Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1921, p. 3

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-fr-7- ljr act nu 3tet rrfl inuimnav auqiihi m iiui advicu to wivcb all jfonil women who nur liniiliiin ulxlli r- aylio well liou iiltnly 1 liono morn it you ml him foihl jill now tlm in lit uilnu i ji oil lilin in lilit talk uinl hlu luutri jmil iioulr nut if you fnii him tho final hhn i wife ulioulil du mjilifht to mpoilii him in li him ucuulro thnt iihiltlvu turn fniwl hlin unoil linutiniul junt 1 lut purlin pu lion u worn riitlit now vim all nt tlm vlituou limn itoti t lut vmir hiiiittuurvv f u huutiaml oiirndn lilm thut you 11 foeil him nice h you ii fnimi him dnnuhl a swohofibh in licit i ml if thin ho home atliuitlc flulierinnu nay wlinrn you uno iiwonllluh you miiy know imt tout corolliir lully imra you knov thmo urn mnckurol yn may look jvlili an minim o for uwnnlfluli 1 fuhnimmi who uenk tnmuwnrilluli nff mir nova llcntln coiitt uu woll m iiclmitlfln men will liumlfy auppnrt tlili utntnmtmt while iji muokurul muk tliolr appearunco tyriy ill may uwnnl- lluli urn iioitlomuiuoti until annual no hut if tliuytiru uiouun tho innck- mol for foot io loyro n hit into milium llioy uk nner to muut thn uchuolu on thfllr uouthwuru i it lie ration llieuwohlfliili luim appear to follow iluyhiimn rnurnn im l in uo it ore i ill 1110 allnutlo coaut 11111i jrofuuunr loorio woulil in tlm ntn that alnnir tlm now nuulauri count thuy follow ijullo olouo upon thfiin thn hulmrimnii of novo hoot i a upenr thti uwortululi a platform upeclnlly hullt nnd o in vat ml upon tho linwmprjt ulvuu tlio ohuorvor who 1m nlao tho apeurtlirnwer u ooiiununilliiif position it uwlma nir thn uiirfaoa ntlowliitf its ilnrual flu to appear above thn water in nlim thn upper lohn or tho cnililul it frequently leapt nut of tho water unci 11 0110 of nil thu fluhou of thn 110a on 11 11 wlm morn uwlftly or lu morn nlui in llu mnvelneutu tho obuervar whun ho unon thn flub breaking wtftor muut ha ipilok to thiow tho inure when tlm wnnpnn noti bo homo thn nuhrr- inaii muut pieparo tor u lot of work hnrnuun no rronture of thu ilenn hnu uuoh a piuinnolouu illhdohltlnn it la played out ami anally hoiutou on hoanl tho minio mnthmf of ran turn lu iimplaytil in lulling tlm tuna or linrun maekftrol on tho nova jootla on lit tlin uworilfluh ilorlvnu itu uamo from thn fact that tin honcu of tho upper jaw aro rnnuothlntod into an nloniratml iiwont thlu lu its nhlof weapon of uttimk thn tenth nrn wholly wnntlnir thorn ant no ventral nuu whlto tho irnrnnd of tho two ttnu on tho lwiolt lu cod uc ml to a ulluht flnlot thn liolntoil hond thn dim of tho hank ami iihihuuoti miuffly flttlnir into rroovow thn ahuencn of vtintrul hnu ullm inua- nular hody mlnjit thn huh for awl ft anil powerful pmerouiilon vrataunnf jllchnnl ownn tontllylna hi 11 llrltluh oonrt iiu to thn pnwor of tli nworinuli nahl it utttkna with thn nooumulatoil fornn of flftoon doahlolianrtloit ham- iltoru ita voloclty im ncjual to that of a uwlvoluhot ami lu uu iliiukeroiih in ita irfnot mi a hoavy artillery projoo- lllo piorouuaflondn ivl4r many vory 0111 inua imitunaou 040 on record of thn nilcnuntaru of thlu hah with othor fluhuu or of thalr uttuoka upon nhlpu what nun ho thn induoo- inont for it to ultaolc olijootu uo much larger than itnelf it lu hard to ml r nil ho it hurnly ugomu iih if n tnmpnrary luuanlty uaiuotlmou tukeu iiohuumulun of thn tloh it h not utranso that when harponiiihl it hhmilil rotallutn by at- tiioliluu uu u una i in nt an old uwortl fluli lluhnnnnu told mr lllankford that hlu veuiittl hail hetm utrualc twenty tlmiiu thoio nrn howovor many in- utnnnem of mitlroly unprovoked uttaolt on vowiolw nt aea it lu th unlvemul teutlmony o inn nuheriueii that two aro never ueei uwluimlnp ulnuo tonnllinr cuptali auhhy tutyu that thuy nro nlwaya din taut from oanh otlini nt leant thirty or forty feet the piiiinarlty of thn m word huh liau liornmn a hyworil without any iilien- lal nffort on my part nnmoroiih lu- utanceu of thnlr at tank upon vcuuolu have in thn hint ten yearu fouhd their jvay into tlm plaonuhou uhellnd uwoidllnh flwnrduith uro oommon on both thn nmonenn and amerlrnn nhoron of the athmtlo they do iiptlirooil on our ahoi on hut prolnihly do ho in the medltenantinii oud other win m hay tin you know when i uoi hnlil thonn old hi huol lloanl reronln inut wuek with their reporln of thn tlnlnun of urxty iievtuty and i irhty yiaru i junt plumb foruet illxi ml hi mini tlltl tin mllo ml unry iliimnii of in inn mitaln about mil nlil frli ntln nf yarn ilnwn tliero 1 mrinl of hint week well 1 in tint unliitr in ftirnet tli thtwl ldon tried thlu time you know i ot 1 lift down to thn home of my oh frlnnil william mulllii on rrlilny after noon to at to ml the fiinnrnl of tho flrut- horn uon will which took plaro that nfternnoii i tell you it hit me ha in inn thlu brlfht younu huuluonu m out tlown in bin prime why i r niumlior tlhithiotly when mr anil m mulllii hrinucht their luar little hoy in armu to thlu imtnn nluh nn to forty yar uuuo from the knmiiiu home where ho wait hum junt a few mo n tint bafoie thlu funeral uervlcn imprenu- etl me vnry keenly i thnimht nm an old man junt itntni out un far oil work lu rnncorned and not muuh unod to nnynno only mary nuemii to llkn to havo ran around and hnrnu thlu fine youuif man juut at llfuu lieut with a happy hoim tovlnix youilu wife two brluht baby boyu who need u fathera rare why tloeu ufa hnvn theuo puraileuoui think thatll what they tall them 7 well cant tell i in junt wllllinc to- uruut that ho who lu nllwluo mid uevni mnuoii a tntutukn known nil nhout it and ueinetline we ii unilnrutand hay i 111101i to be rather net auiiliuit thnun muuoti fullnwa at funni alwayu ueoinnd to mo llkn intorferlnu with thn mlnuter dutlmi hut i con feuu tit you when 1 naw how thtuiu uhupu with thn mniinnlc emhuuuu noted not i mil their ulucoro ronanl for their departed brother and llutuuoil to tho i beautiful ritual and tho fervent pray era for utroiitfth to live irom uuoful uvea and hnlp ntheru at tho homo and nt the urnve i tnll ymi i juut bail a hnnkorlnir deulru to join up with theuo man nf the craft hut i uueuu im ten old for any of thenn thliikh now and it uonld moan leavlnic- mury aloiio nvcry once and 110 oflon in the ovoid nun when i went to 1 oil to no my tlineu pant for thonn thlnuu but if i wan twenty oi thirty yearn you utrcr it woiildn t bo many weoku 1 10 f tiro id run tho rlnlc nf lining blnok- bnlliiil it did mu a lot of cood to aea my old friend william ilampuhlro of the ucotoli hloolt with tho mniionn and uu proud nf hlu masonic clnthou any of tho youmr follown llut vnilum joined when ho wan ityoupu man llon no ynunp man now thmuh yen lt11 11 fart tiou in luu nlrhtlnu lie luviy no n lor by neveral yoaru i noticed hlu tion deputy iloovo hnmp- uhlre wau with him thn day of tho funeral proud to ho known ho 1 1 they ijnileruo kreiit ehnuutt in uut proaeuu of luvnouilont tho veiy yoiinu- oneu have tho head unnoil with rouah hplnnii ami in nnwlun retenihl thn intuitu lhn bwordduh lu avallabln lu tli canadian innrkehi mnut plentifully durliik tho mohthu of auaiiht mid uep- temher am a foodnub it lu one of tlm bout uu darkeolfird oily tinitli mnlt- ihm okoellnnt uteuku itu average wnliiht lu throe bundled poiludu with n luaxlmtim of ux hundred und twenty- live jioimdii tiutl itnttnlun a lenth if fifteen font nova tlnjltlii ibihniiuon in 1010 nap- tuied tluhof thn itpuctew to tui villun of 101017 upiouonlluk a weluhf ot 7dllji poumlif it wau prantleaily all inmkoted freuh 11 a manon woll when alulllnii on that beautiful 11 11 mm or ftenmon and looliotl around nvor tho ftebln and aroveu thn hi llu and hol- lown thn old hino and orchard tho phtctt whore thn old brickyard wau in noi thweiit corner fluid i found myaelf away hack with oeorao elliott tflinu father ulnly or iiuventy yearn uro i remembered nn i ntnod thorn ubout ho ntory of hlu ftithur aonrao who wan thn ii rut thnmaii iqiiintt 1 thlu ueotlon ho eamn uu a plnnuor away back in thn time of tho adainuea had ueoiired 200 ucreu tho 0110 which lu now mr xulliiiu homo- itnnd on tlm flrut line nnd thu bundled upon wblob voinm tom nu wn lined to call him now rnutdi llut dont you uo to lonklnn for uny vouiur tom on thai fui m now tomu au orny nu 11 badcur and u uraiulfatbor over and ovor why yen i roinembei now ho and 1anny molconwn celebrated their uoltlou wnildlnir last nprlnir thn editor told nil abmit it and he know fm und ho wan ibnro well old mr laillott bniirbt a hundred ucro lot i think from the ci own and thn other he iiecuind for ii conultleraunu from a uoldlei war of 11113 who had been nranted 11 uolilhii 0 right mid bad draw l thlu fmm ho hail tin en noun onorco whii came into poiiueuulnn of the roar hundred when im oiinw to ninnbond thonmh wfm irot the fmnt hundred but never trot innnled and william who wan the yniiukoiit 1 nr ynani wn nil lulled tlinnihh unnlo tom wlmii voniik tom ot married flfty vnnru a bo he and bin hridn went to llvo with unolo tom and they ituvn lilm a kofjil tlmn thurn n coinfortablo homo and kindly onro durlnir bin flitnltnitftryimrii iiirttvinl wttlrtlmin until he dlod nnd from thlu homo jfilvliilmi the vc buriooiiiii whiukey 1 ihiuoi wn hemn 1 f bin kludniu it pilnilpleil i too llllll w firjfatilxnd about 1 at ton had four any htm nu h llbitf nf hturt hud lib with hlu family iildt 1 id the thiirtb nf jud the 1 hint ony tlv 1 vau ullt 1 id op nftei tpi ned whim be 10 ruovml 10 manltnha thtre i jim ibout fonctil u toll you it wnu th ttirmftitrtmnrli tin wnw rmiyinrtn n ith lloth mr- und mm idliott bav mud but it lu 11 mini fait hut nil their ohluir 1 am llvlntf ilay who 1 i nt ood at mr m illlnu hnuoe tlm t tin r day and inokei ovor the llelilu adilch lenrue llllot and hlu family 1 ad rbunil ilioiutht f the loiujlliut bi t 1 and uiluluuu nn i thn tluudilnu di yu anil ulunred over 0 thn plate whin thn brh ityard wnu t innm and run by lhilillo unlwuud for nov- mil vtaru and out of wlih h 11 larun portion nf thn biltk nut d lu thn ei hon nf the mnthodlut cburti wan nt haul i to no inn u fifty yt in thoiiiilit i he ateiiou nf thour iliiyu iitood hifoin nm very tloiii j and wblln 1 wan there and mki d over to the hoineiitend tf my frliud 1at ijimb my honut fell pretty llut i thouulit of thu comfortable home mr mid mm ijimb had thorn with thn liurnu and tlm tdd well and now nil hu fumllv in hoim tho l line old lllur biuiheu lit the eornniv thn houue urn uonti i uueuu thn well li thorn for 1 uaw uomo rullu built around tho old upnt to keep the idork uafe hut the old oaken bucket lu ktiue hay put unnli mid i didnt uo to tho lump church but wp thouubl a lot of each other nil the name and many a uood chat wn had tnsnlhei n bo a l tho bout ihliitu in life too i expect to ueti iat nualii up yonder nne of thnun line iluyo ulid well have another chat about old tlmeu a fain mi und mru umnh bad two flue tinnu and two uplendld dnuubteru jim the oldeut uon had auplratlouu i mm timber away bank in 1f or 70 after im ifnt thrnuifh with dublin hcbnnl ho took a coiimu ut ituckwood academy ho thnuuht not hi 11c of walklnu to thn academy ami home u if n in and then dolpte the chorea be- fine be henu bin evnnlnuu iitutly yhoii jim lluluhvd ut thu academy im uut u plaro with mm of thu bit hrldun build i nu eompauleu it wau not lo 11 before he wnu a foreman jim climbed up fnut but it wau a deplorable day when un accident oc curred uu a bildo ipiltn a numbtr nf yearn nr and jameu lamb tluper- lutoudent lout hlu llfn albert and tho ulrlu wore yomiuur und i havent kept truck of them but they left anton yoiiro nea tho place wuii hmmhl by william albert htewart itihnu non nnd udtled to thn old hell farm in front which ho hnuifht when the tjimbunolil out it now belouifii to mr john 1 ilobortuon i believe the man who taken prlsou at nil tho fafru for hlu fancy ulioop and hnuu well lunt it brent how all theuo thlnuu nnulmd tlioujfh my old head while i tnid tliuru ut thn fiinnrnl laut i riduy und i wnu paylncr filrlct attuutlnu to tlm wurdu of comfort and uympathy bovoa upoknn by ilov mr cuiiuirou or 1 tin rue tow 11 und the pray- by itnv mr moyer of acton ut the tlm and mru mulliu and family 1 bud 11 happy nml uomewhut tful earner tin thlu old jblllott farm their iiplondld family nf throti urownup unnu and two dnuuhlnru huvo been u credit to tho community oldeut wlinan inmnntod doath 00- currod inut wook wnu u uuccennful hiifllnauu man and it worthy cltiion nnn lu u profeimoi in a wnntnrn unlvorulty and tlm third a proupornuh farmer tho two dniurhtoru tnnotmrii with uond ponltlnnu 1 a matter nf fnat tho wlllott farm hau been owned nu lontf by mr mulllii by hlu prodoechnor mr qooruo iqillott jo much for tho old nnd tho imwer ilotitn next week well have unmn morn from thn old uohool recordu of ixty or uovouty yoaru uco paotorteo pav in pohk pro duction one of tho tiont muunu of nuttlna tho oont of produclnir pork unyu 13 r 1errln who in in o liar 10 of tlm lmu jioctlon nt mlnneuota unlvernlty larni lu to 11110 uood paiituin and fornko oropu thlu pruotlcn hi n ivlu- able whntbei uniln lu u decidod uavhitf in eltlter cnuo pluu uettlnu roen feed nro mnro thrifty than thnun raluod in dry lotu ooiiueuueutly ualn fuutor and mako pork at a lower cant llcuulth obtalimd nt thn farm prove bui nnd qunutlon thut it lu a uhort ulchtnd pnlioy to uefflnct tu crow uood fornun crnpu when pluu urn bolnu iiitued illuo uriuui nnd ulnitlnr pm liueii furnluh bond find in thn uprlnu but durlnu uummer arn little imttor than an oyeioliilnu urouud home one nrop or more than nun uhnuld bo urown to ulvn freuh uucoulont uroei feud lu hiimmnr and early fall dwarf huiiox rnpo alfalfa and rod elovor nro tlm oiltntandlnu top notali fnraun crnpu in tho com belt of theuo riipn lu by far the inout btiltablo fot mlnnnuntji ciimlltltuui the nout of uocdlnu lu low about llvo poundu f uond per ucro lu unaveraiio quantity nnd in fav- abln uouuon tlm crop in ieady tn be foh 1undav i1iiadino to 11 nil uu idltlon un bniui 11 thrtatlu mid 1 with lllu own uood tle- llln iiluht all hi om- 1 hiifiui with lilm win 11 it 1 iiiyallle nt thu it ha bank im utn a binik- llollie a fow dayu liefein thn note filllu due ho the ldrd ban uiuul many neleu of lllu own hand that ale dun mid payable on domain iruynr in the nothti in rum hid tho u111i that wn pinpoint tt rollict thonn noti 11 illvuued in im that hath faith to luuliit on theb in in u paid wltlinut any dlutount iiliav- d off llu m by thouu olil brokutii dniibl wivi r co in the lllhlti the word itml lu found iht3 tlmtu the word johilvali hfu tlmeu lh hth virue of tho llllth luilm hi the middle vi rati of the hlble llm 0th viuu of the ulb hliplor of kathir lu th innieut virue the 3bth virue nf tlm ilth tlmpter of jiilinil uoupel lu the nhorltat in thn 107 1uillm four voi at u are alike hth irih jlut and llut unch veruo nf the 13flb lfiulm iiiiih alike th 37tb ihiiptar of luulali aill 1j ipilllflir lr klnu lire iillko hhn word ulrl nccurii bat ente lu the hlble jnel 3 3 tliero are 1 hid chapter tint rfl bnoku with 173 fill wtiltlu mid 31171 vemeu tlm aliovo fattu were tnhnlutid by u man who wmi imprlnonod in a llvlnu tnnib madrid llpiiln for 11 yiurn wlen nth 1 hlu ehiiui oaking time taolc llliiuilt 10 t jjtuiillillilll jo 1 uteii 16l movinq ronwaiid in idaho mri jennie it nlelmlu nf tiuwaiirt our wimhliiutou ropreunntutlvo vluuod thu tiunual iitntu imotluu nf tho 1iireiit teuohnru aauuhatlop nt itoluo idaho nutly iukj mouth a luadltimt placo wau ulvou her on tho piouaummo him alho uddiohhed the load cltlxeuuhlp olub of tho city und unvnral other uioupa of people uu llumutio 13duca tlon at tint jfeimrut nonvmitlon und nlim nt tho cltlkomihlp llib the fol- lowliiu roholiitlon wau uuiiiilmouhly pnuuod inimmuch nu the vareuttuuotioru amtoolatlou mtiiyiuoh itu duparjirumt which roaardm nu hehuhlntr wild weut mijowm uiul uhnllat entertainment we therefore phntao miruolv to cut out all utate full und utbur liutllnrljiun that feat 11 10 huu uutui tnliimnntu onfl uu ouibuiih mid t a pay urn of idubo wo domand that all fulrnor oilier or- tftmlinitloiii rtijiolvluu wtutn or etuinly nppiopi intloiia provide uultuhlo mib- takeu to 1 until thn reiiuurieetlnn nf tlm juut mr and mi fit tlion llllutt jr rained u j no family nf two no nil mid three unuuhtoru lom un thn yomujoiit uon und mluu alice live with them in tin bl homo lomuo nillott tho oldeut uon of thonuih hr tho plmmor llvednn the rear 100 until hlu fumlli were piettv well rinwu up rnrly yumu uu llo iimiy other farinniu und otlini fnlku loinid hare ho ot tho manitoba fever thlnkluu the wnuteru p ah ion juut opnulnif up wmjld nrfnrd bettor onptitlunltbil for hlu family lie until nut tn mi mulllii who hud hlu ex- pnrloiiceu of the weal and moved to cmtwrluht munltuha mi und miii iqillott hud a family of fnui ann id diiuuhteru tlioiunu thn oldeut lu thn only 0110 i out who remained in tlm old liom nmummttyj ann lu n widow und liven in montana muitllleil imiun in in itiltluh oolumbla jlimeu lu faimliiu hi manitoba ho einun bnik and lived ror it few yiinu in the nluuaiu dlutiicl hut the weut had uttuiolloiiu fm him und be lotuiund thorn novel nl yeara 1iuo omilko iii iii llolfull intvi hvoh in new onlailo iydla in with lmr wihioi ann in muulaiuil nnd charlotte und hoi luimbaiul uio in tlm rninrf klondyke mr iqillott und hlu fnnitly worn uood ttltlkenii thoy utnod ftw thn thlnuu which wei o oipildei ed lieut foi the ooiiimiiillty lie waa mm nf urn thai filiioiu of ihln mm ho 11 in advocate total tibhtltieueo finin thti line of llinim und tunny 11 jlbu ho wurfotod iiih nelkhboiii at 1nuuiuf bee alidliuu uiul ttiihiubliliiu heeuiihe of hlu toeuilnl pi llmlpleu llut ha idluvoit hu yitil rliiht und iitood to i 1h umih he wiim mia of tho iiburtei i ismburii of our honu of tomporulioa i ilonery woeku from nowlits if ilialn lu fed lu roainmable iiuountn mi acre nf rape will carry from twenty to thltty uiowlnu pluu wirouuh tlm w- him while houu nml uometlmoii blank and mil quo bl inter wlinu nmnlnu lu there lu nnthluu peoullnr about thin crop which ciiuuou bllhtorlnu hi trouble romiltn uimply from the com bination nf nuiluturo trnnuferrod from he mpn to tho hnu nnd it hot nun ly keep i uic pluu out of the rape patch until thodv or rnlli huu ovaportod from tlm leaven of the plantu bllntorluu au ho pieveutod 1 liupn omi be iiuwu au onrly in tho prlnir nu thn ur tuti bu worked hvtll 11 umull pntnh lu it feed lot will main hi ralulnu houu why thev weite there the ftnvernrit lof thn prljioti wi luooitltiu a party nf wobmii vlultni hnouuh thu liulldluic they entered 11 100m whein tluon women woio bliuy hflwinu au they turiiod to leave one nf the vlultiiih uultt what vlolonu lookluk o rent ureal what c they hi f tn t they itally look eapabbi nf commlttluu upi crime wil jiluwly ruulliil tilt unyonmr you nee they huvo un gtlinr himo und they nro my wlfu und two duuuhtoru hib qualificationo what roiiulre nahl tlm uiutinif- liiu edltni in tlm imivleou of it tuuii napiihle oi akluu full ehurue nf nur queiy hex ami you oapablo of 1111- uwoilnu nil klndu of inumtloiiut will 1 hither icuehu yen replied llm upplli nut im tho father of elsve 1 ihlldiou in dowa veebt thuy nf ntu- uveiythlltu hnu h aper jupl uiivulopui 10 tn nut fo to fie mlnutea jfi browncil iitnamed1 lit f 1 ult 2 to 3 liouru iipniiue 3t to ho mlnuten loaf 10 to f0 inluuteu cie inytr if to 2r mhiutoii plain i to id nilnuteu thin 15 tn 31 inlniiteii email indlvldiiul 1 to 1 hour oiiitmi rlniiuhi du 0 mir luhuutn i to f minutuu llfrltteru 3 to f nilnuteu cmnunrllnail 30 to ho mlntiti u miiiriiin 11 tn 25 mlniiltu flou 30 to 4g mliillteb uddlnu lireiul 30 to do mbiutiii futbllnu indian 3 to i bourn iliddlnu plum 4 to fl botiru iliddlul nteunied i lo 1 htiuni inlnlneii 30 to 15 mlnuteu iopnviira 15 to 35 mliuitou itolbi 10 to 10 mlnuten hill 00 gold to urcwcry llm 11 ho du nord nayu iiih 10 llvtiiyono romembnru the famoiiu hill to the utiuthoiiiit nf ypren where furlouu llulitti took plaro on thlu uceouut it ouuht fti have remain ed 11 ear red place now thlu hill huu juut linen until to 11 ilrltlnh brewery for the piirpoue nf erectlnu a largo hotel could not the memory nf thn herneu nf hill ro be commomnratod in a mmo llttliiir fanhlnn a brnweiy you will notlcol ok- clalmutlm oluuuow forward tho fine tlellrate npltullulii who priced uu out to pal it auiiliuit inaterlallum and far thlnuu urout and uplrltiinl utlck u hooxo factory upon iiih 00 the torjpefl joke uliwh in 1 joke ild 1 be fmbl of 1 a fmial ml for iilllouue be hid tin nur with h burnt 1 iirue hell uuod un 1 the workhien the i hlu pulli nt a fw mlllllhu illlt 1 the bell luil vlelintly the dot tor ltitikd nut hut ttuild 1100 not hint aualn the bell uiul at the third rluu thu doctor com 1 alt d himiielf behind a tree lu mild and tiept a watch on tho lmll- rope 1 lieu to hlu aiitniiliibiueut im uuw hlu htn an lift up itu lieml indue thn rope hntwei 11 itu teeth and ulvn it violent pull after that tin doet mi rii nu out unffr- trmt rtrnnrac whit h put en 11 inok of ctimpleto 1okluir hlu nouo into u bauket in which a rut lay curled up thn uu inn ue jot a miuty iicratch from pui for hlu paluii lhe animal tnuliiu cu ful aim kit ked cat mid bauket 1 bhlll mid hun trotted off with a low chut kh of ulie china mao been eed at a 1 iiiuiiyinoiitlui iliujiuully un- ntiunred that thn cblhetfe fumllin lu over campiiluuu to relieve tlm utrltk- eu chlneiie wire waited 1p ilrltalu am nil ovtr america icnormoiiu uium wire rained ilm united lltateu ulom tiint rlliuted marly nevnn million dob hire cliiinti that tlm chliioun tliiiu- itnlveii who were lu a pooltlon to rellevi the miff rl ok of tin ir fellow country limn did little 01 nnthlnu urn utrenu ouuly dwiiid chlueuo contrl hull 0111 to relieve the hundred nniu- fortyflv inioi uiniulin 1 tto tlul i rnilio amounted to about night and a half million dolluru 1 he mnut encoiiraulnu plecn of new in louimctleii with thlu recurrluu fam ine la tho aunount n merit that nn uucli fnmlno la likely to oceur aualn thn amtrunn hid pietm and other phltun- thioplo tiutcrprlueu liave beau employ- inr 15 000 bibnrern rnnatrurllnu c00- mlle 1 mid in hhnnlunir with nn udic pinto uyiitem nf lallrtiadu and wuunn in nlil there lu wild to be little duliuei of the uicnt dlverullletl uurloulturul nation ovtr uufferlnu uerlouuly from fnniinii anal notice to patron of thin etblllimcm durluu july und auuuat ew- ainlnntlon for qibhmm on thuraday tritluy nnd ulur- il only of ehcii wni jiin orlndlnu and quick itnpulr dopurtmeut aw uuual 3 hrd zovtigihtt thcktailmf mhorricij canadian national exhibition toronto aug 27 imitate sept 10 to be opened by lord byna qf vimu canadas new govern argeneral lbr q col6r of the orient gaiety a mardi gras complete expoiition of cnniiiad rctourccs lull of men wraith of material over here super pniteant of rcfi magnificence clrnnuituiiig vi idly crntlv origin growth nnd acliievementi color symbol allcrory hundred of peiformfrt muiic fine arti world largest collection of wnr pliotogrvphi tliriller of many kindt rircworki on larger icnte than ever before scores of featurei only to be teen at toronto cantatas gtculcil lie slac anj farm dhploy machinsry and equiftmtnl of enjuss daiin jot inereatlng tha efficiency oat farm ttnj the concert oftht llama reduced fares on all lines of travel nonr itkmina why the ford is the universal-car- d own union the orclturtlb of novii scotiu tlio furms ol now brunswick on shcrbrooke stroet montroni yoiicp street lit toronto portdre avonuoin winnlpor ontiio ur lung horizonn of suakntcliownn nnd alberta nnd up through the motintfllriit of hritirh colitmbin down grnnvillo sffribt in vancouver on govommotit rtfuot iij vtprin itn te gomp ttory half of all tho cors you feo nro ffanl cftni ii umny eti- tlons tlioy aro two to otio of itll the other nlnkee 1 and its tho enme story hrafricti auptrnlin brltuln europe united stiitejr- throughout tho world one hnir 6f nil the motors on earth pro forda why because the oimpliclty of tho ford cnrudupti it to every driver 1 because the power of tho ford car carries it wherever tbodriver wnntii to ro l- hocniifio ita durability nnd riiuijed titroiieth make it the car for uyury condition of ubiio beciiiu0 of ita low irt coiit und low coot of oporutiou nnd miilntciiiunce i lie ford cur in n pood cur for you to own l the new ford prices touiung car with slautkrs 71000 vouft coopenttlon tho coiimsmlion of nil tho cili- ypiw of ontario in tho bikfccul need in ontario fot- forliilry todny illnlnry nliowu uiat tmivovoruilimimt nnd nntlotlnl decllni owhroirttlio dentruetloii hi a eountryn iortuita mriiit of tlm una of thin ivnvinco ih q mricuuuriil nuilud ity nuturti miiy for inrowlnir trm ihhi land remain youra iiut tlui jovirtmitinl mi lit uio trova kvnry mimmnr tu ontario an nvcrac nm or 42ctmj0 nrma of foreal lnnl in lurnt ovr oqual to u atrip t10 milim lotiif by i lallm wlih- thin yonrly ilrnnlntlun ut tlm lunula of linr own noopln in tcruiluully tuniini tlm bortlinm part of iko vrnvliicn into a rwky dojurt o utouimnilh f acruii nvuii uio soil liau been doatroyod ly firo save ontarios forests on thejrve 3 tho nvornfro yearly nurrtf her of foroiil fireii in ontario iii nlmut 127f tlm viitilanco of tliu itirn llantum ki up two- till nln of ontarioa fnrrnt flma down to an jivcrafcw la of la than tlvo ncri a llut tho otliora urn mjt unufli to rulao tlio uiia uvarniffl ittatiiraetrar vnront until in ontario aro ilo- iitroyimr provincial anno of tlm- pulp wnoil upon which tlt o ntlieu lo linln pay lmr flliaro of cnnuiluv war- delit 1 oront tlroii inotroy flah und unma dccrcarii tlio rojrulnrlty of jlram llnw cuiiiin nprinif flooilii land oro- ilon and tlio crippllnjf of wntar powom turn rovcnuoproduelntf urouu into rock icacrtn out or nvery 100 fire in on- uirioii fomula only tlinui aro eniuiod by lilninc while nbiuty or mora aro duo to matia caro- icuhiuinm ono llinurnnil im n ucmturval ovor 100tl000l ncr h imvo liltlu rliunro of irlvnitliik flreu all tlmy cun lipi to t in to noa tlio uniokn in timu to c itit uim and put llinm out iwfnro tlioy aprcad beyond control tlio problftin of aderunlo iro- tccupn oiitnrloh iorp from firi tinntmonl miliftitinoratiirio involving thn wliobv public of on- btrlo tlui vawt majority of foruut fires mm cuuaod by human caro- ittuniona duo to lack of civic vo- bponalblllty iiio inniltney fa to imvo all uio riuiponiiilnllty to tho covemmmit for protcctino tho foroabi from firo llm govim- nrnt cannot protect tlio fnrcau iwionkliiif to tho peopla cf ontario unlearf tlio jmtoplu of ontario co operate forealry iimiih your patrlotlam your public njurft your kijfard for uio uoneral wol- fro of canada oatario forestry brrinch pasliament builclihea toronto onl debtihatiorj known iijuuuflillll utory wau once rolatod coneoriunu tproinlni nt utorklirnucr vlu7 li nl n linblt of wauilnrlnic into larder ut nlulit whiniat immo unit ill u nnii in a of onytlilnu lin fauml tliuro lilcli ttimploil bin appotuo oim innriilns lllu wifo wnu uiiciinnlnu tlio ntlnn nf tlm ilityu lmu licmi with tlio ma ui anil rocalllnir i imimlnif lilcli thny had not tionn altln la i lllu 1 1 tlm ovenlnc lioforu utio nafil do you w wluiro lliat until pdtlillnir lu barnlit ven maam runliotl tli ulrl wltli- u umllc it linu inno to tlm city lir ilayu urn unetit lu ntrlulnir n i in non liatwhnn tlm tlilnuu wo would anil thn thl nnu wo muut happy tlio man for whom tlioun tw rluuuoii o imcomn onal new quarters i am nnw romforlabloy naltlwl in tlm nnw miurtnru in tlio ellarkmiui llloru ami mi lwttor ill iln in inok nflor tlio neoilu of nvnrytbluir portulnliur to foot wear i will havo nn ntululant with inn illnirlly anil tlilu will ereutly facilitate the prompt rnpalrlnn nf all work left with me ita- palrhlft prlcou liava been redureil all uruilou of ulioeu in moitif nml noyu t i nra in atnek t e gibbons mill st acton hlin about sedan couik tltuck p o ft ford ont g4s0o 109000 09000 78500 the ford garage l g kino lmiiiker l a coxu proprietor 1 acton ontario when advertising stops do you f cnicmbcr pcarliuc once il was the most popular washing powder in america in 1q0t7 pearline cea advertising t its owners said that advertising was no longer necessary thai pearline was a good product and everybody knew it in 1914 the proctor gamble company boughl pparfine at their own ligurc to save il from ban ruptcy they renamed the fonnula and have sold mulions of dollars worlji of il since by advertising in sijycnyeurs the public forgot pearline and il dwindled from millions lo nothing pear soa once tried lhe same experiment not ing the alarming slump in sales in six months ihey resumed their advertising and did not bust r if people did not die if people did not move if new generations did nol grow up if customs and habits did not change if competition did not com pete if people were nol open lo suggestion and receptive to jnew ideas there would be-noeed-of- adyerlisiiig and when a business was once built up il would stay put bul mi til then advertising is lhe surest safeguard for llje established produet lhe m6st certain hope for the new idea aberdeen s dncws iiwmmmw smrsm

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