Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1921, p. 7

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j illrthu marrlagoa and death aro bow charged for at hi following rntoal illrtlik coo murrlasnu con iuthm toe memorial curda too loo irnr htm extra for immmc died ai l xaniirn- ilny auguut uml r in hlu in mltto 0 ius1 mi itulur- jttllinx alnx- itotim a i er rili ii i oruim mntiduv ptdtn- 1uji uv j 1 uouu m a mlo mtitllodlut cllhkll 1 hill ft at ocorik town on wcdueu iliiy aiiifiiut 3u 103 hurrlelte ann hunt lt wife ul or t j kmiff tn her 4mltir haintlh in nuuuuguweyu townuhlp it huturduy aimuut 17 1b31 mury ann cnuhum wife nf jnu llurrlu in 1 1 or with ytm mcconnl mjiii niagara vallus mi day auguut 2h in j i tr iuughli wife of llurold mccnmi uiuhr of mh wllllum kelly a i in her 3tth your btft art ntt 3tre jlrwb tiiuwiday hkiticmiiku n 1011 brief local items out reudy fur aclmi full vale autumnal llnhi uro appearing another good ruin now would ins titn huu lwon lutbnr ijtiy monduy und 1 urmnru way ytuttrday were popular fulr duyu mnnduyu iilmwnrii the flrut hourly throe weeku were much prouutcd lulwunlu jl co have reduced tlio price of brtud to ido ut the utoru 30r delivered color unto tithe a mmilmr of vacant lota und r premlueu ullll huvn tioxluuu weed growing luxuriantly an unuuunlly lurgo ijuotu of inojilo of anton uud vicinity imvo ut- t ended toronto vulr now tlmt tha vacation uro nvr lot um get down to buelncum uiid to utudy in real aurueut quit u mmbr of acton peopla uttonded tho out iloyu ami able ho union ut icilbrldo on mmduy the cooler weather on ttunday won grutu fully reeotved after um prwvb ton duyu of humid atmosphere hov i m moyoi umnnhiml n vry odlfylnif anil utroorlutn iluihii- iny dlaaoiirue laut ilundy tnomlntf tho u v a oftlaldlmanrt county uro ulnnitlntf to hnvo o kamr hun taut ut ivory faluair in tlio county tho nnxt holiday will im uhmftrvod on bopumlmr 31t aoton kail valr day aitor thut com on thniiklvlnir 3iamt hthw wflw a krviit houcdtllujcftwflqjl thn numoroiim tnuoliorrf whoo homo 1m in anton tn gut to tholr kohool monday tim mtfuutr monthly mlhik of tlw i o h will in hnld on tumkuiy uftnrnonn at four oclook lu the i o o irhuil mm liu mill will oiwit now mil- jlnftry wum room in ttia ntore on main btret next to cooihsr tailor uliop noxt tliumdny th unit utook uun ot tlio imuutoii held ly iir it k jjrown was n tina muocfiui tloth cuttlfl and ixogm brought zvstv sratlfylnv iirlcan a llttlu mun u lit tin ruin u uoft wind blowinff from tint wont and worilh and tlold uro nwwit umln and warmth within tlio old eajrth briuau i tho ornor mtonn of the now y m b a hulhtliltt ut kitchener wan laid hutimhiy uftonuwm by uuyor lrb in tho nruhotiuo of u iuro and murvven- tatlvji nnucmbly mr tfm ijtushlln nfth una calo- itou mcantly took two mtulkri at oorn from bin fluid whlflh mnanurtd 3tvt uml s3 toot from ton of root to end of taw i icrln advocate thrt frumo work of mr wluutn allans imw brlok houo on thn meoond lino 1m up und tho roof on it will im h ronimodlmij furm liomw and una of urn inottt ultraotivo oti tha una mr muck mcinonum iimm a una nhowhur of rlndloll ualn thu uuumim ho iihji an utnihuully uood variety und darlnir tho wottk hud twantyolithl dif- inrvnt vurlotlim bloomlnff at onu tlmti a itittor from mr luuiio hood ult- olmll who im vlaltlntf in uaukatolm- wun to lilm lionm tuter tho advocutn uya lluok in ontario wa talk of boorf roudm und utlll krumbla if tlioy w nio of tho roudm out hora oi tha trull- tliay would ho tjullo oon- taudwl with thwlr tot thn old xfuit jiwku to m mtcuud frooi thit loutrlbiitlon of bin wnnkly rrinluluonni on tblm wonk ha uuld thut lii und mnry thuirud to mo inrontou lilu iubjitlon diim ninro uml nitoiul u four duyu with frlundu und lu wunilurluu urounit in um tho rllyu iittiut liunruvnmnntm ln hinmnrnd to bo vi ry nuxlnuu to huvn u look ut tha litkn iihorn liiiprovmik ulu unit thn bltf bount wulk- ut tjuunyuliio uml try to hull ii out how ho many toronto folbu mill 1 co lu huthlnif tliurt uu to ion- lumliuitti tho luko wntor mid mukn nwlminluic duuicurouu tlio old mun uuyu with lilu uilvulio- lnif yiurn und tbo twiiikou of rlioiimittlrm whlrli rnmii nowt lin rould not immoilbly u to toronto vni u vlull und wrltn hlu uuuul roliiiuu uud u half of ravnrlbij tbo humn wtwik ho unyu blu bund im nnttluir hllff und hlu rftoluhtlonu co mo mora wlowly now tbuu wlitin bit coiifmonroil hlu wnnkly lollnru thrnn ynurm uuo it muy ha thut uhortor loltor will nti uiturlly bo fortbcomlnif hi thn nour fill lira uud imrhuuu u wnuk or uo ha ukliutil ultouotliar oocuulouully thn old mun im rnrtululy dnurrvlnu of rradlt for 1im miiularuy and vol unto of wankly rontrlhutlonu for ha iium nuvtir iiiiwih1 u wnok uluco ha oom- ntaurod iiim oldtlmu lutteralcil tor if fancy drcnii carnival mvatlnn mt lum 0tvllu tlr lb it oukvlllit tuir ulimiiy uilmltti i in ihi mm of ibn hmit runil rolru lu onluijo tlilu yidr nroiuluim to minmml nil lunvlnuu rfoihl tbn iimln of thn own nmj uurrounillnu dlutrb tu huvn inltr- rluhl into thn work und urx l tunhiif lu tuikti thn tbr iluym of lb fulr i bill mill y krlduy illtil tbttlinluy h litonbtr illh lclb uud 17lb thrvn day h of ijouliif amt i b brut ton in addition to thn itpli ndbl hnrun uhow liilxn roniixitlllouu und dhblhltu wlikli tbiu yur will ha luittur tbull ut ilul ultr ittloi i bu ik 1 for uilt duy lilif ibn llrt duy of tbn fulr uu lln im ima funry drtum lurnlvul will h utuifiit lu wbl li uvi ryoun lu luvltad ti tuko uirl tbn primu will im lrmont ml for tbn bxt uiouji of ulx to iwalvi itiuouu in outiuiiiu ltii- iiinlr oi thtirhctxr nim iodlvldujil tirbtim for ibt ui i ii current ulcrary newn tha nw baoka which ara puctd fin th markat thu pll llutlur an inlnrtiutluir utory uu why lllr hull culnou ihi buu imiihi limit for i licltt ynuru oomouwlui tbo liubllcutlon of hlu mw novo tho muutar of mnn thltf full during tbn wur uud for u your or uo uulmoaunnt- ly it ununurm flr hull culnn bud httn moiuowhut utmuuoilmly duifuitad in pni iwtrtiitf ulllad nronutcundti xvbllo iiim work wa arfoctlvo how mob uo uoma of tha trout duinwtohnm rkuxtni thlu wort of fhlnif rnvaubd hlu own hund wum not lu ovblnnco lu nny lverwonul wuy i in hud u larjtn uhurn ho it lu ha lil in tho mutnrlul dlatrllmtod li ituly uml lator on in tho muttor utlll- nl id thn unltfid tltutou with a vnw tn emu tin and bolilltiir u inorn uymimtliu- tla uttlrlt toward jlrltuln tho now novol im in thn onlnloii of ttomn of tb ilukiimii critlew and au wall in tbo autborm own fooling tha itriialout of blu career canadas nconla boautlou um wall tlm wondnrm of hnr mnuntuln and fonwt inhtirltatkn uro certainly lielnjf hrouklit to tha foro thenn duyu in tho now novo la tbo utul to olto tbiwo 1c1iiioi murultnll who two youru uuo u young 1 can lorn nowhiuinnr man mado u utrlklng buooaiu with itlu tlrwt hook ami haw hiiioo oonllnod lilu attention ontlraly to iinvnl writing tbn imw lioval tbo hnbwuhon trull lu laid in tho forout wlldm of ilrltluh columbia and frankly paya tribute to tho imau- an wall uu to tlio othor wondoru tho cuka iontcht whluh bom ltan miiduoud by tha womanm iruitltute for tba two uukou donuttid by mr doo urawor luikui- will alon on wlduy uvaiilug ut 7 oolook umwlntf will toko ilaoo ut it oclock at urward llukary tha suburban pmru suburtwti i im now under now tnatiugftimmt und will ba ooan an tuau- duyu uud irrldayu um por uuul mrul- eluiim orolmatra in uttaudanrn a icrutid concert und dunoa hau bon utruugd for tomorrow ovanliik- bth int tba provrummft will iw iimanntad by tha wubon irumlly tnimlrul xiortm mud- um audaiwou uonrauo tha wmouu quartotto of auolph und a itrutouuu orobomtru admualon 3bb juihom mauilougull htutiuuer quvtph dacomud memorial o camatary tan thouuuud pwniln took jmrt bun- day utturuaon in lacomtron uarvloaa held ut oualpli hnlon camntary uud tba itomuu cuthnlln burying ground whim tbn oonotuph oraotail l thn former oumutary in memory of tba local moldlaru who dlad nvaraaum und tbn gruvvm of thom who bnva died nlnao returning from- ttia orcut vfar wen dixiorutetl tha uaremony vru oonduot- d by tbo lonul military nutharltlem und otnolalu of tlm horticultural society at tha cemetery n miealnl aarvlca won conducted by itov cant a a llttlt iuv on pl c it lluck- imtut m p v and hnv tcapt a v scovll hon hugh out brio dominion mlnlmtor of mllltlu wum to havq de- livoiwl an oration hut wum unable to uttand owing to prtimmlng cublnot buml- noom lit plimo won taken by c l dunbar jc c who mado an mproh- alvo uddrcn thu horticultural so ciety bad ohargo of tba decoration of the grave and tbo w neat ha ware laid w contrary to thn unuul plcturo o uuooouuful no vol lulu balug glvon i grut deal of attention by their pub unburn mid revolting in puhllolty uro mtorlnm told of jcnut humuup tbo h wed lb ginilum wbouo hungor und crowth of tbo ttoll huvo boon ulmont unlverxally prolalmol itootintly mr alfrod knopf who publlfthmi tho hull- bookm in thn uultud qtutam inuda a wpoclal trip to northern lcuropo to got uoijivalntod with hlu nnw author ncuotlutlonm for u meeting worn ul- togethnr tiuuvulllng und tho funtm au to haiihum u hahltu um u raoluiio worn tliuii mudo knowu it uppaurm that bo will not under uny oonuldnrutlou uoa u powmpuormau and thut nagotlntlonu ith ovoii hlu rtoundunuvlmi publlubarm ro curried on lurgnly by mull hum- muiim hooku inn baling now odltloiim of and thn joremnerw urn luilng ihhuoii ln canada thlu full by tho hyarttou proum who now publkih tho knopf ilorxo hooka in cunuda itellactlouu of tbo wur continue to como nut in uuliuf wuyu horn lu au tuitlmly now one ltaadnru of mury hordnu u 1 ho tortojuo have woudnr- m wheio tbo vtvldueum of tbo danorlp- tlotim of bohpltui ufo lu tho hook rumn fnnu whan omt lauruu that thu author lu roully mru tlpouru wlfa of oenerulmiwarm who occupied u prom- luant part hi tbo french campaign gllmtnertl of appreciation buu in to coma lltit going further ono ttudm tbit um miouru wuh not ut ull mat bi ll ei to laihk in borrowed honor and being fairly wall tot do who out fit tod haimolf uu ainarguuoy lldld lioupltul lu krnuoa uml further morn run thl hor- half for tbo butter purt of two yeuvm it im wuld thut doiuinu of our cunudiuu loyu ware looked ufuir in tltlw bintlptul und thut thn ha iuim hit tbo nlovor lady with utroug literary gonluw hau rented often on tho head of uomo pulu- wruokud imt no wonder tbn boupltul domrlptlonu uro vvm e00 ndpioh of hulold hell wright llnlnu of tbo old hou im uu uoiiuooit uu thn ii im i olltlnti for ameri ca thlu ooiihtttlltfim u record wblob kn ull probability i wilt lie curried out ubxt by thn untunl muiiom notwllb- mtundlng thn fuel that thlm niithor im frthjuontly piltloled by tlm iiuthorlllnm forjilu lack of lltvrnry utylo lm loid moem to bavo tho faoiilty of gattlug under tbo uklu of thu uookhuyir for iiim prevloitm nnvnlu huvo bud tba larg- t mile within m peel find jmrlodm o any vol n lima puldluhnd tlu now novel im htmngly dumocjmti tn torn und wblu inoxt uirongly humun on t lino with wbut onn imprponem lu u bit of propu- gupdu the moditru mlutjonu botjvnnn oupltul und jkibor hmo ynutfu u mjhm iqtbol lro n big wum ttxojnndlngly wall known no n hoclety luud r tu toronto then dur ing un h round -tlin- world tour uitno a bit of mplrlftod romuliot with u mar- rluge to h 1 loumuntun guritlnmuu ten ywr reulinomio with iter blimbund li that littleknown but mout romuutl cotiutry brtm kivoii an uiiuhuui hnnl ground for- intlerpremm deaorlpuon 4ii thlh baa minn takun full aiwuntaga r lirook lloumnnla 111 itgbt al bhudow which iium j thn ootiiuuuti mnrl rrcmm thn hook ered to iwj a titntulurd itm treutiniint nf jlouruunlun ufa and nntmiurm tu uonoarnod tha ooond tllinn for ihiiii ludltu und icnuth limn in tbn lur iluiini bull which im 1m itiu lirovbliid thlu yt ar dunrlug rompitl tlouu will iilun lukn luri tha thtli imithlaiuluru tuiml und ono of t iron lim luudlug orrhnutruu will im ii uu titudunon thuruduy will cerlululy lmt it night long imni mbrrtxt friday willi li buu hern ullocuttd uu cblldreum duy will ihi ukeri udvunlugo of byth chlldrnu of tbn town und tnwiimblp tlpc lul urruugnmentm urn being nuiln for bringing lu tlm blldreii from uio rural urhoolm uo thut thny will nve niiuul oportunlty for taking p t tn uptclul ciunpntltloiim the fancy dromm curivwl for children u i iduy ltonlng will lto uu wi union of much joyunul fluturduy dm hnt duy of the fair rill uudoubtndly draw u biimimr crowd the uviiitlilg will im colnbrulihl by u jumltornn with tbn lid oil uud uky the limit kvcry day will film- lull uomnthlug tiow uud attraltlvu tbn following im tho promiut pro grummn of upaclul ultructlouu und thursday aflfiriiinin wreutllng on horuoluick ohiii 4bth hlghluuduru hand kvenlng fancy urewu carnival lilting on horualuk k motor ituceu oanclng compatltlonu tbtb illghlund- nrw iluud friday chlldrn day afternoon ujiicmii cblldrouu iur- udt rotto itaet on llomtuuck ormui catching tho oreuuy lorker uilldren only isvnulng chlldrittiu funoy droiui carnival cblldruum compelllloim lllow tight ftieulor itoyu dancing saturday afternoon hnrue iuioam catching tbn greaay jlg oiwin hnut looking lady on thn kroundm to ixt judwl by thra prominent local lutflbelorh ie vnn lug wild jumborea other attmotlon for all thmm day horuo uhow danolug iuvllllon ku- lurgod mblwiiy moving ilctureu evnry evening mualral attructlouu isutrlom for tbo upeclol eventa out- unikl above may bo mado on tbn groiiudm part of tbn volume dnulu lu u intense ly intiiroutlng wuy with revolutionary duyu lu itiiumlu lteu particularly tbn cureer of n rnmarkubln cunudlun colonel hnylo of thu klondike a girl plcnta foundation for romance itiiro ly lu one of tha nuutundlug nbur- antorm of jeffrey vtirnnlu now novel martin conlubyu votuieanco 1 bin lu thn longexpected ttminol tn black hluh huu in tbo roaring lioundlng inifiuiihttbuit duyu uindred foi t lu width by nuurly uty font in hnlubt on ihiylnft national railways at tins fair jniiu aiul inhbrucllve kxhthil deplctiiu kxtent ut covcm- mentowncd itallwayn if there lu uny ulnuln i ililllt ut tblu y ur u cuinnrtiiii nutlonul fxhlhltlou that will in ova to tx u mci u t vulloiu it lu thut of thn cullmllui nullonul ninrl trunk itullwiiyn lloth frim tbn ulundimlnt of utrut thut it will ixilte uud thn wide knowledge it will illnuemllmta tbn exhibit lu of otlt- utuudtug luihirtuiine lb txhlhlt oi milieu two of tin luiun cln ulur riwniu lu thn itullwuy ilullillng an tbn dluiiluy in uiiub room lu fuuduuiontully illrferent ym h buu of our uu own pultlmilur fnutttre cnudea national wy i bu large tlruilur room ut tlm nortb- wut uliule of tho building lu i in voted to onn wrtlmilur ftuiimtiuj tbn uiv y- ing to vlulloru u toiumlloii of tbn i xtt nt and imthirtuut n of cui tlrxut nutlouul lliubway with um 33 3t 111 lieu of uteel rullm ootilur ibinnuutrutlou of ibn of thn country uud tho rich ruiouroeu in miliar to tiuch of tho illlln lrovlucni hf ibu diiniliiliiii thn provluloii niudi for ultululiig thlu two fold objeut h iwitli imbpie and nluttoiutt tlklrtlng lu ilrculur form ultoul two- hlrdu of thu room lu u puintlng niurly u hundred fi t iwmil lultor nu ru iw depleted u mention of tbn iunlnn coum rxteiidlug from uoutb of iortlund ore to north or lrlma uupert whllo id viuw inland extendi well nui the prulrln country within thlu um ubown the lo4utbn of tbo principal cltleu rlvi ru luknu und thut vuut rniigo of minmtuhui ulmtcblug euut- wurd homn 4110 niji u tin re im uui uhowu lu luuvy red liiiea tba vurlouu ioutim of tbo cunudlun nuuonul hutl- wayu tlyutdu operating in thut purt of tho country at the other or weutorn und of tin plnluin lu diplctod thu atluntla oouut from uouth of new york to iuhrudor huduouu iluy with ttu vurlouu feed ing htreantu utundu put in itold relief tlo in u modified wuy do tbo oreut i4ikim und tbn lit iawruu important rlveru of thn umu covered by the picture htiiudlng out tn hold relief lu rod wre the gridiron of rail- wuvh owned und ope ruled in kuntorn uud middle cunuda by the cuumlhiii nutlouul itullwuyu thn lurgeet ulngb uyuton whoue uimu run wholly tbreugh tbo dominion from uuiut to louuu the locution oj tbo principal cltleu in uluo uhowu appropriately arouped lu tha centre of tba plcturo liotwetm tho uceuru de pleting ibatpurlfln and atlantlo coauta ur hirge pulntlugm repreuenting of thn nine irovlncim a foreut of gluut trnem deplctu the lumlterlng uourceu of ilrltluh columbia a vuut herd of ubeep gruxlng uiwui thn prulrlo mhlomntlc of allwrtu htumllug uhiaveu of wheat with heldm and nlavutoru lu the background reprununtu itaukutcliowan the lrnrt gurry hotel ulundlng near the remaining mention of old imrt lurry indlcatau tho growth of multiloba a magnificent painting of niagara iulbt lu indicative of the muouroom of ontario hi byflroelectrl power a utrlklng picture of tbo citadel of qunlmc with tha river ut itu feet itnuomod with viimelu rniirn- uentu tbn province of qnaltnc a rlvur flunked liy rich vurdure uud currying logu down htrium to mlllu repruueutu the lumur induutry of new inmu wink a harbor ucenn with veuunli mnrretl at u dock reprouantu tbn marl of nova hcotla while n he was phou missouri tbo children will douhtltuui grieved to learn that the wild m of llnmon who hau been in tha cir cus buulneuu mo many ycaru lu dead he wau recently hurled tn mluuourl near thn old farm on which ha wau born odouhu dnmocrat- cleaftlng auction sale u nahhaoawmya townhiup nut ill iigiu i hint i vim plu et b tbo hi mayno neti work eo far ln- chahle8 oldham to uelt by public auction on lot 25 con c nohuuguweyu two mtleu uouth of anton on tba utone road on friday september 18 1021 ut 13 3d o clock uhurp tho following homilcti 1 boy mare h your 1 s00 u 1 buy borne 4 yeuru i 600 thw tlilu im u wall mutnhed teum of clyde 1 driving bo rue v yearn old 1 tniytnure s ynurm carriage 1 hay driving mare u yeur old 1 yearling colu cattijic1 mpoltod cow duo janu ary id 1 ret ow dun february 1 1 red now dun murch 30 1 black row due junuury 1 1 red cow due muy 1 holuteln tow due december 3s 1 l hilled cow duo time of uale 1 retl cow dun december 1 1 black heifer 1 grey heifer 1 upottod helfnr thlu tu a nrutnluum herd of cowu nmutly hborthom grudee und hug tnndn tho blgheut htrd taut lu thn anton cream ery teat 46 young cattuc 1 red uteer rtu- lug 3 yeuru old 3 uteerm rlulng 3 year ti helferx rlulug 3 yeuru 1 uloer und 1 heifer 13 monthu old 6 uprlug culvem hoqti 1 york how not bred 1 how ith i plgm u plgm 4 monthu old id fut hogu tf not prevlouuly wold hiiuiqp 13 good breading nwem is lumliu vowiro htinu and 3 rooutwru so hpilng uhlnkoiim 0 geetin i collie don hay and nitain 10 tonu clover hay u tonu timothy hay about 400 huuholu ouim 300 btinhelm hilxnl nru 1 1 i buuhel mwoat clover imptiwmlcnth ovorlupd touring nar in good running order 1 liuln wagon with itox uud uprlug ueut 1 xtccormlck lilniti r 7 foot cut new 1 muwuoyhiirrlm mower fl foot cut 1 deerlng dlua drill i front ju wmmi wood cultivator is tooth 1 mukeay- hairlu hay loudeiv nowl coekahu nmn u re mpreudor good um new i miiuuoyiiarrlm ulilodollvery fake 1 lwrlng borne mke 1 intarnutlonal 0 b p kerohone eiiglno new i uuple ieaf chopintr ii inch plate 1 utraw uml com cutting lutg l uuw frame so luatfj uuw 1 rubber- tired buggy in good uhupe 1 uot hnrroww 4 ueetlotuit 1 mourflar t latid roller l ntoct- tired buggy i vroat ti wimu sfurrow plow 1 cockubut walking plowj 1 nutter new 1 buggy pole 1 pater humllton pulimr 1 turnip mower wheel lutrrow s cow chulnu let tiob ulalgbm new doubutreuu ikyouam 1 funning mill vhh lutggvr ooinplete 1 t uculom z o0q ihm 1 utiwak luck t gilml ulone 1 33foot xynuu ladder fork hoem cbbhim iliaflcea etc 1 iloun implepientm are ijbily new ijtailnkbh 1 uat heavy burnemi 1 it hlnslo hitrmuu 1 uet plow lutriiehm foliar- hruulum win l houhiohoki loffloctrl 1 kaleii ireum unpuruler cg0 ihm cup nnw i ulmy chum jl wfuxl oook ntova 1 imx atova 1 healing ntbvo 1 tlm cx- tluguuher 1 kitchen cabinet 1 writ ing dvuk 1 dining room cxtemtlon table poerlvaly no mmrv a tha farm la v sold thlu hitle will utnrt on time ti0iim8 s10 00 und under cuah over that amount 13 monthu credit will he given on furuhdilug upirovtl joint no let b ff for cunh cur grain buy a ml fowl hihii r j kerr auctioneer 30 acton prince lilwurd julund the garde tha gulf directly in tiro centre of thn picture lu u bright blank uhimlniunhurfaced uheiit on which mnvla plctureu cam i lift from oouut to coaut uro thrown uu a lecturer carrleu vlultoru aorouu tho vuut domlblon on tba northern wall of tha i room nro two other hnitortant lurgn and interesting plctureu onn of thoue lu nuiitral colorw und about 20 by 10 feet in ulxo uhowu mount itobuon tbo blgheut lu tbn ltockleu reaching im it dona un alutiidn of i3qs9 feet with hoi tun u occupying tha centra nf tha picture uud uunkud on either wide by hiibnrdlnuto mountnlnu and tha foot of itu gjncler wau bed by a deep liluo lake tho ucenn lu not one to be for gotten tha other plcturo iium a mup of tha world uu uu centre whllo around it hulling upon u blue una uro tbo utoumeru of tho cunudlun merchant murine thn aoveruntentnwnod vice of over co vouuolu oparulod by tbo cunudlun nutlouul itullwuyu industrial and operatlnoj exhibit the oxblblt in thu uecnud circular room lu deulgned tnrepreuent tbo lu- duulrlul und operating end of tbo cunudlun nutlouul itullwuyu a now feu turn in thlu room lu a uootlou de- hlgued to depict tha operation nf the i levator uyutem of port arthur und foit william lit thn foreground lu u model of tha cunodiuu nutlouul hall wuyu olevutor thu nrlginul of which buu a cupuulty of ten million buuhnlw the lurgeut in tho world at thlu elevator u vnuuel lu in tho uat of being lauded whllo tu order to lncreuua tho reallum of the uoene trahth and utoumeru by a mechuittcul dovlce uro kept lu motion another uoatlou hau torute dlupuiyu in huge gluuu jaru a full range or cunudlun frultu white hanging lu the background are tru impure nt ucuneg of vurtoum phuaeu nf cunudlun life aoroum tho room frxnifj- thlm dtepluy im a large mention dovotid tn exhlbltu of cunudlan wild aid main of practlcumy ull kludu while in the bunkgrojjiid lu a picture of heroic ulxo of tha fuiuouu algoihiilhi provincial purk uud game ryuerve on thowaut- aru wall covering 40 by ib font nf upace tu u topical map of cuunda from onukto couut and allowing nut only the luulu uud brunch uneu of tho ciiiindiin national hyutwm hut tho principal cltleu und towuu tho letter showing um principal town urn auto matically brought into hold relief by un luganlouu oleotrlo davlce dont throw your old carpet away thy make new fuuribl velafvax ruum sand for velvet foldr 3 canada rug company london ont millinery opening milh iiia mills will bold her mlllliiejy uin uhucu lu the rnemu on main htreet lu tin utoi tukl to cooimru tullor uiop on thursday sept 15 fhiiuy skirr 1g an utlruetlvn dlupluy of the uitimt criutlnnu lu full uud wlu- lur millinery will im mude 1110 iadiish ot dim com mdnity auifl coitnraiiy invinap to calt and intlpict biiy a ford new prices um hduu 0u0 1 rrix k cbuuutu 700 i irlc h v o i ford out uudim uturtr but uot lux hoid ny h- a coxe mens double purpose rain coats l l mullin turnip iluycf aclon onl will uturt ugnln the turnip buui uuu which ijn wuu enuuged lu for unvcral y uru au mum uu thn early lurulpu uro ruily for uhlpmeut he will be glud to iiiiuit tbo furmru df thlu ut i tlon a 1iquah1- d1cal lit otlll motto free four boxes of chocolates wo intend otfcrinp to our patronn nt ilrnnipton gcaryc- town milton and acton every saturday a boy containing ono pound of our chocolates raitghi in price from 50c o 1 00 per lb for atc and wo want an appropriate name bear in mind this boy fa good enough for your best girl and you know the best ii nono too rood for her to tho girl sendingnuti the most sulrnblctiiamo wo will rive four of these saturday itoxc i one cacli saturday for four weeks send along your suggestion only one suggestion allowed address your letter to our brampton storo and have it in by september 24 t h moorehead ihcij cool evenings maker one think or thut light weight overcoat we arc allowing a large run go of patterns in ull wool topi with and without belt guaranteed by the innkdr to give good riiliifuction prices quoted tin- year much iiliow a year ago and the qualities are belter drop in und look them over mkns merino undkhwkaft two piece penman muka jut tho underwear for these coopeveimitv all uze in fitock special at 100 each r mens black cashmere hose sizci 10 0j and ii every pair giturgntccd pure cash mere wool theio hone sold three nionllm ago at 1 x pair the nblimco to cltur at 50c pair mens work socks special at 21c toc 35c pilir monarch floss and down in stock at 25e ami 35c white heather yarn in black uud white at reduced price 20c sk mclean co we bell for cash we sell for less mill- street acton ont its a pipe thut when you give uu a plumb ing job it lu going to ihi expertly done our men ur punt tnuuteru lu the gentle urt of pipe cutting threading lie ml lug and fitting uluo in tho mending nf louku and breaku in plpeu fuucelu flttlngri youll utop worrying j w f mooney aoton ont moffats specials this saturday a a candy special vie liavo a mixture of nounut squnres and jap caramcli rcr sue tb saturday 3bc wkbk end chocolates a nigluro or 10c and 70c chocolatoi saturday sc per lb salted peanuts ticr soc lb saturday 17c per lb phone in your grocery order wione 31 john moffat jl main st acton saturday treat vfrl tollow the crowd follow the crowd and you will land into moore- headv ice cream parlor people who know the good things of life always como here for their ice cream vo invite you to try our chocolate sodn every swallow you take will send a delightful thrill through your body and make you think what a joy it would he if you could keep on drinking it forever wo have a big special for you for this saturday 75 lbs ot our apple blossoms a delicious centre dipped in cream and rolled in cocoanut assorted llttvora keg hoc per lb saturday treat price 29c weekend chocolates 35c jv iga r kainj i tils great tapcciol is nccoming more popular every weak assorted chocolate reg soc lb weekend special 35c kiddies candies 5c pkit dozen think of it 12 one cent piece of candy for 5c a lot of odd lines we want to clean out so dont forgot tho kiddies t h moorehead kutampton georgetown milton acton in the ouniloqate coumt op the county of halton notice to creditors op w l mullin deceased tha creditor of william yeonard mulllili lute of the village anton lu the county ot l lul ton produce hauler deeoaued who died op or about tba ninth duy uf augtul a 13 1021 nt tha townublp nf cuouehlng hi tea id county and all other peruoiim having cluhnm iikulnut lilu icutute ure required on or lie fere the 2tth duy of maptem- liei a o mai to forwurd by mull imwtuge prepaid or titlmrwlun deliver to the miderlgmut houutor for jean cumpleu mullin the widow und ad- mlulmtrntrix of the icntutu of tho muld deoenuod u mtatement of their ac count with full purtluitlura of their clalmh duly verified and the nature of thn hocurltlen if any bald by them and notice la hereby further ulven that immediately after the wild 15th day of beptentbvr a o 1031 the aahl administratrix will proceed to distri bute the uuuetm of the uuld daoauuad among tba part leu thereunto hy law ntltled and who will not lie raupomdhlo o uny pereon of whouo claim with full purtlnularm thereof ut i ached and vertned uha ahull not have received notice at ttia tlmo of uiich distribution dated ut anton thlm 3cuv day of auguut a 1 1d31 j 10 an campiiiam ml if lin admlnlutrutrlx harold n varraar tlolicltor4r ad- mlnuitratvlx gn p we ltej to annuunce uiat wo have itecelvcd a full line of fall goods ladles wool mid velour coats for fall and winter ladies wool jersey dresses ladles wool serge dresses ladles wool sweaters lit newest utyles mens and boys wool sweaters chi nt covered comforters in attractive it oral designs flannelette blankets largest ulxe in gray and white it will pay you to buy at our store we slock better goodd at a lower price another drop in prices w evans tho west hnd meat market submit tlio following low prices uickf loin ronst 0 noillni bcor 10 legs of veal j2 1 hick rib roast ik veal chops 2 choice rib roast is lamb briikots 08 front quarter 0 round steak 20 legs of lamb 25 sirloin stcuk 25 loin or lamb 25 porter houso stcakl 2t lamb chops 0 rump roast ib cured meats 1oiik back bacon 50 shoulder pork chop 20 loin pork chopn 25 fresh hams 3 sido bacon j2 smoked rolls 30 boiled ham 50 vkal bcof loaf jo stewini veal 10 sausages our own make 15 front quartor roast 5 new potatoes ppr peck 50 w evans main stiueet acton l starkman starkman block acton ontario j w kennedy son k iiardv iliniiwnir tliwnilllili electric wlrlne mr farmer it saves you work and dollars itigives comfort and enjoyment you shoum bb uctodatb in tub iiomk as welii as having uptodate machinery let us instal a pneumatic watersystem 1 lovvist posamu piuces quotations free send sketch have you as w installed in your homo n system of electric lighting if not itii only a matter or time until you do and there is no time liku the present wo upeci alike in this class of worlt and can give prompt and sutisructory ter- vice do uway with thobo unhealthy and dangarouu ojl lump and sco what real comfort is dcfivpd in the homo from the use of electricity wo are always ghid to give estimate on this work and our prices will interest you cuno in ujid talk it oyer wo also carry it good assortment of fixtures and appliances and your inspection in invited remember our motto quality service ketiuoniiklo priced howard and mecarvell 21 wilson st iuelph ihonjb 270w j w kennedy son phone 95 main street acton fc

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