Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1921, p. 2

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q artim 3ftce lrchfl n 1iiu jidda y auotliir 4 1031 that wad rathlho wav iviiii in iiiik it i i mi i in i llllt llltllll i lovlllg mpot hill nu ninth i hi i l in nay j hut in fiilhei u uny 111 1411 nil nturr hlul j to luilili und lhiy till v of lovo del l hllti uulllill 1 4i tilni lii mine to tiny 1knew iwnu fullmra uuv rhittw ml llnwl hu immi mill unafraid i eo ujwuyu in tint light aulmllt wholouomo life he made aild thtm mine to ilin night an eye ti mil ho u up to pray ami lliut wiiii father u woyl clirlutlun advocate 1 jkt juei jkp ix 3jc jk on the tfflod tide dy trxurlau e durnham jxi xi jxujke fcl i sv- lr tank you ttiuk nno boeg mcouluuw viiu 111 wedgo hoeui pine tree wooelah n nor 1 1 n 1m rmuurked an- tolnd jlniiuiuouu looking up ut tli a tree which ilradley nlchole wan fell ing i chopped tlnwii troeu afore yo von born rtfnohy growled nlcltal tiiim tree a goln to fall jet wlutr 1 want it to an it wont tube tin wmu it tin it maybe mecutali nnochulu liut ah luliu uho lodge tuiliuui you wedge heom ireueutly tlio big- june foil nnrt uure enough it lodged in tho crotch of an nag nlrholm turned with an eneutma- linn of dlugumt turned hi tlm to ha u tint i idled grin on tint lyreiiuhmanm fuuo 1 vtirt ilrndl nidnxl nlflholw fairly henldn hlmnelf willi rage qa down to tlio uhlpyurd uu nut your pay it wan in vain tlut jirudloy nlchol foromuu pleaded with tlm mhlphullder in behalf of autalnn thar dont no grjnnln vrenrh can- uuok work fin- me once i tell him to kol howled nloholh in ftt ily may be i illd figger wrong bout that tree lint thotu no rod win why he ehould utund dmr uu grin hue a cheuey cat i han 11 rod un thurm afv end ontl it wmu u luim w int or that an to i no i liut in hat ynur ha wmiurml ocruitlon- al john ii limit tlio twtr- front nvar- huullnir wiiiujl imititx making diem uiuwurthy hut imfum mirliur h kijtyv wlmt it tiiuitnt to ko to ihmi liuimry atitnlnnm uhutk wiim liwiatutl u tjuur- tr ttt u tilln imiiow nlchnln uhlpyanl on u mtlu luilnt of land which made nut u hhort illittanc into e1iiii wvar uu ami of tint won wlilcli etnleil at tbo alii i yard in front of aiit01iih cabin fctoad liltm troo of ootmlilorahla ua it wan ono of tho landmarkn to be mmhi whou romliiu uii tbn rlvof it wau all oddly uliutwd troa inortt hratinhtui on th laud ulilo than toward the watar and rtithor incllund td loan uliofflwanl anlolna prlsttl thtt tmo highly ii llkod to hear urn wind ooiikhltitf tliixiuali tin ikiiiichu fbunuhaw it mogui od to curry hlin luick to cunmla to th nraat foroalu of tbo north quo moraine narly in tho ujirjntf i luunrhtailati with u doxii banoht of turihtntlno and u oonuldorabu quantl ty of oakum wau nlowly maklnic lti way un dtlll ltlver two men and a iwty comiwi4l tbo oruw two mlhuf from liu whlpvurd tho oakum caubt urti tmunimubly from it ouroltuwly droiumwl mu tcli or a anark from u plvf thou ihlnuii lwun in hiiiwjti itim liuvjwin faitt llndliitf thut ihoy wmo itoworleuu to liut- out tho tiro tho cruw iromiitly juinihxl ovorbourd and swam uuhoro huvlnu ha luuuoh to drift uuvtroam with tlm udo antolno cbuticml to ba looking down- rlvvr when tho launch obllrst into tlutniiw ami wow tiulik to ralui tho duiiit on uihiul rntty to ud luunobchl wbll two otlwi- voahoiu vram wolj ulotv tawunl uomiilntlou towuril tboua vim1m the blafcliitf craft wau tlriftlntf nml itoonor or lator it wum almout aura to it aflr to oim or morn of thorn for the tiiln wum uwlftly curry 1 n j tbo llery mtmaoo uillhor aulolnu haiitniioil intq blw tthack und tilcklnic up bin uku taturntml to tho ihub of tlm tilno tree ah tunk ah noii beem when nh bo by ho knultnrod uirowinif vrt blw imt and tlrlvlnir tho uxa into tb butt of tho trim 1or n loin ut ok tho obliw rtow tvoni tlnto to time anlolna klancotl toward tho nutnlntf imatj tho thno cam thut bo reallxinl that hi wum a iue- tea ondaavor tinlearf no put art a bunt of unood foflho bout w font in if tli ixilnt whore be wum ut work thou it wum tbul be ojiemwl up icvery blow of tho ujco wum u tailing one uroillny nietxiln hud leuruod of tho luncer whloh tbrealenvd hlm jiroparty and while antolno wom ut work fall ing tlt4 ii l no be wom humtanliur down rlvr with a nbalii hoiilutf to throw it acroum the rlvor in time to intorflaut ha craft thbf he tritju to do juat tmlow whont autoluti wum ut work with hi ujte aluybo noeoholm do it muttrd antolne but au tunk be miib butikle j nlcholm did mtiku u hurikld of it the elm in proved to be too hhort mini the burtihu bout drifted by autolne had cut tnoro thuti bulf- wy through the butt of tbo tree on tho hide toward the water und bud niado u dti acurf on thutolhur uldu of tbo iilue ah already noted tbo- tree lcund mhomwartl momewhut und the time cm no that antolno drovo in but wodiiti a balfdexeti blow with the axe und thu trao would full itat wlmret nlaholu uullnur bltnaolf tiowerlui atrout tbo protfreim of thu burnluu boat kutln nlu dory bla eye raalened uhin the trembunir ilo ho reullxod thut tho rrenhiniu wum jtuiimlu to fell tho lieu uivou thu omft but doubt ed hbt ublllty to awing tbo pine out oer the water i hit d fiihly lurowi llio ocn n hinulnif bout t doiui it yillnd tho idillihulldui i wnuldii 1 hiivo imllvod ii if i ha ml uu ii ullh hiy own tyoi llimlliy niminlm nwid in in hi dn4 init idiintly hudiml antolju aiilnliii jt it a w4ioduiuttiil ik iiilmtit urlliplnu llio riaiiiluouin ml whli h in mil mil ii ilulil mi to tho dot d luno vi on lurr id ii ilillul a 11111 n irlm ih nonoh i ilulil in hlu i wouldnt imvu llllluhdd if yitu 1 1 ml ruljnd autnlim now 1 in inlun yul t ki liihiiid nh holii very nohtnli if ye liiiiln t cininn ted id h u rulim hum tiim no 1 nun ruiino on lmt vcuurl i m to ilium ii roimi thu fuul o tlii wodk an id uinoly havo inut hor hut for ye antolno ah uluil ah nuir lion in out jiim rlirlit wluir uho mil mniirlfixl dm 1 raiirhuiiin hut ah coin to nilun htriu wlirn din avfnd dm t no miini blow through hi r ah llko to hour dm wind uliiu it nuik inn tunk ah i molt in clllklllu rrmtfintly nit h ii in wont ida nmu bui k lo dm uhliyuid uiul after hoy hud kiin ho turned o aidnlun autoluf unld ho antoluu i want yn to lake u walk with inn i want yo to won a imherlot 1 liouiffit iihlmrt llino uuo an hdur lulor tho iihlubulmnr lod llio way into u hlitlinboflnt of vit uln plno throo inllijifriiiiiihoyljiaja- ani4ilihnrwant yi in wo lo wrlt for me dndurod nhholu lilnclnjf lilu hiind on tho kronrlinuiuw uhoiildoi i want inuu horn dint i nnn trim onti who known how to fell a iron juut right tliuru woi k htii foi yn for a yoar or morn when uilm hi down tbnr ii lui iihiuty o woik for o for lm huyjuir atuiidln tlmhoi iluht loiitf i ve uot jiiml one utlimmrlntlon o iimutt thot yo ilont htjrli no axe into hmie ba ftloioii iluou whnr wo m iduiidln here lu whur im toln to hillld ii ciihlu for yo an im uolii o ulvo ye n dnitl to tho euhlu tho land it uotu on au diue did nhuii ah don t know wliut lo nay mhhm- tnh noecholu you nmk my houtt no ihhiic uhe mnu chouo mul orlnd au- tihi bin yoa lllllni jlont yo uny iiolblii antolnn re plied ilin uliliihulldiir jout ohp tho w041ll 1 the fatlmbrb platpohm the plutform on which tho united mi mum of allieria mot wlllr uwoop- llnu victory innludod tbo folkiwlilk ptunku iromrtional rojiroi prnfereullul hullot i odimtltumirlon kndoruutlon of tho printilplo of tho inltlullvo rftrrniluii und rornll no kovcrniuiint ho mqliti iiil dnfenlnd okcopt by u dlmpt vote of want of wmflilmiro lccoiinmy in ndiuluhitiiitlon ronalil- tnoi with elllolonoy almlitlou of tho patioiiiiue uyutoni creation of n hltthway conimlhulon izxtnudiid und iiuprovdd ndunnllomil fnollhlah mnlulnniiuco of prolilhltlon of of lliiior umfor uuoh oomluloim ni poonlo may uuncllon by refoionihii ho turn o the province of lla natural reuoinmau coopuratlvo markotlnu of furm pro iluotm to bo oiiourunod ulontf lluoii calculated to roducu out of produc nu und dliilrlhutlon tiiim platfonn in iiuhmllted hy n uiierlnl roimjttoa of tho u 1 a to tho provincial cinintlliiuiiclon pu u mukkohtdd plutform it in ucoom- ikuutetl by a declaration of principled whlomindafta followu jlollovlnic hut tho prohcnt imiiot- tloil eondltloiui in pa rind a politically are duo in laro ineueuro to dlnuatlii- factlan with tho party uyutom of trov- erumeiit nod ilollovliitf that prewout day polltlcnl inutltutlnun fall to manuuro up to tho reiulremoiitu of preifrttt day coiiilltlouili in that tho preaent nyutom bau failed to dovclop a uiiuloiondy olninl con nection lietween tho mpreuetilatlvo and the o too tor und hint tho people deulro a ureator niouniire of uelf-ffov- ernmnnt itecflbiilsinu tho rlrhtu of nil cltl- koiiu liollovinir that it lu tho duty of every cltlxnn to exerclne hlu ilshtu of cltlicenuhlp in ho mont nfildont man ner ami in tho bout intercut of hoc in i proftrretui ami hollevtnir thut in dividual cltlitfiniriilp can only ho mudo elttcleut and cjfectlvo tbioiikh tho vohlclo of kyutomiitloully nrkunlxed btoupm wo tho uiiltotl varmnrm of alberto imiuo our hope of developing n uoclal inhunnco uml a prourouhlve force on becomlnif a utahlllxnd elllolent oruau- htatlon we therefore place primary eniphumlm on orkahlmiitlou our orwaiilxatlon la rontlminimly in authority und while throuuh it we forniulalo d ooliiru t inuu of prlnclplo or a no called platfotm tliontj are at ull tlmeu midiject to ehntiue by the 0iim- katlon we urn itrnupu of oltlaenu kolntf political notion rh un oruanlui tiotr our ejected repreunututlvnu are ut ull timom iiiuwernble to tho oruunlx- utlon icarb nleatod lepveuentntlvit lu uimwerublo dirootly to the a ma nl tui tion in tho conutltuonoy that elected him we ulm o develop trouah the d inly of aoelal iniitticonomlii pmhlmnh ait intolllgent renpmuilhlo oithieiiulilp tiium ncaulxod nltuenuhlp heromok the vehicle not only of lutellgent vothitf but uleo of intellltront ifuldunoe of elected mireitativori vahickcvcr you choose it will be the best you ever tasted salada ulack tea lilch batlarylntf p iavpuv from lb iineet gkrdenm mixed tea i net oauffc grn t to mk the blend d4jtlicioum green tea a rantallon la dreea ten purelrbutlec4mi ut rivtry a itdaoulit- thu no i dm privacy n ulumped hor f dont rare uhe land it any lonuir o ihll for i ilono hi i ha dm way luttii uho v perfectly m pouthuriv nhnut hir hlnuiulf if h doriu fn f tier own loom foot luillunuutly rld i juut won t i vn hit ii iijiuod month mid ii i ho ulmut aullu fluher imr hair nml dm vurylliliiw i ml ut hn inhi i rrruitriitati why illdn t he inurri bur i thitiku her uo p rfi ott lopjr thnii jiiinuldj liiit ino women and inbincehltv ooodbye dnrllnu do nomo ukiiln wotm ilo tbo luulunero woman upoedm her iiartluir uueut and then when tbo door bun nloned behind lmr lemflfi i do tllellke mr x i hopo uhe won t think of puylntf tue another vimi r u ioiik time of oouree there 1m no reuon why tlm lualnoero woman hbniild not un like mr x liut why hhouhl uho be mo ettumlve o thnt ludyt why mhouht uhe heutow eiuloarln eplthehi ilium her und exnreatl neutlmontu jilui floem not fetdy bo many women ileur und darlliw eucli other with no friendly feeluiu ikiiiiimi thu leimk it uch a pity und olieupoiim nrfecllou a woinun ehnuld try to lie uliicere if uhe dot not oara for unothor twotnuu ubecuu lie iiollte to bar without woltib lo tbo extreme of urfuulvniiotm it la ih a ulmple thhitf und mluurlty im ulwuym uppreolated home made maxima ho cant do ltl he cried tti tho meh who wore htm f llvlu man can throw that tree r without fall and tackle antolne heard hut heeded not tbo burning bout wum within fifty feet of the upnt where be bud planned to fell the tree the wind wan funning uie flume toward blni und the beat from tile flam inn barrel of turpentine wom terrific but ha etood lilu ground he glanced up at die ireo und un iti- tant later drove tho wedge in a bit farther the great tree wax trembling lie mwuiift hi uxo und drove it deep into the heart of tho trunk hlowly the pine bckiui to hut f he lioat wum iwllhlti ten feet of the jupot ho bad planned tin once more idld bo uwlug hu wee and the pine fell an irulant wuver truitt a imiimlful nutn wlmn tho flghtliilf lu on the round ho will lib lip a tree kluiider llko n etono imthorm more mini tbo farther it rollm novur help to roll it- if you wub to iflve ii man u puuh do it on tho up ururioi the other grade lu im not keep vour eyon too m tend fuul ty fixed mi tho mtomhllnif otepu o your nelglibifr you may full to uee die block before ynif own feet lie not think the world would inn to a ntuiidathi without yeo it wuh moving for thouunndh of yeurit before you enttarod it and it wit wtlll move when you have gone a similarity when lm yarn of the mint jutkod how he oumo to fall wild that ho didnt eome to full lint euiiiw to mkatebrlngu to mind it clerk the mechanical iopartmoui wlio uukud how ha iliod ida llret at tempt nt hkatiug well bo diawlnd engine un t the only thing i know br that ha a tender beolnd- thirninntitirrortiiio di tluit uh wuu not uolnu lo heal mo i iik1i of anita f i im thut duy forth for v moi o i hen dm noxt dilntc ului dl wuu to write u uweet little note lo ml oeoiuro 1 luber und luvitn hu- and jmr huuhund lo tipeud dm following wti k- oud with phil und beiuelf ut lmr inotli- firn hunidilow uoiuu mlleuout of town rimy utcontod proiuptlyr and 1 rlday nftciuoon they drove down to tho lake wluro tbo hunuulow ulood und dipou- ited tin inuelveu bau and hutmuite after they hud nil tttllillrnd tho view doilu uhowod anita lo her ruotu upd uliiplng on a thin milliliter gown went dowi to die kitchen to preparo thn dluuek i hey had all uureed to the cmtiplnuout plan mid every one wuu to hnlp with tho cooklnir hut when thu muul wau ready nn hour later anltn had not yet appeared below utuiru wjifch uhe rnnio uliu wan u vlulon in ilaine oliired unlln wlilcli fairly daanled the eyeu of otheru phil wuu oh an nod and after dinner ho uiidaitook lo uliow imf the groundu whlln aeoruo and orlu wuuluid tho dliihuu it wau ulm out twelve when thoy ciimn buck to tho mirch ami dorlu had been lm lilnjf boruulf to keep awake for die laut two hnuru ilreakfaut at nine uald dorlu it woolly uu aim mturlod ujmtalrti u few innmoutii later wlthotlt rmneitilmrlnur to kin phil goodoiliilil alton t 10 30 the next thiy anita ap peal od lu a lnvander georuetlo creu- tlou thut would turn any tnanu bead iheu ulto threw beruelf in u low uhalr and ordered her huuhuml to hrluif ber lolhi ami ooffue till i will do it doriu uuaured her aoorgo lu juut off to ploy n little ten- iilu with lue iorlmpu you two won t mind utartlng lunch if wo uro u htdo into ulioy rolurund nhout threo und found no ii i un ii of food of any kind no ruti- tiacked tho inrdor for cold meat to uuutulu them till diuuor at louut phil who had had no cxerriuo all duy wnw cry in if for u lonif walk in did woodu und luuiuted that ijvory oim ahould go ho anltn iiiiuthimtd hor feet into iklubbeeled oxforila ami put on a felchlnu roulumo which look her ex actly ninety in hint ou ut arrungo it j wuu itftor live o clock when they net out luckily it htnyu light rulrly lute atlll aaltl jlill uu ba looked at ida watch comn on anltu we ii loud tbo way tlioy were noon overtaken hy porlm h nd ooorge bowovei mid ihll found that politeneuii wau forclnu him to cretin nlonir nt a unnllii pace far be hind tho ntbcrji nt the nldo of anltn porirt know every path in tho woodn for uho bml been brought up in thin part of he couulry and uhe bad nl- wuyn loved tbo woodu ulmut tho bun un law but oft or u time the uky hotanio dark and there wau a diutunt rumbllnn in tho blllu thnt boupoko u utonn jtii uohnf to rojn in u few niliiutea mo of dioue huddou heavy abowora have up hero homotlinflu wo muut lluil n pluoo lo utuy lu there no h heller atoutt demiind- od atiltu wlioue feet wore hurting her a well buvu to uet under that nlunip of trecu over there aa loujr um the utuuiler ami light nine doomit oflmo thiu way woll ho perfectly nufe tbece jlinv dronilfui oxcluimod anita uu uhe tonchod hor dying uiurrol wave willi a roiu of deuiutir take my nweutor ilorhi liegged ihll irylng to wrap it nlxtut her i dont need it ray anita ha fewer elathdu on and nlui lookm cold youd better give it toor a little reluctantly be did au ho wuh told tlilu lu a lark cried dorta un uho loaned ugaiiiut n broad treetrunk i nniht nay you huve n qiieor i of umihomcnt put lu her guot whouo jiulr wum beginning to bang in utrmtght wlupu ulhiut hor face t fall to ueo anything funny about it neither do v ugreed v whouo illupohltloii wuh bolnu affected by tbo nhillu which hlu gallantry wnu ooutlug are you uure tliorv lu nu way out 7 1 u good four mtlom to the tlrwt lilq0wiurn wo co ul it meet tlio road and ut leant three mile imek the way wo came ii m gottlng dark too uml i in afraid we wont lm able to make it ut nil thurem no moon toutght und you dont follow tluudi trull with out even u bukhlfht we ure probably hefuvfor tho night lont joke retailed rhll tjiih im really uorlouw i reulue it a will nu you do re turned the glrh quietly i know theen woodu and hovv euuy it lu to get lent lu them we huvent oven a mutch am i rlglitr ihll wau uniuxed nt the calm poluo of bin humiee lie imrdly knew her if nu nutraxel acreamed aullu mtidtplng her foot vehemently come come aullu her buuband put lu nil illy voud nevr u ttblo to walk another mlloonlgbt und you cant expect ihll to jjrry your 10 poundu for old tlmou make can yout leieu a 10111 to everything fhut your mouth i tluuhed hi wlfol igrily ount you do molnethlng ihll r lo alld not ueeui nncniiruglng uo miiii walked ubruptly uway ilorlm wau only ono of tho party who wuh excited by thlr uiioximotod plight who huulotf hurxelf itpdlng a cool moot where they oould turnip fof the night and uftet a time fleorge aught homn- tldntf of her uplrlt uml eudvuviiivd to hohi inji u little hint nvot produced uoiie mnalj cuweil of chocolate which uhe ntoreti in her pocket uml which proved a grout boon to her very huugiy compunlonu i muut go to lied now tiuld lorlu when nlie bad inlahcd cant you utuy and talk to mnt ihll nlntoht pleudvd 1 um mho wopt uvor towuiditho bed thut uho hud prepared for borelf bpulile anita not wheh im mo in need of my lieauly uloep ulm told him mwoetly hung youi beauty uloep and 1 thouglit you loved beauty uhe in nulled nil mo ut hoven-rgooil- night ihll mturted to kin her but elm won gone 13 fir in had a abort but re free 1 1 in g uloep and wum up ut live making a toui of injtpeotjoii of the uurroundlug countrr m i vry turly duy utiiuueitd hulk to dm bnn und immedlult ly thn i lulit ru dluuppuund to llinli own muiituiiulu to make up a little of the ulup whit ii thiy lm 1 1 iniil ijorlu took a 1 old batll ullpped on n fimuli tlreuu und w nl down in tho lake lor a inuu hunt uhe lay there tlreiimhig hap plly al of a tiinldi n uouie one nine up l hint her and revered her eyea wllh hlu bnnlu dorlti put up her liuiiilu and drow hlu arinn about her oi ihll lun t it imrfert iliil nut down hotil le her und drew her ho told her i ondi 1 fn you were not worth your you uie perfet nevtr reijhtnl how till hint iilulitl llltle lliigit i think un whiupi red doriu what u lurky iloif i mn ho went on after a little while when t look ut othirt men i tuullxo it 11101 o nml more only think of that poor iwioli of it leoige i pliy hm from the ileptbu of my luiirt imagine helm umrrlnd to a womim wlu a dlupoul linn llko anita u oh boyl anil hi leally a vi ry altruotlve wnmaii bin llumie liuiluud kindly not to my way of ihlnklmg thut will have to be onu of dm few dilnuu win re wo illuugrco common mj8takeb lliiluo mcroimlcb of hau kruiiluji nay jhemi mo tho thlrtthn ttommonoil inlutiikpu lu life 1 0 httotupi o i et up you 1 t h imlunhi of iluht tiid wioiiu in liy in iiuauuie die mjoyimiit of in ru hy youi own to expei i uniroiiulty of ophihnni lu hlu woill lo full j to make ullowoiuou fin ln- 1 xpt rhuiio it niiiluvir lo mold all ijmioui1iuu ullke nrtt to yluhl to iitlluiporiaut rllhu n look fot finrfoctloii in our owp in llouu 1 to wmy on whut cannot l ullot lie rt liintllnd to oonulder u thing hnioiiuhle dint ve eamint ollrwplveu pei form i ulllig to help everyltedy wlmrt ver inwevi r und whenever wn ran to believe only what pur mlnihi an 11 uup not to muke ullowaiireu for dm vf nkueum of otheru in imtlmale by uoiuo ouluide tluutlty fhm it lu that within which makiu why suffer pain you nantiwliiulloe lo yourieu iii buulneuu uoolnl or lioitm life if you untler from imnihclm huduolnn nourlln monthly palnu onany nr llm tliouuuiul kiiii one puluu with wliloh all of nt are hlloud al one tloifj 01 uuollier r th nun puluu imllduto v very leul iliynlcl liuiftor hut there urn very few pulpnof uny nature that are not prouiutly relloved hy or mlleu- anti lalh 1lllu v oet them in handy hoxbii at ourilruiutorn hitjt in inmirniino uiritl iit1 beail- nlio ckruloklien nenralkiu and pain of ulniout any nature prtauls anti pain pills headachtsand rhuematic there am no dlntrfltiblt uler 1 id ctu mr ml taln llllu v v stop the pain without upuelilioalinu ilrnwulnt m liiirlii hi thn head o fniiiiinji a ilriift liuhlt diiaiaiilenil mute utii bur hold in a0ton dye j ha8dai1d the wav homl the ion how do hlrtla llud heir way iu auuwered by uiuiiy in- ufnlouu uud hieoilhiivtt themjeu many liuve decldetl that hlrdu pouueuu a hdhuo of tllrtclloit wllh h lu nfti n vt ry ln- rnrreclly railed orientation lllologl- itilly iblu term tlocii net imply any onimctlon with die luout hut iu uim- iy uued to deecrllio the powei of llnd- inir tlm wey biirk to a certain hauo turning home in 1 he migra tion nf ltfldu mr t a coward quotou from mr john ilurroiliflui way of nn 1 uro a ntilklug inutnnre of tlilu faculty durrouuhu uou brought 11 drake liimiti lu u hag from a furm two mlleu uway und whut it up lu n burn willi two duekii for u ouy and a night au it wnu releuaed jt turned itm lieail homeward but for three or four duyu itu effort m were frustrated then mr llurmuichu deeldetl to nee what the bird would do and ho net it free the homnuh k mallard ntnrlod up through dm riirruut patch then through the highway which hn bad ver uueii and mr llurrouilui follow ed if ty yurdii hclilnd a do urn red dm bird and turned it up a lime but fter 11 detour it leached thn road auiilu it mopped lo hiithe lu a rnad- ilde pool then idol tod uff rcfrouhod a jntio lend llur fn tbn rlnlit dlieetlon off tho main road piiiiidod ii nml it look n wionu tiirnlnir hut dlueoverlng itm mlutakn made for tho road uguln but not by ucliinlly retracing it utepu fahie mnvo iieoipnd to put it out ror uriei benltntinic at tlio next ami right xturulnir it actually overuhot tho mark mr ilurrouha unnhlo to npni time to continue the experlmnnt died headed it hack ami whou it ronohed the turning uifiilu it ruced bnmu with miiii nt xlguii of joy canadian pacific farm laborers wanted tare going 15 to winnipeg fare returning 20 from winnipeg h tent bf bill itiitla paint ifl wlulht ool 0 bates auqust auid auqust tcrritoriv vn stlun le oatrl i iwli f 11 to mn i liul ilnx tomato 01 lilt onlvfld hhatt lien o i kn ihvk plwuo i inn j finu slslluna icinailei to uatifrw juiictw lot i ml v y i ynm hiiu f twont4tlulbury tllnct llti uittfo torente miij vatry houtvl im1uiv t- ll dnnl 1 f hi uinkll 11 1 llmlloa u hilnwa lrflilv auqust 1 0 biun lloulh fcul wi nf ttnonlo to mn i iclu ling nil too tn i wind we ob i j j from own moumi wiwlab uin taw uimu f 1 taw i uedafltil iu uuvv ri 1 pot llurwll bbtlbi tlltnynrich moiau ykaim mom toh6mvo vidtwlcul a w u iiouaud dlttiiet pr ant tereele the unknown ooldictt if tlio jirtuiout plunu nro carried out thl iinthin un arm ut i co day will fol low tho exnmploofl nglnnd and lruunn nml bury with appropriate rcronloulom tho body of an unidentified private noldler tbuii dirough him it will do honor lo the mllllonu of young amorl- ciiu rltlxeiia who cheerfully and cour- iigcoiiuly took their placcu in tho rnuku lo whloh their country railed them and cupeclully to dm hundred thouuajid whe gave up their liven for thn tjiuuo foi which wo fought the oociutlou wn bo impreiiulvo it cannot luit touch tbn heart uml uplift tho uplrlt of everyone who hint uffoollon for am- eilcil uml for tbo tblngu for which ameulaa utuudu in thtf world it will be particularly lutereullng if nil uooinu prohuble xluruhlll koch ubull hn tho nation n guout ho mnrn tliau uny itlmr one mnu ty 11 1 lloii the tenacity he high couruge nml tho moral iron u i h that in the end brought vf fi lmy to thu allied iiriiuj wo uhult ho proud to imve him utand with uu ut the grave of ou unknown itoldler we ure leuu fortunntn tlinn 10iiluiid in that wo hnvn ho great hfulorln 1utl011al abrlnn llko woutmluuter ab- boy lu wktlch to lay our honored dead nor liuvo we like kyuut o tiucb a monument to pent military kloryuirtbn are de trlomphe beneath whloli die uwiich i6llu wub burned ier- liaiut there ih no othor pluce lu the united hln leu up upproprlato iih tbn great nutlonnl cemetery at arlington vlrgiitla thirt ut uait lu thu opinion of thomo whtlmi- pbimibig- foi the ceremony there the mold lor ulaln nil tlm to id of kranco will hn in dm pmuenmi of uenrly twenty thoiiuand men who roll lu he unrvltn of their country in the gieat olyll wur or in thn war witli hniihi more than four thoumuiid of them aio like blmuelf unknown among the iithci aio men from every rank tleneralu who oeiu- numled ilrmliu tin uide by uldo with lulialleruu ami prlvntou tbo unknown iioldld will i hi at home among them ilku ilium ho gave evorythlllk nt din nation rail iiuo them be helped lo dement with hlu blood tho foundation of the independence tho imlty the moral power of america iilh to mil will huvo exceptional ulguirtoauoo be ouuun it will uymbolixe tho gratitude and u foe tin u of bin couutryinen not forvhliinielf ulono hut for tho tbouuamlm ofotheim who lauglil thn world uio dignity und die unity uud tbo utiength of our im i ion compiled nu it i of un many illverno eleiheutu iu tho year to come unit tomb will bo one of the momt frequently vlultod undouu df tho iiuiht muered potw in tbo cfunltiy youth oompunloii rpmmmmmrnmrmimmimmm j n oneill son distributors for studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for acton georgetown milton j j r lei111man acton kcymiciilauvo automobile tops we kecovku auto tops and equip your auto with door opening cukta1ns carriage rubber tires we have the best equipment tott applying cariiiagc huillllcit tikes on shortest notice j n oneill son georgetown ont b domestic science fireless cook stove ii t r nn i nil i vi m i hn 1 juut un nt f ii n hill 111 jim m lri j0i 1 ii 111 i 1 plnir lm huh 1 ull oavrn i in 1 in 1 1 ulll v j li ho pn 11 nt if fix i nil i fllil l 11 liln kem in 11 iiiixi f ood uavcii in ihir ml i- 1 tin in i 1 ijjin lwi hi ullon 1 10 tn 11 loin ih ii full wi ight un i all llitir ii11101 1 1111 i tuurlirn nt ulint tun 1 imliul in ln lieloiiu p00u htivn i oiul 1 niiij hi roiiiitid baked muumthlr- hlriweil or brollu i frhd uml hiilhd ai it lli woman thut luiu one frlnetl at 920oo fin 50 ami 40 iso tlte kono hakdwauk co ltd phone 1012 quflph this stores policy to represent ooda ok- nctly ai to their quality t to soil to tlioso wfio know mid to those who dont know nt a uniiarm fair price to fuimt nil fiuiirantces nnd cheer- rully corject nil mls- tnkci to denerve your conlldeiicc hy nlwnyn jiving you catisfnction savage co jewel cm guclpii ontario astuumfuei gtcavfhgs pjrifhuoniisrvaar tforowro canada grand trunk the double track route morwminn montreal toronto otitnolt chi0aq0 tnoxcelled dining car uorvlbo flleeplng care on night train uu- iarlor cars on principal day trulaj vult information from any gran trunk ticket igont or c 1c ilnmlv niutrlol pausoncor auctt toronto ii s h0lme asenl acton ont wion 1 r noble ltd acton elevator at gromi trunk slntlon a quantity-op-pkbd-corn- ano qil cake just received lllour vmm norvai- llilan ano shorts hay straw r noble ltd hcnrv awttev manaoer husbands are inexpensive in oeloium a ilelglan woman who lout hei iuim- bund lu ii railway nnotdont n eelved fit in tho company i oqu hy way of eompeiiuatton uhortly uftet wardu nfivt thu llotou truiimuilpl alio rend of u tmve11erm getting twice un inueli foi tho iohm of ii leg uho went to the mpuliy end protented thut the dllyer- eo wum imrulr imudum uald tbn otnolul tho two nwitnlu ure perfectly full kour ihiiiki diiihirw wont provldd tho i with a view leg but with ij 000 you can oanlly get a now huuhuml te4m if they tlrq itch smart or bum if sore irrltatod in- named orgrknulated fcetlmatiriiii safefor jorathile ataudniaslatswrito ierlmeooqk pfcl j i when you need boots shoes at any tiuto huy ntoih w williams mill stmcl- aco famous 1or satisfactory footwear rkasonablb phicbs

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