Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1921, p. 2

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i h w n rt v fujjofc tnwf 1 uuii jiini u ui uttltl allacn houdli will nit i i full hill ur ull 111 to pnu 1 imc lli nph ik uli 1 mil nrry titi who live in hoi ii u br uiiuu jllv m iy lu animiii tlm vt n lo tmu t rrry tnmw ami hi un u ami mm i li nri i lmum riio apple tnnimtl fe ovo and live in nwl nnnr1 while umi tlmee for vtrlety will tune m frlmd in lionrl mliui c u mi nt mill lur uiutt ru in their triwiiidii frnrwu uppenr xvhllu mm vmtu in iiehhmi neon till luler in tlm yoer tllim llllllll lllim llilhhlnl mfllll jrupn of flpiiuiidi iiikhlk nirii wihi wmru lit r ulawliik ruhliu willi u truly uwnl jr tut iilin in novel humility ami nli tiiiv r nymi lilnlii llmt miid fenhi lura if uliovo in r nililhhoni uiuipherry m1 quince they ro veiy iiilol n itthhnrn never pinrrol or dinpute i would tlmt nil our fiimlly treen could lionut uucli ilftuniit fruit liir when you mil upon tliim limy urn nweot un tlioy run he ami mout delightful eompuny at dluimi or ut tu paulino i mnon can s buff gingham by lulu li it ton klji ktsxfca- i i w jk ijlnilli uiovu u 11 ward tlmt holt of ii hi j juut to yet it nut of thn wuy ho hul mm iivn in tint wide if tlm tdoe wliiri iwiiu llurtni 1 ruiiicliik tlm dry uoodu on thulr utttlvoq und wuu wutohlim hor uort out onjj lint thhiuii lu hotter order tlmir tlioy hud over itoon in hefore utoro vvum wurln mercantile 12iiluli- lltdimnt of wulton cily und ho wm tlm ward at llmt tlm lilu num tar tli ii etnro iiml tho word t ity tunkou to thu nuiiia of tlio lltllo tow hm iioenitd rid urn ion u tn jynii hut tiln wnn laniiilnu to uocopt loth ulotittwll ull tin otlior utiior thluttu of thin ulruiii liltf ulnto it itiui ikioii llftoil uml nhownl ftlxmt uu toiijf tlmt i wililfii- itu not worn out unit unvrr a yard ualil utt it mr wunl coiitliiund my muilomoiii iui- for brilliant uolorm uml lilic plalilu no i linvo loarmtil to fuy with mi nyo to what- will hoii liiuttiuil of trying to likmun my own iinton 1 ortniod that imlt of uhiifhiim ut ton ctiiilu u yard to tlui ailloi at bouluty hut tlioy jitotnijlio mttor attnr mr wunl hml tiiw huok to i mm domk in tlm roiir of tho utoro lynu unutiliitl tlm holt of ulnuliam euro j fully it uu a uoft umooth nlatii m uml tlm color wuit oleur uml iirtty tllio oi mimrnl it with tlm imwor holtu of tiuudy utriitfih anil iilaldh tlmt wcro lylnif on tlm countnr wuulmr to lx urrunuinl on tlm uliulvuu hliu woulil uoon nooil nuw ironum to woar in tlm htom tho now uhiuhutmi would noil aulokly hut lha hurt uhiuliftin wan tho only rdbco tliut uhn would caro for it would ho un illffntont frooi thn drahu- m worn in wnlton duildoitly nu idou ooo ft r rod to imr that imnt hoi- nt onro to llr wardii ilouk wui yon null that hurt ulii hum to tiia ut tan cuiitw a yard and take tho nay out of my wauout mr wnrd lookud ut hor aurlouuly why child tlicro uro forty yarilu in tliut boltl whatwould you ovor do with ull of io r it inn t bqoii ljolloy to ulvo uwuy your huniiitihm ualuimau uhiunuwurod lolunhlovouuly huvo a plun for h inn lurt or it im not iimkltitf for it uu u tflft hut will uladly nuy you what you offered to tiiko mm iho laillo alii hoojoty- wull koop your twhmiioii to your- hfilf rnid xlr word with a nhuoklo tuko tho hurt uinifhuin uml two it to uult younuilf 1 ii tnko tlm nay out at i tlm tao of u dollar u wook ami i only hom you uro not throwing uwuy your four dollum 1 ii tuka tha rluk iynn daolarod mr word worrlwl u llttla ovor tlm truiiiutotlon lln wih uro tliut xymi n ood d ull of hor wimkly wuuo to iuot tlm tixiifiimnil of tlm lltllu oottiilfo in which who uml hor inotlinr llvnl uu hud u foolliiif f liuiiwniulhlllly toward tlio widow udhu iluuuhtor ho uml tho lutu miniiirloii hud hbou frliuihi u fuct that hud lad tliyin to writo to him for mlvlro nhout oomlnif nttho uoulhwout und im hud udvlkod thorn to wniio to walton city tmrtly ho- ouuku of tho olliiiulo foi thu docttu had witiituil xlrn llartoii tlmt nho xhouhl btok u wurmur uoimtry mid liartly horuuno tho cont of llvlnu in thu llttla town wuu not huh llimonibr- ln that liyjjnu futlior hud imloiwl him in a orftirml hor u iiluou au clork in lilu htora now liovvovur uu ho wutijhd1 thu klrl uo uhout lior work ho wuu bhmiiuf to douht tlm wludom of tho ttap lynn hud itixtvud honiolf qulok courtoouh und willi ntr hut mho did not j try to jot uutuultilud with her hih- tomnnj jlynn lioreolf uw uho huw tlm unut htiiirovuinont in hor mothttrk iioalth hud urowu tnoro utmurftil uml hud ru- molvoit to har lfu lu thin ntnaiui now utuco until tlmy could ititurn t tho kind of nuoulo uho hud ulwuyxkiiowa uvollo who rut1 unj utudlttd und who know how to drwui und how to llvol of tho ixioplo in wulton uho did not cnm to mukn friomlx no uho wultoil upon thuiiliui oiintomorw uml thuy ro- knultiod iijhlomiril only v it wuu wodnomluy iiftornoon whnil ymi turrind thu holt of ulnrhum homo mill tlulil hr idund boforu hur luothor who onturod into tlmm huartlly it lm ituuutirull hho iiiilnliiird holding ui u loiiifth of thu clour hurt hoodu and forty yurdu of ltl wo onn muko tho lirjjty drtmii und thoro will ho ilonty loft foi tho oomfortu far your lmd und ovrdruiiuu for tho whlto ourtuiiih und uourfu for your drvmtlnir tivblu uiut your drmhor why not huvo two droiiit of it with dif ferent trimmlnkmy by workinjf lu ho ovoiilnuu und hy kottlutf up uii hour uitrilor tlmy coin- plotdtho iw dretm ltlduy nlicht lind iynh und horlnolhnr wuiu huuiilur thai tlmy hud hoou ut uuy tltno ulnoo comlnk to tlmir nnw homo j bor if hud i moemoi ilka old tlmom lo ult howiiik tojrcthur in tlm llttla dinlntr room with pattornh uml klnichumn mtniwn over tho tahla und tho chulni wliun lynn tvuu roudy t liturt to tho tttoru on butur- day mortilinr thoy hoth felt wall rcjiuii for thela arfortu for tho tflimhuiu hud mado a heoomlmt drotui it wuu cut on tlm thou ulrulnht llimu hut tho collar tlio hull und tho nockptk vvhltli mra ilarton hnd umbrolrtored gav it a htylluh jaunty ulr when iynn untorod tho ntora mr ward ullorod a prolonsod whiotlo l l in i hut nun ly t of 111 if you throw i holt uwuy it ii to not i mi ou hud in hoy tin u hit lulu ii him inoio tlliiu ill iiuiiullv iml t on u i hum t ill mly im nnd i in ilill llhmllh mhiilrll iii i i it ll ll 11 ultlmiii u mi vo llifiii fourdollur l at forty nt fill 1mm wo uml forty flv mm mnidt u hulf fur i ujnuhumii i ulmout id iiln fin ilolloi llv in luru ii tin i o dnlliii iiililnu tho vi ry iilnlimut i you rim i mil wmiiliui lilliir fn k uml i li i yuidn of my ulnuliiim i ft htm i in n how you vnr m ruuiuli d lur to hmiy un tlmt font uuid mr wind lookliik l iyjui uhiiwdly vml muul huvo iillinn d in noun wli hutwi n foltiii in hur wulliiu llm i vnn luiiulioil hut ijlil not ivuluii itiilnrdiiy afliriuion wuit u holldoy for tlm community louml wulton city i virimin ntopiml uorlc mid cumn to town for uiiiiiiltiu whilo tlui men loitfml ut th lilnckuiiilth nliop or tli uuruicn tho wnnii n mid tlm iflrlu ualii orid in miit or ollmr of tlm uton u und mini of ihdr mcotlnif u ni lul ncruu ion at wnrdu u nunihir of ulrli hiivoind round iynn him did not roul lim tlmt tin y looltul foi word oiu h wnl to ui olnif n now irlrl mid ohiioi vinu raiofiily juwt what nhn won wi urlitk lltir ilothlnu did not uoi m in tlimn to im uuy lontllir tliun tin ir own hut it wuu im dily iiilitl iyitnii ii rut ouhloin- ir that huturiluy uftnruoou wuu mutlo vunon il urotty him knyod lrl who from tho lliut hnd uoninnd imrtlouhil ly attracted to mr whiiiu nuw olork al- thouuh jjynn hud mudo no iftort to ho frlmidly tlm ulrl uuiially llnuorml iiaur tho dry uooihi loimrtmnnt mowf of imr llutjirduy halfhollduy my hut tliittu u irtty drtmu you lwiurlntf uho iinld udmirlnuly whllo lynn wuu wrnihlnif nu tho iturhuunu uho liatl nuilai uuiinouq you brouictlt it witli you no niotlmr uml i mudo it in t ovonliiuu thlu wiuli jynn unuworod wou you c itnlnly urn lurwy to lo uiit your tliluuu mudo ut homo ijl hud lulkd uhout it und wondor nl whut it muiit havo rout vou to huvo mi nh tuotty thlnuu mudo whuu wo huvn frfny no inuoli for juut ulnln thluieu i liickon you hrouuht thnt prolty uoodu with you thouuh no tymi luuifhiid i imuulit it vjjthi hnro yot to ti 1 tytlmt i ouicht huy ny cloth ii from tlio utorn tliut omiiloyu inn 1 im uirl wuif luokitii oiutnrly thn uliolvou of uoodu and ilyun know tliut iilio wan impluif in find nioi tho naino uinkhiim imr romtolnnco ftuvo an uuiiuuy twluuo mi hho thought tlm yurdu of it wultluif to docornto 1 room otlior cuulomuru rnmn nrowd- inif in und many of tlmm ommoutod on hoi nrolty nnw dromi hy iho titan lytnf had thuukod tlmm nil cordially uho notuiilly folt hor hnart wurmltiu toward tlm uoonln who no ovldoutly udmirod knr tnuto it wuu malt tliiul remark tliut fully awukmmd hor i finmclonrii in iiollo of imr tiffortii to kiulot it mutlo had llnunrod mtl ull tlm other uirla hud uturtod for tholr horn oh i wouldnt mind worklntc hnnl for my money if i could huy nloolooklua droaiifnj llkn yoiim ulm until wlotfully i don think 1 ovor had n mully jiiolty dr ui imulsolt mflthor luunilwuyo workod in tho cotton floldu oxcopt whou uho hud to utay in foi thn hnuua work him liken it outdooru i tiki nutdoov woik too but i wluli uho had known how to iww und inako pretty thliiru juut uu your mothor il wunb to know othnr tliluuu honldo ohuuikltiu lotion and nloklnff it lvn hrouaht my hinnny to iniy now drmutou today hut i don t hoom o want nny of tliouo thlupo wltii a uwoonlnk uoh- turo toward tho uowout sluuliiumi mlnnrt ivo u aon youru im uorry iynn mild wlnooroly n thou hor cmmolonco roally wont to work film could huvo uu pretty u duinn im ymtpi if youd tflvo up dooor- uthitr yom room it uuld pcrhapk ivm without tho hoduuroad and tlm ovordrnporiou and tho imurfh your in tttuoh prottlor than any room ulm hau ovor hud iou huvo ull tlmi funilturo from your room ut homo and ull your protly plotinon lor uliuniu lynn lluilon hoard i nu tho only piotty uiiiuhum in town lly thn tlmo ijynu roaohod homo ulni had u now pluu which nhn oiithuuluu- tlcally pmuoiitod to hor mother ulthouuh it moanf u huuy wook nlioad for hoth ot hum thut indy nntorod into it heartily iyun worked faith fully at tho utoro ovary uvonlnif und rly inornlnjf with on onuornmtu tliut hor mother hud not noon hor uhow in jbiiythlntf for monthu at atoning tlmo on j rlday lynn luked mr word may i huvo juut a llttlo upaco in your front window to illupluy hoimi of mothoru and tny work tomorrow window wuu uiiunlly tilled with un untidy urtiortmout of outiund uoodu ihoon houlury und vouetuhlioi livuo uny tipnoo thnt hi loft mr wuid uiihwottitl you ount hurt lht looku of that window id heou think iuu of uuklinf if you would tiiko linn to fix it up a llttlo uomit duy wlmn wo not rimhod i thouuhl mnyho il know how tq yivojt u llttlo touch horo uml tlioio um mnko it look morn llko u uhow wlndowi put uny- thluk into it that you wont iynn utiiyod uflor hourx to owun up p thu front window horttnu tho thliibu jnhntrwiirrttirlt oliout nuimnlthmnln un ordorly olupluy und left iv freu utmco hail uho ntrotollfld u aortl fiom uidn to bldo juut a llttlo hluhnr thun imr hhouldnru hho ur- rlvod tho not mornluu hofoie mr wunl und ulm wau juut putlluu tho lunt olothouulii on tlm uliohldor of tho third buff if i nullum drotui whan ho sumo uirouti tho ulrou thut fucad lilu nhow window tlm drtuiuxm weio ull mudo uooordhiu to hur own pat urn for nlio ktmw tliut u dntot out on thonn llnori would itt ulinoht any girl iho which wuu itouoioumly itoop wau only lomtoil no thut tho wounr could lower it to uult imr liuiuhu uuoh drohm hud uoino llttlo touch thut iiiiuln it dlirnront from tho others ono had for trimming tiny dull blue plp- luuu und mmilll hiitlotiu covoiod with tho nuiiia hluv uho ono noxt to it had llttlo ocoumutitoh iloniuiim in rich hrown on tho collar on tho belt uml on tlm pookaiu- tho third oim hud it whlta pltiuo oollur bolt und ourfu und tiny buff flowern woro omhnildorod on tlm odkiiom of tlm eollnr hwlnulnu jaunti ly from tlm tmprovhiod olothnllim thu tlireudiohthu cvrtujnly mudo un at- truotlvo wliuluw am mr word oumo in lynn wuu plnnliik uhovu thorn u i ard thut uitld i lu pretty loltorlnu your oholno for 4 ds ii you ohjenc to my window dbt- pluyt nho uhkod imnurly vou do i oun tako tlm drumoo rluht outi i liiivo uo rarly no tnitoodl h uimwurthl heartily tiiat window will iiltruot every rlrl that ooimm in town hut trny wltut i d llko to know in bow you vor por- oiltultyl mm muudo to tnukn them for yout lynn lauiclmil cuyly uld it ovor miir to you that othni wiitnun luluht utflu lo mak droituobt mother mudo thonu with tho lltjlo imlp 1 ooiild rivo ovonlnn nnd ourly mornlnb i i can out nut thinrf if mothor ultu by tho luhlo and ptunn juut where to put wli piooo of tlio puttorn to lh bt udvuntauo and 1 can run ull tho jonir tlrcaomo uuaimp loavlng hor the fresh tea to be good must be sresk jiaijiai op deb a is altvays f and possesses that uniqucf javour of goodness that has justly made it famous iiritty lluluhlnu touchuu joyi i iho work uo mm h u niuuo four innru hit uld null my hut thuy i o pretty your mother mliut im il womlerl hut you have prlood tlmm too low to muko uny iiiomy out of 1 mothor priced tlmm him allowed two dnlluiu nnd fortyllvo loutu for tlm nullum tlmo urter cnuntliiu ui in r thin uho ilooldud unit two dolluui und u half wuu u fnh prhn for mukluu tin u no tlinl wuu ull uhu would c owl laklnu tho llvo thimi ml uil im itfnh uio how it fuiilud n oft i noon kl in thinking youv wltlutluit window yu uml you ii to othor folk ii tl word propheiiloil uturtod uoimiuiinu of youru lloforo tlm ruuh of lluliinlny work fjynn found tlmo to tolonhom to mutlo vunruu furiii home uho hud uurnod thut mutlo lived further out than moot of tho fir in und rom inhering how matin ii oyou had imorchnd tlm uholvoi hopefully for morn of tho huh ulnu hum ulm wanted hor to have ft rat oholcn of tlio drouueu mullo uhownd tier aiitonluhtnniit who told her who wan rullinu i jmit wnntoil you to hhio in uu early uu tuuuilhla lynn umplajlidd 11- huvo uoiiiulhluu to uhow ynuoomo thing you will llko mutlo cumn very eurly und ut night nf the row of pretty dreunu her huick fyh fairly upiinkled film did lata lu muklng liar t hoieo but pick ml tlm ono with tho while uillar und cutfu and tho huy huff llaworu it la thn intuit llko youru uho uuld tho two ulrlu woro noon chatting uwuy tojtothnr llko old frlnitdu after linking mutlou iiotmlunlou to kuep the drenu in thu window until it wuu hum fur hi r to uturt homo lyi u curd uaylnir thut thu drunu wan tmld and pinned it to tho gown luiforn that ufkriioon wuu half over who hud uold tlm othurhwo lieiiuemund ulrlu were otumoilng for il omit elatnrduy jhere can ho only four more of thlu kind lynn explain- od to thorn hut there will ho now ulughniiin lu mutt woek mid iho ulrlu who fail to got thn huff ouou cull pick out uomothluu ohm thut will mak prettily my mother wl make dreuuetf juut un fuut ml horntieiigth permtth i think nlm would ha willing to cniuo down to tho utoro on hutiirduy nft4w- uoomi and help you pink out heoomljig eoloril und trimmlngu 11m next hutlirday to in juirt dreimou n wim u for uhrlnf time in ttm window of ward ii mercantile luitithlluhmont and at clnulliir tlmo mr ward uuld with a ohuoklu you moved that imlt of gingham in a mighty ahort time bttnliirtorin how long it hud boon on my handu and youve certainly uturtod a glnuhnm utauipodn in thlu utoro a fow wonkn later ur ward aukod ourlouuly how will your mother over let nil thoiio drouiinu mude upt iho llmt auutomnii iiiioiu to ho wanting their uocnml drouueu ulrondy hhu not hor price too low jlhoy uro willing to pay moio whnn tlioy wujit them mude up with more- work nu them lynn oxnjnlnad tho women and thn girlu uro ull oarninu good wuu oa nt churning yium now wind tlmy know ihtit thoy will oarh moic tttdr full ut picking it tlmy foul itu unjuut that tlioy earn tlm money quicker than mollicr can nam it new- ing but mothor thinku that her work lu muoh naulor than tliolui tu you hmi hoth uldou uro uatlulleil ami for how mothor hi unlng lu do it nil iy ho mo if 1 vo hnou thinking of talk ing it over with you i huvo decided that it will ho hoot for mo to utop working hero und imlp her with tlm nowinu you cun biro a real clork i ivo folt afraid thut porlnipii you hired mo juut becuuito you thought wo uoednd tlm money hon herol mr ward uuld gruffly it taken two people to decide uomo thlu un and i luoioj ill huvo u word to nay uhout voui uulttlng work bnre 1 heard you uny thut during your hlifgiut riiult woek mm tompklnu help you uml your mother with tho cutting nnd tho plain nenmu you nultl uho did it well afld that uho aeeniad glad to llmt work that uho could do nnd otlll tuko turo of her huhy why kit lot her help nil tho tlmot wuit u mlutito hoforo you nay what lu lu yom vou uun uffnrd it for begin ning with monday your nulury doublet ill huvo to admit thut ilurinu thn llmt nw mnnthii you weiont iui you uny u mil cloik hut youve waked up nnil wuimoil up uokiiohnw uml tho ouutom- eiii llko you within tho hint ulx wiloku trude him luciouiied until i fool tliut uro worth twice uu muoh uu you worn wlmn you tirut oumo youve mado a jitg ohuuuo in the dry uoodu depaitiiiont hy urrunulng thlnux at- trnotlvolyt und youve drawn ull tlio ivjilullillllrtklrjaljn tho iitoro hy ho- ing f i loudly uml nice lovhunt lynnu face wuu ulowlniti nd hor tyeu were very irlght if you ideally wunt mo and think i can aerk uho utiimmnred hroathloiotly ill try uo hurd for 1 do mjoy hnlplng uejeot pretty tlilnun for the women ami tho glrhi who work uo hutd for tho moimv thoy bring to thn lore i juut love tho huuy but unlay ufterunouu whou thu utoro lu orowdod n youio u loalforuuio clork ull rluht uuld mr ward haiuhlng ith u rellovwl air and itu till uot- liod foi you to ntuy wliou lynn told hor mother about im imoxpoetod tahio in huluty und liout tho imoxpeoled pruluo tlmy both folt thut tlio bunion of haid tlmou had lifted tim thy tiuuuhluy ultmato hud uhondy illupollod tlio four they hud folt uhout thu mothoiu throat uo vvoii tliut milan go hind life ittyiniid bright lo them ouou more lynnu mother looking mp from tho hit of embroidery vitu puttlnw um a flnlmhlng touch m dreuh of ono or tlm ulrlu who mimed hor uuld happily w have itiioh of uu found ii pluoo while wu itio linudnd with wdrk and hfiulth und rrlumlu you uwii he huppy unywhrol and lynn dour i think that the hout liivunltnont you iovoi mudo wau i four do tin f foi forty yurdu of buff glng- lium i v posters pa86inq out yeuiu tliu iiiivh uoim uml not ho very long ago udvortirfliik luuttor could im noon nil through tho imintry nlgn hounlu tologruph polau ot but tho duy hu gone beoauho u forni- ar in hlh itiito dilveti too fuut to i aid pontom not muuy yeum ugo formijn came to town in hugglou or wngoiih to get thulr mail do whopping njid other hiihlimnh whut a chutike htia tiikuti pacii for louy ulmout every furtnvi hau u mall hox ut hit bute or laluptipuo in tho huuno nnd hu tar to drive him uround tn iho way to got tho furmoru nttunoou yt hy adverunlng in loeu nownpuporh duttch and chclod iii 1uiu the hutu d lltulou reaohed uu p uk in hie i icport of hotter tho amount uolug uhroiid that your itu- lug 33730 liltn ihu of which jo 331 j lim rame to cniiala in 101 our imluhhoru exportnd flit 150 013 ihw of limbic that yiur holog their huuuut in hit cnmmodlty of thlu amount 4ft fll itm ciitno to cuiiudu our hunt i xpert ymr n llmwo piodintu wuu 1uj0 wheii of j4c117j 1dh of hotter imported hy tho united fltutou we uuppliod 10 1103 311 ihu und of 1g 003 7311 ihu or cl ooiiq imttortod by thut country m rurnluhed a 031404 hiu i tut la nt year wan very t xcoptlnnul for lu iho flint twenty yonni of tho 0 n- tury our imiiortu from tlm united fit a ten of hotter amounted lir all lo iamrt3 nm ml oxportu u 304qril th uml of eh 107 143 ihu lu imperii uml 4 011oir toy in upoilu kovoi ting to tho yt ur tho world war hroko out namely 1014 we hnd thut the uiiltud fltutnu importfd 7- ml 100 ihu of liuttei of which wo only uupplled fioo cj3 thhiu und be 47044 iun of rheeiin or which 1 340 13h hu wliu from thh couulry or hnu hum ono foitlel laklng the youru 1010 to 1d1h olllclal nuureu im ijilud hoth from ottawa uihl wuuhlog too how tvottinmid imlrtml prxo tlrully 00 per rout inoio hultur fnim the united lltateu thnn uhu nont to tljiil no in i try iho grautuht dluparlty imwkvir wuu lu nlioeuo um lu tboutt yeaiu we imported from iho tfnlted lituteu no hmu limn 10314 eo hif whllu wo only uupplled to tliut country j745hh3 um lu tlui hint ulx yoru thn united union hun oxpoited j4c ion 420 ihu while we only uuppliod to thut eounliy j 743 duj thu in thu hint ulx y urn iho united htuteu hau oxpuitcd j4g 420 ihu of nhoeua ugaliiut 3130 ir itim in thp prevlouw ulx youru and importvd 10h 050 040 itiu ugnlioit jh7j0ksu1 lljh lu tho name period thut in in the luut ulx youru canada exported to thn united hutoti j 373 447 ihu uml imported froik thut country j iad 006 ihu thuu u each cuho wo imported mere than wn liortod of hotter in tho luut hulf doxoii yeuiu cuiiudu ixportod to tho united uluteu 1i2775du uih and im ported from that country 713083d him in tlo prevloim ulx youru wo exported to tlm united tltuteu 1724 400 thu anil imported from thero 3111413 ihu that tho trade of the united mtati in duliy produotn exieedu gruutly i oxportu lu provou hy the fuat thuttor the hint foui yeum tho uverugonialun i lu oxportu huu beau i077j1g57 whilo the importu from ull countrlou have only averaueil i10 00jb70 or louu tliui imojalxth tho manufacture of con ilatiuad milk incicauod onnrmouuly iii tho united lltutouilin uulluwaj demand having ulnra fulluii off it lu ovidont that thero muut ultlior bo limienliig in the pioduotlon of milk tho uurpluii muiit bo uxed for tho mak ing of butter und oheouo dominion departmunt nf aurloultura the lcaquc of little mothehb over in polnml thoro lu nn anor- maim tank to euro for tho little children left n trended and iilltna through tho otfootu nf war and famine a one imlp in wuriinw thera lu ut work u lioclaty called tho lvaguo of utile alothom a mniit charming uumo that really deucrlhoil thn oruuiilxatlou flcliool glrhi mo trulned in tho euro nf children uml tho praotloal wuy thut thoy uro taught lu uhown by tho fuot thut thuli imlmol lu oomiootod with a duy iiuruoiy l horo uro tho ohlldron for them to experiment with and moanwhllo tlmy havo bouun tholr uor- vlno ln doing it iqvory uflornoup thn uliiu hour looliiieu on uiultoiny and hygiene nnd then thoy ntudy tho con dition of the ehlldion under tholr euro un uu to uplily whut thijy huvo learned in olauu iho girlu uro nil hotwoon tho uuou nf thirteen uml ulxlqoil fully ublo tn lourn rapidly nnd ntrong enough to ii for oven tho niout uctlve und trouhlonomo of tholr ghuigen in all of poland thlu hi tho only society thut him uucli oxuellniil ooniieetlnu botwoan tlioory nnd pruotlco tho hold for service lu great uml tho need of fiimiu hi coiiutant fo fur tho american hon let y of h hondo ban done mont to keep thu llttlo motlmru tlmmuelvch well fed und pioporly trained lunglnml ahio glyen aid hy lending nu kug- llnh nuruo to iruln tlm girlu in thlu horvico ijut tho leugue of llttlo motheiu llko tho qlrl h out woik here lino to expand rupldly beoauua it lu praotloal uml noooiaiary to tho good f tho nation 0ain0rlo35iwmvc10ht after a mnnlior of porhonuuuiored togotlmr have onjoyod u goiidtnunor u of them lu ah n out u uro to remark iiiut it ox tin ordinary that n niun ilghu no more uftor atjnu imyy mnal thn i ho did hoforati it would ho oxtraoidluury in the oxtreiiio if tiuo hut it iiiut the man who tuekil uwuy two or three poundu of tmlld food oi of liquid foi thai mutter will uhow it on tho ncalou thlu doeu dot nleau that it ho outu uuy two poundu of foui bo will weigh oxuclly two poundu morn after dinner thuu before hut ho will come vaiy uuur to it tlm ullght dlrterniion lu duo to the fuot thut tho hodx lu cnrftlnuully lou- in wolulil whuther ono im oatlnu tk- inti violent tjxeroue oi doing nothing ull by puruiilrutlou through thn i ami hy tlm moliitura nnd curltou dloxldu guu exhaled from hn lungu tho more overolne tlm greator thfrlomri fuiufit of con mo x i h ourtalu uthlutlo uhlh lecordn i kept for uomo tlmo of tho weight of inumhorn before uml uftor dluiinr and ltwuu found thut tho uvrugo irouno duo tn dinner wuu two imiundn in imncbb rim mverugu man wl wuluji uno und half poiiiidh leutl uftor u turkuh luith hvti hefnro und u wry fut limn y lone two or three poundu men in good imulth who lo ary hurd work not lufreiiuuntly louo live poundu ight dining thu day und roguln it during um dihiht tour bal yoa can ivsnalo tttnuallhjcwtmn ml cur bma hmdnr writafqfraitvcrauct l always having to de towed hnro lu nimnthlng rerlorn lu tlm ulhiiuruiicn of un automolilln thut l h hig lowed in tho uru go it nmy b humlhonio tiliuhluo with ull the lutiut iilpmoit hut uu it tiullu ulmig in tlm um of another cur it leoku imthtti illy hilphnii ami ynt a giit iimny younu p opl urti jii the miiim peultton uu thut motor rar they wr deluii- d in prmlocf their own motlvi jinw r hit llmt ad they hull utter noun oim lu following uomo fori fill iniln nut uurn mti ring tholr hiulioi mid lu ll dig tic uml individuality lvry ity know- thut eoimithlng lu wrong llh the maihhm thut u towd into wit at the giiruge it will lie nx- anilnnd und whutaver lu wrinu will rorieelud ah ulititmlihlla thut ulwuyu huu to i towxl would not he worth uny- tiling and vnt uemn young folku uro ulwuyu trull ing uftr omioim ehm i hoy never tly on thulr own di tiilonu 1 in y imver u t on their own initiative y uhould rind out whut lu wrong wlth ihemufllvsh uml ornct it uu iioon pilhttlhl wn urj not worlh much u hiimuli being if wn urn ulwuyu lug to im fowed tlm youth who hi ulwuyu nccnulug m employer of fuvorltiihii forg tu one fu tliuluiiy employ r who dluregurdu rlf uiut ublllly lu blind to hlx own liitereotii any hiiului nu oriunixutioii hied hy worknru uehcted uololy uo- eordihg to thn utrt ilgth of their pull ltd muiii 1m im tho rocku it hi uu much to un umuloyoru inter ut to ud- nco the youth who iihowu promluo it lu to tho inuruut of tho promlidng worker din youth wu felu that h lu not gifting fair truulment muy imuidhly not he cognisant of tlm fuotu lu thu i it muy im true thut uomoouo lu promo tod ovir iiih baud who do u uo tnr work than he in doing hut per- pupu the ihirwouulity of tho mm thuu promoted lu peculiarly uttruotlvo und that lu uu important factor lu tho new work hn lu to und or tuko perhupu hw huu given uvldlmoo of roipilrui live ithlllty whllv tho dlhgruntle1 worker who doeu what ho im told extremely well luut nvvwr ivoit uoy uiit that im could hlukn blu own trull tlm t ployee who lit uo leudy with tho cry of favorltum rotgntu tlmt he liimuelf muy 1m u little prejudloldnd in lilu own ruvor no buhinnuii nouhl im long liuo uiiuful if ull udvuneimeiit wuu dun to ravoritih why suffer pain you miut do hlthin to ymiihil in bmitiiea beelal or homo life ir you nntrr from imndnelm buokaolin imurftlru tiiouthly ptmi or uny of tlm lliouiiuml uml one palml with which all of uu ftj0b adlloted at mm tlnm or another u puiiim linlli uto u very rol iliyloi dn itu thoro ziiry ft m i leu w pkillll of k anil pain ill lr jot them tu buddy boxnn at oiirdrugutoru a box u inmiranoe ftguliint hnad- aoliocbrulakihiii1 neumlku mid puln of alliioht any imture thoro uro pain 1llu ii ry ml pi luttmitliat m liot promptly tllvod by r nut n u drys paihpills hcadaotti and rhuehatic hhok ine able titer effect or ullea adtl- l uhout upimlilllpiutlni forming a drug huliu stop th pain hold in acton hy l ha08ahd special ldbo tharj wholcbale itricc on oandtti scats and lawn chaihs lawn chaiiiu no ik u ijuiiiu to four poult lonu liuidwoddfriini with feet rent pvlnol ut -jawi- mo 17 jiiljuulu tb fijur poullhiuh foliluihit hn id woo 1 fiumi lrlird ut no 11 iidliiulu to four piuiltlnoh hunlwood friimi pihd nt it os gaiidln qlats tim unit und link eluto uro womwd dimly to tho uhppoillnir friimi utroiib- ly mude i m four nuple 2zt6 for two po lo wo riiifh hitmmoi k i ompletn with utunl end humpy prlrr1 nt 2aj00 imw f iwlnuii fortouv in opln prlrnl nttlioa a hirschorn ckoitfilnown ladieis suit and dress specialist spring coats and dresses satisfaction guaranteed it a customer bud n nnrment ri not natinfnctnry it ttluy bo returned and tlio monoy mjll bo cliccrfultytcfiiudcd a hirschorn jmmtiuitumwafkibmmmmmmmtnmmmmismmmmmmmmmmmumiwemne studebaker special six a car of 110 inch wheel baso with 50 55 home power motor stutlobnker designed nnd studeakor built detticlmblo head motor improved carburetor witli hot spot in tuko manifold potftivo j up 1 ox lulirlcatuik syutcm its com fortable and roomy seat 32x4 goodyear cord tircu and ninny otlior special features make tho studcbnker spoclal six the lending car in canada today j n oneill son parage and carriage works georgetown distributors op sludebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for acton georgetown and milton k tu bond 1mwwaw4 phon 1012 ouilll mw co lu this stores policy to repreient gooda ci- uctly as to tlrelr quality to sell to those who know and to thoao who dont know at a uniform fair pride to fulfil all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence hy always divine you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario ergravfng 1 v oiriciiuowiswbr igranotrunks the double track route i1utwi un montiical toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dining car krvlo nieoplitr enru on nlfihl truhiu untf parlor curo on prlnclpul duy tralni vull lufoniuitloii from any gran trunk ticket i cont or c 10 hornlv dliitrict pauuoiikcr aucit toronto n s iiolmcs ajrcnl acton ont phomi x noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity op feed coiin and oil cakc just received c flouit rced nottval i1uan and shouts may stkaw r noble ltd hcnrv jwnev t manaobll whu you nwd boots shoes a l any time iuiy 1ttom w williams mill street alioii lp 1amous ioh satisfactory footwear liuasonaule wiiqiis lit

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