at the annual mooting last wetjk and air showed a large increase in bolbmem- bcmhlpnntl nmnnnt nf mnntyraised during the year the annual report from ashgrove showed a large in crease in membership and flnanoes the past year has jwon one of th moat successful in tho h story of ooorge- town circuit- rev mr davldfo ri wm cordially invited for another year fleraldv na88aqaweva sfai the annual sunday school conven or nssbaauweya txjwnshlp will he bold in- the naosaguweya preabyterhui chuohren friday afternoon and even ing z7th inst addresses will be given by rev t a halpenny toronto and asamoro b a in tho afternoon and itsttmr- halminrjrand rev t n xwe in the evening kveryfcody will be welcome mr c a darby of nasaagaweya was a delegate to the w m ft con ventlpn tn brentford laat week from the ebeneaer auxiliary the qo-to- sunday- sohool program of the ontario religious bduoauonal council wdl be given in the bebencxer sunday school next sunday morning mr robert cock of eden muu rais ed an addition to hut barn last thurs day afternoon i messrs stanley and drew ullon are patting up a new bank born the foartdatlon jwlll soon bo ready for the frame work potato and comjjjapvipatiiosrd athadayt w sunday rain wo greatly welcomed there is general sympathy for mr and mja oftjuelpb former resident her ht the death of their daughtar halat week taordon3tmgarmmitouiinhaa purchased tho bredge ssok fann 01 the quelph road nd tiaalaavanoaj walon last wednesday constable mason 6t campbelhrllle took an elderly man named wataon meadow to jail at buftota to bo held for trial for milking sws and stealing egg he drank 0 milk and ate tho eg ortreaohtng jii meadow said h had escgpod fromtheloadon aaylumfotuioza aane 1 lajr in the day a mmmage came from the asylum that tho man had escaped hut marohr vjutylam autborltlee went to muton and took huabaok lb london li durjinqton the high hohoi7nonrri nnhdeemen to ertxit tlio prnponud 110000 school building id j ithorlnatonm bungnlnw on the highway ilurllnicton usl bus imon old in mnjnr dunbar of hamilton who will mhko it his permansiit homo- mr fred plotrtsof kingston jnma- aurvlwted friends 1n town utinrwotsltr mr moriyn colo ot now york is vlultlng her mat ber here for a fow days mus marlon ana of centralla wash visited her aunt and uncle mr and mrs ci cotemnn last week mr and mrs c 8 sheppard who have been spending the past winter in venice cat returped home on monday the burlington howling club open ed tho season with a local tourna ment on vlotttrta day ttie annual convention of the nelson township sunday school association wa held at port nelson- sunday behoof lost wednesday wltb afternoon and everting sessions rev t w hal penny provincial representative tor onto wa chief speaker the conven tion waau success boys suits 13sq ttwo uiooufafts neatjauem latest styles fjfeee a boys waggon aiven 1 away free with ovory i ooys suit tin work that satisfies qur work and our materials a well as our careful eervlcn and moderaio prices appeal to the leading people of this com munity wo always have a wnltlng hat of orders a tribute to our standing a tin workers w f mooney acton ont milk thanks to our customers we the underelgned dairymen desire to expre our vefyeordlal thank to our many customer for their loyallty in continuing thelf patronage through all the 1st uxperlenceg re meeting prices etc our dairy hsrds urt now getting on the pasture and we will shortly be able in consequence to reduce our proc wt have therefore deoldd on wepnesday june 1st 10c per quart delivered at vour door everv dav our aim at all time i to serve our customer well mid supply them with rich clean milk and wo appreciate their continued patronage vdry much a j murray cloverdale dairy a p watson acton dairy ladies tweed rain coats at reduced prices these raincoats answer n doilblo purpose tor tool or wet weather you cannot bent them for drivinr or tuotoring thoro fs no coat on the market that will jjivo better ser vice wo have in stoclcjodny 55 coats in pypcwqol top in grays grccnsnnd urown mixtures sires 30 38 j0 and 42 note the reduced prices au wool rain coats regular- 1850 for 140 all wool rain coats regular 1600 jfor 1300 you ennnot afforj to mlstthla bargain as every coat wo have is uamntccd by ttio- maker to give good natisfaction call nntl look them ovcr mclean co mux street we bbll for cash wb bell for le89 acton our new store has made such progress and there bjtsjjcon such a demand for our fresh homemade candy we have decided to reduce our specials still lowtir for saturday come in and we will give you a real bargain a line of fresh groceries on hand thought without action is dangerous the buttlo is not alwaynto tho best tntentloned good intention have pro duced mora pavemont than results the world want result not inten tions the value of an man consist in it actual fulfilment and not in th enthusiasm which engineered ll you can sit in a chair but not in flio idea of one by alt moans first plan your work but dont slop there got busy and work your plant v qood intentions and ooiu-truotlvo- thought are a reoognlssd neoesalty to bualnesnprogres but it txkes action tn get result iike the front wbeebi of an automobile good intention are a fine hlng to keep tho craft sloe rod in the right direction hut it the rear awheel power applied thut makes her iver tlm around you cant get anywhere with your rear wheels jacked upl consider ilodiriu htaluto tho thinker it should have had u soquel the boer thousand will accept it as a uoldch llulo become un immobile piece of marble and ponr deroualy sit thinking why not check up once in a while divide the result aahlevul by the number of idea conoelved and taftlo yourself by tho low poraontage open your mind to new idea but dont jut it be a parade ground fur a steady procession think of wtwt you will da but dont just think go ahead and do it let that be your motto all the time john main street moffat acton ont jits stlneon 1 1 0 p a i tsitrtti on fn jllasemrndsof tostlmoiilolfl no case should bo coniildorod hopolu- free ikioklet- wm6tlneon remedy co of canada 3u yopgo btrout toronto ont the golden crfairt bakery saturday special cream puffs the brka9 with thb ti1hee its a mliaijhontment os v j bbead duna cakes pies and pahthy of aix kinds 1 evory day george brewer ut or ilia o b 7 mill sfawt new baptbt chotcb we are on the job to render a service a promptly a wo can a efficiently o wo can and asreasonablo as wa can under tlie high 000 1 of material und rates wo handle only tho vonulno vleury good and repair and wo dont knock tom rumley blacksmith and woodworker corj mui and park aye down goes the price of me w evans of the west end meat maitkbt meat is gradually gortlng cheap buy counts and the collar goes tho farthest wlicro quality jlook beef boiling beef special or saturday briskets cholco kib roast shoulder roast hump roast round steak sirloin steak sirloin roast porter house roast veal stowing veal front quarter roast loin roast veal steak at these prices fresh pork shoulder pork chops loin pork chops legs of pork roast smoked meats rolled shoulder half or wholo sliced cottage rolls hair or wholo sausages our own moko breakfast bacon lard 3 lb polls 7 5 lb pails 10c 10c 18c 18c 20c zsc 30c zsc 28c 15c 20c 25c 30c 20c 25c 25c 28c 30c isc 35c 55c ooc fresh lake trout on hand every friday fresh milk daily 10c quaut w jevans jbjn sh acton the ford garage has made complete arrangements for storing batteries for tho winter months batteries kept nt proper temperature and inspected monthly and kepttottjo desired gravity bat teries rechar ped or repaired when necessary advice free oxyacetylejie welding plant ah welding in repairs promptly and batls- wctrej paints stoves ttnwa heating lnsmrrning plumbing gj nwtf time volt require any we solicit a trial- estimates given prompt attention goods dr work d on wolc givori done in our line and all orders 50 feet of good quality 3pjy h030 complete witlibrtiw aozelo hosocouptlnc clarnps apd washers for 9875j an outfit ofthls- kind will help greatlytio bring along that garden keep the lawn green andkeepilwnduit rm rhr96 kennedy son main stoeet acton x havo added fresh milk to my line and will sell pure ftoli milk right on the ice at loo per ijuart custoniers muvt call for itl jw evans vvt end meat market 1b being installed- factorily executed our plant for general repairs l complete prompt export attention given to necessary re pairs to cars of anymakethe loiecldo htattinfijndjieliting eystoms satisfactorily overhauled n full line of tires of all makes and a comploto assotment of accessories always in stock l g king manager ji proprjpfop columbia gramaphones and records adamalqeo t tnaklna aimkiliuty ofcoluinblw inimaphdnuil anit itaoonl wliloh h wpi dnllvr promptly t your itopwi pianos any max a alobo mill b aetin call at th btora chevrolet jjr ii s wilson has ucourcd tho jjajipv tt 1 a s obvrolet motor curs dcmonilrnttoji ranged call and soo the now mpdd now cars alway hand bqwbr ave at 9 phonb j saturday treat wo wish 10 thank you for your appreciation of our efforts to sorvd you last saturday night our parlors were not i urge enough- to accommodate the crowds thegrcnt attraction was tho toronto hawaiian orchestra wo will hnvo them with us ugnin this saturday and we invito you to visit us often and hear this wonderful musical organization we servo neii sons ice vcregn in our parlors l we havo been selling it for thirteert- jiegrs anj we jlgly recninicnd if o you butikrnut roixy 27c lb this is a great favorlto especially jn tho sum mar a oft centre rolled in chocolate and chopped nuts reg hoo lb saturday treat price 27c lb weekend chocolates otc you should never be without ohocolates jn your home c3pecnlly w you c buy such hlg chocolates asiojic woekriorassortmenr reg 50c lb wknxspdatifa moorehead georgetown muton acton ajsviiisfak smiimmimmmmm

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