Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1921, p. 3

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lhuhhday juni 2 1031 1111 otiill fini8 or iuw-t- victory 1m v uaul thomi of hm whom l behind put up lliu tiwiiit mill win wu wt nlprhup tor lov of homo unmn venture junt for run hilt thoun wlm llvoil and did r mm rjoito to know um done 1 oiift lit we would lovn hi ull hut ivr hi our mind tlm imprint utuyu of chumm w loft tii lyu who bavii their live yollllg hlda there wolili ou well n ild union noer their teen ld uta- etl la i doulh 011 them tlumd right to thn ho now thny lie in flanditr mu in nl inpptu oer them grow whllut wn who aland before you now wouil try lo lit you know yin loved them tnr their hvm alnnn not rnr their likes or creed not for their mtittua on thlu oar but fur thnlr honest breed wn need mot talk of battle wine- tha whittle roil m ii remind ilut wi would think of no li uw liiniro unl lovod on km lert li hln it nuwhnro unveiled for v name of thcno who nerved to mind ynu if your hoya who wont uml those who kiaer re- lion d oulinwu airll 4 109 glimpse at canadas aotll cultural wealth tho a- table given la the reporiof- dominion minister of agriculture for tlm your milling march st wo place thti vulun of u the field crop in thai year at iiullalb 600 and the value of dulry products itt 347313i the number of horeeu in the country lu glven ea 3 st3t thn humur of ml loh cow a 3 mb 437 other cattle un c36h1i uheep km 1431 ttu and uwlne um 3 00070 except in uwlne thenn numlmr um ullghtly in udvunce of those glnn in the previous year und uwlne ure quo td um mort humor- nit than in 1mb ull and 1t a noteworthy ututement laathut in thrwt yur of thn wur tha intnorui war otltea wu hupillt under tlm liw- viulun uf the dulry hranoh of tha ilottrthumt with huy oat klld llour to th vitluu of i b8es 1 18 ririhiiit- intf 4blt0 tony of liny 74sm1 huuhnbi of oattf and sk4 78300 itoundu of rtourfor whlnli rproimaulyl4- 000 000 huhl4 of wht warp rquird anothttr tuttnnnt of poo 11 lntrat u tlit thn hvt stock that orn undr tlm hiiuorvulon of th ontoer of tha uarkata and intalllganca divulon of th llvo htoak 1 lru oh durlna tha your wuo til mctmm of 1 100 000 head valuml at ovr 1300000000 durlntf tha yeur slsftiss oundm of wool wara krariod by th branch for farmtra oo- nparutlva orvanlaatlona tha dairy liualriaaa in ahown to hnva dvlopd braatiy mwltliy in th tralru pro- vlnoaa whera tha output of rrwmery buttnr ha inoreaimxl in deada from 6478 104 llu to 36587ll tha th tuimbnr of publication lud durln thn yiar by tha i ttranch of tha lapahmnt waa 3 400000 ln- nludlnu 300 ooo rnarkat roporta a vuxt vurloty of information u bo in thn dprtinanuil report vrhtch d- tallx in li momprnanalv wludhreatad way tha oparatlona durtiur the yagr of nil the nx perl mental furou and ntattomt and all tha brmhchom and dlvt alonu and tha klw nia twentyfourth hua riu uiil hona k1ii my uvf wi fnjoythl lli qunonu jllrtlnlny in my furbok imiybimml duyit whoi mil- khlllrw lit uchool wu ulwuya looktnl forward to th twty- uu prlmn holiday u wabni ultoifvlli holiday nllhxr 1mcuumo w ulwhyu llul to holp with tlm potato plaiitlnp in tha fortloam if the wnaihor wum ht no fathor avor tinutd llli iwty li umtlfmitmt to work on th afternoon nfthn twvtttyrourth thai of tar noon wuo our roal holiday to uind uu w piouixhl lolu hahln wnx nl- wliya a twenty- fourth dlvufulon wlutil i wu a boy owry crik ar urrordoil hiutrt and apwklml autl bahira hut when thr wan u juni lllrthday d mo iut ration with call thumptauu kurnoa und uwirl and ore- wnrka ut liltclil of roiinm tho whole oountrynlda took in tit his programma thr itrovldnd 1 wol juat thinking tt th wsk or m ihiforcr tha twantyfoilrtli in th ou achool thw comltta holiday rclva4 loom ronmldrutlou than vudli wrttln and vithmtla uhd uiat nul vlotortan couplt tha twonty- fourth of uay i- tlm qiioonu lllrthday if you dont ulva um u holiday w ii ull run away nry acholaru llpa for ily p holiday of couruo hwlthar june wedd1nq8 etc tha juna bride thf u abw j it no lirtdairoom hut of oouro ha doa not out much of a rujur it la naturally dlfflcult for a juna bride to underutaml whero tho dlvoroe court got their bualrveoa front a mr cobb luuf married a klhul wnlib 11b know that they wwr meant to imi jolit uu uoon aa h apled her the uveraito lrl never haaru of u trunonctlon involvluif an eniiukmant rlntf without wtohlntf uh had a tlnser in it whan we read that the weddlhtf taka place quietly in june am we to lnfr that ntno weddlns will taka place nolally ut a later date 7 thoro may bo no more lauue of tha victory bonda but there will alway be the itonda of matrimony and tha opportunity of buyluc preaanta for thn harolo rroom and tha lovely bride o it shut himup ttcottluh humor recently remarked blr harry lauder la eeruhy dry und orlup hut i woj told a b lory over in tho united htatee which i think will injf hla tlrat walk up thn one atreet he encountered a young man leaning uajulnat the dour of u oaloan laxlly ahewlntf bum pretty quiet plaoe thlu wald the trainer theram a iutet over there re- lted thevllhurer atlll btwywtth hla bum and jerklntf iiim thumb tn tha direction of the cemetery have you lived here all your llfet aaked the vlaltor hoplntf to carry the oanveraatlon 1 not yet came the dry reply after that the utranser cave up taaohar ixar truatea ever thouuht of wlthholdlnic ximoii for lha holiday trom the yur l when kood queen vlatorlu wau frowned ouoen of the llrltlah icmplre thu holiday wuu ul- waya ulmwrvthl und loyally nujoyed ami it hum leen ull throu tha en- ermtlonm until today it did my old heart boohi to uea th boya and elrla enjoy thn twentyfourth laat week uury aald it wuw juat like it waw when our children wore yoking and ut home only tha 1ovh and airla now dont have nre nracknra uo freely a we and our chlldnm did hut then while tha niocrnnkera made ioin of fun und nolae it araduuliy dawnetl upon thoua in authority that they cauued tnuoh dumuee by flra and n eroua ancldenta to children and hor bay do you remember how wo were wakened up fifty or ulity yearx obo on the mornlns of the twentyfourth do you remember tha anns of the anvila down ut mike dpeluhfa mhop and at tommy olbbona uhnp about four oclock in the morning after the flrat chance wont off und besan to set uaed to it w thought it waa ureat for nolae then we could hear other wound like thunder away off und the old fhlku would tell um that wau the battery uulula by c none ut quelph them wajt tlio soul old duya a true point n little kddle had bbuo to htudy phyalolqsy and her teacher had lee tured forcefully abulnat evlbt of alcohol bo kiddle wu perturbed when elder appeared at the farm table cider lie proclaimed promptly la hart forib teacher uaya it con tain tan per cent alcohol w j well mold iter fatlier how do you account for the fact that ur jo who lived next door lived to be bund red and four though h drank beat deal of cidert u looked bad for jsddlea cauae but uhn advanced excitedly to it defence wall ha couldnt have been very healthy when ha died aha aeaerted i- t a qrqwino bargain home bf the rnsllah are quite keen on aovlng und bargain -driving- a the scotch tuke the folowlna caoe iou cant beat my old woman at gettlna tha mmt for her money said one kulatuhman she want to a market gardener and inatated en choo ing u marrow that wa atlll browing how much for this onet ehe aaya eight pence gaya he too mucii ahe aaya tthat the price of tbla little unt utoiirpenoe iau rlcht ill haveit and nhn pay frtr it on the apot then aba auya dut dont cut it now 1ij ciab for it next week s should nlkc up hib mind the newly arrived vlaltor front tho atlckn ntood at tho curbetone tcp- inff the traffic cop and nl aemupboro in coma bewlldfertnoril nbuyr- akda by cant that oinoer rnoke wn hi rrnlndt flrat ho aay stop and then ho uaya go oh that uier contraption or hbjn cant be doclde once and for luat week i euld wed take a look into falrvlev cemetery thin week you will rememlxir that i did up the old burying rrouud hohlnd thn old prea- byterlun- church pretty thoroughly u year or uo mto in theao coltmna wei if i hopa jnll wont oxpeot ina to go km thoroughly into the dotull of burial ut vulrvlnw 1oultlvely i couldnt do it my old lgu wouldnt carry me over tho huudreda of plota in the nineteen acre of th fine now oemetery new did i kuyt well uome old folk htlll apeak of kalrvlow a thn now cemetery but da you know i huva been lonk- g up tho record and would you belleva it t i thirty- five yeuru alnce blrvlw jemetery wua opened and what a tight for till alto wau put up ur dtorey und p number of otlieru thought the william hteel property which 1 the property now occupied by the cemetery waa ideal for audi a burpoee john wurren ehamplnned if opposition aguluht it thbi group favored thn corner field of handy uann farm ut the janetlen ef aeten trcjwroad und th ihjrd hue ujvu poinded upt umt he bteel property higher than a larger hectlon of the villube und the aprlnga there fed many of tha well and napeclally the well on ualn btreet which iium aupplle1 uo many famllle for year the water would lm eon tain ina tart uv utomy wuu ut the head of the council und u bylaw wait uuhmlttcd for the hotting apart und purchauo of the bteel property for a cemetery the bylaw came to a vote of the people hut mr warren mtrong op- poaltlon reautted in it duruut after a year or uo had paaaed the bylaw woa wu bm it ted uguhi und wlmn the vote wm tuken it wum aguln dafeafod nothing daunted however mr htorey and hi friend feeliiiir that the ulte propoued wa honeatly tha heat alto uvojubln hud tho bylaw introduced by the council tha thtrd time und thaneuhmlttyuo the elector for their third vote on the iiueatlou on thl third votii the ihluw wu utrltut ly u larse majority that wum over thuty five yeare b the inwusiunlng yeura have ahown tho vwutdom or tho people in endorulna thtalte we have one of the tlnoat camivrlex in turio und many noamldent rive ten and fifteen mllea uwuy have nooured family plotu in iralrviow i am ull ipatanca of the irony of rate it may imi mentioned that two of the moat prymlnont family plotu oemetery are thoee of the ute w 11 btarey and the late john warren und both thoae oombatahtm have for many yeura been aleeplnp in the cemetery i think it la very uufe lo uuy that the number of burial in lrulrvlew to dae will exceed tha prenent popu lation of the town a fact algniricunt and intarwtina i have lately come iictoluj ikikioiim of a errap book oontalnlng u uerlea of let ten by obucrver which were pub hubert in the fata pax thirteen or rpurteen year ugo which contain aoma very interesting referencua to the cetqptury und tncldotlw jtrrtffanrajit think they are well worthy or repro duction und iullo in line of the thmnepv lhi old man hau generally peon working up the fullowlna la oieof theaeinketuh- e and i thljik you will admit it i full of in tercet to u tn thane later yeara the intention of the council mi- nouoced uome time ago of expending a eoiuitdorablo appropriation on the rtimnfftry property in nniklim the v tranco wulka etc morn beautiful and nco1 will ba endoniod by cltlxena mnerally our city of tho dead la becoming more und more a place of feoort by fhoee who have laid uia i d of dopkrtod onea there and y thimie who though ipily mtrulinjrm havn tha kallowreellna whlii7cnaaketh world ukln the m la now ut hund when thn thought many will lend their tpa lhltbe 1 what lu blllitf to he done it would well to do rulokly nrhiipa our famlllurlty with thn j inada to lank if upprecluling ltd rth but thw tuhtlmony of ntruugr i that tulrv4ew ceimitory 1 u imuuii- ful liliw ami induvd ihey may uny mi h looatlfih i tipiiropfl- haltia uuh tly back from thn hlluy thui ouuhrarn h tiding to the buy town und yat immundlng an utiruo- iivm vlow of the town whoan uctlv- dntiuwii nr iieihupu all ino thought irun idknrdlng iho pluo to which all faut hualnithig thin thn nty of the luudhfupo affeot untl into tehut theue mwy he vloiiert urn imiiroiihlvti foutlirim tho untitly altp lug iirnu in front with tlm huah luvlno flunked y tho winding roed- wiy leitdliitf up ut the wouded iiuibihn lu lha htickkniuud fufm u nriwnitl of natural hftnuy whlrh ih ixlng liitonalflod by tuo buhiticruft of urt in the matter of iiirvrrt roiidwuyu v formeii turrnoo- und glauming hi tnciitu lly til tuiuiih let a gvnn amount he uxptnidert lu thu proper prhrvutlnn of llilu place uu u thing of itnuuty whlh may he hi u u joy ynyijf ey t ho u grave yard s ahhouul only wot apart for puriioun a little over twentynne ji uliu ut tha pant rate of lutnrnientu new ifrouiwl lu thn rnur will uoon 1 to 1m broken into of courwe u koo1 many relnlrmentu from tl cenutnry w m but the jumlter of funeralu to fiiv vt ry year la very lurgn and will uoon iiihojilut- oixulng out uddltlonul walk gnd road- wayii hownver the en tlm proiwrty in me enaubhfdi many gonerutlona lo come mid when the rear mirtlon com lo imi murs fully uad tha beuutyjlf th pluo will only be enhanced thn numlhir end vnlun of the monu mnntu erectetl horn would be mir prlalny if couiitnd up it i hunl to etlmnt bow many thounanl dollaru ure r by brwnlle marble and oth wn nutrlol f loved und lout and indeed oua would almoat wonder ut the um of uo much outlay when a couple of generutlonm pan them will fw to read the ln- acrlptlonu who will know or cure tt know anything of thaua whone nulnei um recorded and nil ii there ur many nil lor ytandlug them win endiirunnn muy im couuldared uu ul moat indennlte thn hearta ef uurvtv- lnf retutlve in tho rirut uenae of inaa often font that too rn licit can hanlly im done und yet poaulhly lu many inatunce a year go by may fool that the auma upent in those ooatlv nrlutu would perhupa have perpetuated the worth of the departed if expended in uome r other way it 1 however per hap u reaaonable and oenulble vlw that eeema of later year to be ablululng in many cuua of lining entailer and lea lmponlng grave to new which murk tha place and record tha name they am very neat and are coatly of couran in the burial plotii in wlrvluw uro found name of n ull the local famllle from town uurroundlna country the aemeteriea at churchill and dublin of contain many family repoeltorle for the community but generally upeuk tug a former reuldent retiirnetl would find enoubh unmet to call up many reco i lection of former day a without helnu particularly invldlou itefer- nnce may bo allowed to monument li plotu oonlalnlilff tha rmnlun former wellknown pereomt three of theae are in the front part mid not far from each other the other i on u beautiful terrunne on th ascent of the bill on the uouthweat th latter tat that of william ilealop htorey tha flrat iteove of the village of acton and thu nlheru of gentlemen associated with him in the flrtit council asa hall john bpelght and ctiarle troop hill the other member of that coun cil of 1b73 dr nelson mctiurvinj i believe atlll ullvo living lu uutte montana it may 1m and it would be un upproprlnta thing if it we that when iiim earthly oourae hau run hi remain will be hroughft to aolon uut hi mntumant lu already here in this at least t when tha matter of the pure hone of the preuent 1alrview cemetery wa umw oonalderatlon dr mnaarvln lutvlnif the property in hi hand donated th rear 13 a ore lu co tm oot ion vlth the aula of the front ii acre on hla laat vlult here which wua in 1001 he especially called on bis colleague of many year before mr ami llull oil being u couple of month after thn death nt mr c t 11111 mr w ir htorey eath occurred in 189b balnu u native of york mh i re knttlanil at tho hbo of 0 year mr john hpelght ulso a native of yorkshire died lii 1831 aged u year mr c t hill died tn 1000 uged si year being born in mow york rtute while mr aau hall u canadian died in 103 ut the very advanced age of til year lhue man urn thu noticeable not only on ucount of their hlutorlo con nection with tho municipality but lm- rauan theymuy im tuknnuanran-esen- tutivqof a otan of earjy citiaenu pioneer of the community whose lu- fluehce in luylng the foundations of moral and- general usefulness was very marked those who know beat assert that the early lauding cltlnen of tht place were men of integrity tempemhoev and general moral mx cellenca qualltlti the value of which lu too often ignored ollljlcrvkm olwervvha hugueatton with refer ence to the burial of dr moourviu the then murvlvlng member of acton flrat council fulled to materia hi the dr lived until four or five year ugp ha died at the home of hla daughter mrs ii b white kitchener mid wa hurled in the cemetery there next week i will nlve further mutter interest from vulrvlew und will again draw f win ohaerveru com ment m dairvdrecd record knort ni 13 of the ilvo htucu iruinh of thn iomlnlon lnpiirtmi nl f agrh ullurn contain the uncord of ltrfnrmunon tt for pwohred dairy latlln from april 1010 to march ii uj0 hutyoni muturo ayrahlrn vi rn reenrriad thn hlifheut record ba- ing 13 3a0 lha of milk cu1 ibu of fat u contugn of 4 11 twoatyfour fom roulu were recorded thn lilehent klviuk- lha ilut of milk 631 la of ful 4 34 per rent u fat of- thn 31 thrmiyear ohla reoorde thn lilgheat vlelded 13 dct llmj of milk ceo lb of rat 4 per cent ot fat of thn 03 twi rohla iho highest recorfl ehowort 11 007 lb of milk 408 ltr of rat 4 62 cent tit fat of hobtleln 70 of ma turn class were record ml huthet ihilug j3ht lha of milk lha of fat 3 70 per cent of futt 30 rour yar oldu th hlgheut hmg 2e 338 lit of milk k4h ih of fat 3 34 per cent of fat 63 threo-yeur- ohl tln hlgheut being 10 200 lh ol milk 117 um of fat 3 3 per rnnl ol fut 70 lwoyur oldu lha hlgheft imi- hiu- 3i7qg lb- of milk r4 lit of fat 3 be iter relit of fat of jersey s4 of thn ma turn obiaa were recorded tha hlgheat uhowlnif 13hh0 lb of milk 7b lbs of ful g37 pti csnt nf fat s fouryear old the bent lielng 11077 um of milk 003 lb at ful d 43 per fciil of fat it tlirmi yearold tt imtlng laogo lb of hiuk boo of fat ha3 ivr cut of fat 20 u yar ollu the l 0 3r4 uui mluo 4h utu of fat e 23 jwr cttt of fat of ithorthornu 311 of tho ina rhiu wro recordml tha hlghewt be ing 11003 ihtf of milk 483 lb nf fat lit iter tnl of tut 7 fouryearold the iteut being 13 utc lb of milk c43 lltta ttf ful 4 23 per cent of fat thrreyeurohl thf hcht hhowlnu 7240 thu of milk 20u lb ft tuu 411 ut- n nt of fat it twoyearold tha biglinni i whiff tun im ot miikpaaa ibu of ful 433 per oent of fat li addition tha following produced uurl cleut milk iil fat to uallfy but fulled to frvhlteti within it month after the romuieiicemeutof the tet ayrahlre mature it four- yea rolda o thrwo- yeuroldu m twoyetirnldw 11 llol- uuln mat urn s3 fouryearold 12 thryearoid 17 two- year- old 31 jeruey mature 7 fourynurold t thme- year old 4 twoyearold hhorthorn mulutre 3 fouryonrold m threeyeur old 0 twoyuurglda tlxtroliilon department of agricul ture wiqc and othettwlbt true riahcu ure houltli unit n pure heart and love of chrut and 1vo to mult and u vnrfect truatln tha uuataln ing providence or ootl and u cheerful uplrlt and a noble rharlty j wife tpleadlugly lm uf raid jack you ilo not love me any mo anyway not um well um yotl used to hueband whyt wife liecauue you ulwuy let gut up to light the tire now husband nohuouse my love your betting up to light the tire muke ma lovo yott all the more the auutrullun utute of victoria will erect an electric power ti bit ion whero it can uiiiiko u deposit of brown ooul nwllmatrd lo contain 1g0 000000 ton in an urea of about a uauurc mile one of tha reauomi given why many young man lu theae day ahnw utile or uo dlupoultlou to marry 1 that girl encourage them to upend their money on them uo fmcly that it la found impossible tn uave anything on which to begin houockoeplpg mium angelina to captain hiown who bad been cmuinc in alaskan wstura i uuppoho captain that dur- ins part of tho your the uuil doesnt uet till nulla a while after dark lu those northern latitude one of the moat miuploloua algtim nf tho day 1 hartley dowurttj extraoi- dlnary knowledge of natlvo wines leoplo we re uorry forthn lady who hturta out to do hor haturday uhopplng with a llvo dollar bill largo number of army blankets have been uolrt to oreoce by the can adian wur purchasing- rommlaslon i preuumeij they wore flouu ii nod the spirit op the aqe dont qo back i how many people wouldbe willing to utknowledse that ttiey itelleva it 1m had luck to return after leaving the hnu for some thl iig- they have for gotten t s bame popular aueralltlou can he expulned psychologically nd thl bj one of tliotn the pacholnglutm agree as to the lukd luck port of it but- may that thu bad luck oo us lata not an much in the going buck for the urtlole u in the forbotllng of it in the flrat piace this haw that you do not keep your mind uurtlnlenlly upoin the details of what you um about having to go back for that letter or pucka- jyou were to take with you i u aymptom of lack of concentration of tha mind on linmedi- blbtthiitnrn l ljok of concentriittpn on the li atant need or thlrbrf u unuoky thing will uppeur to go wrong ull ijay und you will attribute it to the fact that you went back utter your umbrella whereas the truth la that your mind la not functioning properly obeying order 9 wlhtrwin why bridget what i on earth are you doing with all tho broken dlabou on the aliolf t jlrldgvtf burn mum yx lowtd roe whom the guy that kept tha bar und laughed at temperance cranks t where lha tollgate baron who took fee and neer uuld thaltkut where the atttllfed profiteer who cornered the onmentt their puvce know thorn ho more theyve tudod they huvo went the people vote say liquor ahull no longer be tor uule that high road uhull be free for ull with neither uute nor rail that if mnt cannot lie wold ut u- roauonablu rate well utart a publlo plant eud luuv tha grabsur to their fate mo puss thl gnntle hint along to lha die buocatieerj the middleman commlaslon uhurpu und their legullxed comieani lnt them in mighty careful how thoyaorkrheir for the pqbllos eye are gctuna rather opened to tho nm und among the general maases the backbono of tha nation there u wldoly growing in terest in what culled cooperation j the times are getting rleky of holdup jt co and it look um though ul tnomvfhlblt plu u domin benroftlwttrlbnhave sot to-o- pvrmera bun one valid ube an united utsus axchuuge uum up uuoclnctly u ultuutlon on which we have recently taken drautlo utepa in ontario a plutol ha nnly ono purpose it uaya that i to ba uued ugatnet u man h unt a hunting weapon ifivett when used in tar act practice it 1 being uaed only to obtain proficiency in iu real use which lu to uhoot it man iti valid uee are in war and defence und criminal do not use it li eltbar but in attack upon society the munufuwur j of thl weapon ahould be stopped except the ov- ernmenl munufwoture th federal oovernment can make ull the platolm und revolver required by the miliary forces by the polloo and by uia ellt en plainly entitle 1 to u wealth of unlf defence the spell of quebecs roadside oven mgssebsk l uij- sisijj tki fra pliakssk jsobomp luatfujfc bkkjpip bbbbbbbbbbbtv imlbi babbibm9gsflahsqamaiifl spiv iii lllmjww aqubaa roadalde oven ily tourttuyc pit no hunowlfo iii amrrlcii lu uo in- dfpi udeiil nf tlm prlio nf noul und oil uu th huhltuht wninnn of qneboo with un outnt door brick oven ut hor beck mid rait i bean roiululrtiinvu und nnltody kuowu ixurtly whnt whim oi fancy puuuiuuiud tu qiiiilircuiiola mind for carrying bin linking uppunitiim uo fur rionv honiu liuhuu it wuu four nf tha roaring tiro which mimt ho ant up lu ordnr to bake thn largo quantity of broad iincemiury to till the muny inoutbu nf the uinndo fumllle urn not only luiuhnarku in quahco but in dication of thn habitant houuewlfn houpliulity they uoem to uuy to thn puuuerby now you know you uro lu quahfec and quehc 1 ibu land of homamuilo abroad mul oul ifln- irnu von tor a more vong maduine will uut ynu homo thick ulloeu und brlnu- out u pltontr of rlillk oul the grund ovon lu undouhtftdly tint eymbot pf quobeol there lu l friendly look ulhtut tlwio old wiiyuldn ovnnu which urlueu out of tha fuot that they ure tmula by bund und jit lu perfectly with ihumuitdficapa uml thn unhvma of life in ganorul olitulnhlg in tliltt province uo promlnuitly tho in ml t tho homn- nuulo in many month of tramping in qiichoo wo huvo iiucouiitorod monro of thnun oven hut iteoaiiuo thny um homomiiila each oua lu different loach urchltect it it i id lo uult hi own fancy or uluo to oomo into tho pouslbll- itlnu um lo ubapo and ului contulnwl in the matorlnluil hubd leak ure over come with umiidgou of pi aid or und udded oauta ot wliltewali till tha oven oflut reunmblnil a frouled ruko or nlun mi oxtr roof lu ullomptcd willi bltu of old ltoard und thou thu oven riiunmhlnu uomo tjuour lltlli lualuon ti dollu houuo for thn f hlldren to play in or a large uounnl ftir lo chlmi ihut diuwu thn lllttu carl himliig thojtfl five in for thn flrut time you funny youruolf uome whero lu thn old world hut then utlmllwr fancy uoikuu you about everything- in quebec which in utmouphera lu ull foreign and illrfnrntit on ull ootaulonu nvui lu the lustier of llieue ovtmu qubei lu juut horuelf it lu u queheu lotif bskd horo and hot tho utuo brcutl nf irratice nor yet it yurdutlnk iuut a four or five pound lout that will cut tho bninmuu alien thut tho child ut play or gnrcou helping with tho hay toil uutufuctloii in ilinuo oveuu along thn qtiabon load- ulde uluiid for two liuiwrtuut fun torn in our national ut they utnnd for rurul lift for farm life and tho davol opninnt of lha country purlu and they uluiid for fainllyllfo without which uttompl nt rural devuloptnoht have piovcd vain ihe woniun o qunbna uro umottu b niout hard working women lu canada and among tho niout contented given u uttlo bonus with a ourved rant u thfy bul- rony and and ootofdoor oven by the rouduldti your bubltunt woman uuk llothlng mora of ufa nxcupt u bout nhllilroii to eat bur broad lcvory duy muy no baking tluy for ull uhn annul with grain growing in hor own nolil for flour and un ovon of character ihut can ulwayti o utretchod to bold unoibet- louf looking forward to the fall paihb ihlmll you exhibit iho annwer lu that mvry forward- thl tiki nu farm wo man inclining ut luaut the looal fair in hor plana for tho yoar tha wholo uolnntllla world proveu to liu that thortt 1 no much thing n lunk ltlven fn the world of invention mop do not watt for inspiration ut niako dlucovorlou but when there lu need far uomathlntf now they begin nt onco to figure bow it run lie uuppllod thn manor nf prutatuklng ut our provincial nnd local fair lu no mntter nf luck but of good plnpiiliig and hard work uiirt letoriulnntlon not to ho boaton now whflo tho ohlcku aro tluttorlng out of thu inmiliutors while tho culvou and plgu mul coltw uro tumo tnidor tho hand whlla tha g anion lu yat in tha utiigo where cultivation und euro halp n whnla lot hi tha tlmo fm thn farm woiuun to iimka up hor mind wltut and where uhn will exhibit tho exhibit in tho try um out hold the plnco whom cvoiy limit und woman nnd tncrouulng iiutnhtiiu of hoy and girlu huvo u cbnnco not only to uhow iholr piottto hut to provo what can lo dopo in llold and uurden und yard und to bring up the whole axandard uf production kvory year tha uumhci ot wpmon axblhltor liiorcnsob muy tbotr uum- lei tllln yeiu fur ouluacb ovorythltiu tjiut luuf ikhtn oven ilreutnod ulwutl alio wuih juut oxiirouued lu no idle oiiw tho puhllo oxhlhltlou of what farm woraoii uccomplluli lu one of tha bout aducatoru of farm woman of which wo huvo knowledge ono pur- foot cuii of fruit ono perfectly do- voloped cockotol ono iwrfoctly mudo garment hold h0i of uuggoutlnp and ill rn lion when vlowetl by tho man who tlnih fni buu not boon ublo to quito make tho peifoct ucoro thai a tloxen prouabluoiitu rumllolwltirthooxhlhllmrlirtmb tloual vuluu mo thn doinotnttititlotim in ouuiiiiih bnklug und uo forth now uo fraiueutly conducted ut our fair not by trulujd leader from outside tha unity but by the woman slid boy nnd girlu tbomuolvn an ex hibit pluu u demiimtputlli to thecal uervor who reuhy wultes toleuhifhi worth tu printed clmttei olt how t do tbeuo thing the very act thut you have th knowbow mean that you bkvo u dollnlto reuivonulblllty to put your knowledge within tho reach of your fellow rurmwomon who huvo pot hud your npnrtuitltlom he had once upon u tlm tho btlllluni wit of thn bar looked ut the farm hand und winked ut hi friend hmvd you ever been muvrlodr he begun yea htuininerod lit urm hund onct whom did you marry a woman air come my dear mall ul in tha witty lawyer of court f yominurflod n woman did you ever heur of uny- ona marrying a munt voueu uw my uluter did hen composition a uchool girl wa required to write ubout 300 wordm about motor cur oh nubmlttetl the following uy unole itotltfit u motor car he mb out riding in oio country when it bunted going up u hlu the- other 1b0 wordu nre what my unglo bald wjioa he wua welkin buck- to town liut 1 r you wouldnt want me to repeat the m vjr yaar mother groves worm icxtcrtnuurtor t ranked roll able tmairii uuro mum yes hishi mo wwmprepuratlon wna it ulwoya rosin ol wua totajoaoe veiyoaw ol broke talnu tu reputation savinq lives bv seconds a lightning riurgionto uuo tho tltla onufmrod upon hllu by iu oo- louguiiu i ut work in one of tho groat london houpltalu ii lu tlmo or u normal case of up- peiidloltl for inutunco 1 ux mlnuie from uturt to fluluh of the opo ration na ugulnat lha nftiven minute reckon ed gootl time in the profession gener ally thl ipilillu uu enormou dimi nution of the ordlnury rlk run by the uuhject uml n iorrehpondlnguoreuuo in thn ohunue of recovery mcoruoly luuu udvilulagequri ut the leuuoplnu of thu htntllt of huhieiiho which much lir- ovltably be endured by ultaiit liuruoa und other present thoue coiiulderiitlonu apply with nvan more forca in tho oaw of opnrutlou protmctud nrdlnurlly to tho extreme limits of ii patient endurance la ting peril pti two to two und a half hour mocond uiived in uvory manipulation of these more intricate cnc omoimt lif tho ukurogtitn o il totul whlnh presents thn dlrforonou imtwutm ufa und deutb thu wholo bilulmihu uuy tboua qnull- llid u know bent i n inuttei nt ttl- mout mlraouloum riuhltmy of tba tauh- ubpio of thu knife what he pound a mlnlttlot who guurded iiim morning ntudy ho it vry carefully told thu naw maid that in no cllcutnutainjeu weru oulleiu to bo udmlttod except of cauruu hu utldud in a ciuto uf ufa anil death i 1 half nu noil late the maid knocked ut hie door a uuutfvmuti to uoo you air why i thought i lojij you inrfovirffn ha i to h uha ropllg wu uaya ttn a uuoujon of llte and deutli bo ho waul down utnlro un tnsuranoo agent no savings v account too small dont think that be cause your first uvliura ilepoilt may ba utnullthat it will not be welcomed in iho luuk nf nova scolla a saving ac count moana a now po- tenll il cmtoincr it u iho boclnnlna at what may bo tlio fomulallon of a valuable account later on it is tha youn mans tepnliitf alono to u utuj- nesa career tliat l why thoamalp cat savliurx account 1 valued in iip the bank of nova scotia w k graham munaoer acton in the supreme court ontario re coumsh mecoomba vu crlpp jui6inrsiueofands ruruuunt to thn judgment und lluul order for haio made in thin gauhq and bearhiif duto the 30th day of nnvem- iter 1dj0 there will lm unld nt puhllo auction with the uppivul of wm klug- uton kut k 0 muutor of till court at ouelph by mr it j kerr auctloii- er nnpoulla the premlunu on quelph rtreet in tha vtllago of hoakwood at lha horn nf ono oclock p m on llat- urduy tho eighteenth day of juno 1081 tho following laud and preinbku in oho parcel vu loth id 30 und 31 iii lllnok a in tlio wcuteru division of tho village of itnckwond thl property lm u fimliigo of 13s feet on ouuloh htreet 3s4 foot nu lu- kermuli btroet and g feet on halo- nhivu ucljul tit to ur orootod oi lot id u framn oottugn uomathiin oo- nupud uu u month ly tamint by ono fugle who lu htlll lint tho pluo mid tin lot 30 n hittull barn und ull tho lobj ur luhi out for fruit tree rwhlch thorn urn ulrudy u nunlnr und wnfl udupted to oltbor bulldlitg or gitnlou in purpounw the proimrty will lie offered for hula in oiin block uubjoit to a rouorved bid to ha used by the mauler ten per cunt of iho price muut be paid to iho plalntirr uollcltor on the duy of uul und tha luiluuoa in thirty dayu without intercut when tho pur- cbuuur wilt bo entitled to uu order of thl court vnutllig huh luudu in him free rrom encumbrance 1ouuns- loli will ho given on lipyntnn of ho full piuclinho inonuy in ull oumr rnmihiols tbo term und conditio tit of ualo will ho tlio utuutllng noiiilltliiuu or the huprelno court of ouluhlo i irtirtlmivpurtloiilurii tun ho liutl from if n rurnier lu hmiitln bollol- lor aotou onlurlii or tt uuld muuein ailloo glinljih dulml ut gilolph tblu iwuillolh day nf muy a d 103 wm kinflhton loutl muutoi ouolph k karmor lluhttlrftt uollcltor anion out 11 tba plaintiff u uollt uor bus roiiitlvud written litttti uotlonn from wilttun carl lsuq tbo owjtor ttf lot 22 in uuld 1luii to uluo offot thlu vacant lot whlob 1m lu thu lour or lot id mpl of thu auma uuo uttd dlmcn- fitoiu for ualo ut tbo auma time mid ptueoat uv thlu lot which fronttt on ilulacluvu btioot will llrut hn offorwd nlong with nhovti tbreu lotu und will if not noltl txi put up for uiila nnparnlely on uamo term of ualo 48 b what ib anatomy illll il girl down in i thlx tpkittloil a lilt l lieu lloult lit i witthivito foil hotly it 1 dlvldtd into ihmti purlu iho hold tlm hht itntl tho iitiiitnutck i hn hnld holdtu llm ukull und tlm hiuhiii t lluy i tiny iho clttilut hoi- iho iii i und tho u ho tnlrillu und vow i ti uml u und noun tlnipu w und y uid xildeu bfillinq the bfanb riiuimy- muy i ntuy up u lltllo i thl wtlnt ilo you wuut o nitty ip fort to ii iiny i wunt tn mm ynu uml mr hi ii pluyliiu ritritu i not going oronn hut to piny ciirdii tioiini loiomv ciu yen you ore foi i litttid inuiuiim uuylng itt plliql thut ev rylhbuf tl pfiidt il on tho way hi whli it uliu pluyttl her tnnln lo uluht i w tied buld tha hltiipoutd the undafe for anqelb th jiilii- in tlm wild mid wotilly w nl intel id t lu t ul hut ho would nlop iho iiiiliiir of ilnuiinu hi the utriinlu 1 infill htni uppnari il u lough youth tliuiifiil with utttlng d uml illlhl liht lovol iitmtt i ivi ilolllilll mid juiluo mul you i hoimi t oipui i fin lm iirlnoilei my client did not lift uuyhtwly wjiy you udnill hn llil iho ulllit vu hut ilo itrtd it into iho ulr i itpluhu it iho lawyer flvo dollnrn uml t ottln mpt uloil thn jiulgo lm plight hove uhol uu aiiu that requires patients a young phynli inn tnlht uu thut being nblo to put ih lu front of om nuinii it only hitlf tin httthi tha other hulf hi to bo iihh in nut lr after tha imnm of tilliti poo1o houtou iruiimilpt v fivedollars and worth itfj more than a razor figuttu the cost of tho e pa rate and expeimlve tropplntf device eold with an ordinary gxfety raxor and you will find tliat ihe helfetropplna yslet autustrep raxor i a bargain at 1ivc doll are alao you will aave more than five dollar in blade in your firat year your rakorva atrop and a year gupply of blades are comprlacd in your fir it purchase the yearly waxte in blade with a nontttropplntf raxor 1 greater than the total cost of u velet autosirop rssev you can huy a new valet autostvop ruxoir every year with a portion of your uvlatf in blades jkmxor uttop tad ti budem la assortment ot caxey 00 tha let fancy acfx up to ttsjso utastrop razor sharpens itself autostrop saiirty razor co umunl tnreulo cuuil choose the choicest in uaultary phimhlug eoulpuinnt fromsoiir utock to tint to i in your bathroom luvntory wuuh room hud room laundry kitchen etc it doon not imi to buy uhik tuhu wauh haulnu or other uuah oaulpmoiit utileeu tho enameling or poroalntn in nf kuprme qtmllty and miinufticura wo w f mooney a0ton out all spring hats at reduced prices to make room for oursurarrierstyles nellie 1v1v stockf ord acton gueuh blona easy walking i imporutlvu ftir tho muu who pnitho the hi on tor part of tho tlmo on hlu foul llhotu built on tbo proitm lout mmlo of bikmi loutber thut it tho foot uhould bo tukou cmo of huvo nu fix up thut control uiblo old pair our olioo uoiulrhtg renowm thn ufa of your hiiooh routoro thulr uuiruhniuu uml muumi comfort economy ami untlufunthm i you do not forget that we on fry m plratcluha line ef bhoea for man and bbye mill st acton wecjcjing invitations and announcements z r iiib pkfb lkess has just lipcrivkb anhr placbb in stock an assoutiwent of 1 hu a tbs i weeding si atloneity ok0ehs prqmptiy ano skiliully lxrcu1ed m the free press acton

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