Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1921, p. 3

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ullt artoii 3fa e freest iliijutioav junia ib itul th great aotiftt ninu riolltihu hlrt olnru in tho loudu or tin ilov wkor mix th ruli hlulit tollus of tho o nlmufllt how itomi llo tint thu vvntilntc ally wlioro 011 il l tho hriih to imlnt unit hull of llviuif riro i din tnlilmt uf u of flume ami wlr old ii not tlm uitlvrmi to form nuturou nloturo frunmt in of th wondrouu vv hlutu of hut clront artul ultove v in wine the works tit his mighty hand willi marloi i 13 1131 u launders keep vour engagements when tho writer wan u youn n about to inuvn home for tln flmt lln he wam invited to din ull aoenil tit nveiili u with un iim ic ntlernun noted fur hlm kindly littorout in tlm youutfnnil uuimiilnlly lit yoouif follows about to furo rortli into tlio rout untried work lo thiilt thn buttle til hf jtow hn young tnnlo of our town uver lull it without u kindly furwell unit t word of ailvioo from undo lxr tray uor a jiart of hla uood advlc to mi was u i veil hi these word thalem ono thins toy boy that i would irmi ymi to tlo keep yotlr n uuaeinents to the ml nut a io till at llm sacrlflco of any traoiiat iilessura or at buy inoonvenlence to yourself tlm hthlt of keilntf every arikur- mant 0i muke 1m u bkm1 a tin bit a a yournl peraon eajn form mind ruw my boy keep your encasement i liuvu hud many year of varied xporlenoa with life sine thl kindly old man sjuvu na th id hit of good advice mid i know that he spoke truly lu nil that ho aald i know that the following- of hi udvlco to the vnry lieut of my ability ha boan of great turnout to me ami know of many instance in whioh 11 luui beau of benefit to other i wu for night yean in tlm employ of a tuuu who mad a kind of u bobby of kociihi ili angagnmant andbe wu very rbxurou in il inulutenoa on alt of hla many employee dolus the maine 111k hltui of koaplnb un nnaehnt includ ed iwln on tlmo to the mlnuut when it cams to onem work and he had u rlsht to inalat on thla un waa mall kettnyad man nnd i mi imt how ahandy h looked at me when i tntnred hla oirice for tho flrat time lla uaked me liumber of queatlonx in a very dlroct way and then lie anfd icnap your twsasemonia do you yountf hiant t try to i aahl vou i bettor i couhl not have in my omnloy anyone rarelttsa about koeplna an nneasoraant i dliicharved n promulntf young man not ion aco when lie failed to keep un appoint ment with inv itttd nit ihn nmu be had to offer won that ho wu nt a bl ball kama itml atnyod oner than be mould to oee how the ktn would dim oul a youna fellow vrho would full to koop un appointment for no better reoaon than that i not to be dpndml uion indifference in re gard to kuoplnu oneit nnkajcemeiita often leadit to imlrferenoe in regard to ntfer th i ie no mattor how unlm- kortant the onkugomoiit la keep it to the nilnute if you have noreed to do o aftr the iau of all the yeara alnce these wonla were npoken to me 1 thouuht of them the other dy when i overheard a ynun man nay to a tho row my boaa made today bo- cuum i waa lute hotting to hla odlee at a certain time vou vrould have thought tliat tho auoceaa of hla whole bualneaa depended upon mo being there vlght on thw atroke of ten oolockl hid you nay that you would be there at tent yea i did but i won on the atreet when a fire hrokn out and i waited to aee the reaull any fellow would have done that wouldn t hef well not if be had the tight idea about keeping hla engagement wu tho reply any employer has d right to demand that hla employee give him every tnlnuto of the time for which he lwa them and he auo ha a right to pro- teat vigorously if they fall to keep engagement with him it la a fall ing that may develop into n great obstacle to ones suooas in life paul orelghton chi8p comment a fashion eximtrt aay women have forgotten how to alt gracefully that oomas from tmndlng up for their rights ilrolt fvee lyesa this la tho time ror the really thrifty to lay in next winter- coal atart to do thnlr chrliitmox ahopplna and be gin to wave for neat years income to cincinnati hnulrer dry majority in ontario tf ace showing that large numbers of people would address bhnluuitkiarea words to j llarleycornl 1 do dealre we may be better at rangers toronto telegram its so hard for a man to moke love i to a woman effectively when bos serious end o dangerous when lies jolrjlclen howl mr oompers nays labor aces m year of oolem portent tyhlch be ing translated means hard workj charleston news and courier never anru with a fool says luke lactuke loor advice how are we to know he is u fool until ha disagrees with us toledo tllade according to the bast 1utu author ities aklrts ure longer this uprlng and ao we guess its time we had our aytt tested again tirand ttapld frees 1m angelea it la understood in tends to have future earthquakes re corded as real estate trunsfera ionrf island city btar a proup mother nb following- story same from a cmld in wales t i havo two pets a cat and a dog prince who ocrtulnly aeem to carry on a kind pf conversation together the cat has had two kutena and today aha went to the dog and took him to her box where he stqod with hla ears pricked up while the oat had bar eyes fixed attentively on the kittens then alio looked up at mm as if to ask well how do you like tliamtt prince wajtgedtta tall and barked ills approval and then they marched ide by side sedately out of the room rbspcct your individuality j tho more successful you are as a ctopytfet the leas successful you will be atona other lines what thla world 1 looking for la people who qan orl- blnate who are capable ot turning thjolr pack on tradition and blaalng a trail into the untried neaped youf individuality for hi it la contained tbo arm of gcwoveraent- htrawlwirrlvsl muyt tli4y m lino lots or th in and him utiil in lit of ull tlioynj rheuiivr thiku for vurs lit yon know 4t makes my old noodlu wouilr if thn iwubonu uk rliurnlnu wlmri i uti iilliwlmnlc grown rluht burn in ad ton rlikt und oi thu ul1 on juno 3 why whim x wui u young fullow uh 1 tho rons of tem poruuro ttrawlmtrrv lrmttvultf always on the dint of july right from tlm drat ihimlnloil luy of 1867 worn held they always hud thn llrut struwbrrlo as the ii rl h uttruntuin for that unnual event and blown you i rontnmher more thuu unn ynar hack in tho tiurty tlmu whon tlm com in it toe was viry raurful that tho strawlhtrrlm would not lie rlm lu tlmo on tliowe occaslonu whon tmirrlnw were latn it was mimotltiidu found til lie uooesaary to uitud to ouuvtllo for them ltut for auty yurs hutk artnn hua always liad tlnn straw lmrrla more uore grown in thn narllnr yours hero thuu lately though mout imirtniinnut resldnnts utlll have w putoh buck hi tho garden tot blmuikltik of utruwiierrle lu thoas early days i think urs kll llnyder wum the cliamplnu grtiwer lu theue parta i nmmitlmir liuru in tho ulxtlox on bright july day mrs unydar brought u miuntlty of berrlou down town and shffwod them at ullttunis drug store the iiuutt liaaket wnstsnilad with nx- uotly a bakors iluiin of no rlpej luaclous imrrloa tom ullhurn opened his wyis ko sajirorm wlion bo saw them ur uclurvlu snllel and jim uatthows und churlln ilymon wautetl to corull thnm ut onra for their supper tables jrust then w hhtory out of his uuddury shop and splod tho imirrle why matilda w aald theyra prime llnnnah wus jut hop ing ror ujrawhorrln for uuppor bring them right in and w ii way won lln got them rind the family enjoyed them und they rout him just sight cents a imix thoso tine berries e grown in tin uuyda gurdnns the farm now owned hy councillor jrinlah llell and his brother- tnlaw alf btomy mrs bnyder was a very munoeaaful gardener and iciih1 not ly in umull frulti lrt vegetable as well flpeaklng of atrawborrle in june heres the wuy jam us wjil ulley tho farm ilhymea ioet whowe pro- duotlon are ulwayu pnputnr atwiutro- photps thu strawberry- time in june tell you whnt 1 llko thn bowl long ultout knmtlop lu juiut ilout tho limn struwlmrrlos inelth on the vllie eomo uftemoon ilkn to je git out ami rest and not work at uothln ebiol orchards whro 1 d rather lie neednt funoo it in for mo jew the wholo sky overhead and tho wholo alrth undurnoath oorto uo u man can brouthe ijlko he ort and klnilo liau tsibowrootii to kcwrl dimly uprawl nut lonth wuyu on the grit a where the nhadderu thick and soft as the klvver on the hod mother fixes in tholdft alius when theys company jes a uort o laxln tltoro blasy at you peer and peer through tho wavln leave aliovo ijko a feller ats in love and dont kaow it nsr dont keerl kvartblng you bear and see jot some sort o interest 1 uaybe and a bluebirds neat tucket up thero conveetiently ver the boy uts up lo be up some other uppletreel watcli the awallers ahoottn tutut tlout u peert us you could nut kr tho bobwhite raise and whls where some others whistle is hatch a shudder down below and look up to find the trow tsr a hawk wny up there toarently froxo in tho lrl ifear the old hen sauawk and siuut over ever chick aha s got nuddontnllkeind alio knows where thatulr buwk is well us youl you jes bet yor llfn aha do kycu aglltterln ilka gluus wultlnit till he make a pauhl l ulngln to xpr my oidnlon m hecnnd clauu ylt youll har om tajore or idk baimuck sitting down lo blx weedlii out tho tonetomenee mr llluajay full n aaas ill thnm hanelmtl clotlie o bio hnortlng round tbaorohnrd jan ijke he nwned tlie promises pun out in he held kin hut flat on your liuok i guess in the ulutdes where glory 11 that jam what id llko to do rtlddy for u yuj or twnt lluguo ft they nlnt mini op hi in work nt klidoroh mb my convictions l long idnmt kior in june espenliillyl- under uonm old upp1ntrc jtut arstln through und throimh i could git uhmg without nothhi ulu ut ull to do oilly jes awiahln you wus u glttln there like mo and june wu etemltyl tayoui thero and try to he j je how luay you kin lie tumble round mul souuo your bend in the cloverbloom er pull yer ntraw bat ucroat yr eyes and lieek through it lit tho sklcm thinking of old chums uts deud maylie smllln buck ut you in betwixt tho ikiuullful clouds o gold und white and blue month a tnnn can rallly love june you know 1 m tulkln aft march nlnt over nnthlp tiewl aprils nltoccethor too flrush fer mol aiih may i j itomlnata its promlsas ultlo hints o sunshine and orocn around the tmbarlnud a few blossoms und a few oulpblrds and u sprout or twoy jdrap asloep and it turns in fore daylight and snows aglnl well tho old fellow didnt got iii nnlt about siniwherrluu dd he jiut ns juut uihiii right in his xutlmato f th huppy bright june ilnys lun i in tho lait two or three usiies thn nvirlnv of olxjprwr on kulrylew mn ti ry whh h ho wrote sting nl ligo lm b ry intoi our i ulrvlew is u hoautlfi i and is ynur by year growing intnrnatlngly utlrantlvs imcaumi und tnoro loved oik s ure lieliil laid away thnm twill uioil b time hurnw mom of us older ruhlduntu to il our plate of lust thurn und 1 am v ww ull hope thn plu will be kept ihiutitlrul und tidy l would like lo think thut my gruve will lm kept grwvu w imt i tho tlmo noma for mu lo ithip thr und i kuowmuuy of you other old folku huvn um m yutru- ing dnulro i would not like to puu ut fuelliuc thlt my gruve would ike nglctnd llko uiimo of thn folks hnve licglmtod the gruves of tholr forefuth- uis lu the old cnmuti ry it ulwuys honm to tne limtrtluuu not lo a iy ti dlagruco wlteu thoite who uio living und urn utile to do it inuva thn jmvi i of tho depnrlnd mimhnru of llitli family with wtuds uml lrmiiliun tun nlng riot and dik tnmlwtontu awry and fhe iiturkiirh overgrown with gruus and lhltl ty thi wuy lvu ulwuys hoiked tbut thu hugkoatlonu of thn odluir which h huu niudu ovnr anil over ugiilu to uiioksmivo courmllm lo ml opt tho ntiw inodnrn mthtl of per jivtual ovoralght of graves und p otu would bu put into rrfoot many pli t- owkirs would gludly lontrlbuto to u fund for purpouo this unlumn lu in huoounful operation in many cemeterleu and the improvement is striking und comforting there ure u few other things wliloli many of us think the council should glvu their attention to nuw thut we huvo uiitth a splundld waterworks uyatom u small main ahould lm run into tho ceme tery this would afford wuur for tho flower und plunts so many imhiplfl delght in pluming on tho graves of their duar ones to water them utidxr t rntxint conditions is a very laborious tuwk then thores the mortuary which huu been ulkod uliout und wrltton ubout in the yuk lismrt for years and which councils lutvo proinlsed to look into und tliati liave dono nothing about it and thut find front emtrutten which wau pluuned yeais figa but huu novel mul i lullsed theso ull tnny uomo in tlm kiilxama of us older falluwu wouhl like to sen tlutm dona witlmut further dalay the unuuul cleaning of wulku alii drlvo- has liften prutty giiiull ulti ndod to and the mowing of pntliwun bus uuu- ully lioen curnmily done would n i il lie a good idea if every plot owntr und their ropmmintuttvci would ilotiui- mlno to keep tliolr reupoctlvo ploth und the wulku uujohilng always mully mown and irimmxit valrvlnw cm- tery has a wide npututhm us ihvuiiii- ful plane its up to ovfcry olio of uu to ues tliat this reputation lu mulu- talnoil und unhunoed yes that n a now word to me but tho dlotlmnry uuys hu iust right here tiih two viml0ih over the river on thn hill ueth a vlllugs white and still all around it the forest tree j hi ivor and whhaper in thu tiroou over it bailing shadows gd of aoaring- hawk and uereumlnw orow and mountain grasuos low und swoet the middle of every stlent ovoa the river under tho bill another village lleth utlll there t kfl lu tho cloudy night twinkling stars of household light v i t g from th smi door m lutu thut c u rl on ihltluknslilirulioru and in thn r on its no gruutteu grow vor tho whools that ban ten to and fro that vlllago on tho hill never is wound of uml thy or mill the bouaes ure thutched with giause and flowers never a clock to tell tho hours the tuarlile door ure alwuyu uhut you may not outer nt hull or hut all tfm village he asleep never a grain to uow or reap never in d roams to moun or nigh hlleut and idle and low tnoy lie in thut vlllago under tho hill when the nlglit is starry und idlll many a weary soul in prayer icooks to tlio other village there and weeping and sighing longs to go up to that home from this lie low inngs to sleep by the forest wild whither have vanished wife and child and heareth praying this answer fall patience that village shall hold yo ml cto ii itcy tlm ittau stiunt ok tuuiht cvrwlf sort irrttated b- jk ctc3flaioorgraiiulatd wtftmnhwtrfnwx gaaajfcthf saiofor infante adrdt ataqdratfgltts write the supreme court of ontario re cols man mbcoemb va crlppa judicial sale of lauds but when juno cornea il oar my throat with wild honey i kane h my hair in tho dew and hold my ooatt whoop out loud and throw my tuui juno want mo und im lo spare spread them shudder anywhere ill te down add waller thara and oboeged to yoii at uuitl pursuant to tho judgment and lliuil order for sale made to this cauao und bourlugdata he jstli day of novem ber 1b20 thero will bo sold ut public auction with thu upprovul of win king uton lut k c mauler of thla court ut ouelph by mr il j kerr auction eer oppoalte the premlaes on uuolph rtreet in the village of 1 lock wood at the liouf or ono fsatw- urday the eighteenth day of june 1bi1 the following- lands and premise in one paroel vis lot 19 so and 31 in lllock a in the we torn 11 tv la ion of the village of 1 lock wood thl property has a frontage of 1sb feet on uuelph street j 84 reef on ln- kennun btreet and 0 feet on hula- olava btreet there are fireotod on lot 10- a frutno oottago aometlme oo- nupled as a monthly tenant by one ingles who i etlll uu the place and on lot 20 n small barn and all the lots aw laid out for fruit tree of which there are already a number und well adapted to either building or garden ing purposes the property will bo offered for sain lu one block subject to a reserved bid to lie itxod by the muster ten per cent oftmrprloo must bo 1ald to tho plalntttr solicitor on the day of sale und tho balance in thirty days without interest whon the pur j ohoaer will be entitled to on order of thl court vesting aad lands in trim free from encumbrance puaucsa- ton will b given on toy men t of tho full purchase money in nil other respect the terms and conditions of sale will be the atandlns conditions of the hupreme court of ontario further particulars can be had from 11 n farmer esq plaintiffs solici tor acton ontario or at said masters omco uuelph dated at ouelph thl twentlutlt day of may a d 1931 wu kinobton lrfioal master uuelph 11 n farmer plain tifts solicitor acton ona n u the plaintiffs solicitor ban also received written jootrudtlon from wilson carl ejaq tho owner or lot 3 in said plan to also offer thl vacant ot which is in the rear of lot if and of the aamo alas and dimen sions for sale at the same time and place at a reserve hid this lot which front on balaclava street wlu flrat bo offered along with the above three lot and will if not so aold bo put up for sale separately on same torma of gals 4l- evils change op name ono of lh tnont wond rf ul umilonre ummonu on rn ord i onluluiug luore food f r tlniiiht fhnn many u vohimn wum rduilx 1 by llolmrt linlu htv it ion whmi m uuhl icvll wnu oulll yuilli till he wnu old und thu ho wum ullcl knllt rin p ojilu wiio i xciiuii tint wrong dolnx of yifutli mukn u unrlous miu- tuke lloyu will bo hoyu litdiud but whlln uoiun lioyu lovu rlruli fun otherh jirnfer thut wlih li 1m off color wild outs is not u nomitoniy i rop uml it is no exception lo tho i ulo hint uu one imuw uo hn tmph kvll und yoiitli urn not uynoityinouu und lo puus ovor tlm wrongilolng of tlm yomig ui u tiatiirul ixpruuuloii if llfu und good spirits 1m to mrry u nlenry to tliu point of folly 1vll wum c youth till hn wus oil und thou ihi whh nihil habit lioyluh wionu lolnjf in pot luevllubly nutarnwii llm bubliu whh ii wrok uvea nrti ofti ii forint d lu tlm nurly tialiu tlm fulinh wn nxi huu oil the wrote thut lioyu will b lioyu rop up lutr in life tiuimiuliig and lerrlhln ovil hubltu tlmt run ik mini l or 1 only by uu if m mo irtort ihi nut undarostlimito the ovll wlildi iklongh to the purjy yeilkii koi i y und by you will fuu it again lu liallt utrongly entinnohed lu tho fiiuhibtutiu of tho uaturo auntie comcb to town i lull you that 1 wont hiwn tlilu room prolouted tho old lady to tho ltfllllkiy who wuu roiiductlug id win t u golntr my good mouuy for u plguty with u mouoly foldlu bd lu it if you think that j fit bti uumujui from hamilton profoundly dluguulod tho lioy nut her uhort qt t in nnini ll hi rhlu ulit 1 yoi room i lilu lu the elovntor tennis and bowling shoes good stock all hlzo slippers womotrn tica ntul oxfords ono tititl two ntrnp childiwns anft ladies uunabouti and outing shoes repairing skwkd and nailed woiik kenney bros main pthejt acton ont do you find yourself unable to ileepwall are you inilalcl by triflc do amall ttoublei look bis to you oo you atakt nl and jon noioca aro you unable to concentrata long on any one thine it so theres gomethino wrond with your nervous ystam theae ate dnnaer sinal dr miles nervine 1z0 will soothe the irritated and overstrained nerves just one or two dosea helps nature to restore them lo their normal unctions guaranteed safe and sure for sale in acton by k j hassam li um liawaia o easy walking i imperutlvo for tho man who imhhkh tho kr liter part of the imu on bin ftiol tl 1 10 ei bultt on tlioprodorlunl niudu ofuooil louthur thut nt tho foot uliould ho talon ruro of havo us llx up thut oomfortablo old pair our hhoo ilipalrlim renown thn life of youi li oou routureu their useftilnush mul meant comfort oaonomy und nutlufuntlnii t you do not partjet that we carry a plrstclaaa line ol shoes for man and boy mill st acton ladies of acton be suue and get what vou jkkd in lvullinlry this month as wi3 close lott the season on july iht nellie m stockf ord acton guelph kloiia the brunsubick you will haudy believe all ie qoodtiiings they say about the ilrunswick un til you heaji it yourself frnk king tie dealer wui demonstrate majl stkeet georgetown we are on the job to render a aervlce as promptly as we can as efficiently u wn can and uu reuaonahlo as wo can under tho hint i mist of material vo hundlo only the uotiulno meury goods und repairs and wn dont knock tom rum ley blaokamlth and woodworker ormill and iprk ave acton granite works j nicol experiencpd qranit cutter t prepared to supply tnonu- monts of all kinds with skill fully out inscriptions at low price be sample of work and style of monument at th monument work lickiiyuam llwiclc mill street acton ont oun who frankly oonfeuues htm- i self to imi in tiu whimr when bo is will bo found mostly in thn rluht j w kennedy son hardware mumbink tlnwiilthlnk mectrlc wiring it saves you work and dollars it gives comfort and enjoyment have you as yet installed in your home a ttystcm of lixcthic lighting if not it in only a mutter or time until you do and there ii no tunc lileo tho present wo specialize in this clniu of work and can rivo prompt and natnfuctory ser vice do uway with those unhealthy atid dunrorout oil lumps and sco what real comfort la dcjivcd m the homo from the- uuc of electricity wo are always glad to g cittmatcf on this work and our prices will interest you fjomo in and talk it over we also carry a good nmortmetit of fixtures mid appliance and your inspection is invited renumber our motto quality service ieeahonnibi i j w kennedy son iiionk 9s main street aclon tannery cooperative tlie store of quality and low prices new low level foieeti on aji klnduf ot soagia shortening ilard illce v tapioca uu okanckk umona gbaie fihjit spinach etc at vkitv closb prices special values in pine ifctofa working llools teniufl sboea running shocf womcnn while canvas oxfords etc overalls smocks and working shirts at greatly uedueed prices ilutter nnd kseb wanted highest prices paid either cash or goods millstreet tannerygooperative c a conway manager acton cymikiiimmimrimmmiimmmiinctmimmmirmm newspaper advertising the best newspaper reatlingjs a universal habit news paper advertising therefore reaches virtually all who buy v newspaper advertising is die lifeblood of local trade because it touches all consumer sources in every community it gives die national advertiser die same opporuiiity for complee consumer appeal in any locality newspaper advertising cuts selling costs because it entails no waste in locality of circulation manu- facturers use it to cover iuarkejtsjvliereiliapriiiddji to do business newspaper advertising insures quick thorough and economical dealer distribution and dealer good willrbecausc retailers arc willingtosell products ad vertised direct to jdinir own customers i newspiiper advertising enables manufacturers to sell whore dicir products may be bought newspaper idvrlisingjym be started or stopped overnight can be prepared between days to meet sudden developments and to obtain immediate re sult newspap6r advertising enables manufacturers to check advertising results and costs in every market which they enter kind newspaper advertising costs less than any other the free press will prove it to yc

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