Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1921, p. 4

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rcuiliwvpirrw2t i sty artott 3xw fcfl0 dom wblr wwppf a i iftjlthdav j un 10 2 1dj1 tkf acuw illlf u i- iiltluhetl erj ttniriday nurn his ut 11 llitllhnj mill mit arl hi onltii th- ut m ritli it i lj tr hi ailvant i una in rliaud 1uui ti iflrr iii urili ml ilia ilti lu wlil li tut tttljmu u m isli mi ll- mi ulxl alkvl iuiin karijvoniinl lvllew ib crnl p it p uoouy kdnr jj tetvllionl-i- af m t f editorial and it in like thin in canada a uihcubjioh on tho rights ot the press in time of wur lias brought out in england tho admission thut her press liovctr published anything it wua requested to keep fccrot und that what it printed of its own nccord wnn helpful to the cauio of the allies fliis as tho montreal ga7otto well nay a is what was t have beon okpeolod hioy wero small men with big ideas of their owit importance who thought the news papers would botrny tho country no technicality o thwart the peoples vole as a result of strong representations from tho govcrnincnti of tho provinces which have- declared for- prohibition through federal plebiscites the gov ernment at ottawa hat in contemplation the passing of legislation providing hat no technicality shall be flowed to invalidate tho result of such plebiscite and safeguarding tho will of tho people from the effect of errors of u purely technical character this is surely a reasonable proceed urc it would he a con temptible outrage to permit any mere technicality to thwart tho wish of the electors so overwhelmingly oppressed by official vote in tho various provinces ontario gave a majority of about 170000 which is tens ot thousands of votes more than was ever accorded thejnost popular government ever elected in ontario tho peoples wishes must prevail equality of soldiers recognition at tho annual gathering of tho g w v a at brentford inst week u resolution was curried ro- commuiiding that ull men who served in tho c p uniform for three montlm or over mid received honorable discharge bhould receive the general ser vice imdul unci not a bpcclul canadian medal as suggested it whb felt thut it would be injustice to thoic who through no fault of their own had to remain in canada tjhouid deceive it while those called up under tho military service act and who left canada just previous to tho armistice became entitled to tho general iarvicc incdal this magnani mous view is certainly creditable to tho members of the q w v a how france work it out heros a bit of applicable truth applicable in canada as well us in the united states from a chicago financial journal trance was dreadfully torn by tho war terribly depleted financially by its expense but what do we sco now two years and a half after the armistice her people are able to invest 10000000000 francs a year in bonds theres a lesson in thrift in saving in resources for the whole world if wo had anything to compare with it in america our prosperity would bo tho marvel of all ages our inonoy power almost beyond computation but franco has not been spending billions for luxury since peace came to her shos been saving her sous while wo hnyo enjoyed scattering our- dollars and they work in france f how keglna does it the region leader notes an interesting new idea which bceuis very well worth while tho public library board is arranging to have placed in the vestibule of uio public library a daily list of whats on in koglna this is a courtesy to tho patrons of tho library which thould be much appreciated it is also a courtesy to those who are- more directly in terested in tho promotion of tho citys various ac tivities which will probably be availed of to the full theres a little booklet this week in toronto pub lished in our neighboring city and distributed regu larly through the hotels for tourists use tho tor onto publication however is a purely commercial affair and seems to lean rather strongly to theatrical advertising heginas plan seems the hotter one britain can still teach tfaem i onco in a while united statcscrs wake up to tho fact that they still have something to learn from the old land witness this tribute to the british system from the now york world little noted abroad be cause of anxiety over the reparation issue less noted even at homo than it should bo by reason of the coal crisis the british budget balance is again a feat of constructive statesmanship worthy of the highest ad miration to have estimated the total revenues in advanco within onehalf tjf 1 per cent is a feat suf ficiently marvellous in comparison with the haphazard calculations of albany or w but the wrestling of a surplus revenue of 020000000 from the fiscal confusion of tho day is tho final test of mr chamberlains work ut the diplomats settle it th i to whether it is actually renewed or denounced may well be left to an understanding development at tho imperial conference in june it is not a very good reason j however for continuing a treaty that it is likely to bo harmless tho point of contact between britain and japan was tho existence of a germanic world polioy which threatened them both this has disappeared and if the treaty that was the result of it disappeared with it there would be nothing in this to disturb the friendship between great britain and japanr there are a number of taxccllent reasons why the british empir as a whole should keep apart from japan not in any idea of hostility tut just through incompatibility to counterbalance these a treaty wouiovrcquire bpeclflc reasons of the weighti est character for its justification i france vs germany the new york tribune propounds a question winch makes one think a littlo more sympathetically with the french in their postwar demands if france had done what germany openly proclaimed her intention of doing it says the french would have taken possession of all the german railways caiais7f0ristwarchouse37coal iron mines- fac tories business huildlngs and oven all agricultural land tho german wishing to use his former pro perty would be compelled to pay rent to tho french owner to an amount that would provide for the pay ment principal and it t crest of tho 50000000000 indemnity this was tho german bill in 1017 after only three years of war a year morowould have further lifted tho total with franco and belgium as hostages there would have been practical con flcotiou for german benefit of all tho private proper ty in bo til countries it is not strange that it is difficult to convince a frenchman that he is hard and vindictive toward germany enforce municipal bylaw it is the clear duty of the municipal council while in office to see that tho provisions of tho various bylaws of the municipality are enforced whether tho by laws havo been passed by tho council in office or by their predecessors violations of all such bylaws as tho fire limits bylaw the bylaws against sale of tire crackers the prohibiting of driving over boulevards and pavements riding bicycles on the sidewalks animals at largo or being tethered on tho streets the use of profane language on the streets tho dumping of rubbish and all other by laws should be punished immediately after the offense has been committed had this been done no such charge of discrimination could be made against the municipal authorities as- were expressed at the trial for violation of tho fire limits by law last friday by citizens who were charged months after their buildings were erected of infraction of the bylaw when others were alleged to have been over looked prompt enforcement of all bylaws will ensure greater respect for the bylaw and for those who are entrusted with tho powor for its administra tion why do ministers son 6 al ways oo wronot bom una with a tunirue ion enough to mitahln him to hit in tho parlor and lick a skillet hi tha kitchen a bom jon might y onoa asked thu nuta tion snd n good many oumnt have asknd it sine in a recent editorial llruc halton maid on third of the minister eon go wrong- onethird drift around in between and other third rule th world mi- ftoger w babood tha economist ha something rather mora definite along- this lane jio nay x few year i made- a study of the head of hundred loading industrie of america those man urn all multi millionaire and the leader in their industrie viva per cent of them are the son of banker ten per cent ot them are the sou of merchant and manufactures twentyfive per cent of them ere eon of doctor und country lawyer und over thirty per cent of them are th sons of l reach r whose mtarle did not averag 1 1600 a year there are two reamm for thbl in the rtmt ilc the minister never neaioat the tnlndu of hlu children in tha mwond lilaoe ha never no lee i their moral tha voice editorial notes tho former kaiser says hfs people deserted him and god at tho same time it sounds impossible cleveland news flooding british mines with water means hood ing foreign mines with pounds sterling strikers outrages are always harmful to tho perpetrators so far look where they may and experiment as thoy have no person has yet found a successful sub stitute for an advertisement in a newspaper some of these people who are always so bitter in denouncing uphftera are heading for a place where there wont be any will they be happy then the records of the recent referendum vote show that only 10 out of ontarios si electoral divisions gave a majority for liquor tho dry majority now aggregates 175060 as tho prices of food and clothing decline in great britain wage reductions promptly follow t is a v natural and logical result the wages of over 350000 workers thero were rcducetttho paafj month a few years ago the toronto world was valued at a million dollars a fortnight ago it was sold for jtrsong thatgivc3someidea of the strain- imposed on newspapers by tho conditions of today or ulia packet winning tho prix deurope in canada is an event jof great importance for tho winner gets a two- year course in paris and a cash prize of three thous and dollars this year tho successful person is a young girl miss ruth price ofquebec international dairy coh- ore8s there u urohuhly uojnannh of arl- nulture in which canada ha made more itragrn in rocant year then dalryinr an opori unity will he afford ml next year to let tho world know how far tbi i the ee for in th summer i to be held at liluo 111 hi bvenui international alry con ere at which there will 1m ureaent omcialiy appointed rprutatlve rrom thirty to fifty different oountrle at th lth oonaree held at item hwltkarlend in ith mr j a itud- dlck dominion delry and cold bur- oc com in i mi loner wa canada re- proanntatlve it in on a total of boo deleaate reproaentlnr twentynine oountrle or state the aonjrreaae are oritanlned under the uuaplce of the inur nations i dairy iteration of wliloh any person intorested in dairy ing- corporation or aaocatlon coil be- imunn a member on payment of th annual fee which t present twenty frulir i per ara road ttt th con- ureo and th report are published lit bnluih krench and two other lanxuaae already mr ruddfek 1 ureaed by authority of the dominion minister of agriculture in preparing canada representation at next year ooucres in chlnagu and a committee i beln fcirmed on which the heads nf thi ualrv branch in every provtno w ii lie invited to act thla commit tea wilt nrranee for the uunatlon j be tluiind and tlin paimr to be redd bn far it canada 1 concerned a pamphlet will also hi prepared and ilutrlbutwi nmnns th dalekute des- rrlptlv of th dairy industry in mil country it iw further proposed to vtablh in connection with the oon- krm it bureau of information at which fact will l net forth reaanlm not only dairy in- tri canada but arlcnl- tlira generally und tha manufacture and resource of the country in addi tion luafleu will be circulated mur- ctln itineraries for delegatus who mlaht ilk to vult canada before ru- turning home dominion department of agriculture if we could what if a man could remtlale uiti weather in whouo hand would ho plm o the control and not a utuylna result i tho cities could got uloti with a limited amount of ruin if iho ruaur- voim holdli a uiolr wutoi- uupply wer nut affected the wheat ktower would want clear mo when hi neighbor the corn grower would demand heavy rin ona commuter would pay for n nhower on hi letturo path and an other salt for muuahlne on hi ohlckon yard while th farmer em i led at the downpour which made lhr nip the picnickers would rail at it fur spoil in their only day off we ran b happier by trusting to the almariao than we would lte worrying- if the hoard of waather control would give u our allotment of ruin on the duy who we wanted it naw york herald if tha writer of ihu urol means iruvhleiioo or divinity where use imnliuo b u not far uy truly no one of us could run the weather m a to suit ult tha othur fellow a ory job it would be if we old try nothing to look forward to fuiorl skirt are tuklntf the romajtoa out f lifo 1or yountf girl they now have nothing to look forward to in that dre transition time that form erly marked the ago when they quit tain tittle alrls and became young nnn in the old day before all of tha kontlef hk wore ahorf hklrt uno of the most anticipated day in a girl life wun when she would wear her first long urea it was u parallel to tho small boy becoming a young man wlntn he put on hid flrut long trousers this glortou moment survive to the boy but it is denied to the girl bbu liu nothing to plan for tha time when she got bi hhe i wearing short dremte now and she will be wearing them short when aha roue hen young- womanhood hut usldo from tho drop ping of her ilg tall und tha addition of a powder puff thero i lilt iieworu for her as life develop more than a billion fish egos collected wall hatcheries operated hy tho klaherte urunoh department of uorhto mild fisheries collected more than one billion two hundred million egg during the year 1s20 about lw firths of th wem whltofleh egg and onetenth pick ore 1 tho following tohle shows tho collection by species t at lun tin aalmon ii ounn- nnlche 60 ooo cat throat trout 1011- olt elivelhead salmon let 900 f kam- hwli trout 344 ooo bockeye salmon sb ibb 4 0 spring salmon 4491 g00 coohoe salmon 1 8e00 chum sal mon 6131000 bpeoklea trout oqzsko whltedsh 781806 000 balm on trouj 3b75 boort6rlng72t nomr plokl erel s11ss4 8m tot 110i4t155 it miqht be woh8e iry was written in iincn if everybodys mli hi face thered be but- utile pj l among tho human the glow of cheerful hap pine would fude away and die and all mm spring- of joy and mirth would soon be running- dry ho don t you grow discouraged then if every tldng goe wrong 1or tfyou wait a streak of joy will murcly noma alona dont keep a moping all th time us mournful s a hearse hut gulp your trouble down und suyl it might bo we havq a very consistent bunch at ottawa they tell us to buy madeincanada goods yet at a banquet given exspeaker low t her of the british house of commons the table decorations were stars and stripes bearing the legem u s a first farmers sun v m only one way tho allies seem at last to have discovered the right way to handle germany it is no use telling that republic that as a mfftter of right and justice she mutmako good the damage alio has wantonlyflbkeep the boys from running the streets dqne it is no use asking her to take her punish ment because sho knows sho deserves it her at titude is that of the inveterate criminal in the dock who believes that everybody is as ba as himself and neither the judge on the bench nor thejuryftien in tho box would fall to take whkt did not belong to them giving a favorable opportunity as la the case of the hardened offender against the country ger many can bo made to see the error of her ways only by demonstrating to her ulat that sort of thing does hot pay force alone appeals to her whining squirming and wriggling ahe has postponed theday of reckoning for two years and only when the hand of the jailer is reaching for the whip does she cease her evasions unconditional acceptance is tho f no ut bcmun ge an y l r determined to make good he depredations but because she must otcrwujw subnjlt to penalties more severe than tho roqairementa ofths allies the courts have established a- precedent showing tha parents have a legal responsibility for the con duct of their children in a number of cases in the juvenile court at brant ford last week ones of 25 were inflicted upon a number of fathers for failing the conclusion qf the war is to be celebrated by an i annual public holiday under tho name of armis tice day a bill to this effect has passed its final stage in the house of commons the holiday will be the albnday in thvweck in which novemberll comes and this will also be canadas national thanksgiving day and now it appears we may number the great abraham lincoln among tho adyocatej of shopping at home when you spend a dollar at home he is credited with having said you have both the goods and tho dollar when you spend iraway you have nothing butthe goods although this was uttered s i qui t good i train it made a difference an american tourist in hrollund took u great fancy to a handsome collio he w and ofrored to buy it the owner uskml soma question and on learning that it wb tha would it purt tuskers iniomlou to take jock to america ho rrod lit part with the dog just thn an hngllsh tourist rum along and he also mad u bid for the rollle which though loss than tho flrut offer wu anally accepted the atnerlaan wui annoyed and when the icngllsh- mn had departod ho said you told mn you wouldnt uoll your dog no no replied tho tunny hoot t aid i could na purt wl him jooktl be back in u day or two uevor four hut he couldnt swlnl tlitiatlautlc the gotml huuuund entered hi little cottage with a contented look lu hi eyo und u gramoplum under bis arm well said 111 wife angrily i uevnr thought you would buy one of thou thing you said ymi wore for up by the continuous screohntf of the on they have nt door dont bo alarmed my dear the hubby replied we shall have poauo ut lust tlukts ffjllm hought old ard new friends make new mend but kcwp the old those aro silver llinntio gold ncwmntlo frlmidj lika nnwutude ago will mollnw und retine frlanditlilpx thut hav uttuul it tol tjiim and haitito uro surely bant itrnw may wrltiltln hulr lurn gray triindlilp never owns ilwuy vnr mid oll friends kind and trim we out mora our youth renew j hit ulnst our filonds must die naw rrleuds must thalr place supply thou ohrrish friendship in your breast new is rood but old is wst unkn new frleiuls but keep tha old those are sllvoi theun are gold llnniy vandyke good philosophy thoie wus a deal of pith und klnt lu the common t of th african preacher du tha text it is more blessed to itlvn thlin 10 lenolve hald ha 1 va known many a rhtiroh to die vaus it dldn i glvo enough but t novr knownd a church to din inuse it give too mucin ley dont dl dat way- tin thren ha uny of you knowad a rhiirch to die oaue it gave loo inlmht if you do just let ma knowl und 111 make h pllgrlmugn to dat ohuroh und i ii climb by d mofullght of df moon to it mos covered roof end ill tuud din- und lift my hands to heaven and uny llihhd uro da dead dat die iti parb identical words 1at had sot hurt not much more thuli a wnratnh it i true but hi em ployer had vision of having to pay him compensation so adopted th vln coupin of sending hm at one to tho hospital after the house surgeon had examined him carefully ha said to the nurse ah snhaulaneou abrasion 1 not nlmervsbte do not think tlnro is any reason in apprehend tegumental rloa- trlautlon of the wound then turn ing to the patient he asked qulsxloal- iy what do you think iatt hure said 1st you ra s wonder ful thouhtpdr doctor ya took th very words out of nm mouth thut jut what i was gain to say changed hib mind i went lawyer laid lie- case in dlapute und then if he would undertake to fore hli sked hln wlu the si lawyer most certainly 1 will dortnk the case we ni ur win i caller ho you really think it iu u good t use iitsyeri undoubtedly i n jre- pared to guuruntee you will gat a ver dict in your favor caller well then sir i dont thin ill go to law this time for you o i have just given yotl my opponent us and not my own business directory medical dr ja mcniven fhyslelsrt anil burn ton v ofdo and llnsldeitoocortiurllowar avenue andjcltflu htrnt thu reld nim formerly onouplbd by d m han- droii anton ont dr e j nelron phyalelsn bur-g- obsttrlolsn ac too ontrlo miieuoi to uio into lit iriiy onlci mid ihultlaiiio 1 lodoriclc lit war bond coupons cashed free tho merchants bank will cash all war loan coupons or interest chequed when due on presentation without making any charge whatever for tho service if you havq not a savlnpa account why not ubo your interest iu money to open ono with this bank t th mcrchants bank hdoflkmonll of canada emuid 1804 3lly dkicil hum to r l b shorev huum 11 h loums 1 tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices new low level imcetloii alt klndd of sonpa shortenlnfif lard hlat tapioca ktc ottangki lemons orale fkuit spinach etc at vetty ciose rmces special values in fine llootti workino iteolil tennis shoea ttunnlnjj bheca wnntcns white canvas oxford etc overalls smocka and working sutirtfl at greatly reduced prica ituller and kffga wanted highest imms lald kithcr cash or goods tannery cooperative c a conway manager mill street acton tt j kerr lleenaatj auotlonsar for the oountle of lfnlton welling ton lel arid durfurln and the city of uuelprt acton ontario sale may be arranged by knajl o at residence at abton or at th ttree 1ros oflloe acton the mercury oulco quelph the newleoord fergus or with w x gordon i lames uakef lllllsburg hale fiutrusttxl to it j kerr re- nejve attention rrom data of llstlrlg to du or j list your sale with m i tlldnc dower axsuue aeton lhone be acton call at my bupen cobk to cork three men wrto travelling in in ireland on route for cork the train was very late and to make matter wore it a held up fre quently between the station at last they reached n station where i insibectov came down the train to examine the ticket where fori he demanded a he looked into the comportment occupied by uio three men corkv they replied in unuon then youye all cork replied the inspector wittily ye repllerone of the three men j unit if your train was all cork too maybe it would bo easier to draw at present hstho best stopper ive aeen the crowning cure rlie was rtah hut nneducatwl and had a oottajre for titewummer at the sea side iir one problem wm how to secure us her house guet the reoog nixed leader of society in her homo town the invitation wag being ver bally extended and a a laet induce ment mrlf slsprommlvd and u you sit on the front torch it charming to watch tho little whlto ilel boat tilt pro and oon luondoif it lilt rcinlit advfce durcintin people who are being blum- ed bysir henry drayton the finance minister for keeping up tho rate of oxchinge castorfia for infanta and chlwron i u r 30 y ssoatnraof jnii getting results there is no doubt that ppople read die advcr- tisempiits said a leading merchant to the free press this week as he handed in copy for tiome extra advertising we have tried it and know we have had special sales alreadythis year and in every case we have cleared outpur stock of the goods ad vertised within the time specified the response has come not only fromtown but by mail and tele phone as welljis in person from the country for miles round peopje are watching the papers to save money these days yes we are quite satisfied that it pays tp advertise in fact no uptodate merchant can afford toneghjet liis advertising it is evident that other merchants are of the same opinion or it wouldnt be necessary for the pjree press to print 6 pages x ment of a wjhole page of display you will find advertising in the if tee press will bring results if 7 i j- i- wu dr c p w i1o0u rhysleln end ouruson mill bt qsorfjetown phon 2 kihouue hiirgwon flranu hospital toronto tipdolul attention to diikuuicm of wo men and children mid infant i oedlng leoal phono no 21 v o hnx 111 hak0ld nash raitmkk m a dsrruter bolloltor noury publlo convenysnaer eta pennvman dlock acton ont uonxjy lo loan hour 0 30 mn in c pin dr j m dell d o b u d b dentist honor graduate of tnrantquivwar- lty th latest auesuietlo ibwa u dsslred mibcellaneoub marriaqe licenses h p moore issuf mfrlso umih krsa idsb onto acton ont prancib nunan boouhlndsf account book of all binds made le order 1srlodlcal of every duotlp- tton carefully bound ituuutr neauy and promptly done wyndham btreat ctuelph onl over william blore 3 roy hindley auctioneer h ii 9 agton j e cheevers book binder quebeo bt cast qualph ortl jlook and magaslnn bound in litahdsorn and elubstantlal cover names letured in u on llibl hymn llooks- and other book all work promptly eseutd d alex niven ontario land burysyor and civil enolrwar burvy fcuhdlvlalong wan iuj- boxts certificate for purchaser and mortgagee survey for arohluet builder and municipal counolls dralnagj iteprrt icslliuateu nto mclean building douala auktjh ihono loei oni clearing sale of w i nt tan goods no need going to ouelph foi dol lar day vou nail lnnko u dollar hure juht uii well overall 0 2ac work hhlrttt i 17ft winter cum tf a vjm- and other good in pwpoitlon come in mul moo um for liurgulhn she bpalrlna neatly dan e k cook mtlti mtushqt aotom elnlpravtngtg iuiciueohnsrvnsr ttoronto canaca tho old and reliable granlto and marblo dealers w are manufacturer und direct importers of all kind of aloitumental and 1 leads touo work wo noli dlreot to our customer at wholesale prloev thus savlnir our oustoiner 40 per cent w have the beat appliances and th only msollanloa in the dominion who can operate pnuumutlo touts properly waoangiyottipronoes from huudrlm of odr customer in toronto and other pi no where other havo to have law suit in order to coll nit wo have the largest and best stoolf of urahtte id the dominion or more titan any three dealer in the west w are us ul ulate dealer and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customer by sending out ignorant agent oollolt- lnr ordcrswo empf i defy oompeutj loraat agent oojlolt- iploy pn meclifcnlci hampton sons if opwrwioh woowtb bis qaalmi ii

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