Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1921, p. 3

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l ghjp arton 3tro uafl riinithda auuuht ll id21 in i- wheel shall ulng rtttaar en wren umnnitninoreeu wln m l i iiir- murrui- vnwu willi liturry ulnt with luper trubt the pilot when tin leguuiil ruble saying her mothur wuh iluiiunrouuly iii kuthleei wuu in jrihtliittherii town thi only truliklmil kim film woo 11 have o wull until the nest mirnlng to ui lii uu uutnmnbllo wiu out of th nutation tain had fullnn for w aril thn inuiitry roots wtn impuhh- iilla while mho stood haatltutlng in the kiuiiiiii a stranger epoko to her mail am ho unlit them s an aeroplane lit tiiwn diat would get you homo in a few lioiirn 1 know the pilot would tuhn yuii oli 1 won lor if i coulll cried kutlilion tuklug her murca in both hand she sought the it v tutor ha agreed id tuko hn i- homo in lias than two huuro at the butt moment who held buck iim kin ut tlui frail craft that wu to i urry her through tho clouds h hiwiuiu dangerous she ssld 1 m tirrlbly urruld you iimwi not lie aajd tho plot hn nih mm i nor toy hut hu young flo ahowod flrninnu nml resolution i vu been in tho army in actual vnr- fuie he continued i vo taught many in mi to fly nlnro tho wur i havu riml a thousand pavsaugers safely fuy um human kill cah so you uro kuhleen look hir place in i ho uero- plane the- engine throbbed raster faster tlm plulia wan nmhlnv ooroi iho hold than suddenly ilia trwm be gan m drop below hor and they wero off at first ho rmut was her anxiety uml her fear thut aha could not look at thu uirlh fiutspread beneath her wlmn uio piano would drop a little or tho wings bwny aha fouiul herself ilutchlng ut tho side frautlcally irsuntly aho relaxed and even found courage to smile how foollshl she said to herself notjijn i can do ran possibly make any difference must trust the pilot trust the pilot it dawned on her that thla woi just the word aho needed yho wam llkn a child cast adrift in a world no longer atable and secure but shifting and changing like the aero- plan that rushed her alone through apnea and who had done nothing ex cept let four und anxiety torment her frnr and anxiety over hoi future oynr ker urofeaslon over her relation to others and now over this last threatening blow that had edited her trust the 1llut lie had carried to a aafoalandlnir nn uncounted multitude thut had fjlth in 11 im the mots hand uui the only arm thlnjc in tlio olirnslng- world it va tlm to glv up hor tormeutliiif feara and to reef in the faith that in an oauranoe or thlnin hoped for hho would tho pilot hho idtned lutok in tho acat how nndjookod ilown over tho aide at tho rlvore and wood ixmeaih her ut tho towiim like noat toy vltuuzoa the roodv llko winding bron tape the tlelde llki nuunroa tn u eheokerukard a drift ing- gruy cloud ehut out the nun nnd tklvoloimd in ita omtnoiui chill j tho world waa hlottotl oul then the piano cama out into the un light above the cloud that lay below them floor of opal and pearl hho gaxod down nt it fasclnatad all her fear gono truutthe lllot aho whuper- ed he know the way through nlouda lleforo hhs thought her journey could bo half done the aeroplane wm aett- ung dnwn in it field at the edge of her home town her father jerho had re- oulved a telephone tnotuinge wm wait ing with an unto mobile to toko her home mother la a little better doctor hue hope wero hlo flmt word hut beforo kuthleen left bo w topped to hold out hor hand to tho pilot ihuuk you for a wonderfuf irlp eh mld and i wanted to tall you i had time to think and 1 vo loomed to truat tho lllot he oaw the double klgniricanco of her worda and a am lie lighted hut hoylmh fucti i learned that long- ago ha muld i iim nn ii nlnlan undeay and john switzerlano in canada wjllum hull und jmna hull r ritu iint- meollng won hlt in april 1hi3 at thltf meeting n patltlin promoiittid i y thn inkul itauta nt dumlot no ix fur h mhool kiplings ancetbv holdnm 1m urn influence of unceatry inoro hiurkiml than in that of the uuthor itudyard icipling ltolh hu kratuiruthnm we to weuleyan me tho diet inlnlatora in htnltordhlrf worth cnktnil icnglatid jiu futher wm an urtlat am lirofoaaor of arch iter turn uml inulpture ii n mother published u look of poems in london the preacher tho ortut and the poet are combined und thuv uterary inqucnoe of aneatry la upparaqt jklplltib- father woa john 1l kip llnif who wan born u muralcm staf ford and hla father waa key joaeph milling wealayau minister at hura u- hlnftn rd ahlro llln ttnnentry trqiwl further back la ahown to be knguah and dutch m a plonlo on tho ahoro of jnudyard iluka not far from ilurelem in thld enmity of fituftord john u kipling tuet alice macdnnald daughter of 4n- other wealeyan uathodlat minister of undon alao in rtarfortuhtre lloth fumlllea wardithua wealeyanjf in the apmo lcngllulj county und tho young people wero inoqn engaged after- wurda john i ntudled ut the kenalng- ton art bohihil and aooured an ap pointment an dlrootor of tho art school at bomliay india when tie went out ho took ah unodonald with him aa hu wife whon their unit eon u born in bombay december lusfi ho waa named itudyard a ft or tho little lako in control kngland where hla parent had flmt met and in memory of tho- old home country selected an the idltor hua hamlojil hip lo fol lowing from n vnernllo reuder i f lha iuau iukh who now llve in ht thomuh lrlupm tho old uun roul i wrlta uonin thinum futilir of hla rwollihi tlonm rn tho narller mathoduit mltitatera rvml alton up in thn yarlb7i ll it wiih h iihj fnr ll iroult llo box told the 1 roahylrlun prouoheru and glvvn ua their photo the flrat ruriy upikilutotl prnuolmr to oeorgetvwn clr cult win kov t uther o itkw in ut followoil in 1s4 by lli v wm 1hllp comhiir down to a later pir i ml with in thn rorollikitlon of aome of lha older t nhabl tan ut 1hc thou jorferth joal ililgka tho buit two nam ml had oh tjmlr rollnuguiim tliumo 1 1 rock chrulophar oiokmau j luamn iwaaa tjv1i v c ll ynulda anion u pan tora rommnuod in 1i17x with llolwri i hlllliui j w iorkauilar j c hlv nw o w alvert hlchard hobbw t 1 wilklnikn w llrynra lfl i think lleva j llroley and chrltophr cookman found their wlvna in or near aflton wil tliata all right ily ancient malory of hwul uffulr unta to mllr l lot 39 ml an i third irth meui or f the ytr waa thei all anothorold friend and rtmidrmht me n immumui u rvul lioiiunxa of old- time date through tho kkkm ago the other day it in nothing moi nor lean than thn old reoorna of tho meeting of the llret hohool rommlaalooem of the township of kamiealnr lt way buck in u4x and give the etory of tho organisation x flffeen school ills tricta in kanueiilng acoompanylng thla rare old volume is u school regis ter of arton school of rlfty year ago and thu hocraurys hook in which i recorded tho orguhlsatlon of acton a first school and the building of the first school house also u register of tho pupils attending the school with their age when mr uttlo and mr iloas wars the teachers this la u rare find indoed uhd i ap preciate it very much and ymal imos readers will i am sure be interested in tho reoords which i may from time to time trunsorllhi uiervfrom wthlheaif ancient record looks was a note- from the donor which said dear old man i vo been inter ested in the lists of names you have been iilvlng u of the old uiys und girls who wura mamliers of thn metho dist hunitay hrhool away luirk in tl a sixties you asked for a ulmllur 1 1 hook giving the names of the scholars who attended the ivrshylvrinn hun- day bchool in thoao days t lunnot supply- you with thut 1 ut i am send ing you the first iubllo bchool record ikkflts of the bchool truet4mui in anton tony iluta back to 183 i ubu send you tan old register of arton hehool giving tho names of pupils ff the old days their parents names und the age of each pupil these i think you will find to be of rare intirrst and i imvi tho i dim you will be able to all many a otuimi from their pagr of mutter never iraforo in print but which will be read with apodal interest by ohll- drcri of the third upil fourth gnara tions of thoaii who intarostoil themselves in educational musters in the oarly days of the history of this community yourm sincerely an old timer uke yourootf acton august 4 1011 well hero goes with some interest ing so lections from this ancient voi- at the flint meeting of tho common bchool commissioners for the town ship of ksqueamg- forthe current year held ut tho inn of mr hugh clark on tho lbth february 1843 thq com missioners present being john hums john graham john atkinson nlniai xlndsay ami james uarber james htark having refused to act and wll ham fttull being absent from home it was resolved 1 1 unanimously that john hums be chosen chairman for tho current year thut adam bproat bo appointed onu of the tfchool cominlsslonars jumeii htark liuving refused to act tliat no master lw udraltteil tn teach a common bthool in this town ship of jsmtuoaing unions ho can teach the liiiikllsh languagn grrotlcalty writing hoography history and arlth metlc at least as far as declmuls und kt ruction of rootai tliat it i also required of them that they teach in the explanatory or intellectual sys tem 4 thut u aeries of- questions on the illfferont brunches mentioned li the third resolution he prepared and that the hmiui questions he uut to all can didates p tntttthn nnxt meeting- be held a time to lauqh bomb- modem young peoptatlned o take to heart tho scriptural saving thatthoro is a time to laugh and a tlme to weep valuable as horn or is it does not fit into every ocoaalon lin- coins humor was una of hi most dls- tthbutshlnir chsrnctiirlitlctf but hla public utternncon are notable for their sorlousnesn the youth who makes a joko of ovorylhlnir thu girl who hi flippant in roeard to tho most vital subjects are not of the sort who achieve there la m time to laugh but that time is not all the time canadian coal canada created a record for ooal production in ujhn when aha produoort lfptaapa tons mt ugalnsl lsl9u0a ton n tho profcdlng year or an ln- creaso of 31 0 par cent 1 hero on haturduy march clock a m for the purpose of mining candidates for the ofllca of teach era then acmes tho minutes of tho second meeting at mr hugh clarks inn ut which ull tlio commissioners present at the previous meeting- and also mr wllllum stult were present i have not been able to locate mi hugh clurks inn but x think it must have bean ut u to wart town at this meeting it was unanimously tsolvnd hut no person be admitted t a teacher or u common hohoot in thl township who does not profess to beelevo the christian doctrine that there is only ana living and true cod that ills son jesus christ is thu only saviour of sinners that tho word of tiod contained in tho scriptures of the old and new to laments is the only infallible rule of faith and practice and that there im a future state of re ward and punishments 1 iteaolved ithjlt no pupils bo ad mitted into uoy school for uny period leas than one month i that tho following person having been examined anil found duly quali fied be appointed leacheru in uio fol lowing school districts alexander nabertson no iwlnuty- mccairam wllllmu a stewart no s wuhanv colvlll no 6 james blacky no 7n icdward i loss no s alexander molntyre no 9 itobert futhy no 10 that tho vwtlhg comralsslonen for the several school districts respeoi lively be aa followa vtsi 1 john atkinson and adam bproat f 1 tho same 3 john atkinson and john oraham no g adam bproat and nlnlan xjndaay i nn 7 william stull and james barber 1 tnltv tim iwtltlin was iimplud with und taoiutln tuiasad to upply ii tha ownallp council for thn sum of 60 o ftiullil a school house in a aultalil uce in sal i ijlatrtcl a similar resolution was passed at tlia miid jnimlinx applying tnt 60 i tlmumwt u matrtei- uno ib lli tha ctmmlaslni held at hush t larks i mi at tills meeting the following algul mm nt revolution paaavd uiiutilm uualy mind you us all twululiou mi rr rimminlod hmm to ha that luaamrieh uw it is lmi slble for thn lutaril to umploy teaelu ra ull the hihool iiatrl la of this to nhlp uulriiil uixxinllng to the third rcboluuoii jiaauej at tbd first meetii in ijuhs in which a majority i f lha hihnliltantu of any tut hot ura latin flail with a toaclwr or inferior attain mania und no ther being procn ibis this itnanl will authorise such if h lini us th- inhabitants shall rhixwi r lh this knaolutlon waa nvldently luiaaoi for the ptirpoaw if hfll ing thn antoi dlatrlct out of a illmculty uu 1 aiding tha mhplo to itecur m teacher fur tha now mihmii they were building ror un very next resolution says iteaolveil thut thomas harris in ap polntetl to teach the school in ttx twelfth district and that nlnlan und say und john llurna he visiting om mlaalonttn for i lie same thomas harris wus therr6r lh hrt school lyncher ragulurly tiolnt 0l to take rhsrgetof acton ikihinil uway liack in those nurly days of eighty years ago tin nuxt minute on this interesting record hook shows that the teachers of ihrf- townslilp mm fully allvo li tile value of orrunlaallovf even li thorn urly days and tliey were quit prepurthi to look urtnr tlwir rons internsth in tha matter of astaries the minutes of their flrat meeting were manifestly considered of surfl- rlent interaat to iw prnservml by r conllng them in the record lsokvof tlm townnhlp commissioners they reed as folloiss at and wltliln the schoolhouaa lot no 13 of the eighth baquealng- tho 7th day of june 1b4s a meeting of the teachers of the town ship tiavlug been he hi there were present alexander ludiertaon wm i htewurt kinluy mccallum alexai mclntyre itoliert ruthy uilwurd shaw and wllllum colvllle mr llobertaon was ohooen chairman and mr colvlue hacretary u was derided to iwrommend cluim berv int and and 3rd ltowk of head lug the new and old testaments mr ulloch s series of itasona and nequut goldsmiths hlslorlni of creece and itnme chambers history of the drltlah kmplra and chimli wtructlve itiography mccutloch s crummar was also select ml and it was suggested that n ctnye walkers dictionary iw prnvldetl for eurh school in tho towindilp mr xfccullum proihiaoil that tmchlng geography u ut t of maps on rollers sholil i imi hecurcil uhd humieiul ml in iiaoh uchoid the meeting was of thn opinion tliat ingram s work on lrurtlrul mutlm malice was most nultahln for common hchimila but in arltbipatlo they de clined making uny mcommeulatlon of imhisji lielng of opinion that a variety of hooka on this subject v hy no means injurious tn a kcliool it was recommendd that the hours of teaching be from a m to 4 p m dally with the interval of un hour at noon each alternate baturday excepted that there lie a- month s vacation vu auguat in harvest snd during- tha wnek itatween christmas und now years day tteforo closing thulr proocwllnga tli meatlne expresaeil n decldod opinion that no salary under 7fi currency would bo un adequate compensation to a oorajotont teacher fund strongly urge this upon the notice of tha com m las lone ru them unt that quite up to dale who nays the oldtime teachers wetv not capable of looking after no it well this old book lias a wealth of interesting record w how school mat ters were dona throa quarters century ago and 1 ll glvaj you mom of it from time to time krum the year 1147 ull tho records ttertuin to the doings of school bectlon no 12 and are dated at acton business education if your son is beading for tho pro- feonloii of dentistry medicine uw ministry or teaching wo uro of very little service to him hul if he is going into tha mora mraunoratlv and greater world of buslnesa or to remald on tho farm you are not treating- him fairly if you do not equip him with a business education when you ura about to go to your long home you will feel that your duty ha bean well done by put ting your daughter in at independent position able to earn her own living ut any time through the uncertainties of life thou too you should give serious mid searching thought in nhooulnff a school tha canada lluul- ncjts college toronto and auelph with xcjluljrtinulcliesrothe urges trainers of young people in canada a pdalllon ror every graduate is our slogan let tho canada dullness col lege over uank of nova scotia quatph train you it is western ontario s high grade commercial school fmir out of every five stenographer and book keepers in thl vicinity took to tosonco fur a iiltuatlon so you would be doing yourself a positive injury if you did not take your training t jtha c it c ouelpb and tlten have the canada thiol coo collage toronto to take care of you by way of positions ror all time write canada iluslnea college tluelph corner quebec nd wyndhom streets for particulars rj college and io study courses rjioclul rxiui for farmers son 6 a many succoaaful man who uro not credited with having a college train ing hold a diploma from the univer sity of hard knock there is edu cation in dtrrtaulty development in dls appointment no leader of men ever cams to hi high place along an easy way those who cannot endure the discipline n the jtthycmty of hard knocks who rebel against the lessons assigned ore destined to fill inferior pis be no one accomplishes great thing who has not pnoved hi ability to endure hard thing i fiqhtinq version suppose bobble that another boy should strike your right cheek asked the teacher what would you dot tjiva him the other cheek to strike said nobble thats tight aald the teacher yosaunv said hobble and if ho atruckuwt id paralyse blm a very uuctcasful altunut at intro iluclug thn hwihs chalet tvim of at rhltmhun into thn t unadluli iuh kins turn iwnii airlihl out lit ilia vlllugn of lllwlaa mlnutuin ihalulu of tha al hei lileul in with thn luuhiiimii luiilaao hi tha aliln hills ulmvfl golden uh though luirt of it jhn tlwliui ilu u of thn llttlu fltum thninimilvitf nn furtlier tuhamiil by thu uhn or r uut 11 hrldnw uml hum railings ladlng up to tho ci ttuku tuihijf nun uhovn un other evir hlglmr in inn eke tutor rushlou it is unlmuury in tin vt ry iintuni or hu hwift luvln4 for thn tourlabl sitting by th window of thn hptidlng through train to i uivh only u lltnm of thlslivbrlil unji ng vlllikss yet th natural human interent fait in ttie lual bwlus uulda ut luke iiulaa who a fitly conduuts you to tha ornat clurlar to thn vulloy of tha ten i hulls uiil by nlhtiru of llusin nntruun lug trulls forumlug uniuud tlu iukw in thn inudu tniiut flon have urosuid your nurliuilly us tj win th- wondnifnl maiivit sinners llvo whan on duly vatmlyou uiimt i f ten huv round youraelf himmiil luting us u thn home tn or th- tiulde uo i ulmly ami with uuth tverfoct a torn ran no pluy- llitf the lutxurtlouu dopbln roll of truil maker on i trull mualer r is a specialist and his knowledge of a is uo much greater o canadian s gives htm tin ortihd inleral at the ami turn tho hwlss flulda repronuf in his liumiiuitncorlni a gift nf flwltaarhmd in mi a happy gift indeed when thinks r it uu a friendly folding out of aip rleurn galnnil tn her moun tuliix n nelghlioriy girt of knowlelge whlrh limy hnlp t interpret tha can u llun itockles lit many of their most romlilliatid and lioautlful hut dim i nit paohugns to lis who have so llttl- lime u wink or two ut most of uiumnrr holidaying- l wblch hum tlm glguiitlfl secret of these inhrvilliilm hooka trailing tlio human interest story of thorn kwlss jul lis uuiils onu straight to lalwnlun btrulght to lis revala tloit f th ihlubltahiil presanoo of the hwihw hulet in cuna la it hud omt too to a llttla family uiitheilug- of hup i y wives and little ihllilreu the happier for thn roalli i f inline given by the reaemhlene whli h t their homes in tha waal boor to the cottage ci limbing the ma tain hide aomewherc over lhro in the l 1 land of alplni hwltsarluml where rut hem uml mothers ami nlnlors and ljrolhern still live no mm would claim tliat twlelwalsi lu perfect from thn archlootural vlaw i olut that would be absurd ituther it has tha happy lllltn imperfections whloh luliat nynr utton i tieglnnlng earning success in the old- fashioned wav make up your mind that whutover auocoos you gut you will ourn tlm lottery lu outlawed in this country but multitude nf young poopla look on life as a lottery and am hoping- thut they will imi lucky enough id draw tho winning tiumlu r a prominent muti who was nikml whut lu ids oliuervu- tlnu wuu- tho iiiixit rrultful cuuun of fullura in life replied the unwtlllug- nvsu to unhlavu wucces lry earning it in the old fushloneil way anl tie oil fushloui i way h in work und ruvo anl invt und i limb up thn luddw it ron u i ut u time i ot to draw thn wln- nlnenumlnrtina lottery a itepuyation fob honrbtv it is not nunuifh thut thrro is uo htulu of dhilioiiiiily nn your rnpuiu- lion oii should mukn for imirilf a pimltlvc li pulutlnn tor honcuty hir known in ichool un thn imy who woul 1 latin r t ikn a punliiukuciit than hi lie known on thn pluygrouu i us onu who would rut her inuo tjio v in lory than win by rhe itlng y nr i i unity luitltillid wluu you full thut if yon grow up to miinlkkxl with itthlhf uguluut you in tho inntti r of 1 oniiuty you huvo ilone ucll enough when you rviich hiu nh toil ymi uhoiild huvo uil- tlvo rcputiitloii for houuuty couldnt collect yes uuld the iiuhiiic is man i liava glvt n up trying to rolloct thut little bill rrom llllkuim yo sco he lu u pntty big follow und ho usod to throw collactoru out then why illdu t you nmitloy a wnmun colhrotort ho could n t do that to a woman thut whut i thought w i got oua aml sent lu r round but tiho nnvr why nott ho married hor grandpa obliges dlltco hoy uuylnus tn 10 to foot- bull tnatoli may i huvo the nfti r- nooii off ulrt my grainl icuiploynr oh yi 1 vo hdiiiil thut beforo your erumlnmthar olml lout wek otii hoy vis sir hut my krumlfutluiru kltltiu married ugaln thin ufturnoou 1 unoli a woman s cxftes cuio of ooimi hohv ttwect fllxteml culm of flattery twenty cape ilooknut tw ntyriva capo kwtr thirty capo ivarowell forty a scotch inheritance alt american professor who studying ut udlnhurgh university nximlid ut tha home of a thrifty hootch fumlly kuch morning mru maoan- gus would coma lu with an agescarred dustpan and u well worn brush and swobp tha hour u looping about 4h iiluca in luick breaking illucomfort i uhoul i think you would find it ouster io lino a broom the profoanor vt ntuiud ouo morning- no doot no dent ugreoil mrs mac angus hut 1 haojhe brush and i luu not thi broom my itfhbavng inft tho broom to tho eldost child thfl ymuiliat hrutiur mithuathlnke but a turkoy wtntf avoiding accidents fuka ptwuutlouu uuiiliiht accliontu to thn chlldi- n nnvcrsutu uill uf hol water on tha floor neon a labia or limb wberi it cull imi reuched by thouo rollckluir iutcicui folk also bo uillii thn spoilt uf tho tiukattla in tin mil uwuy tn m the oiiltillo ndgus of your utovc thu iitonm will not roitin out nf it tltcu on your child fuci or urmu uu ha ruuhoh past buf will luiiipo toward tlio liuck f uio love take the name precaution wllh tho hundhii of ull tu buttles 1 urn thum uwuy mm the fiont of the wlivo to thut lliey will hot imi pulled down by imiululllvo llmiors will vour llcmi mix r thn gooil a and forwwt thu bud mukn nviryonn imppy and nobody uudl it did my ileur air said tho uolosmnu court roil nly uu ho imiidtxl his cus- toinur his uuckiilo ntnl no change you will tlml thut your suit will wear llko iron m and miro enough it did thn man hdn t worn it two months when it hhuii to joolr ruuty- now york con trol mugaxlnn just to fillu srace ing hud tho poor yoiintf artist walt- m1 for his nrut imtrou and now i pimptroum lookhur wun stood thtforo him iidtiirus said tho painter trying to hldo his uugcrneau i have uomo to diwpomo or whut subjects would you llko to two ullegorlcu landscape or whatr 1 hn ut ranger looked blandly ut him un i sulil- ion t cara much about thi uuhjoclh whut i wunt is something about hirihr fflet long und ulghtuen imhes wldo to jilde u crook in tli willi harvesters uwantel 1500 to winnipeg aplus rial a cent per mile v boyond return half a 1 cenf per mile to wlnnlpcfl plus 2000 excursion dates from ontario august 10th and 22nd lini touqutfo on ebevs dstos ii oo noon a 111 p so spcciitl accommotlation fur women convertible lerti colonist cars facuitiea or meals cu route ticket uml full information from any cenadjan ll national or cm ml trunk agent v canadian naifttiialgrand trunk rujlulu ffssif99frv9iiiiksrppff i donoisciottifire vviihout apermii tt welfare of new agricu communltlci in ihl i provinca rqtrsttjnirtarnraqirinfifti agent at hand fire therefore rctitrlctlotili riiiitil hniridtr uotuoril a little a i conn in lent with safety to livnl and properly dut- amtroun cjtpcrumco provcj that in hot ilry wen the r ujiri uluteil uuu of 1m in thickly woodi tl northern ontario tint arm a tncnunf to llm liven unit propi rty of bcttlora anil ilaatruction of tho provincial fori ut ri nn cu u 111 vhirhn- lareo part of ontario n revenue and tho livelihood of tlioutinulx of hoi cllu xcns depend that is why ontario ado p toil a clona season nml tho permit sytom for ocltinjf out ffrn llut rittnomlier whether you linva n jhniiil or hot you arc renponsililo for damages cauood by any flru you hilil uu careful save ontarios forests theyre fours tho ciobo fleason for not tin if nut firo en nortln rn ontario u from april loth to kcptomur 30ui during- that tlmo within thn ior- mit area liu one may hat out tlm for clearing jhiiul dispomntf of de bris or other inflainmalilu waste or for any industrial purimse without first ofitainintf a written tiro normit from a j- ire lungcr this applied riot unly to rottlrnt but to railway section crows camp and mill crows road builders including tiovcrn- mnnt employees ant all other per bow when startlnjr firo for eoohiajr and camping- tho uw rcnuiroa that placo imi nolcctod froo from 1n- flammable ma to rut that every rea sonable precaution bo taken to pro- yent such firo spreading- and that it ho thoroui lily nxtliaulnhil he uro tjuittmc tlio jiliico tho close llcniion nppllcu to all ontario north of hum iy 1 1 n und smiths tails anil wist of tho line from thcro to ltinfruw tho ilnrmlt ariia 1neutl tlinna krlst of nluiniilnir liudhiiry i tiln mini and abtoniu iyiui- north of tha cih imi l ween mnitiiwa and north lluy and north of tho c n 1l westward to a point kon mile iwyontl ilomapayno tho remainder of tho lrovlnro form uio feyompt area within the biarsiy peopled fxumpt artut no norm i tit aro cennmlly ihhucij but tlioai bettinir put arcs in uio clono season aro roiiuinxl to exorcise uvury rcasonaliln precau tion and a clilnf riro itunicr if ho tlocmri it wine may imrvo a pro hibitory notirc ami rwiuiro a per son to toko out u permit tho firo ilincor tlotin nln licat to follow uio happy medium be tween tho nostra f tho ncttlor to iret a eood burn anil thu ywiulro- mcnu of labile afoty holp blm jui you cam ontarip fojretry brancli 1 parliarrient blds toronto ontario tc leiviration qf obstacle tham uro some penplu to whom oh titucles iieom louu deterrents thun in vltutlonu ulirirultlthi limb ud nf dlu- beurliulutf them htlr tufli uiiihlthiu a promluunt uuthor or thu litter half of the nlnutbonth rimtury wlmn u hoy attended thn country illulrict ntihool whiro llttlo wuu ulii hi lnyunil thi ttiroo its in thn hnak if thn npclllnu imhiu hn lined wuu u ijut of foreign words and i h run on with thu i tiglhih ntiulvulnnlii tho pupil i warn not rn blm u uuixr llloglcitl ihutro to ham i foreign lunguiun at tho lit no thum urc nod utile likelihood of hlu resks- ink this uinhlllon for bin tainhrr wuu not cuiuihlo of giving him tlm lij st un hon hn wluhad uml ho liiokn i uioiuy lu fiy foi lii niioiiiury imiku llut thn utory of hhi nmhltloii wtiumld u kluuwniiiuu ui tho limn ruplilly ilruwhig n our tho end nf hr r llfu to he r tho youth uinhlllon did not ueeni inrotnprahoniilblo pcrhnph iioluuuo miki hud shurtid it uml wh u uhn died ubo in luoathiml him thoiiu bocks un old fan hlo ned 1 ronoh gmmmiir a smull pvuiioh illi tlnuury und u ruilar to tho uverugo young people thou loobl for the niiuti ry nf u foreign itiuguiiko would not huvo tiucinml worth much without u touohei but tn thu umhltlttuu lioy un ohulucui wuh uu in- vltutlnn tin nut iduihcif to huirn tlm grnmmur uu i vocuhulury of tho lan guage went triumphantly through thn reudur sucoecdtd hi getting- hold of oth lyonrh liooks which he trans- luted und burned to iuiid tha languuko beforo he hud uny idea of its propur pmuunclulioii that oum in time for lulcr ufti r he hud left home ha hoard- ml in tho family of nn oil urn toil wench cuuudlati und uulimd ll speaking- knowhdgn of tha hmgungo thnro uio too tunny young poopla to whom dlltloultlem uaom a frowning bur rlnr to thorn obatuoles soum to huve ut uudlblo voloo whloli uuvs thus fur uhnlt thou ko and no farther llut to othurj thu sumo tllirluultles orles come on tin ro is unwr any need to 1m apr honulvo regarding- the futurv of ihoho who moo in ohsbicus tin in vitation to do tho if bust krunk ti waters who will pill their places t very few boys toduy ur lournlng trailis and tho tiiontloi u rises who will tuk tho plucu uf thu tiuipcntoru anil inasnn and printers an i plumb ers und other tradesman of the pre- ae nida ywtiun tnrt h iroo urmtaf nrrow years thoy retire fiom tha hold t onu result will ha that thu publln will huvd to p it up with a great duul of indiffer ent work another will be that tho young man who dltterintf rrotii his fol lows has taken plans to earn u trudn will lie in groat demand und will m oelvo splendid wngos tlm boy of to duy who soul uhuad u fuw yniru bus a great oppoitunlty of making hlmsiu worth wlillu aonee exactlv husband imwly munlo 1 linn t you think inve if i xyiio lo iiinnkn it would spoil thu nurtaluut wife ah you uro thu moid unsel- flsh und thoughtful hunhiiu1 in lm world oartulnly it would lluubtind well thou tuko tho tmr tulnu down oarullnn l ur uuby halt look lteductipn sale for one week bulu 1 rice overalls rk price 3 tu 2j3h work bhlrts ng prlc 1 do 1j3a liuys combltiatlou hulls rag i rico l co i 13b 1 land korch lef h 10 ib mens 5nrtru r t x ann hands j 15 and other qooo0 at 6mil ahlv low ppice9 ejc cook ultx tithiastt acton 7- anr- r 1 what iy k iii is mmd 1 home with out a bath room m hpbh m m igar j get our imeea on a jnthroom outfit first quality gooda used and installed by skilled jlechanioj howard and mccarvell 24 wilson st gueuph 1mi0nb 270w why the ford is the universal gai d own amoijg tho orchards or novu scotin tlio rurms of now lirttiiswick on sherbrooko strcot montreal yonijo street in toronto portage avenue in winuinc on tho ror flung horizons of saskotchowan and alborta and up through tho tuouiitulus of british columbia down granville street in viincouvor on government street in victorfyi its the sumo titary half of all tho cars you eo uro tord curs m mnny sec- tloiih thoy aro two to ouo of nil the other luakct and its the banio ttory in africa aimtmllii britain rurofjot united states throughout thoworld one itntf of ull the motor on earth are pordi why because tho simplicity of the ford cat adapts it to every driver becauso tlio power of the ford cai carrier it whorovcr tho driver wants to go because its durability und rugged strength mukt it tho car for every condition of image because of its low first cost and low cot of operation and maintenance tho ford gar is a good mr for you to own the new ford prices touring cab with rtakikk runabout sudan cpwb i tjhjck v 0 u 1orcl out s 710 00 ok 00 1090 00 990 00 75500 the ford garage i- king maiukcr ult ii a ioxi lriirlcur acton ontario adf l- 4

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