Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1921, p. 1

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j rorty sixth year no 4b 2 00 ihh ykab acton ontario thursday morning june 2 1021 im wurnrnod btatich single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev m mover pto ptrtomo- willow st ii u m mr j v sturm w flub jct true pymi ho 7 m tim rvlc will lw in till urn r the kjw rtli iumi you kr invited to the church bervlee and to the sunday befool coma knox church acton rev w l flrjolavjj a mlnltr i mane willow street a t mmliilniiir to thn general am uemhly will conduct iwtth m rvlne sunday lie i oft i 10 u mi mi trttl ea- iturv intttl 1 itm lvenlug hnrvlce 7 o clock wvi iiyvody wkiccmm acton uaptist church c k tvler castor 10 u m hun lay hoi tool ami blbto cutu j 11 u m the mini- try of helpful 7 p hi tim vlflh saying from tho cms vou are cordially invited i 1 1 i new advertisements wanted first ciukm hinih to rent for im- medlala posal u willi or without jnadili convenience apply 463 nox 44 vwcta iukhs notice to trespassers tba public 1 hereby noufled thftt hahlng and shooting are strictly for bidden tin our premise lot 34 coil s euuliig 47 3 scott buothkra bio bargain in motor tlree 910 each will purchase three 14x4 goodyear motor tlroa with tubas i tlreu end tnbn lu good condition i havo driven about 1 000 mllea aoh apply to day nt 41 1 icitem biucsh obitlca notice all persona having nociiunui agalnut messrs hllnman 4s wlnbonr con t mot or for l starkman inuit hand thorn in ut once the undersigned will not bo rcaponalble for any account hot preaented on or befora juno 26 46 1 l sta1ucman houses for sale brick house for 960 small do posit monthly paymenta doubts brick hnuae for ii boo on hum terma four store tn mill treat por particular enquire of it j ktffrr j lloaj katat agent bhoue is- iiower ayo acton pox meat wanted bhooe too any timb lr you have any young- dairy calvea to dlapoa l or animal with broken log ox anything uuitable for fox meat ilay for aale l also shorthorn bull and fresh cowl a number of good young own with lamb and a quantity of aioute and wet clotor maod blakiq vankattmr it h no 1 oonitow lot s con 7 krln j ho no sersl 43- tf sweet cream itwoot cnam may bo liil at my ntoro awry tumhihy thursday unit batunlay w evans w end mat market we are on he job to rondar a arvloo u promptly jwjtb ttinlojontyaaw5 can and a reoonabl u wo can under tho high ooat of material and rat as w handlo only tbo bnulno floury goods and ropair and wo don t knock v rom ruroley got our best cash prices if you have for wlo any itowt kcb hideo iiormohulr voathnrh all lunda of motaui and scrap iron or any kind of junfal cull ma up and i will ko to your plaoa at onco und raauro your aatlafuollon alex qilboord acton ont box 100 atjkoot of boltoal iaiio bring a your ttgaa to qllboord x wonderland ffllday 4mn outside the law surrlna- srhwllla dean and lon jhnciiy comedy uih and dry tho drat of the mfim of 1u1i itoomdoy oomoc ji 8aturpav june 4 to coat a aramounl nlo- turo atarrtnir vlolot llcmln comedy 9 flt w charlie chaplin vox nwb r tueaoay dune what happened to itaaa utrlnat uabol wormanfl chap ter 10 of ituth of tbo ilooitloa putho comedy comino tlie kid etarrlntt charuo wi in guelph a stimcnttoub sale of rugs this week at maedonaldb hundreds of brnnd ntjw nirs directly from the makers hoinuudcdjuimuiitfrsjlcittltordiuiimdkaaaciiofl irrroom nlzcs while hall runnerti an j hearth mats arc also well represented fnch rug is perfectly made and warranted to give tho utmost degree of service price reductions fully onethird to onehalf former figures which means that all our regular stocks have bxen reduced at least ono third without regard or consideration for losses in tho pricecutting and also that all the thousands of dollaip worth of new rugs embraced by tho tremendous sale have been secured from the makers at reductions ranging from thirtythree and a third to fifty per cent on former quota tions no such event has taken place in this part of the pro vince for many dean and every careful homemaker in acton and its viclnltywill welcome the opportunity to invest in mv floor coverings at tho good old prices of by gone days choosing in wido rnngo all the wanted sizes represented perstah rugs wilton rugs brussells rugs velvet rugs hall runners and small mas a wealth of selection individual salo prices too numerous and too varied far adequato quotation hero but if you have need of new floor coverings in your home you will find handsome savings in a trip to guelph this week d e macdonald bros ltd guelpirs leading and largest stork wyndhamrcarden and macdonneu streets guelph out always the same m y is tho quality of our soda water and ice cream that is because wo use only tho very best ingredients purfa cream fine sugar eggs and fresh fruits to haver our sodas and ice creams just try our ice cream and sodas thats all saturday specials we havo just received a largo quantity of jollies in assorted fruit flavors a very flno confection we assure you tho regu lar price is 40c saturday special price 29c wooffor you thlswcekavoryflnchoicofhaiidroljed chocolates regular goc saturday special price 49c assorted chocolates regular 50c und 00c per lb satur day special price 37c- h wiles mill street acton honaat dsalli russel1vs special notice j as tho remainder of our dry goods and crockery stock is u j taking up much needed apace everything in tiese lines rnmt be cleared out at once regnrdness of what t cos includinr a full assortment of glens floys and kdss overalja and qhirta groceries you will always find our stock well assorted with freati sroconcsrfuits andvcgotables ahowestossiblerpricea only two appeals at division court monday evening council ih considering appoint ment of new municipal officer and chief constable council tnut in roaolm aeaaloii monday nvmihuf itrawiit tho tloevc un i councillor lit ii corduier and denny tim commit too un finance paneri hi mlowlotf arcounta in their 11th imvort clanaral accounta huh rj laihl walka m churlum holma auta 34 00 iiffut atrnota and jhn wulka john ilcatloy utrlm and walk john qlbtkin htnwtn and aaka 1l o llrowu ltord at ilmlth 14 00 till to watarvrorka aooounta il nunti 4irulcom s119 00 n surta work bt pump 3 00 w v uoonoy taarvloax ts 131 mnptuno mfltm co on account 66 00 711 so tth luaahalltctub aaked for a aralit ill ranalr dlamohd at park tim hum of 110 00 trmm krnnlnd to bo apont underdlrvctlon of chairman of wrk commttuej p v lutchle on behalf of tbo o w v if roquoatad the privilege of tho town hall onco a month fro of chut tho mattor mm dofarrtxl aintll nt maotlnor tho lloevo nukoili that it la tiocoa oitry to tenshkq unotlier mun mtinldinl omcjrv and thought one could bo auobrfror slo0o per year wr lutd exuriiod hla wllllncnoaa to accept a reduction of oalary to si 200 if relieved or a portion of tho rnaim nulbllltloa now curried mr nttfr9moved and mr bell weconded that a mun be eniamed for fouy oa municipal offloar and town conntable ad thtd mr held a alary be reduood to tldo per moitui carried council bualnea balna- oomplotod 10 court of llevlalon waa constituted ha following appcabt were conslder- fd 1 toronto bull urban itallwoy ap- powlod ujiattuit ahaaaaniont of 1700 on lota h and 37 tho pmoutlon waa deferred until next kneattna x john ii watlmp appealod to have hla aoninlaw charlm joy en- tarad uu tenant granted thea ware all the nppoala council adjourned at 11 p m about 3 000 people attended tho victoria 10y ttirta- mm xaura olbwon itockalde ha returned home after pending a tew iku with her uncto tlev ix voater filnacoe a number of orton ladled gathered tokqthar on afternoon recently tar tho purpose of mnovatlnjf tho church tho work whm well dono and after vturd a pleaamnt aoclal half hour and tna wm held at the pantonaan the ihroxbytorlana of mlmoaa re- ntonud their church on sunday may ji thro waa a laruo turnout at the orulua narv ico icrln women u inatltuto had reoalpta durlaa the yar of 413 38 they have 340 68 in tho lraaury re m t 4jmlh and mua teroaaa hmithj who have apent the winter in collnswowl havo raturnod homo mr jurnr mocalif mid aon john of jcotbruard boak are vtaltlna with lallvna haru they reoort a ann tttook for another bumper crop in that dint riot t mru m ltownu and little dauchtem of clnvelund ohio are vlaltlna with hor itlater mm nuaaell qrupdy anj other friend a mr nonntth ilorlmur loat a valuabto horaa on haturday ul the animal tn noma way ot caught la a wire ece and the wounl dovcloped lock- awv advocate lltsar the mitaon orchnatra ut uuurchood a friday and buturday ntuhtn limehq1j8e ono of the happy home her loat tba wlfa and mothar on sunday vthen um lane vlfo of jonathan louio paaad away mrm vartti had wuitbred ktcutly from aplnal and other allmeola to aome monthj bhe woa the dauah trr of mr wm w hcott of the alath lino and married her aorrowtnf hua- band twenty- nine year ago three children jiurvlvel mra clayton xoi d wiiu nto john y treat kflti and neleon imiuom lloliert died thrmi vear no when hla twentieth year the funerajl on tueaday ufternoon from the home of edward marahall waa largely attend ed ttio pall bearara were wro oowdy a dobble c croaa it mar- ahull j hamilton and and row gob ble ulaaoe nellie and lieatrloo lune nnl violet and irene scott carried nowerm mr lauuo ewton of barn la wuu here on saturday in connection with the kale of the electa of the lute mua hannah newton the effecta wets dlapoeed of uut the property la q let oold c a branch of the woawnsl inatiluta waa orsanlaet hentrn oouple of weoka uo under the direction of mra oeo llavllt of acton the followlna offloera we elected i pfealdent mra r thrown vioelteaklent mra it jaushty ind vloewealdenl mra wm oowdy t secretavy treaaurer mlaa annie maiowell ulrectora mr- jan hoott mrn wm wright auditors mm jno ewlon mu k mlnq blatrict dtreotormlaa i nickel l j meeting will bo held toy trie ytlut tburoday of each month l tho ladfox aid of khok church i wlu hol e garden party on wodneg- fday l the iwrk 1 rl gregory h l c russell acton ont annual meeting aimllton ho national liberal and conaor- ivo aaaociatlon will hold a goneral annual meotlnb on thureilny june b ut 3 30 p h in tho town hall mltton addrcaace wrllt le dclvred by samuel charteru m p or anderaan m t and mbut conutaiico llouhon lvory altlaon of jlalton ih invited to nttend a cordial invitation la extended to the a news of local import- thlriaenth annlvaroary ceubratlon t if mooreheod la calnlntlng the thirteenth aniveraary of hut cotnmeno lng bualnotui in but four autrea at arlun brampton leorgetown and ullton on krtduy and saturday the acutn utoro hma been rnpuinted and ilmmirbotl tr the occaalon the funetlon at beverley ha the h in i evening nt beverley houao but thuraduy evening wua w mout tn- i lyuble rnnrtlon mr and mra gordon ueardmorn pxivwl tltenutelvee delight ful boat and hoeleau and royally en- turtalned tho mamten of the tennla club anil tluilr frleuda a pure white robin l t woak robio- with p uratei hlto fnalhurw wlta hatched iii u tioat on you htreet on the hit of mr w ifumi h it fiw wltout for u f w daya an i mr ltumph put it in a cage the ultln follow riled on hutunluy how evar an i thn novt i hlrdllng wkh hmt to rurthar vlnw inureeted in the home tewn a former eatemihl cltlaen now re aiding lu toronto wrllea 1 am vary muob pleaeed to learn tlutt acton baa at but troatod hereelf to a lung felt want and inatallod wntorwnrka we are a i way interaatod in hearing of thn good ihlngm hatponlng in our oil town t out that the welfare of acton cltleena band id to the f tre again it la an orgunlsallou that haa beii very much mlaundxmtood and an rely jnerlta jnore loyal eupport mm oeeutlfylno praebyterya surreundlnfla ltv kathar fhmklrow la gradually making tho luwiui und aurroumlliiga of rt jowiph a ireahytery very uttrac live laat year he had lawn and gar den all thoroughly cultivated and mdwl for luwua hedgoa ware plant nd and thl aprlng u dopbbj roar of tnuplea and poplara warn met in loat week large flower bed a were nudn and planted wllh geranluma and otmjr rreajlowarlng planta and the entire premleoii now protient u very attractive apnea ran on bend concert monday evening the aoton citlaena band under bandmaster coatall of geo rgc town will give their drat open air hand concert of tho oeaeon on monday even ing next the grounde at the soldlera community llouwe are being atruug with electric lights and tho a w v a haa kindly consented to allow the ueo of theae fine central grounda for band concerta thui hoaaan it la ex pected that conertil will he given on an uveraga of two a month throughout the uummer wgmmi irutituta summer meetlnge the summer serleh meeting of live women a inatltuto wau held at tho homo of the new lrcaldetit mra coo r ii agnew on welneulay after noon may 56 mlaa lmllv a oueut m a of toronto wail the apaaker of th olternoon her aubioct waa ltom ijndn knd to john ooroata atnoiuf tho women u inatltutea mhoj oueat begun by glylng an account of the neat women h inatltuto organised twemty nv yeara ago at stoney creek ontario slie told of how the work grew and or her experloncnii ovemeuw where ah waa engaged for u tlmo durlnif the var nrganlalng in- btltutea liar addreau wua lutoned to with intereat and wnu much appreciat ed mlaa itettlo lowry gave u read ing entitled the outlaw which waa well rveulved bpreenntlvin worn preaent from the bannoouhuru and umohoitae hraiichnm tea wan nerved at the clown of dm maetlng- the fire limit- bylaw cliuraoa were laid ugaltiht our oltl- mitu 1 r fulling to comply villi the i rovulone of thn wro limit bylaw laat wotttf they caino up for hearlnjr before lteeve ltarber und ii 1 moore tr m on friday mondng in three of thn caoca the defendanta admitted that they had not ooropllod with the by law a nominal lino of 11 00 waa impoaod and each of the part ugreed to make ho changes neceaaary aa called for by the bylaw in thvhipr caae tho acouoed brought evidence to provn that ha had placed an order for nm- proof material with which to cover hla building and would have had the work done eooner if iha material had arrfved titoahara ugalnat- hlnvwax oonatkiuently dletnlaaed ltecvp bar ber explained that there waa no dealro to be unduly lutrd on any cltlaen in tho mattor but for the uafety uf the property of the town aa a wholo it wau deemed wle to havo the torma of the klre i tmlta bylaw htrlctly enforced eaquealna s 8 aaaooletjon okotra at eauueelng sunday schoo con- vuntlon held in nerval the following o ticer were elected far thn coming year prwldout col ale noble norvnl lat vloo lrealdnnt j it komiudy acton ind vice broaldont itov v moyca qeorgetown hecretary treaaurr itov w l bavldaon ooorgetown aaalatant secretary mlaa 10 mua- donuld ilnorgetown t htldrene utvlnlon boya mr ber- ay ijlrd oeorgatown rl mlaa m bennett anton adult dilution hevb heuderaon maltaewrod teaclmr- tralnluabev j ii moore tleorgetown mlsalonary worman wrlglum worth aah grove temteranoe rbr wataon aoorge- town it wo agreed that the convention for neyt year ohould iwi held in thn preanyterumi church aoton severe pumahment la due it la report by a number who nt tonued the dance given by tho s m m club ih the towu hall on the night of tile twenty fourth of may thai n number of young men win a ton 1d were guilty of conduct which waa not only ungaltant but woe illegal and fuo i jardy in the extreme they took nr cracker into tho ajdltorlum of the town ual and act them off there in a moot roprehenalhle manner bo mo wcro thrown when about t explode ni the feet or the young laitlea- and naturally cauaed oonatematlnn it hi fortunate indeed that woma of tho young ladle were not werlnuaiy burii- 1 und indeed that tho town hall it wetf waa not ant on flrn theorackern- wernalao vxilohtd in the corridor and atalrwuy or tho 1m ii thin dan gertiuu dftwnan wan li glaring violation of tho by law foi bidding the oxploalon of nreworka within the municipality it la the plain duty of the uuthorltlea to ttov that thn guilty puritan arc hoveroty punlutajt for their dangerana home piny i lunly of evidence la rtval able the quelph offend ere inupector llarvny ita aecurml tho namee of ave or tlx of the mon who nlagruoed the noma of the 19th battary th nlgbt they via i ted acton to hold the dance another trip to guelph may give him the ovl lance neceaaary for conviction beautiful bloom prevailing the beautiful spirea van houtte ur bridal wreath which ia in full bloom hi la week on many lawna and in the nower gardena la moat attractive tito puro white oowera in great clua tort and whorl running cylindrical plume two or three feet long charming in ai pearanco church boae ball league organized on tueaday evening a church tal longoe waa rormed tbo loya under the aupervulon of mr c moor til octorttho ir mrictiraqnilq raw my vet uf rulea an 1 a achedule for tbo oaaaon which end on augui team front each uf the following ishurt i id wua admitted i reabyterlan uethodlat anglican and llaptlal theee four loam ahould tnake a vtry inter- tallng whedulu no player in thla um cub la admitted over 17 venn of age the boyu upon th oeaaon saturday morning with a double head or 9 00 ami reabyterlan v methodlat 10 30 llaptut vm anglican the plague of moequuoe nt t for a gunarailou have the mo qui ton beau oo numemum nor no viiitk ioun aa they aru thla oeoaon in hla aoctlon they appear in cloud in any damp alinity place and are unusually nujneroua oven in the open tlioy torment rarmnr and their teama no greatly that it la difficult at time to proceed with wok lii fact a fanner near here aald the other day he waa thllged to quit work to eecape the phtu the point uf tlnlr atlng aeema ulun to 1m more virulent than uaual it la thought that tho mild winter fav ored th ir 1 roodltig and waa the cauae of thnlr unuaual prevalence georgetown too quiet fa her tired of ufe in a amall town a little ib yr oil girl who had run away from her home to floorgetown arrived th ouelph yeatcrday afternoon to look over the liright light of tha royal city after taking in a movie ahow in the evening aha wandered around to tho y w c a where upon relating her etory one waa given accommoda tion over night at one or the y of tlrlauf home in the meantime her parent wore communicated with and who won aent hack to georgetown on the radial thla morning before iter departure ahe informed the lady who escorted hor to the train that aha oeri tainly could hot put up with the dull life la oeorgtitown and ah waa bound to get noma place where ahe could en joy mora excitement qaelph mer cury milton nearly white weened aoton the local bauehall ulna went to milton on saturday to engage the tnnin rfiprosontlng that town in a rrleudly came tho milton nine won rather oaully however aa the locale uppeared to havo an off day both in the hold and at bat thla much muat he aald 111 theh favor however they look their defeat without a grouch it 1 to be hoped that they got all the bad baoeball out of their uyatema on saturday uo a in be prepared for the league wlut it am from milton georgetown und ijmehouae george town will be tho attraction hero on saturday and the boyu would bo pleaa- ed if the olllm na would give th m thotr hearty mi p port they am all iimji boy and are prm tlclug talth- fully they art uure to improve and wilt liiukn lotm of trou bin for th other team haforo the ueaoon endii sv fthr feeny retiring thn bun ian star aaya announce ment ha bean mado of the retirement of bev vnthnr keeny from the charge of hu aukuatlno h pariah und tno ap pointment uf vicar general kolly of tho cathedral hamilton to the lun- ilu churcli father lmmy wua taken uerionaly 111 loat fall and though ho hu greatly improved in health hla doctor aaya it bt neceaaary that he huve a oomplute coat ttme rrom the hiaity dutlea in connection with tho ihtirch here lar a time at leant he will make hla home at the llouue of lvnvldonoe where it la hoped that the rest will ronton him to hla oil time vigor father foeuy haa hoen in the i rlettthood for forty one yearn uhd ha at a ti been an inde fatigable wnrafln the lnleroabr hla church und tho clmgrcgauona of whleh ho liaa had the uplrltua ovcr- hlght ha liu hud charge ot kt auguatlnum pariah for tho puut twelve year coining here from acton official vuu or d d o m to walker- lodga- recaptured r murderer at stewarttown norman garfleld condemned to hang todiy at woodalock fibeaped from caol wedueaday caught at btewarttown on friday afternoon nomiuti gorfliild whn murdcrod ben johnaon tho wood a tuck atorekeopor while attempiint to rub hi place on january 30 and who wag oentonoed to hangwl on june i following hla trial in wood- lock on mart h 11 e-cup- ltdtfmnth jail t wedaeoday afternoon of ut week hid hours of liberty were few for he wu recaptur- n at stewarttown u t it autlon about noon lual tvlday tlte etory nf hla nlgbt and capture re intereatlntf after breaking goal at woodstock uaroekl atole a car which waa nto i id lng on a atreet a pin of i lock tram the goal with thia he g t aa far aa the vicinity of ounilu wlicrn the gaaollne ran out thence he walked to burungton and by way of ln nle to milton waa in ullton thursday evening und at uflw store bought a hat next morning he ot aa far aa stewarttown rag atatlon and went in to reut and walt tat th afternoon train rrom hamilton to berrle while he waa there lira j a tracy and mlaa b applebe of stewarttown went he atatlon to meet the ll 40 train a atrenger accosted them to enquire the time the ncixt train went north as tho uma their suspicion were m l umused i ut on the way homp thny lulkml lie matter ovr and do rlded that the mranger might be gar nnld mra tiutey uild her buaband j a tracy luiqumliig township clerk upon arriving i ome he immediately telephoned chief of lollct vvancln mdvlllri at georgetown and aaked for a full description of tho escaped tnur- r the dtweriptinn tallied cloaely with thn atrancer hla wife and mlaa applebe bad seen r tracy went out at once to find und capture the murderer with a pair of handoufts in hla pocket be act ut for the autlon in company with walter lawuon and mr it a applebe though it wan nearly an hour after the women had met the stranger garfield wau lying on a atatlon bench routing wlien they arrived gurfleld wax approached by mr traoeyv he ogroed to go to qeorge town with them outside the little atatlon garfield made a break for liberty striking- applebe however lie wem overpowered and reued in a aecond ly the uireo men tracey put life handcuffs un to him and the mur derer waa uubdued- r law aon hud hla motor car on the road near the atatlon thq tnanac1 ed man waa taken into tlte car and hi captor drove to georgetown alt the way garttekl maintained a atony wllonce at georgetown wltcn chief of lnllttt melville asked him point blank if he waa garfield ha shrugged hi ahouldera and aald give me a fag the l reeoncn of the nacaped murder er in georgetown created great excite it crowd gathered about the town hull whale garfield waa put into tbo lockup arid tnotor care loaded villi intcreuted occupant arrived in town rrom all direction chief molvillo communicated wllh tho vvoodmtocl uuthorltlo add thay proceeded by motor car to georgetown arrivlua about rtve oclock the uuthorltlo including the whorhf of wood tor k arrived ut georgetown in the evening they then went to muton by motor car und took the c p ft ildnfght train there for wood took at three o clock saturday morning he wau back in ihn death cell in wood- utock jail awaiting hla execution which la to take place uit mornnig the f i ooo reward will probably bo illvlded amoiik the five stewarttown cltlxena who were uuccessful in iden lifting und na luring garfield mr and mra j a tracy mr and mlu apple ts and mr walter laweon il w jlro it h huhillton of gait b i o m of wellington watrlct no 7 tnude hi oltlrlul visit to walker lodge a v a m on monday ovtiv lug ttn occumioii wua un ov nt of much intereat fn tho unpuhi of walker lodge und hvlghlxiriiig lotlgna there wuro praeit tho following vlttltlng hrethrniit itro gikirgo murray scot lun w ltro j m how ml lslerboru brt flruwn k tyh r toronto bro m ullkey bro c 1c morgan bro w j brenpun llro w warfutlomi tor- unw llro wt la mllpji- coonrnne ltr j n newton georgetown w bro a ijuklimnn sudbury bro 10 cumplell bro j p bolefaon and bra it s hamilton gait following the meeting lu tho lodge voom tho brethren onugragatad at tlui lnrlh hall where rufreuhraenta were par taken t f a toast list and apeochea by those rem i lion i in muaonlo c i re lea followed und a moat enjoyable evening waa epent splendid astronomical duplay thu month there will be hn colllalnn between the earth and wlnnorkerm wuntt stated prof c a chant to botaruna at their noonday luncheon in toronto the other day it waa orst thought that the earth and the oomot would l on the earns puinn about june 10 but the earth doea not roach that spot until ten daya after the oomet haa gone but even if there waa a collis ion no barm would ronult efti it haa been dluiovered that comet consist only of luminou hit of rui thougn it ww thought at ono time that oometa were evil bod lee and cume aa bad omen und would do much deetrua- ton brof chant gruphlcauy explain ed hi lecturtron tho approach of win heokiira oomet with alldeo in the onurae of hi addreaa lin pointed out that comola ummlly returned und tlveuty had already lieon aeen on their return und forty tnora ahould come buck when winnucknra com 6 1 won dial dlacovnmd it waa twenty million milca from the earth m orbit now it in euul distant from ho eurth uu tho nun und on juno 18 0 nc 30 aetna people should jmo a nplundld din play in tho aklca t moorelieelh are oalehratlng their thlrtetnth anniversary triday and hatuntay llend their ad -3ariaiun-phkfis-c0nvfcn- tton special train leavea thla attarrhmit for vancouver b c with editor and thev wives thlh afteninin ut 4 p m u apodal train beak4ng tnanyeaatem publuhern 1 tlielr wives will leave toronto to attend th an lual convenlton of the ruudlau weehly nawapuikirtf aaaocia- tlon which to w held in vancouver on june 0 nil j 10 the luirtl li luudu up ot inriplmiril of tho weekly priu from nova scotia led ww hi imlalul new bruna- wlak qticlmd and onttl when gathered olonk with 300 or more of the wesuuni 1rovllioew member will con- wtuuttrjihe largoat pre gauierlng evfv httld in t ur4 in through tl a courteuy uf the c i the c n b mi 1 g t it a very flno pcul train icloil iullman oarw are furnlnlieil tho haetomer will uoo thla train on the entire trip itho going journey will he mado over tm canadian national line and tho in turn over the canadian badndt numerotia alnii will bo made ranging fit m three hiiur to a day apd these utnpa will include many important point in the weet on the way out titopu will be made ut wlnultog saakatoon kdmonton juupar 1ark kamloona while on the rl turn vlnlta will be made at lake loulae iland calgary fteglna bort arthuu at vancouver there will 1m much feutarulnmont and at victoria tho lieut governor wilt give a party in honor of the vlaitoru tho pre ifuln will reach vancouver at b p m on wednesday ith inst and will leavi lhat nlty on the 13th far tho return jouruoy arriving at toron to on mundity morning june 30 i social and personal mis myrtle bui wau borne from toronto over sunday mr wed mu mock wofl homo from toronto over sunday mr j c matthew visited friend in toronlo over bio week end mr churlem lkuiby of toronto vlult- vd aoton friend on monday mr frank llrownlng of toronto v tat ted acton friend over sunday mr and mr 1 m henderson of cult apent sunday with hon i hcn- deraop bev mr atlnduy la utlendlps uia general aaaemhiy ut toronto thla week m fan tau brmn iven iayi mo fro m oollege in toronto for the aummer boll lay mr j a lindsay and mis levo of tein vultod at j 10 gambwa during the week mr and mm w h speight of toronto spont tho week end with friend in tlte oil homn mr br gray and mlaa laura havo ixteii spending thn lost weak with friend in toronto mru w krick mr and mra sidaiarr and aon of toronto spent sunday with friend hare mlaa laura gray loft on tueaday for winnipeg where ahe will spend a few woek with her brother cot a c gray mr 11 lent mr and mra wuu lantx and mr led lautx weat tor onto apent tho week en i at mr g il iuitx mr and mr lemuel weat and mr buvld ityder of erin apent victoria buy visiting ut the home of mra tho by dor mr nd mra a fa ttrury of hamil ton motored to town on sunday and pent tho day with mr and mra alex bell knox mr and mra bay cook and chudani and mian jeaalo thompson attended the funeral of mr bradford brooke i may 34th mlaas m coacadden returned to london on sunday alter having apent the winter month with her aletnr mra walter ul mular mr and mr deoue were homo from vertrun or a day or two lout week tbay report mr alex bonad olighuy improved in health mlaaca clara and mario lantx or actoti vlulted at the home or mlaa connie wtutraoo over the holiday herald georgetown mr a mcklnnon c n b tie in- apector la upending hla holiday at k boo bunk ifann the homo of mr and mr walter b- millar mr wm hall apent the weekend with her alutcr mr jonatllun lane who wua very 111 ut tjmehouao at the homo of uru tsdward marshall mr and mr marry campbell maa- ter george und muu dorothy mr and mrtt il g kalaer uaaur gilford of toronto vlalted at j is gamble on sunday itev mr tyler pastor of the baptist church having com pic tod hla college co unto for the year 1 now upending hla whole time lu putnrul work on hia held here mru tyler lu aloo her um norma h 1 lumbert and her two aonu of winnipeg am visiting her fairer and mother- mrx and mra m miileun llower avenue mr lnmbert wnp hem laat week but wont to ot tawa on official buulnea mr w ii walker und mr bert hoot of anton were holiday vlaitoru in mitchell thla woek mr walker t former resident and met many old acquaintance a who wero glad t greet him jmittiholl advocate mr and mru m laldluw norval inotiuoo tin eniingcmeut at their youngeat daughter mabel may to hurold aorgn i yon ufljj of mr and mr hamilton lyons cheltenham tho knurr ago 1 to tuko place early in june 1 i halton reform aaaoetatlon tho uunuul moot big of the halton bufornt aaaoclutlon will bo held in the 1 w v a room muton ut 3 p m on vrlduy june 10 c b mcgrogbr boorotary lono bellvlce a8 railway men mr tudllori 1 potlno in your loat edition an arti cle m king railway bervtco bymr h h holme and hi father my fathijr waa in ecrvlco 3 yearn my brothi- hi and 1 myself 4 year tottil ico yenra wo all aerved on the hul uutatam itllwoy of bngland if 1 had nit boon disabled by ulck- liiiw i wu tiled to put lu 50 yenrw alno not no bid for one family truly your j tbiomas auiotopr- acton may 19 1631 reasons for the dalrv mar ket slump the fnrowu who milk cuwti for a llvlntf und othetii conuootod with tho dairy industry hnvo boon putting each othir on tho imck tblw lout fow motithfl lxuuii of tho relative sirens ahow- 11101 hiude i y dulrylng iluttur cheeao ind milk wro ull selling at higher 1 rice comiuira lively thun wore grain beef or pork thla condition wu ex pected to loat for a ouaon or two at least and then en mo tht ulump of the lout two weeka if blunt cnmery butter ha dropped obimt to per cent since april 30 on the former data creumho wvrm offering 60c to 44a a t rut uf burning uroum fob ahlpplntf ikiintjj now uteao buolo creamerlca aro urfeilng only 36c tp 30c u ih fat ami thu luurket la un healed ut thla low price cheeao hao not alumihml uo rapidly hut the price hu d ropd alx or hovdii oentu on eheeuo buird un i with cheoao uelllnk un primary markotu in tho ueuuod statu ut 13c to 16c there would eaera tu be u chanco thut price will drop huh furthor on thiy aide city milk producer too hnvo been obliged to tnodlfy their vler h to what con- utltulea n fair price but hecauue ot the organ lout ions they have not yet u uttered from the slump to tho aamo extent aa have factory prolucent tho treaaon for theuo ahar decline lu not far to ek the foreign market i demoralised the united states market will lie mado ulmoat lriaocca- ible by an omiitgcney tarlrf tlfe nuah proluctlon i hnw with uu and a largo proportion ofthn ttmko hiuat go into atoruge uifd atftruga men huvo not for gotten the bitter loanou of last heaoon when they put butter in tho cooler at u hlghor price and uoldthu tnoatox it ut a loaa 1 hla year tho cold atorago men will be oonnifted largely to tho dnrnuallu market y dlnponlng of held go wis anil being unable to gunge tho altuatlon atiurutaly ihoy will buy only ut u price low enough tu tnnko loaneri teem imikihallile tho natural roault linn been thareforo thut the ricea now being paid una uotually lower than tho idiuutlon warmntu and tho market nuy lfrntnon npproomhi ful lmily lleruld i

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