Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1921, p. 2

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ffilj jvctnti step tytcb llulliia luly k 1021 a vacation iphaylh iul fount im iji t dtv dm our iiiiiii until tholr hlull inth tilt ftll thut llmlu iii hlm fill lulu i lit truu tin fiuepi r fm ovtl rhrnilgh puthiil yruru until they rittilr trnwn of ilnwer und mil lliti ihli ii lmt follow ut tliy will koitihliig lhn tin htlllm ulto willi nfarmo to wmii tho mnmiluliw mull pit ik inofeil t liiilhi mi i ii mum 1 thn in i jul lulu into iii ill to trouilud hi it 1 initio i uvun lilng thn uky ihioimh wi iruiicu trlfl ii- noiulli jmd i mil t iii lln miloctod l nxpouuto digging u my willi lublu chwo duw down 1 1 li iihuuy ululhi i r tli in ihii north i tp1 v uluipil w m 1 iii ii ulwwo hlu ng uph mildly lid hill i rylng tho lilt i llo mo i uny yh ago iliy my riii ii htmiu oflvlng llilnu in mm mi i until uud ulr thy hlrduthut uimr wltli uuullt wlngu a lu a in lfo joy tutu kunming hringu uiitouyikil by tln or nr lot- 1 hum truth uu in thy houk linpln huppimuu wo liurii from lro nnd hroou iorm iwut trtut mid uholterad thy powr to liuul uml hhuu 1 main 1 luirlo saxeaxejkc3k jxljxji the proving of red feather by dn warrlnotort an ahlona uhoep hittti oxuwth lu loun u fw lamb iii til oouruu of thn wimton und doom not think much about it hut tho ardley llaiinh wum tint of or dinary wool u nil mutton kind hoom- nnlug that u good whoop uto no morn uutft a scrub mid wuu worth ton llmea um much itogor ardloy tho young owner of tliti ranch won raising nothing hut purojirod tlliropahlrea lsvry lumb wum it thing of price hu wh thijy begun tn dliuippeur from th graving ground ono by ono tha word unit nut to ull huhdu to iliii ioumou why uud report ut once uaut of tho hurdaru tiiought th lumlu wwro killed by wolvm tdtlief coyki r tho oamuioiml tlmtxir wivm thut tdinihrt down from thti tnountaliim hut ukr anlloy mhmk liln huil lf tho wulvcu did dm dtimmta wam hi id boiiou uiid wool ulowlntf umkuifl atine lt muiii 1i tlilnk tho bux- niiriln ourrltil thorn off but thoy dont kill liny wjlt for thliiuu to dto and thtiy rn tlin only blnlm aruuiul liri liljf inimitfli to curry on u llv lumli h wuh tliroo dayw later that iumi koutltor tn of tlta indian hfinurx iiuuliad up to tlifl ranch iioumu on iiim uutittml winy lea mm u tho k round nlmoul iwifun it dimn to a wtaudntlll a ltd hrotikht mm hmid up lu tint otld hulfmllltury anluto with which ho il- vayn krmod thn yuiitf ikuwi iluvo found lin ualil tcraely wliatt- itoiffir ardlay lilmmlf wam not wuhttiful of word lcalo nouwfinimil tlioro ara no aulit hid uliln of urn ilirtooth ltttnsa iluvo found rbnjuted lunl vimtuor htubbonily qimutlonlinf brought out th fact tliut thn youn indlun wtillo wandr- intt far umuiif the foothllu of tb rune had m what ia callod u wr- alo flying toward th mount n with u lumb in km tajfuim uml itojtcr ardloy ravlmml hlu notlonm ol the lutbltut of iuijtlom with reforwnceho iiim ranch ii knw thoru wom only one thjni to do vhat cal muat ba killed orcamurm or thro would b ho of turehrod blirouhlrcm that fall fcunncd u ilnc ntullv rtuuiv brown imilm ttuyltiif xlthhi work hod fceutherl 1 11 ki u counlaof tho boym und woll so uuf ttmt lamb killer wlui our vlncha torx iuhi svthr ran nhot mtrjiltcht uihl tlw yountf liidiuu nib ninety but ardley ltiushd anil uhook bid huyj vou iihoot lrtt well hs wild kindly nnd you luivn dona u rood turn for tho runch tn locating the dunav und 1 ii not forst it itd ic4ther wild nothing more or u moment h atood ilk u bronxa nmtue thoii turnlnjf abruptly bo hun- hlnwlf on thn back of the hot- toil bony and clattered awy tjoocnu kind o tmovtul dntwlotl tho tull texan known tut noddy who hud comu uu in tlma to hoar the idat of thn con w rout ion think ha run ahoot eht wuul thorn dhrbom i ulliimjilum ooiioeity llttd polithnr thitt u ilbknr uld llouar anlley watohliiat tbo nwlftly rtkjodlng rltfurv ifuu a lnwne and mlifhty roud of it too only a luwneo cull rldo like that- ilt iltjuiui lu injuum nbaervnd noddy oruoulurly n tholr roomm u heau liuttrn thulr comnuny now bout thutthur itutflo h wum itrruiiued that young anllny with notldy and hull a kyo uuc tho two bout nhoia on tho run oh uhould go nokt duy into tho foothill of tho bout tooth llunu mild ktwti a khurp look out for tho winitod tuuurutnlar it wow uk1 abm that it would bo a hnl job klnco tho ayu of iho haku im um knvii for oiiamlam um it im for limy but thero wum nothlnr elan to do it wu ulthor ut thw nuglu or looo the lamb lu th meantime it ml font her r on the huok of hlm pot ted tony wom hillnir on hla dlnupklntmant und little by llttlo making u iiluu of bhj own an a boy ha hud huurd hl icrundfather old and blind and wall iut tho century murk lull of the orduul by which h lrovinl bin munhooil und uttahiwl o rull urlvllettom with no woat- 6uu hut hu iwro liaiidm bo hud cuutfht und klllod a wurtmali with thlm dimkl to htn credit ha wum no iourci- m boy hut lufullrhxlned warrloc honored umong hlm trllioamaii i ho tun do luuiertud tho lintii youth grimly hm ho rocullod the utory of lirowtkm hlunv young toiw fthow hlg mouth 111m prlvutfc numa for- noddy ilod vou titer no fcldrnb06h do- tliut night ha m lured u rmbhlt und ximint tbo nxt day making u rawhide oaua to carry it in tliu be hung lu tbo nntokflif burning grujut to destroy ull unlpiul hooilt ulid ul thn mudio time thoroughly uniudgod hlmwolf toward avenlng ha uturtod far the region of the foolhllla wham li imd mtan tho aagla iiu ourrlod tho imprlaoned rab bit a ountoen of water und a amau nleco of jerked beef as ha trotted along over tho tar lit liralrla liajuiddeuly fait voryjnull and vry muchnlone kornilom thlnga retreated from the tiath ahead of him slrnnga ahupaa nouttlil nwuy into tie gliwm on either r aide one coy o to und tlteil unolher guvotongho in long huddoring wnlln out of tho durkneam one aprang uiioit lila trul and followed lilm h cuim i nearer poarar uurloualy ulort ited veathar wont atoudlly on freacntly h naanefl two olhera nuamllng over a bono mid the aral ooyote turned aalde to wranglp wljh tltam tula wui a good omen and tho lmlumi lad went on cour- agooualy lrtlgllhl to i ml f uouiilinf u uliower of duiriimi lulhhu down upon hi hud pr lona thn li uut tlmn rruini 1 urhliig htrullilng iiim yiu towiird tho notch in th llui tooth ltuuuo through wblrh tho tuglo had llown with itu pray hi mtiwlmro baynnd hem wum a inut wllli young if tho ll d llnrn would la tiiiirn trouhhi ror um youn jiquh u hln hliroptihlri u tlio miiii wuu i luxlng dlriutly ovirhi ail wllllll be ulkw u upihk ttout utfom4 tlm tuniuouo mky of tho lioti h a mu tuant and it wum kmih but lttri livullior forunt ihn hut uml tha uoba of hu ttody if in roulil uto tha iuli tho ntglo could tti tho riibhlt with awry lurvo tanmi tno young wiilnl wiiltid im tuult il mu itii i ml thinikli ho twltdiod th libit a leuuh until it urumpurod wild 1y thlm way uml thut niljitr tho pit with utlhing dut riio aft- moon drug god on woiirily iho uuu droiiil ti tho wnut hiwt and lowrr thoit u tlw tin n t light hluiu d i rlmuon thnmuh thn untnli ho uuw ilrtrilng uci not mm uimnk hut two fllnwly llny awung nu lhclr grvatrwlng vida nproud uml ull but mntloulnioi willi km n nya uouroh log for tha avenlug huul they mw1 rlimr to thn aurth iho ruhbit ulurt- wl jarklng vlountly at tho taouli ouguu chocktml tholr flight in k ildulr und cutno plunging down tholr imviiioi- utriltlng tlia ground heavily with hcml arit tha turgor of tha two alalk- il toward tho rabbit utrwlutng und lulvvrlng at tha und of tho ruwhldo thong au tho ought touched the odg thn iilt hod lwutherm ulnowy hand uud arm whot up through thn roof uml grtuipod the ug with a mighty pull im brought it ilown into tho pit whim outnprud und throuhlug llko itulbf throwing hlmaelf immtlly upon thn grant hlnl ho uelod itm liooli in iwith hulldm and hwika it with a ulugla twut whlla uimivo hlnl tho hucoud aglo uourad uwuy whlutllng uugrlly itod kautfibr wutrhad until it lutd dhuippaurod in tho notch then ho threw iiim prln liirion holid ground uml leupod nut of tho pit tixultuutly with wlngu oulaproud tha iiuglo maau urthl mora tlmn tlin height of u mad hod ittutharu ytmidurd of inowiuro hwnl tlin young jtoum would know tlutt it wbm lint lioy u play to ulay a hint with 1mm humlu and illg mouth for one lug mouth would have nothing to uuy all ut nuco n thought utruok hod kcatlior lliajiimwaauiomallf thu pair ityom1 tho notch tho mother bird wuu hovorlng ovor euglntu which vwotild litjtlmo kill other lamlm lookod euutwuril toward tho runch whom it would lie pi mi hunt to liraluotl mid triatod uu u inuit und not a kid tlmn buck to tho notch which hold the monuce to linger ardloyu uhropltlrm iho rwhhlt wi nibbling at a tuft of gruiot hod 1outliar had nutau all the jerked hoof which ho had brought hut thnre wuu utlll u lltth water in bin cuutoon ilo mutlo hlu defllulon promptly 1 llngliig tho doad nagla hack into tho pit lln ntrotchod liltuuolf out on a lodgo of rock nonr by to rant hlu tired muuolou lie foil auloop but uwoko an tho darknoiut wan turning a the gray of morning uml ullpped luick into tho pit hod feather calculated that tho aeooitd euglo hud returned to tho neat without food and that by morning the naatllngw would be olamoroua tho uuu had not yet uppurml aliovo tho horluon whn hlu koun ayom uuw black apeck durt nut of thowcat a moment 1c hovanxtthlgh lit ulr oj than uwapt utrulght toward tho rabbit tot he rod ut tha edge of tha pit again tha thud of itm woliht upon the tuirth und tbo uwlft ktulk upon itu cower ing victim again hod feather unn darted up to ualxa tho hlnvw log but thw uttto hlm hunj ulippod uaforo ho could regain lilu grip tin othor talon had rlpiwxl u long gih in hlu arm und the great houk hud ulruok diwip into hlm uliouhler in upllo of the uwlft waring iuln tho young indlun hold on grimly und after u dou pernio light uuocooded in diutputchlng th aocoiid vogitv with tlm two heavy blrdu alting over hlm uninjured khouliw he uturtod on the return to ard hanch hut turned buck io cut tho thong which hold tho ruhhll uaylng in hlu own hotauuga flu in pence llttlo brother without thy help i khoiild not hava alaln thouo wuraagleu thuit proving my man hood after u fruttlaum twodava uoarth the euglo hunt rm rode luick to anlley hunch with u tow ioyolosund w hua- xurd to uhow for tholr palna not nn euglu hud they uooii und noddy hud much to aay lp duiwragumaitt of the digger u drouru it wuu wall toward inlug when they uaw a tuor hguro htumbllng ulong tho trail that led to tho runahhouua a llttlo luer vouthor dvopped fwn uuglcu ut tha foot of itogar xrdley and thotl crumplotl down boalilo them worn out with luiln i nh of blood und lack of food hough but kindly humlh guvo him l uacommiiry attention with wouudu luitliml und biiiiduged aniliiftnr drinking a cup of hot norfen hod f outlier told tho utory of hlu udveii turo what it luokts in wortlu it tnudo up lu dlractiimui uud forco au ho flnuhed ha milntud to tho larger hlril thut to prove lied fouthor man for iliihr- not kid tlutt ho nodded to ward the kmullur of tho pair for sat young iumm uiy cuult to muko lumbm uufo itoil ferttlur tuke ruuh roukt hltvn lurnlu lie hald out hlm cup mom cof- foo ltogor artllny ikiurotl it lit ullonoo then ho turnod to llio ranch force und auld ruthr hpuklly ikiyu if ulnur grit and tho will to do hjn dtfy uu ho uoou it lu tho ipouu- uro uf u mull tlmn 1 11 uuy that hod lfoutltur huu nuido uool and im mighty glud to coll him my frland au woll ujt puy him wugeu value supreme is in every packet of i sa1ada every little ica1 will yield its lull quota of generous goodness sold m sealed packets only ycw vohks wet pcanadc ihn amarlruu ihuuo huu tho follow lug ucicuiit of tho ulguulio ixhi pullwl on lu now ork on july 1 north hy autl lrohlitloidnl iho iiio brlllluiit und duxullug tutf- uro wltuouuiil lu tulu country for muny u duy wuu tho potuile lu now vnrk ou 1 oiirth of july proloidliig uguliiht ldoml cjoillltltutlllll tmktllluo it ontiilu i or dry i the nhig iho piirndn p dim to ton 001 iiiuk count or owjn rt u tho work thoi id won tu who went i lun l iplimlnd from 101 j nu ily tho ii unl rouutuutu hlr i ti w m tixuclly 1 1 h3 flilu we can all do more than wt think we can i o know onfl ajhdulojuijgjil ttattrlfroiimlnary toknowng onou htrtmgth you do not know what you cuu do unfll you hava found out what you cannot do and while wo should 1m utreful in uhautnlng our own dlaf ability it im mfo forano who cuniiot alug iho doyology without getting off thk kuy to oonclmlo thai ho wuu not munt for u mualclaii and onn who indh writing u luttor a lior tu plainly unfitted for u htorury turor uut wltaii yua imvo oluiuen the cull ing tlutt up pea ik to you put the thought of your limitation out of your mind if you have gone into bunl- liekj do not uuy to youraalf that you will nevor iwi nt ror u roaponuudo pluco thut ull you hra good for lu routine work if you ura working on u tiawupuper do not loll youraalf thut you cun novel do anything hotter thuu report oourt prooaedlnau if you ura working in thn hue of your ability turn your uttenllon from your limita tions to your potmlbllltlom all of uu con do it arcut deal mofp tlian we think wo can and wo liolp ourmolvoa i to nchlevcmunt when ya think leva of i our hmttatloiim and more of our no- 1 tantlul poworg i inrludod oviry iudlvlfuul whothi r on root or lu uutomoblhu and iilmi lu eluded tho lutiidu which nunilioiwl 023 mnwlanbtid twintortri inun lvon tho wotu uduiittod tha pitruih wuu u full urn wo fur uu numlhiru wtra uivd ilowovar frank c druk f tho utfulr ltiuluteil thut 7c oa0 murcherm wora lu lino and u ttflagrum itoiit to wuuhlugtou dotdurod tlm nmnlmr rouche1 1o0 ooo according to tho rhulrmati of th purudo commllte au 610 mou um women had prnmlwod to upivuar near ly sou 000 of them hid not upiuur riiu imcuh given by thu muuugor wuu that tho inluutgt bout hud kopt many from the lino of inurch it wuw utrgoly uu unamtrlcuu pur urto wo far uu nut io null licit waro turn nniwl uu wull uu unauterlcuii h prlnclphi of the nearly 300 orlunlita tloiim raprauontetl in tho purudu 11 wnru itallatiu add to tho italian rlubu uml woe lo lieu organ luttloiut of othor fort igtieru uud it lu not dlmcult to imagine u parudo luudn up ulmoul tlroly of men uml women who ura america nu ttmpt y irner iiouiom he hi io the udh of vuruderm tin bucketu overflowing with cotton to rocull duyu when lieer wuu not unknown and placard hitler- ly donouncimr irolilhltloii ifglulaloru und untl uuloon workera nlniwo1 tho turn time tit of tho d monutratloi iho tvurado uud luitmeru war not without hucrlloga quotutlonm from tho itlblu ware dlxplayoil romiplauouu ly lu tin tort to uhow tlutt tho uhu of wlnawam fuvord ly raliglou illil nlovo unn dlvlitlon wuu currlatl u pic tura of tha ilord u uuppar und imuciitli it wuu inucrlnatl wlno wuu uutnl muyor liyiun dlugracod lilmuolf hy reviewing tho parudo ut mudli oijuaro uml pronouncing it u uiiltuidld nulhurht of the cllyu democrutlo bplrlt au iho muyor wuu mounting tho rovtowlng n to ml u mun wilbnut nn jnvltatlnn uttoinptoil iowodgo through with tho oulclul party ou 1ml ng utnppotl in nxplulncd i iwloug hnro i uuoil to bo a aaloonkooior hero aro uomo of tho plncardu rur- rlnd tu tho parudo prohibition took iho hunuhlno from our homou und put tha moonuhlno tho antllialoon inaguo doou not reprouoni tho hruhin of atuorlcu hut itu honeheudu pro lucked hy tho hoc ko fuller tnllllonu und tho uoft drink truut tha country u buffering from dry rol uprlnklo it no law lu loo rucrod to bo jiunu- tionotl a1 r ruan-iiuuld- a immlmr of untl1rohthltloii pa- ruilcu worn hnhl in uaveral of tho now joruey cltlom and townu coin in an ting on tho purudo hupt wm ii audoraoii of now york iuiyu liinittempt at political intimida tion in tho name of icruonul ijllmrty iolnoil tho notloer no work lhryihtholiwy iuiikplw thej domoiihtrutlon thut wag to compel mo or ikiiii imlltlcul imrtliu into nom- uutliig u wot cumllduta for muyor of new york city on u hoar pint form huu nivvared itecauua tho wo fullod to roulliui that a hluk which im not baoknd up liecomom a imomorang ruu uhowu that evou luipor- foct onforcemtint juutlfylng prohlhl- in tho enomy u country utut thut proportion pf thoao who lulk for lhiuor who will work or uurrinra ror it lu umull tho prohirtlon of thowe who pmfarrtml to on joy clean roc rout ion ut j dry amumameut plaotut compared with tho number in the parade lu olotpiont if thorn had been ico 000 in tho pa- rude tho lunthour couhorvattya pro- i diction of itu promotorut it wau tn have hoouthe ulgnul for- a national ilomoti- utrutlonfor political offeot the fuel thut u wupretue wot effort with tho lilolul uunctlon of orgunlxod lulnir a holiday when tho inlioriug man v rekirtod to lie crying for boor frew uugmonletl hy promluod dolagutlouu fron ull over tho kuut priiduced in una only onatoiith of thn numlwir promoted and ony uhuut mm- fourth of one per cent of tho popula tion f the oountrym nullification cen- tro tollu itu own utory congrauu which underutundm thut if hoar u llljvlwi will talll htcpipt8 cmiuln anno wuu uimhi to i pinplc bring tlnjr troiihlit to ha klulto ilitno 1 u i om nllili bar in huvo twi to hir ut ulmout tin durk uyiiu i yotiiig furo u rilkllloui iliino with it il rf 11 itv ba ino como imioktnituloou will return in noma form to noil them will nhoitly ulotwer tho domupd for roixal by muk ing th volutead act utlll tighter thu uvdwm purpouo of tlio puradu dantonutrutlou wuu to repeal thn law punned to turry the prohibition umeiid- munt lu tu orfoot puruiiuiit to liu own lartiim with it repealed thu alpaud- nient would im a nullity and jrohlhl- tlou would vunluh s ail tochnloulltlou and uuhtevfugeu fauldo thtu lu nulllncu- llon which fuot wuu uoiilonoeil by tlto luwubldliig puhlln ovoirln a pluco no wot au now york- city looking pon the bottom tho luittom im in uchl ua ouo man uuld uijd from thn look 01 hlu fuca you would think ho hud ulroudy htruok imittom und utruok it hurd iho iiulghhor who wum hull nlug wuu not ulow hi responding jllut lninol- ku bum what i nt to wca lu tha top lond for hut muni lln lu i ion nit to n tho ix mt there u no truar uuy- lug over wuu expremjel thuu that wo get what wo um looking mj- lu tltlh world iiok for hard lncy uud m horaumhoa ovur tha door ut kuup it uwny keop the vyou open for tho good und no ruluy now moon ovur duwnu upon ouo im tho imttom hi night mo lu tho top und the going lu atlwaya flnu that way the road toward tha bottom lu ugh uud utoity und the lauding hard oi0 who huu bojil thut way known how wore hlu uhftnt huvo eon aftar- wurd the topi it u u grand place to be i and uiaro if thlu wonderful thing ultout it no inuu avar rouohcu thu lop and uloiut then vi aid thi uu leudu thn way and the hlgnai wo get ha hupplar we ure nnd tha more good vo nun do hi the wojrld 1 i u uult kiiyhig tlie bottom lu lu ik lit talk tlm 0w luiiguago or tho topmout round uliig it morning iumiii and night whlallo it ovcrywhero ou and lie um no hard luok utoriou dim your might f llor wuu mury iiu uer iiwh l from her durk i in r wliola uttltuda wuu wliih i wire doud uud kilo cried iihowed n ither uurtirlitn iiuut lio vtry won- ulio agreed if life hem in uu iimuxlug uud uo thritl- hlg whut m nut tho noit 14 top bol i ilont mcim thut wuy mury ijhi r pllt d bhintly i menu hecuuuo ihlngu mo uo horrid htm itv ull wry woll to tulu u i mut ufa u holug umuulitg- uud ihrlllliig but if you wore alumuy uud uwkwurd uud uhy und hohioly whoii tvtrybiiily w in your fumlly lu liijiid hmklng und clover und popular you would n t think it uny fun either 1roluibly 1 uhouldu t huvo thought uo ut your iil couulit anno ugrvad imt nowwell i muut admit thut onjoy hcutliig tlio luiik whut uuiuo mary lou uuketl uhortly thn it a mn of woll tho game of getting on with people wo 11 uuy mury ijui whut lu tho mout popular thing in tho world oood looku mury iu ropllotl bit terly couulii anno uluuik hor hood wrong you dldu t ulop to think you don t llko people ror their looku ou know intter thuu thut why do you llivu mudotoliio ilantr mury iiii it durk oyeu uaftanod oh muduloluol you cun t help loving hor uhu m wo hvuhlo icxuntlyl think li over u bit when i ti ii you that you curry you ikiuutlfully utul iiuvh lovely oyohr don t you llko mot why couhiii anno llury iou trht1 you huvo child itu lwnfoctly true though itu uuldu from tho point lm trying to muko you don t minn lattery no i hmuii you to dlucovor lovely thtngu lu other people unit toll them miniietlmek mury sutu wept off to thiiiutu ovor two mlmitih tutor blilrley camo in though her lovely oyou wore not uulleit thoy worn troubled i don t know whut i um going to do ubout mury lou njpt bfgan jimt irowu minro dllilciilt every day uo blunt und uwkwnril nnd tempery i cull give you couulit v repli ed ii receipt wurruntod to cure fulthfully unpllod fraluo libr olvo her u i o mil no tlono every day for a month how nhould vou fool uhlrloy uruiigor if you thhugtit that you dull uud homely und awkward and if uveryouo round fuult with you ull tli tlmo why couuln anno lu it llko thatt wo didnt roullxo couuln anno noddod 1 know llul itu time to rcillxo v qucccsa comcq in cans fail- ultto in canto i ho- prtnl e n t i a i i look ti 0 i o a it uud gotu rtudy tlin frugal man ikon carefully and unvou cruiiitrntly tha ocoiinmloul muu upend juill- clouuly und uiiou windy tho euro till muu huyu only what ho noodu und wuutou nothing tha induiilrlouu mun worku hard uud iuvca hard 1 drift in all pnnleiilo frugality economy nnd induulry thrift lu prouporlty thrift tho power a uavo which niunu uof routrulot lu mainly lm- imirtanl not hocuuuo it moaiiu wealth in thn nnd not lieouuuo it onuhlcm you to inaka otheru work while you watch play but imcauuo it glvoa you poura or mind without peac or mind no oo can do hlu ttout work or lud a life really worth whlu tlio of milllonu huvo lteen ruin il iiernuho they never reach oil thn point whom thoy really owiiwl them no i vou if you am working to day for tho money that you muut puy nut on kit unlay you um not your own owner to uuvo money im to puy off iho orlguge on yourself and that ought to ba worth whlla the man who uuccoodm lu tho mun who think ho cun hucceuu oomom in cuim failure in ruptu uppnnod lo iilioul u an cnoine dnivefis 0tobv yfu in if i wij huyu uomjt nil h- nimluo li ivor um ho pllod hlu i i mi ubout unit uuihi hlu miiilihui j mir thing i or ugo yi 1 1 nuh mini llko mi in cry for l n iluuten und nobody hint illhm oiildn t yoiit w ii 1 did uml i uii hmikt try tvny limn i think of it i u running ulong mui lift rnoou i n tty hv ly whrll 1 iip loiilhert u llttln vll ui whir tho ttwak i utu through h utifoui 1 ulncktd up u lltth hut vu i utlll mukhig good upi i d when hi ilvnly ulxiiil twenty rodu ulund of in u lilt i girl mil mini thuu tlum yelin old toddlod on to thu truck wm cm imuglno my fuillngu i horn wuu uo wuy to uuvo her it wum lmhithlhle to 4 top t r oven iihickon iniicli ut thut llulumo uu thn train wuu heavy uud iho grudn riu muling in ten kacondu it would huvn btnn nil iivui uud uritir rnvorklng uud applying th brnkru x ubiit my oyou i dldh t wmi i to una uny arfhro au we ulowad down iny tl rn mn utiii k hlu hi nd nut of tho cub window lo ui o whut id utopn d tut win n ha lauuhod uud uhoutnl lo mo jim look hul i lookid uml there wuu u i ig blank nowrnunilliind dog holding tho llttlo girl lu hu mouth lohilimly walking rd tlm houifo whoru iiho ovld utiy hilonuid lllio wuu kh king uml cry ing uo thut i kiaiwuhn wniiii i hurl ji ml tho dog hud uuved in r my tlrmmi ihouglit it funny und k pt ou inugblng but i crlel llki woiunnl i juut roiildn t holp ii i hud i llttln ulrl of my own ul hoiin abkeq and answehucl a luitv ion hi oil u give u houuo purly mho hud locently litnight hulhlund and who wuh uhnwlng thlu to one of thn vluhoiu whon her llttlo unn enmo li rlo euurohund wuu tho goad hmiteiui lu pointing out iho uood uilulu of thn hulutaud thut roi it fow nioitiantu uhn did not no ike tlm urrlvul of thn llttti luiy but uu uhn did iilio uaw to hitr dluguut thut ho wuu utlll wearing hht hat loiumy uho an id crouuly whnt did i buy thut hututund forf for 1 go r lorted loin my hut you unld i wiuin t to toll unyouo sleep om wknt it wuiidorliil worl that ml con you do it mini n tliop oil into n kod rnuiitl loiipblunr locp if you uio iiriulln to tlicre la nomntlimu wion willi your iirrv oua nyatntii it in t tlanttcr aignnl ntuvotia pro n trot ion iiiolancliolia nervoilo lyepcpuia at a only h few of the aorious innliidicb tliut arc liable to do vol op dr milts ncrvinc 1 20 j will anotlia tlio irritated nnd over- a i rained hoirvri just olio or twb doaca liolpa natnio to rcatoro tliom to tieif ttonnol functions guntnn- toed safe and buie fou hau3 in at j on e j haboahd hv new quarters i um now roiiifortahlny uittlnl in tho m w ijuiirteru in tho htiirkiiutu lilinu uud um iwltur ubln t ik loo u ufti r tho nnodu of v rythlng iwrtnliilienrfhit wuur i will have uu uuulutuiit with inu illt ity und thlu will greatly furilitiito thn prompt repulring of all wink lift with mo im pairing prlrnu havo hneu rmlum 1 all urudui nf llhoou lu menu and iloyu ilnu in utock t e gibbons mill st acton free press advertisers are always reliable a very uppuruiit effect of tlio work of the nupurtment of agriculture ut ottawa lu thu improvement that huu taken place hi tho ohutnlliiuum und purity of thu peopuvu food icupoalul- ly lu tlilu trua of thu work performed by tha live shook uud health of anl- mulu hruiiuluu halter oqulpmont ut tlta ktotik yurdu hau tfeon brought aliout uu well uu improved faotlltlau for traiihihiitatlou on tho ouo imtul und on lha otlur rigid liiupootlon ut tha ulmttolru ami uluughtarhoukou inuumu healthy uid wholeiuima inautu for con- mimiiuion it 1m imiiohuihlo to ovar- oillmuta thu vulun of tho work that im thuu holug aoouiplluhoil at tlio cuniinrium uluo olouiillneuu uud whole- uoinvitmiu am uuuurnd by tho ngtllu- tloiih tliut are unforced by luupecloru um mipt rvluoru under tho immodluto control of tho houlth of anlmalu llrunoh ickgu and inmltry under thu poultry nivlulon of the uvo htoolc llruunh huvi leon ndwauuod lu puluu oulhuutlou lu hygono tlinuu iioumo- holiloru ulwuyu hud cortuln kiwpulonu or tho nggu miippllod at tho hroukfuut tuhln uno uuetl in cooking tha umiiui li aitpaoteil ontwlor uiil goinatlmou inoro lu u donvii to proya uniuilutublo unit worn ruiroly dluup- polulod lo duy they buy und oook ith iolillll thu mlhln lu tiuo of ull o lint ill holey of food wutchod over hy thlu nnd othor depiirtuiuutu hy logliiliitloi iiiliihorutlon huu ihwii i kod mul uu inurly uu pohhiiiio aup- prahihhl thu cnpublo work not only ntlmmu but lu nonntuntly being ug- patidod uml uiilurgwl lu uoopo io- mhilon lcpurtmoiit of agrtoulture ummimnimtlmffmmlllij j n oneitt son distributors for studebakeranddodgi brothers motor cars for acton georgetown milton j xl tikishman aclmi keiirpunuilfvo e3 automobile tops we uecovett auto tops and equip movtt auto with door opening cuiltxlns carriage rubber tires wejiavejolellesteqlllcment folt acelyinfi caiu kuiiiiku tubes on shortest notice j n oneill son georgetown ont g faulty dookkeepind hho you intoreot ino nlruugnly m muu aver hau lie fore ha you aprutig that on mo laut night bho ovj wum that yout advertise one of the most persistent advertisers in the liistory of success was robinson crusoe ite jincia what he wanted a ship and he put up an ad for one he flung a shirt on a pole at the top of his island that in tlie language of the sea was plain lo every seafaring man the circulation wasftiau there was no other medium hut crusoe kept at it despite the fact that he got no enquiries for a long i ime he changed jhj8copyjasoncgarmenlaftcrnothe domestic science fireless cook stove i t i nn i n 1 1 ii i i lln npint iv t f it ii hill iigli ring lotd i j 11 1 k i im lu lltuti rull tiavrn i hi i in hi ilfl i tv i j on uu ir nt if fu 1 n 1 fin i i i u bli it i tin i 1 ood iavi ii in hi 1 iii i um i 1 i llllli i uipr- tiou lolu kliiin tluli tlill wilidit uud nil tin ir il im il nn i uiilrluu nt hut tun in iok i lu tin ilrelmu took jltov i li in u i i rimiiud i ikjd wt um i h wi i or hroilrl frh uud hil t u tin w man thai frit nt 126 00 4o m nml 49 u the iiond iiatuwaltk co ltd ihon 1012 quelph this stores policy to represent jooiu eg- nctly as to their quality to sell to those who know autl to thosa who dont know at h uniform fair price to fulfill nil guarantees and cheer fully correct all mift- tukes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savageco7 jewdlcm guclph ontario k v ttjuichuohosrwfcir tforonto canatji grand trunk the double track route him ickm montheal toronto detnoit chicaqo unnxculod dlilug oar ucrvlce hleoplng caru on night tralnu ai- rurlor curu i n rrlnclpal day trainu vull luformatlon froui uuy ct run trunk ticket rgent or c 1c ilornli dlktrlct panaoiiger agent toronto ii a holmes aenl acton ont i piiok 1 out- andin the end got what he wanted suppose crusoe had taken down that signal after a time and declared advertising doesnt pay where would he and his story he now y put up your signal aiid keep it there crusoe advertised under very discouraging circumstances youve gofn sure tiling it is only necessary to have the patience persistence and pluck of ttohiusoiv cruspc and thegood ship heller business will lie up jongside your pier wan mimwimmim r noble ita acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity op peed corn ano oil cake just received flour peed nokvai itran and shorts hay r r straw r noble ltd hlmnv awrev manaoeh wlwn you need boots shoes i at rany time si hoy from i w williams mill sliwl acfcn iamous i ok satisfactory jfootwear rpasonabih uic1s smi

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