Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1921, p. 5

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qllic- artim jrr ttaa riiuithiuy junio a 1521 peddle sunjllght ip vou can anil wltli dtinr hi i i idle hu bin iill blacking it things nuitt to t nuu ii go in sings in youi buslm us t of im notions if you hit tint i twfol inul of tnnu i olid byy worll if ouim hut hlunl in with wmmis did ortllnt t grow llui finest i your inpel ortllnt u u vwtr u f l alld i ii t l inpol i ik v wlili other sum miil lua if you i twentv years ago pry i ne b 1601 k in ity lit nl frugiunt hulu huvo lsu lr best l w thu hnllliim ui butting tlltt liilnh- inja touches on u nout plufcxa ut uie lino seal 1 ties of mr kohl wuiiiim mr aluuhiyn htiiitrfor u huvlntf soino xtenslvn repulrs mudn to his rmlduino on chun h tllnol it in bo ins telsnd und n new foundation put undr it rim oof will also bo rulsud wihkojj initio uihi unset mason guve 1 01 nlit lind or klill duets ut the hownrth league guid n fifty t ash- grove ii iuomduy t veiling on 1 rlduy inst mr ouvhl william son while putting up somn rafter in tint woodshed of hlu now rldnilco felt uiul dlsloiutod his dull i shoulder ho hiw ilautrlu turrutit turlff wont into efteot on eluturduy he vera i current users huvo put in metres and horo- lifter it will i itt nolio ly s business how muoh thoy hum their jlithtu for tho will puy for ull current used tlm evening service hi tho me tho dlsl chun h lust holiday wits ably conducted hy tliii kiwoith league thn subject uu youthful conaet-ru- tlon und si v rul- short paper and numerous scripture mfert noes bearing on different phases at tlm subject were read hy inombeis of tun league an exciting gunm of buss tiall wus played lust maturdny ufturnuuti w- twn the muiiyum of tliu tiulti leather twltnory uiul lliouo of tho tannery f w it hturay a hon th pluylnk wan hot of th mimt lirlllluit nhuruijttir but wum viy hi arout ills to tho mmo tatnm th o1a untlitir lioyn won tho cor binir ie to h the acton om clroln warn at jfloino to ulxiiit lt0 of thtilr frinl in thnlr imll lout vadnnniluy ovonlntf an lntoratlnk lirogrnmmo of litem- tur ii ml hiubio wum ictven nutl iiid- wloho ooffa tittko uittl 110 cream wbm horvad iliirlnf tho avanlnif married caknociian 1iai1l at thn rl- denca of tlia hrltloi jmtrnou tulhi- mor oiv juna t j ooi hy ltov w 0 clark duvltl h carnochuii anton tin of duvht cumooluin mumkukii yiyu to haruh juno duiichtor of jonoth hull of tullumorv died mclukdlflllan in nuumuuuwnyu n monduy juun 13001 aloxmnler mo- vhtttloriin in hfrt 74tli year summer work in the brohard bummer vtaru in tho orahurd may too rilvldod anions four different li4id- lnit miiruyluir oiiltlvutloti cover croort kttd thlntlllllf with lloaalhly nrunlns in noma iiidtunc tlio fliht in a mirlntroartttlotl which it u usually n04ihury to carry on into tho nurrifrtor um ut leant on wprny houhl ihj fut on uftr tlm fruit u wll mt on tin trsm thlk would b about two or throti weuku ufur th bloom u oft and may conlt of bordeaux or ii mo muliihur mixture with wom ux- aiilcul nolooii added for bulng ln- acim and nlcotinu uulphata uddotl for aithbi control if thay ura nrcaent at fht time for fuller buttlcularn ra nraylntr wilta your noonsit lcyorl- rncatal wrm hmiurlntondunt cultivation in ore hart in xcpt thovm- in aod mulch uhould imi uractltttwl wm- unimlly until about july flmt y inalntnlnlnc a good duat muhj durlns curly humomr tho iraoa can imj hoi pod lhrough that trying tlmo tn luto juno when tho heavy droim of fruit nro no dlocouruslns kaiiecially in dlntrlou whero winter injury im u factor cul tivation ih dlaoontlliued about tho nrat week of july and tho orchard nowod to borno coyer crop oiicli aa irapo votch clover or field ea the election ursoly idependlntf utotf tho chenunem of tho movii rho following raus of oodlns hr urra nro vocommondod buckwhoat 1 buahvl rape 2 pound orlman clover 16 pound rd clover is pouudu aummer vutob 1u buahola field iea ivt lueh1l rya lw huh- ala whero inure in muoh duuaer of loaa of plunt food dtirlntf winter tho winter ryoimukeu uu excellent cover crop but i of llttlo value lit dtopplntf troo srowth durlntf auuitt um at that time it mnkom but llttlo growth itself thlimliiff an oporutlon whloll will iunplyrapuyha orchiirduit ltjudlol ouoly upplied after the juna drop hum removed id quota ull troott mitould bo boiio over and whuru there u u heavy crop some of tho fruit uhould be removed leaving not moiw thull two to a cluster und if a reully high cuuw product ht rtealr lqayln tru 7 aluator where thlnriliib l practlned there lo a unaltor porcentugo of no 3 und wat fruit which memm hlitlior prloo per cro for tliul crop tho orauardut who lopu thliuilnb am a regular r- anard practice- u bruud to be in lie front una wfton u comoa to the huak- out returmi summer pruulntf lu now konemlly concerted u place in moot young or chard u it hi dlnioult to do much prunlnv when there i j a crop on the trooo midjuno la u sood tmo laka over tlto nonbflarlna troo und ahapo up those straggly fallows who cd ttioy nr inclined to produco a ions willowy growth with u fow laterals nip off the terminal bud which will induce a lateral growth probably thutesktuson instead of continuing a tons barren brunch which it would bo tiscoasary to head baok ovorely in tutor years u 11 ivim iomologlst in icxparl mental lurm notoij the sunday school lesson for sunday june 1021 loldnl lxtl itlkhuoiimin hut win uur olttlh a nation roach to any pool lo 1rov 1434 ni upon jo tur tliw 1 lan comments lu 3 12 tho oimmruty hoi 1 th nulloiim ulttmtlon mih um the national inuitbi lory und strlntis of tlm poopl i rovud that whan ttioy folloiiad thri inundutos of jehovah thsy wni bless id ami whun thy depurted from ills uw thay mat with iunutr to thn duuroo thut any preeent day iioopln 1 buys him then is hspphiass und truv prov 14 34 lllghtoouunosil ox- uhelh u nation in dm uunuo that it ufta uu idfsln ruiunu its hopos utreuktltmiu its purports and purllj its ufa tliu is u lopruucli to any pooplo boluuno it deutroym h ulth rulna morals irlppllis thn mind paralyses tlm uplrlt mid dugrudou thn llfo llomatin ib i in his letter to tho unmans 1 aul deuu with not only llitilr till ties us oltlaans of thn kingdom but as llxonu 1 itomo civil uuthorly in illvlrinly itiilhorlsod boritusti tho ideal x of christ cuti not iwt rnullked without orlt rlitlvll rnlatloiiuhlpu vniuc 2 a vonr 1 ivll govsrnmont is letter than itoiirohy or no bovernmont it ull not even a stat ah be madu townr t rlahtoouhiiuhs wllhqut tho prln elpltu of olvll governntout vorso 3 ihls lassugo strams to touch obotllenco to thn civil law if tlm law is bad show its badness by obeying it toiil thus lead to tho till it tltutlou of u hotter one vnrso 4 1uul hero seomu to placr ktautsk umphuuii upon ho christian duties than upon hlu llfo vsrutt k iuuls ursnmant snows to bo thut nvali duspotlfl bovertiluoutu may bn peactiubly oh ah ami by the gradual proimihh of truo christian life und nhurut tnr tho genius of the clirlstlun religion is democracy and chrlstlunlsiiib a despotia government liptkns lr sentlully s dvmocrucy verwn 0 christians should support publlo omoluls for it is thus thut they prrsrva civil govornmont order und i rogross versa f trlbnto and custom refer 1 tastes the only fear dun from a mincero clirlstlun in tho four of dls- ihndloncs the only honor duo is the honor ths t is dssoryod vorso 8 providently the moaning here is that christians should willingly pay ull debts nnd carefully shun all im possible indablddnass versa 9 thorn is tin hurii thing um sklrur u nation chrlatlan white dolntr viplulii to thoso ancient commands approveil by tho groat apostle it is on those rooks of wolfludulganco that nation go t plmou verse 10 luivo is tho fulllllmeiit of tlm highest law bicauuo it workoth ttnux und not ovll illuetrsud truth making- tho nation chrutlau le u big unilortuklng hut it jresolvos itself into the tra tis format ion of individuals golden text lllpstratlnn vi him publlo building wuu being dedicated after tho dadl- eatory address different twrsons wota called to tlm platform uiul wore given a salute of honor tho building com missioners the architect tho contrac tor hy nnd hy one of those in charge of he affair stopped down und u1i1l his hupibi on u sunburned man in rough but clean uttlro ileadtng tlm aslonlshotl mail to the front ho saldr this ludls and gentlemen is umlth tho man who made the bricks without which ho rost could luive tnudo noth ing at ull topics for resssrch und dissuasion i tlm lod nf n iluconsnful nation ls 33 13 1 who was the nation al of undent israeli 3 when was israel htusaed und when wow she cursed 3 1 what extent do nations now sock lirjt tho will of jehovah t ii tho ufa of a buoccssful nutlon rrov 14 34 4 what parttoulur prlnolplo axultotti tt nation g how does rlghtoousness osaltt llf the individuals of 11 huocouaful nut ion horn is j10 vwhat is luul u idou of chrutlau oltlsenshlpt 7 if chrlstliius do not like their gov- trnmont what la their privilege hhdi what their nitty t dally rsdlnos tor nest week monday jyne q the cpming of the king ian 11 110 tuesday june t thn call to tho nuthms una c 113 wednesday juno u tho oroat commission mutt ssi 1630 thurnduy june 0 thut the world may llellevo john 17 1b2a imday juno icllsglnnlng ut tho boiith side of tho fraocr itlvnr vulloy lu known us the best dairy farming diutrh t in lirltlnh columbia tome of this moat ftrtllo laud hau been fuimid for thirty and forty yearn and lu psylug its owners hat k wlni full intavsstfor ull thslr toll of oluor lug it all thn blgguul furuiurs urn going lu hot und strong f ij- purbre i sloiik chit fly hotstslns jtrneym und ayrshlios nud nearly ull of then huvu lutteut tyim of ctw imuwl dill most lo dutn uppllaucis no of thn lurgest uu i oldest fui inn hat of hliatiikoii llrothiru who wuro lhru ami broil in tho uelglilmrhooil uttlel on their present farm of two hundred and thirty tlv aoron when jerusalem acts 1 39 saturday june 11 elulvutlun open to all horn id d17 huuduy j une13cihenowwor id the ease with which corns nud warts can bo removed by holloways corn lumnvar is lt strongest moommonda tton it seldom falls not well told purebred stock at xoverdale b c pqiiiiihhiiihhiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiin hum 1111111111111111 iiq it was forest land thirty ave years ago riiulr hard work halt turned tho stand ing bush into acros of verdant maadow land and rluh fields of grain produc ing 100 lnuihuls of oats o tho aero tin upidulty lu pure brol ayrshire jhty luivo u hnrd uf eighty tour bead of cwltlo counting hulls and culviu und so famous huvu they ho- coinu for this hraod that tin lr kun k lu ioiilliiuslly iteing uhl oil lit over iliilluh columbia lb- thn tllutes und ovts utiobi tho racltlp lo kong knug oim of tin lr cows ylmiidvlow unas whose ulr ftlno litrulght from itoot und is supiuiunl to li ilia liest ayr shire in ilm hirltliih umpire on 1 has a woudaiful record of 3t 413 list milk nnd 1 03c lbs butter est in 34 dys the blmiinons think llttlo ot paylrur 31 boo for a but i calf such u their grout rsgard for pedigree and brooding lo typev ah tho milking la dono by an oloo- tri lnilchfnujlt 1 tlito no ho is ulotlnril iii i very dolull even to tliu uw of a litter furrier as in ull dairy furms in ii c llm ruttlo um itllo fed throughout the winter a mlg- turu huio of outs and vetch the milk is nil itoltul right on tho farm after going through u rluntlno roollng iirocoas und 770 gallons of it itw uhlptel every morning chiefly to vanoouvtr if ow t btoums op the vilm muylnr when you have uuuu op tho screen tho deck of n ship dor log u m st sen you huvo wondered just bow it lu dntin anyone who slops to think has real land of nuunik that it is not possible to take such a ucono on a real ship during a guuulne storm for reasons of light itmotigst other taduge couclu hug therefore that it is ull done lu tlm studio you probably im agine u ahlps dock built 011 hugo rockers wllh the players staggering all iivir the plaoe while the whole wet pitches ull i tosses hut it donsu t only us much as necessary lu built jt in kopf wet with u hosepipe rim waves dauhlugover tho sides co mo out of buckets und the rooking takes place only lu the ram- with on attachment between tho omern und tho frlpod the motion of ihtp ut sou uin bo imparted to a sta tionary itet merely by the came ra ts assistant turning a bundle wanted i tones t dependable salesmen tn rsproui nt uk in tho sate of nursery stock wo supply all outfits froa of cliargo and allow u libera rata of commission jivvtsy to e d smith ov bon ltd wlnans ontario columbia gramaphones and records adam algeo is making h sponlnlty of columbia aramiiphonou und itacordu whlnli ho will deliver promptly at your homo pianos anv make a aloeo mill bt aoum call st ths store 1 nlho a woman mot a cussod yrobli your coat n very sbort my lad ho hftld yes manin wuu the reply but itll be long enough bofom i tot u other thinking tlm reply vory smart sin determined to rolutt tho liialdent to her husband w i told him his coat was very short ate usanu aid wjiut di you think was ll reply ho said it would be u very lone time before bo got un- other 1 htill w for mm laugh ttiaf never canio c j if i her h worm iowders neodod thn support of testimonials they could be sot from mothers who know tho grout virtue of thin xofllfllit modi clue uut tlm powders will spook for question of thum thoy vet upoodlly and thoroughly ant tlm child to whom thoy are udmtnls tered will show improvomont from tn ant4o the fact that thoro un t u wndd hlng than tho man who has for yours tidoiiacnvo with nothlnbtour evidenced in ft now light by one of the new york papers um follows if any tnnu of 40 or 70 who hug uoiiulrert a oompatenoe thinks uf re tiring without having plan tied a good onmpslgu for his later yours let him rldo up ltvrslde drive und look the men who retired just because they thought jt was time to quit thoy sit on ths benches lu the sunshine or rld baok und forth in their cars their faces art the saddest in the world thoy might bo amateur gardeners lioolf collectors almoners workers for civic betterment tly coslerw chess llimdh 01 umatour cnblnul makers or they might bo liuppy bunk ut the fac tory rjut they uro nothing but wultara 011 tho inevitable lorhups fifty years ago men qould retire when u oompotonoa hud been earned and live happily for unother decade in the easy nulot contempla tion of tho passing yours hut the world ih too busy u pluoo for that sort of thing now x man who has really boon a busy inui for forty pr fifty years can let go of bis regular job suddenly without something serious happening tho re may bo physically strong men living liappliy in socalled retirement but the kind wo kuow who uro happy in that kind of a life ara the typo- who never did very much anywhere chevrolet agency mr h h wilson lius secured um ugonay for aoton for chevrolet motor cars iemonstratlonw rfr- tnhircdeuh ins tlienerw models new cars ulways on hand h s wuson bower ave acton onti 1llonld fits htlntion s homo troatmeut for ep hepsy twenty yearn success 1 housulids of tnatlmoululs no naso shpulil bo couuldorod hojuiloss lreo imtoklo wen btlneon remedy co of canada ami yotigo utreot toronto ont notice to creditors op the estate of marv vin cent br d riid creditors of mary vincent i itmil into of thn village nf acton widow who dlod on or uhout the third day of may 1031 are required on or itefjire tho twmiiloth day of june 1bi1 to send by post pre pa ill or otherwise deliver to the undersigned solicitor for tho hxeoutnrs a state ment of their accounts tlm uuturn of the security if any hold by hem and full particular of their humesftad dress und descriptions and itotloo is hereby further given thut immediately arivf be suld tweu- tloth day of june 1021 tlto suld use nulors will p r t timet i to distribute tlm lutnets of um said isstuto among tho ikrtles entitled thomto and thoy will not bo ruaivouslbln for any olalms of which they shall not bavo received nntlro ut the line sot forth for such distribution ijtotl ut acton ontario this nine teenth day of may 1931 hhnhy iirii4p moou13 john uallvlay x3xoculors hy ii n farmer their wollnltor 47 3 charlie gervais house painter aoton ontario iong lcxporlnnoo careful work lone all jobs itomptly completed orders for spring work should bo plaood tmuifldlnknly residence church street the revenge of the farm us as the present thut in lustry revuls una dvuulugos there is ml to spsro on ths acton granitfj works j iscoit experienced granite 1 cutter lis proporen to supply btonu- rnenta of ulkklndg with skill fully out inscriptions ut low prices boo samples of work and stylos or v monuments at the monument works xjanityman uloch mill street acton ont ic a word to the wise is sufficient youll make sure of your eyesight without delay if your energy lu lagging if you haven t tho punoh und pop of other days you had bonier have your vision mated the eyes may bo requiring imoio of your energy than u thlr sliuro olussos sclent i noully tilled will stop tho expenditure lluve 14s lookv into your eyo troubles mm f to it is ut muli hi tho ugiloulturul of its geu tent bread 1 no ugh 1 furms tho three osntlul elements in lu- ronm uro amount security und the prise opiiortunlty in times of busl- ittnui expansion when profits on trail ing uia largo prices sr rtalng and simnulutlon is rlfs life on the farm looks tedious und dull t tie 11 human nature longs nnd psnt for the jostling city whore money is made without effort und silent with reckless gener osity it is tho period when men m of making fortunes and of moving onto rosy hlreul tomorrow huph chances are concentrated in the cities u is updcnlsbm tliat fanning profits wuu turgor several years ugo than lli y ura to day the city critic agsps at the sums deposltod in tho country tanks which thus became tho rtnunclal bssls of rlty expansion and specula tion blamed tits farmer for lack of nxultation lu his proepwliy ho for got of course that li farmers am bitions were thwarted for isrk of sup ply of lultor and ha forgot us well thut tho farmers gains wena trilling beside those of tho merchant and manufacturer thoy wore but the st rupu which foil from um rich man s table in um ocononilt comparison imtwseu city and country two years ugo thn superiority was ull with tho olty us wuu utteated by tlto steady stream nf population rtowing city ward s hut nowadays a blight has alien upon the harvest of plums the prevailing ambition of men in busl noss is not to muko a fortune but to tnuku u living factories urn idle re tail stocks uro unsold tho demand for lukurus has ulmlotl und k idle und suffering men gather on the corners of tlm utroets ids joy has n from llfo in tho cities kwry cltlxen is conscious thut tho great muss nf tlm people uro hard hit tho small home alii tlm boarding- ho usn urn stnu gerlng undor tho blowu of niiaiiclsl muctlnu thdusaudm muut tmg or htui va there lu no such ml aery oil tho inn prices of faim products huvo men the first to fall and huvo fallen farthest yet tho grim spectra of pen ury und starvation is kept at buy it takes tho hides of six steers to buy u pair of shms yet the farmers family uro shod not iii dalhtlnoss and splon- itnr but in wimfort and strengtli lid it is beginning to dawn upon ull our minds that comfort is better than splendor and that security is bettor than plums tho house whleh lu built upon the rock endures tho storm 1laln living selfcontrol steady industry tho sav ing habit these uro tho basic things if thnso days of liardshtp and distress servo to recall tho people of canada from their litvu uf idleness extrava gance and selflndulgenco tn a ration al a crept an co of the facts of ufa thoy will not hnvo been altogether value less the kumiers hun a hirschorn georgetown ladicssuit and drcbh specialist railway time tables at actom ornj trunk pullway byauim spring coats and dresses sallsraclion guattanlppd if n xustomcr nnds n garment is not rntisfactory it may be returned and tho money will bo cheerfully rcfnndoj a hirschorn ooloa west no 29 813 am no 31 10 34uua no 33 aibptn no 311 tooahj no 3d nicpm no r uunhiy 10 34sin oolnu eset no id 7 08 om no 30 11 lbttjn no 34 jipm no 30 17pm no 3u h 0h p tn no 24 muiuluy 0 tu pm toronto suburban eleelrio hallway wesell 1 farm equipment sixty ywars ol losslovshlp cut imnf cp tpi ad rial sorsic tkals why that qloa luune witt eonflcunce from coast to oostst thats why wt tkls dgpendabla farm eulmbt the cjlson engine g uuslaouon 1 rest poet and t fxroud ta sail oukm sua suioa kuol mllxt pay its iikii ability bovs n4e 1 year fat to a- blrf- r laaljuw tlas say slit i i la tassdb it js gsar- l ssalngj blvwer- h ljn t s uuo- bu puw sad trttt uu wllh ytur mttm t iks ihopn- tlav wlsa ba lhduit inlu walss tf ie c1lson spreader hylosylo tha iryto flli ineurea awam irwti kun sluca ilooa i 1 tba fast estsl ll u imll tolaat ltmltttv lpaelualva ritt i a- sign ml rosatruellos aapulu wh lb iiu is cboacu by the dbcflmln mips f mnwela ll artlllur veusve it umii is ifc- fut hmm la rbliu kssadnr swde u ttnyrr altryw4iya ibsluumm wkyf it baa a tde aensd loo pnslt us itliawdun it ba llht dntfl it will your inyntoiebl cu ukatld ii u fee in loitiwt ll nwpllcmlailthiu m n an mmj tu rawijs a ctuhdmlnj iy gilson mfc co limited cuejlth ont cu d 8m iumi 1 1 j w barberree acton ont jepalmer valuator and guide is prepared to select farms in new ontario for any who desire to euroliaso i have a very intimate nowledgu of tho h t localities for funning will also ant um guide for any aportmnon who desire tho best of hunting of moose door und other una cauhtrruhga for accommo dations for homeaeekors or sports men host of- refers nos j e palmer anderson houm cafe cochrane stop the counh coughing la caus ed by irritation in tho respiratory passages und is tho effort to dislodge obstructions thut come rpm luftam million or tho mucous membrane tmiitmont will cr ahymuo kcleclrtc oil will allay tho inflammation and in comhnijucnoo he cough w4h cease try it und you wilt bo satisfied t h the njtwfii iihun olrl looking over newspaper advertisements alumina wiiy do nil those imnntlub houses object lo chil dren 7 pond mfthimn i m suro i dont know tio und see what tlm baby is it pud ttf toll fin y n jtlou throwing thngs at peopla in tho street onl make qoorgo nnd jiolo atop righting and tell dick if ha does ot stop banging thut drum ho hard ll toko it away from him please look at your free press label if moved to smaller quartern but the some full slock of- all lines kenney bros have moved their boot and alio store temporarily to tho nntull store next door to their old stand on main fttraot the promises uro small but tho lnooiveulonno is ex pected to bo only fora short time until our now utoro is computed on mill street v we hnvo tho usual gtvod ussist- nyont pf tnuu und outing tlhoas or uei women hoys unit olrls iulyj linih op hi1 uno and uummich tatlsar htych vou wvhhyqnu uood bargain tt small sizes of womens pumps and oxfords hlxes 2vt to 4 i ore at reductions iwbut- ton school shoes for q1rlb neutral hut urn you u hrltlsh bom sub joctr angrily demundetl tho oplclal ut the i a ua ik rt oinco my mother was urltlsh hegui tbo uppllcuht yos yos hut she murrlctl u krone hnutn lu italy yes but w lie re woro you bomy i wuu horn on u ship flying- spanish colors whilst she was lying ut anchor in honolulu hurbor but my parent dlod in lit axil when i wuu only four years old und i wuu adopted by v chinaman who brought mo up in itus- sla well ei began an official hes u bloom in league or nations oxploded the official who bad first spoken children cry for fletchers castqria jtletcnera castoria is strictly a remedy for infants one children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medlcloo is even more essential for baby remodled primarily prepared for grownups are not interchangeable it was the need ot a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castoria before the public afteryears of research and no claim hmi been made for it unit lbs use for over 30 years has not proven what is castoria castoria is- a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither uplum morphine nor other narcotic bubetanco its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and ihanhoea allaying fevarkhnesa arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bawtls aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrene comfort the mothers friend genuine castoria always -bears- the- sigimta in use for over 30 years a coueahv kw voak cirv expiry date doea not nhow that you have renewed why not nuke ft so today your answer will naturally be aix right com 10 in and look tu1cu1q hi iio i alu avian repairing as usual many thanks i kenney bros main street acton ont fire prevention hints por smokers dont drop firs when you smoke 1 the woods nor throw it out along tho road keep the forests hutches pipe coals cigar vtults und cigarette ends start many forest ri res ile careful iwin t sturt u ore in the woods when you begin or end your mo lie sure your match cigarette or pipe is out your no operation in order th keen down forest firs is asjtntl ureak your mutch in two knock out your plpo ashes into your hand dont drop s burning cigarette vnrost fires oast millions u year lou t iilufrtnmo pat knew an irish peasant hud taken ids wlfts for thn day to dublin lu one of the uhop jwlhditwu tho wife saw some liihlwr glovitprmr male t put who nalit what would tto tlm into of tin in things ut ull at ulit whist yn hlnkheoir rophotl bur huhbinul itanh ut unyoim heur y link that xhni t yo know theitt i foi wasthlng your hands without wej tin the sklut i women and asthma women nro liuiuborod iimoug tho sufforerm from uut h tun by the rouiilless thousands in evoiy ollmntii thoy will be found help- hhs in tho grip of this relentless dis ease unlerts thvy huye uvulteil them- solveu of tho proper romorty ir j 1 uilliggn atittima atejnody lias ught- nowlmiiaujid luutu-mtiny- aq0n creamery suh testimonials snt entirely out sollcltulloii show the benent it bus wrought among women- vory whore i full market price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive our best attention sweet cream for sale every wetlncuday and saturday we will also pay spot cash for eggs open friday and saturday evenings uest cmiamkry irtjttkr new laid eggsand hubsii nuttekmllu wlli now be suitlied at tub ckeamcky evebv day acton creamery co watson wiles proprietors htki ill bi boo b33 p m hf pm y4s om s0j pm ih p m el mm s4i p-m- itl p rrf oolnu wt iwly extopt httnday uly eioent ttutulsy dully xitt hundjiy huudoy only iluuiloy only hunovy only oolng east daily aoflt hnndsy slly inept sandsy ivlly esoapt hunday huitdsy only buntuj only hundsy only relghltilehvtrri ji 1 v latxr- f might kn ight picks 1 up ut any ad- tut in toronto o ic aqnbiv agonly aoton merchants casualty go hlmmilsllsts lit ifuwlth und accident insuioiilo 1ollclus lllierul and un- rcatrlctcd over 11 000 00 0 paid in nal- p04 royal dank dldgv toronto ont uptodate goods at a c speights silverware in tableware fine variety also pine cutlery hardware tinware and granite warobjg assortment i pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small slovesoll stove every article is of excep tional value c c speight 5101 street acton v dustbane makes sweeping easy purifies the alll saves laltoil ask your gltoceil iteware o imlutlona a8k poil it at vourt local dealers canyouvrhta businesslhter wm hibciauw ini dualnam lttr wrltlnu dookkmplna shorthand commralallawi mtuj typewriting oui- lmtlk l uy f uhho 1 vrurtb lh cot of tha hllrn ooiiro stai1t now session tub entine year guelph businesscollege hrald ad oulph ont a l bouck pudpl a proprftof t5e acton bakery call pliono no ii if you viant a delicious loaf or tticad or brown bread or a boston loaf steam loaf buns and roils pies nnd all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced bbbad is yoult best tood pat more of it mne 77 the waggon will call at yotirooor iyi edwards co f shop where you are invited to shop aoton ontabio- btr cod evry nlohleopt tif dv nd saturday at 30 lua

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