Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1921, p. 1

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wht forty oveiitti ytur no id 3 fo plcll ykau acton ontario thursday morning september h 1021 ficb in unitkd htatkil singlcxopics iivo cent tin mktiiomsr church acton ttevl mj mover pator pareunia willow bl 11 ii m tlm mlnlutnr 4 2 30 in himduy firhnnl you iii tuo milliliter 1u a111j wvit13 wvit13d com 10 acton ijaitist chuhcij q k tvlelt paotoh id u in huudiiy hrhool ami nililit cluuu ii m faith 7 1 m 1 ho cllliu of llnfimo voir auio comiauy invitid ew advertisements roii bale i ford nr fi three bulls for bale thrtxi hborthnru 111 u roglu orotl rnudy foi uorvlco 111 ho will calve ut foul ii il imlferi priced to mill apply to c a nnwnuii a it it nn 3 anton out for bale douhln houao in main htnwit hard i mini wore wuttr nml til oo trio light lturkulu for quick ualn l llrlok huunk on will htroet ultuu- tlou nmtclujm unci huh ill vdiiioiitcm a knod liuy il j laaiin ileal leutnta arton 60th anniversary naobaqaweva presbyterian church sunday september 18th ilormnnu by rev dr blair of oulph var 30 youm tlm puulnr httotrurmunlo by harold jarvis detroit tonor balolut lut proubylorlah church grand concert monday evening sept 19 mim jul alexander elooutlonut harold jarvle tenor bolout malr cator davldaon vlolmjlat mm edith dwr milton aocom- panlat addhkbh 11y du hkjuitr om history ok tiiw ciixjhcii admission koo children 1ke rv j t straohn ba bd chairman r friday september o reputation a jowol prnduothm mlnrrlnif prunlllu douii one mol of soulim culm in pulhn oom- tnly 8aturdav september 10 thu tlnok1o hnturn nlur- rliitf doitgluu muulouu yax nowu n dl comedy moon- uhlno with ilyd hamilton tuesday september 13 an unwilling hero utnrrlno wih hosra umpter 10 of til bon of tunuin jutho comedy in guelph at macdonalds nr uulti ihjiow a moiiton for bale a hrlok tin nun rorner lot nluctrlo light mid amman apply g0 ilox mj acron auction dale thn furniture mid fiirniulitiigu of thn i ittulloii hntnl llrnkwund will 1m uold ntjuictloii on woitnmiduy hnptomlmr i 14 onmmnnlug- ut duo nnlook uhurp hoy iiindlwy alicllonoe lost a imlf rnmlini iiihihii kltton uruy y u v ry ttniill wliltii point ut tit tul ltnwurd for rmmviry apply iitwisituoy uouin sundry important events this week impor tant indeed is the sale 6v all- rtjgs which is bringing au our rug floorcover ings rack practically to pitewar irices sonmlcii topcntry rugi ilruvscll ru wilton ruri oriental rui i road nud extensive varieties in all the wanted icmdi rcprciented in the price nncnllccs thrifty home- maker nro coming from fur und near to profit by this drastic step taken by our house furnish in k department involving ui it doct heavy iost on our pjrt these loscs were of course bound to conic in the process of readjustment it ij junt a ca of jcttinj it over with from our point of view nil at one troke from your point of view a speedy return to prcwartimc costi aiso a sale of hosiery and underwear por women misic and children in regular fall weights savings such as you usually expect to jlnd only at tho end of a scnon rutlier tlinn right at the beginning of a new reason in this way showing new eaix styijes new arrivuli in autumn and winter coats and fall dresses attracting much admiration when in guelph always vnit macdonalds in a week of sales thr it will pay you to make a special trip for the exprenn purpow of visiting macdonalds and prollttiug by special savings r d e macdonald bros ltd gueuirs leading and laltgkht stokk wyndluim carden and mncdonncll sbrceui gudpfa ont m ral estate xvo ura mitvnrtlhinir u tavt tironortloh wlilrh wo huvii on our lint um upufin will not imirmtt um kiviiiit r tiomplota lldt 1 itoukliftjint hftiuto h ronnui oollur i wuurwnrltm nlnctiln lllitil 1s unro on clmrli htnmit 1 llrlok lioutio h roomm collar full i nlm or houhr nluotrla lluhtu 15 ur on mill atwit 5 itoubhoont iiouh u wmimn mnl wooi1b1ki1 l lulu on ilea no ltw i htonn itoimo h nwihm ami wonl- i mikhi it on hlti oellor mont floor lur ilnoarutcid olofltrlo hulitm vunwcfl ucm mi muln htroot 6 itoushciuit lioiiihi 7 iruoniif unit woouahfiri nluturn lovnly kunlnn two lota wlrott for nlmitrlo llulitu on monno htrool h thin for it humuln lm- vmxlinlo hthhohhlun 6 lirlou hoiihu 8 roomm lictrk lltfhtm oollur full of li on tti furimoii tiowly tlooorutml lovely voiumluh wuterwoikm numoiit nlatorn on mill btnmit 7llrlok tiouao h roomw hitth cellar under wh61e iiouho forums cutdrn lovoly liomit on mill btmot a trrumo iioumo ib roonim larfo lot on cliuroh tttrftou woulil muuo very kood ihonnllntf ltouae tiicho iiroportluu minitii in irln from 1 650 to 14101 und wntiin of tlmm urt mi vary naay tormn otipuyinent wantibii throe or four uooil farmw in thn vlolnlty of acton mint have rtnnl i hulldltiipt und oho njor u noliool wu hftvn buyont for thum if hiutubli j a hultir ttiul icxtatv ant i mill 81 rut unit whiiuoo ava anton 8tf saturday specials assorted quaker kisses regular 40c lb for 29c assorted chocolates regular 50c lb for 3sc assoifcted chocolate bars g for 25c wiles candy everybody likes candyt especially when itsas deli cious us ours even those who say they dont cat candy will get the habit after tasting our melt-in- themouth confections thoy are made like the 200 a pound kind hut they cost very much less i mill street acton hwiles service first if youll car is equipped with a prest outs battery demand prestolite service ir mil jvay you our guarantee is sound reliance battery service 9 qukhkc street west- guelph ont dllna 1 russells good qftoda try ourspecial fancy box cakes muda by tln biimilil llulytry ounlpli 1 hi riuvoru urn oolil oniin lrnll nut cliouiliiti nml cot ounut on hiila rrhliiy nnd buturdny hpepliil urko uuiili 20a wnlrh mf w liulow dlxiilny for vornlteu u thlnic inhrauuti lid inlccrt mumoiiiiblo i ui oomcmttit vriilt uvory- a firstclass stock of fpe5h orooferies always on hand news of local impoirt th baptist sunday bohool plonlo ttitr lliinlut lliimluy kciiihii flonln in thn uhuily itrovfl on thn flrut hun llur jlllblhl ihitol tuut wiktllnadny wun u vry finjoyuhln vnnt lttiv und uru tylor und tlm t nun bom xnrtid tin iumkivi u to wlvii ull tlm ikboliit it rnl liimml tlmtt btlll impravlna th 8cnl lln thu work of cult in down iiiiim uud tcrudlutf tho routlwny of thn mxond linn ut lot 33 in ittlll in tiroitrvuu tim nuid in 1hiiii urnutly imiirtlvixl mini with u uiuid rout in u of uruvol or cruubfhl mtonn it will ha vuntly lmtti- tlinn for inuiiy voiiru mul thn roudwuy ut lotu 20 und 31 lo uluit lo mi fnrtbor lmirovii acton 21 prwdati 10 1rohloil imwhinl rmiin to arton n hilurdiiy to iloy for dm oulii mnr- u ry chili hut fullm to unt il antm iiixicnuufully tbifuiidlnif il rtom ronton o mullock v jluibr a ilnnuy c mroruth arton n unllonald 1 hyndm hr j ifolmmt w j antiltl th bobool rata la 1ft mill u unhol mto for 1031 u lirtwoi i not ulxtfutu uu wuu utatfld luut wnk thn riiilulllon of ihn lloulil for 10 3c1 as thbi your iiut yar nun 07011 sd rortuuatiily tho hliilmr iiuiiaiuuuniit ulvou tlm inrrawvil nut on thn uutnn iiumlmr of ktillbi cnrlulu inirovoiuonlu uud tlm lnrouuo ti uulurbx ncooimt for thn inrrcuuwi uiionihlurnw hahthorn commllud for trial 1 honinu ituruilioru jr of niouwll- imnu cliwratml with imrjiiry in con- liuottou with thn ijikuii ltira ouw ita- forn 1ollrn mnulutrutn ii v monro for uroumlnury trlul on tunuiluy o nil n if lift nltwlod tlnroutfh hlu uiiuo mr ioilny dulo to im trlml luforo hut county ju kvulonco whm uddurnd to wurrunt hlu cummlt- tiiut und hn wuu rmnmnlwl to tlm mty koal to uwult trial thn lienr- utu of tint hiood hnti of uulxipui- tlou t iwrjury wum doftrttml until nmxt ttitturduy naarby itaaldauta opltoaacl to ml i loh arna on tutiuilay mr wulub of torontd uollrltor for tlm npivonantu of tha nroo- nf tlm hockoy uronu in thn roar of thn motal mrotblmui nuiuvarml lj fom juilufl klllot with iiim cllenlu unl notulumt uu injunction onlorlnb tlm uimikuiiiloii of bullillntr mwiratlnum until ltmlnr t work bud ikkdi iwaiin icnuluoiiru luhl outtha nltn and n tool boiimfl hud immui oroitnl thn areou itl und thn otbor iwrtli uuy buy will flkht ilia miittnr out to thn limit chnmnlon halton praaa wall fuprmnul thn county iruu whs well 16 lire inlol ut thn toronto kxhlbltlnn luut lrhlay iroum ijy there wora imfcft fr 3 mrutihmr wr ti gnoruntown hurnbt imuldent of thn hal tun- wontworth pmuu amioclatlon uru mikiro unit mliui alloii kidavu hurrlu of thu iliirlliiatnu oaiuitta and mrtl iiurrih w j tuuty of tlm llomml oukvllln und mm 1 leuty il whlln of thn lloformor and w pau- m of thn chumnlon milton uud h monro of thn kuihi ihunui anton ra mooro and lloyd forlwiu a horticultural show for aetou with thn mimerouti lau t if ul uhow- iuum nf to wont ft ml plants hi town thlu ndiinou by momlmrn nf tbo iiortlnul- tural mocloty it 1 to ho ritkrllwl tbot u iiliuur wum not urruliuml many puumui lunatlcr than arton urn bo bit n tf hor ticultural hiiowu thlu full and tlm ra- huiih am iiiottt onoouraalntf tlm iwibllnif of huoh a hiiow in acton unmuilly hnrnuftar lu worthy of thu consideration of tlto ilauril of ilrmj- torw nml tho annual mihitlnjr of tnm- liorn tlm fall fair u imld too lain to uixjuru tbo mhlonilhl nbowintf of itowiirt which could ho mutln thn lout of auuuut or nnd of uatttutnhftr ujaw mil ullv tllatitim r it gregory d c russell mill st acton know churohaknaw mlnutar tho nouifiiiuutlnuiirmimitiuir of knox chuiob jltod to moot lout krbloy nvn- ntt in tnodaruto lu u cull to u hilnutftr lnmnhlikl over by hi v ii ii mun- lilinrnon m a clnrk oflhn ounlph roybylnry tho nummi of uirntt tuln- iltru wont nrkutuit4l i to v ii i ciimnrou ivirnut hnv mr hlnwart latn of lhtlowfll und itnv mr cowan whlla t intro wum u m iron votii far mr cumitron thn majority volnd to cull itnv mr fltnwart tbo call lu now lwtlitf olrculutml anionic thn mun- 11 f thn oonartathn und will be liriuiiuitiml ut u tuimitlnk of uuelnb irtm- bytory to m hold ut kltolioimr next tuomduy cirmir club u road cemmla- lonar at tho mooting of tbo county coun- ii luut wnnk u in it ion wmh lirohnutcwl from ti hulton county fiirmturn club iirayliitf that tho council aak for tho romlitiiutlnn of tlm county xtoud tluimrlnliuiiloiil tho council wont into commlttnn of thn whola tu oon- itldei thn tmtltlon when tlm counnll itihuiuod th witrdoti vtiportihl that th fttltlnn hud btii rjeotit in commltta of ttm wind mr iiurrlh tnuvml hnoondthl by mr hobliinon thut thn r- kiolutlon of tlm ii11 1 ton armbim club rwiuotittuif tho riihlbiiatloii of luuid couunlmulounr wiimoii ha llleil uud not hiiuldrd by tha counnll 11 nil ttiuv tlm clerk forwurd u oopy of uiim i-moiu- tloiitrth furmonf club soboou llaopanad oh tudy at tlm hint moment it wum dftcldod lo ilufr rmoiienlnk of aoton tdihoola until aftnr tlm xmxmt ijuy tiolhlny tunmdity mornluir tlm vubllo uud iiirii tloboolrt npenod with full tunm ulwu k 1c klkinn huu imuii iiromoled to thn lirlncliiuublli ut tbo illtfh holiuol und titki mr itohsntlm nohltlou with tfin uiuirovul of tlm umunuthm utiiuirtmnnt mi a liwlm of alluw crulu- who hohl n hrmtiiluhm ourtltlt uto atmu boon ui- polutcd uumutiint to tlm iitiuoliu1 mum mlnulov nntt buu ihhiii a- i hi blind by tlm itouril to lm prlnoltiial if thu imbllu tlcbool in iiddltltiut to imr ilntlnl um toiiobtir of thn lclitrunon jiimm thin im u mibonlbl urmiiromunt on tlm nurt of thu itourdumt will m- lltivu thu hikii hrboul irluclml of 0011- tihluruulci uvondsllt of um lubllo hubool mihm tliintiett m muxilully wvll illiiillllihl for ijho prlunliuilhlilii of um lubllo hcbool 11m ioiir- and amioaam- ful mnivlro her aitlmirlor illnclillnury ublllty und her nomlat kunwlailun of tha uohonl uuvl tha ilntloh of tho truiihitm i tlm vuiioum luiiurtiimntm iiiliititly jit bur for thu imnortuut tioullioii mlm ulndym noilwall of ltlllnuunr but bean no 1 minted primary tunc bur to tukiv thn work rormarly fulilllpd by mm itlurtluu mihu hud- welintt only bun a whxjihi clwun mofehmlouul cortlnoutn but mpeolul corlltlwito hn 11 nrluuiry tmiobr farm homo barns and jrop destroyed by fire i k lvnkon of kwluehlnp suf- fered from dkahtrotw fire yaat thursday pihe cau0e0 26000 loss on the buildings chop etc a illuiudrouu imiciirrxd on llully- meim lurii tb bounutmid of mr l k dntilikiii of lm hixui hub kikiiii luit luut thuruiluy nveiiluir lib inodcni wulltu i inuil imrifuiid bono wem loiiiulutoly ilintroyod nul tin outlro uniiuouu cron mr ijiinluou wuu uuliiu bin farm trui lor to oiwrutn u urulu urhnlnr lu thn burn wblln uwny from tho m cbjnn for 11 tiihiutii or two lllnif further uuplily of urulu urn brokn 01 lirivuiuimbly froiu a lint journal unrcud with uuiuklnir nuibllly 111 uoou enveloutd thn liarn laoricotown tiro brluuiln routioiuled qulrkly to u rail ror help but uu tlidro wuu no water uupply uvullnbln thn man could do little all ibn llv utock ox- mpt nun row wero ituveit tlm dm uproud to the farm limine uud it whm found hnpouulhla to ituve that utriirtura thu totul uuui im eutlm- utwl at tsooo tlm ihillyinciih kurm lu on wlnit wuu formerly known uu tbo iluuoy iuliito thn land liuvlnjr ltoen uidllud by thu ueuuey family ulmiut u rnutury uuii thn bimua und lwm wum iioth i1iiihm1 with inotti ru convnnlenrnu uud nuirblnery liinluilliiif u ii1ro nlnu- trlo llubtllitf outnt thn roitiwtloii from tb urn wax unnti from jmilntu lu an unit of inuiiy mlleu tuoru of motor curu uuunniblthl iwwpl imliiu iinhintit troni anton looraetowu itorkwoil fluelplt krln und uumerouu nthor pnlntii mr ddiiiuou thn owner nf thn pro perty lu a uru ml ti n of col oconto t danhrnu toronto memorial qatari at carluu camatary mumorhil uuleu ut curlluln c11nftnry in honor of tliomt who nerved over- upau worn unvellnd luliirtluy ufter- nnon unil or thn uuupleeu nf thn womenw luulltutn ltnv il d hamil ton lllirlluktoti rrnnllliit of ilumll- tou confureuoe otnelulluu l othnr uiieukerw wer ilnv ur morrow arthur or mrorjjor wutonlowu cupt vullelu ilemltelilr uud ionvn pater ituy tlm 13tlt lliittuunn ilund uuu luted adopt popular maghifina porrti hod and oun lu cunuilu thn ivoiui- r cunudlun tiportumunu monthly ixiubuklua nppearm in u unw und lin- provoil nlm with itu kptinber luuua tlm muuy imiiroveinnulu lunbidn a larger ulna of iagn tnitetlier wlthu tod iiajmir that uddu conubbrubly to thn upivnurancn of the mtortou ami ii- luutrittlonu thlu numbnr lu rlrh with utnrlau nrtlrlou uud unofdoteu iloulliib ptttrw u tha u4 pftttu of dominion itm and oun in call published mniluily by w j taylor limited publbibor wood- utook o11u a thlmhu would hold m thousand a oouplo of wmiku uijo th loiu iiuuu rnfurred to thu perfection of tlm mnuufucluro of thn indnltohinul ucrowu for purt of tha mnclianluih of tho watch uomo of which ari nlmnut in- vulbln to tho ntiked tiyo mr oeoro ilyndu our venerable wulcbmaber wuu kind anoiiah thn other duy to brlnif n irleu of tbean uinull ucrnwu to thlu oftloo fur tlm inuvnotlnii tho mill or tlmy nro ihibwd nmull tlm tbroaillnu- aiul heud hlotu imiuu entirely invlulhlo without mnkiilfylnu elauueu tho por- ftkitlou of their mnniifunturo lu u nrlnnlinn wundnr 100000 county dabantur at 0641 aemllluu jarvla uud co toronto wern thn hlulieut tnndereru for thn flooooo of lluttou s per oeul ihkii- wny tolintureu thn maturity of tho lumin im so liuituliuonlu unil tendom oiwtnod luut week by tlm county council tlm hut of tbo teiiliru lu followu a jarvlu and co 0141 liyment andnmon und co 00 37 macuelll orabam uud co 08 13 wood oundy nml co ok 03 a w amen und co dg 03 dominion henurl- lleu corp ug 771 j il c mattbnwu and dg 1g lliirufum and comliuny 0is1q llrnut nnxnu und co 043a0 expanrilva indu1inea in booa tlmmoh lino wuu nrruted ut four nlonk on ounilny mornllik tn truful- uur 1urk in a lute of intoxication und tul mi tn tho pollen ututlon ilo un- iwunxl lu iwillod nourt tuauduy morn- jute on u ciurki of drunkounuuu when umialed ho hud a imltlo contalnl utf a umull uuantlty of llouor und hp wuu ihumed with liavlna liiuor lu hlu nna- ueumlon in other than u private dwel ling lit- pleiidad uullty to both tbo rbumnu uud on tho tlrwt wuu tliind 10 und dimlh uud on tho inttnr i3a0 ooatua it willi u vol cluelph ilorull ifpeuulvn drunk death of mr wm kallym bltr tttruau molauublln wife of harold mncimnfill of mumfonl dld vry uudilenly mi hunday auuuut 3h to thn ureat nor row of hontu of frletulm uho bud lived in htumforil lull tt fuw inonlhu huvbitf icoiiu thern u brlile hhu wuu u duukhtnr of um luto john mflluuahuu of uiytli uud lu mirvlvod by imr uwl mother who llveu dlurlliiituin hhulmivoufourbrotherw luchurd mijiuitlilin wluduor mlohunl uud uumunl icdmmitnu unit jowepli ieucn utvur altii uud tbr nluterm mr wllllulu kflly acton mr iutrlok icidiy ilurllnutou und mr troireun wbuuor mr koivh ton frlomlh nxtund uyniputby in bnr intrvavomenl- daath nf ttaw jb tinea d iluv j7n iiohm m a 1 n died ut tlm hoy ul alexandria lloupltal knr uuki 011 moudny morning itnam wuh paotor of the melhoiuut chnroh ituvhnr ltinovd lo tlmt town j m hud occuplwt the pulpit of iiim unw nhiiruii fin only thrua wnnku when h- wuh tukuu aurluuuly 111 und ipiovud tu thn hatipltul of tlm form out uibilhtim odut church und bail 1 poaltlonm of honor uud durliik blm lony mnr uaeful uervlou dr lloau neighborhood ncwa- town and country churchill mr uud mm david orun uud mim iiulrlrn qu haulier of 4owniuuill vlult- i ut mr john orurtlunt wnk muu alloil m iioht of llielph 4um llumliouiliiyluuwluibar uuat mm v hoiiny who miterlulnnlu fnw frland for allenu ioforn rnturuluk dncwsonb cornehs ilia mchoolu biivo riopud for th full term xir and mm chnu ii gatnhle of ilurfulo n y luotorad over on hal urduy und ura iipetidliiw m mik wltb mr juu aiimlili uud oilier frlemlu mr 1 h ltrown humllton uiwnt tin liolhluy willi hlu purnutu hern mm m crwuon arlon hi vltltlnu at ber uouu homo barn erin mommio crawford nf alton and i idily uud jliiuheu of orunuvlll warn um uuautu of mr john leulln on monluy wlmn tlmy aujoyed u faw knmeu of rheckaru mr norman llurd of winnipeg lu vimiiihu- with hlu brother mr w llurd mm john klrkwood uud duimbler mluu altmrtu of iortluud oruon uluo mlurf murwurnt mellaril ian of nlauur kulu n y vulted valutlvau in town rerimtly aunlveruury uarvlrau will bn bald in tho uaptlut cburcli ilnlfobntaln 011 lunday dr i il thnmuu of tor onto will conduct tli uervlrn inornlntf nnd ovonl iia twelve ynuiur lad leu and cbapvrone from detroit aro nrrupyluu illdn-u- wixi coltiluo liicknnuf 1ark m- fimiilii7fur- twr wflu mr j ii clmelmuii buu woli hlu pniperty to mr m mart ink of ulln millu mr martlnk will uet iwxumm1oii nlvout october i mm mckuy uud uttln nrumldmi tr iiuxol wuiiuh of wlnnlthit dr thn itneutu of mm iddrbln uohleu mr und mm il il hurdimn of llur- tha truutiou of illlluburif huvn pur- nhinied tlm property euut of tho union hunk from mr uoorun llurd of tor onto uud intend to buva it titled up um u uirk if thlu tu done it will imprnvn tlm appeuranca of thut corner vnry much mr d mod hi illlluurtr huu uobl hi rotdiicnoo and mill to mr jiub mc- iiirblun mr hylveutar dlltii nt now york city wuu tn town inut wnek mr dlltu noted many oiuiikou und mluund many of um obltlmn huuliieuu men old nltluenu will romomhnr whou xfr dlltu nutublluliad nnd luiblluhnd um hrut krln advocate over forty one earu hko advouuta burn wllhblu brother jou j jcucook a now cement brldfio hi bnlnu built ovar tho crank leadlna tn martlnh hour mlllu vrnd llmlth of detroit an old milton imy who baa mudn aood huu imou vlultlnji hlu uluter mm j t liuuuaul mr and mm dnnaldhon who havn left for china- uu mluulouurloa for tha motboillut church wore in town luut wemk call in if on frlendu mm donald unn wnu formerly mluu wlluou who for u term nndlnif with tha uuminor hnlhlnyh tnuifbt in tha illuh hcbool hern tlwhm briduou thut vibrate warn linver i litem oil in hn iiavlhfttoil by linnpln with a jane on onn nf our ouihouii found thut out luut llumluy when bn attempted tn rrouu onn und took 11 boa tier into tbo crook bolow he former xllwii kathlneu pa n ton left fur tor- into yonlorday to heuln duty uu uuper- intendont of tho training hob 00 1 for niiraen at um iiohbltal for hick chil dren im john ahiort ioathomlone of milton nnnomicnu thn amtntcninont of bar dnuifhtur mary unil to halm ft itnhhuton lord uon of mr und mr john a lvird of omuich thn murrlutco to tnko pluoo in tbiplemlier potor duff of chicago huu imeu hero 1 il vlult to hlu uuali governor mo- glhlion of tlm jail ii la u railway ii n uon of thn into lrdor dun hr of ciimplmillvllln und u roml muuy yearn uko wuu 11 clerk in the store of momiji lluutodo hnmuiroeu ilnv wmt hmytho wont hoinn to llruutfoil luut weak uftor u moaibu duty- hero in um xfnthodlut ami knox churchnu ililrhur tho ubwonco of thoir puutoru on vucuuon mr uiuytlinu unrvlreu warn mout iicreptubln and blu uormnuu drow laiiro noiikrettutlonu to both nliurolieu cbuinplnn oakville 4 of tlm meth- inaupled many rnapdiiulblllty of uotlvo unit 1 invlud to knrwum und wum wtoj limed tbru ut tlm noiifvrvimw mhhiou lu llumlllon luut june ho went tlmm in july und look- mi forward with koau nnd hopeful untl- clputlon to u ininciuhful puutolulo hi the tuwu wheru ha wiit bin luiybwhl hu hud ooaiipled mitny pulpltu in lm- ihxrtunt ontri inn ml i ii tf thren of th cliuixiheh in itoiulon onn tertn hi honbilru dmulmi humllton wdod- nluik iliuutfnrd ouelph wulkarton qukvlllu ilunovvr orlmaby ulut nor wich thu citlitnuu hand uuvn un peu ulr mcert lu trufuluai jurk weill itldn un hut in day evoirtuu xir henry plflkorliik of hitiler coruoru left luut week foi huukuichn- wnn to vinltber dniiuhter nnd four woiim ut drok forth llov dr htewurt of hurfutu who lu uummerbiif bore preuobd hi thn pre- hyterlan cburcli on lunday mornlntf tho hoard of lllioiitloii huu up- polnled win conner urobltent for tlm wiuit ulda publla uobool und plunu now undot prepurutlon wauloy church trufulitur will hold llurvi ut thuiikiiulvlnu urvlreu t 2 10 huilliiff ton preuldent of caufiuanou will luvutth in tbo nftornoon oukvlllnw eiierwutlo youutf doimiy- rvovu wlluou n hovluuuu huu been udmlttnd u metnbui of thu loitnl nrbi of doimluh olluion doukiuu a hob- luunn of totouto 1 hn direct 01 i uru buuy prunurlnu mi nttruollvo uud vurled pniitrummit fot oukvllleu uiout villi fair it wll bo throe duyn of uutertululiur umlln mlriictlvu roiriiminn with muuy inv fvuturvm thn liuutor ilev dr douul on uplod um mithndlnl pulpit 011 hliuiluy buvbuf mtumed fruii iiim vncutlou whloh wuu uinnl tiioutly lu mutikoku with u wuuku ihliituif klouu the itlduuu hive ut tbo onualumlna after u nionthu vbtlt in camilla juu muluron ioud conhuotor of nnw- ciiidliiontyna nortbumborhind buu nitiitimd to tlm old iuml hn uivent 1101110 tlmti lu oukvllln with hlu ioiih- iiim leo aiii wm moljimn on tufwduy nflornoou mr und xir umliert c uox warn honored with u vblt from llmlr icuunlluimuu unt llyutr itnd ijnly hyiij iiw ompuuled by hli jouepb und ijnly kluvelln 3lm work of ooncratlntf four mll of thn huvvuth unn lu prorvnlnk luphlly thn munhlnery und eiiulp hlellt lined lu wry illtdrvatlllk thn mini lii ten font wide uud monm uvr ulx huiidrud fnjt of conomj luhl und nnuhnd blur social and personal mluu muruarot kennedy of toronto n bollduylnif ut imr bo mo here xir if f wilwou im vlnltlluf frlemlu hi lvunkford durlnu- thn wirk mr uud mm alnic armwtrouif of itramptoo ukut tueuday with aclou mr wm cuulrk of xintfut vlultod hlu duuuhler mru w j held muln lltrwt luut week mr uud mm ti a diiu uttondod thn hn un ion ilomonutrutlou ut k11- hrldo 011 mo 11 duy mr jack callander uud mr ilolaud llowf of ouelph eimut tho wnekund willi frlendu lu town mr and mm david oratf of powau- uen vlultnd mr und mm john orulf uud family thlu wk mr j illll liau ruturuod tu clnoruti- town after upeudlnk u month with mr nml mru kd qamble mr und mru john llouuill urn vult- inir thoir duunhter mm cnwanii in aotou krln advimiuta mr uud mm cumplioll clark of lilihu vlullwl mr und mru w j could diirin- tbo woak mm w ii mcmuuter into of win- nlhu- vlnlttwl mru j a uaarthur church hht tjilmir duy xlm unltort flbuw wuu operated 011 fluelph iiiwipllui luht woek for a luiun olitit root ion in thn noun mr and xlm t m oulhrolth und r und mm t bnow of milton upent um weekend at mr ii h wiimoiim mr d ctf ituuuoll utuimloil thu 111- lal lot mi ue i of tho iulull orncem auuorlatlnn at toronto luut nvuulmi xini wtlllum kelly wuu cat i ml to tltumford luht weok tbroiikb thn death f her uhiler mru ilurold mcconunll mm hobert crala of toronto upont two weeku with xiru moijjiikbllli xlrcrulb rumo up for tlm wnekiid r uml mm harold duviu and mimm allenu of mitchell wero uuaulu of mr ami mru jounph holmeu luut wook r and xlm kmaut ii near uud family of toronto molorml to anton and upiut thn kftlblay with rolutlveu v john hhuw of mnllun iii ur- rlviul in town luul wook lo upond u few duyu at thn hnmn of mr itolmrt hhuw ir w v moonny attondud tho con volition and buiuiuet of tho xtotal worker auuoclutlou ut toronto luut week mr hart xlowat of tho iluiik of novn boot la ut cun onl lu upemllnu wneku bolldayu at thn pumntul hum pi mr und mm a a colo uud mauler ermun of alhuton um vlhltlnif ut tho 1 10 mo of mr und mru tbomum hum ley mm w v moouoy uud children re turned laut wnnk from u pleuuuiit vlult of u month or n with rolutlvou tu munltoliu hui helen jnhuutnnn of hauua- toou who bau lioon vlulthvif in town durlntf thn bolldayu roturnmouuno 011 thurudny xtr jumoh mnkttbiin and daurhtei marwillu of honheutor spent tlin boll- it ay ut tlin homo of blu uluter mru j 3 kennedy xlm xfnry clcumy uud minm xfary kltkifutrlck of toronto upont u nouplo of duiu luut wnok ut thu homo of xfr j kennedy mr und xlm harold ii nicklhi uud elr uttln duiikhter of luolph upont fnw duyu with mm a 13 nlnklbi i lower avon 110 mru it ourvln who buu boon in toionlo with ber iliiutchlnr xlru xiuuulou for tuinis time i not lim provlnu in heal th t hi heal niilmrh w c houuoy and dnrlu and xii anthony of tianruclown upont lluuduy ut tlia homo of xir and mm ii 11 wlluou mm alililo johuuton und xiiuu dnmn mtephoiiuon vlultod mr und xlm c it illov nud ut thn durnoy lininniiend inciiu ivr lh woikenil xlm j holmeu of acton vlulted uttbo borne of borduuitlilarxfnrlir d dmvim for u fow duyudurlnif tbo weak mitchell advncutn xii hnwurd iumbort of quolph unn of xir il m iumbort aotoju wuu vieiuted on luut hu turd ay for uppon- dlcltlu lu ouelph lloupltul xium ollvo xf luwhy who lu u iy- rhlutrln boolul lorvlcn wrtrkur lu toronto upnut u fnw duyu luut wtiok with hm uunt mm hoht hhuw hnv i m muyur wum ut rontuu un wim win took on tiifluduy ultondlnu tli fiuiemhnf jlav j fl- llouu d i ut wlilnb im wuu oiiu itf tho imurtt mi mid mmwd ivlok und xii nml xlm 13 holmuu und mm tut iotmi uud xir hold aihbniim vulted ut till hiunn nf xir win huyem luut week xii uud xfm lhln cooubuiniiil thalr llttla dulluhtar lf ietroc upont tunudity with aclou rrlimdithny urn nit u motoring trli tbrotu ontario mr und mmcrtbur iluiit itruntroid urnmltlnif xi 1 nml xfm wlllliim llar thy buvu juut been tiujoyliiuci nlauara lo th tin trip itud xlm arthur diydou of mbbxlm dr diydou mid toionto mimnt tbo wnukuml iwllb mm ii b ilulmom uud mm il nlokuu tjie council gtants water for foimtain irank holmai u10 now coun cillor sicritf iktlnraljon and tnkcu himoat the mill pond hoad to be hepaitled coiiuoll iht in inuiilur u huiiiii on tunuduy nvenlntt with councillor hull uud couuclllornleot holmim preuout und the llwuvu lu thn chiilr cobmlllor holmeu wub11 rlbed to um deolurutlon of nlilou und inivk blu uout t tho council jlourd ilnevu hurboi oktemloil a cordial p- vlutloil to thn now innmher a ctimmunlcirtloii wnu looelvnd from thn uollollnm for xir john km ton ro- lueutlnu hint the 1 orikjratlon iirooml with tlm riipulm to um vtrhiiilu uud lawn on hlu illver jllroet properly wblnb lu allouihl tu htivo lioei duliiaead when tlm drain wuu luhl luut wlntnr the council will prooood wllh dm fnw repulru foi which tbuy bolbvo th corporation lu roupnuulbln iho rommltlen on iiiuiiiki incuntod tluii o lub ton nth report and ruiom- men tied pnyuieut of tho following an no uutu oicnjqhal account hell tolopliono co 7 06 cruuhol fltoun ltd utroelu uud wulku 4h u hydro iower comni town liull 4 g4 ellroet lliilitlnu 141 17 juu jjyiuoii uiipplluu j 4 30 tans ot watkhwoiiich account juu hyimiu uupplleu 1 if hydro iclnoti in power comm powir ut uprluu su sb hydro kkclriil power comm powei ut itm pump ik 76 dr ii a coxn kuuollnn 33 iflj 03 tho icport wnu uiloptod xtru w j held unil xlm oonrun auiiow u ilelouatlon from thu worn on inutltutn wnlleit iiuin thn council und rnmieutiid thut wuter bn uupplliul for thn fountain unit thnj um luatulllnif ut tlm aoveiuumnt htilhlhur on mill htrxl tlm council wum uiiunlmou lu urauthifc- thlu favor und imlp tbo ludlnu lu thn project they huvn undar- tuknn tlm hnovn reported thut icuiiunulmf co u no 1 1 hud decided to travel thn mill houd uud hud muentnl thut anion join up with them ut thn corporation llmltu thn mum born preuent uwmil tu favor thlu but mi dntintto action wum taken council adjourned ut 0 30 fciueflhttr karmerw want hydro engineer btooulna of th hydro com- mlaulnu addreaead meetlno at btawarttowti thoro wuu u coot i iittnnihiuro of thoun intereutoil ut um hydro mootlnif 4eldin4warttwn wurttm-htlhrttr- ocnuplod tho ohulr xir htockluu nlnotrluul enulnoer of thn ilydio comminiilnn wont into thn mutter tbornuuhly iniinrdlnir tho coat of luutullluu upkuop ami ratnu inquired to imi lovioil on nirnl uuom imcordlnif to iniuntlly of ourrmit oonmimnd vrnm thn fouling of thu muottnif it looku ijultn poiialblo that nrvul und htawiirttuwi unil dlnlilcl wilt have hydro initialled in thn near future tlm liuiiitluif ndjnuruod to bo rullod uguln uhortly by warden kilioll i qeollqetown ihn lutnpuynra will vntoon a by- tuw to ruiuo iflnooo foi tbo oxtonulan of tbo wntnrwnrkh uyutem on tbo 36th inut mujor flruut und xllnu holnu ijiwuoti rotiirnod homo lunt week after u pleuuant trip to ilrltluh columbia unit tbo luut j xi i en lo whnunilerwnnt uti operation ut ouelph oenoral lloupltul ulic wooku ujjo rutin nod homo on xlnndny und lu im proving ulnnly xir ltcd cooun unw uurauo uud men building mi wall htroot will iniiko 11 dechleil improvement to tlmt hcntlou of our growing unil itrouporouu town xir ii h dnbymplii of llrooklyu n y upant 11 couple nf duyu lunt weak 1th mr j a trucy tho ollloom nud mo m bum of knnx church ihimluy hobonl plonloked ut xtoudnwvuln luut thliruiluy nftornoon xir h v qlhbniiu huu din pound of hlu buknry huuliieuu to xir n ii ilrown who took pntiiioiiiiloii nu mon day thn ooometown tlorul co wan nwuidnd hrut pruu foi tbtilr dlupluy of glmllolbi at toronto iqithlbltlnu their oxblblt covered 300 11011010 feet hoove dale cmiucllloih anthony mclntyrn nml moxiiilun 1 iro chief tout doputy tiro chief duncan und xir t j ilpolkht inotorod to wood- utook luut irrhluy to comphito thn pnr- cbuuii of thn ouulpment for tho now tlm truck horn lit llov and xtiu w i vlmllny unit family ura getting nomfortubly uo tiled hi tbolr now tniinun ut loi park avnnuo mod i tin n v hlu now luiulorutn oomtnouotid hint munduy xlru m hophln wntnoii wnu at annul hup bin mich inut wnnk ut- 11111111110 thu hluuffor fiimlly ro- union hhu wum uncompunlod homo oil hor roturn by her onuuln xir albert utuufur mi und xlm john hloun of oloau n y 11 ni vlulllnu mr und mm d p liny ut 1ulrvlnw imaco xr tlltuin uh- ubitod llov ml muiitiuell unil aroh- ilim 00 11 mminlnub in thn iiorvlno at 1 ht albiinu churoh on fluuiluy ovehlng xtr und mru arthm id xlooro nud their tbion oblldron xlmnnut llottlo and janieu loft foi bell 1011111 lu icd- mmitou alto im tuomlhy tlmy upent noiuly tw montliu with mm jinneu xlooio 111111 ntlini frhnidu lu thn ifluut mm john gwciiu toiontn unil ml nil alinn kepiiody of wltililhif wnwt ifiidtdu ynutoiduy of xii nud xlm violin uuniy mlwi kennedy hi onroulo w york wboio iibu will inlio u gi iiiluato com un ut columbia ivemlly mr a ii kmiimdy of tbo mnnloun pillilhihlug cdi tho 1ut uiran yeum funnel ly editor tf thu ollolpli muroliry buu liueu ougiigol foi tbo iipleiidhl pol- unn of nilltorlnohluf of tho- london dully adveitlhur xir kennedy lu i uphlly climbing into piotnlnomui mm laiuubnlh puiuonu fniuierly of llmiihomi uud ditukhtnrn mrnfloht flaul xfru fmllk unhaidt nolllo pur- uouu ami jqbu 1 purionu and mr 1 1 unk hub in dl iiiotonnl from lturfulu t iilopplng ui acton hjinhinnni onorgu- town und idraintir during 4liu puut wuk i j

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