Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1921, p. 1

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wht tt lavtrntli vcur no 14 tana pioil ylalt acton ontario thursday morning october 1021 3 co in unltladhtatiflh shijtlo copies five cent till- mittiiodist chorch acton i ho mlnhitir lluhju 11 ilurvuit hoi an mumlm hi lion 7 p m dijmtltiiiul aillllvcuuity tv i w ikiiiuiii i n loiontu lomiiul llicutiiry of i duration for m tholfit riuin li of canada acton daitist church ok tvlek taotoh 10 u in uunilin hi iinol ami illblo clauu 11 ii hi tint minliilir in tho milliliter you auij cqitlhalny invlticd new advertisements ron ball a lirli it ikimiti rnrjiur int itlnutrii liirlit inul furnnru apply hd ilox t7j aclon ao pu nf live towl juc u hi for find llvn fowl i- htauicman coal itanqc roll bale a rood coal ran an in rood lonilltlon a hiirjjiilu fir mull apply tl w m coqp1qh miiln htront actr hard mid uofl water i mild u apply to il 10 ha11nici4 aruou htroot otovc pom oalc a iladlnut iloinn uolf fo oiler with oven tat uuto apply mwi iunni13 modoudaix 1 rodorlnk htront i for sale on pltedehick btheet houiin of iilulit roomu with electric llttht wulnrworku furnace nml rlutoi thrdo lntu with nil kin ilii nf mnall i rrultu ltoilifli ennt barn ulxn hu34 ittr iiimnia oiniiond auction bale wl uuhorwnnrt lot 11 uonnml linn iclln will mill uurpluu utnek of homon cuttle tlhoop nnd horu on tuouduy october 11 thirteen mniithu credit ia3 it j kmull aiintlnmtni auction bale yarm iii nuuuauuwoya by miction i im tuouduy october 11 oonululltir of j 100 uoroa about ho under cultivation 114 mllou wont at gunlph j pilot lot lnr particular upply to a il ijnn auolinnoor phono 3rj3fi milton pon immediate bale a brick hnuun h loomu anil both room hot mill roll wator wooduhnd nml kuril an now htin linuiio outuldf miioii wleotrlo itrht ulun in rurura wntorworku ueptlu tank now bllndu on hoiiho lattt your poiiuouulnn rivoii nt num apply to k j kloillt ltonl icalnto ias jiliuiui 3tl aotnn ifyou wnnt to huy or hull hcal cotate aak kehtt ha know 31 iiouhoh ruimlnw in prlro from i ttoo tn goflo july llflfl ilnpnhlt on noma a miinlmr nt huliiuiitf lotu ii j kiann ihonn 30 anton j a willouqhoy karm aqcncv 3goo m uori wltti uooil llnunn iitnl ilnnu i lliirn clown to icrtn a uool liny 1 1060 100 aci kooi ltrirlt lloiiun nml i hplondld hunk hum 1 tnllou from acton ii ii manowlqlb itoproumilutlvo qonrbotown hoube poii bale that iliihlruhlo imimalow on mulli htrnot ixiiniiuhik tn tho omtato of tho lata w i milln ttu roomu nlootrlo lluht wmtarworlcu unft wutor hi lion qood btmliin roitiihln uriisu mm now aliio n hooomllinmt iruy uort motor car in uonri condition iodaotiu- lon klvon nt oimo apply to w m coonan 133 arton o sheep lost hovot uhonp mid liitnhu with taifl ihurliitf liiinio in our ho wind jtnjflu- torl oxford down rum liinib und lutflmtoiod twoyiiioli rum for n culvou lioruou otr wniitod for fox mont iiuaicis vanatllfill lliidhmfud imiono 05r31 aooruotown pitmans 8hohthand taught- jifi w a nlrol will ulvo lohitoiui in hliorthiiiul utiil lu prepared to onroll k fow mnro uhnloiitm irlvuhi poruoiinl tuition in kivoii whlnlili tho tnoht homitlchil imithnrt to htlhlltw ivlvato urranuommitii may ha muil for loutioiih in tho ovonliiic kdr particulars upply by mall to ytmt doi oi phono 14 or nt ionhlonm if doulrod w a nicol lstf knox avoniio acton real estate if you want to buy or noil n farm uoo uu wo hnvo u unmoor in thf vicinity of acton aimo hio hntwoou moffat mid aotnn 116 ucrou oo imtlor oultlvutlnn olay loum lovol food liinmo hum drlvo mlmdlioif upa littit poii rum imill mid tnlniihoiu noar church ami htihnn aluo itvo utocu implumnntii hay tilul ikialu 14 000 elm i and tlm imhuico miniirod to hiilt imyo at 0uu iin- liiodluto poiaiouuloti ilomou fin halo hi nvory fpinrtni of aotnn imitflnu hi priau from s00 li 94joii j a hm1tii itoal 1 htutn aurnu mill htrot afltott wonderlam prlbav octoder 7 the concert yrmn tho wlun play of thn hiimn iiamo pluyofl ono uohl yar on tlroiulway com oily th coat with lluator ton saturday october s itnr itnwillliik umtliaml htmiluu llliiimhi hwiint com- oily illah and liy on nowh tuesday october 11 iwint nodlonl yam- wife htory by oirlntili athinton fliaptia- 14 of lint hon of tin kuii iathn lohuuly wmioii for- ruth rolnd thk most notaltufl ieatuuk pkrvadinc the new autumn modes at macdonalds is pkkhai thk imuchtful wkaraillknkss of aix mannku of gailints tim fimtiuttlc and kroltuiuo itnvc iiltoillnir vnhkhcl inul in livlr plucn nrd cluirmhim tlilnun of true iwauty which arc atlnptl jo il typciiof feminity coatst wkais iuocks all how a dbilhictivvly new uml inlcreiilliio mod which appcnln uojuully ut lite judgment nml tlm nemo of tin lwau- tlful coats 16j0 to ir000 we micht tell you how lovely tho new htyltti how com fortable their new lines how no ft untl warm nml coy lookiujr tlicir fuhricti hut mcrhnikh wo mlkhl lay mot htrew on tho altriictlvenehj of tho now nrioert women will fliut tjulto a chnnjre oven from limt ncniion in theflc itriccfi of uwlny and it in ii chaitk that wo know women in thhi vicinity will welcome wlicther they repjard it oil a moaiih of ftettinjr a much hotter cost for uic expected outlay or of hpcmlino lta than iwuah sumituous furs favored by fohhion mid a wonderful array at macdonalds to meet fitthioiuihlo ilemaiuhi cobih and bcpnrato plecca irjce4 in a broad rtmje ituc floor coverings practically bacr to pkkwar prices and highgrade waluapers noticeai1ly lowkh too no place like macdonalds when you uhop ouuilde your own home town for pcmonal or homo nceda d e macdonald bros ltd guelilrs leading and laiigkst stoke wymlham cardeit ohd macdomielt stretri guelph0nl mdh candy day dont rorpet saturday october 8 m candy dny we aro roinp to help you keep cnndy day by fivini you four big cnndy specinli quaker kisics rep 40c candy day price lb 29c 2 assorted chocolates ror 50c 10c lb candy day lb 35c 3 noiibouc broken chocolates reg 10c candy day lb 53c 4 noihonu pnckape chocolate rep 75c candy day g4c a little lunch touches tho spot right after tho walk or the pic ture ahow of course you dont want much- just enough to stay tho hunger for tho nifjlit wo are very convetiioutly situated and nro always ready with homothfiib tasty to cat hot or cojd drinksiof all kinds mill street acton h wiles sanitary plumbing is fine rkhiu conu- utiktulpmnut ithrtijfii klt- inft hut it muut ito mulntaluuil in olnau carorul workhiu tlnn inutul tho bout you can ot in hath olion laundry otn hlft dont utop tlioro nniploy um to knop ii hi tlnttclnmi ordor banltary txiulinnnnt in only haultary u inolind aftflr onoo in uwlillu olvu uu tho opportunity to uhow you what hitlillary plumblntr otirvlro muuiih to you i w f mooney o jk- l i 5 j october 8 candy day say it with candy watch our w1nihw for display and special prices d c russell mill st acton news of local import tlu dr qrliam nmt sunday ituv j w riiuhmn 1 1 flonoral hiiitliuy of kmurutlnn for thn motlio- illul cliunh in cmmda will inuch h dm mi hodlat clnirrh horn pout huiida i vinlnir dr q ml nun in ono of tin uroyt pnarlmru of tho churrh llli ikiiiinii will wll woilh hmirhik rally dy at khok bundy school dm ituiiiic nt kiiuk hundiiy iluuml ltully iy ui rvlrn luut llunduy iiftt riiiutn wuu vry nnrouruulilu tf thn oillcitii and tiatluru thuro wuu uu i ttfii imirr of lftwn j 01 anil 3h rtut m i vli wan inm of h inifit i intnrout itov mi htowarl th now mhiluti r itavo jitujulilrihii on loyally which wau v i y imipjrliuc uml helpful opamtd on for apimdloltl mr allan m limit wlm loin iukiii iii at i iilrvlow iiiimi for thn ant two moulhit or marc wan inici i unfiilly opiriiltd on fur appi nilh itlil on tllfu lllll aflirnnoii ur john m xfaciln i- ahl loronto who hau for many yciirn in mi a warm frlmid of tho family pnr- formod tlm oanitlou uuuhilttd liy ilr j a menlvna at the hour nf no hi if to prihu mr limit wau dolnu woll tn i o d e lady hobumm ton of tho in nml mm of arton duuo of utivniiiililrii cltuptur of tliu duuuli- tora or tlio kmplro entertained thulr fullowmfimhoru at an on- joyahlo uoduhln at tho hnmn of mro joiojih ilnlmru ilowor avunun in nt 1 rlday afternoon miuiiau jonnln orr ami ollu armutrnnir uuvo immlcnl and literary mimlioru ultlo mlini ivy llocloiiu wau nwonlni tho i o d 11 iirjioloruhlp for tho yoar mm i it flhoroy thn holcnt krocuniuly wimlo hn prouuntutlon ilorroulimoulm worn univcil at tlm oloua of thn profirummn indoor hand concart and prantatiad tlio cltlvoiiu llniul will hold uu in door hand romort in tlio town hall iioxt wodnnndny nvonliitf ootnlior 13 tho hand dnulrod to bnld ifhotlmr out- ilooi rnnrort lupl thn wontlinr 111 liu- miftnhlo mid tlilu concert will tako tlio form of a nroinonado with uoatu pro- hlnd for thoua wlio do not cava tn iromtmilijn x lioro will ia vnrloua othor foaturou hculiln limili tmimhtof lutoroul- to tivory nua intcrohtnd- in thn haml mill thn uonoral puhlln in lor- llally luvltod uko all tho outdoor sotirortn tlioro will hn no mlmhiiilon nml in ml lent i on tlilu la a eumpllmnutury iintcrtnlmnant to thn pooplo of acton nml vicinity anothar chautauqua couraa thla wlnur tho o w va provhloil our oltl- ma a isnrlna of hluhrlaua ontortnln- ootu laid winter which woro uroatly onjoyod thorn wau not much raimin- nratlon fin tho vntrraua for tliojr oritnr- o novorthnlcuu thoy havo contract ed for u not h ii r uorlou for tlio comlnu tutor which will oinliraco flvo of thn hunt onlnrtnlnmuntu of tho chmituumin iirniimnniqmi tlian km noli month until iioxt march thn local man moment dmairvo thn very llhoral pitronnno rf our ntlsniin for tholr tomorlty and ontoriirluo tho of ti en iinri tlckotu hi now on tho o w v a doiiorvo a wldn nnlo of tlckotn v marnaga llcan laauara imit uaturdoy ortohnr 1 tho com- inul on u of throo binuoni of ninrrlaito itconuom in town tumilnntod autnniat- ttally wlion thn now act camn into n plnrlnif tho liwulnif of uconnu uolaty in thn hnmlu of tlio municipal nlcrku of tho provliioo jumna mat- thnwu lutiuod marrlflko llcemion or r half u contury anil oonrno ilyndu nml ii t moorn for ovor thirty yonru i liouo throo itamere could rolnta mam utrauuo tnloa crowlrif nut of tholr ox- porloiioou ldich of them linu lunund iihtui to youiib pooplo who nro now mil id parents lloonuou havo jioon hiinioil to tho brhlnti mi woll uu to thn uroomii nml for uovoral yoaru imiiii lirhlo and croom woro roqulrod to im prohont whan a llcouuo wau linniod all throo of tho luuiioro hnvo hail tho uulouo rcnpmnt to imcaun takn thn aao hark mi iny nlrl hau uono hark mo a column of nmuulnu inol- dontu iiilirht tin written if tlio lufuwrn i nro now rollnvoil of tlilu oom- mhuiloii folt inclluud to puhlluh inmln- hmtiiicou clthii tlatu 0rnuiu4 dandmaatar unit tluirialay ovonlnu tho cltlsonu hun 1 1 vlaltod oonrtfotown to uenmudo ilandmuutnr cautoll who huu hud tho hand in hand tho punt uoauon mr uml mru ctimtnll woloomod thn momuoru ut tholr homo on main fltront ami for hour or no tho baud rflinlorsd uoloo- tlonu op tho lawn to qulto nil auunm- lilagt that aonu uuthoreil aloutr tho troct at tho clown nf tlilu outdoor concort thn baud wuu invltod iniddo lllioro mm cautoll provwl horufclf un adopt ut hunilllnif uuoh funotlonu a mnnt aumptuoua ropuut wuu prflvldoil ami partilkon nf nu only hand iwtyu know how to ili jumiich to a lunoh hpnochoo from mr cautoll mr n v mooio hnnrotarytroauuior jllr a t maun mr qoorico it ajfmiw ami mr nlchnl rolutlnif jo tlio uploiidld ovon- inif and tho ft i turn uctlvltlou of tho ilrkinilitattoii fnllowud tho uathorlnu th nu brgko up utloi tho uhitflnu of anlil tainu hyno tlm bund haa hud an oxooptlmmlly stood wpumou uml thlu fuuotloii touded tn mukn tlm nraunl- thm hnvo mmo nfu uoolul uliln uml uu liroally upprnlatoil by all who participated clbrutd thalr qomn waddlho mi ami miu 13 ii ii in willow uroot oololirutod thulr hftlotb uti- nlveruury of thnlr iniirrlugo laut hun- ilay thl a worrtiv oouido raitm to atton to inuku thulr litimn hvr ubout twonty yourx uko tlivyworo mar- hod lu chlniiiaoouuy on ootohor j 11171 tram thn day wluni llov mr iuuiimiiuw auknd tho ipimitlon wilt llitiu icriihtnu hatnuol woo tako mur- irniot cain to in thy woddtal wlfo to honor lovo ami ohm lull her until duuth do thou pint thulr honiii hau bouu a lihppy in ioi liulf a contury thoy havo curried tho liuukot tokotlmr tholr joyii a lid thuh uorrowx haw alwayh boon hhuroil throo uonu uml nuu dauuhtii luivu bloutidd thulr union of thtuo thoto uurvlvo mvu juinnu whit- liam of ihirlluutoii iehtr of huiclnuw alloli and william of ottawa mra uo wau u dauulitor of tho lata william- culn and wait imii n in kink towuulilp uorohii thuioad from thu piouont hio foim of kit llmiiy lmtutt and ndjiilufnu thu homo of hon tf j 1 u via now of nnwmurkut mi onvm wau tho nxoolitor of hfi futhura rti- tldn a ihitilvirr of rilniulu lulled on uuiiday to orfr thilr uon anil alt who uhow mr uml vlr ith will now join tho puuu iliuau in but wihiiuu foi outluuud uooa huulth ami hpihi torn iatiut ihiitiairaph o the rt hon ahthuii mciqhcn prima minutar of canada 10 and coata for ii o t a h mrailihon of anmiotown ramn hnfora ii moorn iollco maulutratu on irldny oliiiriid by chlnf molvllln of that town wltlilmlnif lutnxlcatnil on tho public utronl a duo of ico 00 nml roalii wau impound wlinn thn ovt- nnro in tho rauo hid boon hnnril dll talaphomi gail a to cookivlll tho hull tolnuhnmi llunmou who nvo ikiuii lopulrbia- thn llmiii and r- phictnif tlio ohlor polou in arton ami drlnlty thn punt throo montlut rn- movod on ivhlny to cookuvlllo thny iry dornlmhiir of mini mr llynrd wau foroinmi mi w ft o limuoy tlniiikooinir nml mr itokort htnwait luumluiir of urn trunk knox church guild rtaopana on monday nvnninu tlio younic tooplou oulld of knox church ro- uponod it wau a uncial bathorltiir a la rti crowd llutonnd with dollulit to tho mimical programme which wan uo llontly pro pa roil aftor tlio pro- brnmmidi very hitoroutlniromitflnt wan il ay od ami thou lunch wau nerved for ii it wau a vnry uticnonilful ovonliiu nd tho mtoniitivu f th ciulld havo nany morn ploanaut nvniilnuu in atnro for tint ynuna peojilo and tholr frlnndu iltirlnrr tlio com i nit winter nnaaon milton bank manauir dlsa on train tf wojik harold ii youoll man- aur ofthi toronto hank milton dim a train between itacliontnr minn il chlcuno tho body wan taken to i filth nrii hnmo at aylnior mr youoll waa 1h yuuru of ajfo and for ny ynnrn connected with tho hank of toronto ho hnil boon mainiur of tlio milton liranch for no inn time jio u tikcu 111 iliirlnir hli vacation in aiiiiuut nml wont to mayo ilrothoru iiohiltnl nt itouliontcr foi trcntmont county dbntura not naaatlabla on amount of olijoctlonii nil nod by thn tjoputy mlnlutor of jilrhwnyn tho county of hnltnn dohontiiron for 110- 00o iindor tlyluw no 477 paunnd on aubunt 36th cannot ha takon ovor by tlio purohauoru without thn pauulnp of nnotliur hylaw thn dlllloulty hi that llylaw no 477 uppllou to only thron townuhlpu not to tho whole county tho council mot on tumaluy to repeal it nnd paiia n now byljiw but tho nocimuary nitroomonth with tho throo townuhlpu whhm will rot nnd unu tho pionoyt trafalifiir isaiiuuulmc nml nol- n weio tint ready happily waduvi lait saturday a pilot aiitmnu wuddlntr took placo laut hatiirday afternoon at thn hnmo f mr uml mi a jam on it amlnriion acton when tholr iliniblitci iqiuahotu youart hocamo thn hrhln nf newton ii 11 a lie llrampton tho itov malcolm mnarthui of hmmpton olllolatnd tho brldo who wau ulvnn uway by inn fa liter wuu marrlod in her travullluir unit nf navy hlun with hat to match ami woro u cniuatfii houipjet of opliollu roiinu iinmoillutoly tiftm tho coromony which wan per formed lit tho probdiico of the lirldou fa wily thu happy omipln loft foi u ihort trip to ottawa and pembroke on thnlr return thoy will roulilo in ihamploii c a downaa bala of ghortliorn nokt monday ldth tout mr c a dowiioh of ldrlu townuhlp will hold n ualo of pmo hi ml llinrthnrnti which lu uliro to attract all hruoiloru wlm aro intoroutod in lilhchiuu atnok ii in tmril huu twenty tlcotoh uml hootch- loppod importod and canudlaiihrod alinrthoiiih tho catuloauo lumied foi thlu ualo iclvou tho poillbroea of nil tho ilniiilw offurod tiiih ulvou amplo nvhloncn nf thn iiplnmlld inilmulu which alii oompriuod in tlio ieri kmiey ijihii n campbell 1ancy with iiqi uovonmouthunld daihfhtm urn tlnn utock tbeiu mo a upiuhtr of cpmp- holl xjryu cowm with tialvcu ut fool holfoiu uml he 1 fur ralvou uml a younu bull ui y klnu a rod 1 1 innntbnhl iclllieaii lleiiuty and a arumlunn of whltohilll fhiltau imp loi full par- tlculara of tlio hmd u catalogue will i ai furtilahod upon uppllcatlnn to tho nwnor hloh boiidoi taam at qarpotown tiiht thuiuilay tho anton jliah hcliool haunhall toam wont to clean wo- town follownil by maiiuuppo toiu to play u return umn with oeftrwctown llluh hohool thu kumn wau tuthiir latu lu uturtlnir an it bud tn im called with thn hooio at a vatllbaluiinurl piano hb ihttfaiiio lacked tlm pop of tho it ht uumii pluyod hero anton walnod a ood luml lu tho ih ut fow imilaum hut quoruotowu utomltly ovm- ith uood mifo liltu and il fow tho local toam tlio anton ud to huvo hint tho uphlt nf tlm tlrut uamo iowhi at uhart foi anton pluyud a uitod in ami of ball uipl tho lulleld uupportnd liunblu well hut all tho invuku woio uuiilunt tlm ikiuii toam it lu hoped tho fornuif hiilllt uml imp will lie hank hofoiii aotnn iiualu imadu tho iacl clonute- lowu i on in thoro lu utlll thu kui llvahy botweon tho jutitoi tvunih of aotnn inul looiantown hut hi orioiu jfy th toam oiuiiiui ii uplrll ot ii if 1 1 1 hnianu to uu itylmr out it ih iupri that thu two towuu will bury tlm hutolnw and play lliollf kiiinom without dim uiltilomui v hi which oharuntjirliiil vory kui wliuii tho two ohloi touluu mot dissolution of parliament on tuesday evg election date not yot ofllclally announced hut likely to ins in wook of december pntlmicn mciqhcn iboueq his manifesto iaillamnnt hau hoon dliiunlvnd thn junplo of cahada tlu iiieii anil for tho unit tlmn uu wo m on nro culled upon to determine lu what will inevitably ho a content fnrroacililuir and in onion tmni in itu outcomo what uhnll bo tlunukh thn utroiluouu jouruoy that vary plainly lu nhend of uu tho char acter and direction of our policy tho aliovo lu tlio oponhtu- unntonoo of lromlor miilirhonii inanlfoutn which wau luiiiinil ynutorday bii a ii tut wholly with tho tariff luuun nml u rid n j upon thn mnn mid women of canada thu nncnuulty of uupportlntr tho pro rtlvo tarlh of hhi party thu election miinlf utn of itlitht hon ailluir xlolithon wau iuuuod ut ottawa late tuonduy iiftnrnnnu following tho lllclal aniiouncepinnt of thn illnuolu- lon of 1nrllnmniit tin illuiioliitlon mmoiincomont waa matin at g 10 at thn conrluulnn of u iiflthy moottnu of thu cabinet r- jnmou ioujtliiioii ortlnn bead of tho government in thn uhuonco or thn prlmo milliliter in the onnt ututod that thn dnto of olm linn would not hn llxoil uhtll omplnto llutn of thn rctiinihitf olllconi woro iinctirod from all thn ito- vhictu hut that it would ho known within a fow dayu thracornarad coituat lifbouth winnoton lflitilnnvo jam oa lllnor of nlchnl townuhlp u prnmlnnnt uml wellknown wnllliikton comity f armor uml n man who hau lifinn actively 1 dent 1 tied with thn united rurmor movomont in thu rldhuf ulnon itu incoptlnn wau olnctod mi thn candidate of tho u v oi l p in ilouth wolllnuton fnr tlio comlnu dominion olootlnnii on hatiirday tho thron candldatoa urn therefore hon hnirli autlirln ham carter mcm 1 t nml jam nu hluuer it baundad llk homi ml im mnrunrot honnott who lu uiio nf tho canadian tcuclieru upend i ml a year in londim nintland hod a ipilto a unique experience n fow wonku aaro tlhn waa uolnir to her lodiilnuu lu tho weut oud of london ono nftnrnaou ami in nnmo matinnr took tho wrifnit linn at one of the ilianijliiir polntu to hor iiniiimoinotit alio heard tho con ductor call nut acton uu tho noxt utop mhiu ileunott uiiya ubo thou tnlt iiultn at hnmo and mentally thnuelit it would hn ilulluhtful to diop off utjliln hnmollkn uiihurb nnd huvo bor tea i tlm puplu proura ut bohool mluu unnnntt thn now pilnolpal of acton puhlln elchool lu juut introdua- iiil il now uyutom of record of thu impllu piouiouu which will flvo con- tluuod notou of tho ndvanco of ouch iilonu throuuli nil tho inlorvonliitt formu until thn iqntrnncn ciuhm lu nached thlu will ulvb a comprolion- illvu and lutollllfout record nf all uub- jnntii rtudlnd and will form u mout untlufaotnry baula for promotion of tho piipllu from nanh fmm to a hlhor form it hhnuld ho nn offnctlvo in- ntlvo to pupllu to mako reimimiiblo prouroua lu tholr utudloii a talantad vouno artlal tho mioooui nf mluu mary 10 olb- imiih daiirhtnr of mr thomim 10 olliboim with bor art exhlblta at thn fall fall ii riven ampin ovidimco nf thn artlutln talont of thlu youim lady ilia n hei unit ulunnl miicoohii ut aotnn of iixpeilenood urthdu of maturo ycl at hiumpton limt week whore ubo cnloind only u oxhlhltu iiho wau uwin dod two unit pt una at tho county fair at milton laut 1ilday and llatiuday alio id i owed 17 uiihjoctu ami wau miflcwinniulwtmilntf olovon llrutu and tin oo am oud pi limit mluu olbbomi hau oxhlbitu ut itockwond unit oonrne- town fall ii thi week an octouniihana vlaltlaat waau an uniinulily hrluht old rnntloimm of oluhtyflve ymirii vlultod acton a weak iiljo in tho jimunii of oooruo lievey km me i jotui of aucautut mr aimui in thn futliei of 11 t n j till una and uiandfatliei of mr- lint old n kuimor m a ltauhttor and muni cipal clnik and oamo to acton to i pi ml tho wonli with tbom mr 1arui- oi huu upiint blu life ut aiuanitin uud lu nnd of tho lending mid hout known leuldeiitii of tluit inmmunlty thlu upiluhtly old uiiiitleinan iii a moid u- loitiilnliiu coiivoiaatllmuhut iiiu ion a i oiddonno in thlh pin t of ontai lo iiiiipled with hlu keen nluim vution him itlvcu him u fund of hlhtorinul lufot- imition and lutoruutliur tmlnluuiuu whudi iiinloi him il liuiht niitortliuiluu lnoi mi 1 irniei ifipiiclulh nlljoyeil lit tultii iiion lion ix hoiuluiuon ami poiitliiadtii mutthnwil both of whom inii mtorfunurhiiu llko hlmaulfr imumihii in tin o mat rev ii g l bftugh the new rcotor at su ajbans proachci un inaupjurnl hcrmorui ut acton nnd rockwood ijiat sumlny qocial evening in thu pamioh hall labt evening thn itnv it i i ilaiikh ii n thn now nn tor of ht alhauu church ai ton nidi ht jnhnu fjiurrh hock- wood cnmuioiiood hlu work in tlilu pin luh on octohr4 on hunday it lurun cnnuiouatlon woll mm d him and thu two mchuiiuii lio ifiivo to llnini from tluf woid of god aro calquliikd la lirlhtf forth much loiid fiult in thn moriibut tho rovoroml ueutle- man pointed thn truth from inn lull r7 it unit cod lu not only tho illjih amrtrty oik tlmt inhabltoth it nilty but that it in hlu fervent doutro to uti i into every hiimuu liourt ami luivu- hlu alioilii tliorc i at llluht uev mr iluiiifh luihu tho valtin of ovory indlvhluul ii uluht nf almtiihty ond that inr wlintevor ircimiutauciiu oun wau in however important or iriuliriilllcent howovor learned or illiterate rlcli or poor onnh ono waif il nnul capnhlo of attaining thn h la in id in uplrltuul thliiru tho twit wau mntthow 10 20 god in clirlut lnowu every detail nf every ufa uud lu alwayu ready to hoar anil to nuuwor pray or and ouch life lu full of if rent rnpucltlou which can ho imod for uood or evil in theun opontiitf hormntlu of hlu mlu- lutrj hnio iuv mr nutlh crontod very fiivorublo linprouulouu hlu oon- riofcatlnuu uuvn maulfoutntlnii nf tholr ploiumro nnd will no doubt rally tn uupport him loyally lu tho work under taken by tho church under hlu mill lutratlona hnv mr ilaiirh nbio oindutod ut ht johuu church hnckwood wlmi wuu aluo cordially wolcombd i a ut ovoiihir n uoclnl ralhertiuf lioltl in thn purliih hall it look tho form of a vnry nnjoynhln entertain ment with excellent muuln by local tit lent ami intimiutliir addmuunu of wulcmmi by local mliibitorii uml load- iur cltlxenii iimcli wau norvod hy tho ludlnii ami dili feature wau aluo a pluaulur item nf tlio proqoiidhiru itov mr iluiiifh wau very popular in arthur during hlu term au motor of tho a null can clmroh in that town kvlilonro of thlu lu uhowu lu tho no tion of thn mot hod lut church in with drawing itu nvnnbir uervlco tn permit tho con it remit ion attend mr iiiiiiriih furowfill lurvlcn nn hunduy ovonlnr hoptombor 26 2000 on account for shoe factory heating plant watcrworkj coiuuctiou with g t r not yet made icjiuko of g t k contrnrt with itcardmoro co dome one wantb qld power hoube ron tactohv the hielr twnatlnth id iiayment of thn following arcountu canfi account n porlau rtipulrlljif wiilkii j1s 60 n lorliim uhoe fin toiy 1 7t w j held utampn lu 1 77 h ii ultuile lulioi on ntnetu 0 0 ciewiiiin mi iiiuriiiiii mull met in leunhir a union on lay evuilmr with conn llloiu cor- hell and holmiu p enent and ittnvn in tho ohab o 1 hiauo commlltoo prouentihl ii tree la 10 do 1 00 1 00 ctib umber nuhi tliir jurorn imt uelflilhitt jlirora tunrn iiiuiircii rr j maokouxlo lumhor for utrnnlu 21 03 a t hrowu utatlonory lfl 0 wkurworltv account it nlllill lopalrliir 5 co n jiorhou rejmlrhir central roundallon 1 of i co bal- social and personal mluu kttlo dlllu wnu homo from tor- into for a fow dayu minn v ra wliirlifu wuu homo from toronto ovor tlm wookoml mr william muuaiou nf mitchell vlultod acton frlnmlu durinjr tho wook mi a h 1 orator of tho oakvlllo htnr inadii the 1 it itu piiujiu a plnuuant vlult on i rlday s mr and mru alliort iluldwln toron to upont thu wfltiknml nt tlio homo of mr o ii limtk mhnioii loan and anna ilnduay woro hnmo from toronto for a brlof vlult tin rln u tho wook mr 10 j moore nnd jocolyn of toronto woro riioutu ut moornoroft or tho weekend mru a 10 nlcklln upont n few dayu lu quolph the pa ut wook with mr uml ru harold u nlcklln mm hlmou olullly of owon hound rlvod lout wook to upond n wook or oo at tho parental homo t it mulllp huu mtpivil i tn bin dutlou at tho unlvorulty of icnnuuu ut pnyottnvllln arknuuaii mi w ii hill of reiuuu wuu u itu oh t at tho homo of mr and mru 11 j icoir ilower avonua youtorduy mru thomau lflhtiuito who lu at tho homo of her urnnddauuhtnr in toronto ban boon inilto 11 tho puut wook dr r a moicflurilo of wln- nlper arrived in town luut wook to vlult her father hon h houdoruon u mru n p mntjim who vlnhoil rolatlvea at him in aw mlob und chathiim returned homo on monday nnd miu john chlubnlm of hurtnaw mich luotmod to aoton laut wook nnd have ikhiii vlulthiif filondu 41 nu mr ami mru j id gamble nil bmuluy mouurfi john ii mooro nnd nnburt davhm of toionto motored to aolou hint wuok and upont u fow dnyu with friends hnro minn innevlvn icgorton of toronto atih mru chooher of ilochohter n v upont the wookoml jt tho homo or mi geo rite mill hoi i nnd jnmou hprowl icuauoulur huu linen voiy 111 from blond pnlunnlur fnr unvoiul dayu it lu hoped thn dwoiuio will uoon ho chocked mluu clara 6 monro motored to toronto with bor broth nr john h mom n thn flrut of tho wook uud upont a ooiiplo of dnyu with filondu thoro ml aitlnir itniiuo of lyrunuuo n y upent u few dayu uilu wook at tho hnmo of hlu ii into r mia john itarr iarkiavonuo ho in en route to tho llrucq pontnmilii to upend dho winter ukmu 0 much uympathy will ho felt hero foi mi and miu thnmnii hamubuw of ouhawd formerly of anton lu the death of theli dearly beloved tlftooii- youi old dauuhtnr dmothy lqnld nt ouhawil hmipltio on thimlay hopttun- bet ur mourn a j ii muokumdo norinuii moliod john illaok witlum puuu- lunio and hubert walhien look a three- day iilolor jaunt to ht cathut hlou n in win u pilln itt lurln wnllaml uml poit ciiiiiiiiiiii luut wook tlmy hud uu enjoyable outhir the kaum puenu orfelu coimntla- tloiui to mr huhii u tompllii muvblu brldn upon tbnhf happy mnrrltii luut matin duy mi templln lu nruilntuiit tdltnr nf tlm icorntm nnwn- lliaonl and otmdmitu with muuirvid ability that 111 wldn pake of the nuwuhucord und in thv uoiilidiiphimo whig w j hold utninpu and roulutnr w ii itoroy a hon ralvanln- od plpo acton hydro coinnihaiiou np- oratlnu w v moonoy uupplloit 700 00 3 sb 7 33 61 id sftos 7b olioa factory account hontliir oqiilpiuout f j 000 00 thn report wilu adopted thn ileevo roportod that nnrotlu- llouu with tho grand trunk wciro ut u ntnuilutlll owlnif to uo ilellnllo word imhir reneivod from mcuuru hniirdmom a co nu to wllothnr thoy would m- luuuo tlio annul trunk from tholr routrant with thorn mr n v mooro roqueutod froo liun of tho town hall for a concert tn im lliven by ho acton cltucnu ha 1 on wudneuiluy october 12 au uo huruo wau to ho made thn council wuu in- niilmouu in urmitliir tho roqiiout hopuiru tn thq roadway on tho mill mad a uldowulk mi thn wout oud of church htront n ornuulnn nu llrock avenue und a uuht on guolph htroot and vitrlouii other umall ropulru then name in foi counldnrubln iiiuouhhioii uud promliind rnpalru und uttenllon lu tholr order tho ltcnvo reported ho hud boon iipproucboil for tho ualo nf tho lot und the old power houuo buliillnr fnr u fuotory tho counrjl udvlued him to huvo hlu man como ulonif uud thoy would talk buiduoum on any rouuonublo deal fnr thin lot uml luilldliiif council adjouriiod at t r0 p m tho telephone itate incraiih thn ontario governimint will riva lienrty inijipnrt to thn city of toronto and other municlpalltlcu lu thnlr fltbt lieforo tlm dominion hallway llourd iirnluut utiy furthen lucreauo in lloll tnlophnno ratou tlio irovluno will bo roprououlod before the hoard by 1 dward llityly 1c c deputy attnrnoyueneral who will ha uuuluted by il a itohl n tor onto burr in tor i n to rest lu boliir taken thoro in tho probable porno imol of tho hoard for tho hoarlnar nml thorn in rurloulty mo in whnthur mr curvoll will alt or not it will ho renu mhiired that after two boa 11 n cu on tho orlrlnal mi leu lu cre ami mr carvoll did not idt on tlm matter iiriiih vlrorouu rompluluu litivltitt been mado reuardlur tho itlrlnty of hlu uotlon dliordarly conduct at norval a numlier of younif men liavif boon chnirod with ilrimkonneuu und dluor- dorly conduct at norval on two ocou- ilnnu lately tho hotter oltlmum nf tliut umially pnucnubto viiiuro bavo taken utepu to briiitf tho orfoiidoro tj juullco and proiirvo hip fair uamo nf tho community tho uovoral ohurrom iii bo lionnl boforo ii i mooro iol lco mil libit rate on ftati inlay uftoriioon ut norval golou it hlfjh in stntvllu tho viiiiiro ht htreetuvlllo in fa cod ith n 3 mill ruto tho uoitt two yoaru thlu lu nu nlitoomo of thn defeat of tho bylaw uuthoruliir nu hnmo of dohntitureti tn imy foi a ndw oomnnt roadway which wau tuillt ilruluiul thou uuhmlttod hkflio pooplo tho rouult lu that tho money will huvo to ho ruined in two yoaru luutoad of in w tho mini ny to repay thn bunk will hn rl limit ono your und thnnumuyln pay tho contractor tho next in 3033 tho tax rnto wilt bo l allied elcbt miiln ovni tho 1d31 luttij and niivon mllld oitia lulpniied 111 10 j3 an oukvllla motorut crmald tlioro wnu u boartroudorliir und very trarln tmillnir to u motor trip to giiolpb luut llumluy by u party nf oakvllln people upon rotiirnlnr lu tho nvonbir whim noar llroutn flvo or mlleu fiom homo tho motor car oapulhod in tlm dltoh an a rouult of turning out foi u pumihiif cai tho uiihoiriio tnnk wau bmkon in thn iipuet mid in a moment tho car wuu in llinnou mr john vol eater who wuu ono nf tlm party wnu pinned under thn burning motor uml bold thoro while ho wu luirnod to death hlu throo nom- liaulonu oucapod with u hiivomi ulmk- iiir up mr rnreulor wuti u wol- known palnier in oakvlllo wbero bo mini rculdnd for yoniu ho wuu 43 yoniii of aijiv hlu boyhood dayu worn upont with ida mother uml winter ub hvortop i acton junior win at gaorfjlown a voiy liitonuillnif rujiio of hall wnu llnyod in oeorketiwii laut hatlirduy whim our looiil junior ball toam tl- feuted ooorrotowii by l tlfi uoorn lr no via ul innliirii un ruiiu woio uenrod ihiiil onoiuotowu rot ono acton ill no itot una uonti uftor anton tlmn had n pom luiilmtu uml doorrotowu rouutod four iuiih try uu thoy would acton could not overtake tho lead iiufll tlm oth omliirii with tho uoiiio k to 1 aoton i a duupomto inlly uooiod r i unu uml hold inorifotowu runleiiu tn tho laut of tho ninth tbmi wlnniiirthn uamo fc luoirnlowii j mi lorn piny mtorn lie it t huluiduy it uliould bo a uood matoh goniretowu wunlu to win hncuuo anton hau lukni tlifon out of four iinmou fnuu thlu toam hattnrlou guinuotownrwnllor flmmi uud mull- hiuii anton fhmiblo hollowiiy iculoy uml jirriuu umplru giunn of okntfudtowii r i i

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