Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1921, p. 2

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hr arhm mrrr ififl liltjuiihav jdlt lmllli 1 1031 downtown iomlwhlitc ilium lul hi n i ml uddnuu til muu inmhini ly 111 i w lriurij llll llll iipmnint tluit ami 1 1 i null for ii train ulii n 1 11 1 for ii hiitlur uml found hlui 111 will wn noun where it wim plulm and minn it linn huppi md titruln mill no mill r lmw in oily tin mil i in ii ulw up ixlwilt ill dllwiltllwil t llll it til to mii miiinwheri that it 11 a in lui luniiii tin nick the luut or the win in li cirrylnir ulliuilillin unit rlim r no hut li in doliu mi human em it ii hun iijuuin downtown uiimuwhrro pool hull ii r plriiiiuro in park or hi whit live hut in ut downtown cimwlur every day e only mm of nit nmiy of derelict r 1 deeper uomowhcro nnyu the how ultnleiiu uml fooluli unil cureleuu tui hironu will utirli folly nn thin never puiiut jiwl llvliiu uml ilyliiu and drifting nlnnu downtown uomowhere o uluul ltev ljenry i yout itlgggiggsgm the good will girls go fishing by itl rhj- smith in hoit nun reuunn und another tho mumluruhlp of load will clan liuil fullou uwuy lielow riomml glrlu who hml been loader in eluuu work uml pluy hail uon uwuy to uchool death had claimed ii n two or threu huil taken cluiut lutlnrti t other m hnola an thnlr fumllleu moved uway from weuterly thao wliu were loft liehlnd were lonouoma fur tlioiio who were koiio uml to tell tho wholo truth not u utile dlucour- ukih ulmiut cluiul uttillru uml tho future of the oooil wlllh looking luxcu on that dreary tlmo lliuy ull uuy tlm thin tu moil towunl iwiltur thlntcit nn tho munday when they hod tho louiion on lihihlnir ihey thought it ruthor juror for a rlnna of ulrlu whun uhui iluitio a week in advance announced tlm mauler uald to thouo early dluclpleu jlow tna und i will nmkd you llidioru of men huppoiui we tuka for our uuhjoct how doeu ono lieoontn u uuccouuful luilicrmanr maybe wo mlwlt nee how tho uood whwcui upply ikwin ideau to itu own work ha tliut wo can bo ruber of hiring unkd voutsy maruumt who hud tho knurk of uoolntf throusli u very umull holo in thti itrliulhtone eiuotlyl ulnllwl mum jiloltw lo that wo may bo fluhora nf ulrlu and brlntf homo u full luuikat rhora wan a uvoly dlnnumlon tho noict munday tho ulrlu sliowod woro knowlimltto or ilhlilntf than mlsht hao ttn whmkiihi lvom tuckla uml iwlt to iiktll utid imlloiioo duty mudo a romprhonulvo uit of u lluhflrnuinu tttmmlw und hud a iflorlouu time in uiiplylhic thorn to tho thlnno tlioy rod- reuontdd in ouuiu uffulrci tho rtiitult wwi that tlm good will vclaiui ptwlitwl ltsfllfiy a ruilnif voto to win n momlhtruhlp of ulntoon which tk ikiry muritarat obftarvul would bo just thruo uitloco alan only four remained of tint twolvo who hud or- tmnlsed with uuch hluh hotu and oluuian tlm motto alwayi kalthful wlll uuld jbgy marsart whan nomwmn ititintlnnm thin fuot a llttla madly uitlnif tho lltt downward in- tlortlun which uuvo ilimllty to hor woiim lt just haiuwiiiod ho jt int iktnatuto wovo ihwiii unfulthful thut woro roiluood o ouij lowiwt tormm tltlu wuy ihatx uonio colfot itll bo mora comfort thouijli to moo thlu room full uuuln uall nrac- tlcul torry kinir and itll take wimn faithful fulilntf to till it i prom loo youl it will but i bo ulluhliik wulil lurnlofl of tho kontlo voloo and thu othor throo ropllo with a slrtluh twontloth- century voralon of tho an- kwor to iotorn doolaratlou in thn duyu that followatl mhoi duiimi wutohlmr umllml uu uhn not ml ti olovor tuotlca whloli thn four mn- liloyod tluro wiu no moro ulr- inie on two uml two on tho way to und from uobool tho oood will claw now mudo half of four oouplou lmitoud of two wlioluu whon torroy tlllod hor futhoro bltf our for a rldo uround tho lukou hio took 1ojfffy murgarflt or uonilco or imlth to help with tho lumlhik not uu uhn put it novor tho hhrjm toifothar and no muttor how full tho cur way thro waw ulwayu room to tuko in mluu ulaluo uu thuy overtook httr iult ijy unoldont on iter wuy homo tlibiv worn many promuliitf nlhbu but tho uotuul lamlliu of tho iiult- tltair niml unroumont uu mmuhorw of gooil will wuh it ulow protjim und tho fflrlu pututlod ovor it u uootl doal why did ulrlm htutltuto whun tho olaux offorod tlmm uo much of what lu bmt inllfnmuratlonrtfrlonditlilp uml tho timtrtunlty for horvioot at luut leby murtiarot oould utuud it no lonitor wuytuyinif rlllah itiprouo in tho ror- rhlor one iuy ui hllpiuxi uu arm urauml jior wulut und propllwl hor romolutoly to a remold oornor or tho uppor hull hoi horo klllah ponroiio ulio uuld fachik imr cuptlvu tmuuroly ilont you llko mor i lovo you to illhtrqutlon lawgy muriiurot luuifhud the tull ulrt woii- ikrliiif what wan conilnlc nixt and torriy und it iiloo uml kdithr kuol 4umlitvry ono i ihllt mm llliiluu ii womloifiu touohor uml tho iltioromt thlnif that t wvor wuh hoiihuwit cruay ultout hor l thou whywhy- why juy wurvntflt ompliimlkiml ouoh why with u mttti uhuku of itlahu iihouhlom dont you join our aluuur ssitluh louroitrt urow hmldonly uobir iutiry iiurnurot io huld ujuvoly kohuf to toll you tlm truth iivuii thoubh you mivor mtwiak to inn utculn und 1 wouldnt wumui youimioh if you novor did uu itwmiiho you ull iltvhm uo wulll lnlfly mhjnttcnti twwllitarlnif hlumu nriit ut yiliih ml then down uthur own blue waruo wlillo ullluli harried oh n honot iuro but on hmirtuym i dont aupimuo 1 dun tnuka you untr mluml youvfi ulwuyh luiil wvoryth o bow tun yout butomiinottmutt iol nlothow tnoup butfo to thnim wtmcuti t liavw tliun tliun to thouo who n t im not inonu diiounh to tmvy you your now inown olvct logny uar- burot if tnukoii you look like apoiuro and im kul yuu lutvooot put thta vuli i i hiiinpoi in ili hoiitlooklnu ihluic ivn kin uml who wkiiiu vittr- 1 lioiiipi iiiih on lliihiliiyu who ur ir cut lii iiij mtu i nut i nn iiii hull llliih trliiply ivn mini mi oul two imni v ojcpiit iii wuii it tw rn with my wool niiif nmltiiiii i don t mind- muili hul in xt to linn khiuii hluit fmc fino in tin loud hill d id tit i mo it wick dm thiiojnit mriuik li illrfir inn hut on llniiil uu hi ymt ii llilnlt lili ii hopi irioi ui hut uml ii jimt thn kind of a on ii ii i urn on hniid tyu iiikio t ii dirfinnii itnkiitlj iiuio muruirot i ilon t ixliuvu inn ulrhi ntitliu it hut 1 do vfuiti murium i wim ullant hut tlilnblnic hum llliih uhn uall umlili nl do tiny of tho iitlur iflrhi tlm now ulrlu i liimin fml wtr wll mum out oh t woulltrt i iill it tlmt hnt hk iida miiiuilni wuii ay itu it i l1 to fool immiy wlkrii thoro in uuch n din n nti h woiidi i if hint hi win uln hint not hi on with mi of laic llluh una idlcnt u moim ut uml thin in id fdii told mo nho did not think hfrnlni u rnrlmi hut rhlmvil v ry wtdl with lur turn in philu 1 iiullu hun unlit iotmy viiruiirnt tihn nlmplm tlout foi i at iwinin with thn good willut ilmlu iihinit it uuld llluh clunt rluuu olnnir tho lnu crholuu throiirh thn mrrldor m nt tlm ulrlu tlyltux to dlfftint tuiuuroointi imltrv man an t u hi ml wun til u whirl w ii hit wait thlnuliitf lyi uliu pauuoil ii ihii i lalni thoro lii a rilrfaranco und i don t iiln tham wn do muko itiirnclvcii too romiplriiouu in tin uu th nn duyu 1 hnt corluii hut of itarnlrou wuunt upproiriulu for mundiiy und tho itlrln plulu tuuui urn iliirnlio would wniir n turn ull the rcut of hoi i itu if ulio could uuo throuuh ilkiinulry uu lyda doeu and id nlvo up my hrown vulvot nny iluy if i could wrltn uurh ihomeu uiu doeh ilai tho wiekdny dlffarenro of thdlr he i uu uhonil in their utinknu nuikeii untnn of uu fel uncnmfortuhhi for wnok duyu und our uuy drt nulnif muknu them uucomfortuhlo for luiidayii tlio form or nan t hn hnlpad uuluuu now hrulum urn ulvon un hut tlm ovnrdolnu in d rin ii cun i rn lieljuid und im mlu- tukuu lf4t lunl jiulped rlulit uoon 1 m uura the othur ulrlu will foul uu i do whan uuy coino to know thoro was a conference on tuiturduy nflerjinoii thn oriliial qooil will huvlnlc lie on cullod t nun the r by iciiuy maruurot after itn cnncluiilon thny droppod in on thnlr tnachor mluu dlalimi und whun thny loft tlioy foil woll uullunoj whon tho good will irlrlu boaon ukuln mi llhliora tlioy woro irnrliml in a way uultulihi mid nn mirntiiit lovlntr look wuu oiithfilr furou wlillo thnlr hourinu wuu of chrlutluu yountc ladlon von uimi yillah you woro ribht loifiry muruarot uuld nil uhn u re op ted unothvr chocolate from imlluhti dainty plate tho two bolnu totfothor in iilllalm own room tho wuy wo woro drnnn- lue wuu nnt uultuhlu for oodh hniiuo and if you ulrlu tnbo hold with uu uu you prouiinod thn qood will ulrlu uu nithnrmcin will carry full liaukotn in our work for tho xfnutor thoro woro touru in tlllabu oyou vou mmln it no boautirully homoy for uu now elrln luut flunduy wo uhall novor forrot it of you umf allan blalno in uuch a lovely teaclier and rteiiervlnu nf n rlauu thut iloon her honor uald iaifrt muruarot it toolf tlmo for pornorvornncn utoudfuutuouif patlcnco nod noma milf- itucridct were noodl to hhnif full liaakntu lint thnlr hoarlu uamf with kludntiiui thoy woro proving thalr worth uu fluhoni of ulrln everybody eajoys a fine cup of teeu salada i if you drink japans i w alada m ta l trul delicious at all intuitiy superior to i times so years re ih i p lor line teas- daily dutido with varia- tionq ppod iniiid in lii tho llhrurj r ii uu in her rliui lilithu tho voiht i lorn iiwemil 4ii an iniitimit lutri n lid jiuiile ramo ti ii miiiiiliitid hull ut tho iduht of in chum pr iiidnii with doft munliulu tlonu of hor iron miu of lun i ti l1nuni why ulio ux lulim il dlilu t know you homil in lion noior huvo hi foro ropllidh hit iimlline tiu lino jouulo ulio ux plulmil mi ulio moviid tlio iron ulowly piilniilnkluuly v r tiny tni lmml i m uluylnir a now uumi a new mi mi 7 rnpiiutiid jnnuln nymi full of womhrtiut inter r nc intinmyntmir ii hiiirutiln tho hun the qood old davo of the countftv doctor the oldfuuhlonod country dooto pnauey to hln reward tlrluf ilouputch eu from llttlo outofthuway plaoou ohronlclo hlu danihio 1our nuch imvo ppoarod in tho nownpnporu durlnir tho liat fow iloya two told of uorvloeu extondlnir ovr fifty yourx vol ha liven in memory in otory in tradition ho leaveu llttlo and much llttlo of tho worlds booda much of tho world btoatnohd iio lu tho horo of iukn floldu immortal picture tho iiarlouu llent flu u re ulttlnif in tho lamplluht by tho imuluido of tho fovorutrlokon lilld ihoiiuanilu of canmllanh know him ho wun oftnn a character halo hearty and imihituouuly outupokon but very human and vory nympathotlo iio cumo clouo to thouo to whom ho in in to rod ho linderutood iio uliar- od with tho preunlior thn inllmuto con lldonoo of fatheru and motharu nr- uonu and dauuhlorw at nil hnuru of day or nlitht in all oondltlonu of weather over roudu that were rouuh or miry or deep in drlttn whon mllnu o milom not trunuhitnd into rodti by uio modern motor ho drovo to tli hcatlered homou nf hlu pntiontn ami often throuuh the lonu dreary ho urn of dorlmotoi wreutlnd in eurjioat fervor with tho augol of douth tlm ou uro chunged tho modern doctor lu different iio illuunnmu and preucrihen uml delegatou tho mlaiilali lull to u cupablo uunie with nn efilclenoy thnt dohtroyn rtnnance in order to huvq life tho modern dnothr erueu und concentrntnit hlu oner- ulnu whero thny will do mnut noon iiihlnad of watflou hiittlo iiluulolinndod hn rullleu all thu inulonn of itnleuco to hlh uupportt- ntivortlioleuu an the chntbum nowu rocontly utotod lu paylntr itu trihula to ono of thmn the hooii old doctoru of other yearu did wondarful herolo work thoy united w profound devollnn to tho hluhout hleulu of thnlr profnuiilou with u hlucfiilurly deep und ooinprchonnlvi iiymputby thoy will not uoou bo for- ifouen and from tliolr runku with tho advance of uolunco have hnnn ro ll nil tod iiouin of hie uro a tout phyulolanu of the modern uchool tho loronto globe tttnt ihiit will inn it o drumiimiii tlm uvi ryduyiieuii of thn 11 1 1 in that kiuiit hn ilnnu over uml ovei uuuln lull fin nulak for oh hunter i do uot un tlrotr of t nil til wturlneiui in tlm ulrllnh villi u won ntrulciit to lleiiterji tender heart cheer up chummle ulio oxclnlui in i lirluhlly i vo uncovered jnol thn very wuy of uptrlnir with udvei tine ovciy top of the dully routlr aid i m fohuc to tell you ull about it i run liurdly wait for luiirt in pluyliiu tho u n mn imikiu every thlnu no inunli i tnreutlnif lllin leave tho pretty hlounu u filial put ulinok it ifontly outj ahd hiliitc h over u conveulnnt cliali who told you uhout it unliud jennie rurlouuly uu ulio wiitohud hun ter place nn tho hoard mm of her trim llttlo morning huuttir picked up tho iron and touted it an ulio turned off thn au ront nhe uuld well thn ideu flauhud into my mind a cnuplo of weuku uuo when i wuu up ut i mmln molly u you know onuiilu molly hi fpilto u muiilclan mho compoiieu iiomo too it won when uliu wuu pluylnir ur- ranuemeut of hor own of annto iiurln that tho lnnplrutlon camo ruth or nn uhn ii ti lulled play in a 1u alio turned away from tho pluuu alio upoke iihotit variutlonn and what ploauinu urt thoy played in muitli then ulio played two or threo othur pleceii tliat mother miked for plocuu with varlatloim then thn idou ran thro uuli my mind mippnuo wo intro duced vurlatlonu into our day i worl won iii nt thny pluy u plnunlnu part uioro tou7 ami no tluitn what i hoon iluluir ulnco und youv no idea how en joy able itu worklnu out ijut i don t quito understand jeuuuiu oyoa lulljicuulntl w rain oil to hontnr how cfln you do all thn dully dutleu with vurlatlonn nit you unyl what um i dolne now unkod ilentor u danclnir lluht in her oyou why you uro ironlnu of coilrm ilut i am lronlnu with variutlonn in tnrruptod ilcutor oho couldnt re u train a uuy llttlo rlppln of inuuhlor nt tho inuiilnd exprouulnn on joonloi face linton jouu uho uald uutml ly i iron lu tho bl laundry ivo novo oven thonulit of tnklnu thin work unywhero nhio in thn houuo hoforo j lilt today i introduced a variation into thn tauk i can conuoot thn iroi hero un well no why not vary my anvlronmnnt when 1 can 1orhapu nnut wnek ill take thu lronlnu board into tho dlnlnic room fine bow you can iron with vurlatlonn ulio nukod kiunoliik ovor to jouuio with u quick uehlin0 debt jokes lu tho oxicalner un iopular in onr- many uu lie wuu lieforo the win t it would appear thnt ho lu nnt the wor- uhlpful idol ho wuu at ono time hlu very numti umpired fearful iidmlrutlnu hfr geimnn nenplo heir kt mler who could do un wrotuf ftowu- dnyu he in tho iiuhjool of muuloliull jokeu tho fohowin puttm wilt ulven hy two croaititjilk comedian a gnruiklui both by nutlonullty in one of llerlluu hiudllth vaudeville thnutreu iceeutly goodiieulnui iluunl uuld tho jtrit eoniedlun uo youre hack from the wart i aikidovnnlnu rltml replied tm ftecond yen liu hack fioui the war but it took me a ionic tlmo to uot back i uupponi iiuuh continued viltj you mtint hav been tho laul one to have i no 1 rlta tlieiu 1h mm who unt home yet the one referred to viui tint ex- lculnur und thu botiiio louiod wltli luuubter glean thrfishinq saved wheat momlieru of the n unit lairouu klttnon county minn luut your uayod 77000 or ulout ou to each thruuh- itiu muohltm hy tiuliuf ttkhuhottomod sickw tanvud undof the feeder oloan- lf up when rhiilmtl uml uffor each wuttiua of tho machine durlntf uio threuhluic beuuon a ooimervutlve en- tlmatu of tlio uavlnic hy clean ttireuh- initlu thl county wat 37500 bushel of wheat 20400 buahol of oale and 10000 buahuf barley ulio i nuroly do reupondud joiiule hor oynu klmllhik uu uho ofldod kmiw junt whoro im uolni to plitlo tho ironintf board next week too tho alcove no 1 can uot ullmpiion of thn hlllu i know you would outer rluht into the idea laughed ileutnr nil nhe kill ded her iron hklufully n round the jaunty curt that ilnuibnd tho elhow ulueve nf hor dronn thoro u thc markethiu afothor uuually depniuln on inn to do that whon i m homo a noun how i market with vurlatlonu john challenged 1 1 outer uu alio dip ped tlm dronu from the hoard joiuilo thouuht u moment ilimuuhe uhook hor head too mimli for mo uho uald inll mo how ploane iaulout thlnu lu the world uald ilcutor utiirtlnu n on n uondulvod roll or hanilkorrhlofu i take different ronton homo tlm mi 1 no throuuh tho heart ot tho vlllauo tlomntlmoii i cut throuuh by the hakery another tlmo i no by way of uuwlttii or i tukethn path ih rouuh the park ana- there ara imveral other wuyn you could uo over thu rtltitlo bridge ind uj tho uumi patli imuuenled mule lively luteient in hor toneu happy thouujitl eptoliiltnud lloiiter ill tuko thn runtlc brldue- route lo- mnirow aftei a immtoittu ulhuico ilcntor held up a uhuer uiiiare of linen ox- utlhiltoly omhroldored in onn corner lun t thin beautiful iciinio grniul- ikitlmru work uho ueut mother hn luiniluniehluf for hoi hlithdny wlulo jeimle wan exprnuulmr her lidmlratliui of the embroidery nnothni thouuht vumu to hon tor you know tihhio you enn play thin variation utiimi with your mother too lentil week ono day wa took tho momllnir bniilim pid ft uln pin liiiiiko inl it lip in wutkluu urove ot pliinu wo lintl a wtmtlerful tlmo mendinu with varlatloiiu mother uald uho never had uuch a happy tlmu 11100111110 in hor llfo that variation 1 maknu uu oiccopt tally utronu appeal tomio doolureil juiiiln i tan he out whnie the hlrdu 111 uluicluu und tho kieou jinivon lotlnu lvniheud i bnllnve i enn fuue oven tho mentllnb haaket cheei- fully t tiy it ftuld hentor thoro uui iiokoiim of wayh of puttlntf viniety lulu the in nut -ho- don o tlilmcii ami whun you utuit doluu them thin way why thu liunidnihinoihi itetymi lo diop rlullt lout of them inutond nf taklnu up what muut be done balfhuartailly yoii uudeitliko it with leal tceiif oluil- leuuliui youinolr to put u yurhitlou or two into it it uwiflly 1 ovo hit ion i nn routine eoiiunented jouuio thut uluncluk vt if thtt window iih ttin honk of l hoi 11 uouuded uhn jumped lip iiknhilm- iliu jheroii flwbl i inuxt o ami 1 in ulmomt foruotttnu what hrouuht luo hera thin uminluu i emtio to niu if you could uo m oui umiual huukle- hmry hike tomoriow mho berileu uru at theh hnut imw und uwitlua thoiiklit tomoiiow would h junt the iluy lo uo cuii you imaiiuu i llen- ter7 i uuroly 1 mi promptly uureed ilohtor alid tbtm with 11 twinkle in her yo uho added ami we woht pick bu ub in 11 liu in 1111 0i1i ordlmuy way uhn we ii ill u hum with varliitlnnul ei liiluurl in do with a tiioty luuuli 1111 uln lun 1 it il dnw 11 thu path iii 101 ponim to llnhu impntli nt honk ilium ho cnimhy llii nlnif whun flroruu u motlu 1 iiuinnd him 111 won no r ituln that bfir boy wuu iluir to hn homebody in the world ut nhe nihil him fuoitm wuuhlnn- 11 uflii thu uuialiut atnnrldin clinrru iiinrtiil hlu 1 lo trow didnt llkn ho nlilrkod iiit uoverul t mciiiiurn upl not hoiikluh hlu ivn him huiiliienn biiulnnuii biblu huul hill uway from nrbool jinl play i liutfnt loiiuonii mid fullud to 1 tuiiiiu jimt hliire her father decldi d to i trjilnlm hn unit hi etoluwerthttuluoklau utore wluie hn huil a place mnulih r- uhly above tlkheultlllum hut iiualll li ortu dliiappolnted the homo folku whu jitlll heiloued in him he didnt llko thn coiidiinment of a ntuudy job thn lonu i1011111 or the duuty uruhlilnc hi tin park in u room he wanted to try iioidfi other huiiluouu loorifit hi titllt trylnir to find uome- thliu that hn tun llkn uml thut will pny him uell without muoli lulior hut him not hum uucieiiuful in the hunu kather in ntlll helpluu thn hoy out when ualiiry and cvpenunu full to lnhinim which lu it ureal part of the time looruuii trouble lu uelf hi hun pi toned htinnolc ronuldered him wlilf unit 1111 injur that hn linn lout umbltloy what ahout thin tpientltm of nppolntlilu tho homo folku imyn old you nvnr counldnr how much umclnty uml toll how many tnnrii you have tout thniu7 nver woluh thn di thny havo woven for yout igvnr whili you could mi uiiurji ip to lio tho mnn they ukpnit you to he 7 kvor try to ho 110 lilir and fine that thoy oould point out with prhln to the nnluhhoi if nnt try it a while and watch tho bulit and joy of youth romn uuuln to the eyou of father mid ninth 1 thc monday mohning milc x iwiailmi in wup un r man 11 t out 1111 mimiluy uioriilm to omit tin 1 ilk 1 on tho fin a of poih wiilkluif in liliant u ou imli of it huuilnd 1 in in illlllvi pirn ruin mid found l nl 7j win rowuiinf j3 huil ivpnuu i011i1 u fmi 4 w oinitliik hrluhlly mill 1 win innllliuf to bimjf 1 ho f hdluul hlipil i ho monday mm nlntt ieidoiii x- i 11 ulv of mm mi mliy in a nliit if iiilnl uiv ulioulil moudiy iniv 1 ilirfiiuil piiyilmlnifuiil iiloto tlmu 1 ilnriluy tin lilduy und iinluilny mi i piyplf iiipn billy in tlm mini m 1 en in to wi 111 iih iiuer 1 11 or 1 ili i look 1 hey uro nl itlulliik mi the phiiuiifi u of the will end in 1 iildnml wiu indluit lu niurh jiori 1 nimiion tlmu in ciiuiulii hul 1 von inn llitunliiy oullnum are h11 rub 1 lid lliilnlny u lnoniltik lihmiut liu nuiji ol an oulhiu day monday inofil- liii n lni utirlndnf iiimmia wiiie whli u inoiit pi opln m mn to ob it i and in bnichmliiu it the roluctauro iluiwii hi fiownu lo houln the day well lu u hahltual i uli with inuny people tluy hnlluvn in ike puycholoulriil 1 ft ct of u ptiioiiint hrcukfiiut a hi ink walk und 1111 ntluuinif of thn mlnil and hody to tlm cull of nature 11 now activity ilut mnudiiy n 10 nil nif lu thu liurdi at for th in u uifilitu llko ir bit of itliu iiiornliiu after the nluiil before a ihnuliiic elf of friodoin und detui hiuent fiom rare 1 unit toila if more peoplo would urriiufoiii tin muiilveu lo iiualll the wink wull muklnu monluy iheb ii tar day of endeavor tliolr who in wuik would he hrltfhter and thn week end would he more enjoynhlo from u iomicluuuneuu of il full week of labor wnll ami cheerfully donu whother the corn ho of old or new growth it muni yield to hollownyi corn itnmovur rittinq cattlc foi show the wrllur holdu no brief to write nu thlu uuhjuct to experienced uhnw- mnn the uliowlnu of caltlo lu nl uit which thoy have lonu ulnae man- terud uml could ulvn unlimited udvlce 011 if they would hut put pen to pnpor the puipouo of thn writer lu to touch 11 ftw iiol mny lwi 1 olpful to hoidmieru he thuy old or in thn flrut place if you would top tho claim and thu j 11 duo known hlu buulnnini you muut havo tho uoodu cominouontly uoloot clonnly in tho uocond pluco llttinir in 110 fui ou proper llnnhlnu hi concerned lukt it tlm uooiuently pro punitory felnu uhnuld extend over 11 period of a few mohthu prnvloun to the time of uhowlpu thli preparatory fondlnu can lie done on pauturo in thn ciuai of cattlo thut out juki 11 u for ttriintod then that thouo two fultoru havo been taken the next utep lu to put tho flnluhliiir touchnn or bloom on thn unlmal to do thlu tho unlmahi uhould he utuhlnd throo or fourweekn provlo to tho ilu to of tho uhow diirlnc thin time feed fairly liberally on unltabln rouuhuueu etich an uood hay croon corn or other noil in j cropu und liraln mixture coiltalnlnu ton to fifteen per cent oil cuku meal thn latter huiuu ideal to put 11 uood ulouuy kin on the- anlmulu all nnliuahi nliould now ho w nulled particularly if whlto in rnlhr tltund tho anlmulu on uoino uood wauhlnu platform und wot them nil ovor thnn rub up u lather with iinap preftiruhly iiomo mild naft variety horuh with aid tab in bruuh until clean then rlnuo nniip off tliorouuhly an any left in thn hair will tend to iituln it yellow in thn caue of whlto utilmnlu pnitlnulaily clear while color can he obtained by upplyiiiu hluelnu water after thn laut rlnulnu thlu water bolnu llowud to remain in thojnilr for a tlnfi hotoro beintf prnuiiod out thn ulmnlu ahould now ho blanketed with lluht hlunkntu preferably with u uoft llulnh next thn- hody any work 1100011- unry to uot unlmnln lu proper uhape tuicb nu trlmmlnu foot flllnp liorini nnth 110 uu to mukit later pollnbinu uauy uml trlinintnu hair with ollppoin in thouo breodn whoro thlu itrnctlro hi followed uhould im dnno hoforo leuv- liip for tho uhnw ijpenlal attention uhould ho luld upon tho proper trnln- inif of thn unlmal to load atand etc for often all thu work of uood flttlnu liwiffiiot hy hud mantieru in tlm rlnu ihylnu arrlvod ut tho uhow uroundu h llrt endnuvor of tho fihowmun ihould hn to make hlu ehurunu feel lit iiimo comfoitablo and well led thlu un bn a roinn pi lulled to joortuln ex tent hy u rntion nf homo brown feedn hrouuht ulnpu for tho purpoun nn well 1111 by llhmiil boddlnu uoml water elo after flity huvo boooine rented up the until wuutilnu may ho ulven pinfer- uhly jimt pievloun to thu day on wbloh uioy tiro to ho uhown jhlu wauhluu iihouhl hu iilmllur tn thn flrut with u uothowhut hijavler lilunkotlnu uftur- wlititu unlnu whoro pmuilhle a lino llumiototto bluiikot next thn akin aftei thlu limit wuuhlnureiih boddlnu nhould b aitfti dnln ualod to lenitive ull droppluun un ooou my vblitwd uml tliun onuuro olniuillneau until tho ciitlbi ilto uhowii milk enwu uro hhuully imlkod nut clean tho ovonlnu bbforo uhow duy und thn milk then left on tlinm until lifter thu uiinwhm ly ovun thlu tpttkew fof m uood uliowlnu in tho mlleb obilufi hnhahiiinod udilnru may hn levmlaa up llldttk nut u little of thn milk from thu bouvy rpiiiiletii 11m ovonlnu pru- lo uhnwlnu in uuuully ulveu oir lo hie fluluhliiir toiioheu uuch uu polluh- inu horuu with olh plnltlnu tall and itlvlnu umiil tihuinlnun with ollppuiu d urhiaorii a 1 111 eful feudni will havo rlulnu uppntlteu in bin cuttle on um moriiluu of tho uliowlnu t that they will eat heartily and appim well piled up mini hn lukeri howevm lint lo overdo tlio nlllhu up with fund 01 watoi nn a uerueit animal unlthtr lookn iiaudtau wall g w miljr aulinul ifhubituehiiuti jflbrlu uuieyttn rron gwjj3 snuut or dam vhi ivcc w soto irritmtod in- luur tllvjnainedorgratitditetv luwmmincoihin wthwlrfjhifafor infant or adult atoll drtffljk writ irgwiaoofc hfc nkwol-amw- abvchvloino there run he no doubt that local nuwnpiipirh cnmitltutn thn boat medium fur rrucblnif out lifter ininneuii throuuh un udvi rtlimment in your lorul nowupaper un ndvertliier cull u into tho innnt exrluulvo homeu in fmt in thlu muniior be can reach ull cluiiicii or tho reiidlnu puhllq the udvnrtluur run virtually comivel peoplo to nud hlu udvertluemeiit if it in properly lluutrutod and dluplaynd lu nrdijr to hoc uro rouultu from ad- vnrtlniim it lu 1101 euuary to ndverlhib reuulurly uyntntnatlnally and ennutant- ly upuniuodlc ndvertlulm i uhuont wuruo thnn mieleiia gmpare a stropped with an uwtroppeh time- after time tlio fccflt shown above wan repeated with i tlic eamc rctiult valet autostrop raifor 1 bladett used over 30 dayil ma do jqod thoy had been titropped regularly that meant comfortable nmooth nhnvca ordinary tin- ntropped bladcd uued only s dayn failed that meant they would piiu and flcrapa in ohavino 4utcstrop razor sharpens itself it lu nmdc to ntrop ittielf a freah keen cdrja in ten iccoiidu morning after morn- iu iji q 11 i ck nmooth cool uliavcit from the package of bladeii that comet with each net 3 50 for raxor ittrop oml twelve 1 la den in nn nimortmttit of caneil ioncy sets up to 16 so k autoithop safety itaok co uiitl toronto crj fly creonoid oil utfd dtioyqr nl cow pray pro i act th rjjlilp anil roit catti 1 v i 1 tin iii ijth nil ml f 1 li v i l hi ik nl i f 1 mill i iiiornlnit llll i i vmlllllf free press ads bring results pranarciinniblircamnanmmiimmkct j n oneill son georgetown ont distributors of dodge brothers motot cars studehaker motor cars for acton georgetown milton j it ijgisuman aclon kcpnsmmlntlvo carriage rubber tires w itavo tho rest equipment for applying carriage kuliucr tirol at ttcattonablo prlctfl automobile tops wo recover auto tw and fit your auto with door 0miiln curtahui we have ready for sale one kord ton truck 8 ft x g ft box wiui hhelvinp good closed cab tttifl job ih almuiil an good oh now will tell nt a bargain n oneill son georgetown ont why why are partrldgo tires incrcnhhijr in popularity amniio our cufltomcrt why arc wo ho cutliiiiilnfitic afwml parlridic tircn antl why do wo htamftly recflrinicml hem to you because in actual flcrvico partrwko then we tlcmomitrutino utclr kroutncmh what we have seen and honrtl alktut thato uturtly lidtumtuht urch convinces tw that for nilround economy tltey i oh hohhcq h f iii litli i at i ihn h4r hi i d fmi dilllllt hirny ii illi r t it li cnnornl u- the itono haitowaltk co lm pheim 1012 cuclph this stores policy to represent goods ex actly ud to tlieir quality to acll to those majio know ari9 to those who dont know jit a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deterve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guclpii ontario fes raaaiuorasrwbr grand trunk svs special train account canadian national exhibition bpcclal trrtlu will loavo artnn r 34 m via g 1 it on auuuut ulut hnptnmhcr li l 2nd 3rd dili gtli 1th rth and dili nrrlviuu inrkdal 0 0 i toronto union btntlnn 0 to am iloturnliiir ican iurkdalo 10 00 p m or further partlcularu uu to tlchotu upply to grand trunk auentu n a xiotmka a acton ont phon i r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station juat anrivt car no 1 fl oata a quantitv of peed cohn ano oil cake just uece1ved filur wko noltval mian and shouts peed flour r noble ltd hcnrv awrev ma nag en when vou need boots parlridjjo tlrenro not only nuluitniitlally irwlucliur wile ugvf tmia but thcruped wejirlnjr pinlltlca chmimite freueitt antl cxputmlve repniru partridge tires corneas their nqiviq shoes at ny time um fhom w williams acton y j will avvoim vop comvuirrh hatiswactiom fred blow famous for satisfactory footwear reasonable lhicls m

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