Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1921, p. 4

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utyt ariim 3ttt fire 00 luijiuifiay auoumi h 10j1 llll a ion 1 ii 1 i iii i i b ii r i rb 1 rr i 1 j it r u jtr i sial ahvllhi in kah frank tl a tin k will 1- uooui racll hn ii fill 1 1 iii iji -lltfltoioat- martit wmiuti to kvcfluic ovtr home rdmonton board ot lducation evidently believe that married women should teach nt home mid not neglect the home to teach in the school no more married women will he cnpafrcd hy the board and ifioic now drawing nhtry will have to make wuy for smlt women if the inttcr urc nvailublc it aitnounc od married tcnclteri now on the ituff will he held provisionally until the end of the year canada and the vfceuejfal bepresentnuveri it ii nurcly jrtitiryjiii thut the gnvcrtinn general who crvc terint in cuimdu invariably refer to thu country m vciy favorable ex pre ioiu whun they icturn to the old country ihe duka of devonshire our lint governor general in no exception to him record upon landing in i ivrrponl lubt week he find hint the yearn he had spent in canada were regarded hy him us tlu happiest in his life his cxccllcncy ttpokc eloquently ot tlio kindness extended to him hy every ection of the canadian community the future of the dominion he declared was the brightest in every proi pect and the country was not affected hy bad trade to the same extent as other parts of the world dcinq late to church homo jmoiilo ui iii 1 1 innlrivo ti wuy ii ru jimt tlhilllllltf ululi i tin tit i ronkfuut ixim ti und nnyor ulult m limy ul- miu iui in tii r ii lull tjr u httlo ii to liiinhonit and cniiaduh place ut the washington conference it in md that canada may not he invited to the disarmament conference to open at wanhinitou on armistice day president hardmj if inclined not to-conudijr-tu-iioiuiiuouc-apttrt-froiu-gjtjit-ijeitniiu- but even if canada in not accorded direct repre sentation at the conference the views of this country will be placed before the delegates sir georje poster jtiites that the voice of the colonic will he heard if not directly then through the represent tivcs selected hy the mother country increojiiutf the waterworks revenue the action of the municipal council in entennjj into contract with tlio grand trunk railway to supply 40000 callous of water daily for one year and a larger quantity thereafter would teem to lie a wise move and in the in teres 1 5 of the municipality it will mean u buhstuntial addition to tlio waterworks revenue it will also eniuro a mora general circu lation of the water in tlio mams whereby the quality will bo enhanced the terms of the agreement with the railway company must of course bo carefully supervised aclontf tax kate for 1921 the rote truck hy the municipal council places acton in a new clai in the matter of high tax rates lat years rate of 3h mills was considered high water murk but the rato f 47 milli this year is surely the climax nine millj of a jump in one year is roiiik some but of course with the waterworks debcu turc now fulling due a higher rate was expected the trouble 11 however that tlio 47 mills does not rep recut all the taxes our ratepayers arc called upon to pay this year to this will he added the frontage tax which at seven cents per foot will add a con siderable sum to tlio amount assessed on the regular rate the usual explanation that the county rata is so inuph hiihor will not avail thin year inasmuch as the county council requisition is half a mill below that-of- 1030 fatho mcroaced-cxpouditures-oe-tlic- ptihlic school board part of the increased rato is chargeable oakvillchjalurmlmr tax rate of 42 millrt the tax rate in oakville has reached a most alarming rate says the oakville news it is no excuse it continues to sny that some other towns are as high and in one or two cubes higher nothing retards the- progress of a municipality hko a heavy and crushing tax burden the council has not only increased the nsessment but likewise increased the rate the school erected pn allan street was a gross mistake as to size and the cost was enormous the paving of streets should have been left until labor and costs or material sunk to normal our council should be composed of strong and shrewd members not one dollar should bo spent unneces sarily and no indebtedness incurred unless the town can stand tlio expenditure there urc breakers ahead and the oakviiio vctsol should bo piloted off the rocks and good sailor councillors aro required to man the ship make the bt of jbxbung conditions during the past few weeks many of our young people have passed their examinations for entrance to high school or to normal school or their matriculation into the university and aro naturally now anxious ns to their future those who can see tho way clear to a college education should by all means embrace the opportunity and undcrtako such a course with hearty determination to accomplish successful results but there is something wrong with the young people who being unable to go to college try to excuse themselves for not amounting to anything because they cannot have tho advantage of a college education while the majority agree that a college education is u great advantage that opinion is by no mmus unanimous and since there are intelligent and successful men who even regard it as somewhat or a handicap it certainly cannot be regarded as indispensable in almost every calling men achiove distinction who owe little to the higher schooli who aro largely selftaught and to assume that you cannot ninke a success without a college education is to shut your eyes to the testimony of facts a ford ttynn advent like a homccoming the new york times makei this very kindly comment upon the coming of lord byng the new governor general to canada last week there is more of a home coming than of an introduction in lord byngs arrival at the historic fortress of quebec to take up his duties as the kings representative in canada the sound of canadian guns fired by can adian gunners and the wholehearted volume or canadian chceri must have had a familiar ring for the new governor general for as the commander or tho canadian pxpodltlonary force at vjmy and cam bra i he had every opportunity to become ac customed to both lord byngs personal popularity with the men under his command in prance was marked and he may rest assured that the byng boys as tho canuks were nicknamed in london will do their utmost to make his stay in tho dominion memorable he doubtless recognizes that no easy task lies ahead of him in proving a worthy successor to the universally popular duke of con naught and tho duke of devonshire his itmhediato predecessor ed1tomay n0h tho teachers of caiuida are taking a position quite uptodale in the labor union line the con vention at toronto last week took action to create an emergency fund to support strikes heres a new one on the men by lady astor m p the toast at banquols used to he tlio ladies god bless them now women have the vme they ought to reply the gentlemen god help them here is another instance where the strike method hat been ineffective the rochester pressmen de cided last week to returji to work after being out on striko since may fl they give up their demand for a 44 hour week n rhango in om urlen of nnar anil nnvolopeu tliey urn uuttloiiury llttla ilroikw if wtttnl on little anilim of uand itakn u mllity dirffironoo in ho irlc of land tin ulxyour old iluuuliltir of u eor- 1 itmval otriotr wau unconwciuumly lu lie rout tlm ntlipr day thn rlillil wax uowlnic whan tier oldor winter unit oil wliy tlon t you uun a imtlnriit tim llttlo mltui rmilwl with if dignity ur eater tlum her knowlhlo j itoit t 1yoi a nuttem i now hy thfiran u utrunea man at tlm door uhiiouiicmhi tlitt 11 dw uervhtit from itomtnn what doau ho wantt ojiknd tlio maiitnr of dm hnuufl impatiently lleuulne your luirdon sir rnpllml tho urvunt a uhmla at dluapnroval ilfet in lilu volc lin wanlu a uuth hut wliut hn lit auklnif for 1m imkitiethlntf to oat uctinnl teacher in an american town rfmltwl to her ciajik tho utory of thn laiiillna at tho pllarlmu anil whan uhn huil unuhetl who tolil each impll lo try to draw from hlu or lior imnbln- atlou a it icturn of plymouth itoek unst of thorn wont to work at onco hut on huh fallow iftltntfml ttiaii ut ifliibtlr raided hlu hand unll wluifl whut la itr mmboa tha toarhor pleoiic maam tin you want ua to draw a lion or n rooster t a shortcourse 111 journalism in the university of toronto will be held from september 1z to 17 open to members of hie weekly press this course has been planned with the purpose of getting an intelligent grasp of journalistic ideals lord northcliff the english publisher who was recently reprimanded hy king george and lloyd george for extravagant statements in his papers was in new york a week ago for thirty six hours and sent word homo that prohibition is a failure his investigations must have beau very broad and exactmg the underwriters teat of waterworluf system tho pmm pins lias already called attention to the fact that because there has been no test of tho waterworks system under tho direction of tho pire underwriters association the promised reduction in insuranco rutes which was definitely stated by mem bers of tho council and tho engineers or the pro posed system would result when the waterworks were complcudhasmotydtbceiiseeured a-uon- crote case bus just arisen in which a citizen applied for insuranco on 0110 of the best stores in town to a prominent insurance broker in a neighboring cjty and asked for lower rates because of tho installa tion of waterworks in acton this was tho reply to the application i am notified hy the cairadiau piro underwriters assocfation that this town has not been specifically rated uud consequently tho rates i gave you whou hero will apply the waterworks system recently installed is not apparently sufficient to place acton in the protected town class surely it in high time that this matter should he brought forcefully to tho attention or the underwriters as 5ociatiou it has been stated that tho engineers have advised an officer or the association verbally that the system is ready for art inpcctlotl uud thut the council husnjso referred the matter to the associa tion ltut nothing has iilcii accomplished and no satisfactory unswor received in this important matter the ratepayers uro paying foi u system which they were ussurcd would give efllciuit ilro protection and secure to ho tuwn a pi a to in the protected class many of our citizens believe wo have such a system and that it is satisfactorily adequate hut no test has been made uud no aggressive stops have been taken to assure the plro underwriters association which controls insuruueo ratts on this important point if this mutter is further delayed interested citizens who are paying for tlio system will be greatly disappointed for it curufhly in duo them that a requisite tesr bo made so that tho desired recognition of tho fire underwriters muy be given and the reduction in insuranco rates follow yvwwwm the adoption act passed at last session of the ontario legislature will enable fester parents to secure legal control of tho child they have taken into their home giving it full status as an own child with right of inheritance and other privileges this will he a genuine relief to many homes wheitchlldren havo been adopted high railway rates ate making business good for the panama canal california oregon and wash ington fruits aro coming hy water oven copper mined in montana has made the roundabout journey and wheat honi british columbia and alberta has been shipped by this route a good deal is being said thenc days about shortening the hour or jabor this is all right within reasonable limits but much more important is the problem of changing the attitude of the worker toward his six hours or drudgery is harder on a man or boy than ten hours or work inspired by expectation and enthusiasm it is encouruging to learn that even mexico the country of internal turmoil is taking tlma f6 think over tha drink problem and there is some move being inude for the extermination of a tradlc that s paylug havoc with the political and social life of the country a vote will ho takon in october in part of the country to abolish the drink traffic a judge or magistrate could not ask for a hand somer compliment tlnn that paid to one of whom it was mud in a leading paper recently iho seller of illicit boo7o doc not want to face judge blank ni he knows it means a heavy line a prisonsentonce nnd not n chance in tho world ta escape punishment this judge evidently supposes that laws mean what they say pioneer llnif t unit j nut 11 hlllo lulu hi itoliitf lui i uluiii 1 hn tlmy uio not ill of thn vuiiki of tlm ovtcu ii roi t uenitu 11 hoi iiutf hi ul whluli 1 y ilmlr ufur off lit whloh thny nif tuctt ititvo di utlfiiuthitf lo hi v- if hy uny limioo tly wnn- twu tnunuui lo hurt him hurn nn nil xwnlim of trultiu ami ollioi tiuon- vni nt rtvltlmj jt iw utiuiilly hy thn fltnlltrut kaim ir yrhniilri tliiwn i willi ur lulti o elm re h u tlmy t i ovrrythluu ohm wh uxnart it ulnl ulntlt h 11111i lowutri it all 1 mill hut llur im u vory airtomnt claw of imruoiiu who urn lulu wlinit it mi tl tttr rrritvmttrnrir 1 hou ihoila urn imrf lly uwnru of tin uutiiru of nmti ttuuu ami lh ilemuml- of limn if thero hi unyllihitf to 1m kuluttl hy lmiinluullty unythliiu to hrt iniit i y tartlhidu if u ool hnraaln muy ik iiiiuhhi or u v ihiuhh ontruot u in u eotiim lltor tlicy jtrrlv with thvfxartiifiml of thn thick hut whan it lu iittrrfilyfi ijiirniton of olhrh 10m- fort it lu aiuithor mottfii at u tllnci- torn iikkitluir or u illniu r imrty or u rmu rul thih inrihnw of illhcrlnilnut li a iiuiiuiictuullly alwiiyw uitmur nva or inn or nfloau nilimtva uftur tlit up- luh i i hi ur uiul ii iltiiin or rtfly f tli morn iimclm nr liiroinntotlml no tlnuht u uimnl iuul of vuluahla luui lu kavwl hy tho iirurtlcn on rvcry imhlln ocruulnu uoma in lu ul wuyu lute uml hy lmtln- tin luuf ur ivul you avoid wulllna uihl will kuiii u taw mliiuleu thut ran 1m liroritulily liloynl nlwlmrl all tha um4 oinf of tha worwt nhjimitlonu to uiiliuhatu- ullty lu itu uhomlnuhhi tuilrluhnuu vou u a 4 uuu u 1 1 ttlliw1- wuii u tutu u ui into hmiru to o it net u umnll uuvluu your own v thn imoiiio of ilelllmirutn lunllixiuu urn ulwuyh iain to rhurrh after ovi ry una elua lu uutul hjiii tha unrvloo in welt 1micuii thny wajh in with luluurly luillffuruiica uiul umiiii to think thny havo lioturtl ootl uunialuntly hy liilf ut all mow you uro not oiiiikmi to k to churrh ut all if you lo not ao ynu thn wo rut uurirr hut if you ilo uo u iiromr rouixiet for the mlnlu ter for cjni uml for yourwklf r4mulru thut you uhoum im thern uml illroctly conijiohfiil wlmii thn urvlra lidklnu no timg to look nit ii hut iink an i yt t tliiiru rninii in n imr iu no tlin to i i u ynu mvt lo jiimii ui il do it iluht otr wo fi uiul it ui m it ly win ii wi hiiklnu into ii r mi with u luii nl wituoii with liny ilkidnu i qui liy iiikii umi thiin twintyoin wiih thn wiiumu luiiilllnw tin m inu 1 wuu ilown on thn uimiml wutrhlua tin i fori imifoimuiii 111 1 itf lit 111 mini lh lilhtui h i 1 hi ntiiti uciiyiil uml iliwn wi ut i in until wua ii hoy uiul nil wunihr wluit thn uvmuu hoy wuul i huvn iloiiot i lit our boy wiiu not ihu nvi ruu uoit lin htuik to hi ijuuluu- uml wont ilown with ha wuu on hn t t lo thn lutrhom iillli tly mi unit tiny ill 1 nut hit klita1 hy ill lul iiliow uny llomciii hilt if anl wliti ilny wtiiku th holtoni ho uot ilu i otfuti to unruvnl thu tiinuht honiuiin hn huit licm i rool vt ry lltth ilum iiiru ruinn lo tiuln wiitfi n t r hoy it tiuy to miluol onou w if lo mm i hi nun iiuu thut whlnli romo ii yuil ih nly varieties lesson op the pvhamids of tha inugnlfleant atrticturaa of utono uml drink that hoiumii tha human civilisation tliuira romuln only a tow crumlilhirf watlu ami htrtiaslliiff ranku of rolumiifl ijttlfl lu left to arooco to recall itu aunlnht uiilomlnr tho junato lum htililen tlio mnnonry ltlhwi up tliouuutiilu of yaani oito hy n amtcm in mexico yl tho iyramldm of lcypt hullt uny ttiuumiutdm of yoarri ftco utllt rotnlu tholr unolnt form uiul holiillty uml ntlll rouhl wnll nrvo tho iiunw for which thny worn nonutruotnil thut of tnnttui for tho mumhilta of tho tnittronrf iho iyromhlh wero hullt to omluir o one knows mtaotly how they inrfltl or whut fiikinmrintf knowlflilii uu muiummi1 by tlm mun who uuihr- intemleil tlielr oonutrurtlon it lu cer tain howvr tliut tlinue old bulhleru heicun with u thornufih uiulmlutulna of two will known itrlnnluleu win that thuro lu a iwiwnrful attruntlon cnllwl kruvltullon thn other thnt tho rentro of uruvtty llou within tlio uuuo of uny ut run tun ii thoiw nrlncliilea the pyramid wero hullt tho heuvlent utonem worn iml down nrwt on thn widest area tiilhtlty wuu tho mm ourdlual nrlnoipln r atiuuruotlou thn job wuu botfim hicht uml it iiromlwrt to ml uro uu loiiu uu tha tnouiltulnu thnrn in nn mmtrtunt leuuou lu thn pyramid tho iohmoii of foinulatlon whnther lu liulldlna a hoime or an educutlon whothor lu orautluif n- hrhluo or u rhuructer nrmautice can only twi tiiiirhl by uimoiuu oertaluty in the lhttclnuluif thut tho foundation will uml lire the quee pa n8 plumage ortldrn rvontly klvoii by qumii uury her mlluneru that no phimuir of wild hlnlu uhnuh im umnl for uny of imtm cannot full to euercun u fr- rimichlnk lununc wayu u wjinclul illu- imlch to tho ihllaihlnhla iqvenluv llul- lelln var iho odlot ineunu tho queon huu joliifd tu ihn rruuuilo ukuinut he d- t mo tlon of the mout iteuutlful nf the wild fnuthed trllwih and from henne- forth imudkur iho tilnmuko nf which liiillratpu it huu oout tit ft nf one or mom wild hlnlu will imi utihjeot to thn turn or thn court of ml jniiiou qui en uury lu ulready uuaurwl of tlm humtort of hr mlitlu v tulnw qnevn aluxuvidrlu who lu lievor imtni willi u ftnthnrml toquu uml throuah vfhoiio lunuenoa ilurlna the rolmi of hr bmibuud icilwiirtl vii trtd wmirhut of tnm rutbru wuu vlrtuully put nut of rnuhlnn in urout ltritulu nwlir will hlu iiiomh of quo it mary lm reoelvchl with moiv uynniuthy tlniu hi indlu whiiw thn mitlvnu lmv nl wuyu nk tho mm or hlnlu ffitllitru mttir mlorutnout uw u ntrui of rvvoltlnu hurliurluni uml nu ortoiihlv to nil tholr mllulmih lirojudloou oru you tfll lipe in the llrokll whli h lu iihmiut wholly in ui tioiilou huu tht opportunity o upunt the hellnf thut nn pooplo run much tho very hlifhnut rlvlllxutlon lu a tmplnil cllmiile 1 ho i unuuu juut nun 1 in ti1 rrelllu llrnill with im mo 001 lioplf which inukuu it the uioomt ipruiin country in point of populn n i ui inn mo tarn iun of urleuro hitulu that wu ii inoiiuu huvo himn found lo ulllufl the lu it of the mm uu rhunlcul uimmy tho tropica will he no gulrm nf production iuul tlicro foro of glvlhuiitlnn if thut ithoijlil ho r whal roinitry oon inu hrux wltlpltu urut numiii i rmtruxt thulier uml land uml itu tfioiu utivla uhln rlvnrut how it wopkcd out mm llrown wan tired of thn hor rowlnu piopunultleu of hor noluhhor mra imltli 1 i rut it wnn iiomo hoimn hold uteiiutl ulio wunteit tin u nil mo umnll urtlrto of uroeory tho other duy u knock cumo to mru llrown u door it wuu mru hiulth llttla alrl plenue nmthor wnntu to know ulio mild if yon will lend hi r unmo pepper mid tho hi if hut imiiit mru itiown wnu determined to utop hor nalifhtioru imrrnwlnif toll your mother i vo ht othir riuh o fry nhe iinapped unit the little ifirl wont awiiy it wuu not loiljf hoforo uhp oiimn i uck pleiuin mother wuuhi to know if you u lend hor nmun of thn rind hull j w kennedy son hardware ilumln tlnhmhhlnjt electric wlrlntf it saves you work and dollars it gives comfort ahd enjoyment have you an yet installed in your home a system of fmctric lighting if not it is only a mutter of time until ynu do and there m no time like the prcpent we specialize ithjuolwfmtkttdonieivti nptindns tfrfactntyst vice do iiwny with those unhealthy and dangerous oil liunjitf and see what real comfort is derived in the homo from the use of electricity we uro alwuys glad to give cstiniates on thin work und our prices will interest you comoa and talk it over we also carry a good ustiortmeut of fixture and applbucct mfd your inspection is invited itehitmhtr our molta qunlily service iteouonahle prlrett j w kennedy son phone 9i main htiiklx aclon busi ibi mesa jjirectory i- ufl j a manivcn fhymon wml huruaim olilc hiki iuul it uro form r luw ayiui 1 1 lulu lltrotu lo ru ili frtrnwly o mipl 1 by d m ivrmin arum om thebrassbonndboxandihesteelsafetjdcposhvadlt tlio oldfnnhlonedwoj lot and tha bnum bound box woro no protection tynlnai flro or- theft tho sufcty deposit vnulin in tho merchants bank nitord tho maximum of protoction valuable papora jowollory nnd sllvorwaro are eruorded nprainnt loiu when placed in ourcaro and tljo yonrly charge for buch protection u vory modoruto th mcrchants bank head omen montrwl of canada 3lty dpl qaui i rl eulihd 1s4j l b sjtorev kwi ii r uuhiumm dm d j ncluon pfiyujouri uurueon oiitholit acton onlurla hurrmunr tu tin litodr tlmy olliro ui i ii i laiicu 1 re h rlrk it oiriro lloiiru 3 to 4 p m nn 1 7 to dll c p w tloqb phylciun uml uuruwon mill bt aoruttown han 22 fll erlat uttoitlmi to lhneauiu of wo rn n mil clilllrtiii uril inuiit vai ljn lcaal i hone so i o iiok j3m harold nash paumbil ma rriur 8olleilor netry fobllo fennvman block actow ont momiv ro txtxw hi urn 3 30 am lo t mi dehyal dw j m bell d d l d e dntia4 lunff qnauali of toronto univw- ity th uiat ntlttlc ul u diirl v tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices oiiangks l1gmon hananaa peaches peaii tomatoes etc at especially close prices call mill got our prlcw nn sulfur in 100 lb lots gin fruit jam all sizes nt bottom prlccfl toy our special olenij itlack tea at 38c tlito to good valuo nt lc puke strawberry raspberry and black currant jam 4 lb pails vx good pink salmon 1 lij tin uc prlco of lard ami shortening to ntlvanclnr wo nliall tell at old iiricoa wltilo our stock louts either cash or goods paid tor butter eggs and other tarm produce tannery cooperative c a conway manager mill street acton the tires we sell must give satisfaction wo cannot afford to risk our food reputation by sell ing tires of doubtful value it is our policy to handle tires of demonstrated superiority only tires wliicli wo know willglvo our customers iimxiinninhtsrvicomnd lasting satisfaction oh p o oollop d d o l d l offlc nvtr lunx ft vva uestif if o trim ui t ui i vnlnfiri ly xxs lrtmrt ufscllanou uarriaoe l1ccm8e h f u imu umrrimm lt wlvmui oatc vi witr mi ulrd uiij mt vmmhinc lit tmatn p ihaw ofllc- xccbtf oajt francis mumam boakbtrul jtoount bookd of all klnj i ttrtlr wruxmcah ot vi tlon durvfuliy bound uulln nmitf kikd tuiiitly don wymliulm tttrmt oulp4i oat ow wlllunu hor rt j kern ucnj auoliontr for th counting or ilnllon wuln ion pint and dintcrin and tbt city or auoiph acton ontario itilloh may 1m rraneil by mall w at raohlonoo t aoton or at tho pro vrm oluca anton tho uarcnry ofrtc ouatph lh kw iteeonl ynim or willi w j loriloii ilxmoji ukim- itlllahiirir uaioh aiitmutml lo 11 j icorr r oulvo uttontlon from data of i hit i rig to dt of kala llt your naiok with m tlaaldanc uowir avnu aoton pliona ss acton call at uty eipnj roy hinclley auctioneer mvi0 eitooic ihcali 1ctath and uianciiandiuu gonaolljataj ption erlrt t 11 n n a acton it is yilti sincere regret that his brethren at tha prcsi nnit the public of wcmcrn ontario ave learned that mr w ii rohartson tho gcdcnch signal is compelled to toko a rest and will probably bo forced to sever his connection with tha newspaper over which he has presided so long with great credit to himself and to tho profession tho signal is one of tho fteat edited weeklies in the province if ntiotlur ht 1 1 m m in lifin mi thut u no ilittury ivi n u tin ai imr u imnr u lhh ilcnl of h without thlnklntc f nioii ly thuii h ouxht to think am for uu phtortfwoir llii ilunuvt of 1u lirooin tlk llftvil u with nrlln im hilnllm- mul in niiy rottn tlmro urn uloiily oliln who will i ihu stop the pain usadaohamauraklk rboutoallo iteok- mb holatlo mil ovarian taltw ooo orlodlt milkh anti iain iulh antl tlio tld u go no quaraotaod safa and bum i p ooln in acton v k jjiahbaim i thats why we feature partridge tires oamem their nome in these tiros none but tlio vory host rubboi is used tho process rtf binding rubber and cord mukus tlm carcass and trend insopurublo tlio resisting coni- pound of tho nonskid treud nod tlio thick yot elastic sidewalls give tlio endurance und rosilenco necessary to insure strong economical easyriding tiros wij invitf you to comr in and 1nspfct iiifm fred blow j e cheevers book binder quabao 8l ll qulph onl llnous nmt mnkkl liouml in flaniuoma and uiitmitiintlml oovrm nnmou lottoroil in until on lllbu hymn ilooka und atior iwolu am work promptly eoutd d alex nlven ontario land qurvyor nd civil enulnnar llurvoya fculmllvlalonii plaint ito- luirtt iohorlitionh uhicprtnu fita cartlrttiiitoji for imrrliiimin nil innrtiiauoon qurvoyu for arcliltertu lliilldord ami mnnlolnul counolli drolnau llouortu kutlmaloii olc molean duildinq oouau bt o uia umi ihono 10b4 oni thoomaud ltoliablo uranlio and marbl doalors wo aro miuiufactnror and illroot linnnrtom of a ulndw of uonnmontal nnd ilwiiluiono work v umi f lo our ouulomoru at wholonala urlo thiim mttvlnit tmr cuutomorti 0 wr nt wo havo thn botit aunhiinoam and tho fnly moolmnlim in tho potitlnln who can oiwrato tniauniutu 100i urorwrty wo own telvo rofomno rrom hundrwla of our mihtomi r in loronto and otlior ttliiom whom othoru havo to havo law huiih 111 onler to collwit wo imvo thw lariptiit und bout ulook of oruldto in tho dominion or tnnro tlmn any tlirw itoalnrh in tho wout wo nro low it inuto douletti and vmiloy no uuotita uml do nut annoy or umut oimtnm hy hoiuhiitf out lunnnitit uuontu no holt hik nrdofh wo mnloy only inoolutnloa nud dory oomiiotltfon tiamilton sons cor norwltih a wonlwitill dim ouub castor i a for infants nud chlltltcu in use for qver 30 years r n i kfatr itctwjwsfflww

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