wht tt rortylovoiith year no 12- 12 00 11011 yualt acton ontajhio thursday morning suptembbr 22 1021 12 co in unit10d utatjcil single copies five cent thk mkthod1st chuuch acton iiallv dav 11 u in unit 7 1 in ilin milliliter 3 111 fuccial 11ally dav pro ciiamml aildrota by llv a c glawari m a tin now mlliluliir of know ohurnli on loyally 1 to hi iiiul mmpnnlnuu tn chinch i iitiiniiiy ui iicoi i i ony i loavnniy it t tut oull aim- tk i km i prt hi nl r tint iiiiuiiti i lilmr of tin acton kaptist cuultch o k tvlcii paotott 10 a m ilmiday hiliiitil iindmilbh lhi milliliter 11 it 7 v llin mlnliitoi you alllfl goiidially 1nvitkp new advertisements toii sale a brick limine corner lot alontrln lltilit uml furnace apply co nox r7a acton coal iianqe pom dale a iiku1 cnnl ranen in uixl condition a huruiln for cuuli apply to w m cooinit main btrnnt acton tom bale chcap chovrolot tnurinir car 3 now tlrnu mw tint in ry car 111 bo oil idlitpo mechanically il il aiinold to let homldolucliod cot time pfoauantly ulttmtod four riiiiiiiu uml uood ollni apply to j v havaoia llowor avenue coal hckteii fotl j ale a tmrlnr coal liontor in koi1 con dition bnltlnu imcuuuo huve plit 111 furnace apply to v m coopiait main btrnot anion for bale on frederick street iloimu of hilwlil rixmiu with numtiln iiifhl wtttnrworku furnnnn uml o hit urn lhrm lata with all khidu af uunill friiltu koiiuh emit hm ii ulin wxh utr ntunu ciiwionb loot ilntwoon mnnrohundu nml tho park m tunudny afternoon a parcel coii- tulntf four ynrda of bluo ullk irini1ur kindly roturn to mlth tjioh uumuoy park ave mm aoton ovemcoat lost on ihn town lino between bomnr- vlllou earner una john itlnnkn farm a nmuh brown ovoirnut with halt ami iiajr uf jiiuvlu in pnek irlnd will tin rewarded hy lonvlnu ul lflvantl misat bhop acton if you want to buy or doll heal estate aalt kerr h know id hoiiuou run kiii tf hi prlca from jgoo to tt0q only lfi0 dnpoult on uoino a number nf hulldlnu loui it j iciflltn ilinno id acton -t- camo op thanks ml 111 miti wllllum kvhiii ilfiklro to oxiiroiot vnry ulncuio tliaultu to thmr tnany riomlu nml nluilinia for tlinlr tuirtliul uyiniutlty with them in tho loua ul tholr ilurllnif llttln dauuhtor itio many floral tr unit cm horo tniitl- nioiiy to tint ulml hfurtn who roul or uh in our uorrow meal eotate content juniitor honnn on ilowor avtnilie h rnomu oliiotrlo llulit oliitorn utorm wlnilawii anil dnaia luryo lot rrult tioou imniutuutu iiohhiihuiou winull puyitidiit dovli iliil liuliiiioo to uult iniyoi tit 8f j a hm1tii itnnl lomtato auont mill tltraot aoton houtitl pom dale 1 tint ilnulnthlo liuriunlow on maiii htroot tioloiikinir vo tho uututu of tho lata w 1 mullln hlx roomu tlootrlo llwlit watorworku noft wutoi in jioiiud omul uuuldii rortahln uurutfi iiuuuy now aihu a uoconlhiiml fliny liorl motni- cur in uooil oomtltlnii joiauniu- lon tfivon ut oiioo apply to w m cooiioh 133 aoton out auction sa l e in hoc k woo d on llatnnlay bfoptumltar 34 coiii- tneiioluu it 13 oolook nhnvp i luivn inalriiotloiih to iau tho fiirnltdio nml itirnluhlnitm nf mhui eltout foi col joliii mutrui who linu luoontly pur- ohuuiil tho fliillrn prapurly do uot rail to uttuiul mi thin will l one of tho inruont fiirnlturo uulua nf tho mkuuoii tho loolu tiro llititnlauii ami m any uiivmiuil artlolnu will uo xolil hoy iyindiuy auotlonoer krlu lmioiw wanted at onck two hundred men auto 0 it ti imt or monlinnloh lvo vulciuucoik iiattoiy hoinilriii ony- aootrfciui wuldlnu moaliaiilm oarii heat ttiiuhipnil ll iiiutorn camntii lliif now txiulpnifiiith nf nil kliiiln inoluil- iny iinro ouklnog aotutil muotlofil titiln you duy mill ovohihb oiuhhoii without extra uiiuiko ltouul ami loom 700 uji cull or wrlto inunitlful in rutuliittoo uo von toon youni oxnoil- oiioo anhoolh fiont ronat to tonut llninplilllu ii lit auto ouu tiuctoi kohool 103 kiiik htrcot wuul toronto 11- wonderlandu fhidav deptemuen 23 go ajid get it a rlrnt national plotnia illr- od t ml y maiuhilll nollon coni- tily lhu kail ouy ularrlnu jjury tkmion saturday september 2t iauuuiwny 11 lllaolitiui pin- ilutitlou on mod 1 iimt in 1 into ftiatui inw llnooky tlin luokikny 1 ox nuws toesdav qeptdmben 27 imvkh iaiialtv aturrlmf unio llumpton cliaptct 1j of i ha una if tumiti lah comudy 1mv wohm hiiuuliiar r ljre60ry vpiiiniiiippi individuality th the one word which hettt vxpremen tlio hpirlt of the luwemh- liiu of new fall nppnrcl which wo tiro now uhowlntf for tho newly opciux htiwon of 102122 tho new full mid winter garment now on dbiplny prdvitlo mi inipoaiii review of cor rect new ftihhlon fenturch orlidiml in their conception nnd ut macdonal1vs imihilutly priced new millinery ftirs coats dresses blouses skirts accessories dnd fabrics kvery fimhloii dcpnrlmcnt hail ltd qtiofji of inlcraitlnjr itcnw for otyle vlttitora tobcc tltbi wrek tltta u n idore wluro all fiikroalcd comeni may feel free to look nround itntl invert tlknto wlumut wnx ohlintod to buy ami n store where intending purcluuicm may feci con fident of ohtlnlnic ute idjrhait mtwdlile juahuc nt tho low- cut pohrtihlc nrlceu whetlier ii in n mutter of pcmonjl ap parel or furniflhliikfj for uio home d e gukuws leading and largest stork wyndlumccattlcit nnd mnctlonncll strcelfl guelph ont macdonald bros ltd saturday specials saturday special chocolnteh rocular 50c nnd toc per lb saturday special price ugc lb j v marhhmnllow plain nnd tonstetl regulnr 10c saturday special price 33c chocolate itnra regular 5c cncli saturday special price g for 2tc whjbs candy evorybody likci candy cspecinlly when its n deli cious ns ourn even those who say thoy dont ent candy will got the habit after tailing our niolmn- themouth confections thoy nro nindo llkotho 200 a pound kind but thoy cost very much less h- wiles service first tv voun calt is kquippbd with a wikst outb jjattisky demand prestolite service it wlui iay you oull guaiuntbk ib sound reliance battery service 9 qutilluc bt11kbt wbst gueui1 ont ass russells a try onr special fancy box cakes mmlo hy tho htaihlnuflluliiiiy liiulpli tim tlavotu ma onld otmiko l rii ll nut cliomlnto and cnoninnit qi null lrilday ut -watiinriu-j- hpi dial prion iml 20o x wtitoti oiir wnlov iihiplay for voiuluu and utunomtln frul wvorv- dilni in uojihuii imt pi loon lotlhoiatliln v a plrbtclabs 8tock of pneph onooenieq always on hand dgrussell mill st acton ncwb of local import aoton oildfallow in toronto pafaila a laiuo iiuinlior of tho iinnnbor alton inl loo 1 no 20 w to toionlo youhirlay to p in 1 mini of tin in noil n tf of t koviroliti oiiiml ldo of north aiimrlra in that rlty i ho at ion inuinlnr joined tlmli 1 ruth ro n of tho un no llnkw of dm dlu irlrt iiiul wore lod in tha pur ado hy looiimunilaiiiudr riuro wr 30100 oiltlftwiiln tho paiada uml 71 lumilu of miiulr 0undy clurtt bu punlltd riunii i wltli hnlllnif oluarcttkti on luiiday tho iropiloior of tho topinu- nih dotal london wna tltiod 10 nml miutu hy deputy jolla maulutrata v ii llnrtlott in tint pollro court iho pr ifnitlon wuu oonolndpil on iniitnln- tlfiiin mulvuil from attorrniyocnuriil lliinni and it in iitnloi tttood that a iiinpulifii nmiliuit tlin iiollliiji of rluur- ottiu on lltimliiy will ho wuiftxl iiualuut nil hotntii uml othor iiurh plana wlioro loluicro iu iiold milton qlo fnotary clod up tho milton llttfprmit aaya tho mnohlmiry undor lnnun nt ihn milton ulioo fjlrtory wlilih hau not liuan in oporatioii for uoino thiio wuw lonlovod hy tlin ownnrn taut woo if which mnunu uupiiouo that it 1m no lonifot to lio unod for tlin in u mi f iu tutu or footwear 1 hlu in a ilith furlory proporty and with tho linpiovxinont in tho imluutrlnl world lu tho uoar fliliiro it lu to lin ho ii ml that tlin fartory will iiriiiii lj n opoiatlon nfcordlntf work to lamdu now id to clir with kplna h bill on thn llli inut icdwurd hloody of tho inlnnd ltovomio ijopnrtniont nnd n ninlnif odlciir vlwltod aoton mid in i hiuportlou riiiiio uorouu uppnrn- uml niunli hiilliililn for tlin manu- fnoturo of aplrlta on tint piomlnou of pharlub trovout mill htroot a unn- tlty of tho mnuli wan tuknn to uio provincial nnnlyat mid found to non- a laranr porcontuifo of nlcolinl than tho inland ilovimiio act pormftu haruo hau boon laid whloli will mo up for hnariiik at vollco court in tomorrow th mtirrny v murray ckm tito hoarlnu of the nliur of mm marlottn murray una inut lmr liualinnd uiuuii allmrt murray for ullouod ruoty and rofuunl mat naulnot wllll- ut hihhclont oauuo to aupply linr with food anil ntlinr iiuciiauarloh oaiuu lui- for tho proiiociitlou wora hi ard hut at 0 oclock tliuro wro iitlll itnnuaoh whnua nvldonco lu murray u holialf hud not boon tnuon tlio caua wan tliorornro ad- irnnd until tuoiiday 27th ut 1 30 oclock tlia tlpartamana muntlno ptvtr whon tlin uiiininor duyu nro vr an tho nluhta uro unttltiic chill an tlin ii tnrnnd to tin id on br u nay woodod hill wlion tlin froal nornln nil hum upon thn ynl- low award nn tho nino an tlin nina- kuotcra liavo an no to tholr lnut roword lion tho uanu jtlrdn liuvo iloiuirtnd for o moro onneonlnl cllmo an tlm iro mini now at huullnir roitl lu puuhitf in ida tlmu it la then u foolln itrlpu you tin a lonitln moat profound to no liuntln with tlin- houndu horo and thorn tho country round i pally day at mathodlt ounday 8ohool tlpivlul iinphaalu lu bo in if utvniy to thn ltully day norvloo in tlm mnthn- diat hundny richnol nnxt riinday af- at 2 30 oclock an inlaromtr iiiu itally day inoutntmiio hna boon liroparnd tlilu inoludnu nu nddrouu ly hov a c htnwart m a tho now milliliter nf knox church who will irnlvn a cordial walromo to tlin urhool an offort la lioluu mndo to iiooiiro tho ful nttomlanno of nvnry olllonr tonnhni and unholur a lmdo will ho prime tit oil to ouuh wcholur in ittondnnco thn parnnta and frlnmlu nf tho unliolaiu liuvn bomi invltod thorn will lio an intarnatlntf aorvlco nff with nmlioalrnl nocompanlmimt anlootlnnu anbtlme tload imnrnvamitrit 8uutiitad tho work on tho no con d lino from krnd nnunyh to tlio itricu clitirnli lu noiiriiih coinplolliiu qroixt improvo- t hna bonn ojy otild whim tlm liravnl la all an nnd upraiid tlm road way will lm much uottor tlutn ovnr hcfoin whoa thin work in tlnlhhnd fnw dnya apnnt at tlin liitnruoctlon f tlin hrut lino with tho icklvloullur and luiln town linn would irrcutly tin- provn that point uml rmnvo nu nlo- intint of danifor mow mfhitltiff ihn ntnnp hill nt tlila nrouhlnir ud uuruc minntity of rollutf utounu londtn tlin phicn dnniioroilm to both horun vohiplna and mo torn if nut down two or tliroo foot and lovollnd uorouu to thn kiln nldo tho wmk will add n dncidod im- provoinout mid romovo thn prnuent dauunr vultlna mia doyliooda hum mr tnlin humuay of tlyroouae n y lion or mr william hmnuay of llnv- nnivllln n v who loft anton wlli hln family ovoi thlity ynura nun wuu hqiti dlliluif tlin wook vlnllhur tho placn of lila birth and tlin hcouuh nf hlu iwiy- liood mi itimuiay who wan uccom- pniiltnl liy mm llnmuoy nml tlinlr two ohlldfoii mian iucrnthi mid muatoi tndoiln molorud ovwr in tholi- flt llatflold hoilaii nrrlvluu imro on thn mil u y fiom toionto tliuy vlultntl ilia hhtliplaoo on tho chock tlnr wlioro tlin homo of tho into oooro thiliui now utamlu hlu father wait oiiiplnyod ut mnillha mllla iiuuioho omly dayu tlin lattm moved to ae tna whom lio wuu fornmaii lu tho llovo ijoatlior tannry nf ittorny monro is co wlimn dm tiiintiul building of tint aoton tniiuliiu conipaiiyu woiku now atiiud mr itiiiiihuy uihii vlultnit ihn himo of hlu piutoinltora in thn vklnlty of ulou mlllti uml inupnntod lhi iinhjun innniiinbat of tlm lata join hum nay lu lqhniwmoi ininotory nay- unkawnya a fw dnyu worn upaut with- jrloudu in aoton and lu uhnut tlio faitilllm pliuioa of lioyhond iltiya mr itamuay lu a pionioroiia imiilm ua iuiiti of tlyi uouuo uml hiui intoi ohtod lilmunlf larmdy in rolluli inatttiu and foi tlio morul uplift if hln luloptnd olty ilo linu boon promlii- intly idontlilod with thu tirolilblllou fowuia lu hyiaounu inul lunt yil wh iioniluatod fi hm mnyoralty with u vinw to tlin propor jntoroniimut 0 volntiil irohlbutoiv aol whan how- ovoi lm ivn ublo tn hoouro it hiltlu- fariiy hiidorlukiiik fiom muyot jcaiin or wh wum in tinili that wnforonmoui would bo vtfoutud undnr bin uilmlii luxation mi ltuiiiiaiy rothod from tin oonti id ml it itanihity and thnli diiiilitoi uio iiiho woruorm in tin ci hi roh hud uoniiimnlfy uollvitlum t i ml ylidt bin wuu vmy ploanaiit uml inmiy old fiondji mot our fornmr rul limit and hln iniilly thn iiiku lkiiiin la qujtit iuoiiii to aokmiwinilrn mr humuay iih nml of ita apt iipinnn tioou buok in tho tdtfhtlu v make protest against paying waterworks tax upper main street ktnldenth claim they are nottahlo itecauho main docm not itcitch them town hall iicpaiito oltdlhtd council nu t in rnirular itnmilon on monday ovoaluif with all tlin council loiu iirnuont and tho lloovo in tlm chain thn i luaiico- coimiilttoo pr maihil tlinlr nlnolooiitli r port and i iirnin- nioiidnl imymnnt tic tho fulltiulnu nn- noiintu cittral aooouota jolin llhlioun labor on drain ibi 111 hi toroy ilr fabor on drain n ho ocorjfo ijillu labor on utrodla uml lu comotnry r 20 a la crlppii 1 nn acton jvno irtuu ux uothoa and poll book 21 2s j w icnnnody nupnllna 2 20 w i mniiiiey tlio drain 111j ha u2 cj waurwork aocountj j w koiiaody uupplhu for mrvlriit f o io pi ii a coxo iuiiplnn 30 jan morrlumi itrauu mf co piimit 13 h4 120 c4 1 ho rojiort wua ndoptnd a deputation from that nnntlon of main lllroot whnrti no watorworku liavo bonu liiatallod wnltnd upon tlin council and prolou tod ana hint pnymnnt of thn tavou nn 11 io watorwoiku aaunuu- muiu mr mclvnr who wan in tlin ilnlnifft- lon olnlmod lm hud had inifal udvlcn that tho auoomimont foi watnrworku wuu lint lalloolllitn by tlin town council aimurpd tlm dnlnuatlnu tliut nlliiropnrtlna in town paid taxou on tlilu 110000 of watnrwnrka dolinn- turimi tint t tlio boudu wnro inirally on- umlulind and that nil procoodhin worn caiofully reiflutornd and would utand any uult nnd tho tuvtm would ho col- inntnit o dnlnuutlon nluo inmmuttal tliut mpnlru lm inuiln to thn ul do walk on main lllrnt thn cmitu ii nun ml to touipnrurlly rnpulr thn plank uhln- wnlk at onco mr i htarkninn roijuootod that it tlio ho put undnr thn itldownlk on mill ihflnt to ilru in tlio wattir from tlin in no hiitwonii hlu property ami ilnduuym vvoft otoro tlin council ugrnnd to fix thn drain nn roipioulod itopnlrn tn tlin whulown lu thn audi torium of thn town hall worn tlinn dln- ifiihiiod tlio imittor wuu turnod ovnr tn councillor cord i nor chairman of tho town hull commlttno to him mm- nit inon to do thn work of mjikliuf ry rnpnlru to thn anah and puttyinu of wlndowu nml puttliur in how ifluttu yknm unceuunvy vnrioiib rithor rdpnlru nt tho uprliiir thn park and thn road londlnu to thn park woro nluo diuouenod but no ntlinr action tuknn nnd all rnpalrn wnrn laid tr until nftnr tlio fair council ndjoiiruod at d ho ip in three candidates to be nominated in this county the coiwckvnuvca tho liberals and uio peopioh political party will he in it i at it inrcnlyntlnnilnd mootlnif of tlin illioiala or tlm county hold in milton lthlay nlulit il wan iiuiiulinoiiuly do- elded to put a rniulldato in tlio flttld itnut tlin county in thn onmhitf kodnral ulnctlon a convention for llilu omriman will ho bold thorn on tiiouduy hoptnmbor 37 tlin nam on or or mccall of milton oxwufdon diitirini cainphnll of moffat ami cliailoa itoadboad nmithor fonnor war- w 11 arnyory of oukvllln nnd w v w flnlmi if iturlliihtou uro ouch monllntinir uu poualliln camlldntnh thn national llbnrul couunrvntlvnu liuld tholr nolivontlon in milton on monday tiftoriioon tlin moo i imt wuu iidihoiauifl by 11 c ilocknn m 1 j toronto dr il ic andnmon tlin uit- tluif momlior wnu tbo uiiuuliuouu mho of tlm ronvontlot tlio iiomtiiutltpywiui iimiln by onnrtcn 1 1 111 m or honvo of oakvlllo uml walter iqiiiott of nunaauuwttyu tlhort apnnoh- wnro mndo tly mayor oavlu of oakvllln nml tlcioran w motley of toronto on rlulmr tn uponk dr aiiddiuon i lrnlvod un ovation af toi thank imt thn lawn uudlniinn tho noiiiluutlnu candldntolinuan hlu uddraau by doal- inic with thn tlimn itiadifittin dominion palltlcu and tlm flurul policy of ouoh tli tiro wan u largo atlenduiicn i ho ilaltou rooploh political party will hold tholi convnutlon ut milton on monday sgtli hint and tlm towuu liavo oaoli boon hivltod to uniid tun dolouatnii to inakn up thn truly ponilnu party according tn iloiulnr ururyh liroudonlnuuut lkolltiy mr lirury will tin thn chief wpoakor it lu rliiunrnd tliut ollhor tuiiynu waldbmok at oak vllln or harry m iottlt of irnnmnn will ho oliniimi nu mtiuidurdbeiiror by tlm ronvnutlou ludkallonu am that ilaltou will hitvn n ulahnuliir con lout tlilu llmo social and personal mr win m niibh of toronto wua honin for mi nvnrilunday vlull mr noll mcdonald vlultod frlnndu lit iort niuhl ovnr tlin wnokuiid mlua nfidwnll vlalloil at hnr homo in ulllfimrn ivvn tliu waukonit mm j u wurron of toronto lu vhlltlnif aetna frlundu thluwnok mlianu kltln and myrtlo dllln worn liilmo from to ron ui far thn wnuk nnd mr 1ark j dulii of ainna colorado ii pout u codplo of dayu ut lilu homo jainpu mcijim of toronto lu upuiidliitf a wlok or uo with acton frloudu 4 mr mid mru iiniinl wnit nf urln worn uuiulii of mm t itydnr on iiimday mru it cralnn of toronto hnu hnnn thn uiifht of mru w j could durliut tlio week mr uml mru ooo ajfiinw opont tlinlr liotldnyu with frlmidu in toronto nml huiulllon ltnbort lurvlu bun roturnod froi4 toronto hln lu uomowtuit hn- provod lu lionltli mr and mru arthur joimu ami rlill- on of guolpli vinuod with mru h r coll lor on hiimluy mr nnd mru l wnrrnn of nnli- ukn urn viultluu nt tlio homo nf mr uml mru j il icnnnody mr ounrirn aaunw oftho morclinnlii hank uiurf inimlltou lu upotullnu bin hnlldaya nt bin homo boro cojinclllor ami mra j ii onnny ivo lotiirnod from un nnjoyuhln motor trip to mnaford and vicinity mr w i mcdonald and mr ii mc donald of pick ford mlrh vlultml mr id mm j ii denny inat week mr carina wllllama of huiilt tlin marin lu uiiondlnir a coupln nf wooku holldayu ut bin fatlmru homo boro mlua vera cumpboll linu tinnurod n poaltlou au unutiliiily lu tlin mllllutiry pnrlora nf coin urou a tloolt quelph mr uml mm itohnrt mcdonald of ii ron to vlui ted mr unit mm anorao dutchburn nnd other frlmidu lnut wnnu w l mullln lotiirnod to hnr filth or a homo ut llnllnvllln a wook or i auo thn homo horn hi to un uold mliai igllxubntli mcplmdrau of uvor- ton upent a fnw dayu last wook with hnr friend mluu hdna mcciitrlutom acton itnv a c htownrt m a uml hla family liavo arrived in tnwn urn urn dually uottlnu mottled in kuov cluircli malum mr w v collier and family hiuind niovhm to lloiiton xtiiioi ahnrtly thn liouiinhold enndn will ho nold by ailitlou an uallirduy mr n v moom roturnnd htiajo innt tliurndny from a ton dnyu liolldny lu on nil a to which city ho motored with frlnmlu on labor day mru it haul of toronto tmn mluu fliullo johuuton formerly nf acton nindo a ulinrt call ut tlin homo of mru thomnn itydnr mill htroot on itnlur- day mru john flocnrd of llomlllon wan iiorn on flat unlit y viultluu will il llolinom mid other frlnmlu prior to kavlntf for lhu a r union cal whnrn aim wll npoml tlin full npd winter itnv charleu j i jolllrfo ii a who at hlft fntliera liomn nt 1 took wood nu furlnurh from hla mluidomiry work in china niado tlin vnum paicm a vary intninutliiu call on ttatiirdny mornhiu mr and mru jiii ii hold acton vhiitod mr uid mra ii a hold iiiiih- burufcoii krliltiy uml pcruuatlnd thn liarontu to uocompuny tlinni n aclou and mptiiit a fnw dayu lcrln advocate mr uml mru jf il danny uml mr uml mra jou ituddy of oenrtetowu roturutsl horn on monday frni it vory plouitnnt irfoinr trip viultluu rolatlvea coihukwooii mnnfonl and other pn i mr and mra llort davlddoh and ana wllmer accnmpnuloil hy mra mrartliur nnd mru crouch of iqrlu moloroil to tlntorn prliluy nnd upont tho uoekoml with mr uml mru j o martin thn rviundu and rnlatlvou in anton worn much plnaund tn luivo it ulinrt vlalt from mr ii irani lwuoklinmor hr from aiiotph on hnturday nvonlinf lin x un hoi u at churchill on tlin third lino in thn you 1831 mr and mm jamou ill alulnranu aoton anuoiuicn tho enumreinniit of tholr dmiuhter lilllkiiliolh ynuurt to newton ij iowoll it a tax ilramploii formorly cuptaln 4tli llattallnu cana dian nnuhioorh thn mnrrliiftn will takn plum ptlotly early lu ootobet miu nanny tlomoi vlllo and minn ada niolurod to cooi otawn on hitturdny ami inmalnod a fnw dayu with manila there mru lumiui vllle tboiluh ron- lined to thn liouun for unurly it yar iljoyod thn trip uml vluit vory munh and wuu bone lit tod fiom the nutliitf the itowllno trophic pratan dfaatdln tlta aim to ooura tlm qulph mtiry cup a rutlmr nifoltluu oontout wuu up on thn uioeim nf aelon athletln awioola- tlnn lnut muturday iifturiioon whon mm of iroutoiiu mtionueot rlnku cnino over to cfb i ill thn fluolpli mtdmiiry cup w j coulda link inmrnuhfiilly lo- funded tliu tioiihy liualit wltlrtho fol- lowliilf unain pmaton aoton a iiauy n mcdonald ii cialu juo wood j klna o ilymln 1 it lumbv nl ib wjooutduk 1 plotllilll jolludklt 1000200110115 aetna 04dhllijloillll10le494 hkhr oould will tulto hlu rink tn 1iuotnii next ha hi ida y to lonloiit that olnli fin thn 1altllduo trophy which luolplt won from aotau uovuial wooku nttn durliliutan hotolmun entc appoul 11 i miiilth of tlm qiioouu hotel llnrlliiktou who wan lined 400 aiiij timtu by ihilhn multrato ltarr foi nelllnk ieor ovoi lwit pel ignt alcohol liau ontorml un appoal aualniit tho maulutiiaou dooluiini tho uhpial will lioidard by jkudim la ii lot at milton on hwiurduy uaptoniuor li i uuralar totally shot comttubu smith of fturllnnton ohot nnuim waitiy it a id on wdnatlay taut wodiiotulny nlulit n llttln lift or 13 onlook chief couutubln fliultli of uiirllnutnn found two nioitln nn alley way lu mar of utornu lin went for ward hoard the clnuh of broftklnu kiiihh and jintt nu ho did un wnk lilt lu hni fnen by what v ho thoiiklt i atnnn iln drop pod to nun unno and hied lilu rnvnlvnr ufnim of tlm num ilotli in illffni out d i recti oiib ho fol lowed mm for about u block when tlm man htoppod throw up hla lunula nipt uald he wuu uliol iln apitenrod to bo about 40 youm of hkh and vtifiihod to ulvo hlu iminn or any aocaun nf lilntuolfj thn bullot hud oiitotml hlu ubdonmu tlio coiimtubln look him to tit johoplia iloupllal whom dnctoit tilod in lncutn tho bullet tlm otlmi iiiiiii ouoiilkd thn injiity uuutulimd hy tlm liuiilur pxivod fatal and lm died ut tlm hos pital on tlaturduy kvoiiiiiu duceaiiodu mtlnu waa nuliuit won by h id and lm eainn from ohihiwh tuu idnntlty did not btcomn known until tin pnuiioil nyay hp lufiuied to ulvo hln uaiim to tlin pluo ohlolnlh hu on u holnimi isromuo that if lm lived tho niliim would never lm dividual lm told lit 1oinl of iiiirllnutnii wild lm wuw hold wua about fifty yonla of nun and foi tidily yuu lm hud ini u known to mm polli i- hlu rkind la a louit one mid luollidna many of tho morn milium niliiuunii tlm iihnlnal n-lon- ilur un luid it wlfu and tvi olilldinn i the fall fair this week scores again magnificent showinp of inn uio kith ibl tit and much good stock kntcrcd pahlv mohninq bhowed laid the du8t thn alinwm u and cloudy hioi nlnu ytmtnrduy did not hinder tlm many tuuo of tlm turn utile ywutorday ufji r- iifiau at tlin park when vlnltoru to alton i all 1 ulr niwdnd lu co-opnr- ntfim batw3oii tlm dlrnctora and tin roelilontu of town and country eum- ally liuido tlilu popular fair mm or tlm incut tun ctuufnt hi yturu lu point nf ontrloji au tlm 1 nun piuuii want t promt hn- foro noon to permit tlio atiff to upend thn uftnriianii oiijoyhiu tlin exhibition wllllllmitoffolku our rnport of tlin pnusitidluuu of ynntnrdny lu do- foiud until kmit imhuo itnrnly linu tlm hull dluplay offntod attractive an npponruncn uml every olauu wnu ropntuentod with alt exhibit illicitly rod 1 1 a bin to tlin exhibitor mid pluiiwlnu to tho vlidtnni to tlm fair upon utopnlnu lu nt thn muln entraiioo tlio perupoctlvn wau vory utriklnu on lltn lonu tnblnu in tlm oontro of thn hull tin ro worn lu well uro u pod ann- tlonu thn aiirprlulnuly laro hiiowiiiu of nntrleu lu doninutln hclonce ilaklnff ud dairy uml ilnuey iirodilctu thn luuaunlly uttrurtlvn dluplay of imnlitu uml klownru uml out klnworu with u uplniidld variety invltinuly arruiiund further ulonu to tlm rljjht wuu tlio ntu ami vnirntubleii depurtmniil thlw iu well tilled uud tlin urtlutlcally liked urrunuemont of collootlonu of vojtotiihlou provnd tliut tlio your drop ped fiitunuu in uumbnru of ibfldu ami uardmiu tim upncivou tlm ninth nldo of tlm hull wuu welltlllod with it very iiltnictive uhowiuu of cntrlnu lu finn ml docnintlvo arlu and a moot cred itable inhibition of chlldrnnu work tho tabled uiul wullu ut thn rnal of tho hall woro devoted to ouo of tlin tlimiit nnd iwmt 4iinprnlionlilvn dlupluyu of ijidliu work uimful uud ididlou i am y work that ovnr honored tlm fair tlm urranuenieiit by tho dlitoni and tlm liulita auuiutlnu- them rendoiod tlm rtkrollent- ivilloollon nltraotlvn to tlin rurnory limpnctloit of vluitoru uud illly eitnmnod by thnun more criti cal in tholi evamluatlou altnuotlmr urn hall dluplay wuu s mnut attractive one uud it received utaiit and compllnmnlnry mmmout n thn ntrnamu of vluitoru on both duya of thn fair lm t ntrleu in domeutlo iloloncit formed a jr at rnntro of ultrnruon it wlin dndatod by nluinrvnnt judtoa ut many of tho othor ulrit tn have boon mnnt comjirolionalvo and uupnrlor in tnitny vcupoctu in thn laruer fnlru hold thin utauon thn dluplay of bak- luir wnu rnrtnlnly vary coinmendlblo thn noraldnpurtmiiit hold u urutl- fybij uiirpiiun to all with tlm ad it il in i iion it wan titouuht tlin on- trlca in thcun clarnma would bo vory inuinro bul lii uliowliiu wnu lunu la cent ur con run inuiibnrm of clnnaeu nijcb ua uwont innu nnd other early lilnomlni vurletlea worn ubunnt hut ii wnu it wealth of bloom and flnu mhnwiiib of plunln the fruit exhibit wnu vory una mr ilrocuon of trafalgar who iiwept tor onto rxhlbltlon with thlrtythren firutu hrouuht tlin uamo oxhlblt to acutti and it inuiln tho fruit dopartniont utand out with manual prominence mr j ii lnnt nf oooruetown ttluo hail u piin hut of outriou in 4hu vouotablo ami hoot danaon tlibni worn many individual ontrloii but thn iiolleotliinu lu tlm nocloty hutu nil kpoolulu worn vory nttrnctlvtl tlioun mitdo by j w eiuwko uunlnn- or for- mr o a t hnnrdmom and oeoiuo hi inner tho veteran truck uitr- domh of oimlph wmn urently udmlrod tho clnwunu lu tlm finn mid ducorr attvo artu worn fuller than uuiial tlm unual hut of profoflalonnl nxlilbltoru worn laittnly lu nvldoupo uu unual it wan it matter of much lomil pride how ever that tho o ntrleu of mluu mary k olhhnnu thn if toon yearold dauuh- tor of our townutnun mr thomnn id ollitmiiu won a lamo numlwr of tho prlxou in tli oho clnnneu tlilu little ludy lu wlinwlnie ortu7llotl hluh order nml a promt nn otiojilnu tn her an an arllul an attractlvn nxblblt lu tlm hall wnu tlm dluplay of baunooni nml kitchen uxturcii iiliown by w 1 mooney oun piece nommnmlod much attention tlilu wnu thn now drluklnu fnuntuln donuted tn thn town by acton womiiiin iiiutttutn it lu ii dnltity nifturo nnd wilt lm inutiillod at tlm oovnrumnnt lliilldlnu puvemont iu u toy dayu other nmrcantllo nxhlbltu worn liuido hy lohnutoun a co fiirnlturo fran klutf ilriimiwlnk ur n in op lion ou floor uo- lown c w knlly i hon llnll plntinu ouolpli million a ltlncli guulpli j itobnrtn npnlrlut nuuua- uawoya nnd o thorn tlin exhibit of tlin prodilou of anton ilium kattnry wnu r conlrn of attrac tion tho viti lety of boot a uml iihoen for til il id ron wan much udmlied 1 lm hat uf prnutlumu won hy tho llvo atock ami uutuldo olauunu and thn baliiiirn nf the liuildn nxhllilt will ho ilvcii next weok oi1ain white wlntiu wheat ii ilhujhalu hau n ailllon a ilnnu tjirun ieau u illuithmu bun n atlllou sl knnu whlto ou tw f i illiikliiim a hon n aillleu a ilnou llluok oftth n ailluh wmn llurloy ulx townd h lllncluim ut boh n gllleu jit bonu indian corn mr liwn w tulhnt uwoot con h n allan iiiillo a tttutnl nt u innttluo iu ion pliimlny f icnwllnb cm n chnu mi known w tnlhnt whl to iiouiui uimiui rnnron w talbot cnlleclhhi qtnln t huuhm each 11 illiiubam a mop hoots vegetable8 amd filuit icarly jiolatoeu any vnrloty mru a nnrilu i ii weuilu uifn intniooii nuy varlnty j h ilenuelt xlni a- norrlo i potitoflii carioctly mimod uliy var- ieiy h j hwankhiiinoi pluld cm iota ooo lldnuor w lulbot f tallin carrolu oou hulllliey h iiliikliam ton llwmln tin u1p it n almi w talbot lloavloat tumlpm any variety h lllnicham a bon leo bklmmr other l ui iituuw talbot 11 n allan larnlim lo bkluimi 1-onu- lied manuohl w talhat leo hkiniiei yellow maiiuold ono 1klnunr hnuiif heotii geo hkhnmr huitm mliuuold w talbot fpi bkluimr v tallin lluutii umu redutmi mkliiuoi tahto 1 too tu turnip leo mklnuer h llhiuhaiii u kan cabhau white coo iluliumr myr- itln cook cilniy a o t ilnin dmowi myitlu conk ojiuimowir myrllo cook ooo llklu- klnld ilimpkhiaorai llklmioi lion- aid mrdonuld table pumpklini ooo llklnimr j ii llouuntt 1ahln fhpuuih oeo llklnimr w lulbot riitjd bipliiuli w talbot coo bklu- lier oiilomi whlto w talbot ooo bkln- olilnnli led w talbot ouo bkln- onloiiu uuy othoi vui inty ooo hkhitter w talbot roniiiutou h lilnuham hon mru a itoll cllrouu w talbot fjno nkhmol kadlnlinu w talbot oi o llklnmir collm tlon vouotahlnil 10 oi mom viir- lotloii coo iklmmi a o t iteard- moio appla atnnrlmtnrjtildnn iliuul ii o ilrocknu j m tut tin ltnxhury huuiiet ii c llrocknti mnciiitouh lied ii c ilrockon fulliiwati r ii c llreckon miinn ii c uisinkoii northern ilpyii c ilrnoknn j il laim uhodolalnndareoiilnu ii c llrnnk- on j ii iine baldwin ii o lliorkou j ii lynn hook ii c ilrei kon wauimr ii c iirnckoii ontario if c ilrockoii kinu il c llreckon j ltlnnn itllmton ilppln ii c llreckon know ii c llreckon j ii lima hlenliolm pippin h c llrncknn cclvort ii c llreckon mru a nor rlo crab applou ii c lirorknn j il lium cnokliiu apiuea ii c llrockon ijouimrt aipleu ii c ilrocknu ilnx hpy apphik miwritppud il c htituknii l h imiij llox 1 laid win aiplu unwrnppod ii c llrockon j ii ijinn paara kplftir ii c llreckon mecklo u c llrockon clui eunau if c llrockon llartlolt ii c lhockou i ii lniin diicbohu il g llreckon mra 11 cioini iltui i ilunuou ii c preckon l il ijinn riemlnh iieauty ii c llieokon other vurlotlou ieaiii ii c llrock on j ii lnun plums rtoluo claiido ii c tlrci kon qerninn priilio il c nrockim inmbard h c llreckon othur vailotleu plnniii il c ilrncu- grapai conmrd ii o ilnrknu nlularn ii c hrockon othor variety lllaok aiapiu il c llrockon othor variety whltn ontpna j il lane ouinr variety lied ciapou j il ijiih slnula spaoitnan fruit hpy apple j ii ijuin il c urocu- haldwhi apple ii c llrockon j il luno qroonink appln ii c ilrnnkon j flaow apple ii c llrockon itartlott pear j ii lann kelfor ptur il c nrei kon loulln po in dairy and similar products itox dairy butter 10 ibu clmrlou mcknown ilvo ibu dairy ihitter lit 1 lb prlnla charlnu mcicoowu mru ijiwo urit a norrlo l 10 ibu lluttor in 1 lb prlntii chastou molceown muplo byriii 1 ininrtln nlnnu j j liciiilornij leullo poarerf hminy in nnctlonu chun oldham qna ilk 1 tiller ilnuey extracted j itobertu ooo tlklmioi dluplay honey extract nnd uootlomi chan oldham domestic bcicnce dakinq etc tlnmemudn broad il n allan c a dowiiou milk broad mru o m judtto mru a llnll plain hwui mru a boll mru l ii wnu duo p n liny diiiiu mru i ii woniluo b j bwackluimor loa llliloultnmru o m jmlro mra a norrln oraham llluoultn mia 0 m judun a jf linduay l1uht layer cuko b j bwacklmm- er myrtlo cook dark layer cakomyrtlo conk mlua a boott bponjrn cako mm j h oiitilhlo h j hwuaklinmor fclnvmrn aijiuor iliond mru hoht cionti mru 1 13 camhln tartu half do mm narh fillll ami lonioil mra a llnll myitln coolf cilokleu half ilnxon oacti ulnker miuar oatmoal mru a j llndmiy mru a itaji appln ilti mru j 10 aainln myr tlo cook cuhtiild pin myrtln conk mv1 t 11 weuilffn lemoil ilo mm- a- ncn rln mru x u onmhln ntmiihln plo mhni a bcott ioullo a pourniij dlsiiliykanr i1ukhif 1 vailnllou b 1 bwitokluiiimi dluplay plain baklmr 10 varlolloa u t hwackhnmer cinrant tolly mia i h wnaduo mru j 10 oambje jnlly b j un a p apphi hwnukluimor iou- ouiimiil i rult lluht mru j w auintiln 11 t hwflcikhninor ciimmd piult dink miu judjj aiouulo 11 mullln collection canimd fruit b tflwaok- hamui mm uwu canned tomatoma mru lowe mra a unit cimiiftd corn ynllowb j bwnou- liumor mm a itoll ciimmd pniih mru a hell mm l 11 woiulho s cniumd btihik bnana mra lowe iu jildue ilnnmnuuln mnrmnlikln mru jiidu h t hwmumjiuei bweot innuleu mru j w oumlilo miu a m juduo hour ploklnu mm j iu aamliln it i bwaoklnitnoi plcklnd livult llntuilti ii mulllli o j hwuuuhitmni collootlnu tlnulidl ml h lnwo mrrt j l oumlilo dim bolth cutuup b j hwaok- hmimr mluu w 1 uihnu vokntuhlu hiiiarmim j w oarnblo t mpi i il weudun chill hiibcn miu judun mtu lawo p ilonmmiido ciimly mm wnadu mm ludifo fliapo wilm mm imlun mm j w oambln wluo any nthoi varloly mm jik1k mm x h weadue one iumt htuilnnd hmmy t illi- eitu luin oldhum conlimioil on pnuo blx v