Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1921, p. 2

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-ir- 0 ifv twkwll l ffllf p artmt 3km jtah iilljltlipal auuijtir 1h1ui1 tml oullv man ir in ul willi ill in lift u r 1 hlij llllt fll h jull iii ll t him uio li ifi urn li in it if j j il i ti 1 i t fill mm 1 liji ti li i a 1 iii i lit 1 in i in ut ll niw i frli 111 hi 11 ii 111 iii l 111 1 ill ji initlinir irf u iiiln nn in dmpuii lumi i m i j wnklnie jul full of wnik i art of wiuitliiir hi ll mtjululiiillu ntll hum tu whotl i ill wllllt ii fiivni ilnnn ail t want it ilifhl uwny in tn tlin nmi wlii iiniittuitw woiliu twtity in urn u ilu hull iliul u tiinini lit mi rj unmowhoro an ite mil whlln dm ll i o in in i ii itiuiuiiif mi lxruito w h wlllln if vvii until only nuiku u iniitiili if ii boron ho ii in liln i ill ml mi iiim old mini uiilii it inn t u inn id tilmw nuifi i 111 iiu innliilliil tin nhi i woinuli i now ii lint imw trim jim li li in ii jnm hunt it ml oil u thlnitf i t uliw ii kill 11 uttlm ljill wixilil itun inlph vlllll iu1i n unhid mn iiiiuuaihil t xtond llm unit liut lit liuft tlii wh ii hll hllll to llmvk iiliul 1 i in iimlf fin liuv ihmimi tn him i f hill il tit iki- iilm mot in r i wiint toli nttuuliic only a little stenographer ninth r i m- philip tluntor iilrtrlnuly t i ixpriiiiilau of ii lookod ln- innlhur an iufforlim hi liln hi vim ilon t really no uou of mlim louhl puuulhly lovu a mnlnrmnii ii iliiuirlihir ami think or tho oppor- tiinltliifi you huvo iniil urn ihrowinu thoni uwiiy for u llttln mlddlooluiiu ilrorkton iitonnuriiphor mnthor i eunt lot you cilk llko thnt about lentil inn i ii unit you to uvold iiidntioiiliuf hor in tlio futuro unity toltyl how pomponii wo arc mnl mi unruly mi you ilo miirry imr ill illulnliorlt you mnl you tun huvo lovo in u rot tlio mnl till hit 1 1 inn i urn ii tump or my flnuoni wli othor you dhilnharlt mo or not with lliiiillty ho rouo to und riuutteully mm clurttur noil uhout for illiitlior linn of ulijlleii ah lint lhll ulin ixlliiimoil drop- lilnu inn humility minium mid immimr out tier nnilii plomltiuily you know how i lovn iiiu my ony hoy mnl thlu tlilnu will hill iihi it will crlovo inn to duith jnu know my lmurt lu bad uml my wliolo lifn lu wrnppnd up in you i uo uwuko ut nlffht druiuiihifr uhout you uml planiilnu your fiiturn ihillp wlhciid mn a cloud piinwid ovor lilu clonn opou face no ho roun uud pilt lilu unnii uliout lilu inothor jlioio thori itomny dont ut no workud up a nnilii inppnd ut thu door mid p ro llout nd a run llouvoniil mrn mumrutonti down nn i ru qo uud talk to lior lhll ill ooran in a mlnuto qratnful for dm oucupo tlio younu until urootod tlio ciiuor wunnjy llowu it ooliikt thlady hhuoii wltli motliorly concern r worno thuu uvor ijhoit junt mudti v dreadful ncono ind i ool llko lnnriloror ilhlilili liuro uho comon my dfiur mm mmiumton wlint plonwuro thin lu mild tlio lioiitiiuii tordlully with n how rhllip oimniod lilmnolf aiinl huou tlio two worn loop in coo- voruntioii ynii imjd mru qimtor lilttnrly llm linyu datariulnod tn mnrry thlii llttlo utniionriiphnr 4ti ilronklon uud nu ly mi fin doaii it ill cut hlin oft with out n farthliib lliir vol on uliook uu iilitt eiimiko and tlio heavy diamond liroooli hparklod uml kllttorod with thn rlno and fall of lior lirvuut llvon if you do nut him off thut won t provont lilu itiurryluif liur what you iioom in wupt tn do hi to provont tlin iimtoh mild mru muuifutoii thuuulilfully jlut how uiikod tlio othur dew- rxiniliily anothui uhl in uiillully tlio liont euro roiniirkod thn ciillnr hut hu niyu liou ullk at iflrlu liv hln not ho cuiih thoin ortltloliil mid omptyhuudud and wont look ut thoiii uuy innro of oounin not itll tuko no mo now till tliutll uwimp him off hlu foot hut wini rn can wo und mioli a oron- turot it mo think mm muneuton pifok- orod licr hrnw um nho iilniod uliiiontly ut tlio door now i liuvo a uiutor willi huu juijt- mnvoil horo tiiia wont on if lor it mo nion t mnl it uocmu to mo tliiit nlio unlil thut alio wuu milnu in lutvu a llttlo ijlrl vlni tins imr noxt wook 1 tutiiht ot up it dlunor lu luu- lionni uml invito you and plill i nut would ho woiidorful if you toiild n ild mru qunior tin thuu i tuiti on lly ooodl thin jlrlu oomlnu mouduy ifllii maltfi tlio diniiflt wodnpudny yonro ruilly loo kind ujnllod mm a mi tor nu tlioy pnrtod not in tlio luuwl im hlmply no diivotod to ihil that i would do uny- tliliik lit tint world to imlp him out anxiiuwly mm qunior wultotl for ttm uppnlnlod tlmn nnd iiftor inucii onuvlnu poimiudod hor iinu to uocom- priiiyher jjiimora nro ulwuyu a horo and i know moro lrlii tlimi wnnt to know h ut umlilod uhjtotnrkoil on lilu dinnor juakau tlioy unlviapunntuiilly und wltli uovomd mtfoiuouii mm qunior wutolioil t thn imioliiuf hotwoon hor nun and tlio klrl und win aratlttoil to unto u kllpt nt udmliutlnn lu iliuu oyou nji hu taolc tfnllundolpli ivirltoru liund lutur who iloolilihl tlint mho lild uovoruooli lilm uo hrllliinit unit oiitoiliiinluii uu lin wuh ut u inn in dim niuht itll woiklnit uiuutlfully uho wjilu- porod to lior lioiitouu hut hhoti mioli ii loyol w wlio omild ludp bnlim imiiu uvor horl ro- pllod mru mjiiiuiitoii who indiiod now why couldnt jio huvo fiillon for u u llko hut in tint unit pluuot how lonwii uho uo- ii to iduyv wwo wimtdi mlattur tllllli uotlilutf am tlmy took tlmli louvn thn iiiottuu tytjolooil to imiir hoi imu uuy iiuvn you uuy uiimmnmunt for to- itioriow iittoriionn in muy i tuko you mil lu tlio oiii uml uiiow you uonui ut our polutii of intoroitu i hull h kind o k6 mild hh- dulpli uu mho iixtoudnd hoi liund iimt miiu tint iikihc fuiiolnutltin thtnir you uvii irnwt and what liuutitlful hair mid iyiiii ulm lituir viivod mru tluntnr on tlio wuy hojuo 1 hioii ull tlulit fjuiworuil llm mini lf mild plill hlipplly 1 wliiit wlu it lint lio iiiiimllilo 1i ilcin ihlhlnu iiiu- liiuulkd uud uipt uu iil innk ihom both in i in mn i lovoil you tho oolonil 1 uiw ynii hiiiulnlpli uml liow 1 wuntoil yo to mmiy lhll mntlmr thlu lllukou mo uu jluppy mild liur nun hcuiuijl till fiully l illih jnu know mm lunlur ononnil liur mouth iiliiiik hut no iiouud riiiiin forth mi uh iitm ml ut tlio ulrl inci odulnuiily at hint nho ninki i uiidiiidiind now why lhll win ullllnit o itivo up hlu hilurltiinnii uml lfy hlu mntlicr itnilm ho mitum- iitnikkii i iilimild linvo ilnnii uu ton mothur you ro u iluulur trinmil toiiilnid htr uou iiu lio uuv hor u hi in hint mid wultzud imr n roun llm floor wc will an kind llm hunilrodn uniform on dig hrnw at u hill i uf innlu uwny ihoy wnr wt lluilr nliimtl muuu with u ttraco iiiiiuirukco that upokn of con fide iicn and ixpnrlouro murh mnio oxnorlonro in fact than thny hud nvnr hud on thn luwu in front of our houuo worn irroupnd tho rout of troop no 41 u roup oil n ro ii ml two m tlialr mim- ikt ono with uluniil lluuii und thn othoi with pnurll und pud writing down thu iiiutiiulind mouuiufo wn wiri nis kind to antmaiih tim hoy with did pud road tho mou iiiiko nff uml tiirnlnu to mo hi thut rljrht ulr7 you ulr tiiutu hi in i lupliod you uou i hud ho ii n iiluniilly honor od moi iiomotlmoii fool hnnorod wliou tlio isovornor or muyho juut tho miiynr com oil to imn diont or whim dioy tolvo u rriondly lottm from tholr unit- nil bin l uu tlonutor wltli hlu myutnrl oiiu lounud in nuu cm nor of tho oil volopn und tlio kovcrnmont f run it in tu othor ronior hut whlln mioli ihliili uro nil vury nlco unit fflvo a follow thut importniit foohuu which tnnw him fool vutlior uorry fot hlu mo nimrann lirgtliran thny uro mora chaff wliou compiirod to tho honor i tiuil rocolvod hocuuun it wan inultlplliid liy twnntylwol ihorn nro twonty twi tlroutu in troop no 10 and thu troop luul cnllud uu mo with utruljtit nplnou und nutty now unlforma thoy wont tiirouifh tholr drllii domonutrut od liaudiiuluir of hrnknu hijiidii nm uriiiii 1iullt tlinlr hiimmi uianullliuc owor thrio8coulm iiihii nnnif aiu irlcu and repontod tho hcoutw oath nid plod no of iilloelunco if thorn iu any vnllin lu thn pownr of niiumiutloii tlilu llttlo utory in wortli tollhur it muy uiitfifout u wuy for othor moi tp win tho nnmo hluii iinnnni wiilnli i huvo rocolvod and horo lu llm wuy or it it j nut liuptlouu mid i toll it bncuuno it lu inoldontul to tho rout of tho mlory imd rouponnlhli fni it nn woll hint tho wiltor in cripplnd inunli i diullktu to huinrt an unplounnnt fuot in an nthnrwluo plonnuiit rooltul linn hooii cnnflnod to ii wlinolcliulr for tli pnnt ton yotiru and moro dun to an ucnldnnt whlcitin not a part of thin nlory and lio in editor of tho crouton mown a una wookly pnper eln thero wo liav mntlo nil tho admiuiilonu wo ovpnot in muko lu thut cnnnootlnii troop no id wiui nreunlxod only nix inontliu uuo it luippnnu unit i um unit liollovor in oyu and iu hoy mcoutfi pnrtjoulnrly nnd it wnu nntur- ul thut i uhnulil wrltn nuinoroun noy floout odltoilnlu and ulun thut i nliouhl klvo a fow liouru of my tlmo mout onjnyublo linurn tool to oiioounikliiif und holplno thn now troop whon tlio luiyu of troop no 41 buvo ii imnmiot in tho uchonl auditorium of dlhtrlnt hto n for hnouu und diolr fut lio m only oxropt thut of couruo tin llooutmnntnr und hlu uunlntmit woro inoiudod i wuu nrod to uttond nn n iiort of uiiuorlntn momhor ni oxonlolo moinlior of tlio nramilxatinn and whon i vory loniotfuily doolinnd pint wuu hntohod ut tho bnmiuot uml uu u roiuilt of thnt plot tho troop oullod on mo und navo un oxhililtlon of itu iilxnjnnthuold prowouii iiquco whon tlio ultcnaliuou imkod u to ulvo thorn 11 cuulldoutiiil lin to iiluual wo will bo kind tn uulumlu wuu thn mouuuuo i win to and thut thny iilirnullgd faithfully and tlmy will too i whom dnou dm powor of mutuou- ui oonin iu7 you link why odltoru wnnkly or dally pupoiu lululit liy iwlnlliir mid incnurnuliiir hoy ucouth win iilmllnr honomt ami wlmt lu uwootor or lnoro worth whlln hi thlu vlfo dinn tlio frlandnlilp tuiflt ami 11 liimol of lino hoyn uud porhnpu a uond din7 whnt in thorn hint inilkou llfo morn worth llv- iprt hut thfiro lu k uruvo rouponul- lilllty attiiohnd too t hono ijoyu oii- pnrt you to llvo up to whut tlmy think yornrrii itflyninmipniortr-tjhn- mufduinlii do you know green tea kaa a far ilnei 5 lav our than that of any japan or china green tea send for a sample and be convinced address saluda toronto an authono pennamb mow dhl hv i niinloiiitnr in tho piiii aiiiumhly ul of itiilph conmn b noidoi full 11 thu i v w nnrdon why tin hill ion- unlil do pluniti hllli lio hi mini iu un old nlory hnuiu 10 11 tho fow nn tm uutho nnd tvitli mutt io loll of dm itnul oiipurtiliilth ii fin lollulollii hi ii rimiuiuuldiuil lilu thnuuht l itov l a mn rln nn id puhilulioi n dm wuutmliiutor und lutt i odltnr i tlio toronto cllnlto of whom ho imtiimo iulnr u uiuit fiiiuid woll mid ikid mild mr mu- doiiuld hul loll ilxiin lu trui form of u nlory lio tlio yoiinit mlnhitor wont butk wuit uml wiotu thn flint chuptor of tho novol hluck hoik cull in if it a tulo of tho holkirku after lio luul mulled tho utoiy to mr miui- donnlil lio wuh u fin hi niiino of dm hninoly oxpruuulnnu uuod tiioroln would ofroiul hlu tnnro noiuim vntlvn filomlii hi o toluunipluid to mr mnrdonuld illiin utory cull nor tlio iiunio con tulnlntr the nmt uylliililoii of cumidiuu und of noithwout wlmt uort of a iiiimn lu onuunrl oxalulumd mi miiclouahl uu ho rnud tho tolnurum tlio opnrutor mtiot huvo mudo ilmlutulto im it coiiuoi and ho muiit liavn n llrut nonio cull hlin hulpli thuu ilulpli connni ilnuli- ud into thu lltnrury horizon it lu u ourlouu loflootlon upon tho uuppound ulirowdnouu of our couiilnu to thu uouth that ilulpli connor 11 llmt imnk whluli wipj liiulily vulund in icnuland wiioio it iniiilo u dorldod hit wan rojiictnd liy unitod htutoii puhliulioiu tliouuli whop hlu fluno ho- liiuin nntuhliuhod tliu uulnu of plrntnd odltlotiu mounted up to thn mllionu and puhlluhnru nutiorly coinpntod fni tho pilvlloitoii uf piintluif hlu iuixi hook phn hlty rilot mi gordouii tlrut mlnlutorlul job won u louidi ono mhuiionury ut llnnff now a himutlful honltli rnoort in thn tlodtlou hut tlion fiiiuouu uu u lion an joint for lumboi jiuliu uud rutlroild tuivvloii it wuu in thlu oiivhonmunt that ho louinnd tho miiurular clulutl- i ally which ho ufturwuiilu uuvo to din uorld in hlu hnoltu jt in rohitod thut tho icurl mid countuuii of aboiiloon illuoovorod him tit lilu ohuuurn pout lurlinr u tour of tho wont thoy hihiid him pioarh ut dm llttln m liui ion church und tnvltud lilm to dinnor hul urcnidinit to aj c iuut in tlio huturdny lqvonlna pont lin iioiu hlu rti uro tn douplto tho fui t that ii iiiivornnr- uunurul u luvltiitlon wuu pruotlcivlly a toinmund lio hud uu appolntmant in tlio wonda wltli dm nnvvlou mil lumlmimnn ilo uttlclt in that job until hn wuu woll on lu din dilrtlou wliou ho enmn out to tuko it poor llltlo mhiuinii church on tho wontnrn outnulrtu of wlnnipdu that chinch lu today ono of dio blimout and bout in won torn cuiiudii und itov c w aordon itu pnutor lu bond of thu iroubytcrlnn cluircli adout voun oov- wliat nn acton hoy doon with tho knciwlodgn ho uotu in iiobool doponilu chlofly upon tho uort of llfoknowloilifo lin jjotu autuhln of unhool mlpdn urn i nut rue tod in liui cluuu- room hut mntlvon and thuruoltir iiiu dovulopod lurunly in din boyn upuro tlmo tho liudoiprlvllouod hoy huu tho iitroot dm alloy uud tlio vuruut lot uu hlu piny icrnu nd tho poolronm hi iiiu ntub liouuo ihn uanu in tlio ontunuutlon coniitantly invltlnu iitm it in from tliouo umloi prlvllouod boyn from tliiu rottou oiivironmnut oroutod by city llfo thnt thn youthful uuinnau and putty oilmlnal initially urn ronrultnd olvlouuly romovo thin rlmttinl brooiltiitf utiuouphoro put tho boy in flloun cquuliuctlvo oiivlionmopt and it pntontlul crlmlnulairtn ofton bo mudo into an luduutrlmiu luwulililliib oltl- hfltl tlilu thiiucht noourrod uomo limn nn to n lot of chirujio liiuiinoiiu men y wont into una uf tho wurdu lu ohlnijjo uud utnrtod u iioyu oluh thlu club ltnit no nun limit itu iiluuim wan if a boy iu old oiioukii tn ho on thn utrnatu lio lu old oihhikii to ho lu u club tho club n 11 cured by idiruwd puy- ilioloffiutu dlvoitod ltn lioy momboru t ton don to houltiiy roooi nntlon in nuu your ot nporntlon juvonllo dolliuiiifluoy luiii dnoioundd 73 pnr coat in muitiwnn duo to tho lioyu club li k kolnu inn to uivo u rooiiptlonand duuuo for imr v i idny uluht im mothorbahblod ui wu muut uhow lior ii icood tlmo lot hoi uou how hou- pltnblu our oily in to ulriouioni am tlio iliiyu piiiinoit mrh quntnr wont into idutuuhm to inuru thut piuo- 1 1 willy uvcry duy imr uon took iluii- dolph out nlthouuh h imvor muu- tlonod it to hid mitlmi i think t hoy it lmply jiuoli nlliui mrh muiikbi auntor toward thu uml of tho vlull nuaaraq bad plight famlno ami pcutllonan urn uwnnplnu ovoi huiiuhi tyiiiim nlioloru nnd hnn- itur uro wluylnu thuiiuaiulu dully lvom ono oiul of lluuulu- to did othor hropn uro ooniploto fullurotf tiunupartntlon lu purulyitod and pruatltmlly ull ju- duutrlou nro cffiuod down nuuulu iu u lirodlouu and mujrjjoiiu country un- mim litdp comou bpooilily mllllonii of poopht will dfo mud it would iioiun thut only by a mtrunlo onu thlu urout tuiuaily bo piovontod whlln din fulluu of tlio nropu lu dun to 110 ion if drnuukt diorn hi no uluht dint thu comploto hioukdowii uf hnu- uluu luduntrloh und ooimnoiolul llfo lu lurunly fuhppnuililn for thn fumlno it in iinu of tho rouullu of thn involution luuloiul of tho noudltloii of thu ituuuhiu iiiiiiiiant httluil bnttoi imdoi hovlot nih it lu liilliilluly yotn tim ttlloofthi hovlot in huuirju huu moujit thu 1rouu inif utwunf olvlllkuttmi lu duit ooutt- try huuhiu iinu larifo uiouu fit fortlh and niuduotlvn mill in thn old duyn out uuiintltliii of uurloultutul pro- intn wom oxpurtoil but prodtiiltlon i uu ml tho lullwuyu boouiuo diuni kiinuudi fuutorioh worn plonvd down ud thmo wuu no murpluu of fnim 01 fuotoiy podiotii tliorofurn orop full- oh iponiit minimi tliuro uro ilvl- utly tinmy limit dnyu iihouil for diiij fortuuuti country rnxy uiliirtj i told mr monfe appnpprate miiininia wtfut iii mm linn of uoipli n mhnlism uuu on nm hnljlml hiu1 din lod bloiiii nui liiiiu p cup you miiuunht dtlvinq wet drioria tlhoou nro ponullmly nuhjoct jiwnuiuuitturtluulviuufitiqmouquu- inif wot whlln liolnir woin tho wot loatlmr lu uort uud thoiurorn mud liy tro toll on out of nhupn iho htttclioii out ttnouull did wot loutlior moro ouiilly thuu thiouffli dry loathor it nil wot no ion and tumlu woar uwuy rapid ly oiuut euro muut bo tnknu lu dry- intr wot hiioiim fu tlmy oftmi burn hoforn it uommi pniinlhlo moioovnr if ilrlod too fuut und without pjopoi uttoutlou thoy ulnliilc hooomltm hard nml m i up i upon to diy wot bootu nnd ululiiu properly hint wunh oh ull rtdhorlnu mud uud writ with tophi wutoi uml in thn oil no of woik 01 rm uh uliaiim at onto oil m urfiinn thom iulmio of tlltt plapuru- tloiin thou htrtikhtou thn eouiitnr heel camp iiipl top lo tho pro pnr nhape itml mtun tho iihnnii with ciiunplil palnlr yhtob hiph tlumi ti hold tlioh iihnpn ulul nho i tn nu thn diylm poilud riuully not tho khoou uudn in u pinna thut in not too wuiui uud ullow thorn to diy ulowly wot luptho bin uu vmy ouiilly uiinili jioio ri uil liy thun diy louthoi if it liicnmo liottoi thun dm liiiiul cull bout it ju ulmout hulo lo burn thu uliyoii iilumld no- ho woiji until thoy booimn thoiouuhly diy qood advicc yo dhivlho a ihiivy iliuft iioiuo iihould novor tin ihlvon fuiitiu thuu u wnlli wltli oi without u limit do not i tit yotii hoi no drlvn hlniunlf but liuudhi tho ioimh itmitly novor jink llm lopm in do thut hi dm huiu mink of a hud drlvm 0 if you not unury with iho homo or if thn horuo uotn unijiy with you utop at oiiiio wult u fnw minutou und thuu uvnld a 11 if lit with yom follow- woikui und filond try to dnllvor your loud wltli uu llttln hmkhuc uu pouuihlu lluckliiu u inuvy loud lu apt to utruln tho hind h u tuko tho iioiiin out of tho uhnftii uu miiili uu pnuullili und if you drlvo u julr ot fiim uiifuuton dm otiluldo truoou whllu ui lmiuu um utuudliiui dtuy will nmt liottoi thnt wuy wntui 0111 homo uu ofton oil pouu- ii lo wutd in wniiill iiantldnu will not hurt hint no loin uu ho unopu mo inn hi luu your hot no lu tool und lirouth- inu iumn if lio ciimoii in hot hn will uwoul in tlio utuliln und aluo tlto uuihhni ii to in iho of hurd wok lu hail fo hlu foot in hot wnnthor or in drawlnif honvy iiiiidn wutrh your iiorunn brnntlilnu lf hu in million hard ni uliort und liulck it hi tlmo to utop holm duy 11 1 u lit uivo your horuo a hi un niiiuh lukowaiiu uud udd u tiiblo- upnoiifiil of uultputor wuti h yom lunito if hn utopu hwiutlnk uiiddnuly or if ho biuthnu uliort uml ipilck or if hlu onm droop or if ho win ml h with hlu louu hmrod uldowayu hu lu in dniiifoi of il hunt or uuii utrouo nml uoodu uttouttou at if tho hoi 1111 lu oyorrouin hy liout ifot lilm into tho uliudo mmovo havuoiiii uud iuldlo wiiuh out lilu mouth uponun lilm nil over uhowor hlu louu und lvo him two oimnii of momutla upliltu of animoniu ur two ounrou of uwoot ulrltu of nltro in a pint of wutor ulvu lilm a pint of cuff 00 warm cool hlu head ut on go uulnu raid wutoi o if nocoiiuary ohoppod len wrappod iu cloth clean your homo ut iiitfht uo hint hu can rout woll und 1 loan lilm hi otiuhly tho unit ilainliiiif drylnu on hlu uldn nm it nu him iinroinfortnhli mid ofton prodiirnu unrmi initlor tho luu noun if it in uo hot thnt thu lioruo uwoulu in thn utuliln ut nluht do lilm nutuldo with hlildinir umloi him unlowu hu oolu orf ihnlnir thu nlitjit lio cannot woll iitmid dm noxt duyu iitiat tho nkiiiiu hy which tlio rrouohmuu piutuubi rt wuu indulcd to muko 11 dtiiinatic nnnfouiilon of dm niurdor ol 11 mi qnurlay wlio myntorlouply itlu- upptnruil from houlnuuo rrumt inut oyooponor to do not know tho onch doiil wltli tho yoij2mmumu hnlillid hi lu i wild thou ovary liourt 1 mot- aoe of the would iho atilm thoodoiu moieuuv hl- mllfil of ohuoi vntiiiy ut limn if on bun iiiiontly if i von wonio oulltiuitoit of thu ilfi of dm mirth und whoa tlio phnu- niniuon of llfo uppontoil oil it ho noinildoim rlllu0ll about rlifht foi thu uro uf tin owh uud lio thlukh hint tlio toiiipoiutuit droppml tun point ivhoto if ooglit oxlut uhout ltouuollo finiii iifo man wiim u ooiupuiutlvii mwiou imi tho lahho ulvnn only imuo oiul of thouuiuidii of you in tliuu orulliir- an lutlpinto of it flitiiiiin uol- 011ii11 wlio iikiowiiy kovo 400100 youii- uii tho inobahlo poiiod for dm udvout of nmii i yom li innny punpli wuy in whh 1 ffllupnctu accordlnu to ilrltiiili law ovory mnn in iniiocont until ho huu boon proved itnllty 1 hu kruiich iinwnvor do thouo thlnnu differently with thorn if tho ovldenc lu utrouif onouuii to warrant il niun urroit ho in roaurdud uu tfullty und it in for lilm lu clour lilmnolf o cliuruo lf ho can tlio acriinod man in hunilod over to an olllclnl tailed thn jtitfo dlnutruc- don or exnmlnlnjx muulutrute whnuo buulnoiiu lu to obtain ovldniino fm tho prounnutlon tho iirluoner lu vluitud diilly by din j u it o wlio uonku hy nuklna him uitd- don uud uamtpnrtcd iiuiitlonu ti ob tain un uuuunrdod amiwoi that will uorvo to liitilmlmitn lilm voiy fow uullty poruonn can hold nut for louu imuliiiit an imiulry of thlu kind tho inn 00 tint mini in ubln to uutuhllah lilu lunotnuon hy tlio 1111- uwniu hn iflvoul din nrlinluu liuilully irlvou lilmnolf away homctiimiu po umoiint of orilhiury qiiuutlonluu will nbtuln an ndminnlon fiom tho ncouiiod wliou thin huppouu a dlrroront niouind in nmployed ilo hi tnufrnntod wlthpuoplo hollovuil to bo hlu uccmtipliuou i know how you not ild of tho body nnyu dm juuo you nml oliurlou duhauithmw it into din pond i do not know duholu unnwoni tho pilhoiior tlio juko iiilueu hlu imiul a dooi opoiui and in 11 mom out tho ucauuod hi fu on to tacit with thn man lu aunn- tlou if tlmy know euuh other tholi uooh nro bound to mhnw inuliml iocou- nltloii r tho piiuimor if utility lu now on tlio hoiuu of u diluintnu duholu in uivo huuii intorroifutod uud tho anouund lluunu meuuu of know i tut hut kind of unuwniu ho liuu ulvon au 11 mli lin will innrlmliuito lilinuolf vmy nulokly huidonod trlmlniilii however may poun muihhiuufulty nvtui tlirouuli thlu i in dual i hm tho tmso oullu to ijilu uld lllio monl poworfufptoeo of louul pro- ouduro uvui duvlued lio lnoonutiuutu tlio tnirody ono day tho piluonor lenolvou uu order to quit lilu cull nnd to uounm- puny u pollen oltlcor ilo lludu hlpiuolf oiituldn dm hnuuo whom thn cilinu wuu eommltteil ilo lu in uon to tho mum in which tho victim wuu murdomd oiituhlo thn dooi tlio jiiue nwultu lilm i nm ifolnif to uhnw you unyu ho juut how you kilted ahunttn ijofovro hho wuu ulttluir ut thu tuhlo whon you oumn in ilm dooi opoiiu ut thn tatiln iiu ult- u a u u ulrl wuleli i unyii tlio jujo a mini uutuiu niudn up an din prluoimi uml n llko him thiitho ouniint ropronu a nluit ifn iuioakii louuldy to tho irl und hi u niomont tho two 1110 cnuairod in a vlohnit numiil tho wluilo feriitl tiiiuedy tlint h huu tiled un hind to foiuel in hulnu onuntud nnoo mnio 1m- foin thn prlnopoi ii hinrlflod oyuu huihloiily dm mook oilmlnal diuwu fiom liln 1uit a unlfo no othiu than dm woupop wltli which tho diod wuu 1u11111 tluio lu 11 nuillutiiy utriiuulo tbu uulfti tluui uud fnllh tho ylotliu uoiouhin uud itinkm in lt henp upuit tho and what of tho tuluohur 1iom hlu i pu potiiu 11 liiuont of wordh ytu v ho olm i itnimni jiafii it up i aim rihuy i kilmt tin l hnuuli jioiiiu pnoplo nmy hik illko imuwidu thou miiiu no doubt hint tlmy in orfuotlvo it lu u luiu tliluir for 11 eilmluut to ondipu thu iioiiuaiiutmoiiii of hlu lirjinu tho olov- ol out ouuuel will uvuil hlin uothlnu if lilu own oniihiilouo7- oouviiitu tihu i hlllouil wdiiilu hu okpidluil fioiu ttm iivhloui 110 ilillil nun hi huuiy molhr uiiivnn w01111 lilxtoriniiiittiir iu un uk ilkillont iiiullluliio fa iluutruy woniiml i pulling toqether you will illiifurtlon mn ui iiilithhiir i d iiiiiluu uh iruifnr dm th of hu tllk iliitloll o fill nib milium i hu x until huvo 111 i 1 ii fn iii all uf tin m by hiiiuln lultlon uu tho hnwiihiui ml- lo ut llvin hi hlu tiiimly hut in thu luu holomoii id ilhnu uml join mil tigvonb the palc ilin oliii 1 union nuanlnu miluldn jiiiludliitnii nwi fait thut dm wo mutiny to dt nolo of uiithoilty u iliinlti jtiirt inrrttiirttmii of kinirjohi thlu inomiri h ilhlilod that pint o lmid willi h wuu uuhjuit to iqnullul iwilvu duiiucjj uud dm un hi yimil din pule hn luw or liuyond itu iiritlu to tho i pulii hi uuinl in in uiihuilhoil limit ilnh iliikiu until 1 tho iu in 1 thu ialo huull uh luw wan iwhdikd uud ohoyu il whlln tho nutiillo uiiu in un ulmout 1 on- utiito of iipiiiiu und dluuiumlo 11 thin riiinon llioro upninif up 11 illio to muttorii bnlnu witlilli tho or mu 1111 if ml ui 1101 illnu to luw jnlui uu tontniry to thouo which iiiiyoud tho pain 0 11 in u dl uor- ondltlnu fall wheat facts na 1 increase returns by cutting down expenses betty brawn eartli eidwear a poor wlicut plunt proliuhly liuu li mi tlimi f0 yunu of tman a koikj whont plniit ili vnlnpii moro tlimi h00 yunu of yiuu and protiortioiiutiily morn tup you know the pnu iiiohiim tt prollulilo crop wliilo tlio otlu r uu mm u full uro 77t bhhi crap ntttn loul coil it ttit tin ftaaf crm tnturnt hi at pf btii whnt ohio agricultural stullon f onil i ox 111 ii trlllliia iiuiihimn- 3t t yuiu liy 6 yaf lifl id uml lorin vr no fillllr ltllvyw i slid viva v- jrtllvuyrl 4tuvvn ttl flvyrt i li lokliil lolua hi i u in 4um uli lluiicirm l you luul trull 1 hutllflh ffir or -aml-ni-u- nvbry ytur woulilnt you lio coiivlmd7 djwvl luvi m of poor wlant in w2j m m fertilize liberally to ti maximum root growth aud lop jj wrxu m fur hjtralurt j jj soil and crop improvement bureau of tim camiciliinitrtllliir anunclullou s hutry g hell it ft a dlrctor li mminliil arcrnlv toronto i m hheluulbaibtaubfuuluuhbibmniduibhmhhmhhmmhhiihhh ti a poth tm jl oa 7c nul 100 i ounfj calfirilollll i oil t ch j0c ad 11 10 ovai raojrnoii o pr od ji tacli 00c and 5 mi hjg nowifi rir i it f ich ioc 70c 00c 1 1 pit plati 0 pnrod at acch con nnd b5o new quarters nifoiluhloy uattlcd iliiurttru in tho k n nd u mlwl r ft r dm notiilu of rlulnluu to root- will huvo nu uhululuut with din diy und thlu will unatly lit ilo thu prompt repulrluu f all work loft with mn ito- ilrhuf irlcm huvo boon reduced all unidiu of ilhoqu in minu nil lioyu 11 uou in utock t e gi mill st acton quality rnitlntalitb ocotiomy ho matter now hnuoli you pay 4 ealloti lor othor lubrtca- tlnu oil you got rnora lubrica ilon por dollar whan you buy imparla pouwno motor oils weijgive you save every wby- ore milcnfjo from every rtallon of fuel nnd rrnjirtof oil iimntorrupted tenico from your enr dower da- prflciationj lower repair billu and no lubrication troublu just nbout sumi up tho nuvinun nnd catitjfaction onjoyed by uiera of imponnl polnnno motor oil tho uniform luijh quijity of imperial pohrino motor oda wliorovcr you buy them inaures you moro nulea of corract motor lubrication for your dollar thin you can obtain in any other way quality doe maintain economy our clmrt of rocommendationi ihows tho rnulo of imperial pouruiq oil required to correctly lubnctito your car ufiotliiofirndooxclu ivelynnd you will net the yearn of nervico nnd cntlfnction winch you hnvo n rifiht to exbect from your car commit our clmrt nt your denlern or write to 56 churclt street toronto for n copy of automotivo lubrication winch conlaim tlin complt to chart and other ui uful information imperial oil limited tlcaaolim lit all cltlai jax ji cham efficient jmrotan crankcase mot even imperial polar mo motor oliu will lubrirnto properly if mixed with jdt wnl dirt your cranl euro ntionld ho tliproiiily denned ovory tlioiuwnd tullna or loco dnalern diaplayiiirf lin bih in thn led will rloan your craiilccam hi um tikpnrt and workman tike iliunnor such tlcnleniunn iinporinl wuatilnff oil tlio modorn liclutillfic clcanniiijf nont linptoy crank cam servlca regu- uilyanjyou will iavo liumlrcda of tlollara every year br7trrtonr viead it rfuch gqr j il tljd ii i a hi joi altoiim no i j oi r ji in niiu fonrn i v i ii ynf ir m uuy tlit bond hardwakf ltd phoi 1012 gullph this stores policy to rcprtslht j c1 nctly nt to their quality to flcll to tlioo who know and to those wlio dont know nt n tinifotrt fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis tukci to deserve your confidence hy always giving you satisfaction savageco jewcllem guelpii ontario 03 it urnuohoarvsfeir tforonro c4nah4 grand trunk tke double track route hutv i im montreal toronto detroit chicaoo villi infnrniutlou from nuy oran trunk llrkut t emit or c h honili dlutriot pauuonuor aucit toronto h a noumss ant acton ont pho ptnmrnnbmkian j n oneill son distributors for studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars for acton georgetown milton j it ijeishman acton uciircioulntlvo automobile tops wk itlscovek auto tops ankquii ivouh auto with oqott opening coutains carriage rubbertires wk iiavi3 this ilisarkuoipment poit appivinb caitiail on shotttest noltcti itunmsit tikes j n oneill sw georgetown ont r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity of feed corn and oh cake just itecelved llouit feed nonvai bltan and shouts hay stiiaw tojobleltdr hcnrv awncv when you nxl boots shoes at miy time uuy fiiom w williams milt slrcct acton famous ioil satisfactory footwear ukasonauli puicrs m i jmw4tf

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