Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1921, p. 2

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-f-n- 7- wwwy vtgi q f arton 3ffm jlrpfib tliliitttoav junia 3 itu plav dpi i htiuli iii the niim tin muii h to wlp ii l u blinding hitiit ditl th list mull in hut hlu ciuilulux hand on i iri uhi older u iutllng u ju tii in ml mi1 the colonel x ili ml nut ti kkllnontu lillliil with illlut ti it i v r of iuth has brlnimod hlx 1 lay uitl 1 tuy vhlm hi hi wort tin wlilui in inn plai icvi iy one t hmf ami ttiinu that in i tlmy ull wi life it hool txy rolling mil witi piy the if dun forgot d tlilu tlioy ull witi u joyful mind tuiir through life ilka u ton llumu and fullhiif plug t tin hunt heli vlsy uil 1 luv ui unit phi r kum f vi y tha henry nowlwlt a x p j aiij x sax esa k ca 1 i r when the sea 11 dashed over 1 y the bar x 1 ill x k by pradarlk k burrham 1 t j x lt 1 ji i j x tc3 x e3 kts j wholu thing itl u nutshell that htuvon lout i lit tha tint lust spring when thut sahoonni wu wrctkod off thcru and half the i rnwwna drowned remarked alvln fjttlaittold tlm shipbuilder at harbor of courso lu ull right for r 1erloy to nay ax how steve had gut a leaky valve thut hi heart hiut gone iwtck tin him hilt ho don tfool mo u bit i saw htflvb down to tha i int thut ulghu und ho wo shutting 11 ko u leaf lie wuii t worth a fa itl of hi unit whun it oiuo to the scratch pushed hm to mm ld and called juke over to tuka hi place it x just a sheer rose of turning glad htcvu bus resigned from that patrol htlll i would have thought mora of him if ht d come out flat- footed mid kuld that ha 1od lost hlx lourilltu jo x dun t toko uny ntoek in btovo liavintf htmrt trouble there wero nthen down nround the water front who sbared tha mlilp- btihilorn view lntlvo to bteveu tnokor u lntint tomlsnutlon from tha local ufa wiving lntrol younff tuck or imtkciil liaiillhy unit uttanded to hlx i uunmlnif a imual nltouan hooont intf to llanjamtn lorter tha aliin solomnlor hlfl ttil qf olaina the ht t hum tl or o had bean nther ullof thtu forrowrly a certain uooiiiomx to mtava nmnl- fuhtod luwlf mhurtly atar hit ktutigna lion from the patrol winter wax coming on and although hht ulnae wiia mnaedtly takun thara were thoao who iliuniiil tha forma- vuard tuok- er wm not nlow to no to the coolnaaa j of lortaln fallowoltuninant hut u loin to ucooiint for it a a matter of fact ha wait far from bains a well man und it did not enter hlu head that thurt wore thoae in town who donmud him nthorv bteve wuii making home minor ro iniln on iiin olum houe od anaomlng in early november a few whlnclea had banoma wurnod and now he web itihortlnit now on oh ua win liaatenlnit itlm work for it lookod am though might rain uny moment the wind win northount and blowing a hall irate word hud bean reoelved by the patrol thut a weat indian hurricane wil ihu way ui ibu roaj1 that storm wantluiit were displayed from llut- tenut to kim t port at about nine unlock that rooming tho jjutrol oturteil down river tovt itnllod them nu they pasaed hbi clam iounv and not in return a rather froaty reply welt i m wuru i don i know what ailu em ho muttered rcaumtnij hu fork on tho roof the time wax that thuy would have uuutf out to mo rlstit heartily now they don t tpuch more brunu v the wind inorvuaed iim tha morning putuhid iiy noon it wiu blowing fully forty mllem uii hour up tharu four mlloj in from tha una old captain eta it an puiiauiff to chttt with titaven doolured it hu belief hat u swlo of from xlxty to hoventy mllox iter tjour wo blow inn down to thu iolnt- uuwm i ii mllp downriver ulontf tho luttur purt of the afternoon cap lct nark o1 mtuvun having climbed down uftr u liu nil fill of ahlnglcu there munt bo a great wurf down off tha point the wind la juat right to aend a tramoiiduua cy in over the bar it u be wuth goln down to stevnn an don t ye pu forget it tut- olalmud the captain aw ye ay wind la jeat right to aend aome old ockdohigani in ovttr the bar 1 m rt u r if tni 1 thla wind keepm up lliar liable to bo no m pin for em to do down thar a iutlo later steven bearded hlm motor boat por a few moment he was buay ndjuxtlog the big earofa- llght whlob he was wont to cum down the rlyer when nlght wm not far off lie waa rather proud y or that aearoh light by tha way he had purchued it it one of the uummer viitorx form erly t wan earrlad by xtearo launch ualnj- unite u geniun btevon had rig ged il battery uboard hla boat and puahlnjr up or down the river dark night lie could nee for half a mile ahead of bin lkut reaching tha mouth of thu rival fifteen in i nu ton or ho from the time he left tha binding ha moored hla a boat and wont uahorw in htn tender landing ho pujlod tha urn all boat up on tha inalda shore ami walked acroas tf1a thy gea tfqr half an hour ha atood there watching tho giant oomben am they pounded over the bar later amaahlpl ugalhjit tho fugged shore eendliig their airuy thirty and forty coot in the air at ltia ho turned nod wau on tho point ist retracing hla ate pa when looking up tho oooat weatward he maw a achoonur evidently in dlatrena wal lowing cmtd giant nana a tuufmlle or no off tljo count ftourly on hor bftomemlu uha waa being driven be fore tho xale bha ii pile up oh apron shoula in side ot u niinutol liu exalolmsd hla eyea fitstenod on tho doomed vivuw thoro shoii on thorn now an tho wonlj fell from his llpa tho vonpl ii mo nod und u mighty wave wnahed eomplotcly over tier iiilf u mile down the aliore titeven snw tho life save lovidontly they it my trouble until it cornea focuulnk the tin y vu sot be job ot tholr uvea to hiuke it ut all with tlitx ttluvoit htartnd for lh til in win to mi the run oontrury tin null it uuu to im doctor m ordra nut to xi it liliiiuiir loo mm id milling hu h ut u tuil i in piihlmd ff mid lowid out iti wlum iiim i iwr ih ut wh im i tuil koir llutf hm be uv nriil tin luiliiilil it nu m nt lutir pull hi tin uiii ik mil ui t 1 up iln out tlmmuli tin- mil nth of tha tivir tihot htuv in m uowtt boil mighty au rollimi uvor tlm imiw ugulu and uaaln but tin uluuin ii ix it imintnrnd ouch in tuni utul uhortly nmn imv tha liar htv u hud hwltihtl on hlw rmurph llulit tififors tittirthig und now ul though nluhl wan fuat clunliig down he hud u i lour vlnw of tho water uhpad uuvlug punbai tho 1 htoven hnuil- od hi- im ut hi tlm ichril llrootlon of thu wreck un 1 trn long h wuit ubla to tuuku out tho iloonm i vul hlno punling tha imr ho wul dulug bufora ih wind mountain u wuvkm wore lmr 0 him und i nilniuu willi of wutr f i him an lghdi f u mlb to ut of tho wrk won u wuudy iwluiul whldl high tlilt ttubmargnd ight for thl uluud uuw showing uliova tha water htuv n nant hi boat ax hu niurd it hlm uarchllgbt picked up the llfnlmm thin hulfwuy to thu cv tluom light ih what tlmy uiwd tnout ul out thin tlniu uild ntuwit my t la of lip uwa in hi li una whiii it ia to picking up tl a orw hut in i of lighting thn way for the other hi ull rlghtl llttl aklll wuii roiulnd to land upon th uuhay inland without having bin itout nmtmhtil into kluilung wood hi villi hud provou hliunalf twua t to tlm o union for iviituhlng bin chance ha silt d in on the tooou of u oomlhir and jumping out got u grip upon tha sunwula und maiuigod to guide the bout high up on the wuiid when tha ucoeedlng wuvu roko the fldu u going ni t wrnount to mucl agulii be ronmrkihl iteurchllght upon the wrnrk uy that time i gueaa i ii tiuvo my handm full lla watched the ufulmmit an it mmr ed the wrook wutuhail lie crow flght- liig that mlitldy proootutloii of wavea which tha pau wiu wamllng ahuru- ward ior ull hiu im k ex in art straugth tltuvnn i vdloa vrrlud wnll und now ha nhaerd the innii un uii thuy comiuurad cut h wave lu turn irlnhlly tha blravo men- ot the deu laid hold of tho wraiked vesaal h fore tlinlin and than ihttfuii the work nwiu htuvtmn oeurchllght lighting thn ouhoonor from atom to utern turn- h1 what might have been impoaulblu in darkness into auccciui twice tiat hfolmiut muila tho trip out nciwi the ruglnif una uud turned unhaimoil llulf un hour after the binding hull been nafaly made tha imoond und lusl trip from tha wrenk btavan flashod his aaarchllght across tha water whlla ito walled for tha tide sawhe llfebaat well on jtn wav to wham ha wuu munmiuml in prise he watched us it neared island buddanly it dawned upon him that tha guards ware coming ufter him kmotlon an lied him and us ha dashed tears from his eyes for the first time since hcaihmrhls bout thlth or hlm heart weuknetm laid hold upon him he feelfld and dropped across olio of the mint in thu lioat his arms hanging urroiui the giinwulv theru thu guarilu found him uncoil hoioum lifting him up rurofully tliuy carried him ubourd thu ufnuouc tliau reullalng thut thuy ware powerlnmi in save his motor loat they left it with unwtlllugness att thn mfahaat rvacli cit the shore btavon fullerwli i didnt expect you to come nut after ma i nidn t expect us iu tried tho nhu builder what did you taka us fort uuioct us to inuvo you out micro like u rat in u trap heyt uteveu oat up a umllo lighting hut face at last ho said ou bad to leave the bqut that s all right yes uuld the hhlpbulldar wed huya brought it ulong if wn you did nobly bteva und it wan you that muda our work pouslble llut how nuttie you to do it ob i gueas it wits just becutlse tha feeling nam uvor ma tnat i still be longed to tha patrol oven if my luiine is scratched off replied btoveu with a little oonstrninod laugh us hla cheeks fluahad then ha aaw tlutt tears wore rolling down the shipbuilders rugged face well said tho shipbuilder drawing out his big handkerchief and looking around at the others here a u lyoung man thut maybe s got u weak heart it looks that way hut lies sure got u backbone that beats us ull flavour the chirm of salada is in its unique flavour ot rich delicacy and it never varies all grocers sell saluda in sealed nietal packers only behind the scenes whmi tlm rnportir gi s lxhlml tb lun dm hu mmm not thn utuga plitun hint the uiiillnnrw is admiring but oftnii dirt uml fmiiifiihon grotoixiiie- nws in ptuce of ixruilty llut gut lug lelihiil th wcenns hi urn is not aluuyu dhtupijolntliui however muuh one muy udmlrii itoonnvvlt itu u alaltsntmii r nimbly he linvnr mintinxl mo udmlrublu um wlmn ono got in hind uin m nm a id ww him in lifowu family circle netting behind the scenes is ttn-iu- nary somntlmss to teunli ua sympathy ii rich inun whoae iinmn va ir i itinlltuainblg timet mr mi ilmi ly the imirsonlflontlo i of w hurdly roullxe tliut ho lu pirst loverb last loves there was u iomuntlo inoldent lu poet ortloo recently suys un isngllsh newspaper two oldage pensioners toddlod in almost together the old man could not filgn ida pension puper ho thu mun numa to ids assistance whutt you re not really and truly joot she said that i l for sural said the old man and might i muko so bold i to oak who you bet the old ludy was nonojither than village lass of sltty yonru ugo witl whom joo had walked out many it time when thoy were young aiut romantic certainly euuh hud boon married twice but they thought it would not bn a bud idea to pool tholr pensions a fnw weeks later thoao sweetheart of sixty years ago v ere murrlod at the nearest church an old lady who had ions lived in australia travelled ttilrtuon thouauiid mile- to be married to her sweet heart they were both over sixty but as lying tongues which poison uuifinllutjbdcjkoutll d os theirfwero bath free to marry tha bridegroom had sent a catflegram to bis old swenthourt it had said come and tha old lady who had navar lost hor affection for his first love dams with joy olnna forget was the motto brooch which uq old muldun lady had worn for nearly half u century it had bean given to her by her sweet- heart whp had left her it tha time at one of the gold rushes when visions of sudden wealth turned many u young man s brain bha never heard of him again until it year or two ugo it seems that someone had told hint rlad korty years after they were nrst engaged this bachelor and maid went married had foreseen duuuitor to tho vewel and hpwtueyiwere on the run to the ir saving attnlloq undoubtedly after tho lifeboat m rtt thoy getlhar at all itll be dark before they can reach her he mut imat9flr autograph hunting sometimes proves ti mast profitable pursuit llnovlc pleord a french uohcmlnu of the flltlos made a steady inaoma out qf tt for several years one of the most successful roups was accomplish oil with u latter in which ha posed ag a member of tha unhappy race of the tmapprec luted who is mediating miii- dde and seek for oouiural and aid in the tioiir of soro dljtresa this drew a namber of celebrities includ ing iterangor and i nine lscnrdnlre ant him tan c lonely written pagis which ware promptly converted into cash tidkans also fell a victim to hi wllos und took tha trouble tp aitwer him in krapolr isventunlly p j card was shown up iff the tress 1y jules bandeau and had to seek another oc cupation k 8urtf biqn uothor is nunysvel wt ljttle iwcfci i thlnu so i heard hit raouier scoldin hint this morning- juurwera 1 like ialvi if uld rut iteblnd tha hcotina soma lay and iluil him nil turing with the toothurhe our tittltiidu towurd him would ultvr iplfitcty ha an buy anything he wuntu but be dnos not want anything but to have hi tooth stop aching fur the time lining liu is no richer titan thu poo rout miusl durably poonrv in fa 1 1 than tha larafootd boy who hardly knows the muunlnjr of pulu u w could get im hind tlm srenus und hiu the hob mun crushed under b- ninvuniiint or suffering from tlm poison of ingratitude for no one gets lux thanks for whut ho iiimjs lor uthoru llian the mail ofwealtb we should uton fnvl for him mora vymiuttliy tliuii envy tho audlouna out lu front aecx only un illusion the slagu landsoaiwi is u make- boll ovvuud the hero esprvsslng lofty sentiments muy tm very much more ofsvlllian uiuu the villain tha gallery hlssea and to if wo yre to know poopla we must gat bahlml tha scenes a noted writer travailing 111 ths went anixi fell in with u lotterjd old truknp with whom tie talked various subjpotn lliially ha mtulo u nuirkwlilijh ha thought was over th tramps bead till ha received this us tonlxhlug answer i ve always lei interested in thut whole ira ltaphael- ita movement and then the rugged old fallow lmigali to discourse on this led him to poetry and ha uuotod lmmitt after poem of ills favorite while the mun who hud mistaken him for un ordinary knlitt of tho roud lisle ned abashed it pay to got behind the scenes sometimes of ourse reality is lesx pleasant than muko bellavs but truth is ulwsyx ixittsr than sharp all the things lu lira that w find ulong u louittry ruad grsssy kitou for sbudy patlus inns for food and ik und hot unity mllux f toll and travul llmru l ull this in ufa fur llut it is in the last part of tha tenon thut tliun hex m striking idea icuiulig whernvnr i clioosa is uothor way i f huylis thut 1 may go whcruvi r i wuh provldtnl only that i wilt ntuka im nfryrt the lruvtr in lifu luuy tuku much time to vuck his luitf ha muy take ux many am twenty- rive yours for study und preparation for the expedition that will cover- the remaining ynirs of hlx ufa journey 1 hut i only another way of saying thut ha is getthig ready for a long und famous journey becuuea ha is pek lug up th stortui needed mind und lnhly urn mude ludy the memory and will ur tlnwl then tha truv- ullr sets out suppose that he sees only u nearby stopping plaoa us its its forth in life then he may kxwo h go only tlu1 far and will start promptly imkiuuho he knows that lie can nntkii tha trip easily even in boyliood tlilfi im uu much as to that tho ixiy who will be happy in a smull position tnujf us well go to hli work urty in ufa for thut kind of work tukns lltiln tlm for preparing thn journeys und thn trials of ufa urn beforu us ull to choose from the audx ura ax different nd ux long short as wo tjioose only this is su wo should muko ready for whatever llvx uhead before wo start out ituth iaviu ht evens look por the label lliula good suit of clothes wllil u uumtomer to clerks i 11 tuka it your right responded the alark it ix one uf tho beat sultw in the store i ut how did you krow that it wast when r buy p suit replied tho custom i ulwuyw look far the label i know that thn firm whose nam lu on thut label never sendu nut u suit ul clothes that ix not us perfect us they cun mum it tholr cloth ix guu- snteed their tialp in skilled and their workmanship la axcellant thut ijikji u the sign of auallty v how simple and yet how complmo was this mans method ut safeguard lng himself ugoliiat u bud truda in i suit of clotheii thero wm other firms whosa labulx represented a good product tlial he might have truste 1 in but he wu sure that the one he wax familiar with won the best for ho liud prove it there w danger of his being cheated how much trouble we oould save ourselvon in our dally life if wo would only adopt this man 4 ulan of looking for the label ruthcr tluui judging from tetiorul uppoaranca toko a young man starting out hi the world for himself on every aldo are those ready to offer him tholr rluiidxhlp to get acquainted with him yet too often tho young mun makes tha mlxtuka of his life by looking- at the general appeuruuin- of tho goods i llku tho looks of this nlmp h says to himself hex u otaun looking fellow bus u cutchy manner of con vcrtuitlou uud soonis to know the ropuu in this imtna lratty wall if 1 truvel with him i can gat ahead fust for he tun got mo into a circle thut will count so ha tics himself up along thns hues and oftentimes finds thut ho lu getting uhend fust too fast tiuloed for the good of hlx business this young man naods the advice of thut wise customer to look for the label whan u voting stranger oomox uhmg offering hla frleudnhlp just mari- ugit to see his label first before making any decision kind out his attitude toward the church and burnley bchoolj kind out what ha thinks of christ amv tha thirigs of christ if ha measures up satisfactorily to this test you ho suru he a wearing n aafe label and youro going to he sofa lit tying up to him a confession to find llfo dull is iv confession of stupidity we um bored not becaui of tha lucks in pur environment but because of the lack in ourselves uuiomobtle party were ones lialted for several hours by trouble with their machine and thay sat ubout complain ing of tha iii luolc whlcti hud brought about the breakdown in a spot ab solutely devoid of interest as they grumbled and yawned they out in the shade of a queer looking mound on bf a numjwjr in the vicinity while ii tha tall sparse grass growing ubout them one of the number noticed a fragment of pottery but did not take the trouble to examine it mot many week after that automo bile party had oat grumbling on tha xputttat asamnlto uiejtosodnvld of intercut another party arrived and they pitched their tent a few rod from the scene of the breakdown t them tho place was full of fosolna tlon the mounds of earth were ruins of the dwellings occupied by i lane that possibly had disappeared he fore columbus dlocqvory idxcavutlng they revealed thrilling secrets of a far- jwuy past the fragments of pot ery in the gifs were the remain ot utensils broken perils ps centuries be fore the trouble was not that th spot wits boring but that th people who sat grunibllng were lgilorant hjkt itupld those grunhloni ara typical there x always plenty in the wlj muns surcnundlng to int aires t him h flndii no sihit on earth uninspiring and no butnan being unworthy of notice there is flwiiye eomethln to uarnj some fasclrioun dleoovery to make lie goes through life expectant agger thrinthtf and the people who are bored a soon as thc are out ot reach of a movlo theatre do not thereby accuse tholr envlroiunsntt but reveal them selves v c which floadt thu ainurliui l ull wtmri ito own path txf ever i chooiiu allar down h win exactly what w if wa would poot wax thinking of vroln almut the lotig re ma leading where- hlx picture of a trav dusty highway is could see before y look tliera are dc kind to vpur neok ly people would be kind to hair perks thorn would be far less hair nerks thorn wc i ubls in the world 1 ight mllurs are very hud for tha ih tilth tly oihiidu t tho n iw f hlootl the hnsd und it urease tlm flow of lley to the laundry the man who anted stiff collars auglt to hvo ihwh shot ut dawn llut vary llkoly here wax no need if he dldn t rhuke i proliably fall down in a fit and by hu lima they had suwn six liiflltc off lis collar he was daajl wutoh urn you walk along tha imi rvlmt a numlhir of people wr no tui tux liya sieclaistx are of opinion hut stiff collars have much i do with ur low ntandurd of nywtlshf ttterefore if you are u wise pentou you will be good to your neck live com don i wear n oolur thst m small for you a pculty for hard work mimt great men are alike in one thing tho tuleutof the poet ix very like thst of the general thu girt uii kdnsonl unlike that of a lad vrowlakl llut if you take the records f thlmui wlio huva uchlnvml fame you will dud one characteristic alike in rb along with tha innumerable dlf feiuuoeu i every gieut mad u great worker whutavir other islltles you inay buva to entitle you to hold an honored luce tliey will not amount to much unless you possess the faculty for hard work and if you era u great worker you are imiund to do something oredltabla nvon if you fall short of greatness m vt r dexpulr as long ux you can work mid work l e5tapushep tb7z businebs imromotcrs beem to fndlcflto that the period at easy mono nntl high prices is neurit an end a dollar bavcj now in the form of a savings bank deposit vill bo worth much morotn the next cotlplo of years after the reaction has sot in bank of hamilton ofcoucetdwn bhanch g c mucka muufcr special lebo than wholesale frlce on qatldcn 8hath and lawn chairs no lawn chaltls ii ijuulu lo fur pohiiiii a hirschorn every 10 1 packer cf wilsons fly pads aili kill mcbe flies tkih s8 of ny stic c4tchep clean to handle sold by all iwujt- biabv orocer and ccneral btorcm oeorgbtown ladies suit and dress specialist spring coats and dresses satisfacrion guaranteed if cuottier finds a garment is not satisfactory it may bo returnedand tho money will bo cheerfully refunded a hirschorn with fn t nut rlex1 ttt 2uft no 17 iiljiixlu lo fiur i wit tons fdlx till hurlw l ft inn irtrel at 226 no ih hiijiihln to fiur imiulllonx hurdwix i fniit lvlri 1 tit f 1 ul aatton 8eatb 1 lie hunt anil buck i lutw ura srrawed firmly to tin uilpi orthiu fruiiu slrong- ly mad km fiur it oph 226 tot two i oopla 30 coiicli lfummock compleiu with un 1 un 1 i am i y i 1 1 1 ut 2joo ijiw hwlimm f r fnui juotil irloed h00 the iiond hardwark co taa phana 1012 uu1aun tlia the ducceq9 charm whut a uiioer wutnh charm yours wearing said a young mun ux glanced ut the chain xusiiended from the pocket of a friend uf his un older business man i tlutt tha sign op a t order r nan smllctl no it not a secret society he replied that charm is a memorial uf tny sutrt in life how mit usked tha other inter ested you will note th it u n circle otio j hurt or of which lu colored in red thut rut portion representaa luarler of un hour und to that 1 owe my success when 1 tirot want to work in the factory tin m were two of us tom hmlth and rwiiu workoifac nelgh- borlns murhlms and when the day m work wus over wa uliured tlia same room hvory nuiht after supper tom und i would sit down on opposite sides of the table lie would likelier than not pull out a book he had bought t tlia news counter x generally turn ed to one on electrical engineering which was my specialty at that time tom la united ut me for 1 would carry that book around with me during the day and tuka u h nut en ut it whan waiting for work oftentimes would speed up my work to get a few minutes with the book t made it a nle to spend ut least tlftoen minutes wwy day in reading tliut book one day nn export in engineering walked through tlia shop and suw mo reading tho book i jo said nothlntf to tno but liefora limit f mcelved all offer to no to work lu hl ulttce when that man died i took his place ux head qf tho firm tho last t heard qf tom hmlth he wan atiu pi uk a lug uwuy ut his machine the differ lion tatween ux was hot kreat only u matter of fifteen minutes u day but it brought result t enter without knocking x have imurd of tt man who hfll thcuo words on his frodt door alitor without knockltij luavu tha wamc way that was a good thing to put on ones door it wits a kind of a olosf call tiynigjsx kindly und not indulge in that ununrlailunj thiiitf we call knock liu x to enter a house nnd do nothing but knock soma person all the time one 1 there is to leuvooehind u feel inst thut another call is not desirable 1 have heard it said of gentle und kindly people that no una lutd eyef iraant them speak ul of anyone when one deserves u tribute of this kind it la proof of a certain nobility oi clutr- noter u degroo of ud ml ruble for bear ii pee uud u kltfduuexs of judgment thut will carry one far into tha favor of others the saattar sunshlua wherever they so which is the better tiling to do the unliwer i eaay j thounuvold- iblo misery uftlia worldts so great that no one should add to it by oven ut much us a shunt or bitter or com plaining word untcr every door even your iwn without knocking and leave it in thu same way if you would be a kind of u ttenefacor to tha human race und ever welcome lu the homes of your friends j f harbour discovers a new forest product ara canadians too modest t famous canadian thinks thay are an whtla he would not like tp see thsi beoeme boasters he holds they should not deliberately hide their light lo cunodlan kpow that one of tha re cent important discoveries in the re duction ut jnotal erecjrbo jnnrtqjay canadians t when the utl flotation process of ore reduction won invented nn unprecedented demand arose for pine oil a produce of th turpentine industry of the southern united states and the price of this oil rose to lyany time its original levaf in n month worse than that canadian reduction plants in ontario xlrltuh columbia und other province were at times unnbluto get tho oil at any price the mining companies after spending con siderable money lit searching for a substitute applied for help to th i mlnlater nf the interior who directed tho yoreet products jjaborutnrle of the forest ii run eh to study the problem one of the ulieinlsta of thee labora tories ufter working on the uualon far about ulmy month utul collabor ating in the ftnul tests- with expert in th mines y ran oh discovered that wast product qf tho wood dts- tlllutloi industry hy a little rollnlng could be made to take the place of- tho- expensive ell the result i that ore reducing- plants are nqv using uiu new and eomtiarauvoly cheap product to tbo benuflt of ho wbos lndtim7 iranbnirmgmipnmi important announcement dodge bros motor cars studebaker motor cars have been considerably reduced if you are interested in the purchase of a car we would strongly advise you to inves- tigate our prices j n oneill son acton georgetown milton i j r leishman local representative this stor policy es to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to bcii io those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfil all guarantees and checf fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always riving you tuttlsfactlon savage co jewdleni gueuui ontario lgravincg roibchijohostwtat tforoito canaua grand trunk svstf the double track route iircrwiaiow montreal toronto detroit chicago itnexocltod dining csr service- bleeping cart on bight train auo kurlnr cars on principal day train villi information from any ci ran trunk ticket i gent or c w uomlw district laiihanger agtll toronto ii r iioxmeaakent acton ont phone 1 r noble ltd acton elevator at griintl rruiik stntlon aquantltif 0fpeed corn and oil cake just l he0e1vkd flouit peed noitval hean and shoots wav straw rrnobllmtd- rtenhv awrbv maliaabn when yiiu need boots shoes at cny time buy from w williams mul street acton famoiys foh satisfactory footwear hbasonaulli pltlces r

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