Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1921, p. 3

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lie arimi 3to rusnn jlimtmiv nisitmimsit n id3i juut owdahinq out i hlu llfi wo ii v nn euilh bu u tuxt hull mill iouviii t nni ountor many iilnu lit r of whlrli uie utivaii i alia to luut ji kill tlio oath it jmit u huhlt vllo ii only hiedu dlxlrimt it uwnivnu ilm iiiidi- rin i thn u or llf xl nnirtu dliitfiiiit it lii the kliuuiiuu fif llio low tho liullt of tho vllo it liuliln mi il en of muiillueun or uroiitiitiuit aftorwhlle i ulroiilth it huu no power t iilnuily iiiimim yiiiim detent if lliini iiwourlmr you rofruhi vml wllli ilhty illtliy uimlimu oathu your hint you never iilulu ihon ult it moil unil unit bnyu tii to it hrluuii iu prldn t iihuiiioi tlin luimn of innthor dour lot cluimur ihliupi uhldo yf ij hartley premier druryn mall itag mli o0 lattru pur day hv m mlu- ouauioua lut of topic wluui a mini hmoiuou u prime tulu- lutiir mi vu t til huudmdu of poupla at onio plane iiliu on thnlr mntlliiif hut tlin vntif utriount if information ami hiltiliiuro liu la uuppouod to pnuueuu and tli it far ureutnr quantity of uil- vjen lm la nau limed to bo in need of mo heat rovnalod by u glaum through hlu tmanliii mall llveiy day premier drury rocelviu an average of cod lottery at thn jmrl la ment building xlout of theufl colu mn n leu tin iiu hnv lo do with routine hiiidnouu ami urn puuuad on to vurl- oun iliiartinoittu to lm dealt with othuru of a uhnllar nature that rail for thn prciiiloru poruouul attention retained until ho haa aeon thorn genor- ully within a uhort period after oolpl mr drury denim uu hla mull very quickly dlrlutlng important roplleu only ami leaving tlio remainder to hlu line rot ary to answer from tirlof nuu- cillnd hharthaml notou in a titi con not infrequently tlio premlor will go l tlio tiouhln of pnrwoimlly writing careful reply to u correupondent who hau no lit in a long rambling mmmunl cation if tha letter indicate u goil- iilnn donlrn for luillghtnnmont it unuwerod ami tha uuuder in put right 6n no mn matter of policy a grout many lotturu jlnil tliolr way into premlor ilmryu mallhutf how uviir which nnlthar ho tmr hla douuty nor hlu nonrotary ran anawur homo tt ihtim uro ahmiut hlotclhlo thoro la u woijuly iiottoarl for nxannilii that iiovor falln to nut in an ujipnuranoo rovuvoil with laiah nil mi to rullicntlihy that a mauiiirylnif ulmw in iibootumry in niilnr to road it it la natim t now miiico miyono uttumiitw to rtml anothnr romilur arrlvu la u ux nluht iuico lottor which tiiriiu up on no a won it iiid uomnlliiinu oflonor ulia nolld rlnmuii of urrlntura for thn itdl- ilcatlon of ontarloa flrut cllumi x third woouly hnllolln cotnot from ii man who haw hnaii ilomanillnu tot- tlomuiit of an imaulnory claim aualnitt tlio cnvornmoiit for ovar twoiity yarn iii minn luia boon rur fully invoatl- uatud utid llamluaad uu kroiindlmm hav- oral tlindil hut hojwt hdhiibii otnrnal in 111 ii liruaut not aatlullod with writ 1111 ho hauutu tha lohhlvc am hlu lawt roinknpnlnatlou oneloiwil u utatnmunt iihowliuf tlio orluluul olulm of 300 in craauod by comnound tutorout to 8600 ijiwhiilta which tlio lltlitantu wuli tlio 1romlor to imuh ulotitf fornti tha hiirdnn of many i otter onn man wlinuo ciimo iiuiikh tire i14 vary twir- ulututit in ruqueiiuntf mr dmrya uu- nlt oiioti in ifflttlim u laovo mi an at huluoomoiit hn hnu no v oral tlmou uln- ln a itoatal ordow for it lit to thu nnvolopo nomllomw to uuy ttilw muto hut powerful norsuaaor haa alwnyii lieou roturmnl t if ft lino unnoarti in tho nwmmilfirri that mr drury la uufferlnir from 11 idlaht nold or that hlu throat hau be- ooiiio urftuittid doxanu of kind old wo- moil of both uaxoti njl ovor tho tiro- vlnno immoduitoly lirocnoil to hluff hlu mallhuiih with lirovuu rvoluui fo tlifhtlnic htiytliliiir from a clilll to thi lu itrliipo ilooonimuiidatlonu of paton mmllflluo and other iihyulcu by urate fill unora nro rorolvod in ulioalu ono tni wrotn ut lauitth dourrllilnl hlu fikohihlvu and lufalllhln treatment for bloodiluonliiic nml whlto itwalllnitx of tlio foot lo umlad iiim luut mibttlo with tha uuhthmi laiiiut i can euro any nouo of blood noluoiilntf or uwouluk on u bwt iomiiljly tha nout axtruonhiiatry ro- qmiht unlit to thn ontario premier from u woman in a ionic tyim- written lotlor ulvluu a umiit vliiul of family hlhtory lu dotal uhu frunuly con touted thut ulio hud boon in thn jjou jull for throo woflku and tliut niio hud juut raiiod from an auyhini in bur haaty ii iii lit alio had boon romnalloil to loavo hor olotlitm ltahlnd ami would drury kindly hoo that tlniuo nun wtiw forwurgd to imrt many luvnntnru coimldur thu iroiiilur a uhurt out to fumo liloau for muiiiiiu- rlnou and wlroluuu tulonrnpliy am wub- mlttod fur i1u1- approval ono vtiry tmr- ul gl on i norraupoudant a lady hau in vuntod u iwtont ballot jjqx ui1ju3i nhu lu inctromoly niixlouu mr xriiry uhouhl cnil onto lromlor however lnvutl- satfl liullot itoxtiu only when they tnuut and th la onn buu llttlu chunoa of sat- luic liuut tho turnutlln ut tho tiurlluniont liulldliuni mr llruryu f armor frlcnidu ltavo onrotton him quito roonntly a live rooutor wau nuiimltfiuxl to hhn by mall ut qiiooita park lluakia of bltf mealy tiatutoiim uro froauimt urrlvulu wlillo wntutilau of uraln uud olovor umi uro iculim thounandu of jaidu uto ulioworetl tiu- 011 mr llrury ut ohrtatmuii and n ur- lirlhlnu iiumbor of noonta romumtwr hlu lilrthday lu idmllar ak wtill uu morn huhutuntlul wuv imltorh t furm jialiorlln tha uivltodbtutod and uiitf- lund iui wolluu inrcuimda nollnlt uitloloii for tliolr columnn llmiuoulu of nvory duuoiliilloii for uubnorlptoiih to oliiirltloh 001110 lu u attuidy uhowur ho fur th la hummor mr drury hau rixsolviid invltutlotiii to llvo huudrvd lilonlou und uiut wlntof ho hud to turn down hourly four hundred bu11- i until ihjiiih uhlo to nrcont about llfty only of tho luvltutlonu luuderad r jvt oku hah j or vrti dig clock 1 k hay i muiuod it by imiiuu awuy laut nuk utiilrutiiud that lir kannnr our innut inicrciuiful locil rbibrnnan riuuimhorod tun with a llnu umcimon jiloiulli lama ho rauuht lu ijinif ijiko whiii ho rntiiriiml hmaa from lilu rifnirulon nuturnlly thn huh wuu uout to tho filhor to bn forwarded to inn thn dr holnif hko uvorylaaly olmi iliihloua ubout idantlfyliiir mi wall uu i wild i willi ftwny l toronto und thu mlltnru family knowing it would hint ki until my mtiirn rookcul it for illiinor tluit day i midnrutiind thn bouuoliolil ut moomnroft nroiiouij liunu and oujoyod it vory miirh or couruo tlmy did thn rlubt tlilnu umloi thn rlrrumutunrtia and i liirnnlatn dr furmnra ufineroua ro- lombruiiro wry miinli all thn aamn i hoiu ill hn at homo if thn dr tivnr favora nm on any futnro oocualon for nnjny haus vary much mid my mary incook hub to my huhiif and ciqiml any obof i bavo nvw roino acrnuu wnll i hud my wnnk hi toronto id it wuu it hljf wnnk i run toll you f couruo tho hlu toronto lalr took ii moat of my tlmo und do you know ndornd about ulono 1 11 out of tho tlmo mary and i mo oyn to oyo in unnd many thlnna but wbon it rnmcu lo attniidinir u hla fulr like toronto inhibition iirofor to yo nit by tny lonoitomo to hmi thlnuu mary juat naturally wuntu to a no all tha imw thlnuu thu dmuufu and tho rurnotu und tlio oloctrln wauhlnu ina- 1 and thn nlmiort und thn other itlm rracka which are brnuicht tliei ttraot tho womoii folkii no t inft bor with thn toronto rnlatlveu und thny ifuvn her a rou bunt ujn limn can toll you hhou tnlulim about it ynt uuyway wall i think i had tha tlmo of my llfo i aiwiut a rood lot of tlmo llutnn- inif to that iluatavlllo llutid of mr tlhnwu and i toll you hntwnou ilorlmrt clurkn mid flhaw thn tammr and tholr ulntytwo nlayeru tboy put ui mltfhly flno lot of imialc thorn v a uood many othnr folk a who tnjoynd tho imndo uu i did ton for tlioro thoinuindu of iioojilo thorn hatnnlmf nvnry tlmo thoy play oil i mit in qultn a fow hount ton at thti bulldlmc whom nil thoun now motor earn worn on lilbltlon ltay it wau lino i know i nnvor could drlvn oun of thonn nav fuuttlnd bucaleu if i could afford to throw uwuy 1000 or 3000 to buy onn but i did onjoy nnolmr all tho now thlnuu i cuouu a rood muny of thnun ullnk aaleuinnn thouiiht i hoy had mo when auktld no many nuontlonn hliout thorn but i only waiitud to know not to buy whnu i idood thorn lonklnif ut ull thoun dandy earn i couldnt hnln thlnklnn what pntor tnp would think if hn wuu ilrlvlm no thn uecond linn or down or hack honio aftor hnd iwion hern for a wlillo with hlu yoke of okn nnd tworwlmnlnd dart if ha wuu to inuot onn of thnno now ul olffbt ryllndnr llmouunncn runnlnif ulnnir tho roud au iilet uu a iwiny without any vlulble innaiui of drlvlnu nowor i think pntor would bavo tnkon a fit and uo would any of our fojkn of ida duy i uimiut a lot of tlmo in tiie bulldlnu with thn floworn and veuntalilna wuu tlno indaod ouy thoy had flown ra of ivory kind under thn uun lu then hut for thut mnttor thorn worn ilownru outuldn all over tho itrourula and thoy worn flno too you know x llkn fin won vory much tivnn on thn farm why mary nlwoya hnd hor flwont william und rlblion ifrunu und hollyhocks and bachelor buttonu and uwotit mary und liuiiulnu wnll thro wr uomn innut of thimo at tho bite fair but look uuoalul ittnck of thn ijlaillollo and i oouldnt dnduny a bit imttor than thoao of my uollibor mack mndonuld uf which ho lu uo proud and thoy deuorva it and i didnt bao any a at which qulto cuinn up to that tlnn uhowluu over ut klockort llndituy form which mra fliiiuuy la nlwuya uo konoroum with to thn town folkw und hor noluhliora anil tboro v uoiuo dandy rannau but to iiavo inn i couldnt find uuy thut worn tint oquul of thoun tlno dark nuou with tho blir uprnadliim fnllnica at mnnmaroft lira moorn hiimly known lloweru and think if una took a notion uho could hrliitf bomn mo mo of thn rod tlokotu fiom toronto und uo could mm llnd- uuy und muck modouald woll anv- way tho tlnworu worn attrantlvo at tha hltf fair und i enjoyed laoklnif over thum thn uhow of fruit euimtolully of upplou from our own county attraot i mo eroatly i kuvouliout half a day to tho gov- duliilluk uud x found that what iic roc per red he got one umilo lyo ouiiht to bo aahutnod of youruolfltyrnmy moo what a lot of lirlxott yohr ulutnr huu gol uhd you imvoiit oven uurnod it cjirtiflout oh but i itot it cord lieu to oiumi iinohi auld tommy ilndood whut for i uhould hko t know 7 for iwliitf born conclusive proof a quack dootor wuu uiiviirtuinu uomn inodleliiu uu thn at root oornqr dootor t avn uold thn plllu for twuntytvu ycaru uud nnvor heard n complaint what donu thut provnt vol c from tho orowdl thut tlnud mon toll no talon liixchuuku i hloh to mo worth mooluir it rather alubicnrti m though to nomo ucroau unvnrul oopa of ukunku thoy upivnurad to bo qilto at homo uud i novor hourd of anybody boliif mnloatnd by them it waunt hko our bleed mmtu wkpnrhnion in tho old dnya on tho farm uo oamn noroux n nnut of thorn unco lu tho wnndu bohlnd tb luiok pauturo or ut louut they imnw ucroiui hlui buy by jlimnliiy hut ho k u iluun why oiiiiiii to dinner mury iihond him out of tlin houun wo hid to bury alt thn olothoa hn woro of courao that wuu only 1 a ublrt nnd pair of uvurullu but it look hulfthu water in thn ruin barrel to wuuh him uwoot aualn i ratbor wonder tho oblbltlon ptvnpln ullowod i bo flovonimeiit to put vurmlntw lu thorn on nxhlhltlon anyhow when x not out my upnx uo uu to mud thn ticket on thn oui i mudo tranku uwuy from tbvrn protty quick i wuuut taklnu any rluku i cuu tall you and tun with my llimduy atom dlotheu 011 wall thoy hud uuuku lit thut buudllitf too bltf bluck uimkou rattloru mid uujrtor amiwj x didnt htuy tlmro loutf ultbnr rim hhuknu worn in uluau oaaoii but i novor oould malat heuvlnu u atonn ut a annkn whnu untohu onn im uud thern mm very fnw of thu peaky reptile in thono purtaj i kuuhu i im ixmauuo wn htivn an limuy cnod vrjuh poplu horn an exhibit- f liked very muohwaif thu llvo uuli from our own lukou rlvoru and utmamu thy hud vnlu und bauu uud tlout row i hjiooklod lmiuutlnu junt uu him uu tlutuu dr varmur cutohuu lto- furu brnukfuut wumi inornliiiih in ihn uprlnu uud wblihi hn tukuu uiiah prldn exhlbltlnif hut tho ijou i draw tho hun atthoui too muoh of tho fifmlly ror mo ihbthr cipmii- lu thu bultilliiu- tlmy had uu kxhlblt whlnh attrantod ml tb pln lu eooo oninnud bio mo it won uli iptlliw oamp tim in- 8uro i prio 30c thcrw with thqlr wlvou and i hold in aqjton uy ifl j fiabuaiu lauitlitora und thoy wrri muklnu jr h bark aiioou uml ihimwiih 11 nuil ma think of tha trl f ludlauu mrlto cm no lo 1juvi ilyduru bliah ilowu noar our wntorwoiku iiprluu wluuu um uuli uocawarouuivpliiiiu ful thoy luniln all klndu of buuknta htv it wau thn prldn of um boyu lii tlnuin ilayu to l thn judlaiiii lo mukn 11 it uu arrow aalonally for our laiwa tboy worn 1 howl iirrowa wn uvury 1411110 acroua mid would uliool uliulubt uu u ilia llay thn indiiiiui um ifolthuc iimhiih dvnry aquaw and indian ulrl lu thin nifhiblt wuu fihnwluif 111111 to iwul in hand jiiut like our wu ulila i mot on tho id mat nvnry day and thn ml ian moil worn chewing lidmrto well i run uiul very plululy that i mit at ovor thn hi exhibition iii no wook i uot ruauliiu on lo thn paut iro often that i fuitit myuelf ami ir imi i uoa thlull do for to- i thouuht i con 11 toll you what lu thut lino on bl billon of furrn tli in or c thluif ulaiut thn ther but i dl 1 mo there oltlior ilhndluiiilk ut lh that bowlii- und tlio ii hut thnli imutn tit rtrr ddway nt takn mary i ttuuhnt try ii rut lent with rtjiojiuod drlii 1 only uu inch or uo uhorlor thuu our own ulrlu wcur juot ao it haipcncd wulkluu tlirouuh thn hull of u -juiit- nrn rolloun i riimu oh u younp ltlari- from my town iilttluif ulono on u bonclu uo waa uanlnif ucrouii tlin fampuu a littln wearily well icttward how urn you makluu it i ureotod bin hn rojio with a umllu thn namo amtln 1 rnniamlmrod uu ladnif ao wtuulnic in hla blub uoliool duyu iretly well i iflioua havent flunked onco tblu year what urn you ifoluu to do when you uwiduiitu havont mudo up my mind yl lluroly you have uomo idou of wli hfiulnnuu or profnaulau you intend to follow r wo i um tnliuf to ii n lab und then in what turuu up that wuu limn yearu a 110 llward nnluhod achuol tin ruinn liotua much o tho delight of ida paruitta who ttnudod romfnnurement and nw their on receive hlu ill ill impulur with thn town yoimif folku who lookad up to bliii uu a rollnan gradu ate hut ho hud no plan far ufa uu tried novoral thlnuu ourn ho went mi tho road for a mill trying to uoll hour but thut luutud only u mouth ha wau not a kood iialnumnu then hu nlnrknd u u utorn for u fortuluht tha iingl i heunl of him ho wnu tryluif to uoll utock in a compuny but tblu uoon nndml for wnnku hn utayotl- uround n uml did llttlo joim hern uml tboro thut hau iwmii hlu ufa und only yeutvr- day i wu lohtul hhn arroua thn utront ho wau vlalthn with uomn louuh imkyu or thn town of whut thoy talk in e i do not know hut i thut hlu pureata mnut imvtt uomn uor- row at thn fajluro their uon lu mnklnk in hlu life for hlu father went by jnut than und tha look inhlu nyvu told tho utory cbarloa moreuu kuruor ttomnonn dutcovorvd a fnw yearu uuo that typo could lm hot by uiilutf tyimwrltnr koylmnrd thou wo tiot tli famoua llnotyim afid inonotyivo inn oblnou that ant tho typo for all 01 lurcor prlntliia bouaou in fur 1oh tlmo than tnn worknru can do thn nnrau work now tho an mo idea lu tiuod neuln to help thn overworked poutul rlerk tho irnt muchlno madn lu to anrt inttaru into thn rliiht mall luiu that will then to unulod to tho proihir nltlnu lu all rorneru of our country it mi able it u worker to alt ut tubln before a koylaiard and to uort all tho luttnrn of a poutul utatlon mornly by prouulwr tho proper knyu au tho inttoru in tha loinf troush lfora him foed down to him tha inventor uaya that 36 ilirferaii mall nacku can ix foil uwlftly by a nlurlo opnrulor alt una at iiim deak without touchlnc 1 ginffln inttor with hlu handu an ik proaueu u key off ifonii thn tnttor fly- init through itn chutn into the rlaht liajf the canadian pacific rail- wav and itu vouno predidcnt tiie aniqtocnacv of dooko it lu open to labor mid tu mnrltrbut to liotblnif olun no wnulth will brltm no namn overawe no urtlflca dnrnln thn uuurdinu of thoun tclynluu cuteu in loop uomut 110 vila or vulvar paruou over ontnru thorn at thn twrtlnrou of that ullont kaulmiur lit cormuln tbero lu but ono brlnf queutlon do you deuervo to ontur pauu do you uak to lm thn companion of uoblu7 mako youmalf tiolilo mm you ahull ho do you iouk for thn oonvnruatloii of tho wlunt xiant to uiidorulaud it und you ahttll boar 1l itiit on othnr tomuit no iff you will not rluo to uu wn cannot uloop in you john hunkln not hii a counthv witho a otaup pal out inn lu thn only country which now hnu no poutuco a lump of llu own hut m proud 11 tutlvou of tho klonlut gov ernment bavo informed iondon phll- alollutu that tblu unomoly prambuiu aooii to lm recti iiimi for with thn tut- tuhhuhmout of iuhhtlnn uu tha luttlou- nl bomn of tho jowluh nation it lu believed lllllo tlmo will lm lout in lunulutlnif thn oxamploh of othnr tonal 1 uitlouu callod into bolnif by mandate of thn pvuco conforoiioa by thn iuhu- uuoa of dlutlnctlvn utumpu h lam pa uold byltrltluh army pout oincnu in adjacent former enemy territory urn bolntf utlllnod for ovorprlntlntf with tho word vpuioullihi kiutt and wnut lesson in natui1e study hahool liiuiootnr do you teach ob- uervallon7 toucher you innioctor thh 1 will tout tho nuiuu now nhlldron aliut your nyt und ult utlll laillowluif tblu the iiutpoctot- mude u ulow wtilutllutf nolao und then uukod now ihlldroo what did i dat vnr minin tlmn thorn wuu no uti- ttwer but ultimately ono little boy piped out kiiuhmi teaclinrl monotou transcript hn wau oun of tho few ratiuilnlliif ldtlmo durklou 1i hud huluhod tho odd jobu for which hn luid twmiu otn- plnyod and hut lu bund uppeurod ut thn bank door how inurtllu it luiolut i10 wau naked vo uuy bow much 9out whatevor yo ull hay iiiiumuu ih hut id rather yotlwould uuy hhw muoh hn ludy of tho bouau re plied yum tnuuml 1 hut maam jibd rather hub do uoventyttvo rnutu yoall would klmmo dull dn llfty oonlu aud ohuritn youll toronto mull uud to plro labor it lu only by lulxir that thouitht can i m mudohoulthy and- only by thotirbt thut bilwir tuu lm mudiv liuppj and thn two cuntiot bn uapurutnd with im- punlty uuuklu 3top the pain tlaadaab neuralgia htioumatia nook- aobe halatla and ovirun pain ono or two d ii milkaatipain rim3 lu a uotewnrthy tribute to thu canadian parilln railway and llu nroolilont lu ah lu uu urllrlo which uppnurutl eceiitly in tlin ijmilon tlmiu a rn- inw of thn cmii1luu rulluwy ultiin- tlon uuidu to tho ronrluulou that ut louut thn flijuroii omphuului um pnultlnu 4 thn c p 11 utuoiii american rull- lfuyu und thn roiioniillillhira of tnn ulco to which mr ilnutthau u rnndnd thn i inlca urllrlo fjuowu altboiikli arullwuy lu apt jfif lm roualdnrnd au typical of a aiultot roriurutloii moat pmiplo in chuja fir v if not opnnly proudof ui 110 uo toy uml olhrlennlr- of tli canudlaii pudlu lu prhln hau not iwjeu dlmliilitliml tho apiatlutmiiiit au prtaudnt 1101m i hron yonrj tuo of mr ilw wtmt 1 ti he ily k c lrtoiiid vicnprouldent uud uoiilrul roiiuael of t iu ompuny iiftli in tlin lino which inclinli tho nuuiea of ioriln mount utniihnn und lltrulhcmui hlr william home uud inrd llhauuhnnuuy mr really lu thn flrut natlvn canadian tu lm prouldeiit uf tha canudlaii pa- rlllr hn wau imni in 1h77 lu on lorlu und odiicutntl at uptmr cuiiudu collojjo and um unlvurulty of toronto und railed to thn bar of ontario upon ibo rompletlnn of hlu leul tralnhuf hui father control lod a riotit of utnam- ijhlpu on thu canadian lakeu und thuu parhapu um miii bad a natural inter- nut lu prohfiimu or tranaihirtatlon joln- i11k thn locl dejiartmonl nf tho com pany hn roan qlllrkly lo thn ptatlllon of chief courmol und ut 41 ytutruof ok by ununliiiouu declulon nf itu jlr- oclora ho liecamo prouldout nor did tho choice of mr iloutty for- un- kreat an olflco create uuy uurprlmo- u tho country apiurontly hn wau roctiur- iiued within tho roimrllu of tho tym pany uu thu natural uuocoauoir of iinl rhauohnoiuiy and oiitnldn tho oillcim tho judkinent of thu dlrootoro wiu viot cballonifed no pronldnnt of tho canadian pa cillo hnu had u inoro dllllcult tuuk than that which m heatty ban iwon rotpilrotl to uudnrtakn throutb ruuh nptlmlam of unvornmniitu and peoilo tho country huu built thrnn trnuu- continental roll way 11 whom two would hn qultn cnouali kvcin lie fore coiiutmcttoii wau com- pletod dnpniuilmi full upon tho country in thn cr in iti nf tha uonreuulon tho war cmnn to uuunivatu und com plica to tho ultuutloii milhnnn worn advuncoil o tha companion but thn relief afford tk wuu inudeqiiato and the country 1m- camo exuiipcratnd over thn curtail prouport ofmuny mora mlllloiui to follow it lu imillavod that thn cnir- dli purlllu could bavo boon induced lo in re ha no nnd oporatn thn canadian northern uyutem and uauumu tho fod- oral und provincial euaroaloon hut uu itovornmont lidnltatod to accept a pro poutal which- would uo auumont tha power and profit inn nf tha plonoor trnnucontlnmitnl ay a torn and no rlial- lonno a formldublo liody of opinion in tho country which hocamn uteudlly inoro claiuoniuu for public owimndilp und operation of tho canadian nor thern and a rami trunk puclflo und natlonulliatlon of tho grand trunk uyutem in tha older provlilcoa to tblu demand thn covcniuinnt yielded porhaiw an a cholco hntwonii two nvllu und whon tlio grand trunk lu dually acquired um rovnrnmont will control 23000 mllcu of railway acaliint ibouo mlloit oporatml by tho canadian pad lie thn tuuk therefore lo which mr itoatty lutu ot hlmfwlf lu to nimrato a ureut prlvuto rullway uyutom in competition with u itmat public tiyatnm lo doal with the political probloinu which aro inherent in uuoh a ultuutloii lo maintain u relation with thn natlonul rallwayu which will not produco boa tlio fojllnif umnnu jm puoplo und til prevent uuy illcon aldored movomont towardu natlonullxa- tlon of tho urnat property which utlll romulua under prlvatn control thuu fur fnw will deny that mr ilnatty hau dlaplayod thn jmtwer eniua und m uohrco whlnh thn ulluutlou dnuumdu ho imjoyu thn confldnnco of jjin uov nrnmnnt uud ilia uaodwll of tha poople nnvor wuu thn canadian pacific oper ated wltti ifroater eftlcloncy nnvor wui a rtatr dlutliikuluhod for loyalty mora devoted to tho internal of tho com pany and nnvor woro thorn lietter rnlatlonu lietwonn u puhlln currlor and thn ahlpporu and traveller- who pro- vldn llu rove nuou in 1010 thorn wan a deficit oil thn national rail way a of so 000000 13- 600000 and for iffto 70000000 17- t00000 it iu muiilfout that freluht and luiuheiiror chureou which would ulvn a ilvlnu rwventio to ibo national rallwuyu would ureally lnciuim tho murpluueu of tho cunudlon paoltlo it lu juat uu clear that propoualu to ro ducn tho capitalisation of thn national ltullwuyu which huvo ooiiuldnrabj uuptuirt could ihi uo applied uu i imiialr tha rovenueu of tha pt ivulu company hut mr luuitty rofuuna to be unxtoutf or ikcltml oonduotu no uiuuiiurouud lutrbeue liululiturt in 1 uuury crlllclum of nubllo tiwueruhlp ha imllovou hnt thn rullwuy policy of tho ovoniment can lm tnutnd by m- miltu uml tliat durliitc um tlmo of tfutluif ihn cuiindlow pacllln cuu utmutfthen itu own ikmiiuoii only by klvlnif itnplca und ulmtulnlnif from uu- wimi ivollllcal nntlvlty u retulreii nlmiikth und twralnl lu liold to the oouruo which mr heutly lu taklnir hut ihoito quail lleti hn bait la u t-uuiurk- ublo deuroo hn will utuiid with any of tho utulwumnii who buvu controlled tho ileal lulea of tho ilonoor trilikcon- tlnonlal railway of cunndunvbichifor u uonorutloii huu lieon thn bulwark of cimudlnll- credit und una of thn nhlof houfcnu of canadian optlmlum uud 0011- lldouoo i woro i a veritable vulcaw uu ltrown waa ulvluu 1111 olalmruto domtrlptlon of ii blaiuitmltli proiuira- lory to teuchliik iiiirfiillowa mnm to puplltt now cjilldrmv w aril koluif to learn u poom tdduy oliout 1 ono who worku vory hard hn ry luriio and hau urnat unnu thut lift uurh hnuvy tbluiful 111 face lu blucknuinl with imot thut oomou from hlu kiiml blanlnif flreul and bo wvavu dirty blank apron and ho buu u lira iut kiowa oh uo red und who never uo luaknu anything ho pub it into hlu undthen lhiundu it with ihn loudent iluhxllik n ill no und tnullnu tlm upurku ny ulrtiot lii vvory dlrimtlnn now who toll inn what i bavo tamh ileim-rth- luk a lllllii fnull who had llulnnod to lieun vk id dotal la wjui n oa twloo liolr untunil dkn mintiih t bur font ind uuld 111 oil uwwl whiapnr thu doviir form a good connection a eavinjjfl account in bank of nova scotia kivet the depositor u buuincks con nection with one of canadan leading finan cial institution stich a connection iu years to cotnc may be of great value and aiiitaiice in business why not form the connection today by opening your navinja account bank of nova scotia tax notice 1921 municipality ok acton thn tax nntlcru for 1d21 um now hnlmf uout out ior thn con venience nf ull ronrnrund puytuenlil bavo in ten arranged to itn liuido in two inulahnontu at thn morhunlii hank first instalment skcond instaijwent slhtkmitklt 26 novemitkic 28 any ratuimyer may puy tho whole of hlu tnxou on or imforo heptemlmir 20 hut oimhulf thn u mount muut lm paid nn or imforu that dnto valium to comply with tblu urrunuomnut outullu extra tuimtiun uml tro utile an addition of five iier cant will lm made to every tax rata or auuouument romuhllii unpaid fourteen day 11 after tha uuld 16th day of reptnmher for tho irut inutulinant uud thn snth day of november far thn uocond lnutuhnuiit uud it will im tho duty of tho collcor immedi ately ufler tho uald uovorul duyu uppoluled for payment to rollent ut mca by dlatmau or othnrwlan undnr thn provlulonu of thn fltututn in thut behalf ull audi tuxou or luatalmont of tavnu ri plcauc take voun tax notice with vou to the dank when making payment w j reid coucctor castoria for infants atchildren mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of use for over thirty years castoria tu utmm cfimnmir mkw vaitu env acton creamery full market price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive our best attention we will also pay spot cash for eggs open friday andjsulurday evenings ubst creamery uuttek new laid eggs and fltksil hultermlik wiu now uk suimjkd at tub creamery evkry bay acton creamery co weles onebl proprietors free press advertisers are always reliable 00 toesday and wednesday 1 j 1 heitkmiiek 20th and 21 1921 acton fall fair open to the world many special attractions new llcvlxtxi nnd knlarcc lhxc lint splendid fair nirhfc conceh on send nlht trlnlu or sped on an kxcellent half mile track acion citizenm hand in alicnilanco the prize list nomestlc sciknce 1uking l class 24 no arllouu khwn in thi cuu will b ullowj lu wmpl for bpatlau iiuf lloiiieiuudo ltmud iour mlllt lirnad half down pluln ilium half doeti iuimy ltiiuu llulf doiuiil tu llluoultu llulf deil oruhuln itlunult onn ij ijyr cukn onu tiarlc xjiynr cuukt nr r onn himiikn cuun onn i una re qluaor 11 rend turtu half donnii each krult und ijikioii cook lea half dnseu each ohuia huaar oatmeal oun appln lln ono cuatard lln oun ioiimu 1in onn iumpkhi 1ln heat 11 in 11 lay iinry lhiklnu 10 variation ibiut diuplay 1lalu ltukluif 10 varlellau p cunrunt jelly applu jelly onn quart canned 1yult llubt onn quart canned trult dark i eat collect leu canned fruit 1 hht 3 dark onn ibiuler cuniied toiiiutoeu onn thutlnr canned com ynllow onn lleulnr canned ioau onn tuiulor canned ihrlnif ltouuu onn pint homeinadn murmuludn m cl onn llotthi itwnet plrkleu onn i tot t la lour lmckleu onn quart lleklml krull iteut colbwllon rickleu 3 uwnnt 3 hour 3 ploklml fruit onn hot tin cutuup m onn ikottle vegetable llalad ono imttln chill kauco two vurlntleu llomniiiadn candy ono laitlln qruim winn plants and flowlts 1 onn 3 ono 3 onn 4 onn 5 onn 0 one 7 ono it onn s ono 10 ouo 11 onn 13 lleut 13 onn 14 lloat clash s iioboiiiu ilex ilcaonta uny other variety luuehlu uiuuln lu bloom imnchlu double in lilnom petunia uluila in bloom ielunla douhln in bloom colouu lnrn auiuruifuu to co 0 iu ierft 1 teuton geranium ulnuln in bloom qnranluni dniibln in bloom llouun plant in bloom tropical plant duplay of plantu c varlntlpa cut flowers class 20 auteru lieut is blooinironn variety aiitoni lieut dlupluy auuortnd olodloll lieut dluplay on i or ubown unp- aiadloll imut 0 uplknu dahllau lieat dluplay flwnot pnuu imut dluplay 6 or mora coloru uweet ieau lieut 3c uprlttu ono variety imnku half dounn bloomu eltocka lamt dluplay coamod tieiit dluplay m nanturtlunui imut dluplay antlrtbliiluinn 13 uplknu perennial ihlok c uplkoi plilox jintmondl boat dluplay pabulhicbfiul d lap lay niupluy annuulu 6 nr more variation table jlaukot 0 75 so co 0 3s vnim itouquot not pyramid verbena hut dluplay domestic manufactures clab8 27 harness 1 host lckhlblt of hameou w 3 00 h 00 notic hpocn on tha rtoiiiuiu will hi allnted to nnufueturoru nnd utenntu for thn punmno of oxblhltlnit ilunrlnu wmimw cultrw kurwi lm piemen la etc hut no prlko will bo aw a riled for any article of tblu kind ladies woitk useful class 23 quilt cotton pieced quilt cotton quilting considered corn f art er cotton w- hand kult tlonkr flno so 7e 10 s8 8 hand icnlt mlltu wool y muchlno kult not fun lory tlorku b ituu floor ltuuu t wool hearth hug 10 qeiitlemanu pyjama tlult u t 13 ijtillea hoiiao drena mnohlno not factory nmdo chlldh droau olhor than ninth mudo from old icumnuit work apron und cup 16 three pleceu homo dyoliib different coloru 0 7s i 6u ladies fancy work ctaqb 20 pair i lei i room llllpperu cioohet nr knlt- pair lied room tllliiperu other wtyl tint table uutu uuheatoit llntal lalr lletlroom towelu tattml trltnnllnif lalr i led room townlu embroldelf pair ouoat townlu rrotdiot inmirllon itj- pair quout towebi immutltrbed and initialed pair townlu llwedlah durnhik lalr duy pillow lllparhoituilltchod and initialed lalr day pillow ullpu croolifit inuertlou pair pillow cunea funny llheel crochet inaertlon dmiuuir runner uud pin ouuhhin einbroldored 1 manor runner und pin miuhlou crochet trimmed iulr tray clothu kmnob embroidery centra piece nllk embroidery lilliohoou let centre 6 dolllcu 3 inrvletleu uud tray oval muileiia embroidery r tea cloth drawn thread woik tea cloth embroidery und imniiit libit work ftorvlnttau fl liiltlulbll iujs itiiftet runner ouibnildnied ilntfot runner othnr liltyio ii tiu couy einbroldiirtb madn up i tea coy eutur utyle not i bit oil l three haiidkorehlerw bulpl tilminlal illfoortuit atyloa library table runner unbroldnred uhrarytablo runner other ntyln ijidloa 3 piece laiuferlti tie i embroidered lot d lea 1 pleoe lhirei in tbt orochet trimmed iadleu itnudud ulouan loitllen lchuuy tea luiif othnr than croobet ijidlnu xan dur in mult kjidlea convabihent jacket r 1 tlofu pillow uilk embroidered i ftofu pillow croebultopl v tkifu pillow jithw mlyh tuttltiu colnni -j- 1 hervhe tnly lllet tiroebot plneo truoy klllttlllk i pluo- vuuny crorhe othar thup mated 4 kmbroldery lliiihurut counludrnt on pauu five

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