Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1921, p. 5

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qhje artimjtm jhrcaib jihmhlay ihiptlumuuh if 1041 mm forgot tin y took ii i yon liuv li ifhl hum i xy i veu i i from alt i orsotl i rlmi i you 1 mi t oil lo ml i mil k ii i i- ilui 1 1 oiurli now lln r i ini t mid cluru and 11m llllt 111 tli mi they run puut bin qui or ilttl i hop twenty vladu aqo from tho issue lif tl fr prese of tli jradky ssptetnl r 10 1001 mluin my opt iii mn iir 1 nlns preour uth until win ill i ud thr mr alex mlquunr lulu inirohaim l mm duiry hiiulwuu of mr jau hurry un 1 will uliortly tiil pouueuulan ihroush un uttidiut in tho holler luut w jntiduy mornlnif llrnwu m uuwtulll wan clotunl down for kieverl duyu durlns tlio w6uu jlii town hall hub floato i at half must ut i r iu uu to the memory of tx lliivti ponruon from tlio hour of fill after the funeral ihiwiim mw ill i a in alkiit completed it lu olroulur un 1 built of tt nn for ulxtnnn foot und huu fourteen fool of circular plunklns ubovo lliti utollo owlns to tlm veiy wi i night the mission church of lcuox church acton ut upoyslilu wuu not opened luut ilmruiluy nvouins tlio oponlns will ukn place thlu evi nlns itov mr mao- phuruuu ufllciutliis tlio monument to qinuinr moore 1m lo lie uttvello 1 on tlaturduy llnptemhor jb at 1 ulrvlow cemetery captain jumtnn dnulrnu to moot all tho preuont un i puut momltom of company ni g llullon iteslmont ut asiinw a hotel on tylduy ovonlus to make iiminifnhibitlu for tlm luklnic part lu tho uiivollliis a very biltfht und hearty thunku- ulvlnu uorvlca wuu holdln ut alhanu cliuroli on riiuruduy ovenlus j ha ohuxoh wuu beautifully iloooratcd with fruit it ruin and flowera tint imrvlre wuu taken by llov t o walluie m a of georat town whlln itev a v duvldunu of ouolph wuu the prcuclu r bunduy tliu services wera a continua tion of tlm hurviuit homo and thunka- hivlns horvlca of tliliniduy ovouluir ur c c ilondereon who left on juno 10 to upend throe month in llrltbih columbia uml the north went returned on luouday evonlns notwitliiitutidlns tlio favorable itymp- lomu at llrnt president jahlnloy- inurt uotlou weakened unt ha tiled on hutu rd ay a mlshty tuition mmirnw und tbu worlds bows tlio head lu uym- puthotlo srlef died plcaiuion in arlon nn uaturday ileplt mbor 13 1u0i juutuu ii pour- uon hi lilu 14 tli yar autumn qowri crops within tbu puat year uxiwiri intuitu huvo iwhin oondiiotnd at tlm colleffo und tbrousbout ontario with wlntnr wtual wintor rya wlntor fammnr win ter imrloy and hulry votchou altout thrao hundrai varlntlnu of whitur whout and many uolnctlonh and orouxam liavfl boiiu urown undar experi ment ut tha aurinulturul collaifo with in tlio imut thhty one yaurd fourtnon iiutikml vurlntlau of wlntni wlmat have bean urown tindnr tout at tlio collnua for twunty alx yaaro with uvorait ra- uultm for tbo wholo pnriod uu follow yield of krujn tvr uora 41 1 btmhabi ylold of ktruw par ucru 2 7 tonu ulid wultfbt pi r tmiumirtid btiubnl 00 b tiouridm tha iierccttuid docroatm tvar ucru in 1uj1 in connurluon with tha uvtimu for tbu wholu in rlcxl amounts to s7 lu yield of itrubi 37 0 hi yiold of utraw und 2 3 lu wolubt of uraln iwr tnauuuiriml buiuov it will thmfota u twin thaytha wlntor whnat reuultu at tbo colles urti oouuldnrubly holow tin uvurasu tlitu uouuon ainontf the purtloulurly pmmlnnnt wlutr wlnsatu in onturlo ut tha pramnnt tlma ure tlm duwhiiii m ooldu i chaff tha o a c no 104 tlio no d und tha lmporlul alnlier tha iluwuon m oohl- on chaff prodiiaau u vtiry tttlff mtruw of luodlum lonutb baurdaiiu houdu with rnd chuff und whlto brain the o a c no 104 wini orluluutod ut tha col- louu w mnnilntf tho dawwon ooldan clluff and tha llultcarlati u iu u whlto whtjut with a will to chaff aim liar to tha ilularlan and iuu a lmutrduau hand alnillut lo thn duwhoiim qoldan chaff it lu mora vluorouu in nrowth and ha klllod out louu in tho wlntor than either of itu liuranlu tho no a rcmhlo tha dawuonu ooulan chaff but huu a hauurar baud tbu utraw bua w pur- plluh tlutca und tha orop lu upparontly lean hlibjaot to htnilt tha imporlul amboi lu u buurdod wheat with u rod vhutf und rod ifruln iqklmirlmnntil ut thn couoko hav uhown that tbo litiut roiiulth hava lieau obtulniml from uowluu lurue plump uuund vduvnaturod winter wheat aaed of utrouu vitality klvo varlatlen of whiter whnnt uve boon tontil wkmtvhnen tally by furmtnru thrtiubhout ontario lu naoh of the luuit llvtt yeaia lite avepiija rmtulta li yield of huahulu pr urra for tha wholi ixirlod urw uu followu o a c no 104 j7 linprovoil yluwaott qoldoti chun 20 imirovd imperial amlxr 6 4 kharkov 3j0j yarouluf 31 tbe o a a no 104 uurpuiuud tbu iaw- mm u goldon ohuk and tlm lmprlul ambur vurlutlth lit yield bar acre imth at thu collejfj and thrtiuuhotit onturlo of tho whltei rytiu thn mumiilntli white petkuu und itoueu have ulvoii tho hlttliimt roturnu wlutur hurley lu not quite uu hardy uu wlutor whout but when it uurvlvou tho wlutoi it iftvtu a h lu it yield dlutrlbiitlou of miiturlul for nvporl tneutu in aiitumti of 1d31 am intitf uu tlio htippty uimtu maltilul will ha dlu trlbuted free of ohiiruo in the order in wbhh the unplloatlonii uro imoivd from oiitin lo fannai u wluhhw to ovperl munt and to report tho rexuum of any ouo of the folmwina imtat 1 threo vurlutlnu of wlntor wheat 3 on variety of winter rye und one of winter whfjit 3 tfprlnu uppueulloum of live ti rllluoru with winter wheut 4 autumn unit hprluu upplloutlonm of nltrule of hodu und oointuou ault with win lor wheut g winter etniner und wlutur bailey d hulry valnheu und whiter ryo au fodiw orvinw 7 mix- tuna of winter rye und hulry vntoheu for lu id produutlon tbe uun of eunh plot 1m to be ao rtfwhui tiy ivwi vmlm ignij kurlhlsorm will bo eimt by lirh lt nuuthei 4 thlu uutuinn ajid toi number 3 liuxt hinlnif au will bo hint by mull except that foi number 4 which will utooiupuuy thn fnrtllueru c a uvux asrloulturul collek cluolph ontario tub sunday school 4 less0h foh bun day oemtcmoeit w alutllnlnm i oil ihtj haici1 or ouil ii t 1 tor 10 jl 33 3 if 17 col h n 1 h whuthi r tin r foro y nit or drink or whuluo vi y do tin nil i lln klory i f und 1 c r 10 31 uitan cammanti in 3 i mil ii ji tloi lo the ihunli nt ctrlulh wuu written in the your n a i hy riudlnu- tlm nurllor purt of tlm rhuplfr it will be mil whut i mil uu wrltlnit alwmt it wuu mt outrury to luw i ut uturf di luu to idolu hut iwcuiu nf ihn ruit tbul uiuny jewluh chrlutlunu w ro pr ju urn i it wnill i not lie expedient pro illiible wlue or ronxl irrutu to do uo vim 34 inuteud of iuvhitf it in ui 1 riileu mil n miljtli im of conduct und it ii iwuhlji ruch nhould rouiil thu w ifum und tillnifk or otluru vtru i 3b hhuitihuu wuu the nu tf tlm murkt pluce itntno chrlulli w rn afraid to buy inhllo meut luut it inluht have benu off ure 1 in uucrdlre lo llolu puul tlinuuht t imlter to be in itfimmlirn of did whole matter in uii mm h uu there wuu uo moral or ijilrltiiul hlinn in uthitf or ubuiuln init r erue jc lo knowluuly kivo lo 1 lolu the iclory due to the trui cod wuu u moht itrl vouu win rbe uln won not lu tho meut but in tha iuunl for idolu erne 27 tho food at tho table of mil ilvni u illvolvnd tin uduioii of llolatry verue 3h to purtuko of meat that hud been offered uu uucrlfloe to idolu mutlit 1m rotwjtruftt by nome uu inun teuunrlnir idolutry thn point that will cuuimt otberu to utumble morally or uiilrltiiully verue 20 paul here ronilloru not lliu own but blu luiiulilhiru rauurlnure to hi in you would im dolnu hurm in- calculable if you followed him to wu- that there wuu no uln in woruhlp- inif idolu vtirueu 30 31 tho final point in tho uettlmnent of the queutlon of the uua tif luttixlouiitu lu liere uurh u queu ion xlunild imi upnroarhed und decided on oim mound alone namely whether by tiulnu them or ihututnlntf from thnui uhull iteut prt inot lb ulory of ood veruu s3 keep the rutiua or jeunu chrlut in mind und uo live thut uo tdandor will oome upon it hacanue of your rohiluct 16 17 in tbut thlrl rhupter paul lu dnuorlblntf thn uluifdom of gotl uu a umut uplrltuul hiilltllmr into which lu- illvlduul chrlutlunu ur wroutcht ah mnterul 11m whole church nu ood ueeu it lu the u tuple of i lod here mentioned tliut which deefrova if u tirlutllko rondurt on thu purt of itu inomberu illutrud truth thu terrible pqmhlbllltlew wrapped up lu the uuo of unlawful thlnuu urn all the more dunuerouu tuxauue they ure bidden 1 lor 3 17 illustration people who would ulirlnk from criminal uutu do not heul- tato to make free with the thlnuu that havo lu them nrlmhuil pouelhllltlou tome id euyw that while the hot nd be t lttnr are faroolouu hjoklntf to tho nuked eye they do not compare in frllitfuneum to creuturea in the inuect world thut ure ul lowed to plant them- aelveu whero they rati hurm uu iteen under tho mlcrouroim the tf nut uu 1 the fly with their cuttluif luutrumontu ml tho uplder with itu deadly fauna and nluwu imcmiia a tnrrlblo menace to mankind toplce for raaenroh and dieeueelen i a principle of fellowship vh 33 ii 1 when wan paul u firut latter to the church ut corinth wrlttont s whnt huhjeot linn paul introtluccd in the early purt of thlu chuptert 3 if it waa not contrary to luw to eat inout dedicated to idolu why did paul cen- r it uuwhtuy 44 what dema tha word uhambleu innant r why wan meat dedicated to idolu ho obnoxloua to jewu7 s wliut lu the real twlnt lu thlu whole uruumeut of paulut 7 why uii on id a man uock hla nelh ikiiu uood lu prtiffirence to his own 9 what dot u tie opoutlo xuul mean by for conuclenrn aake 7 i a principle of conduct va 33 lu aojwl behavior u mutter of prlu- nlpu or ulmply a matter of ethiuettet if vood imihavlor lu u mutter of principle how may we know what ti lmtt uret i the iteuhoiim far ilotlt 3 18 17 11 what u paul deeorlhlnjf in thlu third ohaptorr 13 how tlaeu chrutlun nharueier correhpoml to u huildlntft 13 what lu thu puniouo of the aplrltual atructur which christ tame to help men to build t 14 if the ihiirch of jenittt chrlut uo prttalnuu a bulldluif what will bo tho uhlmata fate of thoua who week uu tloittruotlon raiding the icldehqs tbe duiiker from iceberga lu he north atlantic l liecomlrut ao ureat that a deutroyeriau imhiii uent out by ilrltulu to ne if it lu imwalble to dlu- perue ho me ol thtute hum tin a inauueu hy ibuuh of toneloea altbouch thlu in u new development irohdis huntlnif lu u rouulur purt of the work of american nayy veuuelu icttoh yeai vluorouu ratdu on thu ice- floldu are carried out thu international loo patrol nu thn fleet lu called camn into existence the reuult of the nlukhib of the tltuiilo by striking uu iceberg in april 1013 dlnoe then it hau dona much boo1 work on more than on occai uhlum have lieen uaved from danger by tha patrol a wlrelouu warning the cout of the work lu borne byall muritlme uutlouu iiuhnf the atlantic in proportion to the numliei of uhlpa unit lliu under their respective flaiu coruu cannot fix 1st when uotlowaym coin itemover u applied to thnni he cause it tiaeu to tho root und kills- tha tcrowth a successful woman farmer in rritjsti columbia 1 lllloo1 country ehowlng mr foetare ranch in foreground 2 mr foretr ef lilleeet o c at llllooet about thirty mllnu went of auhrrort and north of lytton rlhl in ihn middle of the dry holt hllrltluh coliimhlu whore irrlitutlon lu tbe muulo wund that turns ihn di rt into n frtjf imrtlil there lu a little 31 urre farm ownn i unruololy mauuued by u it rutthcu the eye hy lu uppeurunce of or it rly proupi rlty lie uhudy or chard well ho d ifurdonu tu aleek neuu of thn milk cowu aruxlim hi thn hlwhor t uddorku and thn vivid ureen of un alfalfa ih idu uluiiiln nut in utronu relief ulalnut urn vuut hrowu barren ulopeu of tho uiirrouudluu rounlry uun bukc i cnv red with nuijn buuh und llllld clue won ry si a uhn lu with a life tlmnn work of liftythroo yearu behind her mi a i orator all ii carries on uu faith fully and an thorouithly an aim did uty yearu into with tho help of uu ian who roineu in to do tho plough lnif and five u hand with the haylnu ind hnrvnuthiu aim und a niece who lomctlmuu utuya with her tnuuuue tho vhole work of the fann alone mra 1 orator uola more out of hnr icreimo than any other farmer in tho rovlnce kvery inch nf uround lu umnd to account on a methodical mil uclentltln uyutem tha v uetahle mil ahhnul urowth are mado to ro- ict to enoh other u mutual hennflt and i i olh to the una i of llmlr owner uiid the rounlry 1 i live milk row puikurp ollfie f i m mil ihn uolln all hir dairy pni iiiko to uu hotel biuldeu th aelhura at a couple of work hormu ilitaunl chlckinu uvory iicrup tif f i d uuod for h uroik lu i rodun i on tb i ranch itutlf mm i oiiler huu worko 1 down to u hue iiolnt jut bootly liuw mu u u uln it lu noioiuury to devote lo ulfulfu bruin and buy in order lo lo thx unit nnthluu lu bnuuht hi the way of fned exn pt crhapii clum ahull for the chlckinu tbo rrnp anil the unlmulu huluiirti inch other an i 110 ovt rwoluht la allowed no either el la ihlu fiirmui hi uluo a lint rtuuu uur doimi loth in the ry and in prucllre und lum uweet corn t urller und over u loiufcr period than anyone tilwi lu llrltluh coliiiublu film devotau uliout a quarter of en arre of will uduptod hind to her aurly uprinu unnh n and another piece with u colder uupect to hor late uuinninr plautlnu uu hy a carefully planno i uyalom of howiuh in muwi iinl in ihn huu a plentiful aiipply of fie ih vnifctuhltiu to will to the botulu und oluo to uhlp to other polnlu killooet la nvcr troubled by lute froutu uo her tamutoau urn early und thciie uho ui uu hy tbe uuckotful and luat year tihlppod 100 luixnu to thu const dm orchard contain every uort of tree fruit liiclinljnir italian liruneu peuchou and aprlcotu of which latlei mra von tor huu two big trecu now in bourlnu urown from wen i iiowu miuco uho came to tho place nine yearn no ijihi year iihe whipped 7du boxuu of full and wjnter pplei tin ik d aim uomn honllhy lonkluic f ttrape v in no which bear pra- fuumlly und plnnty of niiiplx riou mid othnr si uu 11 frtilui but her i pnclnllty lu mnlonu for which uhe lu famouu rhure uro riiww und rowu of theue ruuttlnupeu intiuk and water mt louu for all of ifhlch uhe itndn a ready muruet itur four liee hiveu uro partly the ronuon why hor fruit lu uo uuccettti- ful and uo wo take off our hutu to thlu woman who lu curryluar on ho wltiely und ho well to our country u hennflt ii o w health from band one of tho beut wuyu of recuperut- liiu juitueil nt rvtu lu to walk barefooted i a to n if utretch of stand tha norveu of the fwt uro afftfhtly irritated hy thu uand itrulnu tntl tho blood hilutf thuu utlmulated circulated more freely ijoctoru aay thut upurt from tho physical effectu the mental poweru treatly invlsorated hy thn uxor- nlue thalr explanation lu that the lontf iitrotahou of uund tnifethor with tio ahunnoo of nnlse an i other dlu- turl anceu huvo a uoolhlnu off net on tho mind which quickly ronpnndu to tho troatmnnt no child uhould lie allowed to miff or t hour from wormu when prompt relief can bo cot in a simple hut iitronu remedy moth or oravou worm icxter mliiator l l mullin turnip ruycr aclon onu will utnt asaln tho turnip huul- nnuh which ho wuu entfaeed hi for uevtirul yoara au noon an tho early turnliu are ready for uhlpment he will be glad to meet tha furmom of thlu unction halt look reduction sale for one week hale prion overalls reif prlo w 60 3ulo worlt jlhlrtu reif prion 1 60 18 lloya comblnalltiu rult retf prloa fl go 16 llaiidkemhlefu 10 18 men a ourturu m arm ilandu ib and other qoodo ay simil arly low illlcfcq e k cook milfj btnulot aoton acton granite works j nicol cxpehienceo qman1te cutter lu prepared to auppiy monu ments of all jtlntle with aklll- fully out inafrlptloiia at low prlceu itee lutmpleu of work and utyleu of monutnontu utl the monument worko pwmiyuan nnocic mill btilelzt aoton ont nqtice to petronu of thle ei ihluh imsnt durlnu july und aug jimlfihtlonu for oi thuretley friday and day only of each week lona arltullnjf and quick itopalr dopurtmont aa uagal ua cn i en jqatur- wide rjavingq tomorow will not tuito euro of ilmlf do uomothlnu nood today for to mo row iloeu bo for thalr iiwontn n ful ualfcuiiicn wult for tlinlrn j nalliiry yournolf with aalnry uallu- fy tho bouu that you are producing ijiamn lu safer than pialua au loittf i all thut lu uald lu imlii ujrnlnnt mn i feci a certain auuuranca of nucccsa 1 mornon wu muot adapt ouruulvcu to clraum- ii t anceu rather than funcy that wo can to any nouulderiihln dolrnn mould clr- ivlanca tt uu a pomon with a lory tmnpor ian t neaeuiurily wurm hearted advice cun nlwayu be had for uolh- inif and lu uuuully worth it homo imhltlmia people rluo from nthluu t uomothlnu worue if u patient linn lota of money any the honor of business there la uu honor in blikluesu that ih in fine gold nf it that raoknnu with every man justly thut loveu life hut ruttardu kin ineuu and thnroujthhosh more hluhly lumu uoodu or prlceu or profit k beconieu u muu mme thun blu fuinluhlnuu or lilu house it aeeka hint in tho heart of everyone hla frlundhjijpm ure heretic und serum if ih titirtutii lu llkn u youuif treo by llu ilvori11 ii iiiib follow i boldierb sent into the fields culla ihlnkm thut u uoldlor in for uomethluu uluu in uldee anent tuihthia ho she hi moimiiiik u thouitund uoldhre into the tlelilu lo sillily uurloiilture for it term tif ulx lunnthu ihlu idea uume front un atnerlrun vroup of workera for the youiib woite chrlullau aweo- clalloii und they ure nturtllib many othtr original uuiti lu mtiuatloii in culm much like thfa onoj lcdilcutlou lu to imi inudn more kuiieial more piuctlcu und lo b1v cuba n kreuti rlitlv of pnnltictu for export kenney bros the shoe men the comfort of a real friend oh the i oinfoi t tho inaxpretodhlu omfortof f olhitf uf wllh u friend huvlub neither to weigh thouvhtu nor htioso word but pourliis thorn all out hmother knowlnb that a true friend will tokn and wlfl keep tljat which lu kqodjilnd with u breath of comf blow tho rest uway cute end brulsau duitppebrwhou surf or hi front uln momtoluu btulueu hpruhih uore tbrout ot tiet unit any uhuflar ailment uuo di rhomuv 19d- let trlu oil uu haallne power im wnll- unowu in every uectlun of the com munity aboltle of lie thomun i5a- liu trio oh uhould be in ovary medicine chut matly for tho umersenuleu thut may ulwuyu b nntlolpated mill street 4 your trudrt ik uollrllod for foot wear und wo will endeavor nulvo you tlio bout uarvlcn posslhh we have a few lines of womens shoes blxea 2m 3 tmtl 3 which we urn hnllhitf below rout limy would ulve exenlhtnt weur for ulrlu uohiu to uohbol we are well stocked in mens and boys heavy boots ami uu thn tyu will lued ttood imotm fin the fun htmil them in und ht uu lit tlum up ut rejiiiontibln prlceu ijtiliih klve tin it hlul for foot- hepaimmo ph0mptlv and neatly done kenhey bros lylain street acton ont charlie gervais house paintblt acton ontario lanu lllxperinnne careful work done all joint promptly completed ortlerfi for hprliib work uhould bo placed immediately residence church street in the 8urroqate court of the county of halton notice to creditors of peter mcnab deceased tho credltoru of polar mcnuh lata of the vlllub of anton in tho county of halton cnntlomiin deceaued who tiled nn oi about tho 30th day of aubuni a l 1031 ut tho said village of acton ami ull other poruouu huvhib nlalmu okulnat hla uitute uro roqulre1 on or bsfore thu unit day of october a 10 1dj1 to rorwurd by mull postauo pie pit ul or otherwise dollvtr to tlio umloiulunod aollcllor for john ilur- tnu unxt vour lndnpondanc liniuidouco in your mlirht look llkt ulihhor doctor cun rtlllova hlnv it wilt relieve cold col la are e coinmonent ulhnnntuof mankind and if uotfluotod muy luud to aerlouu conditlnnu dr thoinna 1 oloctrlo oil will relieve thn bronchial piiiianbou nf inflammation speedily und thoroughly und will htrenbtheu thorn uaulmit uub- uequnpt uttuck and nu itvcaaoa tho inflammation it will stop tho caiiuh ha cmihn it ullayu ull irrllutlon in tho throat try l and lirovo it if not ready oct ready maklnu excusca hi u mlijhly poor iiiilncnh when a man nuieou to do a ceil uln thins ho in expected to do it that la all thnro lu to it it may ualvu bin own feolinuu unntnwhnt to bo into lonuthy nxplanutlona of why ha could not or did not do the luuk uuulunod and uoeepted hut it iloon not make a m find u for tho failure to deliver the itootia imopio urn not no inuch ln- teroutnd anyway in thn why u and how a of our actio mi au they are in thu what a if wn urn not reudy to do what ih expected of uu there lu but nun thins to do set ready if wo cannot set ready wo uro ut fault in urroptlnir tlio unutaumont new or- lt anu advocate swindled voy of tin vllie of aclnn jjct uupootor the hole surviving lilxeoutor f the luut will mil loitaiiinui if thu unl 1 dacouutkl u uiatimnnt of ilxilr ec5oiml with full ptthuliu of their ctalmu duly vorulod uml the nature of maiihtleu tf my lu hi by thorn lid notice lu ho ohy fuithei ltn t immndlntnly after thn said tlret tiny nf oatolier a li 1031 the a id executor will proceed to distribute tho uuuetu of tbo uald deceaued itmnnu the purlieu thereunto hy law nntlthd und ho will not bo nnpouulhl to urny piirucn of whouo claim with full par- tuiilutu thoieof itttachnd und vorllled ha uhull not have received notlro ut thn time of audi distribution dated at acton thlu tlrwt day hf tdptomher a 1j 10j1 john uauv1qy laxeclhoi ty if n 1 armor acton qui hu holicllor d 3 a small hoy wau taken to une tho nev baby whom he eyed very orltl cully whyj he u gat no hulr futhur wuu his ft rut remurk thn ant wuu admitted and linn ot no tooth futhor wuu taut elroumiitunrcii ooul i not ho de nied vl tell yolf what father wuu thn ilnul liiliii vullon you vn been hwludlnd ho n un old unl i packet of wilsons fly pads will kill morc flies than ss- worth or any sticky ilv catcher clean ta hindlq soldby ullliru- duts grocer- und general btore awful authma attaokerhi thnro u omher vf your family who in lu thn power nf thlu il lut reus in b tiouhln no vice you can lender him will oqliul thn hrliiklhu to hla attention of di j d kelhibk autlimu uomedy thlu lointdy rohlu lt repututinn upon what it haw doim for ntheru it huu n record rnvm line 1 earn of uunnei a in ulmout nvuy pint of thhi continent anil even beyond the uouu mikes share i lliti time hml coiun o dole out thn tiny a iatloiiujind lu uu irlnh nutment tlpi quartnrmauter und bin luiulut ut had hi en poi tlonlmr tlitun out in pro piiiallnu for tllhlrlhutlon i lie auuliitiiut tumid to he quarter- iiinti i and with u twlukln lu hln eye tnild av ye plitxe aorr unit a a loaf nhtill who ii i iflve it tot kuip it yonnulf mlki rtplltd the lltllilteimuhtir mlllei a wtnm powhiii not only x- teimluate lutiidluiil mid othtr win mil but imy me it kiiindy fni many ethn ullmoil of ihlhheu lhty uheuictlieu thn youiik atinniuh iiaulhsl bltlouiinem and nru tonlcul lit tlmli tfecln where the nh i ui hufttru fiom lo of nppi ttte ui foviihib oiiudltlomt they will tie fouul duuful und they will sovo to alluy pain and milphtk in the ulomach from which chlhlieu ud aftuti huffer newuarters t urn pow eomfortbley eettlo l- m the new ouvteru in tho iltnrklnan lllonk end urn better uhlp lo look uftnr the needu of nvnrythliuf pertuliiinb to foot- wr i i will tiva uu huuututlt with me dhitly und till will bmutly fwt llltule thu prompt rplrlu of ull work left with me te- pulrjuu prloe have been relurtd all uateu nf fllioeu hi menu und lioyu uneu hi a lock mill st acton acton fall fair prize list conlliiiii i 1iom pbbo 3 ladies fancy work class 0 contleuj h1cc 43 kmbroldory komitlt cut rdoru 6 44 lcmbiolihry ilurdunuer roloru 10 4k kmhroldciy oriental fc i 45 icintinilltiy xlouutmelllnk ib i 47 llhufle plora colored kmhroldery ntlmr thuu uuteu 7k i 4h tllnulo i into white icmhrol lory other thuu haled o i 40 unt infant u uib rle wear 1 00 tin infuiitu outfit crochet or knit 1 60 i ii loll dreuued or dlrl guide cut wod maku of ar vnenut comildarwl oieii to itlrlu lc yearu and under b 63 work done hy lady after rlnlnutlnb 70th blrlhduy itnt more than g pleceu j 1 00 ta collection i ice cploniu inohldlnb llonlloii neodln- point tic 1 10 c4 itdleu kmbrohh red illouun in color 76 i xx 1udltu luiibrtiiihkdnlklitdrsu in whllt 76 i co iidloti knilirohh red nhfht dreuu lu colore 7 i 57 iudlnu knitted wool hull wool 16 i h latdlou uweuter coat or jumper in silk 7e i tt tine and decoittive attts class so 1 iji lit i sen lie nllu from nature x murine copy illii m 3 itture work or broup copy ollu 4 veuatablou from object ollu c lltlll 1 ifo nllu v i local ureue wuter colors 7 uvuitu from object water colnru it llsli or gaiiio from abject water noloru d copy architectural irltlo of halts wutur colnru 10 wuter coloru any oriuinul uuhjoot mibcellane6ub 11 pastel ii jure 13 11 plu uceno 13 htencll itonler ilaln ha uml on arorn und fouaae 14 wood carvhib i ib llnukelry j 10 crayon any uubjent 17 charcoal animal ih ltlaok uml white ukotch id penall dmwluu orlttlual 30 kodak viowh 3 winter 9 summer 3 interior 3 public liuildlnua 3 pouaa 31 llest place art work not llutedutul not prevloiluly nxhlhlte1 j 33 induhtrlal uouibh hand decorated china 33 vase llcure work i 14 krult howl conventional 16 vem pot realistic 20 cuke plato 37 three plooeu china not listed 91 00 1 00 1 no 1 00 1 on 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 on 1 00 1 00 1 on i 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 childrens work class 81 l pomnanulilp national ant ham 3 utauaau 3 druwlns on uhont of paper 3 poses- n pluyor would r- titka in iluylim ha abitll i 3 water colored bttetcrr 3 noctlnnu nf a muuk mnlnu 4 tkiulbn for cover for acton i prlxo hat 5 flketflh exterior of acton pout olrioo 0 collection wood named und mounted 7 collection wlhl kloweru and road uldo planlu numed 8 collection cut 1 4wurh 0 varlotleu numod 0 collection veutowhlou 7 variation 3 of each varlnly 10 collection 1 rultw c vurluthu 3 of 1 itch named 11 collection native woodu and hark numod and mounted 13 collnutlon cutii of momhoru or thn provincial and dominion loululuturo 13 ploturo pout curtlii public hulullnsu und prku in four pmvlncon in dominion of canada not losa lian 6 in each provlnco lletit druwinb of ontario coat of arms no miscellaneous special prizes llont 10 ibu dulter lu croak donor to receive uume hy a w v a cash 17 ilout 10 lbu iluttor in crock tlorior to receive same by llwardu j- co 1 itas of cream of west plour n 18 llont 6 lbu duttar in 1 lb prlutu donor to receive uume hy i- j kerr uuctlouoor eunh 10 beat 6 lbu iluttor in prints or rolls donor to receive aamfl hy john ieluhman cauh 30 ileut 3 ihu iluttor in irlntu donor to receive name by dr noliinn ranh rv 31 lleut 10 lliu putter in illonku exhibited by a maker who huu not won un kuton prlxo at any fair wince 101s by t iculon co toronto the choice of thn following cahuorola ratalneue no 0b71oj value ib ok h cloak cutalokiie no 079110 valua 0 7e a phuth uohe outuloktio no ho 34f vuluu jfl 75 n s3 tjtrttest and llent collection nf house pluntu and vlownru by itoert tilmpuon co toronto cuue of hhverware 23 lleut ilurrel klnit apples donnr to receive name hy ii p more ensh m 34 ilnat intrrel spy apples- donor to receive uame by hears wallace ouolph merchandise to thn value of 3t lleut llunhnl winter applou donor to receive uuinlj by urown ilrou co nureorymou wellnnd wluneia uolnntlnn of nuruery utock valua 30 heat 10 ihu honey in tloalor donor to receive uamo hy dr j m ilell oajih w 27 lleut 10 ihu honey donor to receive minn jiy woodhall mckay g 1th leu vnlun u 35 pout 5 lbu ilonoy tlnutn to receive uume by miuhoh moffat so flout lurse iouf ilomomado ilroad donor to receive same hy loo uyndu cash 30 lleut iwn trfiaveu llread and doxen ilunu tlnttor to receive uamo hy win hor top miller prfita winner to apply to nelunu co for rioui lul iso thn ifamlly llnur vulu j 00 2nd lit ihu i amlly flour value u 30 31 lleut collertfnn ilomemitdu lluklns to oonulut of torts layer cake pie and tea hlunultu by halada tea co lut 1 lbu llaludu rili value 30 2nd j ibu huliula tea value tl ho 33 deiit peck irlnh cohhlrrn donnr to reonlvo name by ooo ilyudu cauh 33 jjoet und uursout collection gulden veuolubhs by ilarrlu abattoir 1 uinnkod hum valuta 94 llout two cllronw donor to receive same the anion l preuu 1 yeai valua 3ti lltut pair icmhrohh red lownln npan to ilaltou county only by mooresor av ilarrlu co lul j ihu corfe value ii do ml 1 ih coffee value so 3d itout pull llundmade omits llonkh wool hy ltnd hnun leu co 3u lbu ited noun leu vullle 37 lleut jpulr huudmuda oont u mltlu wool by hod ltou tea cn ju ttm hcil itoito loa vnluo br llont dressed chtqkon donor a rtvoelve uaiae by ulmpsoii co ouelpli fl ltu llont ttut vuliin 30 lleut dishod duck donni to ret elve namn thn aotou vrtm prtuu 1 yeai valua 40 to loxlilhltor tuklns tho mont 1 iiut xrlxou in clutet 34 by ifusli wulker av honn fiunlph one crutt of oratikou value 41 ilout lluuhel 1otatnuu dunni to reonlvn uame hy wm laninhorouuh cnuh 43 heat ltps potutnou any variety donor to receive same hy dr mnnlven cauh 4x ilout i int henlei mixed h0111 plrltuu hiimemado donor to reiwilvom une by nbule ifyndu ruuim 44 lleut compos i tlhi on ontario why it bt tha lleut province in the dominion of can n da open tm any public tlnhool llcholur lu acton mill vicinity by a t ilrown watormutiit 1 ouutulii ii 11 vnluo k 4c lleut itdy dilvci lu chevrolet car by lllllart wllaon lut cauh 3 00 jnd cauh j do j 41 ellow auto huce for 4 cylinder cmu 01101 uioutitt tiuck 011 hluh lcat if car hi ninth d compel i tm is dluquullihd iuhi car in declared whim 1 ly john it muokemde lut 7 go a 00 4 00 g 00 3 00 f 7b 6 00 b 00 4 00 g 00 9 00 3 do a 00 1 oo 7 go 8 00 3 40 1 ro 1 go 1 7g 3 00 7 go 3 no 6 00 1 00 4 00 b 00 47 hli t null low auto linen for duyftntlnr cm tratk on iiikii m 111 4f tar lu 11i11ii ijihl car 111 diohtivd win and over once uround lied nwiw r in illuquitltfb d 111 jnhif 11 mnekeukje lut i list lioklns lluclulor between jt int 4h yeuiu a commit tee of thteo women will muke the awrtrd liy 1 d j larniot taah lleut lluby not over one your by niud a co anton lut t mil i j 00 und cauh is 10 htht r imi ott olt uuttir donor to ro ofve iiauu by v u ulliluuy one uh lt bus cieum of the vsl iiuar value railway time tables at acton qrartd trunk rail mmy oyitam a inu w t 3d u ulbam no 31 10 34 uin no 11 j 2d p m no id r no p m no 30 h if p m no 3g lu nluy 10 14 am qolna c t no 3fl 7 oh u m no no 11 in urn no 34 f 1 1 3g p in no 3ft 0 17 phi no ih u oh p m no j4 lluuduy 0 cu p m te subu ban el otrlo railway qolna wi t d11 u 111 dally excel i jlililtuy 3 33 p hi dully except muu lay not p in dally xupt lliliuley 11 03 u m lain lay only s33 p lu tl 1111 tl ay only 0g9 v 111 lluuduy outy qolna e- t 7 48 tuhi dully xnept tluuday j 03 pm dally except 11 11 tide 6 111 pm luully exoont huuday fjiiuday only gb uiii llqiiduy only llundy only it go v in i ruin no 3 urrivui in aoton ut 3 11 11 fluturdiiyii hint nad nf 3 33 an on ull otbi r wuek dayu prelsht dellv rod hy upoelul expr freight 1 rnlsht picked up at any ud- dreau lu toronto o 1l aon10w akuii aoton uptodate goods at c c speighrs suvprwaro in tablowaro flrte variety also pjrtn cutlery hardware tin wore and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stovca oil stove every article is of excep tional value c c speight mill street acton chevrolet agency mr ii ii wi luoii huu uoourod tlm utfoncy for anton for chevrolet motor caru domonutratlonm ar- ransed call and ana tho new modulu now earn alwayu on hand h s wi son bower ave acton ont piion1q uo special dont wait until september 6 opening date of fall term at guelph businesscolloge hriild dlda qulpli onl lnvlcbrlqatifl and staut ahmad of rh oiiowd act today a l bouck pnlncipal iul prophietoii 3 on r on r uu she acton bakery call phono no 7 it you want a delicious lour or bread or brown bread or a ronton lor stoam loaf buna and rolls pies and all kinds of coolcies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked on iced bread is your best eoou eat more of it phone 77 the wnkgun will call at your idoor m etfwards co dv and saturday ut 30 p h b tore oloed evry ni exoept frl aoton ontario castoria for infanbi and cblldrou in use for over so years zt3isf tf

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