Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1921, p. 1

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wht jvjtfw jr t ft orty spvcnth year no 2 13 00 i bh yball acton ontario thursday mohning july 14 1021 muin unitkd states slnglo copies five cent the methodist chubch acton rev 1 m moyeit paator puraonaoe willow 8l llant tho milliliter 3 id l in uiinlny h h 1 7 in tho minlut r llkliri 1huui11 hicuvigkh you altlc jnvh icuoomm acton baptist chuuch q k tyler pastor 10 n tlin iuy mil llllil i m i 11 it in mil u i ni diuriplc 7 i ni llm ltotibrulli ip tho itunuwuy vht altw ojtdiai ijlfcnvlti- d new advertisements for sale mf ft u bio hoimu nuuy turm ply id w tr miuj j a mo wat muln htrnet notice to creditors of the ebtate of robert wal lace deceased the creditor of hobert wallace late of tho villas of aoton gentleman who died on or about iho aral day of july a d 10 1 und ul other having claim agnlnnt the aald aatate nru required un or beforo th fifteenth day of auguat 1021 to bond by pout pre paid or otherwlnn deliver to tho under signed solicitor for the kxocutor a statement or tholr account tho naturo of th security if any hold by them and full particular of their iuudm addroattca und dpoorlptlons and notice la hereby further given thnt immediately after tho eid nf teenth day of augiimt jos thn bald executors will proceed to dlatrlbuto the nana or tho ild ihtuto among thy parties entitled thereto and they will not ho naponalhlo for nny claim which they nhnll not huv reoeivod notice at tho limn wot forth for uoh dutrlbullon t dated ut anton ontario thl four teenth day or july a xi 1b11 hknlty will ip mooue alfiofandbh tiirjhtkrjij ttkown vitfrlilorn ily l n farmer tholr hallaunr 33 charlie gervais house painter acton ontario lo hotperlonoo careful work dono all job ivomptly completed ordora for nprlntf work ioud bo placed lminudltay residence church street v i acton granite works j fpol xebmjwaiiaditp fully out inscription af tow brtoo lno samples of work ana tyyli of montunifa a tye rnqnument work pffirilyman blocfc mill street acton qnt wit the greatest hm peucatod t th ono to whom w turn in joy ir aoirow our mother corned th nimp bfrrln lloyd imnluoi lirn a my wtli juok uwrnimoy ut hln training- cojap saturday july 18 tho atnutnur vflto wturrlnb irtiiio uaatlv commly hy tlo bva with churlia chaplin fox new v tuesday july 19 i hold your iioratmt ntarrlaif tom moor chaplor j of son of turian pat ho comedy klgrec july sales offering dependable merchandise at greatly reduced prices motor cycles for sale il uhivcuh for uulo to ii with or with tut ml li t urn tormk urrutia ja 1c cjiviun 3 4 17 mucdonul 1 w oueli li heifer astray mtluyo i tr tun tho i r imihoh 1 t 10 j noii 0 nuwwtfuwayu ulx ut tho flmt of jump a yourllug red n un hoiror hhort i orn til t lni rruwl in uood tkindltlon inforniallon icudlntf to hr irooovry i will lt iiultuhly rwwhrdod j j iii nimqhbon ti tf it it no i acton real estate w luvn hftiniim or aula lu dlltciont iiart f a ton runulnr in prfco from i ihu0 tit il 000 and noma on ytry rany i inrnim with u hmall ruult uynmitt ilown own ymir liim and d n i ny itint lto uw 1 1 titfn you buy j a hmitii ittiil irdatu aunnt 63 tf mill ltd wall ht a ton harness tuq lost a heavy lnthr tug without rock yo wan lout thitwthin tho farm of i lutlrt wmiibell on 1 tt acton iont i offlto i indnr will ik ruwardad by louvlnft t tcdward hiirnnti hltop i maln ktnvl anton or ut the itut pojeo old r joll d uruonald 3 tf it it no 1 acton bargains in machinery and concrete tile moulds thn fhbaira proprty on main utront i havlns bonn hold it ik nooewtary u dear out the content of the pump and concrete hop c 1 icbhako tho iiwwir will the aollna enbim iiump machine line haft hi and put oyn olrctilar mw tllo mould iplnd tone ornery wheal otc by auction i in tho trumlvr on baturdny even in i july 33 at mix oolook there it be haritalnu for iiiiyono who can use any jmrt of thltf nlunu ii 1l j kuuit auctioneer special selections of surplus nnsorlfricnts nnj broken hjics front every dcpartmcnl f tho sloro every item an utmost value a gigantic mid bcason ovent that wij com mend ikolf to every careful buyer of homo furnishinipt and pcronnl wcnrnblca j included in the barpmii list are womfcn b voilp dri ssis gingham dresses whitl skirts siort skirts voilr smocks blousfcs wash fabrics tlannllttte cotton lmbkoidery laces hosilry undlrwear millinery gi ovrs wallpaper curtain materials axminster and velvet rugs boys suits men s clothing truly tt h a moneysaving event por all who come to guelph this week d e macdonald bros ltd guelpits leading and largest store wyndham garden and mncdonnell streets guelph ont saturday specials iudgctn assorted flavors vanilla chocolate strawberry maple regular price 30c saturday special price 26c assorted chocolatci regular 50c and coc per hi saiurrtay special price 37c ncilsons assorted chocolate bars regular c each sat urday special price 6 for 25c alwpya a welcome willards ice cream cooling of course but more than that fs cream uy de licious a rare dessert and titbit welcome aijko to man and woman alt the wanted flavor fresh fruit and all tho old stand by 3 miu street acton h wiles ours for service j to criticise come m oi saturday and try ft pound of our m hght mclloe which wo fe offering you below coat agrent special in ccqt good for the liddics our week ondf chogolates are still in grcaemvrul gome whore you got both quantity and mjty for your money ill john moffat main etrbbl acton ont honat daallng russell w good qooda week specials qacs cora flakes per package lie 5 cases shredded wheat peltpackajgc 15c 2fl0 tins pork and beans 4 tins for 25c 100 4b s princess soap flakes 2 jbs for 45c liptons cocoa s lb tins special 27c luuftdry soap extra special per cake 5c i lb glass jars baking powder 27c v lb glwss jars baking powder 39 3 lb spectfll black tea for v fl10 see our display of tfresii fruits and vegetables crusselu miust 500000 loss in the big fire at guelph last week it wan the worst conflajrrauon id the iliatory of the city qalt kitchener and fttrat ford firemen called for thn conrlutiratlon on wyndhatn ktrihil fjtinljli lnt wrdneadoy mad ilfiun wu f all tha roperty on th wnwt aid of thi hy u inaln atraot n thi wyntlt uln inn hi th pramlov can lylatid tho who in of tha tltawart llwaolton und t onttia blook i nnnlhllutnd tho milnndld atook in plunlnic mllu th i boot apd hoo 1 ho htvt nlock th furnltur i tin nlnctrl ql and pluniblnir vh an 1 tho oaitdy ntnro wr dea- troyd thlnd thnoo lulldlnsn iho w trk t tha whl to flawhtft mnihl o c mpany and itnwllntf orhtn troirty wtire in iipurdy u t mnvural houi anromrwyiidhun hrt ovory ntora from tho welhoklon hotel to nolle pock htoro wa lutnuvml mill ovary ono t thorn und tho hotel a woll wen jgnlt time aftr time neurly nvry plate ruim and ul tint b in nplhir atorleo wwa trucked by the intniiho hint and had to be raplured thn tiro wuh tho mowt dlubtrou int hwu tivir vlhltoit luolph and tho h la intimate at over half u mil in hollar wth fttmm sidublo enuirpriuo nuarly all th mart 110111 and manufacturer wlioue promlao ware donuoyod are luklnif urrunromont t rohulld or i oiwiii bulnm ebiawhare in thn olty the orlsln of the ore ha hot been iotwrmtnod it i undor ipvnttlxutlon by ihii ontario rira uarahall thero in nvery proltuhillty that th ilnabla uroa over whlrh the lr lrvtod will eventually be rebuilt on lore rotenllou and parhap aafar tttjiln h t far uu firm hatutrd 1 ooiioern ml than any other mention of th city road buparlntondenta salary szjooo al the innrtlna of the county coun ell lt week it wo moved by iteove ilarrla or jlurllnitton and aeoondad by neve lrvln of nelwin tlut tho lary of tho hiiporlnttndent of ty road bo inrreuaod to 3 k county council hlrulaave mvetlno on arrihint of the boat at the meet in of tho county counclt laat week all tha member discarded thnlr coat und vvatti during thu tntotlnk did thoho of thn town counell who hint in tho evonlns they puaaod a ftw ta und w ijotirnodchahiploit hlohway imprpvement by law ijiwt wflek mootlna of tho county council wua hold in order to paaa tho by law to declare thn intention of tha ooiinty to perform the dutle provde1 ly the hlshwny improvement ant and amen imotit then to with it pec t to tho townhl of trarubjcar twjuoaln ant neuon the by law wum at once forwarded to the mlnltitor of iubllo work for hln upprovfcl 8crd concert at guolph on elitnduy ivenlnk iioxt th 17th hint thi i ronton bllvur lland will clvo u uruhd inutrumontal coivowrt woulhor pormlttlntf in the inhibition i iirk ouelph vominnn lnt ut 8 ib oolook a oollcollon wll lie tukon up in uld f tho uuhlrlana blck iioneflt kund thl ahoul 1 rooelvo a koiiorouu f eponao laai of t esle pmlly at the ripe nice o eluhtymovon your john krola of uldnwiiuam pael away nn hiuiday mr iceolo wat thr luxt midmlui f thw infk family of thl nnmu who hltvo boon vwakilated with nioiiwllllum rof ovvoril gencro- tl dh the lata mr itohert drown hi mm luohlftn mowlllaii and air itoueit hay vit atn wro alalor jutnfth whti llvitilut oleilwlhiatdf many year un t wllltatn of n- moiit wrn bntthora- nearly thrtyyar awy it will eixm bo thirty vara lnt isr ahd mi jameti motavlnh left autun io mako their homo ut tama iowa i tut love for the old hom hu r wano i mr moravian arrlvetl hera laat week ata will apend a fow weeku with rrlund in artnn and nau- wirawnya and other point about ovtiry half dosvil your jim return lo ronew ollttlmo trlondahliui ahd ho u- wuyn flutl a wulnom ura motavudt wllonloo bo hora nhorlly on the dowllna orn thr hnk from tho uoiiiftwtkml j liiwii itowlln- club ouulpb vuuod acton mon lay evanlub und played u ifilmilly iiumo with tho bowlam horv 1 tho vlallora were dofeatol afttu an ixjoyuhlo same a rink of jiielpli i bowlura cams down luat uyonltm to i play for ho guelph oiorcury cup which wa ffithi h filutv aoon irlpk thptenj tournament at i ouelph tho kunp la in progee on f the uren ut acton athletlo aaaoolu- lion u wo bo to pre tha qoutry qoy in th city tle city i too often held repqnlbte for mtkililn boy wbo really vot thok mturt in thn wrong- iraolon beforo they wont from heir oountry liqaie if tv iwy tt lwmtlenl o t u rrl homfw no thai ho can do thltiy of which ida father and mother dlaap prove the city cannot bto much mom than help him alone in the direct lo- in which h ban already aturted if he 1 ainbltfosih to ko to the city o ho tun hnd a dlftorunt wuy to oujoy him moic every nlbht hi purpoao botruyu uuoh pvttlneeh of nature that tha nanat naokulne can hardly hope much for him or hi fuur rural school fo laaderahlp the aeveuth annual soaalqn of the school for itural outdenihlp will bo held ut the ontario akloulturul col lege ouolph from monday july 16 to auauat r the object of tho eohopl i to kivo tho teener baakground main hlch nil hpeclflo itmbu m of country life may ho utu lied lu iroo ihirepacttvv the mhort bummer con mo hu boon planned to jirlnp before buy peopln dim of thej moat pretliri roblm of rura irt in a connlao intereauntc und practical manner all ntuaat of leadora arc hroushttokotlier includlns fartnerv farmer wll0 teacher mhllateru l- btltutdunl- rlub anicera and olherw tha prorrumme inaluden a lint of omlti ant lecturer and hpaukoru wbo have made u wtudy of rural prfblemh news of local import a drlnklna fountain for acton he wtinenu inatltulo will hold tholr annual kurdnn t urty in thn iiark wmliiohlay aviiiilir- 37th lintt tim oblect or thn iranlon party in to pio n a drinkhik f untaln fi r acl 11 mora promottona t tho recent iilcli brhool 1 n ran lion mamltiatlotiu two nam worn in advertently omlttad from the hat lojenn mrphoroon paaaol with hon or rcom form t in vt mi it an 1 i ynd ith puaiird aitio fiom vitim i to vi rm ii a suty year aa realdant bay i tn ioho i bo for tltn kuaa 1 aasu for another uur 1 ulwuyu imik ft r rd for thn phiur may you ion ufa tohnud auiih an excnllnnt jouru uood- lip k un 1 loitf llfo i the wb of your old imiiih imata a tobby cbrutopher ruaaem here btolen whllo chrlmtophi ltumuall wuil in ohuivh on hmuliy morning hb lnruo and bitaay were iitoh n from iho church ho 1 thoy wero rwovered in lunlih tt titon iuy whrn mr huajmsli wont to that i hy ul1 rtrovn the home luime upiuriitly none the woruo of i to lohk drlvu on u hut day the thl of not ynt boon ra lunxl un rjn town llnrahl motored from chicago to the old town it william ii- thurtoll arrived in n iuh thuruduy ly motor from cliuo mr thurtell who la un old a ton boy whh hnro butt y ur u a mi tor trip and apent a woek or o in tho old home lie nnj tyod hln ouy wi murll tluit h dot iii t to i onln and apoud u month thl ymr vleltlnw tho lkylnn d h haunt und hobnobhlntr with frlondti i f half a century urii th churol baaball l0u bo church yiugue oominmichl ao tlvltle tnln thin wnek a fnw very nldad and unhtti rinuhitf kuhin have imjoti playod tho metbodlut have won ohe jfmo und loat one the i reabylcrlun won two the anglican w lu uiroo and the lluptlat lout rour the ulundluic won iomt i r i ronhytorluii 8 s 7t0 methodlat 0 3 oflfl ansllcuii 6 3 16 uupuat 1 s 1d0 ramamborej by hi oranqe rrethron ml wultrr is millar hud tho honor of rooelvlnif in row tlmo for the blorloum twelfth a tteuutlful powt man tor jewel from hln lodgn mutlaitaml i o j no it02 ut jucknonbom now onturlo jtho j wul wa unoom- punlod by u lntei from i ho mo x ii bcott trlnandul ror rotary i f the imiro thanklllif mi miller for thn valued mervlce hi rendorwl a mantnr of the iw1r beforo hi rnmoval to artnn anil uxtnn tlutf thn bent wlnhnu of all the member mr millar 1 nuturully very t roud of hi now medal and worn it with much autlafartlon on th-iath- paoullar motor bray acoldant on monday aftnrnonn uw wed wrlrht wa oparutlnif the markonxla lumboi yrd motor dmyhnhuuun ux- pvrlenia whluh for a mltiuto or two wu vxoiniir a cuv of oremied lumlw r wti hulnif unlouilod und 1vod wa drlvlnir a druy loud of twoinch plank mlxuton font lonif down mill btreec tho heavy plunk projooti d tat the real platform of the druy four or flvo foot in turnlnir out tu pun a rig tha load brun to myuy ami with the heavy load u wu alraoat tmpoaalbta to jtuldo thn truck u the fro nt wheel wir nlmoht lift oil off thn road at the rornor of iqiriii biro t th cur wa maklnt utruljilit for tho corner of mia maaul u hoiiho the driver nklirully work d tho dray ovr to tho odjro of oio piivotnuiit and when it panned over uin cement orototlnif it dnipped ilttu tha unft uod of thn ttoulnvunl little datnuico wu done and utitr belne loudc 1 tho dray moved out of the ditch with thr power of mm own motor and mra batuy remowo to fergi i the limnvul to ferru tht week tragic drowning at limehoue ijast sunday george henderson lgyeamld son of the late john henderson ioat his life j his brother and a companion with him tho who bout 1 won to the mill pon i of the toronto tatnu c at i4mehoua jual ilhinlte the real lnr uf mr william dowdy manajfer tn have a awlm tliay puddled about uio odan f tho poiul for a while then tom ot tin a raft lid work put to thn intake of the uw mill ilira ha fell on hi hmth ir oeoritn and younr tlailoy onayl rwicun him hut thoy noon got bo yound their depth an i wore in a pnrlloum a position dm the younrer brother lliiddny uei rre nank out if laht and nevei rone raln tnm iucod i lu acrrumblinr back to tha aft and jf mollonuld who hud jut mo to tho oiid throw a mpo u tuilloy n i rnsnund him raw mluulo later wlllum mllllero ttinl of thn 1 t it at um hbuau ujltvtml on tho uoonn ha 1 an port mwlmim r and at onoe dived to flinl thn itoy after aeverol attempt ho found him lylna on hi back in ten twolvo foot of water with hi hand nxti i nl hi klrnt aid in the effort remuncltatlujl wa riven an 1 coil- tlnued until tho nrrvul or tr murcel i fro ri kleorrotnwn the ijr worknd duouly for half an hour on tho liody ut without nuctiui it i thourht thn tny wh aelsed ith crumihi and hnmedlately wink the jxxiv waa tuk n to mr uowdy hi lonro and lutor removeil to thn me of mr flonrka lien lemon novoiith linn from whern the runerul wun held to 1 1 imehoiinn cametery on tueaday aflorno4tn t lloroaand wax a aon of the into john ilunder tn who dliml a copplo of year uip mril ilenlartutn moved from tha fulra nu thn firth una which had been uolil wbotl thrao month uro to jk rgetown fleorro wa worklnr with mr j ruaaell on tho fourth lln hi brothnr thomaa with jumea ho and alfred lialley with henry clrui in neufliborlnr farm thn itoy had mot and on to l4mhoue imiii 1 for a ttathe flmut aympajhy i rlt for mm hon- ittwiil in thl added iteroavament wo win after tho death of her huaband voted salaries to themselves for years services the cotindl of 1921 has esub- lbhed a precedent in votiruc remuneration for 1921 the citizens band receives grant of 10000 council dint in reular meallntf on monday evenmv with councillor i tell cordlnr and itenny preaent an 1 the llocve in tha ihalr tho rliun cojnmltleo pioaaiited their rourtonnth reiiorf and reom- nded payment nf the following ao- unti general aooeunt ll lira it- y mharpenlnr pick i 40 oon mil labor in park und imi tery b 40 1111 telophona co town hall 7 40 itell tolnphone co klro rhiof 1 0t tl toloi hone co w j raid z 80 joo uurlr telephone call m lioanlmore a co ooal 0b hydra inctrlo inmer tom hell s3 hydro plnolrlu itiwrn- com atreot llchtlnc 141 1 4 hytn n aupjitleii 31 st m mrlkmald bond prom lum a ooo chu joy atreot ami walk 20 e hydro iovror cm wiring hoe fartury s4 08 1 nid cemntery 1 co odoitro ilrower ha iturchaaod tho doublo it to re and ronldenoe lately ue- ourwl my adum algeo from t ii moorehond j a bmlth real ette mrrnit effeotod tint tranafor a wonder delighted all rotru u uiurhter took uio crowd ihrtf p thu eomv mre nomo ot thu njmarki made hy thoua vho hnvo hear mily th vonttllouulst ii will be at st aumuia onrdetl tarty next thuroday comotor lauah actoji hi hmlnu tw cltuanu mr and mra ibtlley nno horo front loiimto itptwei n eight ttnd ycura hrc nnd durlnit that time liayo mado vory muny rrlend and provm thnmaelvcd rohldenta of a hlh tytte mr uulloy baa interoatod hlm- lf in puhlla matlem in tnwn hu mrve 1 a lorm or two uu tnnmher of thu coiinoll and hnh hhovyn by hln lp tolluiit brhp oomnmnlty intoroat that hi judkcmoih nnd experlvnoo uro helpful in bo onturprlac which ukht hi holn io wa the flrt frvuilent uf a ton wrnpra club and ontva tallied innilcf itury when ho vlnlttit vtou iu cundldato for a ueut lu thln roiiuty 1 mb mr and mr ilnllvy wero uotlvo worker in tho methodlat church and intern ted in nil ltd uctlvltlo mr ualloy lm pur- oniuml tho l ticro farm which mr alujt ijonalrt bought wheti a resident of aoton an i where ho ha lived the pat year owina to hi pnocnt aorlou lllneau mr donald flt it tn bo yladom to llhitmin of the property h h within the oorporntlon limit and rronlu on hi owrufroaa hod oonralvo kret i felt t tho removal of mr and mra ttaufty rerruawih bo tho richer for tholr removal theuoe aoton frmrv club oardan prty tho riirden pnrty laat wodnvaday evenlnr at tho home of mr cha davldaon uooond line riven by acton larmorm t lub wa one of thu real old fauhloned kind a nupper uch an onlv furmera wivn and daur liter knqw how to put on wa by no moan u amutl feature tha tub lea war laden with al uorta of kqol thins und any- dn wna weloomo to full and plenty th prirnnimo wo alao a very com- pleto ono the 10 ii to xadlea quartette qf indon provided oonalderabla of tho prorramme their quartatto duett and ol0 work i of u very hln irdor thl u tholr uooond appearance in aoloii and thoy are nlwuy favor ably received mia wentluua a mom ber of the iutirtittu in alb a very dne elociitluilut and vontrlbutod aovaral number there wore comedian puloro in addition to illllr mrau wbo w billed to appear meaant konnody urotheni ulo kayo aevernl humorouu uolootloiui the audlonc wa well favored with oml and at un outdoor function thl appear bu tha uort of amiwoment mpa lqjulf th aoton cillimna nund wt n hand unfl fonrtbua vnr npnppiunly to tiie oven in a onertaingfnt mr it vf iiwrlo prenloonl 0 the varm- or club wan tho flinolant and tapabto ohalrtnan fov tha eventna- forty hvtn vaar in buccoaalon tho editor hud a vry pleoaunt in ti rvlew witt mr joel ialie of krip townnhlp yohter lay mornlns mi lertho camo in und remarked i want to roimw my fmuih biibatrlptlon m and handed 4100 nvr the cunttir am ono of tho vury nmt uubttciiber ho continued with pride mr joaepb u hunkhir tho foun lor of uio paper met me tho firut day uf hln oanvaaa for uubaorluor in juno 1utc and i at onoo rave him my aubucrlptlon 1 huvq taken tho pallor every year since and thl i i the forty ruoventh time i havo paid for a year aubncrlpllon to the kuioa lataw in advance sunn loyal auuaorlbera n mr loo ho are appreciated by any newspaper they are dependable and encourasinc the odluir apibretlutu the very warm peraonu frlondhlp which liav axlated with mr i1j dijrltik all the yonr of hi tonneotlon with thl journal tha strtcw graham nuptial on wodnemlay afternoon july a uulot but vi ry pretty weddlna mtlvmuuol at the homo uf mir tcllaa- beth graham when her nlo ula mary til ahdm wu unltod in holy tnatilmony to mr robert strieker moorulleld the norxmony wa per- f rmd by tho hov j a johneon of tontntp utuilutnd by thn puaior ltpv o k tyler at throo o clonk tha hrldal lairty unterel tlifl tuhli fuljy decurutid parlor to thn hlraliim of ithenrrln wedrtiiir march very ubly runderthl i y mia ttdltli armtronp of urn till ton the bvldo who wa riven uwuy by hor aunt war ilainttly kown u lu whltu katlii mtrhtod vollo ove to allk and carried u iteautlful ihiuoiuet of madonna lllirti and bridal upmy tud with whllo rlliboiu after ijt rut illation hud been extondotl tho kuenth wiiatred to the dinlna room where the woddlnr ui pur wa uwvwl hhortly after nupper amid ahuyrer of nil whoc confetti and thu boat wlnln u hoht of frlanl mr tind mr htrlakor lort hy motor fot mnoranetd where they will roaldu thq brdi tho recipient of many beautiful and uaeful rtnti of cut ruuui nhlna llvor s913 44 waterworks account hydro icioctrio com power i 39 7 hydro loioctrln com power at tho pump is 7c ll nuini wervloo lt 4g j kymon aervlce 11 u tl lurthoro thnmpai co 1110 00 w j itol i immtku and wlamp 4 co ibis 71 te rnporl wa adopted communication from moru ilwardmoro a co wa road lu which i plaint wa made with regard to i inr ruruaa into tho pond from the park thn council thourht that it would bo necmary to rind nn ttmr liimplna k round it wa augrurd that tlie hole in il j wallace pro party might h uoed a rommunlcutlon from a k nick in roturnlnr hi chequn of f ib 00 a auditor fee wun received tha clerk inulrurtnd to return the cheque informliuf mr nlcklln that tha amount could not ite increased tenderu wert roculved for die heat i or fit the hikmi factory but dnolaloi wa dotenrod until a epecla men t lug wthttioaduy evenlhr t by law itpitolntlng mlau ethel hurkmun mm deputy clerk during the clerk d u nation wa pauaed by the nunrll moved by j itell aooundeil by cordiner tlut th following rtiiuine lion 1mi i uld ut the and of the year to iuuh member of the oun ii to iteova j 100 tn each of the counrillora 0 curried om iviui by htrphon cordiner mecond- mi hy j u denny that tho wura of 1100 he urahted to the acton clinton ituud carried tho mutter of uu plying the oraiid trurk itullway with water cum in for a ukut drul of dlaouaaton nothing deliulto iiowivui wa decided upon tho i o d k wiahod tha council buck them up tn their effort dacoratu uio hall they wlahed the council t ruaratitee n amall amount that they liav not at prenanl en hand tha council agraed to thl and ex- pruucd their dlre to atwut uie uidlu id their worthy endeavor tho q w v a requested free uao of the town hall for a aerie of twelvn coiilort throughout tha winter tho council rrahtod tree uan of tha hall for four tilghtu council adjourn at 0 so p m social and personal drown of t t mr rinorco iirrwnbo f wa hi town on tunduy mr alax uwu it itil hollduya with mr and mr vrml wlllluni nu little oi walter arlotu vimuwi rrlcn 1 i am ti hunitny mr hov tv banian ut t iron to lnlid nlutlveu in hn oil homo dur ing tho woek ml nora and maater donnle van jormnn uuelph uro liulldayintf with vlon 1 in inwii mia lphu tanaln ihtiidlng a fow duy t mr a k crlip mr tom t urn lha week un 1 andrew wirrii u i htowurt roturnod from her vlait to reutlvea in altwrt and hiukulclmwan on yl1wy mi jean cluna of toronto i ultlng ut bo homo of mr w j lould itower avenue mr w v moonny und children left laat week to vllt relative in mani toba and baakatohewan ml villa holdallp of toronto tent tho wnok ond at thn homo of her uncle mr samuel wlggln mr john iriralbrmk an ht daueb- lir and children have bean enjoying iho pat wei k at thn trout ponda mr and mr m orratf and mia nora vow f i itront t attont tho week end ut tho home of mr george it mihuo lletiulo uionuul apd emma iu hlnai ii und mr jack allen vlalled ivml jtylnra arkell over th muko nrranromenui now to attend waterloo lllg tatoo on itmay even lug- july 29 lllgger and better than bern i oonunnlal qatharlnoj propeaad olio of tho feludi fiawa graduato who u now u proaperoua bualnen maij in una of our leading el tie in referring in a private lot tor to hlu boyhood employer to the old homo paper having reached it forty ovonth volume muggeat that 11 will ua a very ahnrt time until tho half century mark i reuohed continuing he uyai i huvq boon thinking of the different boyu whq iiave come under yoiy tu tlon i liellovo lu all there hvo been botwooii rorty and fifty 1 doubt if any of them are more grateful than 1 am for tho train ln bf the aaven yoam rkipent in yourolttre could wo not have a rej- union of tho vttmm i nana rruduute when the half century mark i roachod i ahould be dullghted to hoe oomethtug of thl nature and 1 uro many other woul l i hop uio idea moot with your approval th re union aiirgeutlon would nuroly ito u moat congeffltil one to tho employer of thoho forty or fifty boytj who woro nmonk thelteut boy in town during ull tho year and who now bold on- uio bat pouloim in iho country the old bod will do hi held to hang on until the half nontury i rjiuuded up eopocully 11 view of thn powalblllty of uuh un untqun and happy re- nlon fdllor j orowd waa prebotit offal r wm indeed utrtt und the whoh moat u6cesful won game from rocwood a hotly contacted match laat saturday afternoon in tho hurdoat fouwht game of the which went ii intilng before a dcilitlon wa reaoltwl acton defeated iteokwimml by thn aroro or 13 to 11 the kiimn won only an exhibition af- fiilr yet it hud tho fan on their too nil tho time the hitting i t the local which ha imm n light all aeuaun wa fully up to- thu mark they ratherod in hit on two itockwood pit her dm tut who pitched the whole game for aoton wa ut hi beat when it tckwoo i threatened to acore llookwood wm loading by b to at tho ninth inning when acfm tied the aoore on kinglet by mcleod aud iubih- man land an error llookwood eoored again n the 10th but aoton tied it uruiii in tholr half of the tenth vn mumterw doubln a alnxto by melaon uii u aacrinoe hit by jlrown in tho eleventh inning tho uockwood puvrr aoored another rup and looked to havo a good etutnea of getting more win n a double play by the local nal- wob to molnod to kentner killed their ch0oeh th umphe dnclalon on thl play when he called garid out ut th plato on moleod throw to konlnor lucenned tho hockwood player o much tluit they loft tho beld how ever tha umpire wtuck to what bo had aald and utter tho knckwood player oooled oft a little thay docldel to dnuh the game aoton wa now at bat und ne run down lelahmap nlngled and tol amonl kentner put blm on third with another alngl durno wa thrown out itlchardaon to miller when kennedy cam through with a mlanhlng hit to cenlrofield ncorimc tlahman and kentner and winning the game uatlerlea acton durno and cent ner hockwood keough itlcbardaon and he wet i umpire n l onrden v scoro by inning aoton o 0 1 3 u 0 0 3 1 1 z 13 ttockwoihl a l itookwood hd tl hit and 7 aoton bad i hlw and 8 error wik and mr is j mooro uu i jocolyu raroa ip from toronto on kriday jooelyu i xpandlnr a week or two ut moor oft with her grandparent mi nellie william of niagara roll vultod actunfrlend thl week hha accompanied her luter mr ii b cockburn to dotroll on tnwnuy mbute murle and helena kord of milton and mia dorothy laind- imirnugh of ortlt aro upondlng a few day at tho home of mr w landa- burougb f mr ii n nrmor 1 urrlatnr left ye lei day morning for hi holiday which he will upend d twn the ht lawrence mpondlng a week or ao on thn gaapo fenlnuulu uetuir michael 1 urjen of thl cio und androw o ilrlt u of now y rk ur uiwiidliig boll uy with thlr piroiil mr und mr thomuu o llrlen math btreet ml h lm joluialonn or kaka toon tlawk lu upending tha holiday ut tho homo of imi run lpuronta mr und mrawhum johm tone und other relative in town mr j gordon coleman ha jut ie- t u mod homo to cartlor after upend ing hi holldayti ut thn old homo at itunnookhum with mr and mr floberj dnny and uthor rrlend mr john clarke jr returned homo from hot sprliux arkanaa on mon day tl took treatment at hop uprlngm for several month and ha returned homo in excellent health mr and mr ii t mocuy of san joae california aooompaiilo i by mr ham of toronto v in i ted at tha homo of mr il lx jobuton laot week mr und mr mcglay motored from cutifom la- mr david ito wa taken jll a tuple of week ugo with oppendlcltla bho wat taken to tho hoepltal tn luulph whuif uu opt ration wa auo- nahfully performed mr itoaa u how making gopd profttcas toward reoov- ry mb cuuulo mdhall u former en totmed lou her here who ha been mi tho htuff in new vork for a num- itor of year ha resigned her poaltlon i nnil returned io canada mia mo ihnll i now in tonnito bho may aetthj in acton or t j d 1 armor ha rorolved lntlmuuon thut hi hon lu law mrv d a wlon who hu been tho united ellntu coiinulut aipm uyrlu foraomo llmo hu bom traiimferrud tn lluda pt hungary mr wllwin bi at prononl vihltliitf her parent hero why the sky in pluo t vln ym rcror tu the htua aky you really mcai tha blue ray in light which i h aoipp4ulid of many color the blueof th why i mainly duo to particle flouting in the air the particle which copalat nlmont on- tlrelx uf thn gaq whuh countltutu the atmi ephoro itaoir acutter ami break up tha blua ray in tlfiht with tho result tlwt while tho sky bocomou asure the aud lo y in ho town taguo tho bole leather loam dufeated tha uarneiui iautner team on monday night by 4 to id uu wednesday beat the town by 7 to 3 the fjratrun ntandlng on wed tiewluy night whm un follow opwl c ai ion tunning co i i 160 holo iwlher 4 3 3 m0 town s r00 orangemen at georgetown 48 banners and 19 band in th bltf parad on h twelfth the mombr of aoton i o t no 467 went to georgetown mi tucnday to npend thn twelrth with tho hu lid rod of orange bmthron who ahoombled them it wa the buigct twelfth george town ever celebrated tho town wa full or vlkltor and bands bhtrod everywhere th hundred of auto which brought tho crowd of vialtom wu evidence of the ammena alao of tha gathnrlnk thn paruda wuli notably vory largo about 1 600 oranlromen inarching and nhwlng 40 hunlior nineteen band veru in tho line a lino programme of ddroaue wo given ut tha park tho pauker balna iarahall vuat county muuter irrad mcnally i- itoy dale reeve or georgetown pov captain ilutherfortl london h churter u senator lllain ilrumpton itav i mayor acton dr aitilornim m 1 ami hon georgo henry tha okloat in tha parade william bilge br who wulkod with wntordowii lodgo wu proauiitol with a vtttrun pad go by urand borretry william mtsgerald who made at appeal for tho orphan age a muictuli gome between ueargtl- town and mmton reaulted in a win for milton- of 3 run to i the evening wun dovoted to u gnrdeb purty tho cltuenn did all in uielr itower to analat tho committee aud tho day wait it remarkable hiicoea 1 no effort of johpena lu holmx apar- i d tht yar to make waterloo a ninth annual tatoo on jtrlaoy ttveqhjjjc july 29 tha beat oyer a now f latum at bt a i buns church garden party noxt thumday will be thn women u auxiliary sato of work and aftornoou tea rammanchuc ul 1 li ui article uf all kind dainty ams useful will bo fount thska s x

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