Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1921, p. 1

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wht jutim i forty seventh year no 0 3 00 1icil yhau acton ontamo thursday morning august ii 1021 2ti4 in unitidij btatics single copies 1lvo cents till methodist cliubcil acton chri t in iuvf fuut uud kl- hubjiii oflnfoimliuf lumljil hflloul 7 d m uuljml tbl on iii lit limmlniiuo of m hi i pti l i t tin int lu hii i mai rutit if latlu lluj l r ul the iv illlltf two vlti you a1u0 1nvi1i iaomiiy acton ha1tist church q k tvllh pastoli id u hmiluy iuhiua und itll lu ciuhu ii u hi- ilov it i hllcox 7 j in itcv ib i hiiro you aiiio coitmai ty invitich new advertisements for bale a 1 1 iik houue it riiif lliflit inn fumuro apply c9 ox ms acton b 3 thiieohen supplied ii tlnn hnue 3u inch nt marty i or foot uiho throuhi r ijcltjiitf n hmttii 136 yrk tit toronto auction bale at hock wood mr til t lloycn of llookwood will hoi i 1 unlit lf hollaehold mrtonln ttost buturduy 13th luut ut two ooliwk hoy hinomfly auctlonoor for sale columbia urufonolu for auto with kalilm t itiid atmut thirty rocardu mno hi no und litcord- iii nxcnlhnt con dltlou apply to uoiuailt moihmlilon bower avnnun anion lost ltotwoan milton an i acton or li at ton on monday uftornoon u mall ttdeurupa vulla ulmul 1u iniha aiiuur omita initio trvllru uample- nf luty oal uml null- inward tit is if information enl to it mblllckit m major ht toronto jleal estate wo buvo home for main in different part of acton rnhliiiik in prion from 1800 to 14000 ami noma on very ohiiy turm with a mull uuh payment down own your home and ion t luiy rnt heo uu before you buy j a hmith it il utate aicnt 61 tf mill and wuliuca ht- aoton brick mouse and lots for sale tito i rlrk limine on mill htratit nt tho corner of younic hi runt two lot plot ii 1 kurtlxn un i uhnd trvo aim i ft brick uoml ili turhod hoitim on ltawr avenue lnr particular apply to u j kmul ileal ketato ahan cahd op thanks w dtwiro to txtiii vory itlnooro thunkii ttt our many kliil trloiui uml lnhthrm for their many artu of kluil- n during th ion- lllna of tilir mnthor urn oonrfta camutxji tiik kamuly wanted v toronto huturrfny mlsbt hu ro orsanlsik itm nntlro mechanical ntulf and in niiratluif now undtir 0mti hhoti condition wo have omiilla htoff tn all donrtmanti comimmtlnjf itoom tvm itoom and lllidry but motlclt rppllcatlonv for future oiminlnitri pculiy from kimrt job compos i turn fcnd ijnotyimi optimtom tnn or women trm 48 hour 918 00 vull iwrtlaulant tin rwjuaat satukoxy nipht xhba 44 13 hlchmond bt toronto tenders wanted to nd era will ixi recalvvd up to mon luy august 16 by tho undarhlannl for lha illjndiitf uud mil ns hi of a til drmln from tliu toronto huburttan llatlwuy tu cornnr nf mill and main htrofiu uald drain to avtirujro foot doep kull parttcillhru can i mi obtained from mr j licit tihalrmun of hiraata and wulkm or itoovo iturbor bt1iml tttahkuan ipiity olurk emergent meeting tim incmlmjn of walker iottk a v a m urn rutiuvtftihl to uttnnd an niiiritnt tnofltlnu at tliu lot bo itoom nt 130 oolooirnu wlilny hftnrnoon o tirpjiar for utendlntf llm funeral f wvlwr llr w uuulllti ijf oicohow kino w u it m ur donald secretary wonderland friday atiaubt k the rivers end hy jaiiitui eillvnr ourwtmxi comedy the llttnt collrttor with iurry hemon saturday august 13 tho hlnw of juixunno mtur- rlntf kthal clayton comedy april itoo with 1 loyd hamil ton vttx ndwm tuesdav august 1 hoy will ita hoyu aturrlinf will iuirois huptni- a of- son of tarxuu latb comedy r l gregory ssm come to xitjecpft though aucust is usuauy a duix and ijfkushllusines month maqdonalps iiuiphfl tjcadlng and ijutjchi blore id bcine favored with an extraordinarily larce iutronace because of lletween- beason itarcainn kuch a are now involved in an august cleanup sale ah hummer coodff are bcinjj cleared out and the un- matchanlc low prlceu weve placed on them afford almont un- believable savineh practically every department hah merchandle which ifl in the way of the new raaono coodri so your chanced are cicellcjit for hccurinjf the very things you want mens and boys clothing and furnishings womens and childrens readytowea apparel wash fabrics staple goods wallpapers and many lines of home furnishings ktfl a regular festival of bargains that you wlu be glad to attend we knight remind you too that we guarantee satisfac tion with every purchahe made here and dtand ready at all timed to make good if our goods dont our acton friends are well enough acquainted with us to know this but it never does any harm to call this fact to remembrance d e macdonald bros ltd guemhs leading and largest storb wyndhiun csrden and macdonilfh stocobl guelplv onl f saturday specials wo have just received a fresh shipment of toasted and vanilla murrlintsillow of tlio very finest quality uegulnr 40c wo offer you this at tlio saturday special itice 3tc neikont solid chocolate plain nut raisin regular 70c saturday special imce 53c md crisp assorted chocolates day special jmee 37c regular 50 and 00s per lb satur- alwayaa welcome treat is willards ice cream cooling of course but more than that its cream ily de- llcious a rarq dessert and titbit welcome alike to man add woman all tlio wanted flavors fresh fruit and all tlio old standbys mill street acton h wiles acton music store trreexatebt hit on saiji ihk1day and saturday special 3 for 1 00 walbcmlhiaalssippl cradle and hawaiian chlmea vox trot catallna bolb aocnto for bun records cecillian oramaphoncs iiavnes pianos also plaven rolls new stock op tovs and novelties always on hand e k steele mill st acton o russells zz gem jars get our prices on gem jars wo have nil sizes in stock also zinc jar kings hubbiy rings spb01al pricks this week on sugar o in 100 ul hags 4 c russell mill st acton news of local import wtmn institute duln moating a biihlnsiui nnwllntf f lha womun inntltuici will lw hll on frlilny uftor hnu islli luut at llireo o olook at tlio ixi mo of mr alok lloll icitoic avuuf m quaatlon still un -l- nnllbor thu count ii nor th wulnr w rkm biiblntr liuvw dultintil to unownr ilutoiiaypr m nuiwtlonm yt tin putililn of tlio town uto uunlouuty wult liik wbnt they buvo lo miy ulhilit it movd to mdin n v by motor lty mr klulluy bud 1im furnlturo uml affix u iuovihi fiom anion to bin now liiiino nt udlnn n y 1 t vr lay by motor irurku tli u ho ml in jour nry won iiullt an uilibirtuklnif by thli mntlmil bill it navtitl tlma mid avoids i ttxtru hutidlltttf and imnatilpmont campballvllu wine champlonablp campbollvlllit iww lutll ttiuin bavi won tbn nbumiiloiimblll of tbtl hftltllm wtiulworth iuirilo hut obumplonw bavn won iilnu out of ten tbcy will play in tbn lournutnant in cmtnplhuvilln on widuamlay und aukuht 30 limy u in moinmton to pluy lint wlnimr of tbn ontario tntoi lpoilto bumoliull uroup baautuul comb and btrlnd honay mr chorion ol ibum upulrlnt nun tutxawayu left itvnoroum luituplnu of ixtlh cjmib und u train ml bonny ut tlio vvxm 1ukum ofllco tbti other day wiinli in vnry ittifl cvury coll beluk lerfvctly nllnd with honey beautifully clear and tcmiitlna in utiauranc tliti mtiulnod honoy in n txoptlonuliy tlna ermln of nlovur und u vnry attim tlvn in color mr oldham lu un experienced upu1rt wud iiuh won prunu for bin bonay ut muny of thn fnlru iimv tlaturnad prom mantraal mr and mrw qcorico iiuvlu ratiirnatl bmn on 1rlitny avnlnir frtim tlio 1 1 nvtouiloil vliiu with their on wnllk at montreal thy mtjoyeil their vlolt vary much thouah mr jiuviiin health dl i not improve um much an was imped for a vary pluuutnt lnt idant in their trip wuu it- vult of ovnrnl dayu at the lifimit of mr ujul mjth john mklrall at hnatlnkn mr mid mrn jluvlll and jur and mr uoorall ware oordlal frletpln when the latttir reulilnil in aatnii und tbla vlult wuii umtllly en joy i wblln tltoy uratly c njnyed tin ir trlli mr and mrm ilavlll itloefully uhuort lhoro u no place like homo another road in dad condition tbut wolf all ilebt wbut yon unlrt ubtnit tbn bud utute of tlio ritu i at int 93 on tbn nn ootid una in unt luai ihncom aald u prominent lirln furmi r i ho othor duy hut j wluli you tl ntlr tlnm up ulhtut tbn vomhlltin of lha iciin an i tutfiutmlnif town line botwocn 1 tliti tlrst hun mill tbn churrblll rornur iwcu travdlllna ovor tbut road for forty yeuru aild i novtir hhw it uu bad uu it in to day itotli tlib icrln i and thn lcnauealnif couuollu liava ra- utminlblllty tbore whan i wuu hi tbn council that road wuh udvir noglofllod bomo mm outflit to hao tbut it im ro i punnl or tbern will uuraly li ilamoiieu for the counoiln to ay death of ml- humnltrl mather mr cburlox t hiimpliht of ouulpb died on huniluy tivoulnif uftr a innir mid pulnful lllmtuy mrx mumphrlen who tnaliuu namo wan mbn juno mnartbur wuu u auooamful teanber prior to bur marrlap to mr humphrlew the oualpb tea mnrt bunt her two daukbtorn nra teuohoru minx m itowutiu of tbt titan nf the luolpb colhtflnti lnntltute ami mlaw wllmu if thn mtaff of lha iertb colleulata in itltulo mbim mow it n ii wuu a mamluir it acton hlitb uohool atuff for inivoral yeitrn the wyniputby of hr tnuny frlondfl in thin community will ko out to her and bur family in thtdr wrrow fu lmruvmfliit cubrtd their china wddind two of our moat natakmod md uhfl ul oltuuuu mr and mm a t lbown celebrated tbn twentieth urn ivor wry of their ntarrlubo ut their hom on bmurduyi afternoon numbtirtt of in- llmuta frlendm cnlled durlnn urn uftor- noon lint nvunlnif to ekivrean their feuoltutloiih and rordlul wuhoa for added yeum of bapplnehm or uiu brltla ifrooui tokfltbrr tbnlru ban litiiin u moot bnppy homo durliib- thu two decudon of wmbled lift tbey have upent in their rouy bomo one anmt aorrow wan uxporlenoud when their dear little i furry their only child auddanly pantwil away ulaven yoitpt uhu ttiht month mr und m jlrown have proven thotn- htilven worthy und uucul oltuenu they buvo lived hoie ooiitlnuaiudy alitofl tbolr tuiirrluun und bere taktin upon tbmnkowoh u full moamiro of cltl- ktiiuthlp uml itoclul und churoli biuuu ilutlok ml llrown wuti nimnoo niln- imler of tba munlatiml council for u u time wuu xnmlilimt of tbu lilpwortli lmujtne u una of the uunduy sobool hiiuerlntendtmm und in un uotlve ntttclul member at metbodiut cburub llourdm mr- jlrowu m vrealilent of tbti women mlualondry hoclety u worker in tba bunday bob do i und up- wortll 1uku unit u popular enter- talnor ut church fuitnuouw tli bon- pllality of mr and llm itrowu in tntnrtiomiriiferhablvdniiloanttn t pront to many of tbn youu peoplo at tlm community sueoae in tha new home f tbu vwai 1hkbm luut jtiut received tbti fnllowink luttrehtlnif letter from mimn jdun whnoii of knox man wy- buino flunk xur mi moorei you will t filud to know tbut oufcu mim tuutlon reultu liublluhud veuteriliiy ulutu tbut bo ifot hln klmt oiuhn with honor ho inteililn tutiln tbtt hbort nbrmal couree which in uoinowlmt liko the uutalla uodul hln full and will ten bit for u tlma tmifort taking iiin tnuruu lu inedlulna mjirifupat biui ilhrnlifd bur normal courua tuiul huu tuktn a aobool lienr lmowdou sauk rlwbt tieuv tbn lieautlful qu appellu vulley 1 am continuing on tbu- utuft btro in woybjirn wi all lk weut very munh tbough oitlarlo wni ulwiiyt noma itret in our affection the peojilo bard ooultl not poaalbly be nuy mora nhurmlna around way burn tlio cropi oca axuellunt uia- bout ulncu 1i1c the yoar of tbu bltf crop wn bava hud nplandld rnllin and almimt perfect arywlntf weather mid tbn furmera urn tittmaliitf n yield ot ubout forty bunbeln wbcul to tbn ucru 1 jitf or t u woudy thu will no i lialhn knnrul axiuirhuiua throughout thn wet kutbor ud mother ura both well wo ru buvlntf union oervkon bttween tbo preabyturiunh aid metbo- iiinih during- tbo numtn r monthn vuther takm blu hollduyu tbla mouth jivwyono in tlia muuaa joiuh h nenil- inw kind rshrdm to nil bp aotun frleudn i diihlnuo 100 mr tbo jrum i utam f un not nuro wlmn one ut wrlptlnu niplreo but w do not woit to ndu tiny r th tuhiien tbflij nil tragic accident near rockwood on monday in which hyo miller was caught itelwecn separator and tvaction engine a ttrrihlu ncoliloiit huppenel ut tb little bill miir outran tor w eornrr tbn york horn ultouf u mlln went t ltotkwool ut h 3n otilook on monday -viuliiu- whin i yl mllhr th 18 year olil on of mr umt mm miller of iciumnuii wui un ttrrlbly utullcl uml crimluil tbut dnuth rollowod u f t w bouru tutor mr millar uiul blu uou who operut ed u tbruubluu outfit wi re r turning from umkwnod ufter u day ttjroalilnir lit the funn of lluur itnriln tt vlnn uur hill thn futbtr wrni irlvlnu the trutitlon niclne wblrb wun pulllnif tka uetiurutor and iyia wuu rldluif on the fnmt while they w iff i onlbitf dov thn hill llm tonifun of tbu uvpurut broke letlltiu tbo munhina un forward onto tbu boainn thn father jumped but tbo u4u waited lu unlet to abut oft tbu tiualuu till- ho dl 1 but lwforn bo ooul i jump off tbo uiiiin utup thu anpuirutor orauliihl into lh oukiiiu un 1 bo wuh bulpb huly ruuubt ant 1ml 1 thnru until 1m wuh lltirully rookid by tbo tlio in mm euuiiin und tlio utaai und hot wuttr front the boiler tl will or iflua un t vulvn bavlnir broken off dohpltn tbn ujiiiny whlnb b uuftorod yoituk millar wuu ul in to dlrnnt iiin fut hi r hw to rtluauo him t-llluu- him to block tbo whnalm nf tbn uoparutor und let lha ciihidu ro forwurd owinu to tbn runt tbut it wuu durk ami the futbtij all ulone it wuu dllllrult for mr milor ho nuka buuto and when tbo uou wuh finally frood bo wuu utioon uolouu and lu a dylntf ooudltlon uml hlm tleub in many phirou wdu burned off ho wun hurrlod to tbo ooolph oonenil lloupltul wberti bo ill ml tuouduy mortiltik th dahflef of the avraa well twutvo uamplen of wutnr rrom m oto i wellu lu tbo vllluua of jcrln wtiro rocmntly aunt to tbn i rovluoiul jjolm ro tor ion fir numlflutloii of t limn ton wuro foimd in on i it n in colon imollll the initial luuua of typhoid tlio rltiamim urji udvltiod tn iwill all wuter uod for drlnkluif purpoueu pint vult to toronto in 81 t year mru john woavor wlurtoh who luut i tun vlultlnif with mr- ihompuon for wm tlmo upont a duy lu tbo city uutt wnkk- horompitnied by miuu mnmlu muuuiku tlio obi bnly lu in bur fllut your but buu never hi torn uouu tor- onlo wblrh abh bud uo of ton lotijtoil fut kha in loud hi imr prnlwen of ull uhn auw tupoclally tbn bin depart iiitul utariu utid rojiartu buvlpif tbo bout tbiy of lior life a small villo solve- a problem thn vllluuo of wuturdowii now buu in nf tbn llneut nf butblna lool- ctuivunlontly uituulotl it buu tout 1104 of wtiiob tbo viiiuko couuttll gava ij5 atmut go tti 7b luitlmru lirit uulnif tbu pool dully noun but tbnaa lit batbliib itu ura allowed to una tbo lool und i objeauoimblu luutfiiuuo can or will bn bpnrd an or near tbn poof it in opou to ludltu kontumoii rlrbi utitl boyu kvi i yona lu woloomo who lu pro pii rod to twhuvo tlmmuolvau nml oboy ttm rillou tfovtrnlnu- itu tiuo wulland 0how hoepltalhy tor nito town to invito itntitbor town wbolo town to uupiver lu un un- uuuul hvldonco of bohpltullty but it buu bnpponod for wollnnd bau lnvltod varl collwirno to iiunjur on thn ovon- liuf of tuouduy atiicuat 30 ut ho clonk an a mouum of tolihrutfiuf tbo opi nlna of the now oonoroto bluhway efmht mlloh innjf butvoen llm two towuif port colliomo und wot land urn now buu tbuu bnlf an hour dlatniit until tbev worn in uprlnif utid full aomotlmoa uopurutod by month- llm oveiit lu worth rolnbrutlnu und thcro willno doubt bo buppy neighborly rojololnu- at wnlluml on tba loth luut motor cur thief caught at oakvulo imhi buturduy ovoiilntf chief ktrr bud a dnublo utnljni rur cuho to ilftul i ho rteelveil word rrtmi uraht- ford of it taruo unto bavlnu boon lus- fiom tbo r tbn cur wuu later found ubundnueil in town but the thlil hud purlolmd uuotbor car lu oukvllm tbo properly of cbua loty und procoodod on blu way to tin onto ghuif uarr aunt wonl uloiuf thn lino ami ut tbn humlmr a umuilo of nillooru woru on tbu wultib for him thu tbler iww tba onroih it rut mi bo tod urolmd and doubled buck over tbti blubwuy tn oukvlllo whoro bo ran into the louif urmu of our cblof tbo llrutitford tktlioo outuo und uok blm buck tboro whom tan oiiuvkon wra luld uuuluut blm a oar thief hn- u- liurd row to hou ujniitf tbla blubwuy hoiortl innbla v ihruwh it- n who who aluiil n puneral of the lata mr campbell tbu funural of mr- oeiirifa cuinp- bell-toou-puoe-oft- wodliouuay uftoy- tbo ueivico boinu conducted by itov w 1 vimhuv a lute of kuoif cburob of wblnb dnotiuuod win u tnembtir rimro woro muny beauti ful florltllbuton which upoko for the outttm in wblnb doreuaod wuu bold thotm from u illutunm wbu lit tended tbo funorul wero o ii un 1 xru a cumiibell of cnttkatnwii hi un i mim munlabol mm fcllhfllulr mru hybul lyr v cumpbull mru llmomiou mim lclmonaoii mru m bid in ton mm kelly un hold cumpholl mihm kloroncu rnmphall mru jackuon mru c x toronto mr und mrti w oodfroy w kolly aiiolpb mr und mru j a loo mleu itu stloo mr tir rlot mr mid mru ntr wioo- mr a imoo mr a tbnmpnoii humllton mr ami mr ft tlloe mulifrove knojt sunday baboo i plo nlo tbo uhiiuul plono of tbo irouby- torlun huniluy holioal ut lllun bprtna 1uik luut wwhitm luy wuu u mim auo teuufulund wnjoyal lu iiftnlr a lane numlkrof motoi uur aunemblud at iho church mid tonw tlio aoholuiu ujtbe luirk wbllo u numlwr of tbo older flku wont up by thuuuburbun eho- trlo a hiduiutlil prokrummo uf iflti- 4atloaoutoiuiauani out bytha olllooru unfortunately tho hot of winner wun mubibl by tbo ournmhtco un i theroforo uabnot uoiear in uin ropoit thn lodleu ottbullotl tlmtpaelvou in thu muttor or tbetoillniuorlat do- pnrtmnnt lovorybody wan nilotl to kiuttflnutloll olio little chap told ivoxt duy mi mill htroot wboii talkliik uluiut tbfl sni nlo buy tho mu wore bully nml i kit oould aturf in i ate mi munh tblit nt luut i ould only nbiw and ooubln t awallow tln wcutbur won ideal for jul uurb an outing f the 6 tk to get 1 40000 galh water daily from town which means an annual income of j1460 to the watcrworlu system counciltasnttimc to an 6weh natepaver- coiiih u met lu raiculur ueiwloii on monday ovenlna- with coundlloin lmll cor tlner and ionuy pruniil und tbn unnvo in thn chair thn ommltrt1 on flnuncu preont h tbolr wlxlnniith lpoit uml rvoom ndtxl puynn nt of dm following un tint 1141 17 3 os a ip 3 0c t do 43 01 3 00 s no canerl aeci fltriet hicbtn w j hell telnpbonn town hall ti lephoue chief teluphonn a o doforuul lulmr j ll muokduale town hull hydrti hill fjiuby 1111 20 watarworka aooount hydro aorount xprliur i 311 03 klro 1ump ib 7t j mymoiin wulorworku a 73 malonoy klofltria co 1 00 w v mimiiny watirworku 113 ti j it markaiuilo i 3 tf j oyiiton- s1s1 38 tho report wuw adopted a mmmu ii ira t ion wuu received from huunlmnrw a co roqumt ln that tlio foot path on tbo brlitao ut maria htrrmt m r pal rod au it wuu tlaiikorouh to podoutruuih tho coiimji i nut rur tod tho cbrk tn inform ueurdmoro tb co tbut tbu town hocoptthl no roupamdbillly in ro- furd to tblu brldito llm coudltlou of tba drubi on mubi blroet from mill and main htroot wuu dleoumoed und it wo doci led to ait- vortluo for tender to lay u now drain on tlia euut ul lu of maln htroot rha mullar of utrlklnu tbn ratou wuu dlaounmud und it mov decided to do tlilu at a aiteclal mooting on thunalay i vwnbiif tbo iloovo then jroukit up tba tpmatlon of tbn lot ayr of itatnpayor uu iiibllubtu1 in iho vuutt iuiaiii ho thuuebt that ovorytblnif conoerplnic wutorwork bud bet n tondlu tell opt ii ml almvu liourd uml tbut if any oltl- xon diulrvd information urn ltnoku uml 11 diulliik in tblu oiiimtitiou woro oimin to exatiiluutlon und tbo momhar of the council would ilu tholr btl to utt ovtiylliinif clear to unynnn lu- lutod uo uuld tbo counrll won too y with othor mattru to wrltu lot- it rti and illuriihu uldn lnuen anil uuyoiio gomlu lo tbo couimll would rocolvo all thu informutloii in tbolr power to ulva them complulut wuh tnudo about tbo uldo walk nrnuintc at vrmlorlrk and mill htroot- und it wuu decided to luy tbn nttor nvor until lator another complaint wan inado ubout in tinuleot of tho uroundu at tbo town ball und tbo nuttluu tbn uruuu and tbo rurotukor wuu to rooolvo intruo tlonu to llx tho promluom up at onro a ropreuinitutlvo of tho o t it mot io council on monday nml hltcnnd au uuroomont with tbn town for tbolr uup- of water nt tho ututlnii boro thn price i 10a por i 000 rnllonii und tho noil autoon to uiipply thorn with 40 000 par duy for tbo hrt your and after tbut un uiihinltod uiipply for tbo remainder of thn oontraot tbu uiiroo it rutih for ii vo yoar from ueptam- br 1 of tbl your ilia council con nuotu with tbu muluu of tho a 1 t mill htroot onl tbo a t il payu all upkoop from mill it mot to tbolr tank koopluu tbolr tunk in khu cnndltlnn council adjourned ut 10 16 homo been- set for toronto pair over hero un all canadian -poo- tucla will im llm feature ut tbo can adian national icxhlbltlou tho uconn will ubow tbn itockuu halifax and tbo lira lu loldnund will im boo foot lonr methodut dafaat llmaheu junior ijiut lmtluy uftorntmn the mntbotllut ball team of tho church jnakun da- foutod ijiiinbouao ut u plo nlo bold at tbut vlllufio tbo iiuma whji icood hani hlttlnif und brlllluux hold- intc tmt tho mutbotlluln on tho blk end 17 to aroro auto thieve- gettlnfl their duh county ifolloa mullitratn ilrunton ofyork lat week uontoncod norritun letnnkoy to two yearn in tlio ptmlten tlury for tba tbuft at un uutu two other junto davhiuon of kprliikllold muum und 1aul lllbluirt woro in tbu our with dulonkoy when ui- routed but ro nllownit to t lotoukoy uuld tblty did not know tbo our wuu uuiluii llavlduon wuu elvon 48 bourn to i vo cunudu b courtooua to our visitor ickumlner wblob up pile euualiy woll to uny other towm at tbl- tlmo of yekr when thu town lu full of uummer laltor it i woll to remember that our tay and a 11 t jui- tranuer id ono of tbo bout mount of maklnif a puc pupylur with tb tru- valllnk public tbo obuervuuca of tblu bint i one nf tbo raauon why vbiltor like uo woll to ootiio to attuil muot reaeonably support mother tlio llrwt oiiao roiwrttid uluur tbo uot rooortrtywauoaaboreby obllilrou oan jomiollod to uilpliort ilopeudont purnutu wuu irlntl itoforo wi d mnrrltt j t in urn county polloo court ut cbutbum on knlurdoy wholi jaim kloburdu uppturod nn tbo oburuo of ueitleotlme uml fifuulntf to hup port oe f ip to tbo hupport of bin uifod mother the mother lu renlilluif with u htinln luw tbo court milorod uicburiln lo iiay 3 iter week towunl bl mother mutnununcu tbo cburoh ball laaaue only tbreu uoboiluln vumiw woro played thj weuu on weilueuduy tbo 1 toe by to rial i- dtfoutud tbu augllcim 7 to 1 on tburuduy avonliik thu utronif metbodlat nluu ib fouled tho iluptutti by u luruv uooro on monday tbo lufpllnta und abklloultn pluyd bunl foiikbt rutue uumo wuu oallod un account f tlurknun with the llup- nr t nn- b tntnrnhtiuu and tho lmprovfl llobllnif social and personal mr 4ume molntob vbiltod rrloudu ut llurrlo luut ok mum uertho uarr wa bittio from toronto over tba weekend mr h c hoveum of toronto vl-lt- d anion friend tbl wetk mr n u nun hi pun nt bom mr hnlfort tlfrlakor of moomrlnld vllle1 tho ild homo tbl week mr a llnrneu of toronto i vl-it- iiiu frloudu lu acton und cttut chill nit mru atoxaudtr armatroiir mpton upnnt unvt ml day iii u itrowu lu hotoii r tuklua hnr upoclal mr und mru william landuhoi und cbuillo upeut wuiulay with friend in quit mr und mr h i uoorn upnt duy in- uo tblu wk with friend lu toronto mr jm vlultbitr ut john llarr mr und mru alnv vkmuld left ruoiilny tiiornltib for tbolr oil homo ut 1 letou mr murray crawfotd of campbell vlllo muld a brief vult ut moorocroft on iliiuduy mluu cumplioll brief vluit ut mr ulo week und rti j a moartbbr butt returned io after upoiidiua- u wiwk with frlonilu in humllton y mm tuumt tin droit nf lortland orouou bau boon vliuii mu icilau- both ornbitm tbl week mr cbouti i riuuk loft luut 1 tiur luy for hiniimdtfo to pond u wnok or i with blu ulutor tboro miu it h wanbrouiili mturuel liomo kuliiiday nftor mpciidltiji a wook with frlondu in toronto mluom itcitlu hpuluht und foru inwn uro upending- a couple of week ut wludormoro muukoku r uml ti it w cuinpboll and ily nt acton woro union a tbo 11011111 tuttitu icilu advocate miun nta m ooulrow of oruoo uouiiltul dot roll vbiltod hnr brotbor uov intbor oomlrow tblu woek hum iiiirii wllou 1 able to lw utmiit ii uu hi her muny frb nd arc plruaed with hor ioedy recovery mluu mumlo mulnlnrue returuoil from tbo bompltal uut woek utid i mukliur fllio pro uro towunl recovery muufu monica utid melon ooodrow nf uunilltnn uro upending holiiiuyu with tin ir brtither ut ut jiwopli tvo lory mm g a hill lu vlultlno- with bor ulutirmluu m 15 mol horuon ut col- hnsyihtl und bollduylntf ut wuuauga houeli miuhoh mlldroit mfttthowu ilorthn ilrown und nora and wan row konnny upon hiik a woek or uo ut wiuuiugu mr wiir mru a if moord arthur lolu and murjorie nf toronto oro vluiloru ut mooroorort on humluy uf- ttirttoon mr duncan of tho immjjfratlon uo- purttnent ottuwu bad a platuxtnt vlolt with bl undo hon david hondoruon tbl woek mlu dorothy cumplwll uml muutor ollfonl kuluor of toronto uro uiiond- luu tho bolldayu with tbolr uunt mr v collier rm iburlu vuitutttr und mluno vlmiulu uml juno uf attienu oeorkla oro uuuulu of mr und mru jo llou- ick duilliu thn wook mi und mru loo o qoodmw of hunillton iuyl mr crowloy of uuff- moiort rrrnm humllton yout onlay to vult itov vutbur loodrow councillor wnilmii11m passes away hlj larnxntod death ocfurrcd on tuesday kvenlno after s lone 1 lineal masonic runehal to moi1how prom his pathems hebi qidence jfor novorul nmnthu couinlllor wll wlim luutnurd m11iii11 i uu ln iu rl omdy ill duih loiiiiuiii i blu mirror- inum nn ruiubiy ovenluu hi illuo wuu tbu roult of an utmck of hplual mouhitilll from will b bn nurtured when u mom bo 1 of bo uiiudbm 13ii- kl m corp ut vuhartfnr camp hi 1si4 wlinn bo wuu pmiurlnu- to uo ovimtau with lha llrut cunudlun loii tliikuil tlio uud iloath of counullor mulllu buu brouuht reut ulnrow to tblu lom- muulty hi buppy httln bomo u uuilly boronvad blu futbtru homo lm lout tbo uml imrn ucn mm t immuni ty uiirforu front llm dtuth of tin bon orabln 1 uu011 roudy to d hi luty faithfully in rultlllluir oltleonublp b- uutona an i t ruuki in uu honorable buiilmuu lu whlrh bo mi t many people over a wlda alia william juouurl mulllu wuu tba ehlgut uou of mr un i mru whuum mulllu who buvo for muny your boon raiildentu of tblu community hn won bom ut wutorvlllo kuiuiuu but wa i rouht to aoton by blu paruptu nearly forty ymru uu whou a bubo of a r im tuouib durlnu blu life tlnm ulnco thtu bau boon bl homo ho wuu uu apt ucbolar ut hcliool and upon renrbluu yoiiuir moibool bo outfulid lu tbu touiblna pnifiulon llo tuuubt foi a tlmo at ilormou in ilaiuuuu county uu i fm four or llo lonih wu 1 hi uhmuo of u mnboimo stb n 1 wbllo toucblpif mr mulllu dm i led ut tukn a nourua lu milluot rinu und to tbl end untettd qui on u unlvorxlly k built on riui yrotit war broko uut ilurluu blu vurutlon of 1014 mil ho ut oitco onl lulu in the cunudlun kukiu- nsru mi i bo wuu tbn llrut inuu to lotivo fltwn to join tho kiiklnooro cnrpti rt vulcurtloi camp ut quobuo a t u few woeku bo wuu with a ilumlln of hlu comrade lu tbut oump utlxol with hplnul monlntfltlu ho wuh very iii for moittbu uud ut tlmo blu ufa wa dtu paired nf jltt upunt font tnontbu lu quebec military lloupltul mid wuu then ublo tn otturu homo altout llvo yeuru uuo mr mulllu 1 11- uuuod hi tho wbolouulo prodino biinl- noiiu uud ublppeti bumlrolu nf turn of tiiriiipu uud imtiatooi to cnuadlnu uud antorioau maikotji ho built up a flno huulniu and wan lonklut forwurd ttt u brink tntdo in tblu lino tbo lum- intf full und winter vnr two mnnuoiim bn wnw a mombi r of tbo ontario dpurtiiont of aurlotiltttra utuh for uurvoyluu tho couiulou of tbo iritvlueo for agricultural pun oiiou in iho foil of 1d1h william u mullln i mihh jonn itniikin of ilollovlli ro joined in wodlnt u rhnlril buu boon u voty happy bomi lbeli couy butikulow nit man fltront wuu to tlmnt i uou t uttructlvn plant uuywbera iwo dour httln noiih buvo boon boru to thorn uud both wlfo uud uouu will illy mluu tbo iionr bond of tho homo tho uy nip thy of tbo cnnnv unity lu ok tondod tn them au woll nil to tbouo of the futln ru hnuuohold mr mullln wau conminlod with tbo llonbytoriun church mil livod up to hu privlliu tlnra ho wuu a membtr uf wnlkor iodiio if a a m ami two yomu nu wau honor t with dlovatlou to tbo cbulr of worolilpfnl mautoi in public affair mr mullln ulwnyi munlfohted a keou intoiout ho wuh olootod u inombor of tlio muuiulpul council lnut dooombor uud at the limujtnrul mootinu in junuury wuu dboieu uu cbulrmuti of tbn commlttoo of fcinatico thu imblln uplrued cltlxott will bo urotitly nituuitt in acton tho funeral will bo held un widay f ternooiu ut a 30 o olook j tho tttom- cro of wo ik or tnlo will uttoud in u itody und conduut tho linproelvo muuuula norvloo ut tbo uravo heio i 0 lwriiropb from tbo ilurrtn- baby alloo vlultod ul tba homo of ily no 1 tho ioukuo leailoru buvo iiytto a uud but tbo other tinmrt uro fill dutor tulnvit lo druw t hkod from tbu leuduiu ubd tirluif them down a few point lu tho tiio rti uohodulol won iuit lo 1ruhytorliuin 13 4 7c0 mclhvdut 10 a uiu aukllcaiin t u u r0 uuptlatu 3 14 u0 mr and mrri u ll bhoroy thlu wk mr v und mr c if moore of dun- da u motnrud mr und lni attbur m children over to aot utte a ploudant week vlalt wfih hem on mombiy mr w ilaldwln uf hault bio maria rhulimuu of tho hoard of utlucutloit of that oily vlltod ilfrlfio home of xlr tlobort ilennatt uml mr wllllum willlamu luut week mlu ic inu mooutoheou duuuhtor of xl uutl mru huub mocutohoon wau oporutoit on luut tburuduy in ouelpb ilnuitnt for uppomllultl bho bl muu- inif tluo prourouh toward rocovery xcr uml mr w u ounioy utid tholr hon uttd daunbtor mdtorwl from wlnklumi on buturduy mr alox modonuhf who bud boon upondintf h nouitbi of wouk ut wlughum fottiru- od liottie willi thlnn mr w hutbmuu mrti m colllnu mr c luyno and children mru juh colllnu und mimn llortba durr motored up fhim toronto on buturduy tu mru john lbirt u und when rotuniliur bomo look mlu- floratioo hurt back to upend a woek or in toronto mr and mru hchurd soott mr joint hoiidnuon and little mlas viola hoiideruon of hamilton motored out ntrutnjuyowuirhtinainnmni t a moartbtir church htreet thin wan tholr ttil vult to acton uml tlmy 1u0i1 pluaaod with tlm clou th effdit to prevent foret flr tbo iiorlo of uilvortluamontu up pourluff 1 tbu luaw l drawinr uttontlou in tbn nucouulty of pmvtntliuf at flnu lu worthy of concrnl por i 1 ho dt utruollon wrotiubt by forout tlrvu wuu bmuifht homo vorj rloholy to tlio wookly unwupupor pub lluber who rtcintly to moil thiouub norlbcrn on nil if pipi tbn lrivluoe of ilrltub columblu mlluu uf vulu timber laiiil hnu boon llld wuuti by tiro lu imth iheuo ltovluoon the vuluu ut wb bib cannot bo outlmuted iho oiiturlu clovornmoiit hi woll ud vluotl to untoi lulo tblu rampnlrii im prtiuuluk upon tbu public tho douira- blllly of unltiitu to pruvont foroiit ilrot wberovor ltniwtiblo tbo fall pair saaoon at hontl wbut am you nut link roudy uu ex hlbltu for tbo domlntf kull kulrt tim way to muko thorn lha uucoiiu wen iullyilmlos tn to ift ymir mmn 1 the lneiitbrubiitoll nnd iboiibtioat for all you ro worth anybody can oilllcuo but tba tnuti or woman who will sot tbolr uhouldar to tbn wluol uro the folk tbo cirtn r- 1110 ulwuyu do- i lab tod to uu flvi or top additional exhibitor in onoh oluuu would ttulokan the inline peronpfuhly a10 you willluk lo ln iiin of 4ii booutoru lu 1d1 and provo your iritoroht by aiiootirurlnu nomomio oue on it ttowuud iieiid tn thn unrrotary of aoton if ull full for u iopy of tbo lltit of promlumu duappolntmi why wbul councilt uuld nut of town timut of th of u homocomor tbo muttor with tbo i 11 who iiuh boon a llttlii lowir uml tbo beautiful bold i monuniout t three bid day in milton atitfitht 13 14 ib rrhra lutnd oooil nporth tot otfnulo und 110 end to iluiiiilnv on pavement s nlbt your proooitra wllj bolp tbo o w v a to union come unit onjoyyouruelf wbpjndtiriiod luut wiok vhjbuvon t tnuy imiq tho wuuuuurku ooutruu- toru hvo up to tbolr usrootiiout uud pufc tbo utruutu roadway und crohulnuu bl uu bond fondltion uu wbt 11 buy 00m- 4neuood work i wuu uutnirod by tbo ituovo tbo vubluooi uud tho water- work inunootor wbut tho contractor itekuh teurliik tip utiooth un 1 ijrohljuf uml dralau with impuunlty wberovor tboy intorftrod with tbn laylnu of itiit tbut lbu uoultitutoi uro bqund lo ttnlutt ovt 1 ytbluk hi uu mod oon- 01tuii utuiyfmiiidtivai ljxj hot n dono yut 1 v ju boon ovor iburuti btitui pint of main utroot ivodorlck bin at uiul aituoh htroatu uml tlilnu- kii fur fiom uu kond uu tiny wiro u ytur uuo wlmi tho wutor work peoplo uttuckod lb m 1 burn urn huniptt un i bollowu on tbo roudwuyu und briikiu m itilliu 1 and ioukii tnulovuiilm wiiy mo tlpum notibtilim altundod to nowt 11 look uu if tba nmnmei would bo ulio uml thta lin- poitinit work bo left unnttiiidod to why don t tbo council tirlim buok tbo oontiuitmu to llululi thill jobut l i i vifo wyattimtmaxbemmi i

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