Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1921, p. 4

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fyr affatt3titt ffraor iiiijtma1 ml i 1 1 mhi 11 i 10j1 i 111 l rvry h mill icet an i uiyiuli 1n it al i transl mat i rurr l r r b uc ml i rvll c um ui ii 1 uikju lli lei till illd ri lie u 11 ulw hydro kudlabi in hal ton nnd kltjcwhtro premier drury and- the hulton people who at- tended the hydro ttadlnl meeting nt oukvillo ilia other tvciinik evidently do not ieo uye to ayo m tlio iimitcr the oukvillc mcctinj evidently made n rood ciic for llio uncompleted toronto to hamilton lint mr drury cortmiity inn tome iitronj nrjjinnuit in tlio cmnmin ions report iiiiinist promiscuous radiuhi built under provincial iuarantcc tlirotihout the province editorial 1 lie prdimin intf io general klcctioii the mo t important politicul announcement made far tome tinil and prcugini mi uirly appeal to the ploptcby ihc dominion government is that mr ruintiiul bristol k c toronto inn been appointed to take full diilckt of the organization for the nil tlonsl nnd conservative party in ontnrio tluit lookt very evident that pciicrul election in under con sideration and unit the date will not likely be remote kven ltd iviciuim caul reflections when tlit ultra coiiservnttye guclph herald alupi tlie senate in tbii miinncr it miut be tic general concliiion hint even its friend are wakuiu up to the fact that it- i realfy a ikcic a rfppcnditke to tin udmiuitratfon of canada nffuiri nnd u bar to national projects on the principle that wo arc ready to try anything once it would notv a bad idea to appoint a woman to one of the vacancies in tlie dominion seriate there ia mi agitation to that effect and if women or ittiy other mlluonce can inject life and activity into the senate by nil mcnni lets have it another paper ccuri publication rcauiao of coat of production the cliatiworth news n weekly newspaper pub liyltcd in the villnje of chatwortli ten mile from owen sound ceased publication last wcok in mak ing tlie announcement the news nyn the heavy cobt of pilblilniij hat made it impoiiblc to coyry on further hie paper will bo amalgamated with the owen sound sun timet the news was established by the late georpc illy 111 thirty six yenri nyo and lias had all honorable career you iia people ramcct your work and your studies the schools college and universities aro about to roopen tor the full and winter term mnny boyi and girl wno ure offootod by tba adolescent school act arc at work fr intend to engage at rome employment when the opportunity comes it give good imprcnnianrt when young people respect their studies if purtauug educational lines or their work if engaged by jin employer rh6jtcoplc who aro continually finding fault with their work make it clear to tlio observer why they fml to succeed some students never have u good word to say of any toucher and they find every study tedious such student i never lend their cla tho fanner who believe that lie luu chocen the hardcit and least profitable occupation in tho world will seldom get hii mortgage paid off whatever your occupation respect it take nrido in it no one is likely to make a buccesj of work ho despises daylight saving measure about ijnded there ha been much ics uniformity in the ob crvnnce of the daylight raving scheme in both cuuiida and the united stutci thfa uir thnn for five years previously the prohnbilitic aro that tliu will bo its last yenr on thu continent in grent britain the fnrment havo ruccecdcd in killing the daylight avijig measure a bill inukinp the symein permanent wai uroppod out of the governments programme in the rush of legislation nt the cud of the senmon and oven tlie wurment advocate for the extra hour of british summer twilights say that the scheme in dead m the facts of united agricultural and nursery opposition mothers of large families as well as dairymen say they cannot care for their charges except on natures schedule sportsonthb pacific coast 3allydtpoil tlt 1 our tax halo for 1921 when a careful nnalysi ot tho estimated receipts and expenditures of the municipality of acton is made it is clearly rccn that some credit must bo given the council of the present year tor ntt honest h njjtninistrqtipnof the affairs of the town tho rate struck is five mills higher than that of last year it is true but when it is considered that tho waterworks debentures and interest require 842153 equivalent to 13 mills it will ut once- be seen vlnit thero must havo been economical expenditure elsewhere to keep the rate as low us it is it must be remembered that the waterworks wcro installed at tho demand of the ratepayers who overwhelmingly voted for the by law instructing tho council to mstnl the system liut thd idea must not be assumed that the waterworks will bo a permanent burden tho revenues will grow and next year will bo sufficient to substantially reduce tho amount called for this year and tins growing increase of revenue will reduce tho not outlay more and more each ycur one fact will always bo with us the security in fira protection which tho water works system affords one conflagration such as many places without waterworks suffer from would equal tho entire cost of tho uyntem tho requisition trom tho school board this year 10201 05 requires a levy of about jo mills and thin is an increase of soveral mills over last year the county rate requires about 7 mills the general debenture and interest fund about 1 mills and salaries and allowances w mills so that it ut clearly soon that the adminkt ra ti on of tho general affairs of the town has necessarily been conducted on n comparatively sitlall amount anticipated revenues from the waterworks lystcin in 1022 should enable tho council t a reduce the rue by at least ave mills permanent lloattl anil perpetual care for cemctcriea the mutter of perpetual care of tho plots in fairview cemetery iioj been fr6quently referred to in these columns no action to this end has been taken becuuse the council year after year has found such a multiplicity of other matters requiring their attention provision has been made however by a recent amendment to tho cemetery act for the up pointmeut of a permanent board of management for cemeteries by tho councils of incorporated villuges and of townships such a board is empowered to adopt plaits for permanent cure of plots uud uticli plans invariably result in uniformly beautifying cemeteries and cemetery plots by thin niplthod all nlovi w rrrt rn dtheuns gh t lyn eglcctcd plots which so greatly mar tho genurul appearance of a cemetery oven where many of tho plots aro punctiliously cared for would then receive equal attention with all otheis our council did a wise thing two or three years ago in placing the receipts for cemetery plots in a special fund to be used as they shpuld be for tho care add improvement of the premises if they would now go a step further and appoint a permanent bonid of mutiagemeut the in terests ot tlio community mould bo well served ant many plot owners especially tlioie ut a distance would gladly pay the increased cost necessitated by the perpetual caro system frequently it is reported that the wills of deceased persons interested contain clauses making bequest of certain sums tor tho caro of thoir plots a will read last week by the executors of a deceased cltbon contained such clause lho council of tho village of markdalo took action last week adopting tho permanent board of management plan at tho request of umeptitatiou ot citizens the stundurd says the proposition was jniukly discussed uud strongly favored by both the members of the co tin ci i and the deputation and a by law was passed unanimously naming seven lead ing citizens as a board of management pohlcncsh paya it alwnyh paya tho spirit o tho following circular letter jeiit by john g kent managing director of the canadian national exhibition to all employers of the big fair on tho cvo of ltn opening inst week might fittingly bo introduced in a similarly written article as a per manent contribution to our public and high school renders ai a worthy suggcrtion on conduct and chnracter national progress is the thomo of the 1d2i canadian national exhibition tho exhibits wilf show what wonderful strides tho dominion has made in industrial and other material ways it is up to tho employees of the exhibition to demonstrate that national progress hits also been mndo along the lines of rjolitortc is and civility in your dealings with tho publicbe courteous and obliging at all times and always remember that a soft answer turnoth away wrath public faith is one of the canadian national exhibitions chief assets do not destroy that faith by word deed or action attention and politeness are appreciated by tho public and cost yoii nothing but are of grent assistance to the exhibition create and prenervejhiirmony among your fellowmembers of the staff and do everything possible to send our patronsivawrniriiotrtfn tion its people and its methods thank you kditoiual notes the death last week of sir soin hughes mokes tlio sixth vacancy at preen t in the representation to the house of commons y public ownership will never succeed if we force governments to invest money n projects in which wo would not put our own money rnrmcrs sun thats round philosophy the outstanding feature of lloyd georges last note to the simitein leaders at dublin last week was that ireland cannot be permitted to withdraw from tho british empire itwould be suicidal if site did with the rcnomiuatlon of w a clnrko m p un conservative candidate in north wellington in tho next dominion election the general public is nntur- nlly led to conclude that a general election is not far off tho loudon england poporn speak in very kindly comment of the late general sir sam hughes the standard says canada and the empire will never forgot ins wonderful mobilization of tho first can adian contingent the appointment of mr james hales to tho chairmanship of the ontario license board is a very wise choice mr hales is in sympathy with tho inw understands the legal aspect of its provisions mid ia un uble administrator lho runs inn archbnhop of kherson and odcsiin in uu iid dress in philadelphia recently prophoslod that russia would throw off the shackles of bolshe vism and organlzo both state and church somowliat nfter the pattern of america division court fees have been changed an well as witness fees in civil courts the fees are iikcreuscd iiyaiiqutthictyper cent the jurisdiction has also been increased and claims involving sums up to 400 mny now bo sued in division court sir joim wtlllson says thorls too much racing and tboj mxich ruce track betting in ciimuht ultim ately ruqiug will be prohibited unless those who are in control of the sport phow greater concern for the true object of racing and a greater respect public opinion for helping the farmer i l lio morclinlitn llnnk in ofvuryprnrtluiliumliiljukm in liolimiir tlio farmer- to obtain 1liiuid sood grulnlo iiolllo iiuivoiil mid iliriiliiiiif lxiwilnoulo pny off hlrud holn to ordir tlio wlntorn nunply of conl to iiurchmui puro bred cnttlo lami iijmj on grain storauo 1 irkotii avail youraulf of tlim comploui juanklnirsorvico thc m6rchant5 bank hod offlco monlroftl unci ivn ciabjradjqk ciibllka 1004 buamesa directory l n shopev mn ii it uimms mn li tv nf milium r vi ij c tin rnlli nt i i in lion for luitlilnif dinio urn half it in mil illlyoii nl ut of iutih witlilu thn oily llmltw i u if nuruu liiihtliiill i i to urotm i out nt rtilifiiiin jmrlr wlmi nuiitly tlio hi in i ttiim il yt 1 tun mu fiom imln i un 1 cnlliiry i in tin day iifh i in mi hourly ulwnyn ii ml i a coiiplo ii c 1 1 iclii mutoliok bolim lilayo 1 at tlx in aitlful itntuntlu diiwn tit llrorliton i nlnt lint tlio innut jiiimiliu of all unuiuo- iimnlii hi vunrntivf r aro motoi liumnli ina unit ytillittnir i hi ly tin iuht club im ilottml with lliauiirn hnatu nt nviry iilao unit liull 1 niitoriowtr linjita from ulm llltlo low lio it with mi onthnurtl motor ilxi i innhln it rlulit uji tho iical i to thd li mtlfiil now luinrh from ueattlo 111 foot hlillt orlulnully for u uuu- a1i the ulllnir lioitu turn pink lemonade pink lomooiulo nrlirlimtn 1 nt tho clr- uuu with tho ill ut tuhftil it hooiiino ntijkic in toil in ho imhlla mlnil with tho ctiimmnlnn ilntluhtu of ponnuth oi corn cli plmntii nnd jtjnk llnliti jiwliyilortlii clrciui ml looro cniildlii tho hon tainor tnlln un niuonif oihor lutoroutlnir thhiuii almut th hovoiniifl hnw it 1 enmo pink jotor coiikllntho lion tumor u liroth or wan n yoimjrtcr with lorry mnhlo n circiin noinly iilitty uvn yonru nun di nlod a ntliui in pay in utivn up litii job an a purforinnr invoutoil hlu uiiviiikii u li pnh of miilua am nil nlil oovornd walton ami luul mouch loft to lay lu lm it of po iiiiilu niiuiii tarturla nchl itu on i 1 mon ouol l or lomotuulo wnu imil ntlll hi fioo from loinonii oxoopt thniio iiiki for llniitoru 1 loutorn nrn thin ullcou uililnil to tho tub for n llnlnh mill miy that am loft lu it at tho oloiio of a day huiilnnun inn cniofully oavtil foi lho morrow toirothor with th ni o that comn hack in thn nlniiuoti pota conldlu n itimoiuulo noul woll foi jjio wonthor wan iilnxllnff hot and tho yoiiim vunilor moiintoil on a hax nu noon an tho tontif woro pltcliml unuil tn chant ontlolncly iioiu your leu cnlil lomonnilo matlo in tlm nluiilo htlrk your minor in tho qlnini it ii fro mo flint ono ilny whllu htf wan ntlll mir rofroiihmoat ho fouiul that hlu wutor uupply luul run out lhoro woro no wolla or npriiiuii nonr iio run hod nil round tho nhow for wutor but oaulil und nono in hlu oiifcomoiui ho lookod hiuldo tho ilrtnuhiir tout omi of tho hnrobuoli rltloiu wan jmit wrlmilnir out a pair of pink tlulitii thn color had lun and lift til rlnnn wutor u ilroo pink without ntoiinlnif to utniwor hor quontlott i loto urahbi d tho tub of pink wutor nnd ran it tonic only a fnw mlnuton to throw lu nomo f tho tnrturlo ucld mid thn iocii of thu prnporty lumon thuii ho bo nun to call out couio tulcklyl buy nnmn flno titrawhnrry lomonnilo that day bin nntou dnuulnd nnd from tb on on no flrut china circuit wuu without pink inmomida ilorrorul to ho uurn thn mnut iippulllnif turn of tjiat ruin for n fnmoun hovoinao ih omit toil nowaduya ovon tf tho floutnru un i tho tnrturlo ucld froquontly pur- nlnt but a harnilonii uulllno dyo utlll often fiuppltoa tho iiuurlim dlnkimnu und lual utrawhorrlok uro yet ruror liisrodloiitu thiin loul lomonu mr cnuklln rolatoii tliu on uuothor occiuilon a uupply of walor wan ohtaln- od trom u aouioo of uupply ipilto uu ntijootlonnhln an thn iliminir tub i imbor ono imimoii ht culltorntn ho iinyu whnu watoi wnu no iinirm that wo froipiontly had tn carry our uupply of wutor finm ouo pluco to auntboi lho loiuonudo ipnu of ton caino to inn tint iionumi in iiriiat porturbiitlnn und for a prion i on iiovorul orcuulnuii lot hlni fill hlu omul ro m thu itoii lloiui tank lhoun urn unplnuimnt rnvolrttlonn in- dood nnvortholoim to youth which known no mi uou in i iih ii an i pink lumoh ndu will undoubtedly cnntlniio tn look roiiy und ulipotlilnif to thn nl of tin thnt oiithiiuiiiutln likiihiir youniffitor for oxiimph who doclurod on ontoilna tho clrciiu monnnoi hf t lovn nvon tho uhnioll of thn unhnnltlil mlubt ovou i do i hlu luinonudn u imprnvod by hit uuuiroutlvo tuna of uou linn recipe fojt a qood town huup inoriry hchoot i mnrulty chin ch a cordlnllty a tvorthlua pomluti nco 1ubllo ijlilt co npnrutlnn talk about it hiiouk woll of it healthy location iii ip to hnpinvo it ailvi rtlno lu itu iiuiois oiind country trlhutary iatmtilan itu morchantn luloct unod mon to onloe hupport n uoiid hand tho htut ml ii tliitnimit for a town aok vourtoelf whv novor tuko uu impoitnpt u up in ufa without nuking why if you dnoldo in attend ooihb or to co in tho olty to umk u poultloii uiialyjn your mot i von moi ctlouuly do not reply that ndu ration la iv jfoml thlna or that lho olty offoru morn ohniicon tn thn am hltlnuu unit tuny ho trim but hi it linn iruuniw do you wuiit tn un to cnllouo hocauun you fool thn noud of no if dovtlopmont tialnlna or hi it hdcuiitio thn tuloit you huvo board of rnlloifo frollou upiioul to ynui funoyt io you wluh to uo to tlio olty lit oiiiuio it iituiidu for oportanlty oi fiooiiuna by rohiir you will ouoiipe homo rolrlo- tlonu whloli lvo hfloomn hknomo to yoirt no ui hi nunlinoil to pntiu judinnoiit on bin untloiui till lm known hlu moliviim and on thlu udoimt horoio tuklnu uuy important ulop k ynuiuolf why coi tain iinientlnioutii to the flection act pasted at laht tesioii of the dominion parliament woro announced in last issue of thecanudu oatte und are npw in force llieso touch the hourti during which tho polls ure opuu and thp voting or former olion subjects u speaking or tho hydro jrnrilal iloport and on- doming premier drurys position tho fergus nowb- itccord hays it isnt that wo are ugiilubt all radial railways there are parts of north wellington tbat would be groatly benefitted by the building of a lino sayrrom acton or rockwood through bramoqo or erin and garafraxp and on to tho north or wuit to fergus elora and elmlrat only a laqt reooitt i urn hcotolimon woio jn u mft ndrlft on il utorniy nun an unit knelt and hi iiu in piny 0 r ord ho until i lu u ive iwokon miihit o thy onaunandiui ut uutr o ioid if i in hpitnid till tli i in i piom imp ilmo auiuow intoiiiiplod him 1 wldiui loiutillt ynui ful ow auuuu mi id hn i think l w hm niaiiow iloitibl i fin cement coated nalld oviaiuhly uunufui un alio null nu up in ii iiuii iotinth of thn wii i i ii ro now i iuiit uu i ntoil by hit lill hot tutnhllnid ljitnt i onulidliuf muhily of ttiliij fioiu whl li tin y ituhr with outln tholi hohlln him dilvtu i fatft ihu i powi i nil with nd foi ii tttly in liu filiitlmi or thn wol lllttlttl 4 u uluc whb b onn of thniio lilund who lonp and thin limit iouiuumiiohh i i not rocklouunnun lliipiy lu t mini thnt fonioth nlwiiy hut hfl th liardoni th hln hi art idinll full into tnlndilnf tho man with n lienltliy aniounl t lautiort li uiunlly ft far hravor man thun tlio follow who riiahiu lu wlioro aiiuula foar to trend whon jnu take nntlilnff for mititod you am hi bottor uliai u to moot uy idtuntlon thnt may lnvolnp caution moi unt moan tlmnroiim honltntlnn any more than rock loan noun mi mm ih mini who iihuth hlu oy to iimill llltlnii whin hn hiakom tlio jump la irtuln tn monl will nnmn pulnfill umiirlnou plan rarofully ho rciuly for tho wnrnl uud tackln your propoaltlnu llko u man not llkn n ilonkoy or u mud hull faint hoiirt novtr won fair ludy i ut tlmi hlundnrliiu foolu mvli found to thnir lonnw that ft llltlo miiio autlun miitht havo at loaut imprpvid tholr rli with tin fair ox holomon in uhou und luntlior jorunnl he explained an irhihmnn iind a nplnndld looking iw hut uhn kicked ho much thnt li un impnnulhln tn mlk hor hn uont tho row tn a fulr to ho unld ordorlnir bordijmon not tn dliijmuo of tlm unlnuil without lottlnu tlio huyor know iir utinuji woiilamiiu tto inrdiimnn howovor hrquulit hade a luruo prlcn ilhi mmlor won uurprluud aio you uuru you tnld tho huyor nil bout hor ho nnkod jloiyfid i did ulr uatd tho hordu- n a n iio iinkod mo whothnr uho wuu uood mllki honor nlr unyu i it ii you that would hn tiroil mllklnn b r any lrain of the body ilnaiuoka nurlfll itliumktla baoic- aoba solatfo ami ovkiiiii rlim onn or two dr milks anti pain illls nil tlm pain la gono qur- kutetl safo and qura 1rlba 30a llld in acton rv 10 j hauijaild castoria for infante nnd children mothers know that genuine gastoria always bears the signature of ootthmv nlwvsmtc tv j wkennedy son it saves you work and dollars it gives cbmfort and enjoyment have you a yet in tailed in your homo a yntcm of electric lighting if hot it ia only a mnttcr of time until you do and tlilrc is no time like the present we npccirtluc in this clans of work and can rivo prompt and satisfactory scr vice do away with those unhealthy and iaiieiraun oil inmpi nnd nee what real comfort is derived in the homo from tlie use of electricity wo are always lad to givo estimates on thio work nnd our prices will interest you come in and tulk it over we also carry n rood assortment of fixturcn and appliances nnd your inspection is invited remember our motto qunlily service roaonnble pilcca j w kennedy son phone 9 main stredt aclon free press advertisers are s always reliable dr j a mcnlven pbyioun nml uiiruoon oljlmi mil itoldaiki f onrr uwt aviuii uud hlu mrolh tl rlil lino rnrmnrly ocouplod ly p m iiou- atirtmiu anton out oil e j n iioon pliyitlalhn oiiroou oblolrlolnm aoton onturln hut on or to tin lii u dray oflli n iind itoal iimro l rn lorlck jt olllro honrii 2 to a m mid 7 to 0 p m dfl c v w iioud phynlolfttt mill our mill ot cuoruotown phono 22 j x uniko riurlf on an jlonnltal oronto lllioclul ultonllnn to iii n mo of wo- mu un chlhlron and infuit i o llutf in use for over thirty years castoria n j uehu licooi auctlomior itor thn countloh of ilalton wolllli ton pool and dukorln and tho city of guolnli acton ontario lift 1m mny l arransod t y mmu n l nf lho irron pra onico anton lho mercury oulco ouolph tho nowaitnoord itorsuii or with w j oorloniiaroiim unlr iilllmbuiif ualeu out run tod to it 57 icnrr r colvo attontlon from da to of llutlntf tn ilitlo of ualn x hit your tialim wltli m i ikim no 22 p i ii 3s8 harold nash paltmkr m a nrrtor oolioltor notary pulilio convanymiioar etc iliiitvman dlock acton ont moni v io loan hi urn 0 an nm to d pm dit j m bell d d b u d h ontlt honor oraduata of toronto utliver- ity tho latent uniwthetlo uwl u dfijtlrad otllca qt ruldanca cornw mill and itredarlok fllxmta pt p 0 oollop d d q l d dantal ourueoit ofllro ovor ijiink of nnvu ccotu houiih 9 30 to r 30 ivonlnitu by apiiolnttm ut mibcellaneoub manniaqe licenocb h p moor marrlay lltmoa prlvatn olllca no wlnw r- giilrol laauad ut r outdo oca in nvnliif fiuue vttutm offlco aoton out phancib nunan tloaublndar account hooiaj of all klndu mud t ilrdcr iorlodloala of very dmerlp linn oarofully hound itullnu noatly and 1 rcmptly dona wyndhnm htrwt onalph out over wluluiun blor naaidanca dowor avenua aoton rhono id aoton cnll nt my icxpansa roy hindley auctioneer ooitholliibuil photi erlfv 4t 11 r r 3 aoton j e cheevers book din dc 11 qualiao ql eaat clualph onl hooka and muitujlnan hnun l lit hun lanmo and tluhiitnntlal covin u nnmon lottorod lu o1d on plhlu hymn uooku and othnr liooku all work promptly ewsouutl d alex niven ontario lund burvayor uud olvll enaihaar uurvoya fjulnltvulonii plnnh ito- pnrtu dohorlptlona ilhioiiflntii oto cortlllontou for purchuuora nnd mortiroirooi tlurvtfyti oi arohlttrtu nulldora nnd miinlnlnul cnunflllh drnlnnito itopoi tu luhllmatt u uto molean building douolaa st aunilph aiono moi onx tho old and rollablo gianlto and marblu doalors wo uifl mnnwfttotuiorfl im i dlroot imporloni of nil klndn of monumontal and ilnndiilono woik wo will dlroot to our ountomnrh ut wholosnl prloa tluih uuvlnii our nuiitomorii 40 poi emit wo liavo thn haut hppllnnnox unu ttta rnly maolmnloh hi tho dominion wlu cun opnnuo pnniiniqlla tooln roiorly wo nan irlvo rofroiui from hundroda of uur oiiutouli rw lu lorouto uud othnr pluooti wham otlinro hnvn to iiuvo luw hiiiim in ordor to colli ot wo huvo tho inrifnut nl knht took t oiuulto in tlio dominion oi tuoro than any thrvia donlom in tho wont wo nro toltl iimto doiiloru nnd omplny no auoiitu uud do not uhuoy nr pout oiiiitoinora hy iiundhiu out lunnrnut nlontit uollolt- lim oidorn wo oiutuny only inothnnlon nu i dofy oompatltlnn hamnyronsons oor nnrwmt rt avoolwioh tl h oulol castoria for inianta aud children in use for over 30 years alwuya ihjuib t

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