Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1921, p. 6

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blrtha uarrla and xteauia kn now rhrrl tor t tlm rollowrna nl illrutm coo martlajra coo noalha hoc mamnrlal caroa 60ft lofl ikm line ttxtra for xxima died tiafuljjur a nic at uny 3o or jllinll iuil uh mi llilitilny riirrf hlt wir iii tiny yen wcl-alluk- at itouovulii mmi aliiiituy muy 3 1bii dunnam 2 cuthjhi rriiirly oft itulliih fuil in lit llut yiar j liltoolckft at il- 11 riilnnon as iloilroi avn tironto mi huntlny ma zldsl lliiilfonl karl llrookn dahojy ihiiovihi ht mlm ml lllitiirjto tlxmiwit icairriiiimitoou at hi jum l iimuiii wvdiluy mayac 1021 ainnwlla- w lln- l1cnwll iwlovlhl wlfo of w ii ka- tcrbmmkk of 1 in in a uattfl nolaon mcm yiara l ehajqfla- tlm rulylcrlut oliurnb ut ulnuaa uflvr uiiittirolnu oomplcte rinivllon wnu reupciursl fur mrvlco on kunrtny xfuy 32 thii liitcilur iatii tnt- ruiry mlnltil in iturnitinlnu ktiarjm iwlth ihuullfully htfitolluxl lnhr- au tlm womlwurk liutliln u1 tiut huu tmi1iittd or vuriilfiivil tlm iiitilt lift ihhiii hiovvl mnvciul foci furwurtl into tliti thiity of onv nlillrnll willi the nlmlr liow lltlml limtnml of in front um imforu liolh illllllt uitl wlloli ur uvituilthl ly u immioll mcrri uti lit mm um uvnl of ilia luuform wlilult lx tnlo1 ulwrnt 18 iliu ulmy ii o llr unit tuuullfuly urimitl with wiwmry of uliiota aldi thimiulntnr cliurlui orvnu of a will tl inuiiuuih unl othe wllllntf lmltrti lowrvn tlm uralt trllt for llm worbiituollbo maimer 1 1 wllli vorythliitf liun inwm ooii obnatovvn i 111 him a 1bte 3iitaiilfretteaa tmulthpay juke x 1b11 brief local items lit raw hut tlm tiaa noron acnli tlmrvk jcmm1 jiromuo or the liny twentyfly couta wm lh market hlofl for itotti lutlr ami tax her ttutunluy hh ti ro icootifiy tiro new torn i on th k round na rtmuty for tlm lirtcktuyerw lutlpha markot f ugrrtfata jsimi jmr year hrua kltrbanor oil- uctw 143 1 ir ymr vtvti uuotpti ioym wr nned 3mk oml roatk rach for rid in tiwlr hi- iycim on th 1iwb1iui tto knafly flowerlns ahrubd bloom about ute hocna in town iclvn actnn an ttltotlra appearance th clflrnu uf haletn and vicinity liav unvlll u memorial monumnt ot a ml la r iloalsn to oial otactona xc jmni uackte hna added itcut vnranda to hi residence at the xmr of church and burln fit recta v a nchoo of uvatructloa waa hahl bt villon on thursday for the emim vtatw nt tkt ntnaiu to be tnlco noxt month herva a rod motto roe our youns fotka to adopt good bttr beat never let it real till the ajood lajct- ternnd the jlattorneat the oakvllle btar la clunblna to hlfher poltlona it la how an allboma print paper th ymm in u clad to awe thla evldenoe of proaperlty mr k j uoore toronto ha bep lionored with bavlna one of bta atortea accepted tor publication in st nloho- ua the sreat children masmalna of new york ur j a ucarthur church htrt kindly banded the stow aaaa a budcet or ui1eraun paxfera and magmalnc xtvlna new mapfl of europe ahowlnc the country a par titioned mine the war the odltorm cardan up at orillla liaa evidently been dovaatated by the nelnhbor chlcvena the xaoket aoya it u all rich to keep hena if you really keep them j you let tbetn run at larc and destroy you neish- bor carden it la all wrona cioru kdwarda ho it in for the folkwho hnvo bcn mllkiue hlacow in the poatura fleld north of corpora tlon fund the nanina of one or two of the kullty partlsaj hare been aeourvd the o there had hotter fee up too or theyll find themaelva in trouble mr llert ken yon of the ahoe raotory hjgt urchaeed th ktobert wal lace realdnce from j a wlllo tubby ur ktiayoa and family have moved in to their new borne mr stobert itllton jr luta iiurchaaod the roiiah- caai linuae on wilbur street from h cordlncr it jt kerr effertd thee aalea neighborhood news town and country nassaoaweva itaat wednesday chlaf cooatable chapman of 111 ton arretted oeorco sutaon jr need 1 on the charre of teallnc oi turkey from kdward llir- vey auo of thla townahlp illuon ap peared before it j campbell j j thursday morn in- pleaded not kuuty and waa remanded aa the case watf not ready for trlab crewsons corners the country la look in- ita beat how after the reoent ralna initato planting la occupying orat puiee with the farmer how we are to have another park here mr tony bcynuk acton ha pur chased from mr john bennett tan acre including us former waun property lie la rctin- a pavillloii and convartlna tba property into m parte which ha expects to bar raady for ptemca on july 1 alu n a pad new raacnad braw days oo ot the vary aodoan dealb of duncan mccauom who- was tba an of john mccauum at bolaevain han lb latt a widow and flvo sons and two dauan- tara mr uccallum la also survived by four abrtttrs afra j olaaaey q mra mux low wukje basic mrs- alva kentnar ballnaxad and aire alfred soper toolsovaln man and two brothers john of bauit ste marie ont and a o of ad vanoe sask 1 bunlinoton mlsa moraieo pitman r turned home on monday from xoaanslea caj where she apent the winter the anniversary oervloe of knox churchtwlll bo held on sunday jwn a the luv m n davidson of central church halt will pfoaoh mrs p andprson will reoetro with mrs elliot andenwn at to manao ontario buraet tburaday afternoon juno i from four to abt oclock cbaa a k has faauad a writ acalnat tho imperial oh co tor 1000a jbs cawiqini taouao on ontario atraet has bean sold to mr uelon or hamilton mrs titters bouse corner of brant nnd ontario streets to mr halt or narallton and 4 acres bclonc- ln to heaaon jfc vawell on hbjhway to jlr wloklns who has just arrived from sncland tbe burllnitor tennla club has elected the olllcera and comtnlttaea for tho year aa follows uonormry proaldont w pbtatt uon tnoftpreaidanta f qkalton w f v jtiahaaucletonwokwtia ami mayor x- x hobson prcaidont j paray innhij vloepremldant mlu x- fatrour secratary j w itamahsw vumwc a n ortdieaadtta ilidwcl ht ltiiirli rucltmfit ua wms nitiirtd iwt irlday when jirk tracy uint lu linlw brought oa nld tlm omcuikhi murdertir into town the lnnpkln tannery bylaw wn i itrrlod vlfiht tk onn oiin hundred lutfl uutylbrv vnluh wr itolloil nnd j it of lliumi wro unravornblfi controller lltlta of toronto on v duy kv u tlno addrouw to lliuuiia llrotbnrluhml on our tulnra clllan- ahiitaluin toiibiriiood br and mra homarvliu and dauh- tr of jialleybury vulted friends here lust week ulu rdim hayroa of wrt wayne lnd urrlvwl houtif laat week to spend a hollduy with htir iiurxnta mr und mr- n 1l kuyroa controller ul mra w w llllti utathim juitb june jnun und master jrdoii of toronto mr s3 ltaawkik and ubui idalutswlok of acton wen the buohui of mr and mrs iro van natter on sunday herald rl qakville maons resident or masonlo brethren vlsitlnc in oakvllle are invited to at tend tbe annual masonic divine service in the melhodlathurch on sunday kornina juni 13 quite un tntureatlntf demonatratlon took vut uturday evenins whan tba ludtes of tlioirod prasenled a new flux lmile und jlajr to the ward three 1ubllo school this was a much appreciated donation from the patrtotlo ladles the ruports of tho various branches of work n vonncctlun with the metho dial church wero presanted at a con rttbutlonal nieellnjf on wednesday ovenilut thaaa told of jreneral pro- krasa liberal dantributlons and an in- creaatt la membership of thirty seven over removal und deaths the i total raised jor all pnrpoaea reachod lhehandome aura of 111760 for the yean last week the star spoke of a pros pect of a mile and a quarter of oon- crate pavement twins laid on the enth line in trnfaisar but w are more than del lab ted to learn that ln- ataad of this- distance ton promise la for nearly four miles and a quarter or from the bacft concession to above druipqatn tfaat would mean connect iii up all u irayjjotween the two pieces of macadam road and mean aoodsjplnic from oakvllle to jlumby bur v milton the ornocra of tho lllali school girls athletic club have been elected as follows lion president mr hamilton president mabel martin secretary- treasurer kjtancha hepburn konn 111 itc present uvea ictale stewart and dorothy cocncane korni if itrnpreaen uuivo ruby aiejiorm t a he pre sentauve helen tcillolt korm 1 llepreaentatlvo kdlth pick ilutorlan ifelleen luadley mrsvo a mann of hamilton visit ed milton friends with her son don ald archie mcglbbon jr of th royal llank lias been transferred from tor- onto to winnipeg a u mcnabb secretary of ua wrmara club had tall on wednea- day evohlna and broke his collar bone adam sprlnaatonn appeared before iolfoe moaistrate dice chanced wltb nrualty in ntarvintf a cow judsment wua reaerved until tomorrow t o ltttles la lioine from tjuelph uenerul lloapltal where he underwont an- operation for- appendlcltta ilia case was serious but hn u maklntf ooit uroaress toward recovry the district convention ot the women- christian tomperance union u to bo held in milton on juno 91 and ii a la rffe delegation from hamilton and tbe counties of went worth and hal ton is expected lleeve j w plain anil miss plain lsft wednesday even ins for a trip to scotland and bnjfland to return about august j they wlir have their bead quarters at catrlna ayrshire scot- und mr nialns eta home which he left u years ago and has not revisited suv rural dean cook went hamilton on wednesday to the annual meeting of the synod of nlajnua the meetlns of tho milton district of the methodist church was held on monday itev o w uarkar of bur- lln ton chairman presided there was a urce ationdanoe of ministers and uymen and reports snowed in- in membership and finance the district retains its lead in per capita offerings for missions which it has held in the hamilton conference for some years champion notice to creditors op the estate of peter per- qudon deceabep of peter ferguson d in thq townsl ksqucslik ulacksmltb who died about the twentyeighth day of march hid and all others bavins claim against his estate uro required before the aeoond day of july ltslw to send by post prepaid or atherwlso de liver to the undersigned solicitor for tno hxecutore- a statement of their accounts or claims the nature of the security if any held by them and full particular of their names ad droasea and descriptions and notice is hereby further given that immediately after the aald aeoond day of july 10sl the said hxecutom will proceed to distribute theaasats of the aald estate among the parties entitled thereto and they will not be responsible ror any claims of which they shall not havo reoolvod notice at tbe time set forth for such dtstrlbu- dated at acton ontario this second day ot june a p 131 duncan fnnouson vattkit fhuutoson lflxcdutora by h n farmer their solicitor 402 t stock issue a reliable broke rasa ho use 4 in n position to underwrite an issue of from looooo to hoooqoo of an es tablished growing canadian corporation v communicate with un by wire or phone at our exponao corportion general idvaatmenfa tjm ite3 tnvsitrnent fivourltlea 38 kino qt e toronto phone uin w1m- notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of tbmm p monernay late of the vlllen el actem in the county oi hallon laborer deceased vfttlca i hereby given pursuant the luivlaed btututea of ontario chap ter 111- und amending acta that alt creilllprs and others having claims gainst lh estate of the aald thomas j msnerney who died on or about tho 36th day of iecrmbr a i i30 are required on or before the solh day of june a d jwi to asndy lt prepaid or to deliver to mra kura- phln herringer mildmay p 0 on tario thn admin intra trhc of the lro- nerty of tho aald deceased thlr christian and surname addresses and descriptions the full particular of their claims and a atatement of their bocounui and the nature of securities 1f anyj held bythern ald futther lake notice that after sfth uat mentioned aliw the aald u-i- mlnutratrlx will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among thn parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said administratrix will not bo liable fur the aald uauetm or any part thereof to uny person nr person of whose claim notice ahull not have been re- onlvod by her at thn time of auch dwuibutlon dated the urd day of may a d lilt marv henniniaeil administratrix 4d4 mimmay ontario prices at this store are baaed on manufacturers lowest quotations if manufactiiren reduce their prices the reductions are made at thla store- we stye you ifw lines and the reduction in pjrice during the past three months you can depend on jreltlnff the lowest cash price at jhb store navy dress sorgo sold three months ago at j best english prints sold three months ago at pure llnon crush towelling aoldtbroonionthsggostr black and whire stnpo shirting sold three month ago at best quality feather taking sold three months ago at ibcat stripe cottonado sold three montha ago at best black denim sold three months ago at best khaki denim sold thcc months ago at english stripe flannelette bold three morithsago at large sfco flanneletto blankets sold three months ago at indies vests sold last season at f pink bloomers sold last season at mens worlo shirts sold 3 months ago nt monfi summer underwear sold last season at curtain scrim sold last season at curtain nots sold last season at 4 yds wide linoleum that sold last season per running yard mens pure wool top raincoats sold last season at 300 todayvprice tljjo 45c todays price 26c sbc tchdsys prtce7s5et 75c tonlsys price 35c todays pricy boc todays price todays price to- days price todays price todays price todays price tgda pric ice cream at moffats being pressed by our many customers to handle ice cream we opened our parlors on saturday the result whs moiit irati- fylng nnd we will continue to do our best to picnic our many patrons oue canov w grfsatly llkfwclai for satultoay come in and see our bargainm r john main btjieet moffat acton ont 05c bsc 00c 80c mc 416 75c ioo 50c fiot 40c 25c 300 10c 50c 225 150 0c 100 ooo 2100 todays price 150 to joys irlco 1x0 todays price 20c todays price 75c todays price 5x0 todays price igjoo mclean co mux hthebt we sell fob cash wl bkil por lev acton thegolderrgrgin bsikery the iibiau with the thkkk ira brewers best bread a vtrirahrfjttwimt ttv bread huns cakes ptkh and pastby of afx kinds ecry dar george brewer hill street lai at lh- c it v near eoptiat ckna from personal experience ulmt frnddy wall ualng hi rial i little llxlan krwddy atoiil commanded i mntlur iviot you know that tfiiitlemng iinvnr hlrlkou a indt hmtantly llulitu atopted crying they do ou wlie oontrndlnted why union aalil mother whenl did you ovor utm a gnntlemuii strike a ladyl with un air of convincing uroof the i littlo maid uultrkly roptled daddy i nanks ine anniversary the ford garage hardware heating electric wiring next time you require any goodsbr dono in our line we sohcita- trial estimates oiwworkgiveiv and allordcrs givenprompt attention- we offer this week as a special 50 feet ot good quality 3ply hose complete with brass jiorije hose coupling clamps and washers for 875 an outfit of this kind will help greatly to bring along tfiat garden keep the lawn green and keep aotvn dust- if you have not already installed your water service wo will be glad to undertake your work and give you a reasonable price on a complete job on friday and saturday june 3 and 4 wo are going to celebrate our thirteenth anniversary in our four stores thir teen years ago we opened our first store at milton- it was a small store and the demand jor ice cream and candy at that time j was not any too brisk however wo thought that- wo could in crease tho demand by keeping a bright clean store selling only the purest candies and ice cream obtainable at the lowest prices possible we think wo have succeeded wo looked very carefully intofthe ico cream market and we decided that neilsons wcro making the best ice cream in ontario wo have been selling it for thirteen years we pay a visit to their plant vlmost every month and wo hud that they are not inclined tcr introduce fads and frills to sell thoir ico cream but thoyaro very particular how they make it their raw materials are tho best- obtainable purity purity purity is written all over their plant tho next time you arc in toronto visit ncllsons ice cream factory on gladstone ave tell them you are our customers and they will ha delighted to show you through you will sec tho most modern wn its ry ico cream implant in north america on friday and saturday nights we will havo special music for you supplied by the mason orchestra all day friday we will serve all our sundaes sodas etc- athalf price 5c dishes 2 for sc 10c ones for 6c 1 5c ones lor b etc wo want you to come in try neilsons- ico cream- wo know of none better wo manufacture all our own candies chocolates etc you will find big specials at our candy counters see other ad we are trying- to make our acton store a credit to tho town wo uro after your trade we think wo deserve a liberal ehare ofit thanking you for your very liberal patronage in tho past has made complete arrangements for stoiainq batteries batteries kept at proper trtnpcrarurc and regularly in- spected and kept to tho desired gravity batteries recharged or repaired when necessary xdviccfree oxyacetylene welding plant is being installed all welding in repairs promptly and satis factorily executed our plant for general repairs is complete- prompt expert attention given to necessary re- pairs to cars of any make the electric starting and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled n full line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment of accessories always in stock l g king manager h a coxe proprietor j r-w- kennedy soil phone 95 main street acton bium1ton rioorehead georgetown milton acton down goes the price of me w bvansof the west end meat market meat is gradually getting cheap buy where quality counts and the dollar goes the farthest look at ttieee prlcea 1 beef fueku pork boiling beef special shoulder pork chops 20c loe loin pork chops 25c 10c logs of pork roast 25c choice rib roast ihc spare ribs 15c shoulder roast ibc smoked meats runip roast 20c rolled shoulder half 25c 30c or wholo sliced 2sc sirloin steak 30c sirloin roast 23c cottago rolls half porter- house roast 28c or whole sausages our own 30c make lie veal breakfast bacon 35c stowing veal 15c lard iront quarter roast 20c 3 lb pailo 55c loin roast 25c 5 lb pails 00c veal steak 30c boneless back bacon 50c or before you buy o tire oak these questions about its maker is he still in business has he been la business ten years even five years why dont the manufacturers of cheap tires stay in business longer because their market is soon exhausted the maker of cheap tires soon cover tbe entire list and then ho must quit butanctteralmllnrniaker springs up in hiaplac and the merry gamogpeson paith and hopone beautiful things in this dull world butthe faith and hope of some men hi cheap tires is really pathetic gpodyear is the worlds largest maker of tires goodyear owns rubber plantauorjs cotton plantations and fabric mills goodyear en- joys the economies0f years and years in tremendous production and sales and a tire good enough to carry our name is at all times th6 economical tiro for yoiito use the car manufacturer who uses thousands of tires a year knows and canadian j makers over a period of ten years have sold half their cars with goodyear tiroa a the tiro dealer knows and the host 4000 of them in canada sell goodyears vthis ii a yearto jputyour motoring on a careful basis it is a year to watch your gasoline consumption to take care of your car and to use goodyear tires fresh- lake trout on hand every friday fresh milk daily be quart w evans main st acton saturday treat as wo are celebrating our thirteenth anniversary friday and saturday we offer you wonderful ttpccials both duys all day friday we are serving neilsons ico crcuui in our parlors at half price visit us often friday specials 500 lbs of fresh salted peanuts prepared tho way you like them reg 10c lb friday 19c per lb v fresh creams 23t 100 lbs of fresh creams reg 40o lb all day friday 23c chocolate hand rolls 33c 150 lbs of our fresh assorted ham rolls city prices 10c per lb friday mc saturday specul3 lajby garamel3 27c 201 lbs ofour homontade lady caramols a soft crcapiy caramel with nuts in them phocolato and vanilla hwvoiorcrj 40c per b fialurdny treat phce 27c b weekend chocolates 37c youshouldtry this spcolariryouarp not ramiliar with it a good assortment of highclass chocolates hog 50c no lb saturday 37c chocolate bars 1 for 25c sultana marshmallow and nut milk bars reg 5c saturday 7 for 25c blmpto geargetown mflton acton i m i jefrjj is v-t- f v y2i i

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