Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1921, p. 3

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i i ll- acton 3frrp jlrchh tiiiil mdav ml pthmiii4h l 10ji laooh dav uvory day in u labor day whnlhoi the itkiiu itnt blue alwuvu uniunihlng iithaml a few mid john 11 patch 11 to put on hmdworn or writv lo ltd r two iutltitti or who i ii 1 llll who or where work it hhi7 mimemou on tint roiiolultn heart and tho cheer 11 liilidu then what id tlin meaning or labor day whul illicit iii holiday have in nay not unit tlii hum for run hi oer y or unit wu cuiiuot rejoice before the next long uuiumoruwotit vniaj flom when trill glvnu puro to recrcntlon to that thneull huu com for nil lly for duty urcut or umnll llouly for what each hour muy bring of joy or wimiw for everything wti urn ulvon lo tin of piny or work novnr lo whimper anil never in uhlrk thlu our kntinj- hldu uu rniilir au ho uomlu u million now thptumlwtr in work or piny itojoho ulwayl thin hi ihu minmnifo of iubor oiy wllllu hoyd alton i ijmt old haii or rtiiz 4- rffifi x 1 j g clockp iii i i ilssssss the would nccdc v6cl unci i uprlng tilt unheal uddu a lurgu number of young people to thn worldu working force a tcrnat deal ofi frouh imiturlu comeu in in mukn up for tlin inevitable wuutn thn utronath uml impploueuu of youth urn uoodnd it lu wmilltflllwjirijvuluthn yoiikar mpuhln if tlin luiuohull muiuigur in ulwnyu looking for young blood far tlin turner or u hull pluyor lu gsiierally brluf all htu training cannot make iil for whut hlu departing youth lull from him thn phyulcul ulreiirth of thiun thouuamlu of rncrultu luniwl not 1y tho urhnolu uml coiiouah lu un tm- liorluut contrlhiitlnn to worhl ittlcltmoy ivfln morn lmtortunt la tba lutnl- itn tiiul rnntrlhutlon thnro ur tliouu- umlii of utronif vluorouu iirly- e ii oil worboru wu hnv liai fow hrhiml uilviiiitaunu hut it in from the uritriii- uttiu from unhoohi ulut col i tlmt wo miiut utit thn urnutdr nurt of the in- lillortuul utrniitftlr tlmt ihhi tiimnlluu for uu our oivlllxattnn 1hjoii on com plex thn iiumlmr of tmalloctuat workoru lurrniuioh unl wo no ml morn uml mora thlnlcnru ami wtillo u fw woruom urn uhlo lo ilnvnlop thommnvati in- tulldcliiully without thn imlp of uchnoln u nd whll i uomi urailutitnw huvn tholr lulollontiiul uhln vry ullhtly 1va1- oiiiil huiiku to lofoclu in our twlura llonal uyutnm or to llinir own lunlititim nil a ruin wo inuut ioimjiui on thn on tit til of tlin uohnolu tot woruom to fill tho vanuiiriah vimre tmlimul itraliiu urn ouiiatillal hut thiiro lu utlll uiiothnr poiitrjbu tlnn inmlu hy tho now rarulth which lu liorhuph tim mout imjmirtunt of ull tiiul that lu tlmlr you thrill lilftalutn youth rticuuou lu uocopt tuutt fullurn uu hnul vouui lu uuro to ntnllliif thn koy to tuory locked door the solution to fivtiry vextiiff prohlein it lu op- tlmlutlo hoiwiful ami thlu oiitlmlum lu of iirlrnlonw value tha youth who urailunthii from col loan without llluu- lonu will not ln munh for hlu kouora- tlon whatovnr hlu jiowrw at mhul or ltoily thn uuivrenie sift lu wlthhehl loinutlmuu uu you vtf ooplo turn p your jiack op uohool llfo a iiuddon foar comnu over you that you oxt not iiwdo y linvw nn unnomfort ronvlotuui tlmt uvoryulfcce i full tliaf you aro tho uflh v1iaa1 to the coach movar hud mmrbnulon lettu of u fouudatloii rio worhl nnedu your youuiful tiitthuttlaniit ami moat of all your youthful idoalum old doc hdndehriono hapv ohl br llonilornon retire wau naturally uuuplclouk olio day when lib o rile rod a ton at coal trom lowryu ronl yard ho datermlnml to watch anil una unit ho wai not olieatdd tfli ronl arrived hut it mparivd to lia b very timall ton kin nuhl nuthluic to tlio ilrlvnr who lo ronuldflrod not to hlumn hut ho dcldiil to uol iliilliilto liroof of tlio nhoruieo and the iwrnt way to do that wau to woluli thn rnal after uuppnr ho wont down into tho collar thn only ucalou thut ho lull wnm u not of oldfahhlonexl atoelyartlu and with tliouo ho winhml a ttucbotful at a tlmn and uet down tlio weight on a whivnt of papor until lonu aflor uihlnluht ho awmitiid und tolled when ho llnd ftiiuhed ho wau aniiry dirty nut ho had nmikltt old lowry in tho uot thoro wm only ii toon hint tlrod pou tuli of ooal thn next day hi would unttlfl with htm icurly tha followlnir monthik ii n il or wo ri tolnphuntul to jowry hlu volcn fairly uhoolc with anger hoy jem lowry ho nhoutoil wruthfully you know thut load of coal you uuttt mo ycihttrrday wum hvb liindrul pouitim whorl vim i know it cams thn cahn reply i told tho driver to toll you hut wn ot u now ar of ooul thli tnornlntf ami the wouou lu juut iilart ins out with tho roul of your oritur a good doctrine nooiiiitly ihoro died in plttuliurtr the nun lor menilmir of aim of tho lnrteat retail clotlihik htnrofr id tho- country v iio iwtfun nu manynnothnr merchant prln co with a peilitlaru pack ho camo to america with nouiliik hut jioahli a ihiumllnhh iimpltldii and u -duter- mlnatlon to htilhl hlu fortuno on truth hut thlu wau mtjeh he ald au nxhot thut ifrw uu wo went on woh thlu plnro of udvlno froti fatheri koll tnolharii an you would buy for your- ilitlf tlood murohuntu maka umall prolltu mid muny tialeu nal fairly ho patient und in time your dluhonout competltoru will nrowd your utnreu with cuutomerif thlu 4w cood inui iinau phllouophy for u oentlln an well uh for u jew uultod 1roiibytorlaii vmu woiithudacnv wuuiuiaiiiii i -t- itefuno to makoyour work driiduary no matter how hanl it inuy be or how tuvlnu und ninuotminum it in powdblo tu put into it u uplrlt which will romlmu it from drudiiery a mnthoru work would ho- very largely druduery if hnr uplrltfwuh indlrfurent or lilt tor hut her love redeemx tl uml lendw u ulury to tho inout pnutalo tunk tin b u drnlo kiiuunu that your imililtloii hi kijiio thaf your wplrlt lu tirokon that you toll on uu nioohuiilciil- lya a tiiatihlno whllo hope and run ru uu und uuplratlou remain uu- dhtiliiluhnil no worker heeoiiieu a dkulue nor hi hlu work drudgwy vatuetikq the man whomi religion oonth him nothing puyn for ull he kou lovery man lu ii hrum huiul filnku hlu horn miiuim thn html iniilo tmtn who tuiki 1 aildlei ijiihh- twiublort nr ortnu milium 1 liy nun who urn trylnu in make u living without wok if tlmnt any of tho how in a man i tlio itrlutloh will oon botfln to aliow when he truvuhm thn tmtn who tutku much ubout hlmuelf will ulwuyti have u tired have lie in recalling acaln my rnverlnu that hrlifht after noon wfieij i utneil with tho oihcr frleiulu and iiotlihhom at tho immii of mr william mullhi when the mnmorlul inrvlro wun lielmc held over the earthly remtitim of the ilmtlinrn uon of tho houii he- fore proieoilhie lo lalrvlew for hurlal i told you a roupln of weeku nun of iny thouuhlu nu i looked ovnr thn lllllolt and thn uainh fur mil ilulaii turned lo tho eolith ami lo thn weut 1 remomherei that myuh friend iiimlv wnldlehnil lived for nlitty yeuru on thn farm below ami that tlinmum aihhoiiu thn u rand fat imr of thn pruaent ration or aihuouu wan hlu ueluh- hnr to tlin unutl then lo the went there were thn fftnnn of tlin linunnu uml the mcconnu the uulliollumlu the nonauhueu und the uunhului uml uioji in runry i could one the old duhlln church junt ulmut on the linn hetweetl the urcunnu uml the mul- hollaiiilu fiinnu it riay he newn to the young folkii that t mi fore the duhlln church wau built urvleei were held and niiianeii id in jhn kitchen of intrlrk jjrcnnnn farm houue one day when ull the fuithrul of tho nolifhlmkrhood of thn iluhlln community were attomllno irvloo there the combined woluht if theun lim i y plnnoeru uml their fnmllleu wan loo nuieli for the kitchen jolro and thn tloorlnif und tho contireitntlon were precipitated into the cellar thn faithful parluli prletit then not hl flock together mul thn hulldhit of n church wau decided upon hy teener- ouu huluicrlpliouh and faithful work with their own hamlu tlin people noon had a neat clniroh alumllnu on thn rlue at the lino of tho uccann ami uulholland farmu here for many yearn unman cat hoi in norvlceii wnm held und thn rltoa at tho church wcr rulth fully mlulutered many will ic memlier eunoclally tlin lumr iierlod of uervlco elven to thlu church und thn people who worshipped there hy itev father dumortler who wan revered mid reupected hy catholic and j tentant ullke itervloeu were hold thorn retfulurty until nlmut twenty- five yoam una when thn coiiaretfatlon uecured the church on church utreel acton which wau built by the conerecatlonallhtu n 187 c tho conureuatlnnal iwoplo became few in mi mini r by remnvala nnd were nnally olillited to uurrendcr il4uuaiuauianktntluijlnjiujucj incurred imlna urouter tlmn they could flnanca in tho interval lieforo uu jouophu secured thn property it had been lined by the lordh army and tho tlalvatlnu army for nhort parlodu well when thn cathnjio poop tranfnrred their uervlcew to acton tlio dublin church cruduully fell into di ray ami it wan anally removed flur- roumhiiif tho church wmi thn cemetery ami thlh lu utlll tha burial place for tho dniionhdantu of tho plonecra uml olhorn of their faith who pauu away lu thlu unction when i contemplate thlu old dublin cemetery it unemu tn mo tlmt to thlu country crave yard cauli tho man groyu eletiy lie mont uppro- prlutnly applied i have juut turned to my wellworn copy of glean limn from thnjpoath which mary presented to mo over forty yearn nuo ami havo rerend thlu wonderful poetic concop- tlnn of a country churchyard in which tho poet feelingly declaims ileneath thovie nisiied nlmo that yow- tr ooh uhado where lioaveu tho turf in muny mnumlertnic heap ilach in hlu narrow cell forever laid thn rutin forofalhoni of tho kumlot uleep thn breexy call of inceniio- breath inu tho uwullow twittering from tb lowbull t uhod thn rooku utlll clarion or the oohohic horn no morn uhall rouuo them from their lowly bod for them nn mnro the hluxlnir hourlh uliall bui or buuy houuewlfu ply her oveiilnu care no chlhlron run to jlut their alron return pr climb hlu kuoeii the envied kluu to uhar ort did the lmrvout to tho ulcklo yield their furrow oft the otubboni uloho hau broke how jocund did they drlvn their tnumu nfleldl howlmwod thn wnodu lieueath their xturdy ntroku iet not ambition monk their ilueful toll their homely joyu ami doitluv oh- houre nor uraiideur hear with a dlndalnful timlln tho nhort unit nlmplo uiinalu of th voor k nor you yo proud impute to tliouo th fault if memory oer tbolr tomb nn trophloa rnlui ic luimnjtaivjijuula anil rretled vault tltn peallnu anthnm nwolla the note of prulue foi from tha mmldonlutt orowda iff noble utrlfe their nober wlwheu noyer learned to htrny alnntf tho cool ueoiiehtoiwi vulo of life they kept thn liolueleuu tenur of thnlr way thai uumf their yeuru mvolt by thn unlettered muue thn place of fame ami olcy uupply ami ninny n holy text around alio ntawu that teuch thn ruulle monilut to din tho beaut of heraldry tho pomp of power ami all that beauty ull that wealth ere uuvo awaltiillku the inevitable hour the pwlhuoybiorylinnrhnt7tuthe bravo v well the old plouneru nut untie but imii 1 1 veil uvif after them uml here not one ibmniif them hut wocan eon nt of tbolr uood deeihi and kind netlouu over ami over uuiiln well uh 1 uuld thurn wum thomah tubhoiih fir vuu fuptlly ijml hlu ehlhlreuit fumllleh haviuvlid hru thrmikheiit the yeuru their nameu have boon honored tn the community throukh all thcuo many yoaru und tho liiuinldbllditiii nuil ureal ruramlchuuruii wilt be hoard dtin hi wlllonri of mefiilmiiii ami honor th hi thurn wau umithtt family in- toriiled lu iii old duhlln church that of mr and aire lider 1e of tin leiinid line juut above jimmy fllh- boiui ieler wau a ehurui tnr u mill ii luhiiuui from cork lie wuu a ploiuwr uml hlu plo r work on tho falm wuu d and well done ullli u yoke or ox mi timlhxt wim with thim wick hi and week out i dvnt hclleve i run i null u aluule liietuncn that i ever iiaw lolnr in arlou without hlu yoke of oxen iih lut thy hroiinlil to town hlu ifrlut they bniuuht him when he rulnit for urororhii they broiiihl him when there were plowu il harrowu to bo repaired they hroiittht him if he hnd no uraml at ull hut juut wluhoil to meet hlu croiiu ii lit i inli aiieivil or hob hrkyv or jfoh lltoreyu or at jlmtulu onmilullu uwuan1wuyej uiuic- ilrr ami die nueii were alwuyu ti tliir letcr am hlu wife had a iln family uml a joii olilruiihluuhl nn ulve i dont tlilnu i can rememiuir un all now for every one of tlmm kline from hero en unn yeura i tut tliern woe alallhew uml i nrul tom for imyii ami t jllu t alarcaret ami mury uml i think lie for tlio irlrlu i knew tom th bent for i went lo uchool with hlu tom waunt uutlurlrd with ruhtli iichnnl mid put in mvtirjl termu in acton under mr illtle he wau luiilnd in edliratlmi while tom wan a tall huuky fellow ho wmi of u ipenuotit and wuu proiln full i in hot weather or under ureal excite urn more tlmn mice i can rememlx r ii carried out of iichool jnlo tli air to bo revived julia wau very popuhir willi tho ufrlu him lived in acton for yearn but finally lit to live with frlnmlu on hi ler ulilc uttllurfaln or itochouuir think itefore i loiwo theold dublin church and un curlier maiohcru let me nay tlmt dublin church wuu thn only ihurch ever nltuutetl on tha tlmt linn in laipionlnif- there havo lieen mini beru of cliurclmu on tho aecond line und the third line on the fifth ulxtli nth c lull lb and ninth uml nlovenlh llnru hut tho old dublin church wau lone on the tlmt well with ull my wanderlmr talk about tha duhlln church folk i juut ulhitit fnruot my euloemed old irleml alavnnder wuldle who huu uveil lu the ddhliu rommunlly for about nlxty yearn ho in not oiilytliajldchlrd dent in thlu part of thn tnwmihlp but he lu one of the mnut nctlvn luindy waldlu never nltemleil dublin church but there never wuw funeral nf u nolifhlior nt the cemetery there but ho wnu prune nt upd one of thn mnut reverent and uymputbello of all mr wuldln lu an honored elder of knftv church actftn ho- uvc to thn prlnrlpleu of hlu church uml ilu uterllnir character and uuuwervlnu idluireurn to what hn lielleveil tn 1h i hh t uml trim have had an influence in imuildlntc thn cluirunlor of tho com munity mr wabllo huu ulwayu immii a uveat udmlrer nf purebred cattle and uheep and for many yearn hlu utablo nnd flaldu havo contained unl- mulu nf tho chnlest breed a ha am hlu uml duiirnn who lu now in part uerublp havo jit preuont u herd of purchrndn which in ml ml red by all who ken them mr waldln ban a provincial reputation nu an expert jlldjje on olieep and hn huu travelltul to many falm tn net in thlu capacity handy lu proud to admit that hn lu cruoplmr up toward njghtynvo hut lu utlll active nu thn farm and umouif bin tieloved uheep and lumba and puro- brndu llu bmtliera john nnd william rculdnd here for yoaru too but the wnrttl und for a lone bonnratlon thny and their familleu have lieen in manitoba bandy hau throe udnu farmlnc hero nnd ono tu thn northwcnu half it iiumt hleoilliniu war in hlutory rhomainilu of mlliiu huvo ueparuted thn hlhierenlu anil not uu ounce of towder huu been liilrned by either oil n i ry in aluolii urn olhur it uoiiudu hue a inko but it in a orry joue it lueuni thai when tlio lluhtliiu- eiidei the piibliii of mublnu uu loo much for uu oeimuny decluhed wuii on the united itluteu ami therefore could tnue no ronloie tho ululi of pnucn we would not join our unnoclutui in ap- itrovliii the irtiuty thut ualtnlled them tu wn wern ihu luul ureul power un part in tho treat utruuuhi we the hiut in quit it to lay duwii nn- would lw the proper phruie if the ulory or the luul two yoaru ohl netmake it ulxinrd now that a ututo of lao huu hiiii ilrclured wo tiro no further udvanced mr rclutlouw with oermnny ihuu huvu been thn declurntloii doeu brlnif ubout uoinu needed chunteu h mutlnuu and in th wur lekliiluliou ul it lu an iicreptel ile of nutlouu that wur uhmuateu cation ilo oennuny uml the united illuteu ule uu it were at preuont uu- urmulnt 1 utranijnru who do not meet who buve uothlnu ti do with each ther who lire at peace only laiciniuli they una not ut war they have yet to do that which lu an imllnpe part or inukiuu peace uml which tho illteiltn ullleu have ulrcady done that coiichnln a treaty that uliall tlx thn roudltlouu under which they will hi rear tnr tolerate each other uuuoclute with curb other deal with each oilier there huvo been two opponlmf hnoriixi of the luut way completely to reulom peace it lu unlveruully ud- mllteil ihut laitti a ducluratlon of pence ml tho ncholiullou of a treuly urn noceuuury for brlnnlntf tlmt utiout the dlupute hau linen whether tho two purtu of thn proceuu nhoilld be com bined hi the treuly or taken uoparutely unfortunately tho dluputo hau taken purtbiaii form thn party tn power clionn tu uepuruto thfim in order tn necurn ut once ouch hennlltu mi reuiilt from tho technical ondlnif or nd thmi avoid thn lonit and todlouu und of ion inuutlufuclnry i and dulayii in ilraftliib u trnuty tho nppoultlnn urirtitl qultn truly hat tho other way lu in ac cordance with unlverual cuutom nnd tlinyfurtirercoiiltilirtnottbouulrlt hau yet to lm proved hint thn united iltatrn uurrandnru much of tho utrenuth of uu poiiltlnn nu a conqueror by tho courue ndoiilihl thut it can now im- poue on germany only uucj condltlonu uu that uovnrument lu wllllnk to uc- cepl for to ultompt in enforce what germany might refuun they uuuort would bn un uct of wur that would liollo thn reunlutlnn of peace that uuch a dlnputo nhould huvo arhuin hiiowii how dllllcult it in to mulcn a ueparato ponce with germany and auutrlahuniinry after wo have withdrawn from nuuoclatlnn with tho kntmito pownra now that tho do- clulou uu to tho order of prooedurn hau been inado wo munt all hope that tha remaining ulnp will bo taken uurely and iiucceuiifully a treaty hau to bo made undoubtedly tho udmlnlulra- tlon huu itu plunu for it whatever they muy ho it lu the duty of all noil ainerlcuun tn utaml by it in main- taliilnu tho rliihtu thn country hau anpilrcd au one or thn vlctoni in hi war youtha companion present 0ui1c things there camo unto me man who inquired or mo nnyinu hnut thou lltue money to invest 7 for i tihnuld like to let then in on thn uround floor i huvo inuldo information upon a uurn thine and ho told inn of u corporation whnun utock wau uelllnif very low hecauun tho munukcinont were liearlntr tho market thut they mlubt themnelveu buy n controltliic intercut in it and how they intended tn bull tha utock a little lnterund make it very valuable no that bn who lioiinht now would maka a nice little roll and i nald if that bn thn llttln namn of tho mannuoinnnt 1 will let them piny it i have inm ulnco coaucd try- inu to iteat men at tbolr own iamo for i bavo atood und watchnd tli nimble pen au it madn itu unobtrusive way from ono ubell tn another nnd huvo conaldcred l0w many tlmea i uhnuld huvo cuomiod wrone 1 had uueuued at nil ami ho mild nay thlu lu no uliell- eamo but a an re tliln and i huld thorn are uoverul mm plnyluc croquet nt thn poor houoo am ntheru who have uraduuteil from bunh neuu ami now are pitch in tf horuo uhoon nt thn ktunty farm who owo their preuont relief from the preueuco nt tha mnddniilnif crowd lo thn ueneroulty of frlemlu who lot them in on tho around floor of fioiiin uurn thlnn and i uald ijuteii to mn and under utund my immiuioh whether thou doeat llkowluo or no i do not uaniblo do uot upenulntn i deal with a very few uuro thlniru and thoun wrv amnna ihrm a dollar cnntuliidtli one liiindred centiihnd nn morn it lu eaiilor ta borrow uu hundred dnllum than lu tn pay batik an hundred und ul tho bent wnyj to uot money lu to oayu il and thn luilt way tik increauo money lu lo upend leuu than ono earnnth and hn wild thnnn lire old foy rulon nnd thny will never itet then far up tho ladder of finance ami i until tboiio rulou and a few other uurn thlnuu havo kept mo thuu fur with a uiifn distance between my floor nnd tha wolf and i havo carfare and u men tlcknt for uomo dnyu in rllir i11 1111 l inm f when thoiio who tmut lu tha luald information noncfirniuu uurn thlmcu urn pluylue chockeru uomnwbnroln itn ohl mnuu hnmn for thoua who have uoen bettor dayii tho century a gtiianoe bit op natural hibtokv from i nile kbit ion hi thn tiudaii it ijrltluh ofhoer report u reliiurkulilo hit of uuperulltliiu pr nut lira t hlnlory dueu not pretend to way which ih ink nm on u huutlnu expedition with piirtyaif muduuoho bo oumo upon tho ltndy if a ulrattn thut hud lieen killed momn fthlriyulx or rortyclaht liouru buforij uml mi tho woumlu hhowed by in upon uuklnif blu hervuntu why hon bud killed it hn hud not eaten ii they milled uu if to uuy that ho wuu idenlly new to the iluduu and pohit out thut thuulnirfu hud fullon and utllllny intitm left hlili then nxiilalued that ir when u hon utrlkeu blu uulne it fulln on itu rluht ride bn lltu it bill if on ilu loft ulde luo leu it untouched other ttiiduucme v in hl dluoiiioud thn mutter told tin mum ihlliif thn itklluhmuu iltu that tlu mitlveu may buvnluieii ollllu him and the belief uluv i mi only a uuperhlltlou lint bn lu liielhied lliluk overwbio uml lo lnluvo thut the untlvnu havo bit upon m fuel of mi ni hlxlory that white men turn hot ulhcovnrthl i our yiu hi ihd why suffer pain you cant ilo hintlco lo youtuelf in bimliinm uncial or lioiuu lfn ii you mi for irnui hnuiluehu hunkunlie lioiirllu monthly pulnx or uuy of the iboiiuuiid uml ouu jiulim with wliluh all of un urn hflllctad nt one tlmn or uuotlier theun pulnu uidloute a very roul iliylcl duiiker lint tlmtn to vnry few pkliiu of way liututn that uie not promptly relieved by dr ullna atitllln illu let tliin in bhmly boxnu ut nunlnurutore a box ia i ion i r lion ukulnxt baail- uebncricktmrf iibiirululu uml puln of aliuout any nature ors pain pills hfadacmsaho rhucma7ic ttinrn fcrn ho durenuble utter ofteotn dr mile anll- ialu iilli stop the pain without upmil dlcnutlou ilrohiiliinhu buxxliik in thn hnul or jmiftar d fonuhitf u iuiik hubltroiiaraiiliinil halo anil hura oold in acton bv u j hattsahd pcclinq nich paper humnrlutit putn it a urund ahd rlnriouu feellnir- hut feetlnu rich lu not thn qamo thlni au holntf rich it lu a great deal better thorn are uumn comparatively wealthy people wjio wayu feel poor they urn haunted iry tho fear of dying in the iioorhouno wltlu abundant moaiiu for arfordlmr ovory luxury llioy fool tlmmaelvcu luiupero h a prom in out american hnu daocrlbod tho ilrut homo of hla paronta an a nmnll log hut au tho unnw lay deep on tho ground nt tlio tlmn it wau built h wuu not jkiuutblo to nolloct nny u lotion nnd the ynuns wlfou knttleu would ulnk owu into thn oo ft ground whlrh form ed thn honrth whan thn unow hud melted uml uho wau able tn go out and collect utonon nn which to her keltlnu in thn nreplnoe uho told her rhlldron youro afterward uho folt rich lincoln ban told of lilufeallngu c tho rinit dollar hn oamod lib had rowed noma pnuuungcrn out to thn river uteamnr thny wluhnd to take und when tlcy climbed abouril each tnuued him half u dollar to thn buy it noem- nd wealth it uncourugod him to be llnvo that there wau un eocupo from the grinding poverty of hlu early yoara probably novor ngaln did he come nnurer fueling rich than ho did ut thut mom on t practice foiling rich mnkn much of llttln ploauureu much ot uultill vie tnrleu draw tho lino between imnlru tlnn nnd dliicnnteiit mid while preuulng on to morn und lie tier thlngu never dlucount tho joy of toduy in favor of any untiufactlon nn abnad indeed whatever gonoroulty of fortuno inny lie in at lira for oii your cbuurn npiireclala it in umnll ini1oeduniei you havo learned in tho loan youru lo feel rich on iimall lileuulngu new ouildinq material an nll-mluonil- nubutltutn for wood which lu compelled of portland cement uand uml anheutou liber huu boon found to iiorvo oxonllontly nn u baua for wallu tlooru etc nu beluk colluar in iitrilcture it lukou nullu euully ami boldu thuin tlnnly thn now material hnu thn adyuntngoa over wood of being tireproof and wurpprnnf thlu latter quality mnkeu it eupnolnlly uultablo for uho an a uubnnoriiigwheii compoul- tlon rhioru ore uund au cracking of thn hitter lu uald to bo eliminated- an it hau tho property nf holding nullu well interior wood trimming und ublnuleii may lie nailed directly to thn now baua material it in uluo unld to pouuoaii good limultatlng qimlltlou tniitiivmowi vf i a umnll vlllugo uchool a toucher ujjkod thn iiohnlnru lu her claim lo wrlto a iionteiice- iliilnhliitt with tho two wonlu hitter ond ono lioy wrote thn enemy fought in thn hitler end another unld thn uftornooiiii boll- duy came inn uoon to a bitter eiid hut the ueiileiico that cup pod them ill wuu written by u bright hoy of ten whoun mi in n wau tommy it run thuu our bullpup ran after murphyu rut ynutorihiy und uu uho wait running through thn wooden tfoitnn ilo bitter oilil want of accuhaci a prominent buuliieuu maiiuuu utated hlu belief thut luck of punotuullty lu often uuuonjuted with a luck nf truth- fulueiuj nolull-ifulueliiinil- lu hitotl- tllmul im uuy people urn ipllle llliin- llubhi wjfio would uoorn telhig u un nit the lublt of itiucuuriioy hi uo lu- iiiliied thut eonrlug- up u utatumuut 0 mall n it plotuiomiimi i iiupprehuliiu hi inconvoulmit truth and twlutlug faclii to lit their reiiulrementu doeu tot hhnl in them a mrlniiu niatter luhlhuil linjuinetuulliy loo lu oloenly iiiuooluled with wnlit o aomniioy mo that ii hi faw to eo thut whom we ono uilllly wn huvo run mm to lunk for tho other r moved to new quarters i am now oinfortuhley nettled lu thn new quartern lu the llturkmuu lllnrk uml mn better uhlo to look after the ueeflu of everything pertaining to foot wear i will have an iiuuliitnnt with mn directly mid thlu will greatly fuel lltu lo tlio prompt repairing of ull work left with ino iln- pairing prlneu havo been reduced all grndou of nhoou in mouii nml iloyu hn on in utock mill st acton numunmmmmmsmmmiaummmmmmmnaknsmiab the mission of the advertising pages ily wm s power president of the power alexander jenkins co detroit the man who says he never reads advertiserncnta cither is a proper cundidntc for tho ananias club or in lacking in common business sense that is the way a bip business man the head of it successful corporation put it in talking to his selling torcc n few days aco the advertising columns of the newspapers arc a wltiuiflii 1- they arc consulted by practical men and women just an tho financial and social pages of the news papers nro consulted for the information they con tain t was not so very lonr ago when the ad vertising columns were merely a direction of things for sale today they rank side hy side with the news pages in the vital interest of the messages that they carry advertisements as a class have ceased to be un reliable superlative and exaggerated claimu have lost favor with advertisers advertisers iia3 discovdrcttttutr- frankness con versation and truth arc tho strongest allies that they con havo in their efforts to win public confidence and so it is thnt today as never before men nnd women ican the advertising pages as carefully and iwltli as deep an interest as they give to any part of the newspaper the advertising pages reticle out to you in n spirit of friendship and cooperntion that is their mission to make a friend or you and to win your goodwill to bo mi re they have something to sell you but thut ir rather a sccondnry consideration a bypro duction ot advertising if you please tho big elemental aim is to win youv good will when that is accotiiplishci the selling will follow aa a natural result look through tho advertising columns of this paper note the carefulness with which the messages have been prepared rcast your cycn on tho art that ban been used in ilhmtrutinc stmib of them sense tho friendly handclitsp nt they ncem to extend toward ou l v then analyze them for yourself you will find that iho ptjctfuctn that aro most persistently nnd effectively jttlvortieod utc almost universally the best und most dependable products that is ii perfectly natural illustration of the law of causo und effect an advertisement is it pledge tho in an who jssuea it puts hi meal f on record tho public expects more of him and ulmost invurinblyhe measures up to ciipccjiiitoim i the development of advertising luis puf buuincss oifliigherpinuor ithas crbatodni flnerycodoof business ethics it has til u do possible hotter products and lower prices it has immeusurubly increased tho comforts of life hybritiging within thu reach of all the convenience and luxuries that would otherwise bu enjoyed only by thd few i twtbttmm 1 ani tolsllav and wednesday- jriil 1 cf 1 tiiiimitiit oih and 2iui 1 v 1 aeton fall fair open to tfte would many special attractions nowucv1nilknlnrgtmljvi4sijhl splciulid fair nilt concert on second nilit xriai of speed on an kxccllfiit hair milu irack acton ciumiih hand in aluruiancc the prize list jmlulnj of live qtocu will comhinici promptly at uq po hkavv houses clago 1 vicavv dnait muc 1 hrnod main 00 3 01 2 tlprlng colt 3 no 00 3 oiioyiuroli ooldlng or kllly 3 00 3 00 a twoyearold uahllnu or irilly 3 00 2 00 6 thrueyeurold celdlng or filly 3 00 3 00 clago atagrtlcultuhal 1 hrnod mnro 5 00 3 oft 3 hprlng colt 3 00 2 00 3 onoyourold gelillng or illly 3 00 a 00 4 twoyearold gaining or kllly 3 00 3 00 c throoyoalold ooldlng or kllly 3 00 3 ooi claqs 3 qcncnal punpgbe 1 hrnod maro gc 00 3 00 3 tlprlng colt 3 00 3 00 3 oun yearold oakling or kllly 3 00 3 00 twoyearold adding or filly 3 00 2 00 d tlirooyoarold oemlng- nr filly 3 00 3 00 claqs 4 hdavv holtoeg in hahneqb 1 flpnn of heavy druught mare or gnldlugu fo 00 7 00 3 hpun of aurloiilluial mnreii or gehuligu 0 00 7 00 3 huun of generul purponn inureu or geldlugn u00 7 00 s3 00 1 00 i 00 1 00 1 00 aoo 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 k 00 c 00 5 00 ugwf hoitses claqs tt camilagc 1 itrood mnio g 00 3 00 3 00 3 hprlng colt 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 onnyenrold adding or filly 3 00 3 oo 1 00 1 twoyonrohl adding or filly inu 3 00 1 00 cla8s b iioadbteh 1 prood mara 0 00 3 00 3 00 3 oprlng colt 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 oneyourold aoldlng or filly 3 00 3 00 1 00 i twoyoarold adding or filly 3 00 3 00 1 00 clago 7 light hoilofeu in harneqq 1 illnale carriage 1yearold guiding or nily fit 00 00 h 00 3 llluglo carrluge mnro nr geldlug 0 00 5 00 4 00 3 hpun currlugo mnro or geldlngu 0 00 7 00 i 00 4 thrnoyourold itoudutor gelillng or tllly 0 00 6 00 4 00 u tllugler itonduter maro or gelding a 00 u 00 4 00 0 hpun itniulutoru mareu or gclillngu 9 00 7 00 6 00 7 tingle itoadntnr mora or gnldtug pacer 0 00 f 00 4 00 h tladdlo horuo maro or goldlng 5 00 4 00 x00 note all road horaea ihown in thlu cuii hiuil bit drlvrt ono jtiuiilljilifii honoe gpccialo hor will be ullowu to oompl in worg than ilnat high hopping ilorao lut by duncan camplmll cuiili too 2nd by q hrower hakor cuuh 3 00 heut lady driver ntiigln rig lnt hy win johnutono co cniilusboo 2nd by harold wiloii canb 300 lleut heavy icxprnuu ilornn in hurucnh lnt by acton fm club caah fsoo 2nd by ih u to hoy hamilton 1 gentu hat valun 600 clyiiiou lut cauh 300 3ml a novelty pace barncuu and hitch tn rig go nu you plnaue onco uround track lut by w v monnoy conh t fl ilout ugbt ddlvory outfit lut by w isvamt butcher cauh 7 1 1 lout hndillo horuo ly hcnlou roberta manufacture i ilox 50 cluurn value it iteut groomed horuo on ground by ocorgo isdwardu 1 whip valun f 0 iteut hlngln cinrlngn xlnui or gelding in harneuu lnt hy acton furmoru club cauh lt00 2nd by chnu iq inrker 10 vnndol motor oil valun 430 ilcut and im id cut pnud horuo itylc upend and uoundiietiu ronuldoted bout two nut of throe exhibitions of upeed mile beutu driven to fourwhnnlnd rig no hobble nllnwed horuou in roccn not allowed to enter hit by hank of nova hcotln 11000 and by t ii moorahend 5110 3rd by a ii mclean 1300 cattle all qulla 12 mntitlib old and ovar muit hava rlnua in no b hulur- ed ami undar control of owner or uttondunt bafor anurlno th fulr uround cla00 tl 0hoi1t horn c ilout cow any ugo 1 00 llout cow uhnwing dairy propoiiultleu 1 flo twnynnrold holfor qoyourold ilolfer cnlf ilolfer senior calf ilolfer junior hull 3 yoaru or over hull 1 year und uiulor two hull calf honlor hull calf junior ml 4 femuleu i 00 4 00 3 do 3 00 4 01 4 00 3 00 3 00 a on 4 ao i claq0 0 polled angus cow uny ago c 3 01 twoyearold iimfcit onoveurold holfm holfor cnlt hull 3 youru uml over hull t year umlnr 3 hull calf i- herd to conulut of one bull and four foma lun 1 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 d 00 13 00 3 00 a oo 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 n oo 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 13 00 3 00 3 00 1 50 13 00 3 00 j 00 3 00 1 co 1 50 2 00 3 00 1 co l ta i 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 clago 10 gnadtio bccp yyiptj nit cow 3 yniirii junt ovor twoyenrnlil heifer htfrsutdtiitnrcrt ilolfer cnbr hulfer purubiod 3 00 claqq ii punc unco datnv t cow uuy ugo 3 00 cow 3 ynnru 3 00 twoyearold ilolfer i 3 oo one ye ur- nd hetfilr 3 00 hull cnlf 3 00 heifer cult 3 00 hull 2 yoaru and over 3 on hull 1 your nnd under 3 j 3 00 herd 1 bull leghilored and 4 feiiulnu pure hied or urmlu s 00 clabb12 qi1adc o dairy tvpu 11 00 mtr i oo i oo t oo 3 00- j heut cow j yeiilu ami over 3 twoyourold helfur 3 mi 3 onoyourold helfoi- 1 3 00 4 uujfiir calf hi vlrul iuo fin wire ured walry herd puld by acli 3 10 3 00 si i 1 10 110 i 00 cteutnery co cattle spticiald no u heut two llhortluuiiu the progeny m one nnw by o it itwiicuhuiutr lut t3mi 3ml 30o 0 12 held 1 tally heef giudii not over 1 year by it n hi own lut continued nextweeu

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