Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1921, p. 4

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itft atfim 3xn tyxtm unlr c ilui wrkly newm iiilirthday iunu 0 103 1111 a ion 1111 i- lukw ii ii ll l t aiw1 uu in ua1 th iionl ki l 1 t i h ueailci cr p u llr lcri 1 tl will l lnil 111 1 i uoouk fcdlw k i lol iui luefaieouanena iulteth a nation when the dual vote for restoration of the ottawa parliament binldnirs wns under dibcuision last week hon v mccurdy minister of public works an nounced thnt ilia tower would bo completed in two years a miction would ho contructcd each year jou the fnco of the tower will bo tho inscription civo tho kk iby judgments o god and thy rijjhtcouhiicsi unto tho kings son on one side will lie where there is no vition tho people perish on tho othqr ho shall have dominion from sea is sea editorial a 1ubllc schooj for crewuoiul content tho ratepayers at crewoiis corners and vicinity arc petitioning tho councils of tho four twonsjnps which corner there for tho formation of n new union tchool rcction with a school ut the corners owing to tho long dihtmico ull children require to go to attend school m uny of tho four townships tho pica for a union school hu n jooil deal to commend it ijwi l of union government gone tho liberal i mado a bravo light in tho house of commons to kill tho patronage bill but wero out voted this removes tho inst pledge of tho union government lt about tuna now for hon mr gutlino to resign and coma home tho union government which lie went across tho lloor of the lloue to support when war conditions dentnnded such b courts is now entirely annihilated canadud new governorceneral the appointment of lord uyng to succeed tho duke of dovonnluro as governorgeneral of canada will bo generally popular lord byng or sir julian ttytig s bo woj during tho war had command of tho canadian corps five years ago in some of their hot- teat engagements in i ranco tho warm hcartedncss ho had for the canadian soldiers is evidenced in tbo headquarter s despatch he bent out just before the battle of pasclioudale bo kind to the canadians they nro friends of mine our boys learned to adnuro and love him ob their commander greatly an effort ii being made to have lord byng open tho toronto exhibition on august 27 as his hirst public act ifntsc economics soma of the earner union members who are at tempting to stir up trouble these days with big ideas in their heads would do well to give attention to a principle set out by the natal advertiser and quite evidently written by a man who knows tho old fallacy still persists that by decreasing tho hours of employment openings can ho made for extra hands and a big body of unemployed therefore absorbed the theory takes no notice of tbo cardinal fact that as a rule the larger proportion oftheworkless are not skilled and there is the further objection that by adding to the wage bill through the assimilation of meitdeyononiio qtfqtahatndustryrttrcartyryotr n the pneo of thop articular commodity dealt in to a prohibitive llgurt or so reduce tho profit on the production that it is not worth while to continue producing what is admittedly wanted is greater production aliko in industry and on the land and that result can novcr bo achieved by burdening existing enterprises by employees in excess of the economic justification how they see us it ii interesting when wo think we have political and other difficulties of a national calibre to see what other people are thinking thus a hit from an editorial ui a recent issue of the new york sun will bo tllummating canada to dayis unique among tho great nations in that she has no serious labor troubles and in that she appears to bo effecting tho difficult process of readjustment to the after the war conditions as painlessly ns may bo tho attitude of the dominion and provincial governments toward business has been helpful but fundamentally such successful readjustment must bo duo tjo tho exorcise of plain common sonscon tho jiart of both capital and labor it ts not the first time that canada has set on example worth studying one thinks of can ada as primarily an agricultural nation and it is still true that her wheat and other grains outrun any other commodity but the dominion has turned more and more to manufacture and its industries grow at a tremendous pace doubtless the growth may con tinue as further watorpower is put to use and moro resources in conl and minerals tire opt ned up and her network of railroads extended itritifih homes in trance a light on potwnr conditions that doesnt coma to us in canada it given in an item in tho london daily mail when it notci war rubs off the un familiarity of foreign countries accordingly a good number of our ex soldiers have already married and ws hied in france our soldiers have always been apt to make now homes in countries where their battles have been won ton years ago a french wife a farm or shop or kinemu in trance would seemed out of all range in home making to a british working mini pour years of allied war have made trance familiar and fasciuatmg each such settlor is a pledge of good will between the two countries an alliance woven with human strands docs not easily break tho movement towards church union the re introduction of the debate on church union at tho general assembly of the presbyterian church now in session in toronto has made this important question a live issue again according to tho report on church union presented by a com mittee of which sir robert lalconcr is chairman there are at tho present tune 225 co operative churches with cither a presbyterian or methodist minister in charge in addition there are 150 in dependent union churches composed principally of presbyterians and methodists but not under one or the other there are therefore altogether 375 union churches operating in canada at the present time t is reasonable to conclude from tho above figures that unless the presbyterian general assembly takes some action in regard to church union the people will take matters into their own hands and coopt r ate with methodists congregational and other pro tests r t denominations apparently tho people will have church union whothcr tho governing bouts of these churches a prove of it or not tho prohavu tics are that thq general assembly wijl recognize the trend of tho times and give its approval to the move ment a bide we dont think of the duke of devonshire is the eleventh of the lino of distinguished men who have crossed the at lantlcmo represent their sovereign at ottawa to all of them their sojourn in canada has meant exile from many things they have held dear to none we think iia the office been of a pecuniary importance to two or three at the very outside of whom the duke of devonshire is not one it may have been a necessary stago of a progress to dignities rnoro splendid on rhissidcftheocjmnr donot auffloioftuy-fvalixe- th t-thc- 1 ourwfl va a a h royal duko or simple baron spends among us is usually four or live years of separation from the main current of life as ho knows it and lives it and of absence from tho scenes of great world events in the direction of which had ha remained at home he might have had his share certainly nothing but the same senso of public duty which wcra he at chatsvorth would impel him to ride down and tako his scat with tho magistrates at quarter sessions would have made the duko perform for years the duties of the very dignlked but somewhat uninspiring office he has held with great popular acceptance since the duke of conuaught who happily for himself found congenial work in advising his ministers on practical matters in connection with tho organization of the fighting forces was hurriedly called home to assist in the empires war effort at the umpires headquarters editorial notes one way to avoid good health is to use a perfectly sound stomach ns a medicine chest it doesnt pay even tho senate passed tho temperance act vali dating bill tho governor generals consent con firmed the measure germany hns sent to france tho remainder of the first billion marks duo on the reparation no actual gold is being sent but notes bearing the endorsement of the four leading banks a splendid tendency it is not easy for the average farmer with tho many things he has to do from early spring until lato fall to find time to spend in beautifying his homo surroundings and yet it is particularly notice able that farmsteads are being rapidly improved in appearance from year to year well kept lawns neatly painted buildings tidy fences carefully pro served trees and intelligently planted shrubbery are not uncommon in the country and they indicate with positive certainty that farmers aro taking an activo interest in those things which make country life more pleasant find congenial moro than that they are an expression of pride of ownership and a desire to make- the farm something more than a mere place of business it is true that p feasant surround ings are rather intangible but they nevertheless have more than a sentimental value they enhance the market valuvof a farm and may in a very real sense be considered a good financial investment as some- 11 one has already paid tidiness like everything else worth having comes only by effort but it is worth all it costs with a nice marcn of profit tho pioneer farmer could not be biamed for neglecting to bcauti fy his home surroundings as thoy should bo beautified today his entire time was occupied in clearing his land in planting and harvesting his crops and in erecting buildings conditions to day however are different and at least some of tho spare lime which every good farm manager can arrange to have can bo spent to splendid advantage in making his farm neater in appearance and his home a morecongenial placo m which to live neglect of appearances is not in keeping with the progress that farmers are making in the organization of tliolr business for more sub stantial profits and when this is morovldoly appreci ated contentment and happiness will bo or greater importance in farm life thq new law prohibiting the importation of liquor into ontario voted upon and carried with such largo majority on april 18 will go into effect on july la then for better times up from the ashes rebuilding a building to rebuild ihles i on no musi november 30th last the auskoka free hospital for consumptive was destroyed by fir on january 14 this yea sir william cage founder of tho insti tution the one man who had con tributed most largely to its support and for twenty five year the out standing friend of needy consump tive died today more than ever before poor suffering consumptives need your assistance give c all you can to the national sanitarium associations matron uu exoeueacy tbo doka of bevudur o cm g 1 1 ueveraargeneial of cauda honorary oomiatfcleo chairman iii honour lionel m clarke xaeoteaaut governor of ontario consumptives emergency million dollar fund business directory medical dr j a mcnlven phyalolan end burun oftlfe and itael 1m r f ri e vtowet itiiu and tctatn llrtm iii tmltl no formerly ooau lad i y i u uiui dmneon anton out dh j ncldon phyiol ian burgeon obalnlrlolan actori ontario hit rt naunr to 111 t lulu pr uruy oni- unl lloul h ima 1 i urltdl lit onic v m t holirm 3 in 4 i in m 11 to dr c p w r080 phyalolan aixl duruaon iui qt oaoroatown mi nl cllumii un 1 fiifunt 1v ilntf r i hoiia no s3 1 o lift 31 harold nash kaumku m a tlrrut- solicitor notary publlo cunvanyanoar etc pcnnvman block acton out uom1jv to i oan hour 0 30 am to 6 p o do j u bell d d tl u d dntui hauaf graduate of torm to uiilvw- ally tt utttf anaat initio uua tf 1lrad offlo at twlaaitoa comar kill and pradarlok homi miscellaneous marriage licen8eb moor laauar manlag lloam 1u muakaka f 6 on noyetnbatf 30 tb by builbnfa targe puntu targvouv to to lloa k o lrury lrnilr of ontario ii la worablp iv ll churnli mayor of toronto mot w a cbatltob ali wm tfioraaon or lit i a a a hardy ilrockvllu tltmanry raaairr tur tamuaj oslar ontarlo oocnnltta chairman v jl itatball lb miultol fr iloapital or 40o kdulu in early j lltaittaeaa tuawwretoro250 ol tbona la ikalr k and loved dm cutml tim reawaliwlr will la graaliy benaitlexl a few knoolb lor acb ttatunt ummi toaana ihouund earal io4 boconxi ll ealdijm 1uiuu aura arret um coat o 1urrkar tuwlnl to carry no uta tloctaga laautula ea tka gtyoj tokmltv asau adulla in jvmncl it- kniut b treated at ika km cjwafd sanalonunt on tbe hank of lbe ilumber hear weatocu eaumaiana aire waca rf many ol t t can ad malnlutlo daldre tridtannlhtba dread dun tnuftt lut cared for el thai qtuno fnflmmt k r mary iloapital at conmttnfkbvei tmplimu hne tuam tmtmil fmi ctutdraa boar wemocv ninoty to oau erf lju lomptulm c per cent of iihnh wm uhj lo jtj by ju aa rjarfmn a torn era mr f qt and for enediral lwd m- national sanitarium association hdqaurters 4648 kantf st- eul toronto opposite km edward houl tu tltar lhaaa- ofllfa prancis nunan doelbiruir account booka of all kliula mail a t order periodical if nvry ilesrjrip tlnn rarerully iwtund hulli c ticauy mid i romptiy dona wyrulbatn street clublpli out ovr william- tor ft j kchr licanaed auctioneer por uis iountlca nt italton wfeuin tort lel ajul ourferlu and tha city at ouvli h cton ontario halu may ba arratieml i y tnall m at raaldenca at anton or tt tit vrea 1 rm oricn acton the uarrnry oitln lunlpi tlia nbwm itaonnl 1tirkuu or with m j con ii hnmmii ualiar illluburr liala oiitniateil lo it j kline r oulva alio i hon from 1 ito or llhtlnir to ilatr of aalo hat jnu bjiu with ma- nallno bowei avomn at ton ifrarvjhr rer t tho hon e c drury b s- a prima minister of ontario and representative in the provincial legis lature of halton county will be tho recipient of the degree of lld at toronto university this evening ho richly deserves tho honor the- regulation of tho ontario board of license commissioners limiting the number of liquor pre scriptions to bo issued by physicians to fifty per month co mo into effect last week tho averago list of patients will get along vory well with that number canadas healthy live stock tba rnport at th veterinary idlr- actor general rticontly law u etl oovurj two year the aral dart fur tbo yur ending hdarch ii lslf an i the weontul part for tho twtilvo mnnuut terralnnt- ln uarch 11 120 tlo iteului of canada a live utook during ttoth yar ibown to have ben highly aatln- faotory in fact it u eaay to bellnva that canada la tho haalthloat country in tho world cor all breed of uvo lock no country can claim to b nbeotataly tea from allmetitm in itm cattle horaea aheep and uwlne uny mora than it can that every human bain ta heehhberfeal hut canada h la aafa io aaaert ofnea tiearer to the ideal atata than any other land nona of the epiaooua illaaaaea that catiae meat anxiety to unitary m ctau aueh aa foot and mouth dleeaaou cattle placu and oonlajrloua nleuro iknoumonla ara found within our bor der xueaatf that do exut to avery limited extent auch aa a la rule ra hue cholera and cattle mature the report ahowa ara belna kept well under con trot and are dlmlauhlns in number year by year oundera u proven to have bjcuted only in northern baa itatahewan and uanltoba and in thoae provlnoea extremely tcw raaea are ro- ported all the outbreak the voter inary director oeneral u uble to atata liave bean enloleritly dealt with and the dleeaae cradlcted wltero ho cholera and cattle manae have appear- ed vuroroua action has immediately been taken with the reault that con- tasion haa been everywhere checked and dutrlata entirely olonred bard in hog cholera experience ahbwm that nearly all aibaa orlalnate premlee where aarbase la fetl to the anlmau cooklnk if prom rly done u minted to be an effectual aufesuard kull at tlt lea are slven in the rehrt of the uctlvltlea undertaken all over the country which indicate the num ber of live mtock inspected tor exporta tion in the year 11 3p compared with the prevloua year tile nauree belna- sos aa oomparwt with 100 ooo dominion department of acrlaul ture despite tho low prices at which wheat is sellirtg there is an increase in the acreage of whoat planted in albert ranging from 15 to 35 per cent according to statistics ju4t compiled the agricultural reports also say that the acreage of potatoes in ontario will equal that of last year i q cms op thought it u nnly the constant eurtton nnd working of our tumult lvo intnlbmtual al and pluplml htunhlnery that keoui ih from ruhtlna un i w 1m oainliit ipwloau c ulmmnnu whatever of uootlnniix maiiuleu from the aoul aatharx itu uott hulo in y and if tho heurt he u lurkhur plaou of crime the yrm nr iiuro to hetruy the aecret v baun lora lltkwevt r lournfhl or eloquent man i kwa kiothlna truly that he imu m t lout nod from oxperlat cu wlelml all tlm fcohotuatlci uaarfoldlttte fallu i iirulned ollrtcn in for on uiiikui worl fulth niitmileiiii oaiilue u u uuiwrlor uplltude to patience ilurfon prohibition was popular in the ottawa parliament the other day a member proposed that thb inaldous deceptive and spul destroying article known as honey substitute should bo entirely prohibited the representatives of the people anxious to protect the hearths and homes of our fair dominion without u thought of personal liberty ell said aye floored the yankee yankee rid in on a lon ion bua aeluxt the conductor about a certain etatue in pall malt that a ueorse llf wam the reply it took abc month to put that up we could have erected him in ahc day boeetod the yahk and what a- thu monument vera juat oomnr tot that a neuona column took two yeara to bulk that oeel came from the other wad have done it in aa many week the oonduqtor am lied wearily nnd when preaently aa tliey were peaaln ht paula the yank inquired what that old atruoture how ions did that take to hulwr ft the oonduotor replied quulakv uuit t aay air dldn t notion u there when i paaaed tllu morning- uoaton blvenlnc traiukrlpl letus be of service to you in sending money abroad transfers of money to all parts of tho world by draft post rcmiltanco or cable can bo mado through tins bank quickly and at advantageous rates u th mrchant5 bank head oirico montrw of clamlada esubltahad 18s4 actohdxanai georgetown bkancii hoi i s acton til ol y kocpenee auctioneer i ivh htolit 11l vi 1 htat10 and unilciianditib corwelldatad phone erin 4t 1 1 h it 3 acton sity upm1 uomx ta ml l n sikjrev i il h uuuis kuia the quipment of two automobiles as travel ling dental parlors to look after the rental requirements of children in outlying settlements was decided upon at a recent meeting of tho provincial executive of tho lied cross society at regina this is certainly a worthy enterprise it will mean much fri tho higher status of ftchoaltli ottho children of saskaqchowan y advice wanted im in t ut with my lrll auld yutina ubb duoonaolately why replied hla aympnthetlo friend what he matter my boyt have a rowf nn it un t that you ace 1 vt 1mi aay i nv ao many nine thlnae to her that eh ottlns a no i tod i cunt top it and i can t keep it up can t eht why notr well you aee if 1 keep on ehol begin to think aho a ton bmhi for and if x utop who ii think i don t euro for her any more in the miprcme court of o re coleman mocoombe va grippe judicial sale of lands luntuunt to the judumont und final ordt r for aale mado in thl ouueo and hearlntf date the 30th dity of navum- bar luao thtro will uwll ut publlo uui mon with thn apprttvul of win k1 aton uaq k ci ftluater of thu court attiutlih by ur 1l jf kerr anotion- or pivomlte the premuw on uui iph btreet in thn vlllutfu t t iokwool ut the hour or one ooloik p in on itati unlny the elahtoentli uuy of june 10i the followlns ian 1m un 1 1 ramlauu in one parcel vie lota 11 so uii i 31 in lilock a in tho wiwtirii ilvlalon of tie vlllase of llookwooil thl proikirty huw u frontatd if iss feet on uiteltih utret 8kt font on lll- kermuu htreet ahl feet on itala- oulvu htreel thine nro uroote i on i t is a fro mo cottngn motnettmo oa- upled uj u monthly tinunt by one inftiob who la atlll on the pluoe and un lot 10 a amall bam and all the lota tire laid out for rrult trvum of whlah there are ulrvady u number and well adapted to either build in or aurileii- ina purpoee tho proterty will be offered for bale 111 olio block wuhjeot to u reaerved bl i to tie luu 1 by the ukator tan per pout of the prloe muat bo lval i o tho plaintiff w tlloltur on the day of aale and tho hakim o in fill rt it day wllhuut interoat when the pur- oluihnr will lm entitle 1 to tin order of l hla court venting- auld ian la in him fren from euuumhrhlioa ismwtoah ion will lie ilvcn on puyrmmt of the full puruhano money in ull other reepecta tho tnnna ulliina of aulo will imi the mtaudlnif i it ion of the rupremo court ontario farthir imrllculur can im had from it n kurtnur lcua 1 i tlutliru bouot- tor aulon ontario or at auld mum tor otrioe uuelph llaunl at tluelph thle twentieth day of ifay a i 1011 wm kingston 1 total master luolph i n kurmor mulntlftm httlh itov adt ill ont n llr the 1 lalnllfth midfellor hua oimo rcoclvcd written inatrtn llonm from wiinoii curl k i the owner of lot is in hw1d i ion to ulmi orter th varan lot which la iti tho rur of lot 19 anl of thn minn elao und dlmelt mii u for enlo ut the anmn time und 1 1u n ill reaerva hid tliliftjn whloh front on lluluolavu bfreet will nrat ito offered alone- with tho nbovo tljreo lot mul will if nut en auld ho put up for anle meparutnh on mus term at aale 48 3 ah spring hats at reduced prices to makeroom for our summer styles nellie m stockf ord acton gwkuh rl0ka j e oieevers book dindcr quebeo 0l euat cuelph ont itooka anl maaaklnnu bound la i land wont and llulketantlal cover narno lettered in col 1 on lublea hymn llooka and othor itooku all work promptly executed d alex niven ontario land surveyor nd civil enttlrter purvey fculxllvuin plan il- porta tkvacrtptloiih llluoprint eto certllloalam tur i urclaara ahd mortaaii tlurveyj fur archllrta uulldera and munlnlpal couiipiuj dralnam lleprtta rnllmatfiu ola molrxan build1no doudlae bt uuwidml 1 hono 10b1 ont wedding invitations and announcements the kkel press has just iiicrivcd and placed in stock an assoktmint op hip alpst cldding stationery 6rdprs promptly and skilfully exlcuted the free press acton clearing sale op winter goods no need olk t atiolpli r dol lar day von out nuiko n dollar hero juut uu well overalla w work hlilrtn o 1 t wjnur enpn t 1 7b i aud otlior kahh in vi coma in and oo u for 1 arirulo oho rabemnu naatly done e k cook milk btiliaiilt atjton jqpgravfnlgg mihoiuohbsrvfar tfoftonto caam frecrefifl want adv wlu juidi a tiuyer for tliose umibcd arusles tlieold anthioliablo cranito and mai bio doalors wq urn manuuutui- r und direct linpitr or all kind of moimnumtal and ileadmlone work we h dlreot i to our luatomor at wholtihale prloea thua wivliu our ouatmnur 40 per oenl we have the beet appliance and the only mechanic in the lomlnton who can operate pnnuniatlo toil properly we oan ijlve rereronno trt m hundreda of our ouatumfr in toronto and other plaoea where other have to have leaf aulta in ortur to oollrct we havo the uuamt and beat a took of granite in the dominion or more than any three dealer in the wml we are touitl- inate deatnr anl employ no aaenta and do hot annoy or peet ouatomere try aendlnat out uttmrnnt atfenta aollclt- nf order we employ only meohanloa and defy nompeiltlon hamilton sons oar horelob a woolwich hta ouelpb

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