Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1921, p. 2

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j ffilir arton 3rtnr reaa h f iiiuminat auaimi- n 1031 the subtle ministries on hpptnt lyf11 hut wiiki ii hath a ii wind all it 1 oil 1 huiii uii i iioui tim milnnry of u kindly word 1 or long kouo by 1 he fruhiunrn of u fading flower hni lovlnuly ll gkunlng of u uuddn um1 or hi hi idoll wiirm imsuiir of tho hand lluutl ulrtt hilhy mint upouk hut i huvo lxturil thx note ihut only iteuru u von tmtit fludu nwii word tuiili liny ihlnuu wit liurdly cou au ministry rho tiivoru deeming limy imvv shown htunt uymputhy lint wlitm h hourt lu overwrought oh who ui th i lift imw r 1 f uuch tiny thlnas fn mitkn it welll kraiicau hldloy iluvergut kokuoxla x e2a k ei3 x c3 a romance oil an electric truck by prsdarlck hart xt hud luieu tirlitht uullllght when i into ml out for tnwiu but i mi fr uhe liurl gone 41 half- mile down tlin road heavy cloud hftd id i in ij up from tho west hint to dm uooouiliunlmont of oolit iiiiji rumblings uml grumhilniru from tlio darkened imuvonu dm ruin hud luguu to full nut tliut lude minded u wetting hits hml lived too lonjr li iho country to hit damp shoe and wot ilotlnw hothur in r but under her urm itrufuly wrapped in i row it uupar wan lift ntiw droiuj which who simply hml to liuvu fur ilia party thut huturday anil while hrowu liuper u an exoollimt tiro- loetlva uguluut dut it ha uover been famous fof uu water- turning quulltle fin xvlwln fled precipitately to tint shat ter of uii overhanging bush by tha fame it tho ulde of tlia road uhd walt- od for tint slwiwer lu pus hut tho show r whowed no intentions of pausing the ruin continued lo tome down not with it first violence hut willi a uullaii steady intantnes unit presagad u inugooiitlnuod tlrlt 151uio wail wondering whut uha noulil o hho couhl itu homn hut tti thut tuna th drum would lirobuhly got wet uml it wan a good thro- duart bra of a ml in furtlmr to tlio viiuiro hho wihikh tliat ulio had hltcilied un poj liin uml tttknn thn coticonl buviry hut it wilh um lutn for wluhtinr thorn itwniihl nolhln to do but to try and wait uih rulti out hho imd utmtit nunrly half nil hour irv lntr duinn rotntit uud wjih faallnr rutlmr rrutuimml uud dofldmly at oddit with tho wonthor luuii whan who himrtl u moimlroum rhubkllitf from dowm thn riutd lntiruierifnl with tho tfrlndltiir of koarii nil iurh in u tniimcnt a tunt- im r trunk huvad into lht lt drlvnr imirohod hlich in tlin air on tho neat and ovldnntly huvln o oertalii amount of trounla in wtonrlntf m uniculiily olmnpt in tho elljiiwry mud hut what kmiin not i cm rlnt wum that whlla tho driv er m mitt wau hlsh it willi nuj dry a iiiiif cab conilnixl by ourlalnm and nroitwtod by tilaaii bha raiad her- nnlf to oak for a lift whoii tho truck uuddonly hlowml mild ojdowla to tho miiiit of the ruad und utuitmd u ocant juril from when who wna ultthitf tim nurtuhui mirtod uud u rurly nhook of mil hair wum tliruut ut whllo u cheery voloo rlod lllol ooln anywlidrvt ul itive you a lift i kuilo wuitod not on ctiromony blta imndod up hor umolautt ixirtiol which dlmtttuounxl into tlia tnaw of tho neat and thou utdod by a ntrontf tutf from ii10 drlvorm utout arm h1i found hor- milf utiulod bculdu lllm tho uttlo 111 lift i d liuvu ilriwnrit if yuu hadnt unik uloilu 0uuit all tllitl aur lr 11 imvi hii honi hnli unyway lliu with 11 htiill what hlio tootl hml i in mm ly wi r 11 hnljk i liovi ntvt nut lo town without ymi im 1- l and iih uiiirrlml into tlu iiulii au ih till i youui nmii hud nn lht ulliii imut 1 i t to nt in ihiiukh it uihuiii ili nivi- ut him know that ulm wan woitlnw aul w i ho mt minor uim1 one uftci noon in into aukuhi uii tlui wci rttuniluk from a irl to him vlne hilly who lud hint hilly hy now huld to hir hnwd you ilka lo ui rlllitf with ni thu vnlnr in urn truckr kui- lauahod wll no hardly hi tho truck i lion m n cui iivfi ut tlti titoro that i u m koniotlmna 1jm nay you ii com wnll yn hilly ii ii chma that vnnliitf a low owirful tmiu- lllt riiailhttir itrow b ut alula m ilihil uud in u fnw tnlnulori tho two wora hklnimluir ovor ttw hlllu j ikiibi tlio truck tlucmiil itt null hilly oh i mmii ihiahl only mirii witli joy itu norfticlly lovlyj wlitiuo mr im ur oh it llnnum ttvtn u mull i utiov itut 1- ihio wum not mullitflod lh luiiil nvr tho ilmir uud wiw liulntud on iliti dark rruy body thn lot lorn w 1- in old hh lurno1 on mill hilly bluuhod uud utummerod hut ho umm fairly ruuiiht and ut lunt ho udmltttd that ha wiui ludootl lha owii- r of hto unluiidlil ittr hut how why i don t undor- toindl uald into hilly wuu muddonly vory huuy niuk- intf mi adjiialmant t tho uiiark i ovor him lmi t liulllnu wii ha mutlornl hut tcialo wum nnt to ito ut off hilly kdwurilu you juut lutvo to toll ino atout mu ourt and hnuliy hilly told kulo ho uuld im rvntirul mati- nrar of tho emnuuny lvti liooii ariv- inv lha truck ull uummar iwrtly ba- cuiiimi i rouhlnt not u kiiocliunlo i oould runt ultd iwrtly twirauimi i wantod tho itrurvm on kunollnit conuumiitlon tiro inllaara und ranrrrtl ruimliiw ability ut tlrt hund hut x didnt toll you ba- cuuho woll liooaiiuo you woo i i mm u whola lot for you vihio ami i thoiirht you llko1 im itocuuua i wum jimt m truck drlvar and1 wu irolnar toll you unyway hut i thought id tuka u rhunoa to nlaht boouuna ltri uh lovaly miriii for a rldo und woll i wantod to tall you nomathln obio haforn i laid you ubotit my bolnr mutuufor und now 1 vo rone and twjid thlniin juut my luck for tci- nlo 1 do 1 lovo you kuio uuld hot li luff for u moment an tho cur mimhi on hut mho ulolo u look at tho faoa hoaldn hor tho oyow war mat grimly uhoud wtul tho mouth waa hriii hviftly irnntly ho raunhod u tlmld band and touohod ilo urm he aturtod um thouxh ha hud kooolv1 un uxitrla hhock tho car ulowod down lm it ulld into tho uhuduw of u- croat troo by tho wldo of tho niud hilly ru- ivahod tlia rour lavor und uhut orf tho imiwar jclalou hand truvallod un till it routod on ihlm xhouidor and tlion v liulwuntw turned to hor und hold the boarder f alouuro of tho buat uoomod eoy after tho rhvurluau oho tor of tho buli the iiauttm of tho wlmlaliiehl utoumlntf with rahl mail it tho vlow tit the road uhoud hlurrod apd indlutlnot tho aray unlit of day lot in u wort of twllltfht in which uha muld tnuuo out ijuoor lovem und buttmix and ull uortu of funny clok faoom on tlte lumh board the driver mm t tnyutorlouu rohturoi with a lovar that lirojuctod froro tho floor und in u tnuiaoiit they wore rumbunu down the rttuil not until than did kulo taku tho outwrtunlty to look at him hor look bore out tho favorable im- liromaloti uhe iiadhad when he reimued hor hi hud a njra faoe uhe thouifbt with uoiuo very attraotlvw frenklex u tioao unit tlltod evorkmi ulhjhtty and k aliln t ho tbcu poke nrmiiobu um wall um tiulxmndod mwwl humor ha won muffled in u raincoat und lila hunda wora enoauod in riovom and ho liun- dled thb rniut truok uu oaully am feuolo haraolf handled do lib i li uhe wumnpv- n niltrntlnh yuyve un uwfully uhid driver uro you iintt ulio uuld ho rrlnnod hut he did not toko hlx yem off the road uhead ob i can drive u little be uald tnodeoily at that moment the truck uklddod wildly to urn rluht utntwlth u julok wkltled twlut of the whool und a judicuimj up ii 1 1 aat to n of nower bo brought u hack to tlio road uruiii phi orloil 11ho tho youritf man jrln wldoneil thutv nothing lie encouraged her no und to ukld a little on u day like thia i rockon 1 can liundle hor you koiiir to townt you to thu dreainakere woll you juut tell bin where to t drop you utid til do it im new to thohe iurth jimt riit this job yooter- diiy drlvlnit for blmjiaoii co i miika regular trlie wtwoed their hrauoh utura out ut horbu curnerh uud tho village u i mat horn about lia mumo time ovary day bay do you iro u to town often t icialot hi uu tied ut tile it i rod t llueutloll but anuwerod uhyly whyi ye tl- inuht every day jtlmiu thiol tlio yountf man uald nomoro und idiwin did not imiulru why ho nhould utmar wo idouuoa ut hef utntemant hhe wuit ullent up n ly ebaorbed- lnjieruimihti ollvo fro wifod uk uhe hoard the bourdorm lltfht utot en tho utulru iho hud rot into the habit pf frownlufc wbeuovur uhe hoanl that uteti at her balfoimiii door the ixaurder jvauiiod uud olive ii frown doeponod anrirliy it wan iwd onoiirb to lie obi i rod to huvo lioarilor in hi bouae hut if ynu were not oven to have thn rreodom of your own room may i coma in t u wlutful voice asked with a halfumother4 oxouttnatian olive thruut uomahlnr behind iiorliair of rourea uha uald unnriicloualy tlio hoarder topvod in the doorway kvorythlntf u bo tit her wum both beuutl fill und ntyllah olive thought if ule ournoil auch u ualary uu the board ort tho imarder upoke ruthef breuth- looaly j have tlflketw for umo klmau recital vrtdny i wondered if you coutdn t ro with me ktmut huw olive waiitwl lo hear hor her ueurt lauiod ihon fell 1 m uorry but lm ufruld 1 on nt uhe untd ntlfhy ob 1 m no uorry i hud hopeil the iwiurdor turned uwuy without dn- luhlnjf hor uenteuoa when alio had noun ouvtv drew out the but unit uhe bud been trying to trim but rtnully uhe toohed it uuldo nothing went riglitjejauilu hud gone right ulnoe the boardjhad coma bhe i wbihiht i olive i 1 hor mother utood ut tho foot of the ntulrn with un annful ot freuh lowelu will vou liut tbom in ulim loookoru roomf aha aauod olive took tho towebi hor inotberu tlrod fare made bar anror hotter hhe would not think of the help thut the boarilorm manoy wan grvlng through the hard time hho itnd to knoolc twice when the ikiurder opeiiei the door olive uuw thut uhe had boon crying it uturtlod hnr ml that uha anoka liefore ubu thought arti you hit tho bwrder renlled hh heal tutod 1 wuu juut deciding thut ought to go i i know you dont ilka uud i lliavq no right to upoll thlngu olive utood upeecbleuu the board or went on hravaly you ii tiavor know whut it hue meant even two month ut uboumb youujmivojiado tiel home in my life the nfut in t mi to 1 re and uw your mother and your little wlutar laying ubout tli roon ami you oh dont i ollvo cried muy x ro to the rooltal with you uftor ul that brisk rich flavour lounclin every cup of the genuine salada is the true flavour at the perfectly preserved leal xhls unique flavour has avon for sxlada the largest sale of any tea in america thn l bens bhowcn why ruut 1 huvo u hhowert han uukl 11 hnt nfloii hoard hlu oldr uutoru talk uluiut hihiwhw for hi him uud for ohr ioople on thlr i rth- duyu they ummdod ilka plvuuunt thlngu hon thought v wo tnn um out of ii hon hlx father uuld it u only womoufolku thut huvo thut kind of run iloii kmikixl dowucaul lut i do wluh ludy would glva me a uluiwtr ull ut wum ut bnukfuiit limn hut ih for uuptw unto han bud fori hon ull ulhiut hlu wuh for uuhowior h i hud only olio wluh und thut wuu to hud hlu lout kitten huff naver bofore hud little blank fluff utrtyod away for even un hour hut now uhn hud imwii bono ull day uhd uiourii hull hud uoaroho4l tho whole neighborhood uh rould not im found ituforo dark uouie uil tlphoued tliat a black klltou willi two white feet bud been run ovar hy a car in front of the drug utore fluff wuu black with two white feet hen tried not to cry but it wuu hard work icvoryone neighborhood fait uorry for hi in for they know bow ho loved culu lntrtlou lurly klurf the next morning while hen wuu trying to eat hlu oalmaul the door- hell fang following hlu mother out into the hull he haw a man bund lu u uuoer looking liox made of utruw thero wuu u icuril attanhnl lo tho box on it waa written with many regret from the owtinr of lha car thut run over the uttlo cut hen unfuatanod tho rattth inulda the laiukut wnu u heuutl ful white kitten han could hot help loving the new corner which wu anon racing rouni the hall after mpoohi uu lively uu uj irlckct vary uoon the doorbell rung ugulu und that time hen unewnred it him- ualf a little girl wum m landing on the imirrh with u black kjttoii in her urrnu floauo wont you take thlur uha uuld f hoard ubout the kitten you lout und uo i brought you nun of mlna llafara ttttu rould thutik bar who wuu gone tlio two klttetiu iiluyed joyfully to- gatlidr heu watching them ulmout forrot hi grlof uo hud juat made un hlu mind to name horn ink und hull when for thn third time the an impressive experience u divinity thut uliupou our titer lldh lur- u- young man ubw uuld nothing but ho hmlght have been in tore tod had ha knowi thut klele wum wondering how t uhe couhl uquarq it with her oon- uclenre for eaylng uhe wnt to town almoat every day when an a muiter of fact twfco a month wm alraoet her ifmlt they drove on iii dead utlonoe in a few roumenu the village ap peared dripping before their eye and ulula allowed her jehu the dremraak ertu au ho u topped but bef6ra ralalng the ourtalne ho held outnlu bund with ft frank umlle and uald i til probably uoe you gftln aome time my nam bjdwflrdn hilly hdwardu they cll me mlneg mlulo bulo aoodhart and tmnk you fver eo much far gtvlrujr me huntino and trapping in ontario my uetlon of the ilcgulature of 10s1 tho following change were made re- ipeetllig hunting nnl trupplllgl lluullng und trapping ltfenaeu the tuklng of 1mm r und wolf by any meiyiiu uud the tuklnu of fog by jwruimfdog lu now lormltteil without the uuthoruy of a tioenva or mirmlt huree uud couanturl hahblut all reetrlctloii uud hrotoction have boon removed on the taking of hareu und cottontall rabbit fur clearing anlmulu deatroylng 1roporty xrovuion ham boon made whereby uny furbearing uulmal may lie ilvulreyed in the defenoe ur preeer- otlon of liroperty by uny niabnu at uy time r iteltu tukun tliorefroni anuot bo orferoil for nulo during the clove eeuuon except under the author y-of-uv- permit imll mug tliut tlm it wau lien favorite touchor mlu cury who ulooil ut the door uhe uald i havent a kitten to glvo you but if you will tuka old yellow tom ill he very glad ha uoodu n rood uettlod home uothor uald hen au mluu cury went uwuy f am getting rlci in catu jut look bow old tom uturou nt the klttanul the old catu face wuu uo funny and uotemn that hen luugheil uloud for the it rut time in twenty hnuru ho laughed utlll more when u little lator hlu grundmothfirn hlrotl limit drovo up lo tho door with a largo wicker baakol qruiidmather had heard of uenu ion uiul went tlio old grayandwhlto farm cut 1ntcho with her four grayumlwhlte klttenu theyre to via it you au long aw you like jim uuld hen upant tho refet of lha morning kurrouudeil by catu lutcho purred on hi knoe old tom doxed at hi feet and tho ulx klttenu played wildly ull round the room if uny more con to we 11 huvo to enlarge tho house mother uuld wont duddy utretch hlu oya though unuwerod lion daddy did qmat flrottl he eg- clalmixl uu ha cuniu in for luncheon two eat und hulf a doxeu klttanul hero a uloo mlgup look what old colonel hill gent heu uuld lid thought twould help to conuole him daddy raiued the rutp of hi pocket a blackandlan head wau poking out over the eign thorn wum u ubarp bufk und quick ua u wink u tiny fox terrier ucramblod out into lleuu will fng urrnu there ho uut erect und barked with might and mulu hut the cutul with nno bound old tom wum on top of the plulio hnowball uud ink disappeared under the uofu ilko two utreuku of black uud white old vatcheu urchod her lutok uud hriutled while hor four klttenu want ucmmbllug wildly up tb lane ourtulnu ut the window uurh ttbritllug uud uplttlng wnd liar king uu nuwr mm ueen or hoard before hen laughed until ha oould barely utand o duddy tm having a uliower of klttenu uuroly enough ha cried atiiljl make ulmout uu muah nolwe um u thundaruljower tool then juut uu he wau ubout to- carry the llttlu dog out of the room he hud a grout qurprbiu through the open door right into thn mldat of the liar king dog and ungry outu und klttenu cume vi urf walking n briskly utnl purring loud with joy hen dropped the dog uud grabbed rlutniiit iuitiierjl oil look iuiiirii iw them uu w will a t ilitli utod uluur volunteered dur ing the wur lo wing l hrlllah troop among jho utm i m uhn lillu of her ox- imrhiicu thu following lu lu nunio ra- uiiortu ibo mout puthetlu uud inspir ing voiy tmrly uftor uhe volutitnorad uhe wuu ulnglug ut u big training cump lu i- iiulund at cording to hor custom uhe invltoil the tnou to write their re ijuniitu on ullpu of pup r uud plure tin m ifpou the pluno among tho ullpu wau mm thut road will you plousii ulng doou jouuu curoy the ludy wuu vory familiar with the lunula uud words und uung it ai- though uhe ubook hund with ull the men in the lurao hut nu they wut out no one upoko to hr ubout tho hymn lev rul mnnlhu later uhn wuu hing ing ut chatham to u numlxir of troopu who ware tn h uvi for wuure tho text morning among the ullpu of pupar mi the pluno thorn upfioarod thajiueu- tlou ugulu will you plauua king ixou jouuu curnt iho lady inimedlutely uung thn comforting mouuugo of thul ulnude hymn while the men uat uu if uimillliouud a few woeku paavi ii ud thn uluucr wont to krunni one nlrht in u lurgn y h c a hut in it huso town not fur from the lines ul wuu uliiulug lo troop who wera under urdnr to leave for the front ijwiklnu fhroiirli tlui uolcu placed nu the piano uhe wuu uturtled to tlnd uguln lu tlin name- buudwrltlng will yon punuo ulng ivnu joun caret fllie uhtdlly com i illod with the ro- iuohi thlu lu the third time t have li this rdjiitmt from the uume uonllo uhe uuld lo lu r uudlence ufter she liad uung iftty i huvn tlio prlvllosu i upouklng to lilm ufler tho roncertr whan the concert wau over u yotiug uoldler ume to hnr und nxplalnod tliut yiaru uro thut hymn hud liean blessed to him lu onu of ijr torrayu mluhloi au he thuukod her for it fluidity they imth reulluml the lulrujigonesu of their mooting uo r and felt that a hlviun 1ro- vldonce wuu eniphuululng the moaning fif the hymn ttomn monthu iftnrwardti tho ladj vlulled a big houpltul in ward after wnil uhe uung to tho nick uud wound od thou uho wuu uukod if ubw would ulng in the inflation wur1 wlioroonly tho hnpeleuu and most extreme caue were u jit iho ulngor declare tliut uhn will never forg i the uud ulrht of that ward onu uiun uhe wau told luul bien vefy unxlnuu to upoak to her over ulnco ho heurd that uhe wau com luif they drew aulde tho curtains o a lied where tho inuti lay lu nemldurk noiuj ho wan very ill hardly likely in live mora than an hour or uo in a fnliifwhlnpor bo uald to uio ulngor will yoiirilpfihul ulng ooeu jeuuu cn ro t linking clrturtt uhe uuw that it wuu her frloml of thn previous moetlngk now lying at death u very tjoor con trolling hor emotion uha wont to the pluno and uoftly and uweotly uung tho tender mosungn of the love of jouuu wtlle uhe uung he died tho divine ilovo that had kept puce with him oveiy utop of tho way hud opened the buteu of pearl to hlu tortured nplrlt lu it uny wonder thut tho ulnger lnveu thut hymn nbova all olhorut thai watf killed ho crlwl how ullve uhe ul that night it wuu hard to rind sleep ing pucou for all hens new family well uuld hi- father when the lust drown kitten hud been tucked uwuy it ham rained cut utid dog aura enough this day no it wasnt a rain uald ham it wuu my shower and the bout part of the uliower wau tho ututr ci hot advchtioeita tlio llrut grout udvcrtlweru lu the world wore the kiiirr of lufypt who loft tho world the hpblux pyramids oluillukw und illoroglyphlou tlio purihiuo of thulr ndvortlulug wuu not to build tip the aula of a product but to lin uurvo for future generation thn preutlgo uud ulory of their dynuu- tie in thn duyu when tho old tv lament wuu wrltti n the known world wau it prtjty umall pi ire tho country bord ering on iho nile the tlgrlu nud the kuphruti u comprlued tlia uiurketu of thn worlds iho curthitglnluuh wfu tho grouttuit trader nf tielr tlnnj those cur- tluiglnluuu wluhl uall uloug tho xlodl- torrunouu with u imut loud of mernlniu- illsu until they reached the roust of llbyu tbiiti thay would unload their cargo and then lighting u big bonfire near their goodu would return to tbelr khlu tho inhubltantu drawn by tlio iwii ire would coma out of their city to hutpoot tho goods if they liked tho morchuhdlue they would deposit a pile of gold near it uud retire behind their wullu tho curthuglnhuiu would again hind woirii tlin cold uud if it value wum udjudgud uutllolent to oomivensato for the value of thn murohundlue on uhoro would tuk it and uall uwuy if the amount of god proved tnuuffl- olont thpy would v lmlnhlluloly com- loading tliolpsrarro home time the rihtlveu would then uend nut mora gold orttlme the merchaiulluo would jtotteioudiintirasnihrnsblpuir rueeklng uuottmir luivt of tfudo y thlujuiuflra wnu the first muratuiu- llso udvertlsemunt recorded in history cufuar wuu one of the rtrnt 6f whleh liltory reoortlg to uttllsj the fotoe of publicity lu u rnuunor almllar to the wuynvo record tho wot of our nation al laigluuitlvo bodle ha hud written on thu wallu of home whut matter of interest wore truiwplrlng in the he ti nt tho crest humoroub hlmtclal camp uoanm for leeri iro- vlalon line been mado whereby a stecul camp lloenae may bo obtained for a tea of 91 which will entitle organised hunting parties to kill one doer to be eaton in cattuxjintf atioh license may be issued to every bbxperaona i leltof near moose nlmler and caribou pravlahm tina men made whereby it is no jgrnooesary to be in pnueoalon ota lloenae to have ln poajmmmilon ori veil qr to hjtvo tanned the polui djt ueer mooaa reindeer or caribou purrdealera ueengea there ha been added tp jaxieung aupinnsea itoen- geu n reetrioted lleenee to provide for i the nurohaae of raw pelt far nereonal i uee at a fee of f l i hotuo people enjoy rollglouu free nu und some enjoy freedom from religion i lndsuy oonuluble uupied cou- quergikid lot a prisonur with a wood leg get awuy from him uwlm the hourog rlvorumf muke hlu eftcupe at time ho uhould comiuc iwttor vou are lu my imw sir uuld mr uirjohn stiffly then ii um sitting in the uef of tho utornfull replied tho stnmger getting out of it with ulucrlty und taking u meat further luiok lu the church in uiwestnru town i uuw this legend pungent eveh though not very web- uterlau in a uhop window tlu grit makes the man tlia want of it hie chump tho mon who win iny iuild hang on and tmmpt f thought you wera working on john thoman new house uald the house a inters friend i will going to replied tha houoa painter but 1 had quarrel with him und ha said hed put the paint on himself i and did he do itr i yea that i wharaie put tha moat of it s just going to he wuu jhwl going to help a uolgh- imr when h dlo1 s ho waujuut rolng to pay u tmto wlieii it went to proteut ho mount to lnuiirn hlu house hut it burnod lieforu ha got u round t it he wart just going to reduce his ilohr when hlu creditor uhut down mi him v lie won juut going to utop drinking uiil iluulputlnie when hlu liciilthbe- wrwj ked wuu juht going to lutrosluon u better uyhtum into bis buulnosii whkn it wt lo- umuuh c wuu jinit going to quit wtrk nwhlle undtukn a vacation when nerj lutunainintrutlniirjurtn ho wum jutohir to provide pro- mr protection for liju wife und family when hfu rortuna was mwoiu uwuy ir wau just going to sand out uoni rooii advertlulng when ha found hlu competitor hud got there prt und uecuroil tho order icxebange hits it right ihn wulkertoii telaaaopa voices the i pluihii of many lu tha following how ortoii we hour the complaint nowilkyu thut iho hlldreu who liuva i iiturl tliiiiigh our omniou u hoolu i u iikt spall or write icelhly aft r i ok lug iivki- tho murloi ullolud lo ii lulloiiu uiiljuitu at high h iool n- lliitne it ihuh to uu uu if iho reuuilu fur it mm h poor uimilllug and writing lu the umull ultoutloii lb h uubjoclu lvi rioi with utlo uub- out of tlu murku ullottd for uiun puimiiu only til lu glvau for upoll- ipt to reiulred to puts und to for writing hlx ulhar uuhjoctu uro rivoii iuo marks ah ibis lulo up pi us all avr tin provlueo a lno lu tlia iihh huhllc hfhool ulum ut wulkarton at uny rate only to murks lu given for upolltng whllu prut tually ull other nuhjoolu roll for loo murks is this putting the etnphuulu wheie it hnlongjat if our eblhlron urn lohuva a pioter rounding lit the vsaentluls of com- luou school work it uppeurm lo us that um h uubjeci as spoiling uud writing i uhould lie given the mout importance tuthur than thu loweut marks of ull j do you find yourself unable lo ilcep wnll are you irritated hy trifles do email irooblee look lis lo you do you ptart nl eiifjuvn noieea ata you unexlo to concenlvalte ions oo any one thing if eo llicrea pornethirik wroriut vffth your tier vou ay stem ikcso bra tlanacr ei dr milhs nervine 1 20 will soothe ine irritated and ovcralrainea nervee juelone of two doecs belpe nature to restorer tbemr lolheif normal unctiods guaranteed sal o and sure for sale in acton by e x hasiulu gvnadiah pacific farm laborers wanted tare goint 515 to winnipeg h tut mr ul w to tttitaum fare heturcine s20 from winnipeg k it w auji itiniaj fjolat li weimi coin0 uatej territory u4llwn m clwu b lih g lo uj lcluluri tuito a tk- 0imu bkara l auqust auou8t auoost suvcf auqust srvm u4llwn 1 clwu b lih vmlu lo j ixluduri tutauta a t u- dklsiu 1 blillam rllnsm la ut fw j-tlu- 1fluj bstua mm ttsllulbuv duc 11b- tolo mm kmjt uoosj i l i lr mcuuum1 l i ul j jk swath ibetty brown earthenwear ii iii i lllfl 111 ml i i iii fillltllll wilt i lin hmi lii i i r r 1 iuluir i c cooking tca potfl priced ut such he sml 1 00 hound cadllholca iricd ut uacli wil sml 1 10 oval catulf iiollb mrjcl st cl 06o sml ji mixing nowlft prlcad st asoli uk 70c ooc 1p plrjlatfctt pried st sch mc sail fie bean pots prlld st asch ooe und 1jg oh1j iv anu i ook ahound vo inofihi v io hi iow noomt kvtn ic you no moi iiuy th itoni iiamwaimco ltd phone 1012 guelph j n oneill son distributors for studebaker and dodge brothers motor gars for acton georgetown milton j u irishman acton ifeplttienuuve automobile tops wk kecovkb auto t01s and equip your auto with door opening curtains carriage rubber tires we have tub itest equipment vok applying- caiuuage itumtrat tires g on shortest- nolich j n oneill son georgetown ont j this stores policy to represent fooaj ex actly un to their quality to sell to those who know hud to thoso who dont know at a uniform iw price o fulfill itunraiitces and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence hy always giving you satisfaction savage co jtewellenj guelpii qntauio 7 iravinlo ttl ricmuomo sf vsr ttokowro canad 7ew lytaj cewlliellliif iialllia yeerkyeataeamoaur aa bsahay writi for praeirs curs bookj lulabbasbcslm0kuse the wise way if a foolish man wants tobny or sell anything lie rides nil over tlie country in the cold br heat looking for tlieparly of the second part i the wise man puts a few lines in the free press and lets them go all over the country for him while lie sits or goes about his business i when uny hum has a cow or horse to sell there is some other man ttome where who is watting lo buy the thing but these two mcji might travel a week without finding each other advertising in tho free prfl bring them together let the free press assist you in this x wise and easy way of solving your difficulties grand trunk ttnti the double track route hbtu c1qn ekontrcal tononto detroit chicaoo unexcelled dining oar uervloe tt looping ear on night train und parlor cars on principal day train a 1 trull information from any cjran trunk ticket rgpnt ur o hi hnrnliy hutrlot rouueiibor agci t toronto ii a holmes agent acton ont phone t r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity op feed corn and oil cake just received- flour fixd norval i1kan and sholkts i1ay straw r noble ltd henhv awhev manaqer when yau need boots shoes at any tloie iiuy from w williams tmill street j aclon iamous for satisfactory footwear rbasonablu imtlceb wr zi c rj

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