Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1921, p. 6

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hlrth marriage and deaths are now charged for at the following r sates birth coo 1 marriages boo ijeatha 60c memorial curd- boc loo per una extra fur poems mar til ed hnyoldk johnhion a itov wiy i line diiutchur jolilmtnn to i loigotown 1 jitiu so 10a l by dhvi lou nrn ade r r mr and mr w i r ni rniun snyder of at mtilk kmh ollahamjll thu real donee of miks ciim1mi imlmm mint if di hrl in alton oti wd holiday july c id3i hy itev j a inliimmi rrt 11 1 o nmiulod liy jlov ti k lylr itnlurt htrhkor of mini mary graham of our waterworks system im ex latino condition and numbtr of jmportant questions r far th council and the en qlneers to aniwir do 1 or 1 rs 1 iohu ai ton ontut lo hi 1 1 itiinyr and ollumi of aid mil i ask yoit t publish thlu lolt un died -at- ulenwllllaniii 1d31 john iconle in hi 87th year rmngan at thn h moiimnd or john lllnghum icsjuesing on wednesday june 30 1021 william henry dun uuti ugel 3 your willuiitat unelph jenerul hos- i itul nil saturday july 9 1931 william john wrljihl of meorge town in his jbtli your qhjp acton 3ffree iiraui tilujlfldav july 14 he brief local items tfftniart talio i read rh tllurlnu twelfth lo over for uuothor your tim orwnao and llluo prodoinln uted on tuesday at ton i now using 175 3 h p of itydwvlectrio ourrenl good tnornlngl does your ilua 1 uicas tithel roail to ttult you yt7 ii ti 1m uti in takn thing au thoy oinn than to mis unmi a thoy g ttrom tho irst of the month rull- k fare worr reduced ton per cent tho firm iiiinu to many aher tho rnln ii s wolr haw opened a- law olllro ut georgetown ii la u nephew of hlr william iletinit thn cooler weather on munduy wnji an enjoyable reli fr the hot weather of the previous hup day tim duke of devonshire chapter of thu i 0 w b ha contributed 10 00 to tho hur kruh air pund ltv owonni b cuiniorg 1j a of nnaacawya ureaohftd axcolleut hftnnonh in tli mfitbodlst chart h laat sunday a rain wm nvr morn woloome than the non which cam laat vriday ofter two wks of hot dry humid woauior xluhncton will hold a moruiur damonatratlon on july 20 jpremlar urury and hon manning dobatty hav btn invftod mr llrowor tho bokr mod ta itood move in taohaiilnff th tor botwoen llrowtid arum tor and th btarkmnn ulock for hui bualnoa wniint it a krand and lorlpu funir who th rain fall o ooploumly and the tornparaluro dnpnd from w to it jut at noon last iprldar wheat cuttlnir haa commtnead there nro aomo vdry flno flolaa irat much of tlia wheat in thbi aaouon will aiv ylllm below tho avarac the acton cltfaena band ru lve another of their popular band concert on the around at the sol die com tnunlty house on monday ovonlnr dxl it la thought in quelph that amouldiftinb cisar or olrartto atub waa the origin of the half million dol lar fir there lost wednesday room in v mr w snow of silver creek reoolved a flno now thrnahlnar outfit ut the o t it motion on saturday inoludod a ateotn tract on engine and a hpnrator tho aonrtown herald waa nfty- i1v yearn old laat weak the cham pion a utynrat blrihaay wm june 1 both nre ti quite hale and hearty for their yeara tthe hurllnaton oqaette like thn champion nnd the jtwat paaaa wanttf rata lloenel ut fl q0 uteh with the aenhfble addition thlit nil vagrant oata be chloroformed tho council in worrylnr over tho tax rate of 1831 it nertulnly will not bo areduotion fromlaat year if kept under 4s mllla aome oomputatbib citlxanatwlll bo hurprlikml a dlaflajuratlon at the corner of tho town hall on dower avenue turn been thoro forqcarlv a year borne of the roadwaya in the vicinity would be improved if it wore utilised to mi them in the venerable cheatnut tree which haa atood on molh street tioor the door of he law omoe for more umo half n century waa out down on tuea- day mornlpjc several larso branchc had broken off lately the property of tho late mm mary brunt on take avenue haa iieen handed over to bur daughter mr william lanrtaborousb to whom it waa bequeathed by the executor h i moore and john harvey a youn man who won vlaklnar in town the other day wna fined for peedlng on main street that waa perfectly all rlut of oourae but if tunny that none of our local jehua have never been caught at itj milton reformer half a tfcoro of echool alrh will hold a lawn social on tho around ot the cl w v a on saturday after noon and evening to jmiae funoa to owlet the star freah air fund the patronoxe of tho community la reapeot- fully aollolted i the merchant dank haa received a aupply or the newly enirravod ave dollar bill the new fauo la very at tractive it bear a aplendld portrait 9f the prince of walea in tho centre and the engrarlaa- throughout la cbaate and very skilfully exoouted i wimil i hu you to iighllah thlu lottar not only that it may rouult in inform utloii for tnym if hut for a goad many otlmi- rutetayiiw who aro imkfmf jum- tlon i ufor hpnrlnliy to the man- niienlnnt of thn wutorworu th rn ure no doubt many intvroated dtiamih who do nut ifiullaa the n illtlonu tlint oiciiil in thu inauujcoim of our mutiloliiul nrfulru porhapa if the niemhuru of our municipal council mini thu they will b intorobtml enoual lo ltli r urimwwt it or 1 mmmt tut r lit ho ihut tho oltlcon mul rate payaru of aoton uhull know the truth ubout i iuiiunilly mid walnrworkh in nuitloiilur kl rally ah 1 ttndcrataml 11 tho munkliullty in i uylnrf a mantl 000 00 u yr to look uftor tho watcrwork iiih 1otlcn urn m keep tlia pump run- iilnif rnud thn m ir ata llo haa to whik fioui th town to thn niirlntf and biok aiculn muklntf in ull four tvlpu por day lukltiff up about four houru i hurliik at ol nit h ur thlu would ha jaooiir duy unit for 300 wofklmr dayu jfloood now at automullo martr width would nlwuyn keep tho wutix- in ttio tank at a ttivon hive oiid bo put in for uciq do jiy punpd into ur main and he necea aary to huva to brak a window of the pump hnuho to utart ho pump irolna a huppanoil on hunday july 3 and thn ehvutoil lank would not be amply a it wan found to be that day hoootidly if thoro ahouli be a fire und the tiro pump at the reaervolr in out of ue 1 it not neooaary at pre nit to have the town elortrlalon put in tho fuae plug for the tranuformar lhu cauoon eerloua dolay and if he dean not happen to bo u round it might provo dlaaatroua can a awl id i not be purchased anduatallod which would nllmlnato thl oontlnitencyt huah a nwltnh could lie puroliuuod for altout no 00 and it could be under tho con trol of the wrir chief thirdly hau the fexdrvolr nvor been clountid out tln 00 thn water waa put lut 1 understand that it haa not and if tho fire pump were put in rom- mluloti tho augnutit water which haa beon in tho tiro rcoorvolr would lt pumped into out main and ho necoa- narliy tiuppllod for dorneatlo uae thue joopurtllsliik tho honltli or the town fourthly ii11v0 our mulu through- nut thu town over iteftti teated with the nr praflhuret i believe not if not why not until thlu in done and the proporly tented we cannot irat the reduotloa in luaurance which wo promiuod uu by the advooateu of wwterwork when we rttra aakod to vote upon tho question tho under- writ or rcrlnlnly will nut give ua tho prorauod reduotlon unloa everything la proven to lie in llmt nuuui shape mflhly have the contruotora leen paid in rull7 if ao whyt when the ma in a have novcr had tlio high presauro fire teat i underatand that on july neighborhood news town and country naasaqawevt thn mimiiullon imaued bt last meet ing of nuiiaagawnya council arranging for information relative irj th inatallu lion of hydro electric wiwar and light in this township la already bearing fruit a publln meeting hus been call- nil for this thursday evening to be hold ut cumpbollvllle at m o clock a hydro 10 loot r jo reprunftntnttv will ad drohm the meeting rockwood the big 11 ru at uuklph attracted muny pf nur oltlxenh to view the ruin itext day mr herbert olbbons and kllu ui hun irltrin of toronto who were join od in holy wedlock on june 2t have returned from their honeymoon tour to n lunar a vails and buffo and have nelllnd in thplr new home hero tim hyilroioumiirfa com m inn ion la nupplylng kookwood with 60 i h 1 of current mr nhd mru w ic smith entertain- ihi thv following frlenda luut week mr wellington smith hamilton mr prod kmlth havana cuta mr and mm anuon a hmlth mr and mm h a lltnlru qloveravlllo n v hnrlhirt ii smith passed wltli i 1 1- ora ma llnul year at mcoill llnlvert ty montreal and received the itnsni m i c m our talented young doctor haa not yt decided where he wilt burlinqton tho council won t pay the hrhoot dourd the 8 000 they auk but invite them to aide for f 80 000 instead under the town by law all doa must be kept closed up during the months of july and august union services of the methodist an i vrvabytortan churchna fof july and aug pat commenrod on hunday the annual bun day school pin nlo of the methodist sunday sell 00 1 waa held to oakland park yesterday mlaa mary hovey of clinton is vlaltlmjf miss violet williamson s and mrs j iockhart and child left on monday for jucknow where they will spend the summer vacation ir jna allen haa returned homo from holidaying a annuater and foola uomewhnt improvml in health irv wedneuday evening laat lndlea aid borlety of kiiojc cburnh prasented 1 puator hev i andor- son with very fine allk pulpit gowpt mrs wm c mrlelah of montreal visiting her ilaughtnr mrs j 1 innea burlington avenue on tuesday tho twelfth tho local ilrnngwnon colobratod tho duy at q worse to wn r j axe tte cnewqona corners the hut weather ih ripening die fall wheat very fast mr tony brynuk a oott cork bo low the corner was opened on tiles duy night with a garden party and dam e mr und mr jtlohard leavena and chll iron of welland motored up and spent the week end with frlenda hare mr c hansen and children acton and minn cynthia crlppa visited friorida hem lost week milton mlaa mary pre ton m xx of car lisle pa is visiting mrs j m preston w d mcpvinnn has bought a house at iiurington mr and mra t a hutolilnson have arrived here after their wedding tour they will reside on court street walter valker has nought j c ijell a residence adjoining oraoe church grounds miss margaret maccoll from british luiaiut south america la visiting mra 10 h lewi a h wlllmott jma a under construction on iydlu dune nm have itohl whevler mr armstrong on- thome street thns coxo on martin street andc ix boustlcld in the bouufleld uurvey all are of brick and nne onea mayor krl uturted it good work lliut of pronnuutlou of motor speeders i ercy south of tlualph did a fast stunt on his motor cycle on main street last lrldsy night next day chief chapman had him before police magistrate dice who fined him ts 00 with about 16 00 ooata kivo dollar 1m the minimum on the torontohamil ton highway the flgurn should bo higher hi u town champion oak vi llc tennis and bowling shoes tiood slock all sizes slippers women ties an oxfords one anthwo strop chlujitens and ladies iiunaiiouth and odting shoes repairing sewed and naiij5d w0kk kenney bros main street acton ont qeorqetown 4 and 6 the pump at the spring tiad been going ull the time and tho quan tity of water had not gained in tho tank ut all i this caused through the pump not working properly or is the apparatus not sufficiently large to handle the volume of water being uaed by the water takers or the municipal ity t thl being tho case what t going to happen if we have u nro before the hlith pressure or nre puiad can be ut on if there ta only two or throe fnet of water in the elevated tankt sixthly lias tho gasoline auxiliary engine and pump at the spring been thoroughly tested outt if not why nott tho question 1 of waterworks was voted on y the ratepayers here in the tall of 11d- jt is now the middle of 131 is t not time that we had some results from the waterworks seventhly was it not in the terms of the waterworks contract that the roads and crooslngs throughout the town wore to be lefort the same con dltlon as before the pipes were loidt i think tho altlsens generally will pni misses doria qnd norma mulor are holidaying hi muskoku nd mm moclay of callfornlu were guests of mr and mrs j thomp- in ksquesliig during the past week misses mary wl lino ru and runa rob ertson left on u trip to the paolflo coant last week they will visit irlnco it u port vancouver ami seattle jrof and mrs kaynolds and their throe sons of juelph were guests of prof und mra hlitt during their visit to town last week mr and our u v hourlgan motor ed to niagara fqllo on sunday where they spent a ooiuila of days visiting friend now that hydro is getmng-cheaper- we would like towe main and mill streets more brilllantly illuminated especially on wednesday and saturday evenings there will he n demonstration of motor fire trucks held in georgetown jn thonoor future a bylaw to sulortw the issue of debenture to the amount of 16300 for payment of a new heating oyntsm in stalled in the high school was read tho necessary number of times and wwthe brickwork of mrs dr dray now residence t on church btreet la now well advanced tho walla will probably bo completed this week with the mellow rones of the brick and the ekllful work of contractor lelahnian thewslls present an attractive appear- anoo with the opening ot the oth volume tho fssa piasmsent oaf re minders to hundreds ot subscribers their antes of payment ended with rtiifl 40th voiuede on june 10 many of sp lv promptly beea renewed nis41 hav 4ofa jm oar iiu will toauojtrwt op terrioc storm at guelph wsahout on c p r snd toronto sub urbs n and section ot water works main an electrical storm which accord ing to old residents was the worst ever experienced in ouelph raued over that city and vicinity from it o clock sat urday- night until onu a in sunday mornlnovand left in its wake u damage loss of thousands of dollars about eo foet if quelphs main water pipe line was washed away several wash outs on he c f it und toronto sub urban tracks at the some point as tho pipe line a wrecked q v r- freight train which ran into the washout hundreds of cellar in the city flooded and many fields of grain and vegetable gardens completely ruined by the heavy fi whlch accompanied the raloi are some of the results of ho atorm at 9 ie sunday rrtorndnat a o p freight train ran into the washout and a bad weeck resulted tho toronto suburban lino waa blocked all day sunday j owing to the extreme heat th even ing service at ft george was held on the church lawn last sunday even ing and that of the baptist church in the park the chautauqua of 1031 will open in agree with me that the streets es pecial ly where tho waterworks mains have been laid arc in a poorer con dition than they have been for years with the conditions as pointed out above do you think there la any rhanco of getting a large consumer to gjeorgetown park to day thursday buy water from the townt take fopi juty u ani continue folr six days- instance tho oraml trunk i under stand that there la plenty of water at the apring flowing past tho reservoir at the building there it i simply i question of getting the watar to thi tank or the reservoir do you not think that the ratepayer am entitled to a complete atatemnut of tho waterworks account showing the total nmount expended for- majrr- a contruot price for luylnc tho pipe and the engineers foes ahowlng what accounts are still to bo paid and what have ulready been paldt lf aur pump are not running eatls- nctorly ura not the engineers re- sponolhjo for thlut and should their fees he paid in full before the hystem throughout 1 satlsfuctoryt la it not time that some of our cttlxeiin took itn internet in municipal nnnlm and demand that tho water works bo run as thoy should be under ho nupervuilon of a commission of buhlntisa men comprising three or pos sibly five member t tvumoum that you- wtu nd spaoe lo imbllah this letter and that it will bring touulta i beg tn olgn myself your very truly a itatbtpatrimt acton july 81bj1 r hornbv 1 1 ornby school midsummer roiort in as follows bepor iii to junior iv honors llownrd wrjgglesworth uldrtd sb bald senior hi hoy may senior ii to junior hi honors prod fisher frank uoblnson pass helen fisher mervln tuck senior i o junior ii honors jfio nn may johnson neelund primers ilegglo nee land cllffprd ulnklny u o joyoe teacher ourdoi pnrtlftj are tho vogue in thl neighborhood that new four mile of cement road will be fine when wo want to hustln down to qakvllla on the seventh line limehoube itav ir stewart and hi family of ittirfulo have returned tu oakvlllv for tho summer lleuldent of trafalgar ure hiiggoatlng that their council procuro a lakeside i milk where renldunts may go to pfoplo und uutlio during tho warm suihmer time oakvllle imuhilmulist lost week play ed uranlford and oall winning from tho former and losing to the latter the annual big garden party of b andrews church will bn held thl evenhik july 14 on the church grounds on monday owkvllle had a vlalt from tho ilurdy if clevalatid who bom here but loft forty year ago and had not beanbonk in itls oldiowt inre uiuvlng the oakvlllo orangemon attended dlvrne eervlca in the presbyterian church on sunday evening when ttov j k monro preached to tho in they went to georgetown on tueaday to rclchrata the 12th tho now methodist minister i toy lr hougall preachotl hi nrat sermon un sunday morning and hi perwonel remarks made it eviaent that he will bo u pastor in sympathy with all tho noeds of tlio congregutlon au pastor friend and adviser on tuesday oakvllle contributed rather largely to tho happiness of the veteran who uro resident in the brant hospital at burlington the good ladle of our fair town were re sponsible for col lectin g so vonty cakes made by exoollcnt cooks and these were sent to tho hospital and ac companying these templing viands warn nve cases of sweet last of tho tr a w be rrl oa s t ar children ory for fletchers castori a grand opening lstarkman i having comploted ihh flno new block is ready to welcome all old cu ttomen nnd muny now ones to tho b opcnlnj of the flno new premises pn j friday saturday- july 15 16 lit order to commcnioratu the opening we hnvt- decided to offer many attruttlvc features in our new cnlflrrcd nnd more varied itolk while our goods include geticrnj dry goods and clothing wo hava jjivcn pccml attention in our selections of now ijooils in ladies rendytowear tmrmcnls nnd wcnrink apperirel for men of which our mock 11 comprchcnsivo in offered nt prices considerably below tho usual fleiircb for tho classes of goods offered in proof of this we quote ho following linos for th men for the ladies jillu- hllklj messullno chhou iii hi lit sh dq tin h4 05 unit agos 11 1 lls oliiul lllll dkiw h h pr tty pluld u t idiu fhuiif in tho hi re lilt 1 p 11 ui t uuim u mo ins t 1 lo ci11 pillar io bll uuum uhuiliu ut urciix 1 v lion piuhi and llgiind in mi ny lu i ut too o 60c llillea whllo i unipu with fiuioy blliklo u iuiiikh whllti llootu gietitly rxliud ut 9 1 os m 11 11 union win 1 serge suits in nnvy ut sltl ds in rwttd itulnnoiibf rouiilar i jl mi 1 1 to 06 nu klin hlil u r 3s firtljw 11 m si ft chimim in ml ik 1 i nio anil in silk hhlium ut 35c iih mi loi 11iiu an i milium ro und hllkjit boo 1 m h 1 uu in c tttou ut zee 11 u 1k rigiilui 1 if 0 r 7e ilhiluiciu uulnwt tr ic 7bo t lur 1 00 fin i i j l for ttjso mum work hhliu nut xfois llonlu a und 7 rroin t3 06 to 4j6 miiis cull irtt ovorullw and smorloi 2jb0 muim liu 11 lh nil overall mid son cku ut s13o our customers who nro indeed our mends bcenuse wo have always endeavored to trcflt them generously will find it to their advantage to look through our stock as wo uro convinced thoy will hud ninny biirgnius in the goodu nt present soasonahlo and required wo uro hero to stny ns evidenced hy our large expenditure for now nnd attractive promises rind in order to create n large volume of butiness wo will always offer reliable goods nt moit reasonable prices vour pntronngo will be appreciated come to our opening and inspect tho stock youll be welcomed nnd if you ijccd goodi wolinvo you will find it ndvnntagcous to make your selections at our new titoro starkman block acton ontario l starkman r the value op lovaltv the ipnger t the more i value loyalty when i was young i had jho allly notion that loyally meant being- obedi ent to uoroo one also in thoso blundering days of youth i thought that the greatest gg wag independence today aler many hard lessons i know tliat loyalty sympathetle in telligent loyalty e one of the most vnluablp virtues tht a man can hav unloas yolt are loyal tootmwp rib one will be loyal to you i ic ypu nro an employer you mut ba loyal to ypui fiirht 1 1 i- no swopess no laetlng sucoesa can come to any arm unlesuijra ita loyalty 9a both iloeherbert ncav orangrnen attend divine service rev q k tyler preached a forceful rbskbtao anti emfhaixaihih prlnolplsa of life thn ivoyul orange lodsjo of acon paradeil from their lodau room ami attended divine worship at the lutptlat church last sunday evening several visiting mombers from neighboring orange lodges wro ulau prcsunt thn irethren were addressed by pastor 1 k tyler who baaed hi remarks upon mlcah s 8 ho hath wed theo o man what is goodh und what doth the iod require of thee but to do justly love mercy and to walk humbly wlth thy aodt the hiieaker proooeded to briefly outline the high qualification for membership and thn superior prln- ilplos and purposes for which the orange order stands lie expressed regret that the laudable ideals of the association were pot liattcr known it waa thought that too frequently deceit overreaching and selfishness characterise mans dealings with their fellows fur too often the represen tative of superlative prlnaiplea stoops to aome petty practice- in bualnasu relations and tlnim mtcim a the high mlples for which he atunds brings discredit upon tho institution ho re- prcnent desprlvch hlmnelf of the ro wikiui und eonndenre of hi follows and loom much of the inlluonco he might otherwise have wielded for good it waa pointed out that ood demands and the orange order require justice and fair tiluy in ah business relations tho itlvlnu requlrumeut of morcy was thu enlarged upun f wau suggested thut evtry form of aolal nuprohslon present a air vlmlluiuro to the humane ooniliasmnruite and merciful spirit of the order furmiermorc the mast for ren ohlng and rfoctual charity which can be re into red for suffering and d is tressed humanity is axpreaned through benevolent toglnlutlon the christian orgnnlxutlona the speaker thought should liuve a large a hare in seeking to usher tn peace and good- will and human betterment through out the world the vetnarks ware concluded by stating uiatjtha high requirements of the text could ha attained by a humble walk with god which should cjuvruct erlse rvory raqgeraan in hi dally oonduot and wenvoniaon the haltokpeel league match was played on saturday hint in high park tho visiting team being brampton al though tho visitor played good ball the game was won oaally by the home team the score being 18 to 1 in their favor lynn haft vj dtriie outs ror the home team a sad drowning accident occurred en sunday afternoon when ofrofstt u dersnn from aeorgatown a young lad nr 14 wau drowned in the mill pond whilst bathlnft a premising young life was thus suddenly out off and general sympathy is felt by all in the vlclplty for the bereaved mpther and family ho had spent all his boyhood around here but had recently removed to georgetown wlththo family one of the finest sights to bo seen around hero is the garden of mr amos milllore who haa a one crop of vege tables most of tho work in connection with it wo dona hy an old gentlemen the father of mrs mlluere who la over 80 years ot age mrs noble of manltoulln island la visiting her son and daughter mr jo noble and mra chas mortdith mr robert taraweu of quelph spent the weekend with his family her mr hm oowdy spent ut week end at the old home me la at present taking a pcclalooure at the o a j at auelph mr and mrs- james hamilton and fanjliy have returned boms after vlalt- ng mends in the west for tbe post few weeks j mr itobt doughty father la stay log with tum the old gentletnita vtho is over 80 is enjoying fairly good health and take groat interest in ale sons activities mrx win mlluere sr haa purchased tho newton residence ft mr wmj marshall hnd son ralph and miss isdwlna marebau of toronto spent sunday in the old home th death oooarred onpridsy last t the ajtxalhopltl auelph of wil liam 4 wright at oeorgetown fol- lowlns an otmratiop fpranpcndlalu ideoeased wpo was xi yoar ot age wag tspoied trf went of aoorgo- tw bu loao nbsresrs 1 limited at wooflioo ontario juat watr in a jihy s thd ekctrlc hut wutet hcuur in suruly a frlinil in liocd nnd n frii nd imloi 1 of ovmy 100k nnd hoimnwifo turn the swltt h and it d few mlnutoh stounilng hoi water will run from tho fallout eaniigh fut thn dliiliuii for u hath lot us liihtal one for you layh 1 oil 11 til t i ouioicly w f mooney aoton ont kutabllphed 1863 lleforenoas any hank or mercantile aguiiny cream sweet or sour we want it ww allb payino at 1 111 imtlbhlbnr timvj 32c 1i or mutter fat delivered nt any shipping station 30c lb of butler fat over territory where we have a hyatem of collecting hy truckh layipenl miuo on fourth pay ner hhlpmont uecolvoil cans sd1pltki vhtap bowes co ltd 7076 front st e toronto s our oiiptnl 1uiiy mid nu is f 6oio 00 motofl bandits jot all the motor bandit hun at large a few of thern that i have mot hun a garage toronto telegram i not qlilte sure marking back u llttlu way and raking up old thing mr kdlaoa asked in his queatlonuiro what felt hats are mad of taking into considera tion the last one we bought we are constrained to answer that we dont know syracuse poststandard he really wouldnt an elderly woman went to tho post- office clerk in great concern nnd asked if he would give bock a letter she hud boated in a pillarbox two miles away he told her it was impossible and in quired why she wantodut oht said tho oi soul ive done j a dreadful thing i ve put the btamp on upside down do you think tho king will mlndt piscatorial poubters tho july number ofrod and ffun in canada the wellknown sportsman magazine contains many interest us fishing stodes and articles including plscatorkt doupltra a tain of tlntr agaml flshlng by m parkinson pis- caculture by ieo baker deaorlboa the culture of game fumes at one of tho fifteen government hatcheries the wellknown nature wciteru uonnyoas- lie tjlfle f v wihum and robert pago iinooln are represented in this jeans xloa and qun in canada is publihd undntlily by wi j taylor get our pfiecs on 0 pathrfkm ouult firat quality goods used and installed jy gfrujeg werfwnlpa t howard and mccarvell 24 wilson st guelph phone 370w imidi oleansd up mat t 1 ilnapttiwwfaii wmltod at wooogtook ontario j w kennedy son hardware plufobing tlnsrottluiie eleetrlc wiring it saves you work t and dollars it gives comfort and enjoyment hove you as yet installed in your home a system of electric lighting if not it is only o matter 6f time until you do and there is no time liko the present we specialize in thu class of work and can give prompt and satisfactory ser vice do away with those unhealthy and dangerous oil lamps and sco what real comfort is derived in the homo from tlltiusc or electricity we are always glad td glvo estimates on this workond ouf prices will intorcsj you come in andtalk itover we also cajry a good assortment of fixtures and appjlanqos wjd ypur inspeclfan is invited rfniember ouro lunllly service iteaeonabv prices j w kennedyitfe phone 05 new quarters i um now romfortabliiy nottlwd in the 111 w quart r in thn sturkniim iium k itul um letter able to look urtur tho mjeds 1 f everything mirtululum foot i will have an uioi with nui dhittly und thl will greatly fin llllu to thu prompt repairing of all woik hft with nid lto- tulrhik prieoh liavo boon roduoeil all urjideh 0 shoe in men ml hoys i iioh in stock te gibbon mill st actort special prices on all summer goods whito organdie nt 50c und 1 00 colored oncnndle ut 75c and s1m- oolnrcd yoileri plain colors ot g5c nnd 75c fancy voiles nt 7ht mc 1 00 and 12t kayscf silk love nt iteduced prjceh for this week we orp giving a speclnl price on our knyser silk gloves in blnck whitl grays etc all nfccs jn tock our 1 25 special at 100 our 50 spcaial at 125 for tin 1 week only holeproof khk hose in stock ngalu in black whjte iflucs and browt all sizcf special 200 per pah menh black oiwhmore iiohc nt n itaruffnin 10 doxui of thcbc cahmcio sax in ntock i very palf gunmiiteeu all pure ciuli mere wool sizes 10 i0j nnd ii kogulnr price s st 00 per pair special 60c pnlr june undo white cotton in stock ngalu special price 36c yard tho delineator foi augtlst just nrrived pighso call mclean go vc belufok cabhwebell for leost imiiiuimt acton ont saturday treac pnr yojir garden parly insist on crcdin tio host ih oie o good tor your redding tjlero 13 nothing nicer tlinn nellsons party llriclf brick mviifg neilou 10 ir redding tjlero 3 aik for tlio purly ior tns baturlay we iuvp 11 grpnt apcqial for you at our candy counters 110 his fogsh cobam applj3 i1l0s90mh a rich cream centre dipped in fondant and rolled in cocoe- nut regular 40o lh salurdoy trent price 29o- weekend chocolates 7 per lb a good assortment of hurd and soft chocolates also peanut clusters regular soc lb weekend special 37c chocolate bars 7 for 2sc 1000 five cunt chocolato bars regular sc each saturday 7fbr25c s one cent candies 2 ixml lc x 1000 1 cent candies it greut treat for tho kiddies sat urday 2 for lc 11 h mooreheal

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