Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1921, p. 6

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ittrthe martta and ioath now ohnvgen rr at the rnllowinf kettei niriiiw toi tjuttibch too dnalhu too uinuirla cird 60o loo imr linn metro for pooiinc 5ipidiim3mttaa riiuicidav iiiumumiiiaii 22 1021 brief local items now for frouty ulghtu anotlmr big fair lu ovr iluuy duyn wltli the mlllliflru all rnadu ueemed to lend li arltin ifkittnnliu- aiplo aro maturing- much eu a luilltlcal pot iu iwiglunlng to llguill tint park huu ln wllli thn waurworku iciotu iiortlouhurul flinty ludd vry uurtouiiful flower uhnw luut wook huldu mm 1 tit hi1qi1 tim inonlu iolltteul party nom ination will lm mad at ulllm 01 monday oood morning the kali- ovr lluvo you ronnwed your l1ul iwitiui mitiucriptloi next tlumluy will iw oliuervnd uu jlnlly hoy in th hun day uchoohi at all denominations au uuuul thn fair brought a hout of former rouhlanlu trout tho cllieu uml niher outuldo point kdimi 10 capacity wua tlio mi nouurtiment to la to rnmoira ut th prtlr night concert lumt nlghl mr jolm it wotnoti haw th foun flntlonn in lor a now hoimo 011 wall htreet next to bin own rouldonr- thn luiluotlon of llnv mr lltrwart nit m lulu lor of knox churoli will lm hold tomorrow nvniiliiir ut 1 oclock thn council did 1l tho wttoota worn neatly alnanod up beforo tho fair citlumtj gimertilly uuy thunkul mr m hiolloaiiu newly rebuilt ruulduiioo on ilowor awnuti i nrlnr completion it 1 ronhhlerably nnlam ihi uml groat i y improved took for tlio nnmeu of th bulutto of the prlxo winner of thn fair in linxt wookd ftum liucnil at thn hydro me tin lmli htowarttown lout wook commlttoom wro appointed to canvas thn town- idilp for application for aervlon tlio rocent murrlubfl iaw amend- mnnt act appointing o in rim of each municipality u lruuarw- of msrrunfo lloonnou will no into rfct october 1 it evidently payii to urivortua no louu than nlno imruonu uiuki but wak to buy tlio wuuhlntf tnaolilnn mlvr- ttuwl thi tlrut call uoourtxl thn iwr- uatn humuol clmrtnrs ii v wan tlio ununlmouii choice for isiai at th con- ikirvutlvn roitvontloit nt ilratnpton on iluturdny for thn romlotf hou of commonii election ao llriidt of iowvlllfl itrnl ubout 300 him of honoy utolan from htm ttpalry lately tio ohirw e0 for uxtch in- forniatlou an will i nail to the cup turd uitd conviction of um thieve fliiturtlny mornlnu mplmtild rain did hnmtiiind wood in thla uectlon it mndnrod plowlnif iioiuilbln and intw ul- ruudy frtuilinnnd up thn puhturob and clvon ait itpliotiih to the iinwlycowii uruln it lu hald that a hummer with hit oom rrop n unity followed by a wlntur of tovord froat am huwy mnow wo liavo tho cori woll await ptttlfintly thn winter uhjirn of tho compacl itiin womonh uluulnnary kocuty will hold u moatliift- in tho mtholliit tlchool itooni thla tliurwlay ovnnlnif ut8 p in minx alton ot klttahutt 11 c will oollvor an dri on thn indian work them tho coolr air of thn knornlntf and tho nvnliif avid thn ilfteimnlnit and nhmitfltik rolorx of tho fortuit lava urn thn- illicit laiiuuao of nature thatlln tho auy paitcant of mumnun tnuht itoon oomn to u oonoluulon for 1831 actorj tair pn2e winndro ctantg and flowcrc toy i ii wi ruuuhhi doulilii 4iiiihi in bloom mu lilm mm a iilh in hlooin c wond- hull xlni j 1c liilnlilii pitunlu douhlx in lihiom ju k hy- uioii mlii j u imhlppmru- a hull culout n r lliiduuy mru iaiwd mrx j u numhl1 ini7 mrn jrtclntnlil 1 raiiluni ulpul 111 hlooin c wood- hull mru a 111 i run lino douhlo in lliioin mm t ii wiaiiri mru a llnll llonuii jmunt lu bloom mru i 11 wiuliiii mrw j ituinuhaw troplral imiiut j j kenderuoit c woodhull iliuiiluy of pluntii 0 vurlnllcu mm a llflll w cut rlowcne auti ni built 13 hloonim nnn vurinty n r unduoy mm j u gumhlfl jack hymmi anlnm ixiut dhtihuy nnuiirtnd 1 iltiduay jurk lymoti mm j k jui ihl mark mcdou- mr john luiinmiiy of oyrucumi n y who wan vultlntf in town av nu intaroiitlnir and very holpful ad drhm in tho mothodlat bunrfky tlchool luut tlunduy urtarnoou mr itumuay vau a mmlwr of thn tlchool atout thlrtynvo yaarn uito mr biiiiodlct c cuoko tuu lit taut factory tnunuunr of tlio iurtrldkb itub- hr co ouolph rocelvcil fatal injurlaa by holm run over by u c 1 it frclsht train whou mturnlnk homo from a tlutirn laht tlaturduy morning h wan a ilnu youiif man ss year of ujrn a oourteiy apprclatoil by your ifuewtm lit to huva their vbdtj men tioned hi tho penonul oolummf of tho vurf iniuh and whnnovnr you u uwuy your frtemlu will im uilnnuitml to learn of tho fact in the afwy tin n d um audi itorim by mail or call ux up phottd uw the rallv bav call hark thn call thn rally call oer thn world tin rlnklnat lorwurd forwurd ono and alt joyful tribute hrlnlinr yjftlntf hluli iiim liojinvr brlicltt jlttnto with niw endwivor bklnir for tho true and right xoyal faithful ever hark thn cull tho rally cullt coin lllu pralmoii voicing whera thn munterm footiieim fall uuruli with kind rujolcluk i- jllo joearmond ciladpll bout dlnphiy- uld niuduill imot c iiilk mack onnuld mm j k cuinhlo hull llnu bent iliiiphiy itonuld douuld iiulln tvuroil riuloi half dovon hlonuiu mack mcbonald lltockn mm j 13 gam bio cdjtmou mm j1s qumblo ltiillo jo iearflh nuuliirtiunm hon mcdouuld mr j h guiiblo antlrrhlnluinu n v ijlidhuy ililux druinoiull mm j 1 oambl mm a hell iaiinlci mm a ilnll it irrlvon ijiiipluy annuulu 0 or morn varlotltm mm a 1uii jack llymon mark m rtooald tubln huiiknt jack elymoii myrtle cook mru a hell vunn iioikiuet juok llymon vftrhniium n v iliniluay d p wout mru a itelt ladicg woiik uocrul quilt cdtton iilnnoil 13 v wout mm j ittwhon quill cotton mulltlnu eauahiorod mliiu j i tolton quilt funny aru judftn minu ix lirlhiu comforter oolton miuu adcolt hand knit book tlito mru ii- lly- mmen mru tow hand knit mlttu wmii mru 17 hy- rniiin mm lowe murhlno knit tlooko mihh j 1 tol ton mru knruay tk moor ituijii mluu j i- tolton vloiftld mnnonald wool ilnarth iltiif mifmi j v tolton mra j iawoii onntlemunu 1yjnma hull mm iow iludlnu houuo dreuil mru juilun mru iowo child dmhm mudo from old ur- mat mrw j iawuon mm j 13 oumhlo work apron and cad mm ii hya mru j law mo n pair jlllow hllpn lufru ii hymmon iniia a pnami knitted tlbouldnr fjlmwl mru lowo ljru icortiey thrno plficeii homo dynlnu minn j tolton mluu ii vorlxim ladicb pancv work lalr llotlroom tlllpptim crochet or knit uihm mccutnheon mm icoruuy 1alr llihlroom illlpparu other utyle mliui mccutchnou mm hytiimen tea cony wool mm koruny mimu mocutnhaon lint tablo mabi mru lowo llfwlrooin towolu tattcl trlmmhiu liulln pear en mru lowo lied room towolu nmbroldfiro mluu xlccutchnou mru hymmen mru lowo htubly co mm i ml od uuout towolu nrochnt jnuortlon lru hyinmnu mm j lawuou ouaut towolu hemutllchod andlu itlalod mru j ijiwhoii mm irym- towobi hweduh darnlnif mm lowo mm juiiko day pillow tlllpu liomitltchthl and initialed mm hymmon mm j law- tton hay pillow flllpu crochot liiunrtlon mru hymmen mm j 1awuoii illow caneu fancy mluu myrtlo cilt dk wont ilhont crochet hihortlou mru x lnwnon mm hymtiuni idmauer runner and lln cuuhlou emhnoldored mm hymmon d v weuu premier runnnr and pin ouuiilon crochet trlminml mru uyiamnn mru iown lalr tray olothu prenoh nmhrold- errt id 1- went mr iowo cnntro pleco ullk onthroldory mru lowo mm kcmey ltinchooii tint cantro 6 doltlnu a kervlnttnu ami tray oval muilarla alvt- broldory mm hymmon mm icomoy tea cloth drawu thruad work mm komny mru hymmonv tea cloth embroidery and nrochnt tllot work mru hymmon jleuxln mul neighborhood new- towv and country naqoagaweva tim miction imli of mr churlou old hum luut krliluy ultrurled tii furmon fioui nil lmrtu tf ii lownuhlp inn boviind the tiloi k and lintdeiiienli wii nil lu kcelhnt toiiilitlnu nn uuiliir am tltinihi- kurru hummer urn iiohl woll mr john uunmuy ut minicuu j v nod hlu fuinlly vltilnl thf lioiux of til ltniiilnliik tntiuuctiiucjiliifiltliuriijdti in tlm towuublp during the wexlt the iiinlvnruiiry uorvlrm nf nwwj- liuwiijj lrudbyrhni chin iluy und mohduy w- die lit both ucrvlceu idrd 1 th doiiyw klii- iluiiduy preurhoil by itnv aim und mbiu llewu have relunied from avw of uwiul u yiur lo thr of mru ilowiai no i in in ilrltlnh c him hlu dr u lliiwork hi muklne a uoiul recovery from hlu opurutlou uml unnn nwuiiin practice ho wtiu 1 no monduy und left for hlu homo uf alton to uliy u week f mluu jean it punt on ii a bun rntliriied bnino utter two mr ithu chemlriil rcticurcb work on the ul i of thn at inn tin lllolnjdrnl ointloil lit androwubythaiieti n ir at thn iinnuul meeting or thn mlrlu auiindq aimiocutlnn of milton iitli hchimil mm follnwini olllrnm worn clnnt- el hon inmident mr humllton lreuldciitmuraurt ijick vlcn-preid- deut icdlth lord luicfoturytramii or kdltb aulbmlth tho liupltu of the milton hudi ichnol havo reorganised and nlocteit titilce an followat hon irealdent prlurlpitl hamilton president w lltownrt ilea relnrytrtainiror c c chlulinlin a mniiu mnetlntf of mtudentu am pamntu wan lufld in tho prlncem th mi t re on monday utternoon whan an llhiutratod uddrnuu nn tho uvllu o thn rluarntto on trow in if children wui hi von llarvoiit ieiitlval thnuki ulvlinf tier vlreii were held on llunday in tiraci churdt itov perclvul muycu rector of oeorue town wuu thn preuchor chainitou eltin air w x wllaon left on monday for wcjitern canada where lie imw buiihibuu intereulu and will incident ally rail on frlntulu mr jo met morrlaon liahiboiiuit tho hhirkumlth uhop ut htlluburir mr fjnorao multby curried on hiiul- ncsufor many yearn thin lit and imu ohaujied hunda twlro within a year mr iirna it kvunu who wuu kiinnnr for over two yearu in tlio wi itonn and who ih butterbur from tho effect ii of cuii und in u patient ut tlm llyron hutiltorlum london hau been vlnltlnu with hlu father he v j evuum mr d a hvatui of mtoaovvwm alan a recent vlultor with hlu fatli llev j a icvana mru j t auutln and mliuinii koa and mabel liavo relnrnth after upend inic thn holuiayu at tlioruhlll und mutate mr a dave mcmillan left luut week for wlnduor and detroit whoro ulio will vlult with frlaniln tim retfulur meetlii of tho womw inutltiito wau poulponod fam boptom her 15 to lrldoy flaptomber 23 mr john atklnuon and mian icna atklnuon brother and slater of itov oovatklnuon brrtvl- ireland luut week at thn homo of mr vooato oakville i a urcut pall pair dates tho following ttra u hut of tho vll r lu whlcli thn lieopln of anton und vicinity wllillntoretiml almirfoyh j october u calwton beptcmtmr 3d 30 cootivllle octotier 78 v tluuikarlc day 4- thojikusivlnbt day ootobnr fi- itonlton ooursotowii milton september 30oolober 1 oakvillo hoptembnr 1617 i itonkwood october 7 ornokevillo september ltiia htrectmyllle september x a good business letter tho rolatlvo values f tho different feat urea in a letter am ulmpllolty 35 jenanauty 10 tlmaunnna 1s hrovlty t informa- tkoneimi 16 noatnotm lox oojir- teay 10 total 100 iryom pooch of ouu thomaaiion lieforo tho ad vatulny lnjurue herviottou inltlallnd mru vm men mm judsa lluffot runner embrolilerod mru lcnruny d v weal ltuftct runnnr other ntylo mm hy mmen xtru lowo tea couy tttnbrnulnrnd nimlo up mru hymmon mm lown tea jouy other utylrj not llutod mm hymmon mluu mncutcboon three haudkorchleru hand trlmmnd mm hymmon mm lowe 11 bra ry tabln itunnor nmbroblered mm icoruoy mru yown library tablo itunner other atylo mru j is gamble lleuulo i mulllti lad leu a 111 ecu llnuorlo tint em broidered mru ilymmmi tailleu 3 lilooe llnuerla jiet crochet trimmed d v weut iidleu lleudnd iuouho mru judo luduu vanoy tea lluif other thutf ochnt mluu mncutchoou mluw j i tolton 1iidlen convalehoent juoknt mru jnnlawhon mm j lq oombtn hofa pillow ullk embrxddored mluu mccutclnhm lleteilo li milulo tuitu pillow crochet toil xlout mc cutchnou mm it hymmen tlofa pimow other utyla mru j lawmon myrtlo cook tuttlmr coloru leullo imareit mru hymmen tlervlce truy plot nronlantmru hymmen iiecfl fancy kill tthiu mluu mccut chnou mru kiiruoy pleco itncy croohot othor than hut ml myrtle cook mluu mocmftohoou icmbrohlory uunhurut mru uruny mru j lawhon icmbroldery unman cut noldm- ubot mncutchoou mru hyitamoii lqm broidery hartlunifvi oowiro mxuu moctitchoon xiruv kemny kmhroldery orlnntnl mru uym men mm keraey v lcmhroldery motintmolllok mluu mncutnhoou mru keniey klnifln plocn fjlorwl lcniblolilry mr keruey mluu xlocutchooiiu hiiikio plthmi white kmbrtoldery in j luwuiin mru judfin s infuntu outfit crochet or k4u mluu mccuuihimin mru lowe dolled dnumed or olrl ouhub mm j no lawuon work ileum by holy after oelobiratlub 70th wrthdwy mihh j p tolton collection la co if pleceil mm tlvm- i men xlleu mccutchnou ludleicmbroldored lllmme in c4lom mru j lawon d 1 wk i ladlsa kmbrolderod nlffht pre in white mm judsvmm ilymmen lndldd bmbroldered night draott in coiorarmloa mccutphnon mru ji lttwbon mho hlft- throoilay fair u l ocean a joint maiionlo dlvlno ucrvlco in thn walttm memorial mothodlnt church wan holdout ilronta on llunday forenoon whloh tho craftumon nf ouk- vllln and illirlluiftan lioth attended itev j 10 huuhnon of pi rut mfithodiut church hamilton preached woro liack u utandaril tlmo acnln there wan coil fun ion for a limn jun ii moiilton of cleveland wau homo for a low dayu iieelntf hlu purontit mid callinif upon old frlendn it lu ow twenty yearn ulnco mr moiilton lert oakvillo k mr uhd mm l a limlth uro ut kopln larnt mlddla uoad vlultliitt mr und mm w albert flmllh tlioy motored tilx hurldriml mllcii from lottuiuiport ludjann and mivort uood rondu all tho way and a jolly uood tlm j ii l qrout manascr of tho hank of toronto 1 in ottawa and ilrock- vlllo on a holiday trip und mjoyliiir tho iwinutlch of thn lit iawrcnon aujl ithleau ho ml luuk of chlnuuo lu utioudhifr hlu holldayu with hlunothor and una- imr many of hlu boyhood rrinndu idlilon luuk non of lcubort luuk bj nlwo hero from clilrao morton wau honored at tho toronto exhibition liociiuiia one of hor rofildontii henry c ilreckon wan tho chief win ner hi tho unpin dl hji lay at tho hlir fulr of- thn unit prlitea mr urocknn winy awurilnd no fownr than thirty- throe and that wuu mora than half of tho total on tho hut mr nml mru a c atkinu ntid their two children henrico and honora formerly of muplnwood n j aro now iuittlnuln their tieautirul now homo ut tho woollandu morton i tar qeohoetown j tiiotowu hull luto lio rouhluicled tho council hail purohaund on ucro of land from walter hvanu to ho uued i u ilumplutf urouud tho iwirentu or uiiardlunu of non- uldent pupllu imiut hereafter pay a fno tnmul to the avurago cojit to tlio town for reu blent pupllm tho oddfellowu and thn hand went to toronto yuutorduy mornlnu to take port in tho great parudn of tho odd followu ttovarelgn fjruiul lodgn a uymphony oroheutra of twenty mo pluyeru lu lie in if ftraa nl noil mru l u irleck returned homo latit week after a ploauaut vlult with fr to 11 da lu detroit w icemiwly hau relumed homo after upending a plewiunt holiday with frlendu in ottawu mr a w hobble of tho- jehroloa ilvertluervopin uponl tho woikond at hlu homo hem t mr ilnrt weulon huhdlupoued of hlu houun on ouelnh h tract to xi r h to vol i mm mflrrlu tlnko recently inhorlled l 4000 which wuu willed to her by bur father thn tuto xlorrlu tieorunoue of nw york city tho youtnr man who threw tlm huun luill th utruck thu hidy ciouulng mnhi hi lee t luut hutimluy utiemoou millit at hiaut havohnd tho common decency to have uald h wn uorry ira c ii dnyfimit and won arthur upend ln u few monlha in viotoriu ii c wblh mr itwyfnnt lu mahlntf ut buhliieuu trip thnmghlthn wmtnrn pro- viuocn mm h c llutler and tlantilem idln und lolu of chlcopee vtollmj mi arrlvoil hi town haturdwy evert- lng mr ilutlorlu huperlutniidont of tho caliuda needle worku hem monday night wuu oddfellow night lu town linii brethren frcni 1 tramp- xtjiton and aeton to thu number durtlinqton npcrdbnbyliiw7 hlldrewi- llurlllll- wlll pluy l limehouqc or mi unli id mr held ut tin win huo h hue bud iliinduy wbentho fam- likludhik urn mil lilldreu und ureut- ilehlllrn w nmuniit there o over llfcy irtuul mi in id mm i hull iuulfumlly nf artouut cmewoono coilnerts i ion itili wuu 1 hern on wedlieu in unit frnul wnu ell rcpreueiitijd y eiorted humluy mr minnieii who recently purohaund iho utoro horn huu laid in u good dock ut lifiimrnl morrhuiidhtn hockwood a remjlutlon wuu carried by nhnro- holderu of thn itonkwood oil and ouu co ltd nt u meetltiu luut wedlieu- duy nfleruooia hi toronto uuthorlituu thn ciunpuiiy to go into voluntury ihiuldutlmi mul omlutlng n l mur- tlu mi uulihitiu- thn llithllltlnj of tlm company lotmlut of unuu than lht0 und thu unipmiy hntitnpltr unnetu to pay the rredltorii ihirpluii mmotu utand at hh20 and of tlitu total jh1h1 in fnrpbint kupture kxtvcrt hero seely pamouu in thlu qpoulty culled to wmllton v ii flefiley of cllrugo ulld phila delphia tho noted irliuu mepert will penifinnllv be ut the liny nl connutight hotel n nd will remain in humllton thlu tueiiday only hopt 27 mr llneloy nuyii- tlm hpermutlo shield will not only retain any cauo of rupturo per fectly but enntractu the opening in 10 dnyu on thn nvcrugn cauoj llelntf u vimt lulvniiceiiiotit over rtll former methodu exemplify lug inutantaneouii nffnctu imtuedliitcly upiroaubla and wit hu bind ilia any ii train or poult ion thlu inittrnmnnt rccnlvcir thn only award in knglund and lu tlpalu pro- duclnif reunltu without uurgcry in- jectlunu medlcul treatment ni pro- ucrlptlnnu mr hccloy hnii dncumnulu from thn united fltuteii anvernmentu wuuhlngtnn d c far inupcntloii all charity cumin without rhurgc or if any hi in mil ted mil ho will hn tflud to uhniv cfimn without churgo or fit them if deulred iluuineiiu denininhi pi event ulopplng nt any other plunn in thlu uentlon p 0 dvsry etatemant in thlu notice ban heart verified hefnm th federal and btate court v h- qoeley emilt takes odd assortment of lugqaoe probably no party that huu over loft london carried a utrungnr aimprtmnnt ofjulffbono thnu did tho hmtr of icut- ulnu thn nutlva nlgorluu ruler who loft for hlu homeland with hlu ueverul wlvcii aftnr having bud tho tlmo of bin life in ijorland whllo thn travollcrii hud no trunks to upeak of they took enough thlngu into their nnarlul train compartmunt to cnuuo u cunndluii porter to turn while theio wore doacnii of pucknceii auil hiindleif done up in cloth tea pota pulla und rolnred vuuou but tho prlun t lu nun lie wuu a duantlo ctiipnr lllfarjiimtih which won carried into tho car with groat ceremony it wuu not ulutud to what tuto thn icmir intended to put tho bathtub hut tho water with which all the pnllu und teapotu wnro fltlod it wnu oxplulned would ho uuod by thn party before thn pruyeru which thny would ho compelled to muko in tho train thu icmlru wivou 14 en rued partlqu- inrly dolluhted and under their hoodu they giggled like uohonljjirla nod atn ininu which hud boon purchaunil fur them nt tho iitattou thny wcrna hit unnoynd when tho crowd peered in at them tbrmiifh thn wlndown but thny uero uu delighted with thn lmnii that jnnt before tbo train pulled out an other largo iuuntlty wau bought tho icmlr lu golnti buck to nttol tlm mohummedun fontlval ut mecca hut i fim oom imr hank ho uuld and onn of tho thin it i am com i tut buck for lu to enjoy a dayu hunting 111 lunula ml dont throw your old carpet away tky mu nw llurlhl vltv huo qktt for vlvuu foldr a canada rud company london ontv ualton peoples political association a convention of uia uilpportnru of thn hulton pnoplo11 political anno- elation will be bold in tlm town hull milton on monday september- 26th at 1 v m to tioniliiufo u candidate to no n tout thn election now ponding a puhllo mooting will hn hold jit j p in to which ull aru invited premier driiry tholnuuliriuto mil otharu will upeuk utlhlu cnuetliiif aoiv iavi tiiio kino n vvrloulwertli 4 l muanktili pi uld nnt tloorotury clearing auction sale in acton valuable furniture and household effects the nulerulgiind imu reoalvcd m uliuctlotiu from w a collieu cliuich lilroflt anion to aell by puh llo auction ou saturday september s4 1021 j ut fai onloek uhurp thn following 1 diningroom uuln fumed oak htd i organ in firhfolnuu tihujio 3plnon parlor mi i to innhiiiiuuyi oxlciuiloii tubing 3 uiiiiill tubhiu 3 kltahrn tubuul r cliulru i pilnna drcmier buffet wllto eiiumul bedutnadu bed aoiiohi 4 tmjdioiim nhulm cutiu bottom 9 xlotrhi ubiilm hullutuud bedroom ilrohuniu il muttrnimoh chlrfonler commode 4 until uprlugu wuuhutiimu roohnni 1 vcinuduh rocker hew ing machine in uourtmihupu viiouuin weeper tujuiutry rug oxia carpntu baby high chulr coal oil utovu per- reotlon wlfh oven hriffil muur unl- oll be l iiuiiitlty my otluir f about 150 vlultnd orion lodgo no inn 1iut flrand m outer llolinrtnon of tbo urotid lidgn of ontario wuil conotudett next week uuu prnont from uarrle lleralti imul no lm iky bugky vawn ubeuiii tout cover miok omnium ntep luddui f dulnil j4olut nniili urtlnbiu top mimerouu tn thlu uule innliiiluu a lot of tlimtnlonu rojfure moutly ouk uml in limt- nt tkittdltlnu icietythlug muul kll without reunivn uu the iropi tutor i i linlugtu lto4oij tlqllmtl cmk ii j khhmauotlomr phiaiti jo anton l u wuoillqv olprk m- i mahrcontoact iiuadjd tiinidjum nihil eniied he poutmiulloi fjeneriil will lm dvid ut ottawa until noon ou 1 uy the hlh lclobiii 1uj1 for intveynniii of hlu mujeidyii mullu pinpmioit conlruct fii thn i um i acton ruiial 10utc no 4 from thn i ut iiiiiuury 1wu3 next hi tilled nollceil contnhllnif further i inriiimiitiontm lo imidltleuu of pro- ioinid cimtiutt may bn tieeii olid blank fen 1 1 1 ut tender may bn oblullied lit thn loiit omen of acum out ulld lit um ohlctt of thu pout olth n iuiiector john c itoilfl arthik hint lupt- pout officii inuiicrtorii oirvne toronto auguut 31 1uuij 113 notice to the farmers now liilvn yoitr ulmlun togul- your high pm eu fdr youi fowl if you liuvn any henu of chlelieial for mih rull um by mull uml i will ito ut oimn to buy your fowl having a contract with u tluler to uupply 15 cruteu every wek i am piepuied to imy uie hlubetit pitiu to gut lh reiiulrtttl iiioiilim ctill me up rluht uwuy uml you will do fur better hitlru prli ou for lut henu linw laid hggu when hroiluht tij my place -ir- 1 to- kiiowyour uddnjiiu ur- liuuilwr cf lelephoue uuif youll bn iiur1 tb hav thn bout or uatlurac- thiii alex qildoord p o hex hill mulu ml- aclou corner ikhool iuun i au moffats specials special no 1 tuiit week wo ure offcrini you an a special our homemade m oplcl crcimi with und without cocounut this cream ii ia ireflt demnnd a it ii made only from the purest ingredients iteji 50c per lb hultmlay 30c i sfhcf al no 2- hnvoyou tried our weekend chocolates yet tlicd inund ia irowitti cnqli saturday f6r pur special ctiocolatcji they aro not a low irnde hut our rioc and 70c linen everythlnu freeh no old stock on hand meeu served show pay john moffat main st acton so easy to keep cleayi white enamel lint broom and bedroom hunltary plumbing tlx- tureu uiich uu wo lnutall aro thn nuuleut to knap rlenn and nweet mnclllng no fmil odnrn no dlu- naun germu can lurk lu any tart 1 of our plumbing lot uu figure with you an your new bathroom oipilpmnnt or perhupu fur your kitchen or laundry w f mooney acton ont fall millinery opening i miss florence murray will open millinery parlors in the rooms next to moo rch ends store on friday atid saturday skikmmoit lcui uiul 17ui all tho intcst atylps for fall and winter will be on display a cordial invitation to all to call rock wood fair thursday friday oct 67 splendid cist of prizesattractive specials sii00 for siin llonvy drauelit uoni 1000 for kliillo cnrruco home 1000 for slhjrlo roadster 1000 for heavy llcimc 1000 for toi llaby iteer 1000 for ilcnl or shoruioraa 1000 for herd of three calved v 1000 special for sheep 2500 silver cup for poultry 1200 for cnlleeuon field iumbi ig concert show nicillt prize lists at acton free press oftlcac 3 stoveiju prealdcnt johngiimona scctrcas i jvicleanxo tht store with the stock yaltns yarns every pcnton li kiiulinfftiibi year monarch down yarn in 2 o ballu ikc mouurcli flos yarns in i o fc 2 corticcllu sport floin in 1 ox hulln aiic special for this week only in all wool scotch fmcerini yarn colors are hluck white navy cnrdinnl khaki und brown heulnr 50c ik special at 3c or m0 lb factory yarns wo are hnndliiij the same all pure wool factory yarns ui wo hud liit year the only difference in tho price lntt year price wit 60c sk this years 35c come to this stork for your yarns we l0 not sku cheap yarns rut give our customers good yarns ciwai mclean co we bell for caohwe sell foit lego mill street acton ont dont miss the one cent sale at the rexall drug store next week september 29 and 30 and october 1 e j hassard druggist mux street acton ont saturday treat another drop in prices w evans the went end meat mnrkot submits tlio followinu low prices v loin fcoast r 20 les ol venl 2s venl chops 28 iteep bollcni beer 10 thick rib roast 1g choice rib roast 15 briskets 08 round stbak 20 sirloin steak 25 porter house steak 25 rump roast 18 pork shoulder pork chop loin pork chops fresh mams 20 25 veal stowink veal 10 front quarter roast ik lamb front qunrtcr 20 lor3 on lamb 25 loin of lamb 25 lamb chops 30 cured meats back bacon 50 sido bacon 35 smoked rolls jo boiled ham a iso ronst ham 50 beer lonf 30 sausages our own muko 15 iow potatoes par pock 50 main street wevans acton candies galore there arc candies ttloro at mooreheads s fresh wholesome home made candies aro alwuyu very nccoptablo for thh saturday wo offer you 100 ha of our neaioutan fudge a creamy three flavored candy puro und whole- sonia robe likfcn it mother likes it rrundnd likes it in fact every oho enjoys this home made candy saturday treut treat imcc 25c per lb weekend ciiocoittes lite 7uko u pound home xilth you evoryv saturday iiiht tho folkf fit tme will ft object rojj soc per lb wtnkcnil jsnech3c ciiocolatu kails 7 w 35f iiootoirs nut milk ciiocolttto icurt rugi fil for 25c kutjmluy 7 chocorate hand roixs our chocolate hand kolls uro known an tho chocolnteu canadiaim love mmle frcsi dully per lb soc t jhl moorehead bramiton georgetown milton acton utrrs go to nurmngjron wednesday sept 28 opening new fair grounds burlington 00000 in prizes for speeding events 2 35 clovi trot or puce purul50 215 cluis trot or puce purnol7i 222 class trot or puce punol7i limkry ku trotters pura 75 finest iialrmiie track in canada unexcelled kruit and livestock lixhiilltti the fire ilrlkade rand in attendancemidwny biggest ever a itkalhoudayruememueit the date meals served on grounds

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