Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1921, p. 6

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lilrtlih murrlus nn1 liimmia nro now fllmriiail rnr at lhn following rftlahi liltlhu too xjurrlujtou bon ijnithw thi mt morful canlit t0o0o lt r linn nxtra for inni doiln matnailfl jt milton aiiifiik l 1iu1 li mi aulilo i mm nalili a m lt died 111 lnl u liilli nly on amriii i l 101 at hli mnnlf cnttuifit umitoi iliuiur rutin r of mm acton 1 ioiiiowa v on lunula aniciiut 2k 10j1 nt tlio in tun unnruul iloiiiltut unolili ilnini flli n ill nly imloviil iliiuulitir i mr i uuthwwiiy i mutnm of tli dm don llmn milton 1 uu lay ml mm ijnnulil 1 iiomiluy n iililnuou antliony i in ffilyp arimt jlrw ijirchb ilitnimia iii ithmhicu i 1021 brief local items nnittomlior tioinu to toronto i ar tuilioi diiy nuxt moniluy iliciro hj tlio iinhooj imll uuiilti linton for lhn iiolinol liollo rlna tint nnplo 1 rop will bo uliort in tlilu uoiitlou io morrow will lio ircwu day nt loinnlir lxliililtlnii 1 o u r nun foot corn lu now hliti liouitt or llm hi o we 1 u collontnr jtolii uilvlutiu iatcirayoru to iit tliclr tiixou roiuly ilia toinix rutura ulniboil up dona to cljjlity iluiiioou utculit on ijunilay a laxuu urn puyulilo thin your in hi utallmuiitu on m itoinloi 30 nnil nov- umlior jh mr frnnu ilnlmou lu tirlnglm in a car or wnutorn ontu to uunnly tlio iiliurtuan luira acton 1 all fair irlo unto nrn nit gro llyndu uocrotary will bo rluil to liund you u copy llm town hull hint wuu ut half- i limit y out inlay in iniunr of tlio into tjlriitonaiit gnvornur clarke until tint rouulur anil tho apaliil prmiiliitn liutu of acton hall 1 ulr urti tlilu yur minimally attract i va ilin now tlio ilrnln on mill tltrht lu nuirnir completion it im down ni fitly ilnnp ut tint umitburn outlet clnikann utruwlmrry uroweru uolil 1nrrli nf din nvur hour in if variety on lorontn niurkot on uatunlay ut coc por iwlr a conaliloralila uumbnr of tlio uoliool pupllii of thin nootlon upont chlliliona ijuy ut loronlo fair on luuulay mr red ijjow tho eonlruotor for installation of tho titoaiu houtlujr plant ut thn hhoo factory lion tlio work wall imilnr way a hood many boy nnd ulrlu of thin portion vlwltml toronto inhibition f unailay on tha froo tloketu which had buflii ilutrlbutiid mr john f jlolmrtmm shipped 13 of hlu famoiim bo r wot horn ml oliuop nnd a ynrkahlro llauu to tlio toronto lamlilbltloii on momluy lhn a w v a community llnuun iawn wuu qulto u uay xilaoa on mutur- diiy uvonlnia with itw tllumluatlonu and orcboutra couenrt tim ffliinrouu dopoult of uravfll on 1ark avcium will wroatly improve tho rond into th o pa r for tlio fall 1 a i r tttinr wotirittiunifw ovon iwiltor uliaiio ita uot no thono 1ay that a ntaii can hardly wod uhiomii ho can uhaw tha tlrl two llconunu nald mi obuorvant inn ii to bin frlunrt tho other day two llooimout you marrlaoo and auto- mabllo ulint noxt wlntor will ho n cold one lu tho imlloutlon of waathor duta coiiipllod by dr c f hrookh tuuioolata profauaor of motooroloiiy uml cllma- tnlotfy nt clurk unlvemlty now york woll hll councillor hhleldu und hlu oommlt- too donorvn wrout oriidlt tor tlio vant iinprovbiiiuut thuy havh muda lu tho tpwu nainotnry ronaldnrlnt tho umnll uniount of montiy thay hud at tholr dtpoiial oakvlllo mtaf ar you u huhucrlbor to tho fiuaf iwtoui if not why not ha you hoo any othur local papoi that kivou uu i much local and nnlghhorliood iiawmt lhn uubhcrlpllon prlco lu only 3 00 por your or luuu thuu four ooiuh t wook lhn ndltor of tho ihuai iuiaik huu furod uiiiihiially woll tho pant wnok at thn liniidu of kind frlimrtu who huvo unnt in donutlonu of watormoloiut runttilnpfiu pumpkluu ywt nortl mid hltr burnt hurnly wo rouldo lu a iton- oroun hoar t ml roniniuiilty tho nptnn llil poudltlon of men tioth for tho nnr and for ulluiffl lu tho crop fiiuturo of tho uouuon lu thin roinmuiilty it lu roportl that nlo tllllnu huu hnmi ntnrtoil in noiim hittf- tloiiu an unuuuully uarly record tim work will bo prolty ifontind nxt wink 6wlnif t llm ruct thul tho fruit ciop in maturing two or throa wonki fmrllar than imuul thlu hunuou thn fatf falr will iinn vnry fow plutnu and nono nf tho uarlloi vutlutleu of pauru tim iiamn lu trua at many varlotm llownru hwont ponu urn uourly all donn now mr john 1l icnnundy liau uradod and uvolhul tho muirt pit property ho purchnudd from mr jnmh molnltuih iiomo moutlut neo until it lu now nulto nu attntntlvu ploou of land it will not ho nnrprlulna if nt nm thno in th futuro ami or innro ooxy liomou will occupy ulti neighborhood news towti and country dmumquin liiiipkloi xv ii ilhwurt or miikin fm nun l if a on i upu d lli iiurn d ilonu of mm llithil milhuillul clmrrli nu mibhidh auuinit 21 1 hi mm tor jtiv ihiarhy or hornby in uwiiyuu n viiiiitloii fur u inoiith j mru ltubl i iu vlultlni ii ha cvcrton mr mid um w llorloii and mr ml mrif nnrrhi hhu k niolomil to vnhmuo 1urk luiit wod in lday to ut i nd thn mniioulr pli nlo liidd by will up i ijiiii a alton 1 hi y i tpoi t u vi ry injoynlilo mint tur jomph illmluy huu purrliauid tin propnrty udjoliilnir mm mi tlinilhit chuioh from mr 1 rn t currln uml will rom rnlfil nnd imliit mm plar tlilu fall which whnn romiltod lu to known mi 11 oi k cottuuo iiockwood mr llitrrlu hi liivjiti u huwlli crnnn proparod mid tho men nf thn vllliiifo urn unxlmiu to cot ntartnd at mu in w piiin tho othur ovonlnu fiiurtiinn or tin in vlultcd auolpli uronmi to im t idniu nnd barn how tho fpimn lu to ho pluyid win croft u i o uhlppflr for itock- wood wuu on tho toronto luurki t with uoino nooil rnttlo laut wnok onn hahy iku f wrlitlihlk hio llm iiwnml if ilmihiim brouuht 17 to nnd two hvcruulutf 7c0 tbu ciwnod by henry ivoitllu 1 dou mlllu hrouuht 7 00 limehouqc mr arthur ivnnu and family motor- nil from lorontn nml upont tho wook- aiid with hlu mother mr uud mru arouif of ilruiitford vlullod nt mru ivonu homo ovur him- ilny riio mluucu joworliy huvo roturnod to llmlr hoinn lu ionuao mluh uftor npciidliiii u plimuutit vlult ut tha liomn of mru wrluhl corn rnnutu arn thn fmturo of tho ii 11 1 lu n ron ml lit ro lhn acton womanu luulltuto ilc- n io hi hi ut illtfh inrk ilinnhouuo luut wook wan a ida uiktmii und all wera plnnnod to wno thn laillou turn out jn uurh mimheru rrom outkliln polntu mr douulau dowdy hnu hnjm ut aluoiupilii 1ark attandlnu a trajiiluu ramp filr boyu worki ru for ton dayii r and mru william dowdy uml mid mru john nnwtnn took in thn acton mnuonlo plonlc at wiibamio inrk laut wodmuiluy llijorbi rry plokoru hnvo honn huny ilurliir tho wook a mimhor of hciiooi pupllu und thnlr pnrnntu ntlondod tlio toronto exhibi tion on r n uud ay clilldroiiu cay 0 aqehton tlio furmoru of tlilu onllro dlutrlot hnvo flnhihoil tlio work lu tlio linrvnut floldu for thn unnuon mm win ii alohuuh of wlilow- hunk farm vlultnd nt tlio hoino nf hor mother mm ltohl ilonpor ut toronto la nt wank uhrlll whhitlo ami ntoady hum of thn throidiliib innthlue in htard in our mliliit thoun dnyn ilov mr twluu and hlu brldo of norval rotor of tit htiivniui anclloun church homliy vltilloi nt tho homnn of tho momlmru of hlu flock lit thlu nolahbo tt fow duyu ago tim aunrfisil jjruiniiiiliinilrnliy iloakeoporu awioclatlon roport a cowl ciop of honoy hiih year chunchill mantr carson ml i tar of itoud hank lurm huu linait imtforlnu ultioo thuruduy lutlt from blond poltiouliitf in hlu rltclit foot uuppoood to liava boon canned from n hrhlho it wuu lnnrnd in four d iff ii rout plncou nnil noomu to ha linprovlnif ureatly nuhougli it will a a tlmo yet boforo hn in abla to walk n it tho coiiicrtikatlnual church linn put on a vory tttlraodvo appoarnncn lately mr hugh johnuon douorveu credit for hlu uploudld work both in ropalra and palutlnir ituv mrtylor roralvod a eordlal wo co mo back from hlu hnlldayu at laut mundnya uorvlca llov mr xay of toronto will uil- drouu thn ooiiffrauutlon lioxt flumlay tho forward movoiuant mr qlb- honu inalo quartotto will iilutf i an knjoynble sunday school plcnlc bpuhtlld out i nu of tlm mthodt school tutly afternoon uhti nunuiil ploplo of thn xtotlumtlnt elunduy mohoal lu purpouoly doforrl until u few duyh hofoiu the raoponluif of tho uchnnlu tio woalhor liuu tulually boon ilolltfhttul uud it wnu oortaluly veiy ploimatit on tdniiday uftoruooii tho day oihihaiv for thlu yuaiu uvont a laiiio numhoi of motor car j woro uoiiurouiily plaood ut tho dlhpounl of tho itimmlltue und tho uoholarn yiu und ttut louohorm und vlultoru nil i- joynl tho drlvn tomi iloniiyii boaiitlful urovo on tho llrut und op poullu t it ij johjiulonu farm r i ho uhudy kovo and thu olftmt ulld lnvol wmduldu thuro havii hixm foimd to bo hplondldly mlaplod to plo nlo purpomth jim priikrnmino of iiaimm uud uportu oovtroil thn meinboruhlp of tlio uchoof rrom thu prlmuty to tha udult oiuuhdm tlmy wuru oomtiiotod with uklll und piooihiou by llov mr moyor mlbu miimlil llonuott mihh lqiuma haw- thoruu mihm hor tint ilrown mid tholr coinmlttoo of workurti uml kuvo much plunuuro to loiitintuutu uud mm nti- boinhlod hloututoru tho plonlo lou wuu much onjoyod und tho nhunduuoa of ion croom conou morvud mwo uu oclut to thlu eutura of tha day thn baprt oa ithiial added u moat unjcyublo intvrout und won tnuoh upproolnlod hm wuu ulo uib log non ohoruuau vory cordfaj umiaks woro oxtandort to mr ld danny for hu wininsly brantlnn tlm mo of ilia btovb und to mr mid mr h xh johnston for favors jtrooly oxtopdfld t their tumv milton tha hluo nrintu of mlltouu hookey onn havn hean rooolvod tho bulld- intf will front on ilrown eltroot 02 foot ami it will ho ilin font lanu 1h ion urou will hn 70xlts foot tharn 111 bo a uullory for upactnloru and four rowu of uonth on uch uhln of tho loa j t llanuant rotunind youtnnluy morulnif uftor puttliiu in ton dayu ut trent hlvar whara w ran ton upent tho wook o nil noltlmr hud a hlu riuh utory muukinnnuo did not hltn at all uud the catch of baitu und ploitorof wan not large police uuglutruto tlliluulh of ouk- vlllohold court lioro laut ha ti inlay lio lined arnold tlhorwond and fred mnrloy td und coulu nuoh pndor thn ota for haying lieon hrunk charleu tlymnn of acton pnld is und ooutu for mm running of hlu motpr dray nu a milton htrot without llghtu ho uahl a youth had tnkou it nut with out perm i union and tha lampu warn out of order a motor our upottnr huu been hero uud it lu liudorntood that hn hau uovoral ctiuou for tho p m champion haquaqawgya lhn nuhiiagaweya hranrh of tha lllbla looloty hold their an mm i moot ing laut vnil noiiduy ovetilug in tlm lijboiiaxai cliuroh tho otflcoru 1 eel flit worn mr jameu w morfat ireuldont xi t wiiuou vlnitpnn atnni tul- iwt hooretury mauum ihiiinim und ilort hjlkhtlii- unle of tho o a c ouolph uro upending their holldayu wllh tholr putoutu ut icnittohhull l ho furmei h urt utartlng cutting their com whlnli lu n very gim4 orop thlu year hawing fall wheat oommnunod thlu wook mru hurry couluou uild family of milton vlaltod rtilallvou ut icuulchbull lunt weak llm public kchoolm rifopou to day miuu flora m danyeu nf milton huu boon eiikuiiud un tnaclmr of h i no p bjamutgawoyu thlu yur camphouvlllnu junior buholmll tnum playml u ruturu uuimi ut milton on friday uml woro again dufoutadby mlton oruck junlum ttja hcora wuu i4to b httttorlou mluon llunnunt lmoook and hill cam ptmllv ilia huh- hert lumh uud culrnu umplrom ilrunh ami crawford quite a numfujr of tho member of the witching family uml donoondantu who hold thnlr ruuulon lunt wook at lllua spring park romalnod during tha week to vlult frlaudu in tha old iiomo h laut tuaitduy durlnir tlm tiammuultv plonlo in ciirnonbanu grove mr j one i h frank had thu mutortuua uu huva u tumo broken in hlri right foop ita wuu playing on thn married man a ulda nnd in running from tho third bain to homo ho ran against hlu op- jmjnont tho married men won the game however ilov mr caanmora and mr pyerman umpired the gmmo cncwoono cortnena uuihii fii in hri will iilli ua lor i klilhltliiu mi nill bun uold hlu farm luu pi aim n of wiulon to union of iibuul twit huu he uiu if tin ivjiihlnif family o il luiia uaa in id ut hluo llpilii iiit lit lay loin ip in ration hlnir fiimll of ti ii nly pl itihitannwyu uud huv alwuyu hold ii ihjiioh d und i uiin im il plain lu the immiinlly geollgctown 111 i n hi they i mt of i progu mlllu of tlm 1 loin in mioir way ho huuld a to muukoka ph mint ul tin niiikll laut willi i law for ft k0o to i nvi r tlm t uli liiilon iiiih ymr mr m w mil iirrarllnd lu ilullli afail mitliodhit ihuirh hint llm i d iii hy ttrworkii mr i in i i lltllv mluu 1 n hill of niw york city upi nt laut wiilli wltb ik i mother mru llinu hull mb i ii uu marknnaio hau puuui d lmr primary piano oxiiiiilualloiih nt tlm ciiuiiitrvntory or muulr ilr ii kirk uttomlud thu canadian 1 lorliit ai i i latlon wblcli met at 1 bmo lint vyl ho wuu uh ctud momliir of tho iximtlvo for th r iiiilin lino yinrii ibo lownuhlp council have ir io u good road hotwiiu tltowartlowi orporutloii llmltii on muplo avi ttluvnl put in th pnrutlon would miilai om or uml bn in ki plutf w of mm owniihlp herald llttlo ooll mini liiuido tho iku our ulreotii bot- ciiin mr mil mm john m doildi auon upent u fuw duyu thlu wek with tholr il a ugh or mru ijwiio 1 lomhiif lu montreal ijttln mluu margin rite clmyno of ro ron to uud mauilio chiiyne of hlllu- liurif upont their holhlayu ut mr a clmyno a mru john klrkwood and duiighlor alicrla of idaho are vlulllng hi i ulu- tor mm t ii i out or iul other frli ndu ut llookiildo mru a ciirrle ouprlniio und urniid dnuiditor uluu j duabai cariuou manitoba vlultcd frlomln at itockuldo laut wiok llov i 1 und mru 1 outnr mid mr hilton 1 oniyth hlmcnn nro vlultlun tho former ii pnrenlu mr and mm t it font or mru idr poart nnd llttlo uon of hunhorn n y woro the gunulu or mluu m mraill laut wook mluu mcuill returned with them mciiarw ii c auutln harry elun- dum aloic catherwnod uud j ii alli um wore in moronto on on turd ay net ting pluuu und uporlllriitloiih for u imw mi todatu pnvllllon for tltuiiloy purk mr john mrculg huu complotod tho new commit uldowalk on thn ount uldu of main htroot wtllrh lu certainly a big improvement on tho old woodon wnlk mr anil mm w hull ond mr und mru i ilutrhhuum upont u few dayu with mr nnd mru h i runkiim ut hnrrlnton mm john mclean iu a happy wmnun theuo dayu with ul thu family und urundchlldron with hor thorn urn nnd mm john mcljiun und daiirli- huxol nf dequeano pa mr and cumphnll und uou und daiiuhtor of clovelmid ohio mm campbell of toronto mm anion ouwthroup and two uonii und daughter of mlmlco i tt m f tnrnulour-advo- uto real estate wo nro nilvertlulnp u few proportion which wo hnvo on our hut mi upnrn will not permit uu tivlmr our complete hut 1 itniiqltcnut houno h roomu collar waterworku olectrlo luthtu tg ncro on cliurch tltrool hrlck houuo b roomn collar full nlxo nf boiiuij electric llghtu 1 r ncro on mill htroou 1 ilouglicaut houue d roomu und wondiihad 2 lota on rlciiuo itroet 11 to no houno h roomu and wood- uhod douhln rellur comont floor newly docorntnd olootrlo ii uhln furnace ro on main ellrpot s itounhraiit houuo t roomu and waoduhed chitern lovely cardnn two intu wired for oloctrlo lljhtu on ucenn 11 1 root hco thin for u bargain im mediate pofiiiouulon 0 jlrlck houue ii roomu olootrlo llghtu collar full iilito of houuo fnrnnco newly decani i od lovely verandah wutorworku roment cluteru im mill tltreot 7 ttriok houuo 8 roomu bath cellar under whole limine furnaro cluterr lovely rinmn on mill tl treat 8 1 ramp limine hi ropmu largo lot on church ktreot would mukn u very iood boarding limine thoho prop4rtleu range lu price from 5 go to t 100 and no mo nf thorn aro on very auity ti rum of payment wantfini three or four uood fartuh in thn vicinity of acton muut have good hulhllntpi and one mar a uoliool wo huvo bnyeru for them if nultnhlo j a im hi heal instate agent mill tltreot uml walluco avu aqtou klf in the gukiioqatc court of thl countv or halton notice io creditors oi puttll monao dcccaocd iiicuii i fun iilx ho j0t ii liiy i ut ihw nald vlllui hoi pnriniiu havln ullltn hint klolo r tin ii llil in forwui 1 by mull poutngo mil or omn i wluii itnllv6i to tlio inlgiud uolhltoi for john ilar- nf him viii il of ailon i 1 i ot in the uolo uurvlvlng fxi biutivlll mi i iiutumuil of th lu with olulmu duly v i iiiurlmin ai d uom that im iholr trtw full pi til iii rifle i mid mm nutui or iny lit id by uu iomio hi i i ndiy fiuther it mediately aftol tho uuld hiul odoltr a v iii- 1 lhn uulil pnni ltiillutclh 1 1 iii i una iimi to by law intltli 1 and bo will not lx n upom llilo to an pnuon or wboio ilalm with full pur mcllhim tlnrroof ullai in d linl verified he ahull not latve received the tlmo of limb ilhitvibutloii liulod ut acton tlilu fliul day or hoiitimbor a h 1d31 john haljlvluv lxtrutor moffats specials uplcial no 1 i oi u xpiilal tlilu latin ill wo ni n orfnliil hid llnt jjf oiir pun iyhu lu uig fli pi r it bntunlny for 1tu qpeciat no cautllo iloii ikuular ti pu bin uuturduy d tor 2a o all klnda ploklluu- hpltiu in iitmu now qeiil oun candy 0fcctal0 phone in vopil otideho phone no 31 john moffat main 0t acton pal ilir acton out hlu 03 kenney bros ttetshoe iwen hjll 0ti1cet ytmr trudo in nnllcillii fur fuot wonr mid wo will mtlmvoi- to cvo ynu thn liont iiorvlrn iinunhilu wc have a tew line0 of womens shoes sixes 2j 3 nml v whifih wo are unllluu below ennt thoy would ulvo oxcollont wear for glrla golnu to uliiooi wc anc wull 0tockld n mens and boys heavy boots and an thu boyu will lined good hootu for tho fall aimil thnm in and lot uu fit t lie in up nt roan nun bin prlrou iiillon rlvo uu u 1 1 lul for foot- ncpairinq promptly and neatly done kenney bros main street acton ont nb tin horn tinners at thin uli op hut tlnneru whu know how to turn out iihuot metal woik of any kind mint will glvo tho greiilofit natlnfnotlon imiur thn hnrdeut kind of nor vlra our tin nnd uhoot metut protluntu huvo boon uuod in dally uorvlue fin yeaiu and have prov ed tholr merit auk uu for outl- w f mooney estattushed ts7a business bitroinotoni ecm to indlcuta thnt tho period or caty money and iilyli prlcea in hearing nn end a dollar saved now in tho form of n savings bunk deposit wilt be worth much more hi tho nuxt coupla of years utter tho reaction has sot iiu k of hamilton wn itltancii g c mackay mnnaacr chudit auction saje dm limit uilsiiuil liau rw olvi d in titiultlmiu fioin allie cvanft to noil by public aurtloii at lot 1z third linn 1 iiipiiuluu on monday ulptlmtjlr 12 1021 ut 1 o elm it tlio fullowlnif caiihi durham row frouh m nt font hurhiim cow frouh iiilfn foot piilt ji nu y cow frmli culf ut foot part iinioy niw fn ill ialf ul root j i rue y row frt all ulf ut foot jeruoy cow fruih calf at foot joruij row duo ortohnr ifi ilolnli iii cow rioih rulf ut fool holitiln row duo tlmo of mill holutilli lu ift i uiirlug- lnj hnbitihi iiw lalf at foot hoi ati in tow duo tlmo or mile hiilutoli row duo laniiury hi durham iw duo mlitdln or luiiuhry ijoluti lu row due liliniury j durhaiii row dm juniiury 10 llolntelii cow dun man h 1 llohileln ow dim april 1 hnhiteln tow- lullldnf- two-mmlmin- holuteh in ifor duo 1 uhruiiry 1 durham cow duo january u durham row mllklnu two mimthn uurliam cow milking two monthii youno cat flll j yearling hof t m hi inonthu old i yearljng lietfnru f uiirlug rulveii 1 will hn d itnirh hull ytarllnif hill lp jo irond brooding nweu pioh 10 fut liouu 4 hou inonthu old 1 hoir llvo inonthu old fl hoiii four iminthu old 4 hogu throo i inonthu old yoikuhlro uow with llttei ready to wean vnrkuhlro now wltl llttur ready lo w im pure hnd tama worth now hied two inonthu pun broil lumiiworth uov hnd threo woeliu inmuwnrth uow ready hrend puro hied herkuhlrn plif 01 ltlli 3 ou loiiiii h young goeuo 2 wblto iekln illicit h 1 good cook utovu with n uorvolr caul or wood now forcn pump and jack i liui d up- mr farmer vou should ik uptoltatk in tub iiomk as well ah having uptooatc machinery let us instal a pneumatic water system lowksf p0ssh1le prices quotations i bee send sketch howard and mccarvell 2i wilson st gueuii phone 270w oar boys suits give faithful service you might call the nuimifiicturcfb of thcae boys suits rcpulnr wntch doga of fnthora and mothers ptjckcthoolia youve never been suits thftt were more carefully made or were made of lio her goods in fact wc think these aro just a hit hotter than any weve nccn before thoy come in attractive mixture nnd aro made to take punishment like a soldier boys suits boys suits boys slmts boys suits 750 975 1050 plain patterns iu dark gray tweeds latest style assorted twcoclu beit patterns and latest style pine worsteds in neat patterns and latest styles 1 350 two illoomelia boyi twcol sulla choice pattcrnn two bloomers latest styles kiddies suits boys bloomers kiddies suits 495 125 675 boys junior boys flno tweed kiddies junior suits small nixen bloomers rover- stilts in neat tweed navy corduroy in l fasteners etc latent ryleo rood btylcn u hio prlcea 0ol y l on boys clouilnfif arc tit leual pifiy per cent below pticch of ono year ago waggon free kiililics cuprcs wnmnn preo witli every suit 7 50 boyfi caps 50o 78c b5c simi all tho now feartires boys jerseys 49c01e2ro cottoti union und nil wool best shades nont design boys blouses ic m wciza neat strlios woliijido boys stockings ticlo 128 ulj assorttuont bells brim e collars ties otc come 1itldav oli satuuoay ani take advant- age ok these school sale prices hen i george wallace mlup auwnys reliable guolph boys shop mens double purpose r rain coats tjhlti cool ytftiiiijia nihkcft one think of dint lifht wojtht overcoat wc arc nliowirift u lurt ran- of patttnn in nil wool tops with und wiihoiit belt gimrautcxd by tht nmktr to jjivt jood hittisfaction fricen iioicd this ytnr much below a yeur uyo und the iiulnici arc better drop in und look llilht over mkuh mkb1no iiniiitviait i iv rtwkcjirafthetiii cool cvciiiiiktt all bizcm in stock special ut 1 00 c icli t mknh bfack camimkkb i101b r siren 10 10j and ii lvery pair kuaranteed pure cnili- mtrt wool tlicne liowc rold three months ajjo t 1 00 pair the ubluucc to clear at 0c pair i 4 menh woitr hocks special at 25 30c t5c pair monaiich f1xkss and down instock at 25c and j5c white hiatiuk yarn in black and white at reduced pnccr20c ik mclean co we bull por cagh wh ocll roil tcbo miuistukkt acton ont saturday treat homemam candies home made candies ure very much preferred bc- causo they aro always so frcilt and wholesome if vou will try a pound of thr saturdays i rent you will want more our maple peanut needs no introduction it u not a uow lino hut it is ib lilwuys a favorite rej 40c tb saturday trcal price 2ite wkekend chocqiatea ttle thin ejrcut family special ilndt hi way into ncoret of homes every saturday the tolks at homo love chocolate and thoy will love you too if you ure kind enough to remember tlicm asiortcd chocolatci hor 50c lb weekend sticclat 35c kiddies candies 2 fott lc another treat for the kiddies assorted lc candies satur day 2 for lc chocolate babs 7 fob 25c aborted chocolate buni7 tor 25c boxed chocoiates wo have just received a new nhipmcit of fresh boned chocolates pricci 50c to 2j0 every box runrnutccd t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton tax notice 1921 municipality op acton ik- i in iniilii i lur lux n licit to id31 lira nnn linlnu i nut uilf 1 in vunlani of all ji iinrorni il iiavmcina lii imuii iiiraiinul n in lw hiiijiljuuii i li a ulireluiuui honk first 1n3taljwent septelilblu ifi i second instalment novhmbmt w any riiltiinii may iiaytlm wlulln nf liin tnwii nn m liofiihi tliililmnlnir jfi liu oiici in if mm iitnut niuat ih ihm mi m lu faio mint lain fallnru tn rnluly will tlilu iiiruukoiniiit mi a ii mint kxponuu uml tmulilu an uililltluiiur llvo ur uu will lio mailn tn viy tax tuto ci uwlajhwinitnt riiiiuiliilutr iuiialil rmutnon daya nfto tlm null ifltli 1ay uf hint mlkl fur tint flint initalim nt niul tlm kit ilai nnviiiihui foi- mui mildiul inulaliniint hl u will fa mm duty of tliionlloi im luuinill dtly a hn i tlm nlfl htwtnil ilnym uiinlnmil rii niyuui n it u iu by iliithmrt in utlunwlim unit lu liinvliilouil nf llm mtntlltn in mint bulnilf nil intiili lasnii m inatnlu t t tuxu pleage taike vour tax notioe with vou to thk bank when making payment w j- bjeid coueetor another drop in prices il w evans tho wt eml meat market submitt tho tollowini low pricci blet- loin ronit 20 boiliiip beer 10 leps or vcnl 2h thick rib koait is vtnl chops 1 j5 choice uih boast 15 lami1 briskets 08 trout quarter 20 bound stenk 20 lepa of lnmb 25 sirloin steak 25 lotn or lnnlb jb porter house steak 25 lamb chops 30 bump boast 18 cured meats pork back uacou jm shoulder pork chop loin pork cbopi rrissh hams 20 i- side bicou smoked rolls boiled hani rontt 11am j5 jo 50 50 veal beer loar jo stowinfi voal 10 snuiacs dur own mnkc 15 front quarter boast 18 new potutos ptr peck 50 w evans main street acton wwmwswhstel

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