Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1921, p. 4

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tiiuhhuav ajuooflt 4 1631 ilvhltl in uatts tr in h f uar will 1 lqi l i 111 i rlu nt ii 1 uookk hult another charge the newspapers this ofllcc itai received notice from the poitofflco department that the postage mto on newspapers is to be flirt her increased on and after january i 1022 the govornmcnt does like to make the publisher happy this an additional burden which publish era are obliged to bear doin for others -editorial- when our lloys marched away seven years ago this week the bugle call to urms for ho late war wat unit heard in our streets many of our iiqvh promptly responded and enlisted for tho nuso of king and country and home and they con tlnucd to go until the foe to peace and freedom was subdued and many of them sleep in franco and 1 landers to day their name liveth for evermore another county with no bonded debt in referring to the fact that tho county of duf fcrin is free from debenture or bank indebtedness tun acion rrfb nrj says that this is a position unique among the counties of ontario tins fueh press ovidcnllhas overlooked the fact that simcoe county leads n tfiis as in other respects this county having completely swiped off its indebtedness over a year ago barrio lxamtner faking disarmament sure i leading british papers say that british canadian australian and now zealand premiers are desirous of utl im media to meeting with japanese and united states representatives at any convenient point in the united states so as id dincusi pacific problems and clear the way for tho ensured success of tho dis nriimmaiit conference welcome to the new governorgeneral lord byng the now governor general of canada will be accorded a welcome to this country which has- never been surpassed to any of his predecessors ho already has a warm spot for canada nstoany of canada s sons have for him it ts believed he will be popular with all classes the guelph toad a provincialcounty highway the kecvcs of nelson and nassagawcya tow ships have been notified by the department of public highways that tho guelph ljna in the3o townships has been designated as a provincial county toad by tho hon t c biggs minister of highways with the seventh lino of trafalgar and esqucslngj and the guelph uond in nelson and nassagawcya running north and south being made provincialcounty highways and the torontosarnla provincial high way running through the county from east to west and tho toronto hamilton highway also crossing tho county tho province is surely dealing generously with halton r the new law forbidding liquor the pioneer wjejh has a broad view of the pro vince as a whole says without ajr tho new prohib itory law came mto force on july jo and already the province has as a whole adjusted itself to the pew conditions there have been a few lurries in some localities and perhaps a disposition on- tho part of the authorities to deal easily with late shipments but on the wholo there is little reason forcomplaint there havo been however abnormally urgestocks secured by tho bootleggcry fraternity which they willjje busy disposing offor some weeks if not months and it wjli be sqmo time before things are running smoothly and full benefits are reaped from the now legislation the board of railway commissioners of canada will in the near futuro tako steps to reduce the treight rates on canadian railways isivt it high timo they should all or a ganjr guilly or deed of one- tins is the view of hon mr doherty minister of justice as an outcome of queries m regard to the hotrum mcpaddci murder case for which both men paid tho penalty last week the minister emphasized tho fact that a government must exercise every care to protoct the lives of tho people and quotes the law governing such cases as follows if several per sons form a common intention to prosecute any un lawful purpose and to assist each other therein each of them is a party to every offense committed by any one of them in tho prosecution of such common purpose tho commission of which offense was or ought to havo been known to be a probable conse quence- of tho prosecution of such common purpose there apparently exists m the public mind in regard to this case a widespread impression that the guilt of each of these men of the crime of murder depend cd upon whether or not he had fired the fatal shot this impression is entirely erroneous peace restored after centuries of iii will the tercentenary celebration at penetangulsheno last week had a dramatic climax when the indian chiefs or the hurons and tho iroquois smoked the pipe of peace after an enmity which had existed between their tribes in canada tor two and three- quarter centuries with all the pomp and solemnity of past history thus there came to an end one of the bitterest feuds ttjat ever raged on the north ameri can continent a feud that was raging when the first white man set root on these shores and whose echoes were heard in the council halls of the old world last wednesday morning the present tribal head or the remnant of that once powerful huron nation returned to tho domain of his ancestors to puff the pipe or peace with the present chief or the iroquois nation that was onco the terror of the whole or tho eastern portionofthecontincnt t buncd the hatchet a sign that the past had been forgotten and that peace had at last been established between the two peoples surely this was m all re spects a christian as well as an historical act k- j the council members honorarium commenting upon the recent action or our coun cil in voting themselves remuneration for their ser vices tor tho year the bpaverton express says the payment of the village councillors has been a live topic or consideration up m acton for some time ac cording to tho fhfe pblss and it has been bottled however by tho council voting themselves each the sum of 50 while the reeve is to receive 100 this appears to us to be ho proper thing why should any community be i village town or city expect the services of capable men for nothing they could not socuro the work of tho vc test dub for tho smallest job without pay yet men cnpablo of handling thous ands of dollars and directing works involving many thousands are expected to give their tune for nothing unfortunately this is not all it involves too often the service is rewarded by tho most exasperating in gratitude and abuse doubtless this is a strong factor in the gcnoraally admitted deterioration of municipal lire there ts neither emolument or honor therein helee these o ticca have fallen to men or small calibre wirf ideas as small as their egoism is largo there would bo a tendency to improve tho class or itltens in public life if thoir services wore reasonably rewarded acton is tho first village to see how it will work and the process will be watched with in ficreat j 4 w school teachers superannuation more equitable plans for tho distribution- of the teachers superannuation allowances are being con sidercd by tho department of education of the pro vince it is expected that increased allowances will be given with special provisions based on age and years of service forty years of service is at present necessary bo tore superannuation is allowed but ndhoow proposals- is anticipated that an nuities wille given to those who retire arter serving 25 30 or 40 years this would appear to be a more reasonable plan something to live up to tho cnrlcton ptacecentral canadian says on july 7 tm acton vwx padss entered its forty sov enth year for forty three years of that time under the direction of its present editor mr h p moore tmi i rgb prkss is one of our most valued exchanges and a model of neatness and able editing mr moore is one of the most highly esfeemed of the newspaper fraternity and richly deserves the success be has attained the c c congratulates the frbb press on passing another milestone and ventures the hope that our friend h p moore may long be spared to bo its guiding star r i mt i nr lomltik out nf a thorny lu ib led lalih of hlunkhnrtles ly the r u initio una tnrrl i ilny in into august ifnr fsdod cnllci rtrm was torn in muny places unil tho bank of har hands warp rarnxl and liloedlns alio had a limp- old sunbonnot that had fallen to tii shoulders on liar arm wu a lnm tn imiii almost full of tho biff ahlnlrtff berrlen rtiw waa thin and ffuiinl stoop shouldered and with the perspiration pouring down her low en 1 wrinkled faro i had epent many aumnitn in that locality arid tnow her wall it in hit hard work licking- berrlcu day unt itr i aalrt turrlble ah said hut i sot a w lot of em mom than i can make i aui pose that you and ready oalo tor thfim in fhe village xea iix wanted to au am which n t i ra lata un alvln moat orm y dot you have oomo away out nh a acorcher qf day aa thla to aathr berrlaa and n ajva them nwtyr that it you aoe tt la thu t iiln t hordiy a uilnff lo fflv in ro turn u r tho thin rolka givo ma ao 11 tin tmrry aeaaon come i ilka 1 ut and cut her borrlaa and fflw to folk that ha a ben rood to me onn of few wayn i hav or doln thara then llinni a aav rl old folka un alck jtolka i mean to tako tha berrlna to folka too poor to buy am an m al 1 to un out to tlm wmhla an flalda an fflt cm tho beat tart o ffiahrtn i mritta la ui laoaura of fflvln ao many of em away old orunny smith ald laat nlsht that illl wlaht uiat aho could have nlia wll 1 hlmokberrlca from tlm hllla aha uand to run vr whan ahe irl i ut that aha ii lievw h no wdtir ma an tminonahfinpiwrtierinr hha will ba turribly tloklnd when i tawa her a hna o thr bnnrloa thla nvenjng lm uiunkful i am atlll aironff enough ut iro borryln an i be kin with the aral wild atrawberrtea un never atop until the laat tha black lterrln are fn it my vray o doln for o thorn doln or otheral tho old woman t ad ohwoverod one of tha aacrmtm of huuplpeiml in tlfv bho wbm hai pier than many women and men of wealth who are never found d in for outer itr happlneaa ram trom hurnffn of ffratltu la and unaelflahnetmi that ha i their root a in a good heart hho a joy unknown to thoae who akk only ihelr own hap plneea and in doln for othera ahe olteyod a divlno impulao that can not- full of a divine reward qettino wise quickly when ho hi aaourad u itouluon in her uiirlo a itlnn ul iwaolved that aha wiui b inff t 1 bo a him aaaful huaintuul w man theinfore whan aha aaw an advertlimtint nt oftorlnjt to leach abort band in thirty duya aha wrote to the oompuny liavltiff tha nourne and even t holly aubearlbed for a course of in fltractlon by mall uhe waa ctieatod hhorthand oould lie learned in thirty daya hut it waa not auoh abort hand a ooii 1 b ueod in tut office poor both mho had tried to t wlae too quickly throughout tho country there are thouaanda of boyu and alrla in the a mo altuauon nat only in oftumi but in nohoola tha heat thins can not be leumod quickly one rouat atudy and ponder over thoae thing that are learned if they are to ba made of uae a now boy in an rice team around prying- jnto thla and u at having in hla mind or dealro to loarn the bualneaa aa juckly eg poeelble and liya in achool do the ammo thine with their atudlon but in their hurry they juver look oaaentlal thing that would be of value to thorn in later yoftra aordetlmea it paya to fo atowly and aak the way no we proceml jn ottlcoe there ore 4lwaye people willing to help boy all ng and in achool the teachera are always ud to help a boy who howl that lia la in earn oat and willing to kwo enough umo to loarn thing roll we muet pay for everything- in na way or another and tha prloe we ay tar learning in time apent lifatudy u w corroll editorial notes canadas nationhood is giving her a place among the nations and attracting desirable trade a strong italian steamship company yill now make canada a regidnr port or tho line ludl fascinnttd by the idea of banditry should ask themselves in tho light of th6 tragic end of hotrum and mcradden if that is the sort or death they would wish to die globe in colorado judge horton sontoitccs motor thieve to attend church regularly for one year with the option of breaking stones it might be well to sentence motor sabbath breakers to a similar penalty i one comparatively small fire in the parry sound district destroyed flooq acres of tores this was the result of some ones carelessness thd fire projection campaign of tho department of forests and mines cannot bo too aggressive hunting a job is now the profession and not accepting a position as of the past few years if you have a jols which in anyway helps you to meet expenses better hang on to it ror tho present whether you like it or not tho expected rush to ontario government dispen saries when the law forbidding further importation into tho province went into effect has not materializ ed there wero 23 040 fewer physicians perschptions in july than there wero in march in the appointment or tho ninety new kings counsel among the lawyers of ontario thodrury government certainlyescrve credit ror selecting men or prominence irrespective of their political affinities it was not always thus at last meeting of the county council a by law providing for the issue of debentures for 100000 to be spent on county roads was passed it is sincerely to ho hoped this sum will he spent so as to assure something or permanency in the roads tho county rate was struct last week at wz mills on the dollar this levy is added to the rate of ecjwmmicjp in the cou thi is hair a mill lower than jast year but how did they do it course no municipality in the county will object or tbe county council has endorsed a resolution or oxford county council infavor or the keeping or ontario prisoners condemned to the death penalty in sonic central place and that all executions take place there this would appear to be a desirable undertaking ju the recent meeting or tho union of canadian municipalities held in ottawa 4 resolution was adopt ed protesting against ontario municipalities having to includo on their voters lists tho names of all per sons over 21 years of ago and qualified to vote in provincial elections unless the extra expense is borne by tho province it is predicted that building coats are likely soon to take a drop when these costs roach a reasonable level as they are hound to do cventuauythcre is every probability that a building boom such as can ada tins never before experienced will follow the scarcity- of dwelling houses in cities towns and vil lagcs is becoming more and more marked the premiers conference wliich closed last week in lo nd on yen gland agreed that the war reparations recolpts forn germany should bo apportioned follows great britain 80 85 per cent minor cojon- ics 80 per iont canada 4 35 pe cent australia 4 35 per cent now zeatand 1 7 per cent south africa 00 per cent newfoundland 1 per cent india 1 20 per cent if you want to be a popular com mander feed your aoldlorh well sko helev the famoua ituaalan ronarnt know that recipe for military aucceaw on well ao bo knew other and pran tloed tt ho at looat wo may uumn from what mr wedorla vlluora who aaw mucli of him during- i ho ituaao turkish war aya of him in fiivo do ondoa of adventure from which we cull this pleasant unoodutei hkobelev met me in hi temporary dining room an arbor of greenery a row imoea in front of hla little tenl a oiihous flguro the general looked ao hie loaves nuttered about tmretan- haven hou 1 ills biff yellow beard moemod to nnver tho ut per part of hie tightly huttonod gray overcoat and hit- ilgh hussion honu wore aplaahnd 1 wul fir ho had just ridden up from hun btofuno the noasldo quartern nf lh iran i lhika wlrliflluu hi te t wan rurnlahad with tho ut n lat plainness three hooka that ha luliod most wore on u little table and d wtnutl place of can tltr wtuok in a tin mile ho id or atood iwwlde them lhe uounly library consisted of itadaau u ptnry of tho american civil war tkhuyhrm t ampalgnlnif tm tha gxmh and thu illfn an i a iventuroa ot nuu just aa tho meal was uunounaod bkobolev said to tup kereu a little ceremony vou may dnd interesting and taklnff hie with him he revlewel ixkly of some twenty comiuiuy oooka who were drawn up uutelue ills tent bnnh mun held a 1 unnlkln of rugout do as 1 do vllllore said bkobolev we walked down the line each hold intf u spoon and tasting the con ton to of the soup kottloa and pronouncing them rood the cook then made u left turn and filed off toward the camp bkobolev waa fond of dolnff auoh little thing he uoed to any that the ra tions of the men should be good ciiouah for thu genera at tho roll call after a fcattlo tho general would atop up tb certain milts and compliment them on their per onal bravery aaylnff that tin had had tils eye upon them during the aation sold lore mil loved him and would have marched glady into the vaiy x of douth if bkobolov had lo thorn wanted to be a parson and what dour little boy naked the minister do you intend to be whan you grow upt a farmer air very good indeed to auppty tha natural food moat good and yonf turned to the second pleaae sir a school roost nr even better nillnff the mind of the rising generation with mental food yea even better and your turning to the third a preacher air the boot of all my dour little boy for mllnff the oout with spiritual food iff far worthier than either nillnff the mind or body and what bld you to wcomo a minister wo ulwuya have chicken for din nor whtm you come air replied the boy he knew mr and mrs jonea had been invited u friend m for tea and tho time had urrlved for preparlnff ror uto visit come along dearie oatd mrs jo now to her throe year old eon nd have your face washed ban t want to be wanned came the reply jlut nald the mother you don t want to bo u dirty uttto boy do yout wunt my little hoy to havo n nice dean face for tha ladlas to kloa upoo thla pftmunhlon ho gave way and was washed a few minute later he atood watch ing his father wanhlng- hu ha daddy lto cried i know hy you re washlnffl not quite the same qortrudn mother will you pluoo buy tne new doll next time you go to town mother you do not need a ntw doll dear your other one lx not broken la itl cfortru lo no mother my do1ly in nut broken but you havo u new htby boj und i am nut broken hib money no blesqinq the late cornelius van lerbllt la quoted aa having oald lo u friend just bof re bo died don t uoe what good ttdeee aoalll you la mine i an t out it i spun 1 it in fuel i txvar aaw it and avnr ha i it in my hands for m mo menu i dross t o imttor than my pri vate eocretary am cannot edt aa much as my coanhman i live in a biff eer van lotrdlng houao urn bothered to doath i y in ggorn aye dyspoiialu all 1 moot if my m moy is in tie lands rf thorn who use it mainly for tl elr own luiieut anvil spattks umii what y u say l ut do not say it in a mean way when double facod p pie have lo face tho musla thuy have no out- for the suaplln who km wk too much to believe in the lllhlo down t know enough j w kennedy son hardware humbinjr tiiwraitblnff electric wirins it saves you work and dollars it gives comfort and enjoyment havo you na yet iiittiitlcd in your homo a system of elrctric lighting r f not it 11 only asnalter of time until you do and there is no time liko the present wo specialize in this class of work and con givo prompt and satisfactory ser vice do awny with those unhealthy and dangerous oil lamps and see what real comfort is derived in the home from the uw of electricity we are always glad to givo estimates on this work and our prices will interest you como in and talk it bver wo also carry a good assortment of fixtures and apphancen and your inspection is invited remember our motto quality service reasonable priced j w kennedy son main street acton business directory medical jshesririt ojjftfcjristifntion it is the wiso management tho willingness to serve tho broad and liberal policy tho hearty cooperation which havo helped to make ilia uorchanta dank ho choice of bo u many corporations and business houses th mcrchant5 dank of dr j a moniven phyalolan and burgaon orloe ai 1 tlalilotiie c ri or ilowar avontio anil klaln htri ota thn num enoo formariy oeuplod by 1 w hen derson acton on iv dr e j nelson hyuiolsn suruoon obsulrlolan aoton ontario muoortou r to the lul di liray om 1 and it si luneui1 r i rlcu ht qaffco hours 3 lo 4 u tu unit 7 to on c p w nooa phyolelan and buruooti mill bt cuoratown phone 3 lax llousa burseon oram hospital toronto uierlal atuintlop ti tjlauitsou of wo- moti and children and infutil tfeedlna 1 hono no si 1 p u ut uar0u nash farmer m a bsrruur bolloltor notary publlo convtnyanear eto pennvmam block actom ont moniov to xoan hours bio nm to 6 tm dental drj m belld d b- i- d c denilat honor craduate of toronto untter- alty the uteau aneatheuo uaed u doatred ooioe at reatdenoe corner uiu d aredertok btreou head office montreal cahiadv uity daooit ba lo rwl ekubtuhad 1cb4- tannery cooperative llie store of quality and low prices oranges lemons jjananas peaches tears tomatoes etc at especially close prices call and act our prices on sugar in 100 lb louj iuuis iruh jars all sizeii at itottom pricch try our special hlenir itlack tea at 18c this in good value at 45c pure strawberry kaspbuuty and 1uack currant jam a lb paha 95c coou pink salmon 1 ut tin he price of lrd and shortening is advancing we uhall sell at old prices while our stock laufa p1ther cash oh goods paid tor butter tggs and othfr farm producf tannery cooperative c a conway manager mill street acton why why ore ftirtridffe tires incttaslnff in popularity aiong our customera l- why ore wo so enthusiastic aoout partrldjco tjred and why do watrontf recommend them to you not so slow i a visitor won teaaln may about her little baby eloter she unt as smart aa my do uald tho vhiltnr my doa- ian one year old yet und ha con run well your dp h4 twice no many logo aald may av 1 those sudden noises dpyoastsrl at addaanouabr jmi ooo or two iiomi ot ih milks hbbvink 1 hill mollkuok imt- ledaiotmirlttaiicirtwv oasnux- udflab and bon i bold in aoton ttye j 11absabd i t because in actual nervice iririilflre tires nro demonstratlno their greatnetis what we have seen and heard about these sturdy handbuilt tires convinces un that fur all round economy they are unsurpassed partridge tirea arc not only hulmtanually reducing mlle- uge costs but their rugjfed wearing qualities eliminate frequent and expensive repairs partridge tires came as their nome i will aftolto you compijbte satisfaction dr p q qollop d d 8 l d 8 dontiil surooon ulltto over itunlc it nova moot iiouitu 030 to cao icvinliujt by aimmtintnt miscellaneous marriage licenses moore laauer m orris b lloena jfnjorruasa onio acton oat prangis nunan dookblndr aooount baoko of all bind made to order perlodloata at every doaorip- uon carefully bound h inns neatly and lromptly done wyndhmm street juolph ont ovor william- btorej h j kprb luonj anctlo ror tho comities of llnllon wollllitf t i ll attl liirrnrln 1 tin city nt o iii1 1 ti acton ontario italom may lto uiikki ly mill o at rojildt at acton r ul iho lrw vres onion anton 1 ho moroi ry ooloo quell li ttm now lleeord knrjjiim r with v j uonli n llariihtti mukn tlllaburu balori it ilruoled to k j iti rr r calve attention from lto of llotliitf i date of sale x 1 i lour onio with m resldonos lower auettus aeto thane id cti n k call at my rciiuu roy hindley auctioneer iiv10 btoolc ivoktt batatm amu mjllitoiardibbl consolidated phone erin 4t 11 r r 8 acton j e cheevers book binder quabeo bt east quolrjh oni nooks and mosraalnoo bound i hatidsome and hubstatitlnl oovera memos uttered in gold on wblet ilytmt uooka and othor tktoke all work promptly executed d alex niven ontario land burvoyor end civil enomeer burveya bubd i vision h 1 latio jlo tkrto oosorlptlons llluirluta eta certl nuatos thn mrrcha worn s mflrtsairoee surveyu tar aruhltrote uullderm and muiiloh al coitnolla dralnaco iteuonalcallmate oto molean duildinq douul bt ouhluil jhotio 1064 oni fred blow agent the old anu fioliablo granite and marblo dealers wv nro ma tafartunru and dire iranort ore tr all ulud of monument- and 1 lends tone work we uoll dlrec id our customtirh ut whtilosulo prloe thua onvllik our onstomor 4 li uel we have the boot ap lll con and th nly mechanloa- in the rx mliln wlw can oporato p rumutto tnnli properly we oan iv r t r m rrom hull it rod of our oust imcni in li rx u und other pliioeu wlirre utlior i avo to huvo law oults in urrior o oultf t w hnvo the larueat an 1 host xt oil i t granite in tho domlnon or mitro thnti any three dealere in tho wost we pro loffltl- innte daaterm and oni loy i awonta and do not annoy or tiet nuiiti mora hy mun ill nit out liruorant auotu swllolt- tna orilnre wo employ only moohanlom and defy competition on sons oor norlnh wpowljt f fluetpto castor ia for loiaata aad chlldrca 10 use for over 30 years alwftyff ban 0 j v y

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