Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1921, p. 5

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1 hr acton 3fa flraoja tjhjhhixay junk 31 1911 thy will be done not in dumb resignation w lift our hundu on high nut like dm llorvnlnwi fatalist j intent to trust and die t our faith hiirlituu ilk uio oiiku xv in i aouru to meet tho huh and rrloh exulting unto thee o ij rd thy will l done thy wllll it hlu the weak w trtw it hi ik the mtrting 1m juat ni li to rwn in i hand to iteg n linw to mtiflk ho llnt wherever man iiiirui man luneuth th llhuru nun i lord lm ihere thins nrni make hure thy rlghtiioui will tn done twenty years ado fif the ibbus of the free pre of thureday june 27 idol school btraul lunllful unit uhoup a now rov r wullt two plunk wide has been lullt on fluotph street from church to agnes dovr holme shipped two i ur of floe cattle tthoeft and pig yesterday for which ha paid itetween 1000 and as ooo twenty our mndldutn are writing on um high school entrance tum- inutlon at anton i uhlia school i der tha aupervlalon r rot wethorol jf qeorgswwn high tic html tha larpetitare eta tit work remodol- ing toe store recently vwmuii by car ney a co for ur itoutton moat hop und pork wok in if estbhlthhtnent- uy and mr mirvo llynds enter tained tho ft u nilii y school nrchestra ml leader uf slngang of knui burnley krhool ut their home ytl tuesday even ing a very enyabls evening wa epcnl about mouth ago squire kally on hi vull to acton mido hi son r kally a ntm donation of 10 000 dr knlly baa hud for tamo year a desire to take ui mimclal work on tho y and war and lui decided tu taka a yaar in the hospital at tha united states tungland and oermany last thursday ho disposed of hi llnv reel dance to dr thftmu oruv who ha tor tha peat tan years been prartlclng in parkhlll r oravi a graduate of mcqlll university montreal ami tha royal college of phyalolunx ftnd bur- vaooa of edtnbursh and uaarow ho la a nattvo born scotchman and come very hlahly roommnded ur und ur ali uecord and ur and ur t h m beoord and sllaa itatohal want to iundya lotio artjttat- urday b oartlclpala in tha unvelllny oc a morrumant oracted tharo aa a uibutw to the memory of canada haroina laura raoord ur t to u secord kind ur alex becord are doa- candanl of the woman whoa memory nil horior company i of thn ilorne hlfle ar- ilvcd in acton during the afternoon laat saturday marched down tha atreat in command of 11 eu tenant kod ilka verarmn awd have alnca been recount ins tohlr frlanda the pleaaurea of military camp ufa at nlajrara the trunamliuilon of electric hower a dlatance of 149 rnllaaha recently lei acoomplbthel in california thl i conaldertxl tin moat auooeaafu feat of tta kind in the hlalory of electricity the sunday school lesson for sunday june m 131 filminq 100 tons op molten steel a moat ramarkahlo movina picture m raoently taken by the united state bureau of mine in reproduc ing tha variou prooeaae in tha manu facture of iron ond ateol abaeta at the plant of a larsa american company it ww dealrod to hhow not only ach me chanical aten but um actual maklna wall aa the handllnar of tha molten a toe i or iron when pla iron and crap ateel are aubleoted to a hbjh temperuture in ait tpen hearth fur nace ualnk producer gnn or oil a fuel tha icon and metal gradually melt until an tmmenae liquid bath like a mail lake or pond la formed which ham ilka water ot a temperature of ovar 3 boo degreed fahrenheit the actual tnalttnir and itolllna of the racial la lntcreatln a eth through blue arloaaaa but a cloae up view ta not poaalble becauaa of thq heat the promoter of the movlnc llo- turv referred to conceived the idpa that the value of tit picture would bo decldodly enhanced if it were poaalble to take a movlnf picture of the actual melting- and boll ins of the steal in thl caee they had to deal with a open hearth furnace holding 100 ton or 10000 pound of metal melting down to finally boiling the reault of their effort wa the production of a pic ture of thl proce which ha never been accomplished before a regular moving picture camera ao fitted up that it was water cooled braproofed box t w plac ed juat inalde the furngceu vhe opera- tor of the camera wore on ohloa ault and atood juat oulalde or at moat in the door of the soothing fucnace tha attempt wa eminently auooaaa- ful and a plctura hoit renulted which la n revelation to behold nt only la h hard mal tha llg iron and the sel aeen thtuajly melting tosether yhh the formation of the alag which ao on op but the actual boiling of thl 100 ton of molten ateel 1 seen in i it pha it la a beautiful sight trt an instrucllve ono tha metal bom like water on a atove the bubbles srowlrur gradually larger nnd larger while no actual aclenunc pheno mena not already known were reveal ed by thl achlavemoiit it 1 oonjeo- turedtbal with the use pi tha apecd camera involving tha alowlng down of operation and with probable im provement in the camera llaeir new facta of vital value to industry may araa time result from the application of the moving picture to metallurgical operation krpm an educational point of view the making of auch plci of almost inestimable value likvnovv nina kociai tamk of thk oiiuitlii central pibu irfiuwm i the uicbi hrutlan 1 he who to hi ui of hi ability walkx in thtt foouti v of iirut littunn 11 health of body health of mlml mini imnlth of fiplrlt are ne to all round chrlatllkem 1 muon 111 the new talamnnt tnurlmm tlml ul huinmt work u honor ahlo aitd unnvi harv idlonoa 1 le- plrmlilfl tpaiion iv tharn would i mi hjt ttoonnalty tor the dlaunctlon wtwean tktvurty un i wealth if the aplrlt t chrut dwelt in the heart of all lattaon v thn lilghftnt aduoatlou in tliut which tiranafurm life and ehar- urtr unto tha lkai uf jeaun chrut cur ijrd lon vi jioth nmi and vecr- tlim ara neoonsary to normal work whlnh i thn ral nhu of ufa uaan vii co oi oration i all right th i it 1 iiimoahary to human progrek leaaon vhi the ctrlitun vuw of family ufa u thai of harmony mutual holprulnea idiaaon ix the rett neighbor 1 h wh helps when raul help in headed taiwn x the only way to make a tuition chrlatun if to bring it in dividuals to ctuut lrfnon xi the the world chrtetui great mimmliuilon ieauon xlt the the social onur chrutlan i for chrla- tlun in proctlca they preach baily reading for next week monday juno tt saul porn in tar- auu acta 31 1 s 27 11 tumlav june sb hebrew iwcnbt iv rr chrlldrtui judges 13 e10 wednoaday june 19 llamon a a llaby uoy judge 13 it so thursday june 30 a hebrew ity ledlcat to uod 1 ram 1 jll wlilay july i the lly jesus vult the tempi iuke 1 4dsl saturday july 2 a youth of valth and courage 1 ham hi 11sttj sunday july 3 the lord qivoth whwlom iviw 3 110 the home op the big tyee nly way to make i to one tho nly way to maite ur arthur hyfuld of oahawa who i an itilereetnd atudent of bird life has kept a llt of the datonf arrival of many of our birds this nprlng and suppllas the following interesting 111 american roblnpplrst observed feb ruary i reported very early in smalt group perhaps due to extreme mild ness of the aaso thl is early here ihirplo graklarjuarah ix a lock song parrow uaron ix jn full sons american o row observed on and off in sheltered puce all wilder uluebipl uarab 1x meadow urk march ix american woodoock marah ix qolden crownett king i of march ib american tfoldnnchmareh ie still irt winter plumage kuckai march 17 kllldeer morh sg llndlallod hawk march ik tree parrow march sb lied- winged btaxkblnl march 39 herring gull march i ihoclmt march jo llettd klngflahnr april 1 rf unrah hawk april 1 co wblnva prill chipping snarrjiw april 0 yellow- belllwl ltpauoker alrll 30 tree awallow may veery wluoni thrush way 10 tlgbthawk uky 10 vesper eparrowuy 11 rtrvwn throsberwmay it tuwheefay 1 chlmnev awlft uay 13 llank swallow uay 13 wood pe woe uay 14 baltimore orlobt may 16 yellow warbler may 15 catbird uay if tllackbumtan warbler- may 18 iun le martin may 30 klngblrdmoy sq j unco uoy 30 trield nparrow may 30 tya salmon caught at tha mouth of campbell river vancouver 1 stand iou the rim of tho wnrl i in wnsteril viiuilu juitt off thn moltiund llf urlt inh cttlumbla lion vatirouvof inland an out pun i ut the emplm thl i- tntnl which on a map of the world look almol noguglble in comparison with the vuat urnu of canada is a big un novercal of tho kingdom of icuhm i lu reality tnada up uf 1c 000 stjuare mll- of magnificent and djv country na of tha inum oblef uttractlcmit to thu traveller if hw lu anything of n porlsmuii 1m the fine ilwhlng and hunt- a to lis ohtnlnnd among the moun tain famtnetuhim the giant tlmlier and in thu water of the lake und atreom a day or two run out from victoria tho capital of tlrltlh columbia attu athl on thn uoutherii ejctremltv f van- oouvar ihlund will take one to tho heart or the solitudes tlta sanctuary of all mortu tf kiimii from the butck iwwr and tho ju to the bcaverand the qulrrel trn tha tiuwll to tha naclc hut imirlutps tha mrt which lux ma do vancouver island famous is moro fin nnhlng tluin its hunting for the sal mon cnught in tho wuuirij here are tha blatst and irumm in the world thorn ure yro utruams bn the isbtnd which rival ana another from a ports- mun point of view- tho first which haw been lahed by all miri of people from princes und prelates down ha social ncalft 1 the cowlohsn itlvcr lamed ror a famous indian tribe which used to ljumhit4lilw part ofj the coun try atid thor are many tragic und nuuantlo utorles thu uottierm run canity know when their children are troubled with worms and they lose no time in applying a re liable remedy mother uruve worm kit- terminator improved seed the tkimtnlou department of ag riculture through the seed uaandi work in active co operation with the provinces in the matter of improving grain ami field seed money itf pro- vtdftd to nay prise in standing flelj crop competition at seed fair and jacketed that l encased- jn a watcr4 provincial aced exhibitions tha lnt bores f before i l there nro many who have besn afflicted with sores and have driven them away with dr thomas bolectrlo oil all simi larly troubled should lose no tune in applying this splendid remedy a there la nothing like it to ho had it i cheap but its power la in no way ex pressed by its low price namod i a recent introduction it ban two distinct phases tc first oonnlst lag of a atandlng field crop competi tion und the second of threhe and cleaned oood in which the seed pro duced from the nolo of the firt uhaso ts judged in ho granary of the com petitor the ojmnpeltian mu have at least fifteen entftes in cacti and the foundation aeed muni be of approved origin tha mlnlmujn quantities of cleaned seed that competitor most be prepared to submit to qualify for award are whoat barley peak buok- wheat and com each 100 bushel oats x0o buhnls field beans 36 buahels clovers and timothy ik bushels and otatoe 160 huahelo the awards ex cept in the case of potatoes are msdo on a basis of 86 per cenl on the bin soars 4 and 35 per cent on the field score in the case of potatoes the method 1 reversed thq award being based on l per cent on the bin soora and per cent on tha field score all agricultural associations al ollgt- bla tp conduct those competition pro vided tho association entering does not conduct i rieid crop compettltlon in the same season with the sams kind of crop jtn the prima money junder nubvenuoii agreement tha dominion subscribes itlo in each instance and the province jtloov dominion depart ment of agriculture corns crlpuu the feet and n tke wulklng a torture yet iro relluf jntha ahapa of hollo ways corn llemavor w within reach of all jltisl lsru- 1 is job v grimy boas at the tiodded inward a alender young chap in grease bedecked working clothes who was industriously uvar hauling balky engine you d like to have him for your own private chauffeur gnd mechanlclont you dont get him don t try it he ty right bare with u while we re doing business and have enough money in the bank to raise hi iuty every time somebody like you comes along trying to tsko him from us im sorry for yoq all lignt but 111 keep him- on the job tusra as long as i can you see that boys the real thing lies a self ntarter arid he a sot wltat w call in a car hill-climbing- ability there hasnt any job tailed him yet and weve handed him acme pretty ttfqgh ones tu test hjs endurance if you wece in that young chap job at the gsrnga would the boss hold on in you a he did to hlmt there wee one great secret to his whai was itt vlult on vancouver inland tried luck in tit alreum tho lluko tt dev onahlra and many of his pedkaors huvn spent a holiday- hore and king jnorgn hlmsolf when he wno in urltlah columbia caqglit soma rainbow baau- tle irt thin famous wuter tim rlvr itself la ovor twenty mi too in length from the lake to the sea and hu liumbur of aplundld rnache und good oolii indian guide ure a nnoo- alty these fellow will take the ou no o up um river for you and you may travel up by motor und coma down tho afrvam with them kltio nteel- linarte are cgught here qn the ry in the winter and early prlng months and after the nmt fresllat in by l rug ihc ralntxtw unl uturosts begin to run affording eport to the fly naher- nmn all uumtnir utu 0 river gef tno low homo dolly vlrdons lire nhw to heliad at t6 mouth of the rlvr chowlchsn jmy salmon pun winter pring and full some upah1ly lpfgo i coming diirlnatthe muor hca- tlut he moot thrilling hort of all u to be obtained at campbell juvr the htreara which for uie present mark the northern boundary uf tho tmiiuooniinental luahwiiy and which i artuutmt about twj nuyn easy motor drtva frtim victoria xho campbell hlver take its rise in tho mountain lakes in the interior of the island and i pounaing and roaring down to the sea a noisy and impetuous as g wild beet suddenly uplesthed exoept for the hpots where it widens out into the i ampbnll itke and here it i a peurcfully kerf no u tho blue uky itself kight mllm lit from its mouth it tosses down a at ollff to find wnouter bed fov itself u hundred und fifty foot be low the fulla her are among tliti most mtufnlnoent to be found in the west all along the cmnpb iuki wlferu tho jnnvh b u flati trout flahlng hut it lu not tho joy of lauding tho mpeckletl tfnauth vllloh bring most iihliurtaen to thlu titream during the month of august thtf mugninount njacle known un the big tye salmon king salmon ooma to the mouth of thl river on its wuy to the pawning huln and m preclule juat how ndlnmhly sxoltli g flahlng can ell tje una mbnuld hw wiat m trr m the height of the aiuoii th fluh rim hp f lkty ihiundu unj oir mid it lu no uncom mon eight t w o u half dhfcatt bau alt playing tyu at hu tuiinu lme thn wutr list if lu imyxr unlet x rtre you feel h current i tbc ihiih teruus river and tho uwell fruri the mis add to tuh tha nolti vt tiu aid women uliuutirn yotlt ovn hutiu ulng- lug in your curl tho boat laid ovn almost on tu utile from the pull of thu huvy huh flghtlns foe it lirij nnd you hava unnugli hlllbi to tnuko yuu remamwr the occanloti many itl tho tyae that glvt the rtbliorm n frpm it half hour to 4 btnirn hard vrk be fore b it ihmliy burftd the traiw gnd aolheb of tho com merclul nslmrrctj are threatening th magnificent rlverof llrlthth ceiumblki and the government i endeavoring to cope with this mnuo at pnnoitt the case is before tha federal authori ties und lovers of goad apart will hope ace wuoh luyx inforcoil nit vih iicrvn ouf llnherua for all time to com 4 deuertrand hoguln wanted the jiqoqer don t ba uurprluud ut tha faith cure i hiar ulwut kvnn in lgltlmato tnedlclno faith plnyn a large part said a local phywh ian the other day k frlond if inhuj tntutcit un old wtl- i for typhoid fvr at anh visit tut hlu therm unvtir in hn mouth totiik her tern pom tun she improv ed und finally n tiny rum when my frit ml could dlntttimt with hi lumper uturi taklnir flint hv ho tneroly preut rtlmml and loiurtad ilut he hudii i tf t fur trorri ttie houun when tha old wimiin i duiightcr rati uftr him ur- 1 iitlliil hint hack mothnru much wilnu hhe uuld my friend went hurt d tha oil wpmun she lofk u at him reproach fully rrom her nktl i in 1 mimnodi ihictor why hint jo limine the jlggur un ler me tonuil- to dayt that doea m muru good thun utl tlto rout of yor t ran it j e painter valuator and guide i prepared to seloct farms in new ontavlo for any who desbhe to purchase have a very intimate knowledge of the best local it us for forming will also act as guide for any aportsmen who desire the best of hunting of moose door and other game can arrange for occommo- oallou for homeaeekor or aports men beat of refarencea j e palmeh anderson house cafe ceehran charlie gervaia house painter k actqm ontario ixnig rgperleno v careful work idone all jobs proartptly completed orders for spring work should be placed immediate residencetchurch btrcet ml lom br 11 timr ttai l gogrl sauut or bant vhtcccc st3rc initated in- luur tytlumcdorgranuuted jmurineoftetxsestsviassblsafciw cafant or adult at audrnsslsta writs tapreoefiook r wanted honest dependable salesman to repreuent u ln tha aula of nursery stock we wupply all outfits free of charge and allow a liberal rats of com m hot oh alpily to e d smith a bon ltd winona ontario goiumbiaturamapbones amp becobqs adahaixieo u making u spoclahy of columbia q rams phone and lleoortla which he will deliver promptly at yonr pianos any make a alqeo mill bl acun call at the btore notice creditors tennis and bowling shoes tell him you are glad of hi ritrrcrnn j success tab i learn to rajoloa in tha tune of others if a nlassrr prlae instead of being resen i that otyourself congrq jtte him your heart if oasoolate linlnes olfloe is jmoted in- atead of encouraging ljt bitterness ilsp him on the hourand tell him you are glad of hh jocess young people whit ro ho 41y and heartily glad or others kqi fortune are never without a reus nljr rejoicing those who can tie glad of another good fortune sooner or later have personal teasoim for satisfaction the oil of the peoplv muny oils have oame and gone but dr thomas eoteotrlo oil continue to maintain itu potation and inorfaae its nphere of use fulness each year lu sterling quali ties have brought it to the front and kept it there hnd it can truly le called tha oil of the wopla thousands bavci benefitted by it nnd wpuld use no other preparation good stock all sizca slippers womens ties and oxfords ono and two strap ciuldrens and ladies runabouts and outing shoes repairing sewedand nailedwork kenney bros main btnbet aoton 4nt in the mvttr of the eatau of tho ma p menarttay lata of the vlllao f acton n the county of helton laborer deeeasad notion 1 hereby given pursuant to thu hevkted statutes of ontario chap tor 121 and amending net that al creditor and others having claims sgajnnt the en tale nf the said thomas j mcnernuy who dletl on or ubout the jbth uny of december a d 1030 are muulired on or before the both day of june a d 1h to end by pot prettald or to deliver to mm sura- phln hcrrlnger ulldmay i o on tario tha admlnlatrutrlx jof thn pro perty nf the sold deceased thnlr chrlntlutt und niirnarnee addresse and description tt1t full particulars of their claims and a atatoment of their acoouiits ami th nature of hecurlucu if any held by them and further take notlfte that after such butt mentioned data tho said ad- mlubttrutrlx will pmaecd to dlatrlbuta tho ussaui of tha deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claim uf which they shall then have had notice and tliat the aald admlnuttrutrtx will lint hu llabla ror the ttuld usaeta or any part thereof to nliy person or person of whoae olulm notlcu tiliall not huvo bnuu re- calved by hnr at tha time of uliclll rtlhtrlhuttun datml the 33rd day of muy a 1 1031 marv herrinoer admlnutratrlx 40 4 mudmuy onlutlo arethe parents to qlamet al skiiihdleutlouti iutnts uro tllu treimetl over thu dlllloiltcn thny nmot n tha morul ubil rullgloiih tnilnlng t thnlr ohltdttu wu arc muic und more convinced that tho re i no other imtthutlon affecting our uhll lreii to day thut nealii ho liu lly to ho h form ed us out iubllo school a iunigruph taken from thu woutoru advocse preuontii a phase of tho uttfr thut wn wiuli to imum on to our readem it sayui iteoently the hupnvhitundntit of a large city nahoiil ualil ihtforc u fd u ru tin n of womens club thut irathnr- ullty l tho uicatant mouiino of the iubllc schnnlu to d thut we lire fuut drifting towutd froa love thnt the mother of thn nation uro not tuuu- ing goo i on that job ltd wuu un 1 ml lot num i thut will produce untmt- nient lr oviry clirlutiun home know how lllrlnult it i far parent to rear tholr nhlhlren in u ohilulluh nlmomphtire under ttmtriotlva moral liurrlt r whan tho public school u run in uuoh it tolitrunt and liberal illu- clpllne chrlutluti control 111 thn hmne require tho pnrhiuunt umiihuslu upon oertuln mnral rciitrlotlonw that uro not ragarriud in tha vubltn schools und t doe not tukn long for a conflict of doau to uriutt unit for thn breuklng of thu mom i control tlutt make the boy or the glit not only a problem in the homo betweon cotilllcthig mural titan dard but u continuous problem n tha 1uhlhi sohoola if a ohrlntlan home mtuudu for thu ulluunutloii uf tho duueo tha hchools ikermlt it and juiiny nf thu loudtrs thereof do not hesitate to cant reflections tmoif purentti who take what they call a narrowminded uttl- tudu jt i a ooiujtuntly expreassd regret by educatlomll louder that there i a lack or tnorul control on tho part- if parents whore this control pre vttu lowever th re la a aonulitnt utrukkle agulnat tho tlberttllalng ln- nuence of th 1uuila school muny conaplantlpus teuchur reulue thl buujtrn lhiwerleas tho atruggle will continue until the leaders awaken tj the fact that if they want chrutlun principle and chrutlan moral ami christian restralnu that will help them in their duolpiliie they mimt join the chrlatlan parent in main taining their mora restraint and thuli dumuittla ideals naahvllle advocate tha ahovo is ot course a resume tt mindltlmuj in the united stated in home ro poets howovrthoy ronminbl prevulllng con llllon lu cunurtii und hubjai t in worthy the cnuhjilarii- tiu of all patent and school trtltitooit we develop the farmers business bunkiittf nt nny timo is cooporntlon iw- twoon tho btnl tiid tho custotner or tho development of thb cuuimorb bualnekii llio belter tlio biyilc underatnnds its ru- tomcri buslnchs thu mro readily and effi ciently enn it assist htm liikhly nine years of dealing wllhfarm- crs in c inada hns tfiven tho bnnlc of nova scotia it cumplsto knowledge of farmers banking needs call and talk tho matter ovor with the nearest brunch manager i ha thh bank of nova scotia lelevup 0attl the ford garage hasmade complete ahrangl ments for storing batteries batteries kept at proper temperature and regularly in spected and kept to tho desired gravity batteries re charged or rcpulred when necessary advice free oxyacotylene welding plant is being instnllod all woldlntf in repairs promptly and satis factorily executed our plant for general repairs is complete prompt expert attention given to necessary re pairs to cam of any rnako the electric starting and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled v pull line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment uf accessories always in stock l g king manager ii a coxe proprietor ii niuht with aathma hwory- knowta how uttaak of uatlnnu otton keep their victim awaka thu whole light long morning ttnil him wholly unfitted for a duy nf bunlnesh utd yet bualnceu mimt ellll le curried through all this night uurferlng and luck uf ret can be avoided by tho prompt into of dr j o wullogg authnut itamedy liluh drive uway thu uttuck castoria for inrants and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears e signature of exact copy of wrapper in use lor over thirty years castoria tmk osntjlua cemmav so yeas enrv railway time tables at acton toronto quburbnn eleotrld itallway oolnfl waal it am ilally ejtoept sunday 3 11 p m tlally kopt sunday i do p m k ially nttoapt sunday uosam sunday only 12 p m tiunday only b p m hunlay only doing east tally excei 1 sunday j dally tikrvnt suqday llelly eosospt sunday sunday only tluoday only sunday only 103 pm ii p m- bf son v kb p in grand trunk railway gel no wee byatem ko 3d ulnhi no st 10 34 am no as 3ltpm nu 36 fc 00 u m no 3u ulclikn no 36 hut lay in 34 am doing eaet no 3d yoham no 3d ii isam no 31 2hpm no si u oltjun u oh p m lay othpm tralu no 3 arrlvw in acton at 3 33 on saturduy limttmil of 3 33 uh on all other wm k duy klreulht ilollvcrul hysiuuial asprss frelgtil i fdutit plait i up ut any sd- dnwn in tontuto q it aon ww agent aotoa fits ellltiwm ii hoiint truiitnit nt for ep- hnimy twenty y art nuross thouuuml uf ttntlnioiilulu no ansa uhould ike ooiwldort 1 hnpclnaa lrrse lookl t wm btlnsoh llamedy co of canada salt vonge htrwt toronto unt uptodate goods at c c sprifsirrs silverware in tableware pine variety also pino cutlery- hardware tinware and granite waro big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil siovi dtst everv article ib of gxcep tional valbe c c speight mill slretl acton chevrolet agency ur ii 11 wlluon huti itctired tha agency fur acton for chuvrolet uotor caru ivmonntrutlouh ar- ruugihl cull and ueo tha new modulu now cart ulwayu nn hand h s wusori bower ave acton ont ip a word to the wise is sufficient youll make sure of vourt evesipht without delay if your energy la lugging if you haven t thu punch and pup of other days you had beetur huvo your vlniiiu treutcd the eyp may be requiring mure of your energy thun l their hharti giusnau cluutnully llttnl will atop thu expenditure huvu uh look into youi uyo trouble did you ever see a deal tree canadians whoaa country owe much to wood ahoubt pride them- aolvn on knowing what the different timber term mean snmetlma pot- hoiih upauk of u curtain aitlcio uu tuude nf dual when thuy ure nuked wliut kind of tree dual uj they am at u losii a a matter of fat t deal lu not u kind nf trno hut a lilcou of wood a tmurd i one inch think n plank two luoheu thlok und a doul three inohuii uilck tho word i not uiiud in tho lumber trade in thn unit utl stutotf und in -canada- 1 isoltlsivusad iuaojulflctlqh with thu alilpmunt of timber to j reft t lirlluln it is mttlppid in thin form ba- uuunn it in a nonvunlont 1ku for car tula urlllhh woodworking induii tries since dim id uro chlufly made from prune hulhiim ii r pine mid womutlmei hemlock n aucondury uua of tha word li kjnglnml i tn ndlonlu jom kind soft wood or wood from a oone- i fut ing tren in ciirftwln however tttu wnnl in not tmuil lu uii hi iihi and ileul iijwhyn minim a plnra of wnott f a i wr lit in thlokiieiirt v- acton creamery wormu liy thn irrltutlon that thuy caunc in the etoiimch and lutunlloi daiirlve 1 nf unt ot the notirlhhmnnt that they nliould darfye from food and ma i nutrition is the reult miller worm lowdorw iluatroy wnrnui and cornet thi morbid ronilltlniiii lit ttjtt atoniuoh nnd ikjwiiu thut mo fuvurnhlu 10 worms o that the full nutrlmpnc uf the child is assured und development in every way aucouragofl pull market price paid for butter fat ny small amount of cream wihreceive our best attention bwet cream for solo every wednesday and saturday- we will also pay spot cash for eggs open eriday and saturday evenings best creametty butteh new laid eggs and presh buttermilk will now ue supplied at the creamery every day cany0uvrirta businessihter ww ffc01tt7ia in bualrto lttr writlna boaklcpinu sharthml commrlnl lw d typ rltlng our training hiuly if thwo u worth tho comt f ttitt dntlrn cnunta btailt now session thb entire year uuelph businesscollege hrld blila qulph ont a l bouck iprlnolpal s preprlto tohe acton bakery call phono no n if you vant delicious loaf of iqread or brown bread or a boston loaf steam loaf buns arid rolls pies and all kinds of cookies and caltes 1 acton creamery go watson wiles proprietors free press want advs will find a buyer for those unused articles also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best pood eat more op it pbone 77ithe waggon will call at your door m edwards co acton ontario store clbaed every nlghf except l day and saturday at l30 pm

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