Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1921, p. 2

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ma mtl ri cc j t- ji rftiii u tii jvrt jfcgr jlrgfl0 a j i f- i mi thai nvak wu 1 uw n hi mil thrfuuy a men y vhtwvrsijr heart u right h th twart u tight ther i pur dw in th hir- lk do hut woirj iumciki mike lb hard- t grlul om f kimiw task rirvou li lot iw worn that causal by lh hunrj and tho hardship of thing yu va il in sir th npett awltrh or the ycurnhia ditch thai oil know vuui it walling- eii kuy the htmlell of j hut haunting win sat the trouble that fate may hold hut those we lrrow cause moat of tha sorrow anil worry that make u ull jaon kelly jjxuik dorinda finds a grandmother by martha kino dwu jrixrjkyxti oouinija with utter disregard in lieudod oaorgettit snuggled deeper in th big armchair before tltt n re place horn where lu tho house u clock slowly chlmtd twelve and nt lt last stroke it door cloaod gently dorinda straightened coi dud 1mliere in tha- library lame hayden tuod for moment in tho doorway ha felt utli thrill of gladness ill the night uf dorinda alwuyu always dorlndu brought to him that thrill 11 smiled a he shook hi huud what not nna to bed yot uookumr dont you know that ull cinderella an supposed to vanish ut tha munlo midnight hourr dorinda went to him and put her utrong young arm ubout hi nock ulio laid hur cheek against hu lined niiu tiotnotlmcim vita whtipered and hor voico caurht with u llttla noh utiniohmfu i wlh fwcra a ci ml or- ollu jfnr futior illil not ana woe he put luw imok in the hhr balr and mtt down by iho tahl wothor not in ytt ho alia utayod on tiiut ont mo homo willi tho jironorablo iumwoii jftlu- inaham and hid tooth- dd uor- liidu ruln4l hmouldrlnc yea 1 att not boms to marry th honoroblo ittuiwort wlllhujluunl woll you ilont liavo to mavryblm do you tootttt i do if htn tnothor und my mother havo thlr way und it 0 ii it 1 huu ma dadl tranlcaliy do i look owr junto lluydun mmlloil not notlcoably my dear youll not tllo of old ua right away who nuyu you look oldt uothor hhe tummom at t all tha umo you know thu la my wooond nomwn if i dont net married thla your itu ooodby ehjuice aha tatyu am if i ourod fiiio leaned over and put her hand on hi id minor nuty with you iad ulwuya and for- over he halted iter hand eonlly im jjinllnod to tteooud the motion jlut you juat havent luipinjnod to meet the rid hi man time noiujh youre noth ins hut a itahy i aupuowo i nupposv thu diiunkhom luui money r iorlndo nodded vehemently yoil have maid it dud uoney blue blood thats all mother car i oh for- alye ma hut what la the uae of ro- tendlntft i lm ilbaperatiuy unhappy uothera puhliu me to accept bni be roro tho elshtennui ahe wutiu announoo it at a dinner alie la aivbuf that night oh if t only had aome placo to go i jf i only had a relative a w ifnuidnother jama hoyden n tar ted tho tflri aaw in hla eyca a look alia bad never noon thorn before oorlitda he aad uuletly you have a rrnndinother oh oh pleoao dud dont jok that way jra not joking my dear ifwqulte tnio t ohbut it unut you told me you imronta dlod before jf waa born they did but 1 never told you that your niothorn mlther waa dead a utile pucker came between the vlrla eye there waa a moment wlloiice no uhe aald finally na and mother would hover tell ma u thliiir ubout hur hfe before ahe met you though 1 ve aaked ao many time hut her mother why i juat took it for srantod aro you euro jdudt u oaltl vuly-thnubxwntlliowl- auout her unlll a few year an you aoe whuu wo were married yout mother uuve mo til und era land that her parent were dead you aald a mo ment oio that there wo no ue lu pretending there lalit you aro old enough now to doclda utlnx for yau eelf unlnnuended he leaned on arm again t the table and ahuded hi faoe with hi hand tho look in lorludaa wide troubled eyea made explanation dlrleull your mother came into my or atenokfupher dhe waa very beautiful und i full in lv with her at flrat eight tioon after we were married if renllaed that wealth and poaltlon meant mow to her than unytnliuc el in tho world hut alie gave me you xmrlnda i never can forget that we have probably iteen a oongenlal a moat oouple one duy a young- fel low from a little town in lorthem uaauhuatt eame to aee me 11 lived next door to the lyman aabele parent he fold me of the deatli of your gronnfatner 1 hod a talk with laabel that night beam aba left home when he wo el x teen had never wrlt- terijbr been back utilce 1 due the old mikfl had been pretty hard with her bub her mother well my entreatle were uaelea 1 dropped the matter then and thoro ive never apoken t her about it eli dorinda hand were clenched a tightly that all the phod waa foroed into her rtnfertlp oh alia cried inw atlflod voice 1vo ulwayj ii- tint u lulghhiir and hi wife to go v ltkt h minllod remlnlacently u ahl pl to vllt lur itud kd horlnda lu a 111111 wli why ha ven t you told thu lit why huv nt ll uun liur with jnli- llii ruthfi pill hl hiiud uwlor hi r dil und linked ddc into i in wuntol lu uluiuly miiro thnt m witf i hm lii liwiv iuiiih iho whin ut u moloi u in mm wl vitki u uiorry jmid- aht oiliidi 1awi hayuii ill into lh tnnn ttimwhid ul lj uf rur wrap utul lull- ln il hr ulw- i dolui- if my uoia1 rmlly uiv nut aiding up fn n iii btth imu aumt a hrful a runrl what a th hud hawat lvlnda atilwml 1iw prrlt y unit iiaceful hri mthsr wa atalldlng tir in hr luck uo wenlnc gown inter her rather had fallan iii flth hr at nrat atdht twvnty lt agit uothar uud tnui lite about grand- met her alovo kllpped front her meth- rtnaer jlml ah irld attarply ton ihul hav kniwu that 11 would tall ifctrlnd ihet oh iloihar how iould you lill hoyden nuahed deilantly fnur father ha alwui had u liell- lhaut for making mountain nut of niolvhllla lorlnu lu th fao ut what h haa probably told jm jovctt to mak you ulidratand jim doltt uhdaratalid hr y hali d liy fathar ground me under a iron heel and my mother ahe w afraid to interfere i atood it a lung a 1 could and then i got out mld id nevr t root inald of that foraakan little low again and 1 meant it i tiovrr ahull sjothr 1leaim dont nay that dad und i are going toueo grand mother 1ubihi oh pleaae noma yllli mr liny dan plrkcd up her sluvw and her evening rout und walked to tha door you and your father cm do a you like dorinda hhe aald coldly i alay here lkrlmla bar chin upivel in her hand raxed out of th oar window into the gathering uarktiea und tha awlrl nt flying aaowrlaltea it hut commoncoil to muw early in the after noon and now every uialna tree und rail fence und atonn wall waa hidden under a wendrou blanket of gleam ing whiten dorinda and her father had changed from the fot moving lullmatt axpre to tbla alow crowded brunch trail whoaa deatlnatlon would finally 4e llrandon the home of o rand moth or lyman orinda thought of her mother how dlagualod alio woubl be with thu cloae ulamelllng day coach dorin da knew nowvhy hnr father eye were ulway ao tired hi faco ao lined why he upent ao many hour away from homa and yet aha thouglu proudly ive never heard him apeak one unkind word to mother or den hor one amall thing hhe awallowed a lump lu her throat only a little time now and they would he in hrandufi what would her grandmother be ilket hhe felt u quick thrill of incited anticipation her father pok mighty let of hiuiw up till way kiddle if we cant get a conveyance at the atat ion better have let me writ ten of our comltijf dorinda oh no dad uiat would luive apoll- ml ull tlie fan he abook hi head doubtfully you wont call it fun if we liuve to walk a mile in tht vountf blluutrd ah hero we aret the train came to a jerky htop hrandon dorinda buttoni tho col- ur f her fur coat tightly and held her muff before her face a a lowed her father down the car atepa to the anowcoverwl platform here dorinda you walt here whllu i aea about earn kind of a rig the email waitingroom ainelled chokingly of coal ga and amoklng keroaene lampa tha few people gath erwl about tho big- atove eyed dorinda curloualy a few momenta und her father come in hi face wreathed in a mile of all the luckl be eacloimetl ifent ueitlie durfdan dorlntla the girl found her hand held irmly in a wanrf hearty claap uho guxed up a long fur overcoat with melting unow cryataio to a palr of merry lilue eye uls dorinda why uf courae id havo known you uuywbutmii he mll ed at jame hoyden the but photograph waa a aplendlo llkenesa wbatr gaaped dorinda keith live right bealdo your grandmother it it hadnt have been for keith id never have know hay do broke on abruptly he came down to meet un uncle who haant arrived harry for your dlaap- polntmenti keith but it aaem to havo apelled luck for u tha ull vouhoflmm did not uke hi eye from dorinda glowing faoe well i dont know ubout that mr hayden i guea your lucky atar and are twin to night hut aoy ive only the open nutter afraid youll get aome wet but u lant wnpwlng quite w lutrtl aa it waa dorinda aoon found herself cuddled down under a fur robe between the two mam- hhe felt a aort of heady exhilaration a th anow drifted under iter little fur turban and pelted her cheek with lay dab warm enougj dorlndat vary comfortable dad dear lant it jolly t i im not u bit aorry your uuole didnt mime mr dundan neither am i i keep thinking how ktadjlbllltle lady will beto aee you i wa in there atntnantthhtrmurninr hlio waa juat taking u mobiaae cake out of the oven and inauted that i aample h i earn pled it all right 1 they turned in at u gateway at atoppod before a long law houj xjght from the amalpanod window treamed aero the pailiwny heteor come in with ua keith the real flavout ol the genuine gkebiv tea is in every packet ot salada green tea superior to the best japans gunpowder or young hyson sample free salatla toronto ar known motlier wa nolflah but till oh dad i cuti i bear hi havent you over boon to aoo gfandmouiert why yea of uourae i have dorinda x went right away and ive been there a good many time alnce the girl emlle wojn illuminating o- might havo known 1 tell mo aboulher my rrandniotberi and ive alway wanted one bo terribly 1 i bho leaned forward with mlilnlng cyca you ii love her kiddie bbe a regular braudmotjior but yobll have to go ull tho way slioa aby and raoorved and proud her ufe haont been a bed or roaaa by any mean x dlonl ufca tb jdtuurf jjtillwiaw motuk lleaae mr dundan dorinda un- nintaelouaty held out her hand would ove to aoe clrutidma uy- man face h they puahel ho door open and went miftly through a narrow dark ball let me atoy bank whlapered dor inda hello there i dorinda gllmpaed a aoftly ughtetl noay alt tingroom with oldfuahloned furnuure and a big ooal atove glowing wanply meard a aweet gentle voice why keith i wa thought we heard atelghbella and aome one ut the door didnt your uncle comer no but aoove one elo came jam hayden went forward jameal jameal lok moggie amu jam hi lie re 1 in nil the anow why 1 dont underatand hut dorinda couldnt wh another minute grandmother ahe called oil grandmother and aha wan in tha oeiitr of tho warmly lighted room with both arm outstretched hlo aaw a aweetfaeed little old lady with nowwhlto lialr and fadcul tirwl look ing blue eye the- amall figure atood rigid kor gase riveted upon the radiant face of tb young girl then with a amuthered cry dorinda ahe tottered forward and waa caught and held cloae in the atrong loving ertna of her grand daughter it waa two week alnce dorinda had been whirled on tha wlnga of atorm into fiie little town of hrandon and it had been a wonderful two weekal her rather had returned to the city a few day- after thch- arrival now youvo found pnlmnthh cmri qrgfpt you utlll have h mnlher and i fathar klddl h hull aald in pnrt hilf hut uotuctlme doilndu raiite dan genillaly hour forgttlif nile win rtndlhg in her grandmother till t ntw thing which ah lunl failed to itui li liiother tvndern hweetlie i gentle tlmullty uullllw utilla un to the urmgaht mr jutne haydoii v dorinda loved th ijulnt liunmy tlt- tl town th old laahloned co houe hint dellgbtd to mlt in tb big hpotu klohn and pme upple maggl rollwl out flaky pleci l und envopd in u hugu glng i upron ahe itent egg and howlu thick yellow cream and iced dellolouu rhorolate nuke i do declare mum dorlndu claimed muggl your gruuimnther look twenty yur younger alnco you came i guea youll hnv to live wl her alwuy i bate tho thought of going hntin alghihl the girl im having a glorious tltlm1 him wa and it couldnt ho dor that ueltti dundan wuw helping make it ho they went ulelghrldlug ukutlng tolioggtinliig they popped corn over the kitchen nro and made luina of fudge ulul mohiaunu cuin hnnethne looking lit keith dorinda would havo a rleetlng thought of tho honorable itoawell dillingham the ooraparlmott upoke not ut all well for the iijli they were in the alttlngroom and keith waa atandlng le font the i llcglnnlnjf at one end and extending acroa were photograph of jfrorlndu a atarryeyed baby an adorable lr- reaiatable uttla maiden of three u trifle aerlou und anlfconacloii ut ten und aii on down the line to the imiuu- tlhil young laity in evening gown 2 foil that i wu aort or butting in aald keith uologut cully hut when your father cam it und i brought theae photograph und id atudletl them a while i know id inmlo mlulako you aee evoryonu know kind of man jim haydoit 1 und when una day in a buret of confidence your uraiidmother told me it wuu jim hay ilen that laabel hud married i auld right off i dont bollnvn bo know thing ubout the llttlo old lady mo i went to aee him and aura enough ho liad never heard of her xorlnda turned hor fluehnd fuco to tha window it van a bitter moment dear grandmother aim bad many hard things to hoar all her life yea but ttii over now keltt looked ugalu ut the array of photo graph ive watched that look in your eye dorlndu from tho tonyear old one on through the uim i know tlifll aome day youd make up to your grandmother far all her year of uii happlne there wu on picture auld thu ulrl u bit trermilou under bin gaxe the one before tlie laut i liked that one beat of all i world or why dad didnt bring that hut keith uulckh changed tho aub- juct not often did qrnndmothor lyman apeak of isabel but ono day alto looketl lona and thoughtfully ut her granddaughter you look llko your mother fouraho auld uoftly than with a llttlo ulgh xopr laabel i dorinda threw buck her head lm- patlentiyohe bud no rluht kolngr off it ml leaving you a alio did how can you apeak kindly of horf ah my dear you ure blaming her too uevorely i butmo tnyaolf if only j luui been more aaaertlvo laabel ha not one happy memory of- hrumloi hut if it hadnt been for keith dundan hunting up vather ji think wo might nevor have known ubout you keith luui ulway been un linpul- elvt bid tho llttlo old ludy plokod up her knitting hut hi impulae ure uuually right whon hi futliei wai alrloken with intra y til be didnt heal- tato a moment ftlnnit leaving rollegn and coming homo to cur for the old folk ah yea keith i a lad lp a thousand me a i way been ao inter- eted in thoue picture of you whenever your fatlier uont a new one hed ajwny goxe and gaite at it now that one bo roro tho butt he did juat ilka tliat one und f finally gave it to him you dont mind beouu i did do you granddaughter aha uakad with timid anxiety t dorluda did not lift iter ey from tha liookr in her lap no grandma ahe breathed aoftly i dont mind at ull unknown to dorinda hor vlalt wu fujtt drawing to a cloae iooklng out of the wlutlow ono morning aha aaw koltlirupnlng up the wulk a hla linerimtcted appearance bur heart guva u queer llttlo buckatop and u auddeu pveeloukmwlorlgabrnughttbetwut color to her cheek keith what on eertkt f he timik her hand in both of hi und hi uaual merryr blue eye were dark umf troubled ive been talking long dlatance with your rather dorinda your mother 1 111 with pneumonia ha think you better cam ut once mother r echoed dorinda duxotlly mother hit why ive never known her to be really 111 not not aerloualy keith t well i dont know pneumonia you never nun tell mud oun minute und heap better the next ho pulled out hi watch you nun muka the nlne- ihlrty dorinda lll drive you down an hour utter dorinda waa haying goodbye to her grandmother the little old lady waa tremuloualy tearful laabel laabel uhe murmured how i wish i could go to her i lyou un a aalnt grandmother lornda held her cloae yea of rourae ill oonm ugaln juat ua aooj h i can during the abort drive to tho station keith wu strangely allent he ntum atraljilit ahead but all lm auw wa dorllldaai lovely troubled faca jim harden daughter jim haydenv daughter ha thoiight ruhollloualy how can ha euro for tnot thought iorlnda bitterly a girl with a mother like mine youll coma buck dorllirtat yea keith of nournn i will ha lnw the happleat two week ive wyer known ul rew hour and dorinda waat hunk in the city home a atraiijto home with nuraea und dootoru und a father a hit graver and aumerruhd mora tired looking juat u ullmjmo into her mother room svua that lier mother tossing und muttennir inco herently and breathing audi gasping caught breutliat itollowed days and night of norve uurlng anxiety uion tllo crisis passed und dorlndu could go in and bold her tnothrrm hand for a moment and emtio rcauaurlngly tjomohow it dldnt imm a bit like her mother that i weef whl to- faced woman there wa a dif- firelit ekplcssloii iii btr eye u ue- t inning iixtirumuloii it tor ut dor lndu a hurt utiltiu one day she looked up und aaw that hr inotbar yea wore it i led with tiur dorlijdu coma her alio aald tell nio about your grandmother wouderlngly dorlndu told allttje of her vlalt to hrniidnu and pou na du t feel uhlumuni of arandmother ah udibd u bit defiantly rlho hot immir or uiieducuttd hho u per fact darling jsaltel hayden icovered bnr face with bar likiid ob dont dorlndu alie 01 fed mhlll ply i vit beoil wicked hard unrorglvlnir when i wa ho iii uuddeiily it rnmn to me what if i should dlo with ull those hellish lying ynura upon uty oul korglve mo dorinda 1 ve been a bad mother to you but to my mother oh hhe ran livr forglvp met dorinda put her arm ubout bur mothor liaiivinw alioulder oh my dear my dourl pmrglva yout you do not know arandmother her lust word to ma aa i came uwuy were if i could only up to luabol tho woman thrww nut her liund with u wild uwoet cry llend ror her dorliulu ob eud ror htr to cornel it wa keith dundan who brought ora ml mn lyman to tho jfluyden home ho waited lu tha long drawingroom until dorlndu cuma down the atalr tlit girl nyow were wet i just npenod tho door anil pushed grund- mothor in ahu aald hhuklly and i camo right uwuy ob keith im so- happy jim hayden daughlerl jim ilay- douu daughterl it wa dear nf you to come down with orundmu i told mother ft bout you thl morning alio added shyly fllie want to una you dorhldau hurrlnr hnd itemi burned away rlho wunt uhlmmed ot her mother any longer he looked ut her inlherubly i hup- piae your grandmother will rouie here to live now und you you ii never come to llruudoii ugulu n dorinda bravely atoppod acroa the nliuam would you care keith r uhe uhked hwoatly ho forgot thutuhtt wu jim hoy- dun daughter forgot everything in tha wouilorfiil revelation of her lovely mimlied fuco curot oh dorlndal jumo hayden paiiuad for a moment lu the doorway then be tiptoed aoftly up tha stair to iii wife room hut urter a glnm in there he moved uwuy a gii in nrroa tho hull to hi den he uank down in hi big eawynhalr the tired look bad nultn gone from hi oye and in itu place waa tho am lie of groat content usca for mint there ale many hue for mint you mn ui urn mlou with it for inaunoe iiiim pouts ounnot itear tho smell of it mid will never vat any fooi if mint i lli l rrh or dry huw wn urntlemd m if if ii buiioh of tlio borbs i hung in tbu pulitry mile will uovnr vsnture llisldo a strong decoction of mint will nuro chapped liarula our rore- fiilbor used it for luaklug tin teelh t and it form a onatlluent of ny tooth luist in u today i be anclnta uaed mint to aoent their hath und u smelling anlt ror fainting in op th redcurrant jelly common ly usrnl with mutton can lm very well replaced with ralpt jelly thl i liluda by simply sleeping mint leave in up jelly or gelatine a hand fill ludng enough io flavor hqlf a pint runderlntf it u dellclou green color ihe liquid abould hhtruhied through a jelly bag to remove ull the little bit of leaf bcom being allowed to si t whan drying mint do not use iui oven or tb oil will evaporate a bolter method i to hang it in buuobe loosely tied until it ha been drlud by the sun unali to qet alona with people it lake u grut deal or aome aort or ability to overbalance un inability get along with lieopla homo men it i true have made thomaelve sua- inhful along tli line of their on- innvor who have never aiiccoeded lu nuking friend who have hold their issoolate at arm length and ruled by fear rather than by urftyitlnii hut it take vrybrll limit power to win out by these tactic and thom same brllllit ivower working in combina tion with kindllnea and gooil cheer could liavo uohleveil vuatly more one who love you will ulway do more for you than one who dislike oi fear you a friend 1 u vastly mbra valuable asset than all enemy instead uf trusting to youf ability to overcome the influence of those you antagonise aav your atrength for something vise atul instead n i tugonlalng attract you cannot ua your power in more than one way und ihe fore that 1 expended in resist ilia hostility cannot lm devoted in in or constructive cud make friend und use their help to advance yoiir- uelf instead uf making enamle and needing to fight against their resist a nro wedding invitations and announcements till frix p11css has just ucceivbd and placi d in stock an assortment of tub latest wbddinfc stationary orders 1romitly and skiliully executed the free press acton a hirschorn georgetown ladies suit and dress specialist spring coats and dresses satisfaction guaranteed if a customer finds tt garment is not satisfactory tt may be returned and tho money will be cheerfully refunded a hirschorn r cenquer asthma to lis relieved from iho tcrriblti uiirfowitiiifc- du to s t lima la a grout thing- but to lm uafe guarded for the future lu even greater not oiily do dr j d kellogg aathma itemody bring prompt reluf but it introduce a now era of llfo for the afflicted hyatomatla inhaling of smoke or fuiuu from the remedy pre- vehtu reattack what a mother should know a fnw ulmplo inlou for foedlng ohll- dron aro a follow if child re n ure ul lowed to eat when ovoi tired lniiguutlon reaultj thlrti- nohti u often mlatuken for hunger kour meal u duy are needed until the child i tlvo your old ijut sec also tbut bo drink plenty of water if tho ohlldren refutio plain bread ulul milk between meal givn them nothing they ure evidently iotliin- try there i aften too great variety of fooil in tho child diet- ho lu hup- plor with ha cbolro it i a herlouu orfouce to offer a child ror whom you are not rnapon- mlhl fooil of uny description you may horlouuly upset him allow plenty of time for the child torfut if ho i lint hungry do not try to tempt hi uppetlta by offering mweetu when almplo rood i refused teach him to chow hi food thor- uglily keep the child linppy at tnoalfl iuugh and grow fat appllo to chll- dreu u well u udultu lo not give child roil highly season ed food thl i avoided by taking- out tho child portion before seasoning the dlh for the family jtt lu fur hotter to glvo tho oh i id hi meal apart from the fumlly whon you may take tlmo to trulu him in kooi eating habit the value of milk ouunat ha over estimated use of oatmeal hominy and oommeul nu the chief source of energy i ulwayu wise little or no moat i necessary until a child 1 six year joldij o no iifiif needed i the hlld ha tlio proper ftuli amaainammumimimm j n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown we carry in stock at exceptionally ow prices haying machinery dain hayloaders dain sidtvdekvcry rakes v louden fiayfork and sling outfits hayfork rope etc distributors of dodge brothers and studebakcr motor cars for georgetown and acton iaigiwaiwmiwiwiatwr mfawmwmiwfaaiairgb special lcno than whollbaltl ililcc on gaiiuin qlatu and lawn chaii15 lawn cmaiiii1 jo ih ndjinil l rmn imiltlonu imidwool finiili willi font kill lrlied ill 12 06 no 17 iiijiiih io foil i pnidllon fobbi llul biiilwond fniiin 1ilid nt mn 11 udjunl i io fcntr iiniillloiik hardwood friiriiu pijod ut 1 06 oaiidcn 0cat0 u iho unit mid link ul itu nvi hcrewed fhmly to tlm inipporlli i fniinn utrotig- ly jinidi lor four roph 22i tor two people 3 50 com h lliimnioi u compli in with itu ml und rimnpy prlml at 26m ijiw hwlngi for four i loph priced ut shoo the 1i0nd haudwaitr- co ua phone 1012 auelpii this stores policy to represent oadii ex actly us to their quality to sell to tliose who know and to those who dont know nt a uniform fair price to rulflll all guarantees mid cheer fully correct all mis takes o deaervo your confidence by always giving- yoti satisfaction savage co jeweueitt guelpii ontario tiohonto canao crandtrunr the double track route h1ctwcmm montllgal yoftonto detroit chicago unexcelled dining car servloe sloeplia cars on night train ano parlor car un principal day train full information from any clran trunk ticket rrgont or c k hdrnbly district rauaonger agut toronto- xl a holmes affent acyon ony phene 1 r noble lttl acton elevator at cmnd trunk station a quantitv of fked cokn and oil cake 41w itecelvki lour vmo noitval rkan and siloltts i1ay

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