Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1921, p. 6

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lllrtbi mnrrlbj n1 ltb r tf tilmriftxl fur ut thn rollowlntf a lllrttiw ttif uatrubtul too ntlim mi mnmurlul curda 6u h u rt v tloun ilkauniloill on hi timlwr 10 1021 at- ii tilt im tjiu itlrkjiill onliitlii to mr mil mr i v v ii iiiilmnn f li rouln nun j i y ivit i llmtl t tli tin winy ni tnnl 1e uiontltii ui 1 11 tluyu lje rtnu stow jfrwsn niuiti day nniiamiimt 1c 1021 brief local items thn trout luhlim i i 1m over mout of ilia fill uncilinif hum iii ckhijii tnl alton lull 1 ulr noxt tuttuluy unil wulnntlay all ttmnu ura 11141 uliu ut tbci mtr rluiiitu hunk day oft for an 111 i tilr niulit nmrart lit tlilfiht imn lu u nooit i irut inulubnont of tiutiu duo u wemk from momluy iujo tlm hull xlilluw t tba vulr on lunuluy nvoiilnif riirnlp ulilpiluif rommfitiomil itorltwool luut wil llrumitlou 11 to rulo 1m 38 mlll four inlllu lownc tbn yur ailvertltilnic ilonun t nim to 1 comity itiillu uttt inllntc waii llcliikol in toronto ruiulrn to nuy 126 in foou harvfiitliik imu lnnti hold up by rnln nml hiww hi many uartluiiu of thit fjoriltwcal aotim illicit elclinol linn cs utmlntiu roeluleiwl ttiu lrro mii the vublle i rlool 303 llw dry wautvitr tmtut of tlio time llia pout month turn tnailfl full plnnith hie dlincult tnkn ull your honua lilantu to tbn f ulr nxt wook tint oululilft tlowni will im ucarc a utile rlttuiiliuf up of tlwi utrtm luforo tha vulr noxt wwik wouhl blvit ihitlor upptutruicu or carta luut liml a roaord wttleu wilr lift wilil ulv vorl fur und rotitxw within tho wtwlc vyt u roller it i utter uti huiihtliiif vacation imrlml to hi down to yulul work nimbi tho olon ijiwmoii hill on tho third una at mr w i ilium plant huu bwm ii iki rally ctutftd with brofcon htouim iollramuii ulilimlubm of tlm qu61ih forco wnu dumlaitod 011 tutm day afur uti lijvontlkatlon for lwihiw oft duly without lnavn mi july c tho morning of tho mtt itrc mlto plorotic murray will hold hnr full mllllnnry opunluk 1 parloru nnxt to muornhetiiva mtora til imdny ami llaturtlay of thlu wok if yoife liavont done no lieforo thlu will 1h himnl yar to ulort jthlbltlntf t acton lfall fair tim prlu lut hau twn inriraauatl and lu very attractive mr i lltarkmau lwu hnd tho flour unil food utoro liulldlnat rottalntul putu uoiiio of tho othrnr hulldlnuu lu itu iiolithltorhood ruther in tho tilmiln mr r j mrhuitli who lu u ifiud- inif inamltor of union lodse 1 oj mo 203 tltroaiuvllle uuld u fraternal vihh to acton lodbo uuit trhurnday ovunlnif mr a r mumt liuu mold 300 liuulmlh of hit crop of aliundojioo fall whoat fit 11 ed wr bun 1 111 tiio hno fourtaan uoro field yielded 25 bunhelu to tho a cm tho io4t oltlco ktuff had u huuy limit last wituk counting all lettar pur coin und nowapapen pajiulntf throiikh acton oiuca over thn four rural routcu on tha acton del ivory uyutdm oollur whaut lu prophculfxl hy ono of thn hie ittutlntlranw it ik uln- catwly to lm liopi ho lu u talma pro phot it will im hotter for all conrariiml if wheat hrhiku si no ut loaut bettor uttll jfi6 at tho iiarvlaa hi thn mo t hod in t church ian i fluniltiy mornln llv 1 m moyor paid u hluh trlhuto to thn lato nv lir j h llouu of wraum for hln vtiry umful und rfcctlvo- mlnlutry of nrtythro yeuru v wuluor loilud a v a a m hmiund nt thn tiuxitinir on monday cvonitiif with a vult by two former uhtnumnd ninocru w liro cupt john tlhnw of molina 1iu uud ttro c uamlilo of luffiilo hi y ito jamiu cunmhan who im in irniuiullln hunlturlutn ut kumtoop 11 1 wrltuii tho lnku isuotii wo ur liavinif lovely wouthor hut it lu very cool nt liluht 1 ixpoot to ln luirlt ut imrt quapilclla in oolobor ilurvcnt thuiikuiflvluir tkirvlcuti tmi h6hiu hnl toul at r o clock unil on uuiulay mornlntf uud waning nt it aluaiiv church tli itrattohnr thlu thuruiluy ovoiilntf will hn tint llov a c clurk xi a of ht a-uauu- tfiioti church toronto all wolooma mr ctanrmi v1i1m hniuaht thn iruxm muui from hlm kunlnn 011 main tttrnnt tlio othor lay it hiunch of a blaok- tthrry buuh bourina u eluntej rli uud hiiicuuiu blakhnrrloo mlku ilr- nloo hold brouuht in u brunch of wild riujphfirrluh with u oliimlnr of rluft uud union hurrlun dl to hklton o politic atmoalatloh duo to tho ruqt that 1 alien inwple 1olltica auioclutlou ban tin oruaulmi- tlon lit thn towtih utid that thlm poll tloul lioriy wun oricuuuuil vlth tlui dohlro unit lutntithm of havliur com- ploto tiyinputhatla no onorulloti between tho pooploh of tho town uud tho tooul of thn rurtil dutrlolu uud dcmlrlnir to adopt uomn plan that will bo workiibln mid klvy to thn poopln of ilia townu thu opportunity of unjoy- inif tlio oomplata prlvllounri of tha work vt thn auuoolatloii uud particularly with u vlow to klvlnu thum roprenun- tatlon ut tho convention which in to ho hold in thu town of milton on monday boptutnhur afl it in thoroforo doalrouu that olnctum of aha towiim call mooting uud they 11m lotrtihy rmiuwttod to do wo uud ouoti to up point ton duly iiuull- hil dohvutox llinn duhxatou will w blvn uiiuul prtvlluicuu with thn dnla- kaloii from tha rural d i air let uud any portion or pornoim uympnthctla with tha principled of tha aiutoclutloii muy call u inootluic for tha purpoo outllnod ubova hlnmi muroh ituit thacoat of toau huu ujiown n icrnutnr udvmica than huu avar hdan reicliitorod during a ilka imrlod in thn punt 4a ynaxj oood uvnraiia tou now uontu ib centu or g cauul u kund mora at tha snrdanm tlimi it did rk montlm ago thorn lu n dijuht that inoreaaod conutiiivtloii in many countrlnu mid tha fuilt that huuhiu 1h now taktnit u inrsa quantity of tfta ban had ijomtjtlilntf to do with thlu ultnfmt uuprecodnntod rhw in comui sl atlwnri sumlny keluwl ilc nlc n cnjoyhl altrnoon with pin troprttim t oprlwg brook ffm ill iiilii4ii1 pli ulc 1 f lit alhiiit 1 llimlm liliool una lull at mi will lurtt ijiulyii hiiliuil 100u 1 11111 oil mitumlio uflkiiu on im 1 ir 11i1 wlihf worn 1 wllh iln iltilitfiil wnthfi und wuu vni y lnily ttnuuil llui iia iippioxlmiiltly mu pr id foi hum it full af p linl of upoi noynii id f uw jllllvldl i lltt i an hill utinn hftwtn tln boy or llii chun li u iuuo t fin 1 an 1 a t mi of 11 lull in ml cru w lu v ry tlm uud i i ui111 tho llutl mom lmintf 0 to 7 in ftvor if thn hoyu thn latuilu wen dahry pwhuf an i llollowuy fir tho iwiytt and huyluu llhthop and itirlvnl for mm wlulu 1 hn uuiiut uttu hunllxil in iniimtnrly fuuhlon hy john miarthur who piovod lllmunlf u llrul cl iujj uniplro at thu loncluulou of ihn hull uauio uupm r wim unrvtl und tlinn runt w worn linld till dark whim nil rnturnnd himin tlrril and hippy nftr huvlmr hu i u reully uool tiinn john mnarthur uctatl arf uturtor for thn ruci und wuu iiuhui- f i hy tluin lorry thn judenu worn hi v l i mauiiauli w wyor rli- l1cr and if limier 1 1m rucii nuultol ou follhwu ulrlrf under t yauru ihyllu lylnr n01 1 cimiu uiiinii irry unim ijiuii- hronk jloyu undor 1 irni icwiuu 0rti oitoti 1 iwm i youui qlrln 7 to 10 yruru muruurct hauar violet llliuirhn muy i lllott hoyu 7 to 10 youru allicrl ountr hi limy tlrrlviii juck luwtnu olrlu u yri jan hmlth lillian tyl r murur irloa qlrlrf 13 ynuru uud ovnr wltmln a1ur mnrlo andnruon udnu green iioytt is ynarit tltuulny mucklo mull tyltr alf lluhop uoyx ovur 13 frank lluuer wultcr iluuor jim icwiuu ilurk itnrc airlti 10 yenru dolly lewliuf murtcurnt ivic mararot lluunr tuick ltucn iloyu ntutilny mucklc krnd icwiuu wultnr ilautr luilloa ltuco mm 1 llunlur mru mark in mm lluhop murrinl monti ilacn hum terry 13 tylr ii pricn thimu lificnd lluce olrlu m an- ilnrtmin uud ivy ilolmou rucy oold ham mid rhylllu conk thrnn ltfnd ltucn oirlti winnie ahji r an i ollvo irtklouu lulna oi and m audoruou holly iflwliiif and margaret duucr thro luttund ltucn lloyu a ifftimif mid fttunlny mucklo v w lluuor k clifford und mutt tylor sowing vail uye luirti incraaa tlalna 8owt in alliarti und bubkatehavuan tho nfforta of tha western canada coloiiliuitloil auitoclatlhti to prwnotft dnvulopiniint throughout tha pralrla provluoou ulrady huvn hornn frultln tha uhuim of an outlmutod incrtawo thlu year of 181 par font in tho ucrc- uko in ikiuthtiru allmrtu and wntitnrii tliiukutchuwutt plan ted to full rye which wilt mviin an additional rovenua of throo or four million dollaru to thi furmnru of thewo dlutrlctu in 1033 if only un uvnrairo ylald tmr aero in nh tulnntl it u rtiturod that heo 000 actvi urn imluu unnded lu ryn thlu full lu thn two unctlonu ail computed with obout s50 000 ucrou unmlnd luut year llyc wau haloctod for pumtlna nu u ruult nt it uurvny of theue two urea 11 which thlu year uufforcd from drouaht inada a tew wnnkti aifo at tha inatlua- tlon of tho wnu torn canada colonlna- tlon amuoclatlon thlu uurvy cu- tuhluhml that ryn did much wtdf in a dry your than whoat a campaign wuu hold throuuhout tho urcuu lrt wluch the rtihultw of thlu invfuttlka- tlou wau mudn known to tha fannaru with tho rcuult ubovo htatod fall pair dates tho following are a lut of tho kail valru in which the people of acton and vicinity will tin lute routed acton mm tenlcmlwir 3031 almrfoylo octolior c urahipton tin p to mile r 33 34 tturlhikton elcptember b7v2b culmloi ueptomlier so 3 cookuvlllo october 71 terln thuukutflvlnic baj irnruuh heptamlier s3 33 vrnalton thankubiviiitf xhiy oall biitntnler 33 34 neoikntown octnlior milton m lloptumlwr aooctolier 1 oak villa tlontnmlkir 1c 11 orutiifnvllla toptnmtmr ik it utroeuvlllo hcptomlmr 31 to content thin county a cumllukla fi prnlino iha paop au politic ul amoalatlan the nxncutlvo of thn peopluu politi cal auhoclatluii of ilulton met ut mll- ton fkilurduy uluht uud dncldod to hold u convention in milton on monday finptfetnttur 30 tn unlnot tt cundldute to content thn county in tho oomlnk vednrul election thn principal upouknr at thn con void in a will ho premier drury who mprehoutu llalton lu tha provincial houue thn towiiuof thn county urn readout- ed to hand ilellautcm au well nu tho irtil dhitrlcth millinery opening mm u la mills will hold horwllllnory oucnlittfu in tha vnoma on main b treat in tha utoro naict to cooper tailor mhop on thulthday sept ib imiday sept 16 an uttruottvn dlnplay of tha tiim ijatdllw ow th10 com- muni1y ailw coudiatly invitko to calyi and 1nhpbct notice to the farmers now huvo your chain to ot your high prlenu for your fowl if you have any llenu or chluknuu for milv mil ino hy mull and i w11 im ut oimu to buy your fowl lfavhur u noutruqt with ti dnalnr to uupply ie 1 rutnh ovary waak 1 am pro im rod to pay tho hlkhaat prleea to net thn roimlrod mimtier cull tna up rlutit away und you will ti fur hnttnr lqxtru price for fut llenu now laid ickkh when brought to myplwoo v iit na know your uddnuwi or number of tub obono und you ll ha hum to huvo tho boat of autlaron- llou alex oilboord p o llox 100 main ht acton corm r hohool juinc i 1 -mailontract- hkaikit ri nil hh udhfh t 1 o li i tun i 1 ibmial will h rt ivt i ul nit twi until no 11 11 1 l uv ill mih ll 1 litjl fr tin mivytin if lllu muj u 11 m11ii1 mi pr ih 1 1 ritim 1 f 11 run nht u 1 pn 1 hi actom rural routf no i fromht lul hum it in j in nt l rl ntnl noil h 1 1 ni liil ut fut tin r inf nmutli 11 uu to 1 iiilllhim ut 110 1 i onliutt liii i 1 tnt 11 1111 i hi ink un of unhr mi i nhtuhi i ut the ilut oiilr i f aiinii hit un i ut tho mm 1 1 1 urn 1 out hili n iiiui it t jiilln c uohtl him ihhi hup inut oltlct iiihp t i u tilth rmonio auuiut 31 iuji 11 3 toronto 1 ulr wuu u morl iniuti 1 enpect to tili 11 huu t ntuirly it mlllhpi unil a tpjuilcr iiorumm vlulti i tha fair thlu y or j bujlaford tli cur of economy comfort and hrvlo t ncw priced i inn hue f into on huu tl i ut hon 00 up v hd0 oo h 1 tn doo 00 i link cllatiulu 700 00 hold jiv h- a coxe 1 m t wcrk wo advertised for a ii for our upcctiil tiioi ofcliocofnlctr which will he on b11i0 sitturtlnyn only wo huvo received qulltj n number of very rood litirkc itjonti ilnvo you thought nt it iihiiid yet rhhi box will 0011 tain 0110 pound of mootc head chocolates ntiilimf in price from soc to 1 00 per lb at staled in inst wcokti paper wc will jjivo a hoycn of chocolutcj frca to tha person ncmlitiji tho name which wo select for thin box if you have not already entered the competition do it now t h moorehead irami ghoitcerrown milton acton yom i oof or cm nil u to ee if it iim lu rem wine x lupulrlnu a llltl wik done now muy uuvu you h tof mmiuy uud unnoy- iincn lutnr on wa do nil kind- ut tin 1 ahntit motnl work have nmplu xjjujihiii u for thn luruuft ordaru 1 roiupt iittnntlou uud rvimoiiuhla thurucu uuurunleul w f mooney actqn ont we llcg to announce that we have received a full line of fall goods lndiei wool and velour coatn tor fall und winter ladicv wool jersoy drcrncs ladles wool serge d reuses ladies wool sweaters in newest styles mens and boys wool swcatcrn clmitx covered com fort era in attractive ii o nil designs 1 lanncletto ttlankcts larjjcbt size in gray and white h wil pay you to buy at our- storo wc slock retter gooaj at a lower price l starkjtnan starkman block acton ontario moffats specials special no t this week we arc offering you us u rpcclol our home made maple crenin with and without cocoanut this cream f in great demand a it is made only from the purest ingredients keg 50c per lb saturday 30c special no 2 have you tried our weekend chocolated yet the de maud is growing each saturday for our special chocolittcs they are not a low grade but our 10c atd 70c lines cvrylhinu frh no old stock an hand mu brvd dhow day john moffat phome 31 main bt acton fall milunery opening i miss florence murray will open millinery parlom in tho rooms next to vloorcheudo store on friday and saturday september lgth and 17th all the latcit ityles for fait and winter wilt beon display a cordial invitation to all4 to call soft water for everybody with a 0uro the milto soft water sy- tcm no 2000 uiown alovo in tha kuweat tlcvtiopmcitt la iteaklcnco water supply itutuibv eleelrictya automatic iittct ttdvcmcly tumpla and dur tililtf luinpa watrr from cistern w and delivers icuiular rood prrtaum to vwry faucet from cellar to rarrcc coabi na mora than a watcrlltt lesflto install and you can imklly motico the cost of operation wenuttliciu in complete write or cau uv details oad luhccft this wonderful outfit wiu sb icxillltltki in opekat10n at acton fall fair by w f mooney and demonstrations given of it convenience for water sup ply m hoimb and barn and its great value au a protection from fire be sure and six it in operation meet miss brunswick mr farmer you sijouijo itb uptodate in ti1k home as weli as having uptodate machinery let us instal si pneumatic water system lowest posshilb prices quotations wieesend sketch howard and mccarvell nstgueuh phone 270w acton creamery highest market price paid fott butter fat any small amount 01 creamwill receive attention i cash paid for eggs crrnmcry butter new laid efffift and prehh buttermilk always on hand i open viudayjand saturday evenings acton creamery co wiles oneil proprietors at acton falj fair r next tuesday and wednesday sho l lutcnlntr to uio wutidorful r nt tho brunswick produced ly tho exclifilvo ultona nnd the round allwood horn you will like the brunswick just m much an tiho dochbccauso what pltaiini you moot in pm la tone and it in in tonh thai the rruiihwlpk hw- nadaca au former achlovemonlh iw well iw in i versatility and superfine cabinet work- moke it o point brcomc to our exhibit be fore leaving the fair j frank king georgetowh phone 254 agent eor acton georgetown and milton acton ea fair september 20tk and 21st j pvtry pen on is joinc to tnki iy iht acton fmr tin ytur mala this iitore your titittlquiirtcr i mctt your fritiul here wl tire jivlui great hnrgnins on the c two days own- witli the crowd hergk dre4k goods st in all wool imitck and illuo serge lire goodj worth to dny 4 00 per yd special inlr doyn z7i 2 bargains in dlak silkm 34 31 inches wide all pure ui ik good value t 3 50 inlr daym special 276 indies ruji iiose sizen hjjrc wi and 10 colors are black whitl navy and freen regular l 2 fair dnya hpclal uic 1s0o yards mil l ends prints in tijdtt and dark colors 10 mc1iti wide fast colors fair day special ie y j 250 yards tawjg damask in endj of 2 2i and 2 yarda make rood clothi for every day use fair ay special 25vw if- ciji r iular trice 3k0 yards stripe crash toweujng tnst color easy to waih regular price 50c fair daya special 2tc mclean co wc bell fon cash wc 8ell for letls mill street acton ont saturday treat lt fine confectionery when you buy candic you like to feel that you nrc buying frch candy we manufacture tt curly all we sell o you can depend on getting frch candy at moorchcndi for thn saturday we have a great treat in more for you toasted marshmaixows 20c 75 lbs of our fresh toasted marshmnlfow we are proud of our marsbmallowir and wo think wo have ns good a lino n i any reg 40c lb saturday treat price 29c weekend chocolates 35 thu great favorite meets with a hip- demand every satur day asjorted chocolates reg 50c lb wcckciul special 35c chocolate rars 7 tor 25c do you like chocolate try thin rpccial wonderful value 1000 iiooon chocolate bar saturday 7 fpr 25c f h moorehead brampton georgetown miltow acton another drop in prices w evans the west end meat market submit- tho following low pncea reef loin koant 0 boiling beof i hick rib roast logs of venl 5 vonl chops 25 choice rib roast 15 lamb briskoto 08 front quarter 20 round steak 20 lors of lamb 25 sirloin steak 25 loin of lamb 2 porter jhousesteak 25 lamb chopi y jo rump roast 18 cured meats pork back hncon x shoulder pork chop loin pork chops rrcsli hams 20 25 sulo bncon 5 siiokcil rolls jo roiled limn 0 lionot ham 0 veal beet loaf jo stowing veal 10 sausaijci oitrown mako 15 front quarter roast 15 new potatoes per peck 50 w evans main sirlbt acton j w kennedy son ilanlwore plumbing tlnsmllhlnjt electric wiring it saves you work and dollars it give comfort and enjoyment 1 havo you an yet infnlled in your homo a system of elrcirlc lighting if not it is only a matter or time until you do and there is no time liko tho prerent we specialize in this clani ofwork and con glvo prompt mid suthfuctory sor vlco do away with those unhealthy and dtmicrouti oil lnmpj and seo what real comfort ih derived in tho home from the usu of cloctrlpity wo iro fllwayi pli to pjyp eitumitci on thw work and our pr wi inrtst you comp in um talk it over wo iilfl carry a ood iiiqrtpion1 of fixture i mid pppliancbi and yopr inspcutiop 1b invited remember our motui jttohty service roaionnblo prlrrti j w kennedy sbn phone 95 main street acton

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