Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1921, p. 4

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tp ln jrtrm 3xtt ftttja uraur canadian weekly nawapamr amxutt- i thuiihday a1juuht 4 1031 tiir acton jilkk 1hks3 i i- ilnlllln fai1 i ihii miliaria lu unit hi t litltl ulaa- 1 illll vi llill lh ur alwkiltlklnfl matkstrajiunl l li c4t- r firt inxliiv i ulxl nix tkikmionkk- c ir rr i i will la tnanlnl till lu4 ii v moork ciller iumuh editorial ah an aftermath pf the war the brjtibh government has lately had a bargain ualo of warships no less than odo hundred and thirteen from i ho famous battleship dreadnought hich kovo i iimno for yours to the most powerful type of ship cxiatant to littlo torpedo boats wcrp on the list the dreadnought which was built only fif teen years ngo brought fifty shillings ton of ac- tunt displacement the other ships presumably went cheaper teach children danger from autos it is most regrettable that so many accidents arc occurring to children throughout the country through motor cars most of these occur becauso of the thoughtlessness of the children running- across tho btrcots without looking for danger fortunately acton has been largely immuno from these deplor able accidents parents should teach their children not to play on tho streets in town and by doing so accidents can bo prevented too many children have the habit of running across the road in front of auto thinking that they can tell the distance and how fast the car is travelling they should be impressed at homo with tho fact that there is danger in an automobile no matter how careful the driver is i lowers weepers finders keepers v tha old couplet of our school days losers weeper finders keepers is a clumsy fracture bf the golden itulc tho person who finds an article and keeps it after it has been advertised for is in tho eyes of tho law as well an morally as guilty as tho person who commits a deliberate theft moreover tho person who finds a thing of any value- and does not make an effort to find the owner is dishonest keeping a thing you find when the owner may be discovered is as bad as stealing it thd observance of thoprinciplcs of tho golden itulo will bring added happiness to any community newspapers in same families over sixty yeans tho markham economist savs two ontario papers have entered their fortyseventh year the thurold post achieved such longevity some six weeks ago and titr acton free irrss last week tho economist saw its birth in markham in july 1 856 just as years ngv and the newmarket lira was born in ibm the bra was founded by the late erastus jackson and his son lyman is now the proprietor- oditor the economist wasfounded by the late hon david hcesor and in i87 was acquired by his brotherinlaw tho late h r corson who took his son r- j corson into partnership in 1877 and tho latter is still tho ownereditor both the era and the economist have been published by tho same families ever since they were established we doubt if there arc any other papers in canada over bfty years old 6f which the same can be said j ilatepayerv letter and the waterworks it will not satisfy tho people of acton for the jteovo and the members of tho council to say that because ratepayer wrote under a nom do plume his letter a couple of weeks ago pointing out alleged delinquencies mid inadequacies in connection with tho waterworks installation and the carrying into effect of tho specifications of the contract that tuey have no obligation to answer the letter is bona fldo ratepayer is an interested citizen his criticisms manifest a keen interest in matters vital to the futura of the town it issurely up to the council and tho engineers to defend their positions there is an element of anxioty among our residents which these officials should endeavor to allay by frank statements and confident assurances it is quite probable they can readily do this if they will- tho interests of the town will surely be best served by presenting such statements and assurances without further delay the people of this town who are largely interested expect it more they demand it home trading and the taxes one day last week tho editor was stopped on tho street by a welltodo town ratepayer who wished to say something about the unusually large amount of town taxes he had just paid there was nothing un usual in his complaint about the high rate of taxa tion but when we noticed that ho was carrying an armful of parcels from a mail order house we won dered if ho ever stopped to consider to what extent he was himself to blame for the high taxes the volupinpoftrade sent annually from this community to the mail order houses would if done at home have enabled tho town business houses to be in a position to pay a much larger share of the taxes than they do now which would have relieved the general taxpayer to that extent we cannot dq our trading in other places without sharing in the loss which our towri suffers thereby the welfare of the individual de pends very largely on tho prosperity of tho com munity ip which he resides those cltitens who send their money to other places should not complain if they find a steady increase in the cost of maintaining their own municipal institutions thoir schools their churches and other local interests forest free press sgv bk- ife ki the adolescent school attendance act a great deaf ha been heard on tho most im portant topic of the adolescent school attendance tactrit is an innovation in ihlsrprtfvlneeand amost important one in order that the public and par ticularly those interested in educational matters may know of the action of the ontario department of education relating to this matter the following in formation is given tho adolescent school atten dance act by tho proclamation of the lleuf-gover- nor made on the 13th day of july 1020 will como into force and take effect as follows section 3 on september i 1021 section 7 on september 11023 and section d on september i 1 022 the purpose of bringing tho act into force by stages is to make it possible to adjust gradually school accommodations courses of study and employments in industries to the conditions set up by the requirements of tho act section 3 of the act which comes into opera- t ionon september i i02i provides for the atten dance at school or adolescents between fourteen and sixteen years of age the minister announces that in cpnfprmlty with this section of tho act pupils are expected to remain in fulltime attendance at school until ihoy are sixteen years of age unless employed ton the authority of a home permit or an employment certificate as provided for by the act but that it is not hni intention tp ihltruct attendance officers to make the act retroactive by endeavoring to compel young persons between fourteen and sixteen years of age yiho have been engaged in regular employment to return tdschool school authorities accordingly will in the beginning be charged with providing only for the continued instruction of those who are alpresent at school and not for tho numbers who might bo forced return machootby the strictest interpretation of the act at the same time the minister expects that hie act will be made fully offec- tiyo to tho extent that attendance officers be ap pofntodaccordlng to lav and their departments or- ganfrod lb ensure flrst that all young peropa be tween fourteen and sixteen years of ago shall be either at school or atvork and second that all those who are at work either at homo orjn gtn crn- l i shall hold tho permits or certificates ref vs measures to itnprove provincial finances the statutes of ontario for 1021 are not yet in tho hands of the general public and numbers of meas ures passed and amendments to existing acts have consequently ndt become familiar in addition to the usual appropriation and loan acts changes are made in the corporations tax act which wijl have the effect of increasing the revenue derived from tho tax on banks and other institutions further revenue may be expected from the land transfer tax act whict imposes a tax of onefifth of one per cent upon th6 purchase price on tho sale of land and nrowdes for its collection through tho registry offices an other revenue bill is one providing for the imposition of a tax on billiard and pool rooms and bowiing alleys the ontario companies act has bpen amend ed to require all companies incorporated outside the province of ontario and carrying on business in this province to file annually the same report as that heretofore required of companies incorporated in ontario and to pay to the provincial treasurer the prescribed fees in connection therewith by this measure it is hoped to increase substantially the revenue of the province and to obtain tor public convenience much desirabletnformation with regard to tho corporate status and affairs of all such com panies prluah knabaigo on cattle likely to be removed it must be gratifying to cattle raisers and the canadian public generally to learn that the british authorities are now pretty well convinced that tho em bargo which has existed against the entrance of can adian cattle to great britain was instituted on an entirely nonexistant claim hon s f tolmle federal minister of agriculture who has jusf re turned from an interview with the british commis sion says think wo have shown them in a most conclusive manner that there never has been and is aot likely to be for many years any disease among canadian cattle dr tolmie stated he had made it perfectly clear that tho british embargo against canadian cattle had been instituted on an entirely false claim tho embargo was placed on the as sumption that pleuropncumonia existed among can adian cattlo some thirtyseven years ago- after some thorough investigation this charge had been com pletely exploded it rested with the british authori ties as a matter of honor to take away this aspersion made again canadian cattle if the british authori ties wanted to exclude canadian cattle all well and gqod that was entirely their own business but if such a course was to bo adopted lot it be made plain that it wa3not because of any taint of disease tho minister said one of tho strongest points emphasized before the british commission was the fact that canada could export her cattle to tho united states france belgium and germany but that its natural market the mother country was practically closed to her editorialnotes domestic manufacturers and retail merchants who cry buy in canada and yet hold out for wartime prices for their goods were warmly criticized by hon walter rollo minister of labor at a mass meeting of unemployedjn hamilton the other day the shoe factory is now turning out its products as a town we should- make the most of this enterprise which ts really ttchildtif the municipality encour age the mapagement help to provide homes for the operatives be loyal to its products by local consump tion of them- nowthat the waterworks system is installed an effort should be made to have air the services applied foe connected up at the earliest possible date this is desirable so that citizens may have the convenience of a water supply and also that revenues may ag gregate to satisfactory amoynt l actons citizens have been loyal to- the council la the waterworks enterprise they believe a splendid system has been installed several important ques tions have been asked the people expect these points to bo promptly cleared up so that full con fidence may be given the system it is high time the council took aggressive meas ures to secure tho appointment of a competent ex perienced and trustworthy chief police for the town the preservation orthe public peace and ob servance of local bylaws demand such an officers appointment without further delay the diqqest briqqe ltilaltila la trt hv tii bisect hrlriao that hnii aver ilium built it u to kiutn x dauwara lllvar kn- alnbre are now propmiinv ptutu and it u riortji ttit contract will b it tjyth tlrni of octotwir th dateaat rir tho fortnl 6iwnln- of tho bride b july t i an thin bride will oon- icl thatiltla of caiqdan pnil phlla- denhla flrt will b of tbo arreatwit 4- vpniaanln furnuhlns- a apoody martwt outlet to tha anrdenhra nt south jr- ny anil in diapaiilur tho cood aupply tf tho ciy of phlladolphlo work tlm tructurti yrlll ih bnrtin an aoon a tln allu a loanltaly loeauur by the joint uddaa tytmtn laajoo of txilawan and maw jarvay whan thla nonfl oum wlrotauapandad tlhwajr fa con putod it will carry tha loofnt alnu ln twmin toarpra that ibor la in tha world th toward wu1 b sto rant hlah and tho icii ctu whlh imcauuta will awlnjc j 7 to faai th lonmt apan iww la that of tho firth of korth in hootland which oovara 71d foal th willlamabura naw urk llrldka and the tlroohtyn brld- ooma nazt with reaimwtlve a pan a uf ijoo una latt t tho two treat now york brfda am auapanddd by four cahloo nftan to twenty inobm in dlunotar tha ihiladalphlacantr iirldsa will imi auapandad by two camblaaof thirty inrhoa dlamaler and onmmmml eoh of toooo carbon atafll mi in tim brfd will ba isb fa nlxv watar it will lx 1j6 foet wld and will carry four trolley t rank a a alnkla roadway for alx vhlolm abraaat and two rmlaad rootwaya for paaaen kera tho coat la aatlmtiled atv 31- 71000 of which nt jarany will pay sui240o0 whlht wnnaylvanla ant ihlladalphu will dlvlila tha romulu ln coat in qual parw of 1817 1 coo achmaalivlll worlds oiqqebt saw thera haa juat bean fwahlonod for ona of tha bl lumbar mill in urltuh columbia tha tarsaat clmular saw ovar to he accuratftj tliora ara two of thrni and tbay hay baan dnlnad t mt tha jtpaclal roqulramonta of thd mill which la callad upon to hand la blunt or loca many o which run frogj nrtoen to twntynv foet in lrth thra ara knllllona of acroa of flr forvata in lbulan columbia thora ba in bu01clnt timber id thla alnai provlno of uia pom in ion to aupply tho world with al tho lumbar it nead for any fteneratlona to com v bach ww nlna foat in dlamtr and- boaau una hundrod and ninety datnctiablo taath of tho inaorted aplral typa thla la an important innova tion and raeana uutt a ho u id any at tha teath rot hrokon or damaired new ontm can bo 4iumrtd without ramovltuf th nw from ita fnuo kach blcdo u caat from ingota wti1 1140 pounda after re-heat- inc roulna and trlmmlnc th ftnlah- ri b lad on tomad tha aoala at 796 pounds aplaoa qroat coro had to bo tucarolaad in th final treattnant a they hud to ba mnthamatlcally trua and parfoct and tho itteal of uni form quality j thla slant amouir aawn la oapablo at attalnlnaajapaod or odo hondrod i4 thirty nuloa an hoar it can aaw throuktb tno arroatoatfonwt siant that avurktrw mm oaally an orio oan cuf butter with a knife the keepino of poulthy iv aldai t inalthar town or country and you wuh to know how boat to kcp poultry ami aocuro tha moataut- ufaotory roaulta nonault a pamphlet trcatlna of tha aubjoct pratparod by tha uomlnton poultry hiiabandman v o tlforif and recently bwued by the teuartidnt natajrri culture at ottawa the pamphlet can bo had frae on ap plication to tho iublloauona itrabcli it ulla of how itoultry can bo roado to pay how tho blrda ahould ba houand and fad how thoy ahould bo treatad in wlnlir and kummar how tooommenoe kaaplnjr in p nmnll wayj the equip ment that la doalrabla how to chooaa a breed how to lialchund rnar and to xnther keep or market th ok in abort u11 th eaaanllaui to uoceaa in poultry koepln for home conaumptlon or aalllnx are clearly and nxplicitynjrplaldod- in the term poul try ar included turkey kooaa duckn bulnna fowuf and plsfona tha raulruy id caro of which uro fully ducuaaod umuroua lllaatratlona oc typea of blrda and at methoda of houatna and roadlnjr contribute to roaka tho pam- pblet ajk- invaluable compendium on poultrykeepliur and mark t lac dominion department or aarrionlture no time to cut advertising blbert j- aalioroft pf at paul northern repreoontfiuvei of tha xtur- rouiitui addlns machine- company ot- ncwea the opinion that bualneati eon- illtlona today do not wamuat tha cur tailment of newspaper advertudns we believe that tho recent alarnation waa larttoly tha reault of m mental at titude and that a auon a buaineaa nn aherally bln to plane order for thins needod in their btulnoaa they will besln to aet more ordern for the erchandlm they havo to aejl tho ooncern with which i am aa- aoclatod said mr aaheroft b apend- inw ita money in nowepapera today to advertlao the belief in this and tha morawbn follow ftelraampja th better it will b for every bodya bust neaa there are two uilnsa wti all need t dlapet ju btumleaa arloom we rnuat adyartlae and talk better but- and do all to our powerto tart the normal flow of money throush liunlnt one of the foremen an uriah youth waa in aearch of a altuatlon no be wont to the aaawork aa he wan prooeadlnc down the yard he waa met by the foreman what do you wantr he waaamkod workj mlmwurad micky what can you dor he waa next demanded at moat anything well auld he foreman bent on havlnc a iok with the youth you eerti to be a smart fellow but oould ou wheel a barrow of amokat yea certainly replleu mtok pould eaally ito4hat if you would nil ll for mo nrat v the shook mother mayfao out to for lleavena aaka dauhteri to mwlmt of oourim you may but f no mother not to awlro want to ix out to a jnsa dnnoe then well i dont think much ut them bwfc v- no not a jaxx danoe mqther i wt tn uak you if i may bo to pmyvr meet ing tonight wth- im ot auiiriao m her darlhui dauahtor rainoowm1evelation8 an arched- rainbow in a pretty alsht but it may ih aaaumod- that few of uaaralaarnod in rainbow lore here then are noma intereatln- rainbow ravelatlona to product a mlnbow ihnro muat ba ralllnat rain hrlitht aun and dark cloud the latter atwaya nppoalla ute aun the auna raya are then divided into color by the ralndropa which art in exactly- tho aameway an u prlam or trianatulaf pleoo uf ctaaa the continued pan of a mlnliuw la utuael by- blllloni of ralndropu apllttlnff mid eunn raya into color and making a toml or aerloa nf them a double rainbow la not aa aomn think tha ahaiiow or reflection of the oral kaeh rainbow la dlatlncl in on we aae the aunraya entering jim ralndropa at the top and reflect ing- tho colore to the eye from the bottom in tha accond rainbow the auna rayaenttf the droia at the bot tom ami reflect the color from the and who haa noticed that the color of the second bow ore whan com pared wltb the flrat or primary bow all reversed 7 the cause of this ut the is that wlit oh rnnkoa tha colon of the aeoondary bowweaker toi get the latter there baa been- two raflec tlona and two refraotloru ono m of the bt than la the cas with a primary bow the oulura are there fore weakened an evenlnk rainbow in the aaat la a tan of nne weather the relncloudk wnich kenernlly come to ua in west and eouthweat wlnda am ixaiwlntf awny i for the picnic basket u not put anything with a a iron oilor into a lunch haakol lk not include fried toadh they are difficult todlgeat j avoid putting in any rood when there la the leaat doubt as to freahpeaa wrap each food article in waxed paper thla la hygrlenlfl and dainty a fresh paper napkin they kre dttractlva and cheap iteaum tu aun and nlr tha luutkei or boa wtieo not in use thorugh1y wunh and dry by heat tlga and dates before using hkln separate- and wrap in waxed patter orange for the lunch baaket nut meats aaujuke th place of eat muat children like them itanaruna muat im tjfioruuahly him en tan slowly nnijwell chewed always allow a anutll amount of reels for the lunch ftwaets may be in tha form of itome- nie candy cakes or cookies a small bottle of milk is an ideal luncheon food j w kennedy son ilardwarepjunibina tlimmithini- eloctric firing it saves you work and dollars jt gives comfort and enjoyment have you as yet installed in your heme a system of electric lighting ir not it a only n matter of time until you do mid there in no time like the present we specialize in this class of work and can give prompt and satisfactory ser vice do away with thoso unhealthy and dangerous oil lamps and see what real comforttsderlvcd in the home from the use of electricity wo are always glad to give estimates on this work and our prices will interest you come in and telkit over wo dlso carry a good assortment of fixtures nnd and your inspection is invited ipnllancc remember our molio quality service reasonable prices li j w- kennedy son phone 95 main strkkt acton businesb directory medical or j a meniven phyatelan and buraaen offloa antl ilnalilnime oortiar tower avenue and ulln iltreeiit he raald w formerly ooeupleil by ix m hen deraon aolon out dr ej nelson phyalefan odraeon obaletrlolan acton ontario huonxasor tit llui lulu 1i iruy omco and lteslileioovhlorlcl hu 4 t m and 7 to your money is safe from fire or theft when it ia dopoelted in the merchanta bank yet you do not pay a cent for thin protection on the other handtho morchanta bank pays you interest twico a year for tho privilege of taking caro of your money and kuardino you against losa deposit your pay in a savings account im in thiabank and payyour hillbbychoqud it proventa losa thc mcrchant5 bank hudpffiumglrw of canada saly dxil bwm i m1 eaubluhwl i0s4 1 a cosmopolitan diiringthe presentation of a gift by monibers of the house of corhmqhs to lord fitzalnn the now viceroy for irelpnd laat week uoyd george said weare lookingforward to seeing the inauguration c an rjra f peace there iho a great feud between two nation that tntve bcen by provi dence side by aide in these islands may it bo iso w6in jtuo curiyl tou know every thins whats aooamonolitarixt curly well ita mkt thla aunpos you was a russian jew llvln in kiut- land married to a black woman an was amoktn an ksyntlun objarotto while a uarrnan bandoutslflo was play- in the blue balls o scotland youd bo a rosntopoutan tlio ilystandsr any pain of the body baadaemamanrallthuniianmatlcibaaa aabattouuajadovaiiabfalna onoortwo pb uow antaffl wx18 andlfad pain taiosa oaar anusd sits ryi ror pr bqip in acton ixt b jtasaaiu why are partridge tires increasing in popularity arhong our customers why are wesoenthualiiquc about pahridge tirai and why do we strongly recommend them to you 7 because in actual service partridge tirea are demonalxqting thelr greatneba what we have tteen and heard about these sturdy handbuilt tires convinced ua that for altround economy they are unsurpaased partridge tires are not only substantially reducing tulle age costs but their rugged wearing quallticd eliminate frequent and expensive repaita gdme ostheir name will aftord you complbotf sati3fa0m im irvi voiisilvjiri v dr c f w nosb phyalalan and burgeon mill 8l oaarsalown phone 22 1choumj burnwrl fltnoo llnanlut torontu hpecjaj attantloh to toluwuteu tif wo- tnanand chlldrda nnl infutit lnedlns lhone no as t o los 1h harold nash farmer ma barrlatar 80 ho i tor notary public convanyaiwar etc pennvman dlock acton ont uonhv to ijak hours d10 am to 6 p no dental dr j m sell d d bs l t dsntlat jhonoir graduate of toronto univer sity tha lauats auteathetta usad tf dr f q gollop d d o l tx s dental suroaan onlco iivof italikoc nova tlootlaa iiouikidjo fo e50 kvonlnks by athlntnionl miscellaneous marriage licenses p meors issuer msrrlaaa licenses private ornos no witness re quired issued at realdsnoe in eranlns s 1ksbs ooloe acton oat francis nunan bookbinder aooount boohs of all kinds knsde ts order pertodleeis of every daa uon carefully bound itiiuntf neatly and brompuy done wvndluun btreat ouelpb ont over wlulstna i tore itor th counties nr hslton vouln- ion keel and luffnrln and the city of dm jilt acton ontario hea may be arranged by tnau o at rasldano at aoton or at thol tbo the newskleoord afertrus i with w j gordon harness mail 41 ulllabura bates out run ted to u j kerr vr oolva attention rrom data of llatln- i data of aalo uat your sales with hi- raaldsnoa howar avenus aolo 1hons 30 aoton csll at rny mu- roy hindley auctioneer conaolldatad phons erla 4t 11 r rs acton j e cedeevers book binder quabee 8t- east v quslph of books wnd nuuraalne bound i uandsoine and substantial oovent- nanaalttorealriatotd oumblcf hymn uooks and other books all work promptly etcseutad daibx niveh ontario land survsyor and cm1 enalnaaf burvey bubdlvlslouh vlaus tte- porta xmacripuona llluciirlnts etc certmcaios tar purchasars anil mortitsjceosi hurwjys foe avohltecls ilulldars nd munlolpal councils uralnaat ho ports hall mates etc molean buildinq douqu- bt queuuph phone 10mj oni astoria fer infanta and cblldreii ijium for over 30 years br the old and holiablo granite and harblo doalers wa are manufacturers nd dlrsr importers o all kinds of monuments and ilaadstone work wo sell dlrc to our oustopiors at wholesale prloo thus savlna our oustomortf 40 lr oont vs havo the boat eppuanoa tn only knebantos in th inmllilon wbt can operate nneumatlo tools properly we can lvo reforornns from hundreds of our oustornrrs in toronto und other plnoea wbre otlmm imvo in have law aults in ordrr lo tollkit wo havo tha lanrost and bast sloou of qronlte to tho banilnlnn or nioro uiait uny three dealor in tho weat wo uro ultl- 4ns to dealers and employ no amen la and do not nnnoy or pesl- ousttunsra by pond in out hjnorant auronta uollolt- intr orders w employ only mechanics and defy oomneuuon hamilton sons cor nnrwteb a woolwtnh sts ooehjli sh

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