Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1921, p. 6

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y fthfftoptnirjisyvh v-jr- v nirtna uurlxti and dseub ara how charaed tor at the rollowlna mien lltrths boo yarrufm 5oj jdemthadoo mofhorial carfls wo lc ifjr lino uln fw poems married oowdy1ioii11m at lilg lron ave toronto june is lall hyllw a itkuli lkbto flftrt tilde may yotiincof tlitlfhtt- ale uml mnt ttuinonl imiilm antfua ilutl- litrman aowu mod of iho lati wx- xiuyor fiowiy lurlph died ciiimiioiu at llurlliislon on lm- iluv juno 2 131 charles chlaholm acxl lio yonta mmknlcmv a lien williams on uonduy juiin l3l jtmm jtfa- uoivony tmtl year luxon in milton on haturlay june 11 i31 murnrel hlnny widow ut iholol jnib imxon atkonh in anton on hu inlay june id ll hurry kdwrnrd o of mr and sir- 1 tnnutn itoanlmor orrawm mrml ll wek itkattv at vru n thuuy jun lc ai jitt ttoatty rl- litl nf utiy hmttd of kwrirus and lxitlxi 0i1 at hu hum at us in hlihlh ya in memorlam jillinsln invintf ntrnry nf j nnijrr imuiv wtr f ttolwrtdltt- lmm wlio miital roy jun 33 110 ili ltiintirim hur without yu ahl iui ihiwniry way vw lir- is not the aama lo via wilv-vu-wtn- tm wrwy huul iku and family qulp a rtmt jtrti jrebb tiluilfmay junk 31 331 anion again net year thf mrnibtr of th central bowling asaoolatlon charmed with our qreena tli iilitetteith iitiimiil roaollnaf of the central itowllntf association wan lirlil in tlm aiton ohlli ioiiai un tueltiy vtihic al ui titilhit tit thti tiieeilntf uftor blctf ehxili hal beii made by ur thuuhum wr l4vltl mr alaglennnn mr yet and other on the beauty of tlierrouitita tlm enlendtd character nf tha urttena the vordla weloorne mx- tomltxl by the acton club the foil ow ing resolution wu unanimously mp- portadi w it vert by thou thau hum nramp- ton eeoomled by m yatea ouelph thai the v in j lino bovrlera desire to tme their apiirmiliitlon of the courtesy and kindly boltahiy of tho aoton liiiwlltitf club nml hnreby ilniie that we lhl tlm tweritielli mlinua tournn- tnfinl o the conttat itowllnd auueu- tlon in arton in ibis i nekie thdt th breeiim anil the lawna oenhotbe nuntaaaetl in weainrn ontofln anil tho tiromotont nf lle aclon athleuo aa- hmtlatlon nir tabe oontratlatel upon the heeuttful grounda and urround- liisi they hnv created he no th omcitii tnr thl yeur were elnatvd k fitlloww iatron a ii ievltt tcltabnor 1rooment a o t lleartlmore hertery j wooi acton a teenlutlon of tluinkm tu liifl hull- of-ihtr- 1 to li h- for-their-eftorte-hi- maklns tlto vult if thn ixiwlom itlean- nnt tnoviwl by c itarber quel ph und hoiitiletl by t thaubum tl wm jociuki ejllton im admlticil tn tnomthirehip t the aeooitillon brief local items trim up yuur uulavanli cultivate the settlen it paya willi at reav be trie are llnllful yti ttiewbiy wu the year lon- dhi ibty lxjmltolo4 iay a week from to- the icanlen tmrty aeaeon in here in in thle tnontli at june the velsnm auprame- r are of daily duller anilresip tutain 0c foilmich thdoio nwjmmln hole tng mora opuiar dally html tt the ieopleara trlmxaln up tholr boulavarda now the limine sardan luroductat are t looking unusually promlelna friday aliowern save tho straw- lerry crop another lease of life ttxt meroury reechofl sc dncreea oi tuen4lay the lotisoul day of th year the vrockly nhawera are keepln vest4tion in kood rowliiet condition the aummer air lav now uxajenwlth thtolciuliiblerfuma of uftweftown hoy uldeummer revlow ervtea will bo held in the sunday ttchool iext tninday thn buhoit of nlasara will bo btalbana church on sunday tor con firmation cjoodmornlnbl have you iwt your trues xrkwi kubaorintlont dooa it expire uila month t it up reported thal llalton farm ere i will enter next election na llalton replo polluoal jarty itho annual concrejcationaj rnoet- ing of thj melhodlat church will bo held in thojpftool room tb la trvenlna with tho month of juno tmndredb ox sucm anam mubecrlpxloiui tlxpli prompt renewal of all tuoh will bo appreciated a younft horse wma badly frighten ed by a white baby oarrlacn on the third line on sunday ovenlna- fortan- ately no ajahoua bann rosulted tnaclcoroto iitub caroleaolx thrown away at a dance at sombravln- iinb- ton county last thursday nlvbt believed to bavo been tho s100000 aro in that vllue atrawberriej ham boon plentiful durirur the week saturday tboy sold for ibc or two or a quarter- monday the price rose to 17c and it is notukely they wlil be any lower bero thin noaeon mr a o defouet of band 1uu sn nrth line isaqueslna brouaht tho fun vncss tho nnest box of atraw- berrlam laet tteek woen thle year tvy woj ripo and luncloua and twenty berries nilod the box t the sirlh nf huth meuion mission ban4woro nlven en enjnyablo attor- noon o baturdny by mi its itertle sltelsht the htiiwrlntendent at the residence of her father cjhuroh btroet a very pleasant time was spent at a rooent meeting- of the ij to wel ualrymens kxohanira thlrteoi factorlee boarded lit choose old- din on the board aurtod at lc and advancod to j4ic but nono sold the lot was later sold on the street at lkc mitchell advocate in the reference o ir bamupl johnxtobs high noaltlon as an aiuua- thetlst in last usue the fobs passa ln- advertqntly auted tllat hbt fatter was will lard johnston formerly of acton it la thamuel johnaton sr who u the proud father of this dlstlnculshed on- ma holland smiths suthrlnten- deatt of uie troy laundry machinery co of san francisco cat has kindly forwarded the pas passu fcopy ttt the beautifully llluat rated san fran olsoa luslneaw msaaslne in whlolisan joaquin the valley garden of the sun is interestingly described kwutoinauona and icmniinciai lower ooheel examlnatlens lai week i normal entrance and matriculation thle week lri j r 1 m- pl isjv- stez n v 0511 j ife- the ijower school examinations wore boldin r too joshschool -bare- last- week as well as in all other hih school centraa of the province m w mlchener principal of mu- ton public school u presldlns at the exomluutionn here this week ue also presided last week mr j ml rosxei prjnolpal of acton schools aftahffed by inspeotor doiiyeslkdreadtn at the ejmiminaliqmiatmlltou huit mr nosxolcoromonoed bis duties on tuesday as tuwotdtvteexanilner at the educational department torontoon lower school examination papers ho will bo engaced at this work for three weeks and will then go to oueew unlvoralty kingston to tako a sum- -mot- course in oonnootlon wlui- art course ho lsthuaroompluait the normal tcutranoe sjfd -matrioh- tuition oxvmluauonu aro in rorea ktwweek vic tbe ulgh soltool bntranoe ejuunln r will be held next wook tuesday 1 wedneeday and thuradoy 2btb ktb and 80ui bere m thirtyjivvabw aimtloa from otnaiuatos whrf do- viwmlaoa neighborliood news- town and country nassaqaweva on june 1 flora mophadran widow of the late ckevld bcott mil top passed away at her home on victoria avenue nftor a uitkerlna hlneas mm scott vni a daughter of tho late duncan uolhedrati or kasaaaraweya and is survived by one daughter miss mary hcott nassagaweya a trow berry growers have been aupplytng berries to custom- ere in neighboring towns in consider able quantities 0rew60n8 corners baying will be general this week it u a good crop this year tlr and mrs j r ilamahaw and mr and mrs wm coloman acton epent sunday with mr and mrs m crewaon ur and mrs w j vonnormaa and children of quelpb spent the week end with friends here mr and mrs o crlpps and children vlslied friends in kromotta on sunday ur- und mian hault and mr tteau- raldt ileepeler vlaued friends here over the weekend eden mills a most enjoyable time was spent wednesday afternoon in the woods be longing to mr rudd near erten mills station of the toronto suburban the occasion wag aplcnlo under the nua- pioesioftbeedan mm w c t u u em bars r of the guelph union and ciundnuniberiagbetweanco and 40 came orit od the udenr as gueeta of the ster society mrs mareball the genial president of eden mills aoclaty with some of her loyal helpers met and weloomed tho duel ph friends on their arrival a large itnlon jack floated at the entrance to the plonto grounds theoutataodlng feature during tfae aftamoon wag the social spirit pre vailing among the wholo company uefore the programme soheduled for the ufternoon mrs marahalvs request for community singing was answered with two loved and wellknown songs o canada and the maple ieav were sung and foftowlng these were abort and appropriate speeches by mre jones president of guelph uulon mrs marahail kden mills and mrs ii c bennett county president the weather was delightful and the outing was much enjoyed by both tho vie i tors and their hostesses qeorqetown mr and mrs j martin and miss clara of toronto npent sunday with mr and mrs j n oneill a grand garden party under the auaplcen of the georgetown bowling club was held in the park on monday evening i wouldnt it bo possible for our coun cil to spend a little money in beauti fying qur dark and putting it in more presentable shape ur and mrs b mojvhirtor george town announce the engagement- of their eldest daughter gladys marguer ite to mr t j a ferguson st thomas the marriage to take place the uittpe part of june mr l qerxog of now york is visit ing hjs brotherinlaw mr m haxe mrs it- d sheley of ietrolt is spending a few weeks with mr and mnvx n0neill illuminated door knobs and key holes are the latest but tboy have arrived too late to bo of much use they would nave been vajuablo before pro hibition but trwhat use are tby now a tablet bearing the names of the folfawlng soldiers formerly students of the high school who made the su preme sacrifice n the great war was unveiled on thursday dt the nigh school ueulbdwln t leslie fil- cadet cavanagh soramerville john henry bchoalosv pioneer capl an drew arthurs chaplain jvltllsut cyril il barker ivan t green tabic brigade ut lieut douglas mckan- slerherold mc3ns suits voluta up lo j2750 2000 valuta up to w500 2soo valuta up id 54500 3500 valuta up a 6700 at 0ub big sale come and see geo wallace allway bellable ou6lph ont just arrived large stock of massbv- harrib repairs will still continue to carry the famous fury goods tor the ikeneflt of our many customer tom rumley blacksmith and- woodworker cor mill and park ave qlenw1lliahs nienwllllams mothodlat churcji will hold anniversary sorvioea on sunday junoss j y iiunl a formor pastor will preach morning and even ing special munio by the choir on monday evening a garden parly will be held on too church lawn the following flrntnlamt talnht has been secured will thlrkettle character entertainer i v greenwood elocu tionist and other local talent the recent incendiary nreshy which tho harnu of hugh iaii wore des- troyedare still under investigation by provincial oinccre rockwood tho new saw mill in the north of tho village has commenced olmrutlons with a largo aupply of logs the annual convention of the kra- mosa sunday school association was held in tho duoiple church kvnrtnn on tuesday the bricklayers are busy on the new methodist panionage isveryone glad- to know that lev mr oelger will remain on this circuit and will occupy the now parsonage mrs milne misses lottie and icdlth of guelptu- and mrs il banner of brantford vlsltod at mrs dougus mo nnbbs mr fred pagmore left for edmonton on thursday evening miss to rrskine of hamilton and her brother ar visiting with col and mrs- mutrlo at the baseball toumameitt at aber- foyleon wednesday the ttockwood iwys carried oft tho honors of the day in the first game withfreelton the hoore stood e tn a after carlisle de feated bverton in tho second 11d nookwood again defeated the winners 8 to 4 erin a big programme has been arranged for dominion day at stanley park mr itobtwllklnson 4s oontlned to bed with an attack of typhoid fever mrsj il j hunter is suffering from an attack of heart trouble and ls1n very weak condition the erin township sunday school association will hold their annual con vention at the disciple church bllls- burg today tt a- good broiramma bas been arranged itev j lidvans of troy received the appointment at the methodist oouf xerenoeto7 tho charge- f the -rrin- cireult rev j a jewllt will as urovlqusly announced by the minis ter at blmtra f i mrs j sannfa and daughter mrs bona and mrstmeo snd uttle jnrand daughter musjbertha mllla nd dainhtsr mr- morey of buhaf tt y tnd mrsw justice and two chil dren of winnipeg man are camping at stanley park mk apdmrs wxhoartho ssapleg annitunoe the engagement of tholr only daughter myrtle viola to ur hugh burton ouver son ormr pnomrsraisxroilvrtt ftairt oara fipawu lhe marriage wjll take nlaoo principal aickay has been lsjd p hh mujansthe patwekand lue uppflrrooin in uj sohool hasbeeas cloeedv this u dla4ymt siitlnj liitfnti rim wii6wvwuimi milton fourrrcat dgysvlirbo thoso of tho milton chautauqua 33rd to s7th inst splendid dally evening program- mes mrs mcdonald of meaford and her brother jus mdkinney of calgary vlsltod their sutler mrs thos bradley ilurlng the week the llalton mhes went to niagara carap on friday by special train- the milton campbell vllle contingent nura bora s3 j c eaglenoti is the early bird again this season he dug tip potatoes of good usable alxo last saturday said to bo the earliest ever grown in milton the athletic atinoalation and fire llrlgude ore arrunglng for a grand celebration on dominion day thorn will bo a baseball tmiruaraent in which four clubs will compete r the brethren ofmlltonl o u no no 9386 with visitors ijornby bur lington canidbellville aeorgetown stewarttown and bronte marched to knox church inst sunday evening headed by tho hand there wore about 75 brethren in tho parade rev w hi maokay preaohed an appropriate and able uesmon mrgowding barrister took charge of tho otnoe of meiisrs morley hutchinson barristers to retain it for two weeks- while mr hutchinson is uway on hts wedding trip mr oowd- ing served in the wrltlsh navy during the great war and fought at the blockj jng of tho harbor ot zeebrugge one of the hottest fights and most brilliant feats in the history of the navya champion oustip sl peters churen oustlc which was decorated with voeeii palms and ferns was the scene of a very pretty vedding on wednesday 15th lnslj when miss marguerite bynnottvwas united in marriage to ignatius mo- cann by bev father igoodrow the bride looking young and beauti ful in hr robe of whlto satin with bridal veil and rea orange blossoms and carrying h bouquet of cream roses and maiden hair fern and utreamers- of white satin ribbon marched up tho aisle leaning on tb arm of her fathefto the strains of th -weddinr- mirptaydtoymigsjf modermott miss cloella synnott who waa- brldosmaid wore green georgette with white hat and gloves and carried a boudet of american beauty roses im was supported by mr lynnnxt brother uf the bride the grooms gift to the bride twos a sunburst of pearls to ute brldosmald an onyx ring set with pearls and to the beat uan goldpuftllnks following the ceremony a wedding dinner was held at the homo of the brides parent iwith only the immedl- uto relatives present after joarty congratulations and good wlsbos had bean extended mr and mrs mocftun 14ft oh thb evening train for chicago ind other points thebrtdos oavolung gown wss nlggerrbwri tafreta droni taupe coal 4nd picture hati ilstho tnanrbeauiurpl presents testify f to the esteem in which the young couple avrheia on their return they will reglde on the srooms farm near moffats candy and ice cream bach saturday thoro is sucli a growing demand for our cnndy and ico cream that wo tiavo enlarged our staff and aro now ready to glvo our customers prompt service wo do not put up a cheap mixture of chocolates for satur day our roguureoc and 70a lines are greatly reduced in prlco for our special john moitfat main strebt acton ont get ouv prices on a bathroom outfit first quality goods used and installed by- skilled mechanlca howard and mccarvell 24 wilson st gubuii phone 270w saturdcty treat here iqr bpecial for you that every member or tho family is very fond of 100lb whitb vanhxawdge y with cocoanutand cherries injt regular 40c per tb tsatttrdoy treat imcc 27c per lb vveekend chocolates 37c per ul this favorite special is in great demand every saturday a good nssartment of highclass cljocolatcs keg 50c per lb weekend special 37c prjb- v- 1 1 ice cream sodas what is mqrokatisfyldg than an ico cold lemon icocream soda visit our ico cream parlors the coolest spot intown and enjoy a dicdi of noilaons ice cream t h moprehead imampton 1 georgetown milton acton iistiiilbafllfsbs why the ford is the universal car ui down among uio orchardsotnova scotia the farms of new brunswick oa shorbrooke street montreal yon go streot in toronto portage avenue in winnipeg on tue far flung horizons of saskatchewan and alberta and up through the mountains of british columbia down granville street in vantjouver on governmenr street in victoria itg tho some storyyhalfof all the care you see aroord cars7lii many sec- tfp they ara tw0 onc u tbo other mnkfcs andi story in africa australiabritain europe united stjttctr shout the worldonchalf of all the motors oij earth arv 6rdj why because the simpuelty- of iho ford car adapts ittoevery drivjcic r k because uiepower oftlie ford car parries it wherever j tbo driver aants to go jttwgo its dtirabilitjr and rugged strengtjh make it the car for evory condition of usage because o4ts uv flrat epat onlow cost ojp operation nod maintenance t- the ford carlso good car for yof q own t the new ford prices touiung car with stakter f 7ia00 c runabout 615 sedan 109000 coupe m 09000 truck 1 7s50d r p olb ford oni i fortitir0 lrg king manager h k c0xb yronrletor acton ontario this is hosiery week at the big store you can depend on ettiruj what ypu want tn iofllery aluiln tore we atock nothing but the beat make in silk ijsie cashmere and cotton holeproof suk how for lodlca in black white taupe gray brown and navy all sites in atook this slocking sold throe months ago for 350 per pair todays price z00 por pair 3 pair for 00 holeproof silk haae for men in black brown gray plairi and fancy stripes a special at 100 and v2s puritan maid 16 in silk nnklo with lisle top in black and white alt aires special at 125 ladlm lisle hose in black and white brownndvy circle barmakccjf tragoud value at doc 50c and 60c pair holeproof il kib for cku- just try a pair of this line of hose for your girl a rich silk and lisle uw fast uatt and will give good wear today price are 6 and vtj at 60e 7 v h wi i 7 uoy heavy bibbed ho in black only circle jar make fast colors and will giue tho bey any amount of good hard wic todays price u3v 40ev loc anf 56 irincfsa howe for cirfc in black anf whttc all sizes ip stock at special price 40c 45c 50e arid su childrcnm jwkil- we have a full trock o- children a socks plain-whita-m-crton- and lisle also pink blue and brown if- try this woke fob your stockings you wiix find ouk vutcku l0wkk than the iauce city stores mcleail co mux stbeet we sell ron cash s wiainiimmiibttiimminmiiimimiimwormmmimmtnbrmmftimctinimrqmmnin i announcing reductions dodge brothers motor gars we aeil for less touring car roadster model 161500 153500 these reduced prices include the freight and sales tax and cord tires j n oneill son distributors acton georgetown milton j r leishman local representative doctors crussds against ths houu ply iqiaht htimlrort ilronx uhvulclunw r- iwnlly joiimtj dr arthur j oloary llaithh ulllcitriif thn kr-jn- li crumirto unalnst fllos for iho w1lnlnt tiuii ot mihthefta inul 6hor oontqaliu dlitouttutfj clllarino auction sale colmmbfa and edison grama phones and records tho util bruin tied has rsoolvwt ln- urtiitlonh from adam alqeo a tint i by liulillo auction on saturdayjune 28 121 l t ht m at alaw muslo mtoro atlll hlroot acjoii 7 gjiakiapiionich ibo niccoitoa tho qrumnnhonob ami tlhrtu aro n aood condition i sin ami snwiq irxoninm evarythlng must bs sold without rsaarvs tritmb cahh j r j kerr auotlonr i imiono31 aoton i ilhhonay dork notice to creditors r tho matter ths satau othsnnah aupubta nswton 1st of thn vllloqa of llmsnouas in ths county of hal- ton spipatarv asoasasd- sottco la hereby alvnn nvrriunnt t rictlnii bfl of tho tnisteb antrit ho tou chuntur ul thut nil uredltoiii and nlhvrx huvlntr ollnui or ilntnnnils uhuiiuit hatimtato of lhi lata llanuah atitruuta nnwton who dlsil on or ubuut uio 7th day ot dooembor ld3u aro miulnd on or before tho 10th nlny or july loai tn send- by post nro- pum w dllver to itunna iiesueur a moklnley harniu ontario jho boll- dljors for the dmniatrawor oatuto of jh6 sum ajsoustd r chrlnfiiin uums andsurnaines udflroiju unfl jlmgritulfin full- nurtloularu t tholr uhijnnl a- 4atomant of tholr afjnognts aiiff pio viuturo e ii any holtf eit tuts tin to dihtnbu cusort mn ia lied with them hoforo ooouil anrifuka rioffpi flip ball docouseri untitled tnnratw to ttili olulinu lite any holff hy thum nones tliiit prior tho huhl last luontfoiierl iluts tho anjnlnlstrajor itrlbufo tho hbhltu bt aninnkht- tho ituvtlwi havina ressra only that tlnio ml that tho nuid adnilnlu trator will nut he llublo or the sttid auaeth or any part thereof of any pof son ui- inriiona whoso olnlms in this havo not boon received ttythem at tho tfrno ot the nnld dutrtbutloiu dated at hurnla this lqth day of jlino ibm harfna ivesuffluit a mcklnudy solicitors ror the aarnlnlstrator 61a the golden grain bakery tiirlillkap with the tiiiieeus brewers best bread a kuitahaohtmnt ok iibeai buns oakea pies and iatjtbv of att kinds every day george brewer mill street lto of thn d w v near baptist churck our interest in our customers is always uppermost attractive prices mekf snecinl for satudfly boiling boof 10c other days boiling beef 12v4c chofcojrlb roust i8c qiolce shbulilcrroagt 18c rounu steak 28c sirloin stout 30o sirlbln and porterhouso roaala 28c runip roost 20c fresh bk- r loin pork chops fresh hanis shoulder pork chops sausage our on niako 25c 25c 20c 5c veai stewlngvcal ibc shoulder lionnt 20c loin or veal 2sc logs ot veaji 30c veal chops r swe smoked meats side bacon sliced- 32c back bacon sliced g0q smoked roll shoulder slided twf or whole laim horne rendered 3 palls l 5 lb palls 28c 25c dsc 76c pound prints purolardviisc sprinalampj5vebvsatuway sthawbbrriesitabundanice of them next vbb vrepfifrpm the qrowprs v mmm wsmmm msiimiit ili

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