Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1921, p. 5

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sip atinn rtt jmw illhltima hi jjluju it 1 lll a fmall ucllctlailu wiut nliimlu 1 it imvo for hum ml thn monkey 1 tilling i id iuy lp nt ul thrti nrfntijiiyj nivilii i whdlid hi i ullolli if 1 llv nhv tli i lit my r i think i aim the sunday school lesson roil unbay ulptcmulh 4 i uo iiuiiii no a i in nh- 1u 111 id ii luhltit td1- mm uniol of john comnieiitw llllll it mum ixillii n lllllllllll wltli wl kill ijlwied i in ntuiilyu kiilin twlntv vcahg ago 1ioirt th i 00 of tha fr pr4 of thuriluy flipumher 6 1001 ihn flun dry wtnthii thiii wet it luiu unulid tliu fur mi 1 11 1101 th nf 1111 in lluhih uottlntt in thir on hi 4 mluu c moihull unlvod from now york lnut eviiiluif uiul lnr ill purtmont ill llio pulilht flchool will lip rnopoul thlu nidi nliil i i1i11 w61f artnn iiiiii hnoutipmniir ml nt thn luriamorliun 1 xponillnii by muiuiru in a matlrutl j ii wulhicn w lllurk llov j m hubiir mm ii rntii r milium tiruto ami miiy lluirur mluu lvunu mluimu mnilu uml lily nnluon mr und mru j l wur- ron mill mr v j monro llm royal couch unndrlimhum luillt ut thn nidor if thn dominion government fur ihn convuntnnco of thn dukn uiul dm it mi of york ilnrlnir thnlr vlult to cunndn punned llirouifti an ton luut jhuruduy ovnnhiif uttuchnd tn thn i id iiulti unlnif anut lo i01111 1111 thn fiiriuam nro hultdluif imw iiu run uml huylne top huuulcii itt tlm rut 0 outublluhod liy tlm wonkly rorortlu from tho rural tllutrlrtu it lu wull with camilla cutiaililu tin tin ml hum in connection with tho hniith africuu contlnijiinlu huu boon u llttln ovui- 2 00000ft mm umuimt puld nut in thin 1 imnlry for uupplttuj uniit to depth africa iiuu boon 14 oquooo u to itiitn i tim prua lint romnilttoo nf icuijuqii- i inif agricultural uocloly completed i thnlr prixo hut an monday for tho 1 nnuuul 1 nil kali- to bo hold lu acton on ottohnr 3 uiul 4 llm hut lu tlm bout ouot prwunutod llio hut lf him lulu lu tupnolully lurun hoili i anton cnrunt ltiiml uml tlm smii hi 1- imint llutul will lw prent uiul tmiula will bo llmiouriiori iiuloro spending monev a 8plejce ionev a ecu moltt canadian youna poiilo uilmlt that they nooil to laiiru how to hjiyn tnotioy hut if it lu u miflutlnu of nlluif moiuy tjuy uro nuro tliny iidfld ii liimlruntlnu limy 01111 niinl it um right without lonrnliuf bow it u umloubtndly tnio tlmt thn ymniriiht uml mnut liiiixnarltiuued can lent rlil of u srout iloiil of tuunoy lvo- thuato younu mnn vory frofiuontly iun tliroujli 11 fortuuo hi two or thrwi ywim itut oych am 111 oof of th uh- hurtlon that wo nniwl to bu toilitht to mioml uu wttll ui4 tauebt to have for thlu tnrkluiiu throwluu nwuy of mouoy hiluiirlhiouu hi rual nuvlnu llm flrut i0h11011 to loam in ronnl 1 to hixtmlliiif m 0 11 oy lu toot your hiouoya worth put your mouoy into tbliikm tlmt rouut it doou not tauo 1 ions for your trlnu to tlm uorin fumn- i taltt to kinouiit to tlm tout of a uoiul imiok but w hi nh lu tint innro udnulblo invoutiiidiit uftnr ullt llioro am in- mimnrubla llttln iiuiuicoiicoh which wo ouully imvo fnruottnii in u wou whlnh cmt nx iiiuoh iiu homcthhib which will bo a luutlnir mdtlufuctlon tho money you iiut into u fitad roadlnu lumu u romfortiiblk rhnlr u hook or n plo- turo lu 1u1 lnvjmtmtiiit tlmt will uo on liityltuc luiniitt many n your got your nionaym worth put your uuroluu into boiiidthlnif tlmt will utnml by you lnuteail of lotthitf it ilrlbhln uway in llttln iniluliioiicou wliloh nman liothhuf in 1111 hour anothor thliiic lo loiiru utiout unoutl- intf in tlm rnuilhinuh to iipoml it frorly whou thu tlmn oointiii lhoro hi immy u huiiluftoi mm who ulwiiyu junt wrliu nlontf ulmjily mhjuuo bo caii- mit brltik hhnudlf to toakn thn nooui- uury olitbty many n farjimi in uti- huumuful imkiuuho ho lit uliwllllllif to tmy for thn iiuotitumry furm implaiiinntii a yoiuur mim hml bum lurt it luuey of u tow thouuuml ilollurw by 111 uuolo nml thouuht uarlnuitly of umiuu it for kotnjf lo noliflko llu hud nlwuyu imkiii iimhltlouu for uu uilucatloii iliu tuutori wura lu tlio hue of work wbarrt u ool hitfo ailuoutlon lit nil but ouguillal hut whnn ho uuuaaatud to 1im ohlor hrothnr that hu thouuht of iniui thn mniioy that wity hu hrothur told hltn that tho thhite for him to lo wuu to iiivohi hi motifiy hitroly nml havn it to full huok on in ciiuo nf u ruluy iluy ihx- luckily tho hrothoru counuol ovurriihut thu money owiiur11 intnl ratio mi ifii bun mtvdr tnailn much of u hiincouu of llfo uml ho him iiovnr fouml any injoymunt in bin work i in huw thn fow thotifinml idouuim to bf uiiro but hii inljiht imvo bud what would havi umilo blm morn to lihit nml which would imvo iniulo blm morn fhniutinulu than ruiirohimtod lilu irokout en pi tul lnainlnic to unvn rnquliau onnithlnu tnont of ull u rnuillntuih to doity mib itiilf a iirnitont liluumilin fnt thn futurn unoil hut wuiulllif to mmiml hdumrn and if yoiniio vr to juuutor it you cannot htlti too noon dovo ebbav on wiveb a wtfo lu onn of thn tnnut uimful of ull tho iloinomtla unlmnlx mho nooku uowm mu tiiiulu tho huhy uml donu tha nhoniilnk und unitrkothitf and 1111- tflruinu thn oomimuy itut nhn dou ot iulvu to hu imhl uuy monny llkn a 000k or u nurhn w dvmt imvo i woik for u uvhtu liow thitukful u wlfn uhiiulil him ilium not huvn to work 11 wnro thn nt i ho uml of liiix il buu ulwiiyn luf tirlnrpnlkol nmrvtiff tli 1 of riirliit i rno i huh in on 1111 thu inuutuiii 1 f thin iilrl would wlllliirly huvn tli u liuli city ixiiiiii iimxl of thn devil if tin rohy thill own iiiituu iiiuhl ho tin hum ml llrnwnm und llutllhiiii 1 lu 1 1 fully iiuiiln foituuiu hy uowliijf uilmiy nml ili ifiiiihittnn hroiulrmit v1111111 1 pnul uml illliiu hud vlolnt nil no m lnrlplu hf jiijiiiuo or lnw of intr kilty vi rim m miui 1 uu iiu hicltnd to do unit uuy ulijuut thlliif if tilt v hlivu u li mli nihil thut in iiulili inntly rraiyi vnri 23 miny wirn tin own into lirlnhn to kiiit lliiiiii from toiiclihik tlm ti uthn of thn uiul ud iru tli imf lln mlinliilmi vnrno 1 llm liiiuir lirlnon wnn 11 link fnrhldilluir ilurn without vmi- tllntlou illockn wnru inutriitnunlii nf toiluin uiuiln of wqflil ml bound with lion with hol u for thu ftt vnipu jo ulnon holna out of thn h limit lb 11 thny inmund tho nllht with diivotlonu tlm rilmlnulu of thu lirlnon wnru llutimlnii to tho unci ml imiuuh of thnwn iiiun who wuro iiuh- llmnly illffrimnt vnriin id tho utooku uml thn imuiohiy hohllntf thn chultiu worn liroknn up 110 that thn irluoiiuril wnru llhorutud vnrnn 27 a itomuu jailor wnn bound hy law to hold hlw iirlnonur or uurfiir thn jm unity of dpnth himuolf uo iiiiiioina thut nvnryhoily hnd naoannil uiul conuldoruil uulcldn hlu own hunt wuy out it wuu u utrunuo tlilntf for d irlunnor to hn hollaltoilu iibout bin cuiitnr hut rtiiiiodihor thut thu inliion- r wuu lulll thu nnoutlo of jouuji chriut uu iho whole lion nf thn uoiiiini of tho hon of a od lu foi mini to do fhoiniinlveu no hirni vnmo 20 llm thlllnplnn jailor uuiiniuthuiuitly counortod tha tiurth- iiakti with thn rolljflon of vaul uiul illliiu ho had urohnbly houriof llioiin yollownru of jcuun itn may bnvo iracu u wrought tlirouuli vuill ruithnrmorn paul und hllau did not art uko nrhionoru thn jallnrn ittltiuln ohuntiod vnriio 30 j hu lullnr iltiulmd to 10 tiiivod hut from what- not from imnlulimnnt hy ltnmun uuthoiltlou fnr lirluniiorn worn uafu iiu re nil oil hluiunlf to imi u prluonor hlu con- ilnncn wuu urouiind uid ho dmilrnil to bo uiivnil vnruo 31 to htjjlnvn on tho lord jnuuu lu moro tli nil to hollnvn in illiu muuy a peruon imunvou in ood whnuo fultb lu not anchnrml mum lllm uo mi to rtuult in uurvlon vnrnn 12 lhroiuh thn prontihlnif of tlm uoiinnl of jouuu chriut nil thh itmlwji of tha jallaru houunbolil woin nl to ohodluuon vnrua 33 ilia uama hour of tlm lurht wuu inlduhilit 25 tha jailor uollollouuly bnthnil tha wolindu mnilo hy tho linjmit lunlahmunt thut hud hrnn inlllntod upon puul uml otluil ijinojin rcuultnd in tlm nnnvonjlon of iydlit u womuu of woiiljh tho nou- tirulon hf u poor nluvo erl uml thn unvuriiloii of a hurdanod publlo oltlolul thrnn utronu outiitauaiuif typou ynplaa for huroli nnd duaunloh i acctiiuitlon vh 1023 i what nttunii thn eurllniit pornocutlonu hi tlm church 3 uolato tho limhlnnt thut iflrt 1111 in thlu lontion 3 why wu tluru iiurh objactlon to houlln thn iiifortunuto clrl ii purunnutlon vu 33 2i a kor what wuro inul uml mltnu thrown into prlnon c umirribu tho tortuio if thn utooku iii iho mlruoln vu 3b 21 k dciicrlhn thu raloauo of thu prluouoih j to what power doou lukn plainly uttrlbuta thlu tlullvfirunaot iv mivtiut vn 3734 b uihouhu thn convomlon of tho jailor 11i blu boiihuhuhl dlly llthna for nwt wik mowduy unplnmnur 6 paul in atlioiin agtm xi- a33t tuohiluy hnptuitihflr fi tho maltnr of world john 1 16 wdiinhduy ooptomhor t tho avoriiihtimr ami tun in has l hurwduy kuptnmhor 6tlio kolly of idolatry inn 44 030 krlilny hoptombor 0 prophony itul- llllod luka 10l haturdny ilnptomliei 10 fctowlnff thn hnnd matt 13 19 huuiliiy kflptointmir 11 hound whi tlow prov 1 1338 a8 thkvbav in the movico i hn rlty hoy wnito to hlu oauutiy hrolhui uu follown thuriuliiy wo uutoml out to tho aim try iluh whnru wo nolfod until iirk 1 hnn wn motnrod to thn hoaoli ml 1 ilduyiil thorn tlin hrothur on tho fnrm wrote nek ytiiitnrdity wo huifulml to town una huuuhiillnil ull uftnrnooii thon wo it to mod 11 uml iiokurnil until mornluif in day wo miilml out to thn 1 llultl und una luiwod until uuu- down muni wo mupiiurijil uml thun pllind for hwhllti aflor thut wn utuli- uund up to our rnoin und hadittcuilod until thn clock nvud that kvoryonroful und ohiiurvunt mother i ituowh wliun imi child nil torn fifnin worinu him iilao known thut if homo remedy hu not npnndlly yitiilhd itiuoh hmm will rmiult to thn hifunt y all iixtulltiiit proimiutlon fnr thlu puritoun i mllluru woim powdnrti l hoy tlrlvn wornih fiom thn nyniuin und iut up hthinilutlnu uiul noolhlni vrfonlu no thut thu child h iirokdmtj thumuftnr lu lialuluhu uml uutlufyinif lnhenitgd a lopbe tongue moi thlu 1 port in imb llitiud- hrlnf who 11 iinir a unhnolmiuttur w urlliolxm on it boyh woiknr hut tuiki to thu mport t iimu buuk to ruin by thu hoyu rutriur it bom iiuhiiiuu thu uiuuuturu hlu ftmlhik hi tort 1 ou mhould hour hlu mnthrrlj i ntlonwid fmiilliurfl ihhouuu thlu urnut nomlulou r lit ly u whurv thn rnriut of ir 1 houiuu likv hutt in oh hltu lint hnnu tihul und ptovad it ih 01m nf i in wnrhlm imint nlluiunt ritimntlmi foi 10 v throut luttin iniuk ui id nutiiy hilnr ullmmilu urlu- iik from liilluiuiiuitlon ituhhrnl oil tho nllu lt buulhuf powt r hi lnlidllyuli why white viz 7 vr jo u loinw why no man v ohhin- miihonn lu million uu llun foi iv iiiiin oil foi 1 il lu tlin uml it tin 7 v fill vu lu foi iik1 rriiu 1 hn 1i11i vu1 kit in of vin llildt ti h iulh vlld foi uiinii ly llu iii 11 tdlllipl illiu of 11 llfii thu pirn lo okl 11k inn 1 muitthfiiit llcuin i ml nl mud i hn iiltt 1 iu iho ml or 1111 ahhit vln lid wool hy thu npylnlu nl 1 nf ami nt invpllnu tlm mil nmiimi 1 of iihi 11 1 him ipiu in intf in 1 iiiiifnr 1111 1 into j tlm ltti 1- wlih h n hi lili 11 ll mo t 11 uiily n llllhloll ilkt tin limpid 1 vim ndvti rtliin foi llllullor ik nml tin furtlw in imidniu k wnp nl win in mivhiu iipui 0 hoik j 111 in old tli iiin copyh itu wuin 1 ll lll t miri in i thn w ml thny it it in d td indlrat hy tlm uuaitlliut oliilhh nil mini of i 1 in m riurn hn 1 r u- mil lillrclnn- vtf woll otnpiuu ului 1 muni hi ihivl 1 id uwild- mk 1 of rd lillui i foi 1111 mho in whhli bifclfiiu with thn ml lu lllmwhin nlihl nvhiti 1 in in lluiiiy 1 nullnh thu dn uu follnwu ml 11 i rlw 1 u prollllo 1 thu 1 tlm pat ocdhcs again an h liihmnn nml no 1 nnuiihiniui wt 1 n wultlnic for it irnlii nml tho irhihinun iml1 i will unit you 11 ipioiitlnii mid if i ritnnnt itmiwnr my own iirniullon i will buy thn tluiulu ilitui you unit n tniou- tlon uml if you umiot unuwur youi own you liny tho tlcknlu thn knidlulimnn a iced to thlu wulltlin lihilimuu mild you iihhlt holn holou v it hoi und tin hn ljutcliuhlnnu confiuiiud iv lhutu youi ipiuutloi uwni it youmulf llm irhihmui lhuy hniihi up 1 thn innihihmnu how do tiny nut ut thu hottom in iiokiii tu your tiiuiitlon wnu put a rujohiilcu anuwur it youmulf uimlluhniun boiiffht tho tlckutu j the burrooate coui1t op the countv or halton notice lo creditors of w l mulun dcceaqed tho crtdituru nf william leonard mulhil into nf thu villnau of acton thn county of ilulton produco inr dclimund who dlml on or iihout tiintlt day of aim uu t a d ldu in imtfl county und il ohilmu ti kill mi t hhl 4jntato mn inipil or bufoio thu jhtli duy of iloptom- a d 1031 to forwurtl hy mall liiuitiiffu pro put d or nthurwlnn ilollvor to tho iintluriiliii d bollcltor for loitn ciimpholl mullhi thn widow nnd atl- nunlutrutrlic of thn uutnto of ttto iiultt duotuuod 11 ntutommit of tlmlr nn- rountii with full purtlruluru nf thnlr clnlmn duy vnrlnnd aind tho nuturo f thu iiociirltlcii if miy hold by tlmm anil tintlro lu bnrnhy furthnr ulvon hint hnimuliutnly uftnr tha mild 3itlw tiny of huptcmhur a d 1031 tho iiahl admlulutrtitil will procond to rtlnth- butn thn uiuintu of tha mild drrcnuod umonif tho purtlau thnruunto by law untlthul und uhu will not hn luupnnulhlo to any pomon of whnun claim with full piiitlquluru thnrnnf nttaohml uml vorlllnd uhuiihull not huvn rncnlvnd untlro ut thn tlinu of nncli ilhitrlhutlon dutod ut anton thlu stith day of aiikunt a ij 1031 iican camiiilu mulun admlnltitrntrlx hodrieu thn liahlllttu of union pnnpln tiro vn- kurtlotl nu okpmmlvn luvurlun by othtiru ilottintlmou hohhlnu urn lookod upon uu tlm horliuf or uruhhy piirnuitu of ptiruouu who urn unahlu to umutin tbnmunlvim in it prnptir nml normal fuuhlou oonimlonully n hobhy hi rn- upuntnil uu outrlhutluy to 11 niuuu intnfulnohuur inlurumt put tho word hobby nunlfiu with it a mildly dlu- ilulnfiil huuuiphorn thut 1i0011 not ell n if round tun morn nlaut yut cuiioutlully mvnonymoiiu word uvooutlou ilium lu untdoin uuy iniinoh for ll no pin tn dlmlulii 0110 nuottioru hob- hlou lvownvur limvltuhlo owluff to tliffornnnuu n luuoafi dlupoultlon luok of uymttnthy with thorn my ho iho hohhy of oollotitlnic pnutiibo utnmp ilohputtd uu it wnn hy tnuiiy whon hi nt it tnunfuutml itunlf nnndu hmuni to hn admitted wtlt imiij nf ilopmuntlnn llm hobby uf lilocli nnlnu lu mm that in tlmun thtyu ten nftnni tliiniomitrulou hu uhofulnuuu to iihiuun in imyonn who tlonu unu hlpiro it tiny foolhm nthni thun thwt of unvy i tho hnhhy of photoarupby ruiiihliinu 1 11 tllll in thouo of nuturo thouo or itrfltatmn of unlonco ouu who umloiuly piiiuiiuu thut hobby lu iu n to liioionnn hlu ntonk of kunwl- uduo nml hlu nnpuulty for oiijoymcmt i hu vu r i ou h hnhhloa nf thn collector lluttmfllu uhiilhi liitlliiu rollcn imvo holr vnluu ovoit thouuh thut vuliio lu not oftmi of n lionlul uhuvuotur if wn look foi tlm touuim imdoily- inu thn old projmllco umtlnut imhliloii it lu to ho found lu tho fuel miut many of won urn of 1111 unuotilu mttuio llio puopla who dont uhuro thuni uml umially thny mo linbhtuu in which pui tm rhli lu lltllculufoul thut thny luluti u hitultii uuittniit hnmini luti rt ouiim 01 that thny hiliuduoo into hmimu hitoiouuiim n tlnviuilutlnu nl iiimil lulklnu whop lu hud ouoiluh hut tululnif hohhltii lu uuuully woritu w fin uu nul cnnvormiithin lu oon- cili nml ihn ptloplu without bohhuu in u mill- ly to hn coiiuiiloniutuit ihny limy huvn thnlr hportm and thvlc imoku hut nuhhiir uporth nor booku uffiirdquitu thu mi inn kind of liitinuut tiu lu to bo dntlvnri fiom thn purhltlt uf ti wo 11 t hohun mid nuiiumiliit hohhy fm h ut pumult thoiu lu 11 1 wuy if hummhlim ufyliik u dm titnttlvo impuluu lu halt look reduellun sale for one week tlulo prlao ovomllu roff prlco3lip 2 35 work uhlrtu roir prlno ll go- 1io iloynv conihhiiitlon huitii roa prion ii no 1jb iiomlkorohlnfh mniim oarturu f arm ilundu ano othen qoodb at b1m1l- attlv low priced je k cook uili urrunnnf acton the totems at alert bay form a good connection a bavinf account in tlic bnnlc o nova scdt jlvcii the dcpoiutor 1 buiiintniu con nection with one of cfitidtlnit leitlini finan cial i nut it tit ion h a plniiunnt run on tho alnukn hon to a nuiniiili hollduy by wutur from vunrouvt r hi inn 0110 to aloi t liny ut tlin north 1 ml of vumouvm inland at ah 1 1 uuy uro in hn no mi thu loti m lohu und indian community ilniuiiu nml thn imnulnu of tlm tuilouii trin liurluhi popului till recently with thn hlwuuhuu diu fntonm hnru havti ionic itlnco lome to hu rritnidcd jin nnp of tho womlnrit of the world uu imtorutuhln in tin ir wuy on pyiumld und hphlnx and no it in little winder thut not u wtiuk imi 11 hi in iiumim r hut itroupn of vlultniii fiom tivt ry cuiiici of tliu glohu miiy hu ucon liuullnir huro from hoth noih uiul tlnundhoiiml boutii to ut inuo linud thtuo tlphlnxou uf thn win id hnu alwnyn hud wood- irvoru hut hnvur unywhoro nt upy tlinu riuvluuu hko unto thone pnolltu nt lotdllul hn oiitutamuutr polntu of tho toioiii which utrlko tho vlnltor nuhoro foi 11 fow houni mo ovnrwhnlmliitf olio qiioutloiiu who purvod tlmm who conceived tha idea how old ma thoy oto wo know it wuu not until vary lately thut tho cnuutul imllnnu pohhokmuii uuy uleol toolu how thou wuu it pnnulhlu uo ion if iiuo foi thorn to out uo dinp nml olcim u lino uu helo ulvou doclnlon to tho tdtomfnoot all of theuo nnod tlonu und lumdrotlu of ouioim of llkn naturo after nil thouo tu hluoo firut tlm toll m wnu dlu- coveroil by thn white mini utlll roiimln without dnitnltn unuwur it lu innro thun half thu chuim of tho hphlnic thut uhu him never npnlton indeed half id upon wnvon of tho tiitnm linn in tho 11 to lie tt thut ovory vlnltoi hoholilliik them hi froo tu uvn to fimiy uldnd und uuulod by truilltlnn ir throiilh tht written won may holly laolclnir ti ndltlon hnu nnvor vhom woven iirnttlor utorluu el i mi- in it llkn hi nee ful drnpuilmi tinlllnu off into tliuiin northiru nihttu than about woodon hicumii of tho wonderful uultim ijmiqi rend ut alert uuy oru in thut miirvnlloiiii llmiru thu thunder ulrd with itu cuflo uyu ami lilngid hunk thut dropu upon throuiih which ciitrnnco wliit mudn to thu fount hull in tlinci of rotluch tindklou luiu htitin very hliuy with tho llmudur illnl honiuthlni uhout 11 muktu h thn uloif of thn lotunm 1 tin utnry of tlm thundm ulid tlmt lulu 1 11 out ll 011 thn indian huuutm of othn dayu in 11 icrunuoiuu tulo of ticui hory on tho part of thn alnrtn townrd thtlr mmunt foti tlin trlhru of tho nlinpliluh mm nlmiikhh folku wnm invited o u iotluih und burylnn thu hatchet thny 1 iiiim only to ho murduni onn ut u time uu thny wrjltd throiilh tho lliumttii llli tin in iilc to llm ft nut hull iho entiaiiin wuu no narrow uiul iho blow fi m within no iiwlft uid ulukjii 1 1 i thnl not nvui u kouild iiicupnd t wuin thu iiiun wultlnr out- ildn thun tradition iiiiyu wnu tlouo to dtatli vtiy mimpkliih who iimti to tho fm t nt lu imiiurtnncn to tlm ihumlnr lllid coined tho iiuur frunk hd hint upoi t t an ylui hotw uu powerful puwii thn iiipnr uyinhnl of chief tulnty amoiil tho imlluuu to thlu dny tho chim whom thu hour nymhollneii wnu nvldimtly 11 huntnr pru t nilnuutly of huuru ami uo t invcrly did ho hunt und ntinll iliulnu huhltn hint in tlmn hu hlmuulf aniii to have nnmethlinr of thn nuturu of thn iinlmat he hunted the whole innkniip of ihn llnur hiuiituku irenlallty und unoil humor no onn lnulil think of him ulvlnit thn potluch thut unnlblluteil tho nlmp- kluh an abu iluy wll wlinlo jiunn llio lhnr u cloini and nu you look ut thu hurpoontir concolvod of hio urtlnt imtrlile tho lllunt nulphurbottom you know thut whatever may have huup thn f nulla or tlm iiclen of thu houiio of hlwuuh cowardice wuu not onn of tin m of ill thn iiteodn of fancy or umhltlon tun mm ha liiluulmd thut inippllnu innro nport for tlm monuy hunt riin whale over an open iiiiro vet your coimtal imllun of thuin purtu wuu evidently not afraid to rldo l1oiuunt indued hi tho tilmplo wlinlo laiilliu which iipurliur nu wholly 1111- necur nary thu wi ittnn word mouiitn 111111 d ovm thu tlmn worn mound lu thu itruvnyuid to illurovir tho rotnutiilnir tutor t- inittotomi lu ilm alert uuy unlhiry ujnihilruldii hint ymiriinlf 1pta 1 ti lp othnrvtiin to you in iuttiuiiuitit lout thn uuliu6 pltumiiu exiinrlenoed hy tho vliiltor to theuo puru nf plocluir loilcuitii tlin vurhnui drulifiiu uliown in thu tijtcnin nml mumcinic them hub thn llvluir rhupt rn of tho llfo tlmt at out time hud itu hulnu here in thlu pint of our cunudu acton granite works j nicol experienced granite cutter la prtipnroil to iiupply mnnu- nioiilu of nil klmbi with uklll- fully out inuorlptloim at low price n hoo nnmpluu of work ami utylon of inntiumcjita at tho monumnnt worku pjqrpvman blocic mill btreet acton ont uorboil urnnlly il it uiul ho tukoii hi- i 1 huvn rcuuoii lo hluuu worm mxufrinhlulnr rnllovtnl tlin tlttla n il niatlu thuin hoftloiy notice to hlron st till eiwilil duclh ohlhllon w oum on thurhy rrkly ml blur- y only ol koli wu 1011h ailiuinic q uftimrtmont uu umial charlie gervais house faintelt ionir icxporlouoo cnrcful work ponn ah lohu promptly complolntl ordoru for uprliur work uliouldbn ptacod immodlutolv residence church otrcbt when using wilsons fly pads s rea0 directions ss cahtruuy and follow them v ttsjy exactly fr more rnlcllvo thun bllcly cnuluni cvmlnliudlo ou by druuululu j omaru cvcrywlicrc kenney n shoe store the young woman yoiuu women today urcnrdlnic tu illiillpp i urthlmr of montreal urn upundluft nu ninth 011 pumunul ilreiei nd dicorntlonn uu their urn nil mo thorn iptuit upon tho houiiohntd and urn ottlnir u ntniidurtl of llvlnic which lu dilvlmt tho thouitlit of mnriluu nut f tin hciuln of thu ynumf men thlu lu 11 matter to which tho younu women iihnuhl 1 ivo uurlouu thouuht why uro thoy mieiidlnif o mm i on puruunnl udoinmunt if it hi for thu imrpoua of uttiuctlnil thn younu liion thou uppnrciitlv thoy uro tlofoutinir thulr own ohjott hut tho younu woinm may protuut thut fnnhlnu demand a th ox 1 mini itu 10 nml thut thny urn not tliiulctnu uo much a limit thn yniuiit tnon uh niluht ho uuppound it may ho that thny uro ulmply enjoyltur in thnlr own wuy tho lmlnmmluiico thut hnn come to thnm a uooil muuy of them uro tiunlnu tho monny thoy lire upnmlluu und thoy fool they have 11 rhtht to iipoud it in tlmlr own wuy htm it would ho well tvlvn uom thought to hhihon 1 nrthlnitn wordu it ln to hn intltipoiiduiit of con run jvhllu tho inlloiiunilniirn luiitu hut in every woman a hrurt them munt hu thn ull a to hoooinu thu head of 11 home such n connection in yearn to come may bo of jrcit value and lutautmce in buuinesn why not form the connection today by 6erittiirygiu3fi account intt bank of nova scotia o jeoeao 1 h oaa 000 aio 000 000 w k graham maiiaaer aoton h railway time tabled why the fords the universal car down union b the orclmrds of nova scotlu tlio fnrina ot new brunnwick on shcrbrooko street montroiil yoiiito street in toronto portnjo avoiiul in winuipck on tlio fnr h line lioruono or sukntcliowim ami alburtn and up through the niountainu at britirh columbia down gninvillo street in vniicouvcr on government stroct in victoriu ita tho mmo story half ot all tlio can you coo nro ford cara in many sec tions thoy nro two to one of all the other makos and itti tho en mo rtory in africa australia britain europe united stntcu tlirourhout the worldonc half of all the uiotorn on enrth nro tord why bccaunc tho simplicity of thp ford car adaptn it to every driver becauso tlio power of the forti car carrlea it wherever tlio driver wnnto to go l because its durnbility and rucged ttrenpth mako it the car tor every condition ot usnjjc because of its low first coat and low cost of operation and mnmtenanco i d i the new ford prices toxjmng catt with stautkr runabout skdan coupk truck rob ford ont 5 71000 64500 100000 09000 75500 c the ford garage i g king manncer dr ii a coxb pronrutor acton ontario i llitvlui movud hhocit into thnlr eltinnt thoy wlul any useful in camp lxploiuru uur- voyoru pronpontnro nml huntinu will lln i ir thomnu icolnctrlo ou very unofii hi rump whon thn fuit und injtii uro wot uml told it lit wnll to rub ilium finely with thn oh uml tlin rtiuult wll hn thu piovmitlon of piilnit in tha muiultii mil uhmild il cut nr roh tunlnn or upuilii hn uuiitulutd nothltm could ho hotter tin u dioimtnc or lotlnu thnlr ihintu lihil now htoin on mill i to thank their who have iloiili with thnm in tho old ntiiuil on mult hli out fm tho hint fotlyiilit youi 11 uml ttuut thut thoy will utlll coti- tlnim to ulvn uu thoh putrouuru lu tho now ptoiulunu wn iihiill niulojiyni to itlvo mm- timiein u itood imrvlcn nh lu tlm punt infuut hitltr 1111 wo huvo hnt- ti fiilllltlnn foi doliik uo we carry a complete line or menb womens and childrgno j5hoeb we make a bplc1alty op repairing wliloh will hn tlonu piomptly uutl ut logout pilmii olvn uh a cajfti kenney bros main street acton ont luxurv vb education acnordhik to nlllnlal tlm iron alvnil nit hy hi v l cluxtnn united ututiiu cnminliiujoimi of lducutlou it huu tiiiiipllid thorn foi purpouou comiuiiliion thu amnrlcun pooplo liumntdurlnit 10j ho folluwluiit rottiit flltmif ivriimhloooo fuui ijikioikmkhi itnft drlnkii irlmkin00 tnllif uoupu kill 11111 ih1 1 cluai tiltt u 1 1 it 0 hio 000 llfiiru lulllflflo ihh tnhuorn und nimlf jhno lino non jeweh y i irnoooo 000 dhow ink mini no0lmmi ice cieam 110 000 0110 liixurloint uoivlro tl- 000 oofltooo und for joy 1 him pit unum kiiuitii uml nilui 1 1000 ooi olio ovei acnliuil thnuu tolounul hum en which lulul twenty two hlllloiiu coiiimlnu- vnnm clitxttml 1liln on 10101 d that there wuu iiptuit ln thlu tonuliy diitluu tlm uititiu yun foi duration thn total mini of foludoofloo new premises betthr equipment the golden grain bakery the isratd wlui tho tlirco nii rrcwbrs jbest riu3ad uavuift purchased the itore next to browns drup store i liavo hotter and larger prcniisii mnre room in which to welcome moro cutitomora i will open in tho now premtaen on saturday and will ho glad to have the public call to see us there a pull ahhourmlnt op rread buna cakes pies and pastrt of all kinds every day george brewer mill otkcct at acton qrantj trunu railway ttyaurti qolnu wt mo jo ullutu no 11 10 14 a11 no 11 j 1 p m no ir r 00 p m no 1u 11 in p m no f iluiiduy lllhillii galnu luut no 20 7 oh u 111 no jo 11 ihtmu no 11 1 11 p m no ill 0 h p in no li s oh p m no il hun iuy oihpm- toronto u uhurhiii tlctrin nailwuy m gnluu wuct 0 17 u 111 ually it npt lluud y a aj p in dully tixciipt ilundu m iully ukuopt uunduy u an p in 11 0j a m huudny only 11 ta p lu hundiiy only d li p nr ian dny only golnu east 7 w w m dully 1111 1 it i un dny jtu pm dully 1 xcupt tun day 0 ir p m hully tutnpt tunduy llojii in fhmduy miiy u 4h p il huutltiy only b ob p in r 1 und ay only snilu no 1 11 rhi 1 in artnn at 2 33 ou hntliidnji imiliiid of 1jj uu 011 ull othi 1 wiolc duyu rrnliiht tlnllvorod by miuclul ovprnn finluht 1 re i uh t picked up nt any ml- dreua in toronto q it aqnidw alout aoton uptodate goods at c c speights silverwaroj in tablewaro fin variety also fjno cutlery hardware tinworo and granite warc big aasortmcnt pandora stoves and ranged famous i lea tern small stovea oil stovcc every article ib of excet tional valle c c speight mill street acton chevrolet agency sir if h wlhion luiu bocurod thn nunnoy for artoil for chovrolot motor cum buinonntriitlonu ur- tanaad cull limb uon tho now madolu ivfow ouru ulwuyu on hum h s wi son bower ave acton ont piioniq b0 special dont wait until september 6 openino date op pall term at guelph businesscollege harild oltlu- qulpli oril invkniaatin and iitaut ainaad or tiin cnowd act today a l bouck principal and proprietor ntctoncreamery verv good uii uuy onn tnll mo thu nullouul down of rnttlumn unked the tt in inn lhu imint tiinin in nil nain uhuiui and of 1 i alien llm 111 v 1 wnu tho itiuponuo uftoi nine hi uhutloiv and hpuliw ii ud idiom ii i ho iluplhi look oil itltinulj ut oniy uiititlmi l hi u u liuuil wuu wavnl fiuntlruliy lu tin uli und u ululll voice piped out huh uiihniil diluea abtth unforo it ihniitnokii m viipm fiomtli r hnllouu n aiilhniti rniin dy i ivt h luillium uo i hum ij to llnin i tm ixpiihutu with tlm mlh f ulvliur lunudy ulmwu how in uiul uml pouliuu lu tlm mu 1101 h liviu it in tlm ilimll of lout ulinly uml ovpi ilini nt und wuu mil mihinlu tu tin iiuhliu until itu muki ru know would tin itu woik will full market price paid for butter fat i any small amount of cream will receive our best attention we will also pay spot cash for eggs open friday and saturday evenings itest creamery iluttkit new laid eggs and presii buttermilk will noam bk supplied at the creamery every day acton bakery call phono no 77 it you want n delicious loaf of brent or brown bread or n boston loaf steam loaf butts and rolls pies und all kinds of cookicf and cakes acton crealtneryco yiles onetl proprietors also wedding cakes made baked ok iced bread is your best pood cat more of it mono 77 tho wnkii will call rbttulir door m edwards co tuv mntl utttprtuy mi tl30 iim btor oloaad evry nluhl eunapt prl acton ontario castor i a 3tortnfanth and chlfitnm in uso for over 30 years alwuy 1mju jt bltfiwtmd of cytjal 1

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