Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1921, p. 2

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n lje arfoti 3vtt ine fig rilultlldav jujijy jl 1d3i thl day is long din ilul lit long und the ihti lu imril u are tlid of i in niuuth mill n ki iilnu liiuill lliil if tin m in of it lliht lit b win in in lu iu hiiiihkli uinl if work to i illlll hkii of olllllirlvt u 11111 if llelllg ullllla ytt nil tin whlh did we nily ut light iiut llu ii win nervm our i iii iii ulm ami hid work tli touo ll muk i it uuy for i ami urn duyu tliut mil urn i llu a hit of jllu bright utmiii vie hrlugu t wo count no jiurd wnrku loo loi llv el out i 111 ixl hlii helping lu sjisci ux xi jx 3x a case of applied mathematics by frederlck d bumhem m bs kt mjki ixlxcli cf ml w hu ik tluiikl u good you und i v youni jnnvuuum umkril mouu convoruo tii uhiphulldi r while ueuted umiii i tlmlicr lieulilc u half completed veu uol iliu time wuu william that when u maul wan wanted we hud it nut within u kilt lit of the uhlpyurd here mow i huva to uend up country u hundred or two hundred tnllij uml maybe thou gut oho with u ttuw li it feeing calvin u ltoy here reminded mu of the iil dayu i hereu j nut oiid ttlm tree utundlug on tlm old iluwtella funi tliut would niuko u flrutnluun knuul i wun taking u ii troll through the wooju uio other iluy unil chanced upon it i want to know if thorn in it 1 llkt thut hero in fair field 1 arju lined lleucon wllllum bradbury looking ui from din chip he wuu whittling f buet william the ourlnuu thine ahout it lu thut wt fur uli u maul concerned it lit not worth u lilll of jlluilll why i thought you juut wild that it would mulin a nrutchiia muutl exclaimed tho iltuiran o i did william hut the fuclu of tha rutin urn that it ntumlu lu nuoh pecullur uimt thut it would be iil powilhlc to full it without breaking it in two it utundu over in the north puiituro hour klumu place there im u rocky ravine thnie uud it utundu wll uloun nliout lu tlio centre of u huttnh of imiwidorti any way that you might fallll it waulilcrniihdvarllulkiuibla rock uud it would hiiroly unaii whlln thu uhlphulliliir wajptillthitf hloutx fluwtolhi tlm iioti of tha lain calvin lluwtflllo draw tioar anil cotivoriid cullltiu to him ho huutond thlthor i wan juiit tailing daucoii jlruilhury mt thjit bljf ill ti over lur turn rtuwt kud tint uhliihulli utxiut thjit bljf iiltio ovor ly your liu turn ruiiiui kud tl lull ui at lloifnr i hi or look j uylntf to liliu that it would tnuka u nmtcuuu tnuut youutf muu what do you nup- utiuo thnt tro lu worth latidnd hero in tha ahluyard in hrt rata conditio nt maylm rtrty dolhtrw raplled hobii- woiidorluu th while- if ho wore not uottlnjf aii outrukoaunly liluli tleur umi it ilfty dollnrwl young man that lilno lutiilml horo lit uooil iuthi rooh olid willi tho liark on u worth two hundred dollarm i would gladly liay thut amount tar it two hundred njaoulnud itoeof- i know thut inolhor would lie elad to mai it to you for that omcunt riaro lu judtfona thlnif in the way yoiuitf muu tloolurod ur cotivnruo thut trihi natit imj foiled without lioauklnic it ivhuu you uro up hi tha mtuturo 0ko u rtiod fook ut it uml i uudkm you will ua hlngu au i do it hokum uu though thnro might ihi uoma wuy to kot uroutid it uald llutir kwklntf vry nmhoum i wlnh tloro wttru for thut rnonoy would coino lu trtty hundy thin coming win- tar it huh imhsu iimtty hurd uledilhiu with tin m dad illod wull young muu you might think it ovut itnd if you run flgura it out how to turn thti trick th money will ut hur wultlua for you utltl i wouldnt mjioml too much timo ovor it for to my way of thinking your chunco of winning out in lirotty vllm lloiiiir wltortly nlurtd for liome mitl luilf mi hour later he won cllmhlng over thn wall which hounriod tha north iwmturi on tha ouhi x mhort wulk hrought him to the hlg iilno uml for i a fw moiiidittn ho ntudiod tha nltua- tlon j i guniui mr couvorta tu about right ho muuurtnl ut length that trmi would muraly cruck onoa hmumhod down a mm of thoao trockw llouar wan juut on tlm ikiint tf uturtlntf for thn houuo tha whlla foelj ing ruthor hluu ror lid know wliut u ttrctit hol thut two hundred dollar would ihi when hlu tiyeu foil timn h hlg jillo of uiiwdiutt juut ovnr tin i i iwllevit it could imt dona i know how to drop u traa juut about whore i want it tti full ha miitlnuad moving towutd hn lillo of uuwduut huppoma t wuu to till forty or fifty burlap hug with uuwdumt unit ill tlibni in huoii wy thut tho trto wouldnt ulrlko irook uiukw u willit imh of rawduat for it to full upon a hit of geomatry will worjt lu himdy ulmtit thlu thno itogr uhortly womlud hid wy but k to tll ttouho uud nndlng hlu mother biluy with noma nowing hreuthloiujly toldhor ubput tho hhlphullderu otrr und how lit itogor planned to fall tha tr itogur i juut know you will wun- ceodl oxolulined tilu tiiotunr her uycn very bright tht- ntffln itolrlt will 1m for you to go ut it in a dclllmruto tunthodloul muuimr rtgutii it out by goomutry uii you uugweut uud wlion all u in rewolnamm rail tlio troa jlufito uocountif fur a grout mmtiy rullureu in thlu world oool inllbarata uotlon u whut mi until towurd wuocuu in tnont low tin tlm vfluld htiu wholl w it too blob wttuln would ih ictloll ko h tloi u duiurouu hiiiught lo iuiirt lui udo h 1lllnil iliirud with tljiwiill 1 fiun pilllil mi linn upon iiiiotliiii lu pyriiinhl fiini in til hi- hud n iilxd tlu ixhilil wlih h 1 hud iliiiiiil iiioi hkio hit hfiil hroml ik il of no 1 iu than uu luu muu 1h1i iwilil m ni in iv foui idoik wlnn the llt of ll hllgm w tl ill lm14ltllil tlun it wuu thut ltur returned to lh lmimi itflnr hlu motlxr who linl x promod u 1 mii tli vlvw iht felling of tlm phi- llulf mi hour inter hn hud wturni 1 with hir und picking up hlu u- ho win t to work itogur wuu no novlno ut wood hop ping und wlthlrt twunly mluutid im mil ulidd th ilop cut on th uldu iiumid th pllw of luigu then h turuud thn other ulj of tl tr uloptilng from tlinii lo tlm to uotn thu ulruuth unit tir otlim v thn light wind 1roiirntly tlm timo uiii tjmt h- drovu lunuo tho llltli wood u woilgo wlih h wuu to dalrruil mi thn vxu t fiilllnu of tho trxi thin wulllng for thn wind to lull u hit ho utrurk thrnn huitvy blown with hlu ux in mpld mice union then the trui tott md und htguu to m tlio ho piling huutlly to onu uhl ltou c wiitrlkrti nil the glruut plnn droppod logm rulculutlonu turnod out in ihi very uroiruln both in to tha pllu of hugx uml tho dlrwitloii which tho full ing trto wuu to tukn thn ihnlior utrlk- tug fuir uud uipmrti uumimu tho pllu of hugu thn lowor liurt rrnllng uxu tb iwiwller tlio untlro tlinlr lining up pcrfuctly with thn top of tha utump von did weil young muu it wuu h vohivof mouad cimvernf uiofhlpbulldflr wtiniunwt jdlucd uru ituwtnlln flou you did upleinlllly ilnduroj tljo iihlphulldur utopplng down to tho fnltod rw no woodutnuti rould buvo rtroiunil it u bit imntr it xtruck uxuctly whorti you uluuntxl it lu not duinugnd in thn lmut i want thut thuhor for u muut mvr mind ulxiut thn buulliig of it down to tha uhlpyurd lion i uni thut iihuhfil that i will attend to thut purl coma down to my otlloa anil gut thn two huudrod dol- luru i upoka aliout youlnrduy how did you huppen up horot u tut time rotl itogar i didnt uoo you until you uivoka oh i got to thinking uluiut thut pine thin uftaruooii uud thought v would luka u wulk ovir wiwulrliig if thnra wr not woma way lu which it could im foiled without lining tujriugod tho inutant i caught ulght of unit pllo of luiggod mtwdiitit it dawned unni tno jpljuuiltljfulutjl j to get urouud tha dinioulty woll i want to thutik you for offer ing to haul tha tltnhnr out uuld itogor hut it dont moi juut right for mo to uocupt tho full two hundred dolluru umlnr thoun clroiimntancen dnmt you worry uhout that uon tried tho uhlphulhlcr it in u plaum- u ro to lend u imnd to ono who trlod to holp blmuclf you catuiiy bavu trhd lu thin cuiu uud you imva uuo- cdud thn two hutwlnwl dnllarw wan paid to ltogr tha follow lu taitirnlutf it cor tulnly worked in vory handily that oomlug wlntnr hog r tilwuyn thought that u ror tu in tlvo dollnm which hlu mother handed him back from tho two huuilrttd wuu imrhuitu tho lieut nimnt of nil though nouo wuu wanted with that flva doll am lin purchuuod two lhtouh d dull tig with guomutry ltooku which laid thn foundullon of o vary uuroohuful curocr uu u civil onglnttor tha following mowilng ltogar nturtad thn work of rilling tho burlap bagn jntlocutcd nourly u hundred of thm in tha burn utid currying them over to uiu uwwdunt pllo ho bagaii tiling thom tying tuicli lnuf 111 turn with u utout pic of homk- twine it wuu nourly noon when ho hud nild the vhutt one no hu dfrrd tha piling of them umll uftnr dliiuoti having eutea dinner kogur liurnenn- d tho home into thn furm wugou uud driving over to tho pllo of uawdunt ha loaded tho bugn onto tho wagon thlu done ho drove into thn puntura where the hlg plucj wuh located liml woking down uh hour it uu ho loutrt voriveiii lantly ho unlouded uifd dijnvo buck to ilia- inum i taforfl uturtlng- the piling of die bog thut urtnrnoon linger made uo- curate noujiurainantn having found the axnot ungle wbli h the felled tree would luuke with the stump ho up- pllod bin it oomo try very nhnruy llgur- tnk it ut juut how to pllu the bugn nome ulzty fuel from tlm butt no n to be in perfect una with tho pbonen hnwldur ucroen whloh the tree i wnato feif it won highly important tliat uiare nhould be nn mlnealoutntlon aliout thin or were the tlfe of bags i dont8 oil the holidays lomn very valuablo iontu for thn holiday nnunmi have twmn pro pared by dr hunting u o ii for toronto hero they are in brief ront look utuin thn money uuod for your bmhlpyn in nn ekpoudltyrfl if judlclouuly unod it will vory mntorlally liohtpona tho time nt which you will bava to retire from bublnonn dont take yohr huulnann troublen with you dont read by nrtlflcal light when daylight falhi retire und rlua early in the morning dont decide nn wlmro you nro going until utter you have hud a report from the provincial llourd nt health on the wulur uupply coiit huva your holhluyu upollod by ncratchhiu moutiulto blteu monyultou ohjent to anything with u pungent odor ituh tha exivouod ihirtlonn of tho body with eitual parti- of oil of nlt- ronallu und elthaf ollvo oil cottpn need oil or nil of nwect ulmondii ilplrltu of camphor will do if tamping tukn u few yardn of miwiaulto mottlttff to twine looiiely u round your hnnd at nlght dont ntuy ut u tennrt or tukn your meulnwhero lllen ura plentiful vi i en are not inrnwiuent currlorn of dlneuao gerntn t dont be too eager to get a uunburn get it gradually dont dlnnlpnte whoi uwny on your hnllduyn dancing every night or every necond night oven urrnlrrrlij- ight in lint tha way to get the bene fit from u holiday do everything in moderation dont eicpone yaumelf to he lrrlt- ing etfeeln of ikoluon ivy the moat emclaut utktldatnu whichever you choose it will be the bst you ever tasted salada black tea dick satlalylntf plnvor from tbm finest gardanm mixed tea just cnovck tf rn unto inaka tbs blend deliciotin- green tea a utmutu u lr- te ipsre nhlonf yhciil llegfectivc camouflage jltoruln uuld tho girl pleuuuutly tim young man uulud und nut down on lha othir utile of thn berry huuhcu hlu lliigeru hlg uml brown unit climiuy muilii ulow work of the lurry pic ing he utopped u moment to wutcli hlu rompuulon lu lultor uli uhn utrlpimil tha huuheu with the tuny uklll of mtpurl- nrn prom her llugera hluuyun truvul- lr face und im iiiihi the hculthy t color in hi r imekn und the ihlru i drawn hut of ch i k undn hor ulr thut i ide to pnlaon ivy erfeetn lnjlie juice of the jewel weed which found in uuy low muvnhy dint riot or ordinary kitchen luumlry uon p lin ed freely leaving u fulrly thick lather or if ut u farm dilute lye front hurd wood unheu which will uunwer the pur- potto dont tblnnitn dirty milk take no ohanoen wittf an infant or youiuf chil dren utould all milk while uwuy lour holhluyu dont go lu n cuiiou unleuu you nwlm umt dont take uuy peruen in u cunim with you who runnot nwlm ikmt eat too hindi meat during tho hot weather vegetuhleu und frut- nhould largely tukn ihe place of ueut ifeut two or three tlmen u week in nudlclent dont go on your holhluyu until you huve your own futnlly phyulouti to make uure thut your luart uud oirou- latlon uhl good don i tukn it for itruuted that hprlutf water in pure utul nufe thlu ih not by utiy tubunn true npoiully lirlslfun- knku uulemifithe upring in located fur nnurli uwuyto prevent uuy iiennlblllty of huipaii ioutumluutlou dont permit your children nor yet indulge yoiirnalf in drinking from a common or public jrlnklng cup while uwuy tukn u uupply of nuuitary in gold we thubt in the early rift ion n mont unununl thing hnpponod lit bah frunuluno a lurgn lunuo of gold ooluu canio fiom tha united htatvn mint with the leg- mid in gold we tvunt rather hull with tha oonventloinl one lu find we truut tho introdnutloii f the letter i ruined nuoh oouhternntlon that the heme hud to in r molted und reutamp- ed there uto u fuw ntlcklnrtt who he- llejp thnt thn cnltna of religion would brenjt up into nmoll rragmentn if wo djd not havu the iiiimu of jed on our oolnm whercuh in the prenntr ntutu af tho world if in mure uf un liumit lo god to have the holy nairn there than it lu un honor we urn glad to udmlt thut nomn colnn uro uned to ood but itn one coin in uhout twenty a generoim y that the truth in the tnuu who wan r- i iponnlblo for thn typographic error m tile k9ld oolutt in hatt ityunoluoo vun a great deal neuractha truth than j ho man vho put tlh onvonyonil1 m- flcriptlorn on them an u nation we npendlng our money for that which i in eplta ot everything lu not hrendlaqino advocate dun wlllurd uninmed hi r up u tlm typical funm r u iluughter nklllt it lu her tunkw heultby unthinking happy ihuu ha went imck to bin own lulrir- iouu tuuk i if youd bglrl tit i liit bottom of tha buuh wo uhu llluiitrnlod and pluck them off no youd gat on fautei iau lookihl into her pretty lliiuld eyeu und leu mud hlu innuon there wuu no further conversation wlilla they worked ut varying mihhhih vhlla th drowny hot hound of the lociiutu oumo to them und thn breath of thn huyfleliin freuhly cut uwoet with u thouuund bleudnd perfume they iwith ntrulghieiml up ut tho wound of the horn blowing uoroun the th ida dinner i h they twilh ntopihil with relief uml tlio man roue ullffly i gueuu you re not uuod to thin the girl umlled uar voice huuklly uweet wuh un pretty uu her eyeu ho decided then he lifted hlu itull and hern uml utroda on imuhte her met lijrry picking he explained looking down on her pink uunlmtnnet t be t n h h n tl t mcmnl tnti rtroiufth i nahln ive been buying over t vurmar dlckn und now hei net m to lierrylng ob kuld the girl in u riauli nho knew he wuu ho new huml ut thn dleku who tiuneti the buy rucku uud rodo punt to the buriiu while uhu liud been weeding lu the klccheti garden of the furm below do you live around herot it wuu hlu turn to jueutloi over to ihe muyberryu i uwcrod no rnmenilmired now thlji wuu hiu name girl ho had noticed bunging out the clotheu und working urouud tho place old uuyberryu duughtt tlha wan a pretty thing he thought an ho wutched her uwlnu down tin road lo the next furm tha girl a mout uu though nlie luil road hlu thoughtu turned ut tho 4iautur to wave to him lie waved back awk wardly knowing thut ho wan not uned to thlu eany givo and tako of farm life in hn nhould be hut he wuu more dluaripolntod than the oceanian wurruuted whan who did not rejoin him tlutt uftumoon at tho berry huuheu ihey muut have needed her ut homo hut util lie noticed how lefllouh the work wuu und bow hlu lugeru were ntltf with thorn pricks nnd how hot the nun ihi at down on tlm lleldn when hli iluyu work wuh over at hint and hu hud wan hod out ut the pump with the other two w and had outen bin nupper of hearty farm food im found that ha had no donlra muul to throw hlmuelf nut under nturn on tho cool graiui uud he there until bedtime with hlu pipe between hlu leolh hn wulked off lanlly down tho road unlit ho hud come to the white farmhouue outhlllng down under the troou whoro ulio hud unld alio lived cluuyl ho heard a voice cull und uu noon uu ho heard tho name ho know thut no othor could have nulled hor mo perfectly hu wuu very ulow ut go ing pant tho houfio und when he came buck ho uaw u tin uro out under tho itouoofhhurou huuhou and ho knew it wan uha he ought to go pant hut ho leave in uud called deed evening and uha unnwarod him lu thut hunky nwoet voice thut blended in with the night uoiiudn and imma out to where he waited in the road xu uho cuua to him her little glngliam ilretut had taken on the glatnobr of moonnhlne uud the frugrunco of the roueu ho knew he wuu going to lie norry later hut he found himuelf h trolling up tha road und nlttliig an the crumbling ntone- wnlllliat uliut lu the kfuyherry or- ctlurd whut do you do all the timer he unked her and nhe told hint uhout tho kitchen garden und the weeding und how uha made brad und churned the butter uhu tojd him how nhe drove the eown home ut night nomotlmtn und tlio wuy uha hunted for tho eggu uud laughed ut thn funny trlokn of the henn who iiid them no utnartly in new nookn und crunnlen jo thought ulm wuu very uweet thlu little farm glrwlth her knowl edge of the wuyu of all thnue anlntulu and her natural wuy of looking on her lutlen un no many plunure hut nhe nhook him out of bin 1 thouglitu with the iunutlon and what do you dot oh im juut h fuiiuluiud haying in ueanou and tlio chorea milking feeding the unlmuln there wuu u pa lino uud tha girl wondered how nuoh u ntrong ijrown etoudylooklng man could npeml winter nndnummei lu the work of tha farm laborer if it wuh hlu own farm veil if he worelumnltig hul lm neemnd uu tinned with hln work und nhe uuld nothing hood night he nuld ut lunt und n never knew whut a longing lib hud to klun her there under the mobti- ught clnny uouhl not nleep welt thut ulght n her hot little room uider tho eaven uhn nuwhlni uguln tall brown of fuce humiy with big munch an the man who workn out of doom r mhu wan thinking of him u greah muliy other ulghtn with mi uahlnif heart und u doeii bupplmmn and a burning feur thut ull thlu wnn to and with the uummer nr un day followed day nhe rniw dun wlllurd uud jwulked with hluiuiter the ulurn uud talked with him on luir own white plunna nwtit with tha climbing hofiuymttcklu tho uummer wun ending und ku wlllurd know that now he would have to tall the truth ha could no von murry thhtjltth iuriuori daughters for nkllled uu nhe wwu in the wuyu of the farm country uha tould nuver tit in wllh the dutlnn unit anuentlulu of htn own ufa tie ha decided ihon went to nay goodby rinay 1 m golnjf homo tomocrow be imld and lie huw hnr fucn whiten nnd grow drained i wonder if youd klnn me for goodbyf r she did not nnuwer hutwhe did not irn her fuc awny vjuiu ha hold her in hln urmm lia nnld quickly i to nay koodby dear hut i cant i i want you to ma thoiuh i ha lnunl her nob uml he knuw nbu iruiiihled lu hlu urmn oh clhuy will youf hi llftl her fnen to blni mutely jheii holding hir hand tightly in hiu ho told lur th truth i im going tn ihi o different ii uud u hurd one kilmni nil vr but til try to hhlp- 1 m uu iiiitrm lor in u fr uh water roll itu uiul ufa u u colli ga town will be pretty hum to got uuih to i junt fumn out here thin uummer uu i ul wayn do to work on a farm it u my fun uml i m not u furmhund un you thought ull along oh dub the girl whlupcred and you r willing to murry ma a uttht tilrl who only knowu enouuh to bring the rowu home from puuturo uu if youll huva me i m ufiuldloull imtwfrryingtne it rule i- fulee protaiimu theti for 1 tn u uchool teacher lu the city uha whlu- m red i wun led to coma nut and live on fi furm juut to try it ouh insectivottous birds it may upiuur ulurtliug but it in u fact that if ull thu luuect pcutu ravag ing our cropn couul im uuiipmumml uud ull the plant und tree dlueuntul eradicat ed uud the increuuod revenue derived by the country thireby could i mi turned into thn dominion tnuitury there would iimui to lte no uunut1uj- of tuxu- tlou thin iihu lu lurgely nulmtuntl- mtrd by the frt uet fortlj by the hmtomnlnuiiit of the dominion de- iiurtment of agrh ulture thut a eou- ti4 rvutlvii eiitluuitn of the annual crop louu in canada- lo tlnld orchurd und uurdau rroim due to dent motive ln- uectu lu upwurdu of ijoofloooaa an our authority uayu to thin huge de- vuutntlou tuuul lie added the ennrmoun u u ii uii i doti tvuutieti dm ueed by formtt imilitu d to red prttducf nuoctn etc irpon tblu idatement the kntomolo- glnt founda u welluimtalnthl hrgu- mnt lu favor of the protection of luueotlvoroun lilrdu audi un the prairie hornedlurk the robin the uomewhut diuplneill crow the red- brvunted nuthatch the weutern tanu- ker the uyrtle warbler the chlck- wiloe grouue gullu und mnny other kludu in the tlintn of iowa it ban lioeii entimuted tlutt tree upurrdwh an- iiuully devour uomethlug like hue tonn ifweed meeilhl hpeukingnf the robin uu luviutlgutor lu toronto found tliut u u ingle bird kept in confinement ute inn cutwormn in one day another authority ulaten that a brood u prairie liornedlarkn ronhiimed 4oo cutwormn in ono duy uhla name authority namely mr normun crlddlc dominion kntomolnglut in mnnltohu doc la run thut ul crown urn capable of oon- uilinlnjf three buulielu of grukjihop- liern lu one yiaoon it lu recorded thut lu certain plaree in uunltolta areau of growing grain hava been uuveil from deuiructlou by the peulllnut uruiuihopiwir owing to the preneuce of urge riocku or gullu in light of tbene ractu it in gratifying to im informed by thn dominion kntomnloglnt ur arthur ailou to wit that jhe im- lortanoe of proleethig our lueful hlrdn im liecomlng more und more recognlned especially hy farmeru and rrult-grow- oru dominion deiuirtmont tf agri culture desehved to qe in wuu uu enthunluulle cot und wan arguing with an kngllnhiuuti over the meritu of their renpoctlve ronntrluu military prowea brilliance f invention engineering travel and mpl re building hud ull been pultmied n levlew und the tlcot had won handu down kveptually the liglluhman lught refute in literature wool lue tuk uternturo inter- ipted thn ttcot there a haldtle ilurnu wulter tlcott mevoiihon hugh miller uarrtn thatn juut mcutlonln a few at idem a kcnbi yen yen hut walt u lilt preteuted the eiiglinhmun here in onn greater than all tbeuo put together william 11 link oh pew re you wouldnt uuggent lie wuu a kooamun woubf yout i wee though fully reunndj hie kent 1 wadnjj iecbwly huo haf hut the mantl inlelllgenre wu pninnf warrant the lufeycuie 8ue0 dnothfdrhood ff0fl loos or position wllllm iell t the kouiik lilt in the rlr gulnut tkn ii 1 million ror dun b eoo for the lo i he unit fuvolvtu luinn which have i d in teui on a former cniyloynn rn itulhoud mn atliid lit court ut linmiitxia hood of ltuly gnu lu ihe ktjir n of hlu injelnn i wo lner ill ijdu v hover hoell drjkrlwilll i eourtu and wl lci ai if wide liilirnl lo labor bolll ilwllop uml ooiimilon uud uluo of uplnl in tel cut to employiim ui labor tlihut iiiuuthiii u whehi r or not a titi union laborer who huullieen dlult- ge1 from hlu imiultlou at hie lnnuirt- of union wr hun unyremndy ut tw and the uecoml iilnelloi lu wlmthijf not any bioorporared luluir orgnlldltlnn may ha bui d for monetary iu1mhu rimtulthig from loun ofe ponithn al- toi tlltcw- thut bq wun worfi for the heiithoru ltullroud ut so 41 u day unt thut he wun dluehurgnd fallow in ummuml utmn bin employer 1 lilu fellow workmi n inemlm ru t ltu itrethnrluhid of hallway- tlulnti that he uud ull otlur uouuiiliu nrm n be dluaharged if the i ourtu iliollil uphehl the olalmn of the plulnhf uhd award him u judgm nt uguh ihe litethcrhood ttmjh a verdict whi i u- tahllnh a pierudeut which woith llivo the clout uliii ueatloii cultjvatinq penbonamyv tvaryo tlvute in ting to tin rn lu ity to ci eonwuw uiatik he will mul won tu hem in voally he in dividuality nowaduyu tift look inwurdu tlrft tn k if anything of upeclal inljlal- illlvutn x girl may llil- jtbodortuhoilulltaian ire luu t anything npocltl tclmt oiuke juut the ordinary kir- iuu with un illogical niuoun o buubund uiil chll1in h mora original to be a4ircni- nn toduy than to lte trn uielmvu of any other lyte oun mites a little over tl 000 001 wm con tributed to lrotnhtutit churdfii ainerlruun and cuuudluu meniwj lam yanr thut a uliout u tenth uu munli we uient on totweco in tho name xrl churchen chrlnteu un murry ualnury uu given uu our tine 1 ilea in uiia rr to uuve uu from hell what w lva them in return nhould mako u l t-uii- pain is an indication of inlcrfrrranrn willi tlm norma funclionn of lio body il ia a bikn of tioulilo nnd l allawetl to continue caiinca itself ntill hirtlief jiaotrjcrs codiinon settle nnd liumntiity uktca that yelitf from pain nhould ho lha firat atcp in tlio trontninnt of any diseann vrrticyi tn pveaartt 1 loadaclie neuralgia ulmu matte daclcachc sciatic and ovarian painn onc or two dr miles antipain pills od lha bain la uono guaratitrej safo and sure plica 30c for halo in acton by i il j hassauu pai7ps humchesand rhucmatic d jhiko orpicc hamilton i business haromctcrt tccm lo indicate that tha period of eaiyinonoyanri hlnhprlccs is hearing an end a dollar gused now in tho form of a savmpi hank deposit will he worth much moro in tho next couple of yean after tha reaction hu set in bank of hamilton uioltjirrown mtancll 0 a macky mansjrer iii 1 becoming ovghopulatct johnny who atrertdy had two ywuutf er hlntem hud lieuu romlued a baby brother much to hln delight wl the eventful day urrivl the liurne told him the ntork lutd brought an otlier darling baby uuter loor johnny whu dlhheurtpned uhokly ufterwarit hlu father found lilm alone in hln bd- roonv und unkud lilui how he keil hln llew ulhter aw uald johnny hopo- leunly itu getting too nrowded urouud iierol marry mu if you willf curiosity and study curlonlty in u paitulou very favorable to thu love of ntudy nnd u imnnlon very nunceptlblo of jneroune by cultiva tion clound truvalu no many feet a uoonnd und light traveln no many feet a neoond nothing mora probable but you do not care how light and aound travel very likely hut make yomuelf care get up nhuko youraelf ill pretend to cure make believe to cure i um euro thut a muu ought to read un he would graiip a nettle do it lightly uud you uro moleuted grunp it with all your ulreuwlh uudj you feel noun of itii unvrltleii ipmmraamgna j n oneill son distributors for stttdebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for acton georgetown milton h ltilkisiiman acton kepracnuuvo automobile tops we ttecovhbt auto tops and equip yooruto with doott opening curtains t carriage rubber tires we have the ik3 eouhment fott applying cauiiiage nubiier tiiies hi on siioutest notice j n 0ill son georgetown onle b advertise positive personal phoof at ono of the weutern methodlnt theological college u dlucunulon took plane ut tho dtniier tublu over tho vexed uuohtlon of the utudentn oi iverwonul devil two of the utudentn embarked on a very heated argument one tor the other ugnlunt ihe oil- mux wun ultimately reunited when tho young champion of oldtime orthodoxy uppulpig for a frank ntatement from in oppontnt looked lu tha oycm of hln brother ntudent and nald look me lu the roe hill und tlieu ly there in hu tomonwl dovtl wiretttohetell weather tha varying hummluu of telegraph wlren in claimed jtu give ojiterleuoed obaerveru u oluo to tho weather 84 to 35 hour uheud a herman ntatement in that titgfi utuih noten are followed by bnuvy fulln of ruin or nnow of nhort tlon und deep humming tnnen tiy brief light ratiifallh while bqjxlna tonon precede aciuinge in the weather itch statute bunc u socti irritated la illamed orgranuuted jnrioc infentaruult miui write opo of the most persistent advertisers in thii hibtory of bimcccbs wus robiiiron crusoe jle knew what he wnntcda ship and he put up an nd for one- he iliuig u shirt on a pole ut the top ins island that an the language of the oeu whs plain to every scafwptig man the circulation was small there was no other medium hurt crusoe kept at it despite the fact that he got hq enquiries for a long time lte changed hiscopy us one garment after another was frayed out and inellc end got what lie wanted supjioso crusoe had taken downthat signal after a time and declared advertising doesnt pay where would he and his story be now i w advertised umdor very discouraging circumstances 1 youve goi ii urethingrit is only necessary- to have the puiienct- persistence and pluck of robinson crusoe and the good ship better lhibinebk wijl ue jiip longsilo your pier h perfection special the num nir the woruinfl quhtii of th new perfec tion olt cook btovn points to know i i lame tgiilalid lo any blht by munu of whu liilh i 2 ttpuie u ftlpllm mauullie oh unliig tujiv 3 llruiiu lliirm ru thut luut for yi urn 1 lme tlpr udi r i ifu r muku tha huhtlng euuy r ioiig nine riilmnoy llurncr km th hume chun i blatkaiil 8 1ittntd r vu 11k illiua oil 1u- h rvolr miaw i llljii any hun iwll for liftlur ulxiut nono oilier like it 4 ilumer rii mooo bale 3sj00 3 burner rear 13100 bau 128jm the uoni iiaituwaitk co ltd phen 10t2 quelph this stores policy to represent goods ex actly to tlictr quality to scl to those who know and to thoo who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always kivin you satisfaction savage co jcweuenl guclpii ontario grand trunk 6y the double track route ulitwi um mo nt meal toronto detroit chicaoo unexcelled uwlng ear uervlco hleaplng oaru on nluht tralna ai parlor curu on principal day trulih vull information from any omit trunk ticket igent or c k ulernlw dlutrlot rannencer ascit toronto ii s hoiaies aseni acton omt pheni 1 r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a ojuantity op peed corn and oil cake just received fijouk feed norval bran and shorts hay straw r n0bje ul henrv awiicv hanaoch when you nwd boots shoes at any time kuy prom v wwilliams mill street acton famous for satisfactory footwear ruasokadlb pkices

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