Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1921, p. 4

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utfjrr artan 3xtt tyxtm i iun wxlly net ilkuhjdav juni 14 10u1 till atton i 111 i i it i- i t i it if ft ll i rr- i rr ii ill 1 u mill i rll i lit i ir r li t a 1 till 4 i ill m u lintel ui illl i uio 14 i u li itralw i tl ahvl it umno watk 1 n lr wild un til kln llllwl r l li rxli wnii i i i will i- uoitxl till i lu an uouul alitor b i 1 ul llu editorial vacation tune in coming 1 lie imilliul glimmer vacation time is rapidly ap pronclung and nnny persons ara already laying their plan 0 as l0 i d cost possible out of that coveted period of relief from the exactions of their daily work or busincm activity it is well for all to realize that merely rcjtmji c not a vacation juut ittmjj around with u supply of light reading is hot to ho regarded a ret our minds never take n vacation tor tin ixumhi a change of occupation tomething which takes un out of doors where gods free breeze- blow may mean a real vacation to some a holiday should itud one into pastures new and pleasures untried hut it should be purposeful walkb through tho wood and liclds studying bird life lowers fern- tree- u houlthklvlng and ut the same tune instructive if a purpose to study is adopted mako your coming vacation a worthwhilo one by paying a worth while vacations exactitude have a good time but get hack to your every day duties with the inward satu fuctiou that you gained profitable knowledge k well as resttul experiences during your summer outing of 1021 iroduce merchandise wajre declining in prices farmers produclt have come down in price with ruthcr drturlmiig rupidity kneral merchandise is beginning to mwmo an approach to pro war figures and now wnpcu are beginning to follow a similarly low brims tho employees of the canadian railway have been advised that a downward revision of 42 per cent will become effective on july i these decreases in railway employees wages have been ap proved by the hnilwny 1 abor hoard at chicago cooptratioivrlli community spirit hvcry observant citizen has heard repeatedly the criticism why dont they do this or why dont they do it this way something is certainly wrong with tho people who hold un indefinite thoy re sponsible for tho evils or the mistakes which ara noticeable about us tho very interrogation why dont thoy do this etc implies that tho spcakar is a privileged critic on public matters in general but not him if in nny senso responsible ft would show a step in udvatice if the form of tho question were changed to why dont we do something but this implies coopuratioii and tho censorious critic is rarely one who co operates with tho workers of the community tor tho general good in many persons tho clement of person nl responsibility in very small indeed why dont i do something whori a person gets to that point something is likely to bo accomplished and tho community will have a greater regard for tho map who assumes that brand of instead of shuffling off tho plain duties of citizenship to an indefinite uioy or oven we citizens gcncrully would vastly improve their sur roundings and fool immeasurably bettor themselves if they would shoulder their fair share of com munity responsibility without ovation or dodging it is tho spirit which says i will endeavor myself to do something useful for my town or neighbor hood which keeps the world moving llcllglouft instructions in the public scook the kingston board of tducation long ago solved the matter of religious instruction in the public school- the anglican synod of toronto last eek su guested what has been iit operation in king ston for firtcen years namely exercises which in clude tho memorizing of the lords prayer the com mandments tho 23rd psalm the beatitudes and tho sermon on tho mount in addition some pupils are expected to memorize the golden text in tho series of sunday school lessons which is placed on the blackboards for tho wcok all is carried out without any dissent the system was brought about by a conference of the board of education with tho clergymen of the various churches when the plan was arranged and is working to the great advantage of all concerned tho result has been a decided im provement in tho deportment and general character of tho pupils attending kingston schools it is reasonable to expect that tho union of tho churches which has now becomo a live subject for con summation at a date not considered remote will have a strong influence in tho general adoption of some such plan as that so successfully and profitably in operation in kingston schools police protection needed acton has as desirable and lawabiding n popula tion as can go found in any other town of 2000 population in canada our citizens generally are careful to loyally observe all laws and statutes mid are desirous no keep tho peace a few exceptions however and tho presence occasionally of visitors who appear to have no regard for jaws of any kind let nlono tho observance of tho ordinary proprieties of life and peaceful respectful conduct because of this it is necessary that tho council providerade quate polica protection tho very presence of an officer or officers with constituted authority is a salutary deterrent to those who otherwise might bo inclined to unruly conduct tho only constable in town is so loaded up with other duties which take him off tho public streets most of his ttmo that ho cannot reasonably be expected to bo on hand to perform any but tho most porfuctory police duties during the twenty five years in which the late chief lawson was in charga our citizens always felt a sense of security mow with cars and motorcycles being driven on the street at illegal speed bicycles being propelled on the sidewalks boisterous horse play joud talk and often profanity on tho streets and otho infractions of law and order conditions are prevailing which are not a credit to tho town nor a comfort to quiet peacoiovmg citizens tho council has a plain duty before them in tho matter of com petent police protection and action should bo im mediate canada and united states in world peace the leaders of tho united states rarely fail to up- prtxtatcthtfspirtro fnmi tywh ichh as prevailed be tween that country and ours without interruption for over 100 years president harding delivering a commencement address last wcok at tho american university at washington found the subject of world peace occupying so prominent a placa on tho prograinmo that ho yas prompted to depart from his prepared manuscript and declare for tho preservation of peace by sovereign states without interference of a world superpower j do not think i could lot this occasion pass said tho president n beginning his address without giving assent t6 many of the appropriate and appealing things just uttered by mr rowell 1 liked his expression that american and canadian ideals are in common and when ho spoke about tho north american contribution to present- day civilization and to the world it occurred to mo that tho example of two great peoples living side by side in peace in confidence and in finest contri bution tlrat two nations could glvo to the world i i have said on many occasions that if all tho nations of tho earth wera as honest and unselfish as our republic there never would bo another war i will revise it to day and say thut if all this nations of the earth ato as unselfish and duvotod to their ideals as tho united states and cunada thero never will bo another war tho presidents remarks followed an uddress of hon newton w rowell of canada who suggested that the best contribution north america could make to civilization was for men on this side of the water to stand togothor behind the movement for peaceful settlement of international disputes v haltons agricultural and industrial interests in hi i pooch on the budget in the house otcom- nn lir r a anderson m p gave the following interesting statement in tho county of hilton tho agricultural interests have something like 22000 000 invested in farms farm buildings and implements in 1010 the total product of tho farms that is of gram cattle and dairy products amounted to 7004 131 this dos not iiiclildofruit vegetables and a largo variety of other products which tho farmers sell which would bring the total up to approximately 10 000000 our manufacturing establishments in that ojunty number i to the capital invested js 7- 711441 tho number of employees is 1057 the salaries paid 1448 814 tho value of tho raw moterl aln uned 4 810281 and the value ofthc finished products 8781804 editorial notes it is a good rule- these days and will b a good rule for romb time to come to stick to your em ployment as long as it will stick to you a post card vote in japan showed a majority in favor of disarmament if all other nations would come to a ilmilnr line of thought there would be good hope that wars would cease the government of the lion w m martin premier of saskatchewan was sustained in tho gciteral elections last week by 45 scats out pf 03 premier martin is a native of norwich ontario mayor church of toronto says that motorists who violate the speed lawn are guilty of wilful murder ho would have these motorists taken off their cars and rcqutrod to appear at court at once ontario to day has exactly 500 newspapers and periodicals of all classes whereaqjlve years ago thero were 745 war conditions and tho abnormal costs of production have led to tho suspension of 140 papers the anglican synod evidently sees very clearly the evil features of raco track gambling when it endorses the stand taketl by hon w f ranoy and requests tho government to amend tho law per mitting gambling a trade agreement has been signed between china and germany establishing relations of amity and commerce between the two countries it will ie a salutary thing if tho amjty part of the agreement slionestly lived up to hon mr ranoy attorney general has taken a strong position against raco track gambling which is permitted by tho dominion government though prohibited by tho united states the churches with out exception endorse his position cflttformn hutnucttrlawprovldlngt ha talltn ale- alien residents of the stato shall bo registered and shall pay an annual doll tax of 10 into tho country school funds a similar law in this province might be of advantage to ontario schools all tho government departments of groat britain have been imporitively instructed to cut all estimates for next years supply services twenty per cent this is a significant trend of tho times and indicates expected depression in general business tho church courts held during the present month have cuch strongly denounced tho evils of race track gambling special resolutions wore passed by tho baptist associations the methodist conferences the presbyterian assembly and tho anglican synod during 1020 there were 1075602 worth of apples imported into canada while probably an equal valuo oncmiudtan npplca were not hapvestedorwent to decay it will surely h tho part of true and loyal economy for our governments to aim to avoid this unprofitable waste farmers arc doing alot of hard thinking just now tfje collapse of prices of agricultural products pave brought farmers face to face with serious con ditions just how serious it is too soon to say with tho drop in living coars wages in nvany classes of jabor must come down ulatlmi by immigration iium tly ut iit it huu factory of rll u how jthfi wkst skb0 it fi iflo ciwht rnuldimtm r vn inur lntrld in immlsrutlmi nroh lin than knout of um in oi namt ami limy uu look ut tli mutter rrm n uffonilt view imlut kih1i thl ml ml wlin rnliiir tho vui wntllm tximmoiit mi rnnt haiiom ut ottawa tin ontontlon ut mr grornr llittt tt vigo roan it imlnrutlrm uuoy will oitrtt many of cunnd tijllx u nujitmrtoj to u dour uy ur c w tluty liftuil or u cunuillmi l itullwuy ill- liaiuty iii un ii of ttoiiulutlmi lorunil wmtttti in thu farm ut lnw irilunloii tiw uouraim at luxation ravmiuiur mil inurennoil tomiuso ttr truiiuhrtmtloii comimliu wn umilit howovei- if ur crrur woltlil udvlwala tll fipail iloor whlnli iw llntf ur in mum iuutnr w it iiultu urn tluit mr htty would lot lf im iih robtiht u caiuullun nut tt imokiili hint ir u triut lmtrm t itouatlmt by immigration iium mttnti will tito worl i u of th i huuu thut lb mlulutnr ut immlkiudou wjll buw to iluroiiruro tmtl 1lhrttilnut- mtlmr thai utfinlilutfl tliix icnraiiouli liifldk u tit now linuulii ut mi kilt of th ljiilto1 him lit iiiihioom jlo meriouri u but urn that lnauutlnn uwullhim tlm iinmntf l ax- t hi ley immlrrmitii i i uny one your li uiihi of thrd imr rt total of thut ru now in tho uiiltm uutn thu bur will throw un ln- oi biudiitf number to cunudlun liort- then it i1 tht uhoul 1 b vxnrolwml it uynot only thut tho nuwoomom iniiut hiivm huniount monry ut thut tlipy muy not iwconia u rhuraa un cunudluii tukiiyr i ut thut tlmlr ithyulcul uiwl mtntul cullhro be hucii lliut tlmy limy tiltlmauly iw uil- ml t tad to tlia rlkhtu of ciuiailluncr- umlulill our ur tuit luw oontaliih hlu olouni no i mm iff runt imnwiirr r othor lhiritoii iiiiiavu ho iii u catiiulum cltlxon or huu cuhttthttii domicile khali b itormlltvd to mitnr or html in cundtt or in ouhm of liuvlntf lalnlml in or nn ton i canudu miimii bi tvrmlttnl to timaln tin roln hn holouiro to ho il- lowliiu nlumuim ioruonu who imluvn in or udvocato thn overthrow by tnrom or vlolmiro of thu kovarnhikiit if cimuila or of oon- mtttutxl w uml unthorlly or rilub llnvp in or urc onijeil to orunlwl vowniinnnt or wh uilvooatft tint a- uuimlnutlon of mibllfl offlolulm or who mlvooiito or tnuoh thu unluwfiil iium- uotlon of irourty thrr uhoul l ho m hiiutlon hi viu- torolnn nuih u uufticuurd thu country wnlcomou mun who want to improvo tb forma mid vltullui tho untlvltlom tif b it haw no lilnon for oioho who would dttutroy it it 1m omutlmh lil1 that thn liona- tlon or land mid tho kinxd of hathi- fuotion which cimiiim with it will ulruluo unnrchutla tvndfnoloh jlul no oiillod imituor do not ulwuyw ro ln on tho luml und thalr uoiim fro- qilntly uwnll ti runkm of tho olty ilwnlhnm wh tltld kurniuanl dou not rxut citnudum iioirtilatlou m too uixnuo lf luvu wry many mucii lwln indluorlmlnato immluratlon in rw youifw would itroduri a tirulh muoii um tho 3anunua makuutlon in cutlfornla or to noma neatr homo tho orlttntul nno in ilrltuh columbia that im anothrttnd a virjrmruto nrohlom for loth thn votlorul nutborl- tl und for the mol of jtruili cohmihlu und will rooolvo troatmont in thtitttt column on another ocmalon iji tho maiitlinfl it 1h no bulugtru thin to hny that th vry future o the canadian nation lu not in rtoodltik thin country with hnrdwi of utmniro lhmilou hut in tho wludom with which immltcratlon authorltuui control limit ami nubia thn incoming maunom of ntltr raai a qlove for wiumino a uliivn for wlmmlifg iium mrn in viiiilvil it inny lu muila if tuhbr ilk oiioii or uny othir hultuhlo m ti rial th novnl fnulure it aiiiimhiuw llng thnt thn rtner ure jolnn 1 thn wxbbhir thut roiiikmitu tho ll- gntu lu of tho humo mularlul im the blovo uu i ruxiblo ho thut it inny rl i whin tho niirnrx nro lowoil oitouior whn a neruou mwlniri tho humu onarula an liailillxm und ordliiurlly tlia lliigori urn ulf md togsthi t foi oiv1oum loumonx hut if tho hand b luil in u nalr of ihma wblml hiovvh tby onn addln with ilnm im upr ml ouixm lua to thn water u tonniiurably larger urou of troottllila- uirfac in druwlntf tin until hunk to rn lur for th xt utiokt thn liigoru urn uloa 1 ogothnr thn wnlm not in nrforrlntf an 1 no thn hundu on r tiirnlnir towurd tint iwnly mvumit to um wutir u liilnliiium of minfucn cullinq the plock im hutnhluif ueawon nhnuld now he ovor on tho wnlrkulatd tmultrv lilunt and attontlon dlrooted to mil liitf tho rook to ttmkn room for thi- amwlnif younffmtam i thn drt plu thorn mhoiild im litiirouhly oullwl from tin tlqck nl blnlu thnt uhow nny phyulcal atmtu uunh 4h orookod hrnukh haokm or hrautu eicrouulvoly ioiik toe ualltf nunkhn oyou and lonf orow hoad knookltny or othr mln of ioor utumlna and low vitality at tlibt humon if thy hiivo not nl- iaaily imtou illucardoil tho hanu over two yoam old unluuu itouuaiiukntf tho elmrantoru of oxtru high production nml rtttulnoti oh brdaru on thlu uc nount uhnuld ha mnrktilod hh hooii an thoy htop luyinar uhow niiu of brooll- uioi ir moult vhm trup notitm ur nxd thin con dition lu romltly notlooablo but if not tho htmm thut have u top pod laying onn be ttuully tllutlntftilhhml by thl- hhrlnk- in nomlmi ami fadliii nolor of fuoe and wiittwuf aluo by tho ronlraollon of the pelvlo homo tiioho imiiism iilluhtly iirotrinllnte on ouch ulda of thn vent remain uprond to thu width of ubout throo luibrti pluood poriwnullnultirly butwoon thoin lotitr nu tho lion in luylmr in tho lioor produoor tlmy will bo found nlon- od to tho width of only one tlnr and when thn lattor condition im evldont arly lu thn utuuton wlion nho uhould in mtlll produohiir it lu u fulrly uooa imlloittlon thnt tho hint iiuh rivaii up too uoou nml im not thn typo thut intiknu tho hltfh monord vlror hnulth nnd hlfih produolntf luiilltlnu aro uhown by dlmtlnotly vlul- h obuuiotarn und ull birdu thut do not inrry thoim iimlltlem in a miuknd de- uitiii uhould dlhuppur from the riook tho blub product itu character of prim it ry hlrnltlcnnoe ura full rml oomb hrlkht bulslnw yn lonif kel ihiha with totm of width lttwaii htoru aktromlty and pulvio itonnu hhowlnif depth of body with oupuolty for feed uiul loniri for tho prodiialnu orui linn polvio boiiom upiaud wall- upurt und utt ohuillrt vulvrt t to tho nk lirorhiobdomb n hi nu thut moult ihtet in thn ueaiion uiul lu tho yllowhklmiod vahntleu thou indlvliluulm thut frtdo out white in thn hoot ion thnt hiiow pigment luttamly thn ukln houk uhnnk and ttur lobe iuuo lndloute tho lwiiitilblhty of high production and mhuuld be kept in prvforeuoa o tbojiothitt do nut aurry theiie juulltlod tlioruatii more inlrloute dooulvn oharuutara thut help lu tlm heletithni of ood from tioor lnrm but the fore liolruf will ba of nomit uho lu utt ale mitutury werta thafarmef in imleot inif hui braedere to narry over to the next miuan if qftrafnlly followed lhy will ellmluuto uiout of th un- doalruhle upeolmonm that are a uouron of tixnenho without profit uhd vob thu dohflrvinif henu of the look of their orudltublo reoord w t hoott iniul try tlvinlon icxporliunntul iirm ot tawa helped n similar cabe durlnir an lcpuoopul nonvontlnn li llonton one of the huho had an ax pflflonou hd will long reineinbbr lie wom h portly man welsblnir ovor thruo hundred pound one ufternoou while walkltik thioujrniioatoncommonha nut down nn one of the hunohe to rent when he ittttnnptcd to kt up iu fulled in tho nrfort he tried uguln und full ed about thu tlmo u llttlu ulrl poorly cliul cutne uloiiir and iau nltruqtod by tho miwiitkion of the bin hop hupplmt up to him ehe nxnlulmed don t you want mo to sive you a llftf the blnhom ijnxod ut her in umiixo- moiit und exululmedi why you run t linlp inu you ur too mttlo no i am not olie mpllnd have holiid my pa wot up many tlmou when ho wuu drunknr than you are sleep can you do it well t jut one or two dom of oh milks nehvine l 10 will aoo the thn irritated and overatirmln ed nerrea uujttmnteed bfe ktul bare hoiin acton hvm j hahhauo -we- soil foreign driflu and money ordoiu payjiblo in ull purls oi tho world inauo lottorh of credit mako remittance i by tolojjriph th m6rchants bank heed ohlco- montreal of canada 3lty tfmli tluu esublllied 1004 l n 3iiorev u h r uiuiuuiw business directory dr j a monlven phyelolan and uuraann onlne and iubiiioiu cornr lluwa avuuua und icigln lttrnti thn rnld una formerly wiui 1h1 by ij m lien- darwin anton ont dh e j nelson phyaicun ur obutrioien aoton ontario unrrowwor to um lutn fjr oruy olllio un 1 itnijldaiiro rnlriik lit oirho houru 2 to 4 p in und if to d p in free press want advs will find a buyer for those unused articles irabmnnrraanibtibtigrinm f 5 important announcement dodge bros motor cars studebaker motor cars have been considerably keduced if you arc interested in the purehjise of a ear we would strongly advise you to inves tigate our prices t j n- one son acton georgetown milton i j r leishman local representative bmbbbt mmmimwmlgmmlml an outstanding tire achievement a new an j belter clincher allweather trea j tire better even than the famous good year auweather tread clincher whiclj has been used as regular equipment on half the cars built in canada using this type finer in appearance double process greater air capacity better able to withstand roadshocks andthebattlcothemilea a tougher tread practically eliminates tread separa tion i practically climinateamoldpinchrng this new goodyear tjic is not an experiment for over two years the goodyear company has been building it inthetjnitedstates xt has been used on hundreds of thousands of cars reports from motorists dealers nml g mid year branches givo thin tiro a consistently kooii record those clinchers nro proving our bout tiroti mmaaiio rrcolvod from thorn is mora th hi uttsfactory to tho utter and complaints uro fow thero see nib to bo no doubt that thoy ore superior goodyear dealers havo this now tire on sale n it is n cost reducer it nn motoring on i more economical basis soo tl today tho goodyofir tire rubber co of canada limited auwtaim tires are auwhul tuts dll c p w iio0b lltylclftn utitl uuruon ijiindlut utltinllon to illu ituoh of wo- initi ami chlllroi uiul infmit kmlln leual 1iioiib no 33 v o lutx sl iiauou nash kaumklt ma darrllr oollltlc nflry fubllo conunynoir etc pciiuvuam tllock acton dwy honiiv to oan llnmi 0 30 li iit o 6 pm s dll j m hell d d b l d o dhtut honor or limit ut toronto unlvr- uy tlw utlm htitxitliftlfl ujmmi u ileal md mi0oellameou8 manniaoeilcfnbes p moor uur mirrug llon made fma vow oftlo a in vnin aait ont fnamcio nunan tjimkblndsr t acoount tkonka nf all lclntln mad t nrtuie lcrlndlnlri nf every tloacflp tlui oatofully burul uulliitf ticuku ml iironuitly ilftint wyiillvbm htrr flialth ont oor wluuiam morul r j kerh lloru auotloni vor tho countlba t lulton wnlllov- lon 11 kiid diittarli and th olty nf oudlph actpn ontario 81 toy b ruthnutui liy ttmll ut ht roaldoiio ut ac urn or t th bva tran ohios aotun tit hroury ouloa uulb th n uncord ktorsuil or with w j qri 1 luniu uw illlultlrtf 111 itruttbd to it j jcorr irt- oolva ttaiitlon from ilfttn of lutln to flat of l iut your haiah with tarn naldan bawtr ajnu atsn phone anton coll t tny hhtpwa roy hindley auctioneer livn ntocic uicai uitatia ajd miilcuandibia cafo1iiuuj phan lrr4t 11 r n 3 acton f v s j e cheevers book binder quvo bt- ckkl gualph onl aiok ul mattaxlnt hound in hmttilnomn ittid itulhatmitlul mviw ktmnu uttrl in ki11 an hublm hymn 1umum ii 1 otlmi- iiaavj all work promptly lwull d alex nivek otitarlo laiul surveyor and clwll tlurvoyn iiuimiivimu mi ilun tlo- jvort uimtlttlnnm ltluniirlntn tato cwtlttcattt fni piircliumrm ntj tiinrtgoneoh hurvoyn for arohltrtm tlulltlurw uittl llinildlnal foiirxilui drnliihl itfiwrtn khiiiiiuiii ta molean uuildinq douj bt juki hi rhnim 1001 oni clearing sale op winter goods no neod koliuc to aunliih for dol lar iluy voiicaii iimlin u dolur liuro jumt un wall ovttrallu m 2js0 work llhlrtn o 17g wlnlor ciuwi t75 nml 2m and otilt r uoolti iii l romrtloti cmnqulamljpuii for liar qho rplilib nhy don e k cook uiuu tnimwu aaron trjllichuowuyrvazir tfouonro canada the old and reliable granito and marble dealers w ur tiumufaoturoru und dlrt imivortor of nil kind vt mtmiimenul und llwulhuma vork w woll dlroi tx our mumttimnn at wholmult trloa thu aavhik our auhtomarif 40 uar ont wo livo tlia tnjat noplluiioom nd th cnly mahkiilo to tho ivimlnlon who cmii ouarnts linautnatlo tixbi tronriy wo can ulva rafaroiiflo rrom hundred of our ouatorarrw in toronto mid othi yuo vrhart othirm havo to havo lw null in order to oollrat w hvo tb urm9t nnd boat uttiok nf a ranl to in tb jximlnloii or mora tlmii may thrao dcaloru in tho whu wo ura lalu- mato doalerm und employ tio akwita nil do not utiiioy ur twat uuatonioiv ly houiliuf 4 ut lienor tut uknii hollclt- ihk ordira- wv timploy only mwohwnlmi und defy oommtltlon hamilton sons oor itorwlob a woolwtnti bu qadpb 11 ll

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