Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1921, p. 2

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ffiljp art mi mttt insfl will ixi pnum ill iil 1 iiuiuihav koiili il lovcil ltnoon homo lovi full unit tnu ml your ffoullo iiul i wlio iovlii iou taut of ml did imrt you n luui ull tint rout r in minil nit rlniin mid fuwt i hard to find uoon nm paid jimn lllnwctt notltis piiuhiiiu nu my v it rn ldmrt mu lin mullt whut lit iiuid tlfl wlr tilth f honndwmly will i u i li imuuo tnul parlny with lio ki luiniml mwly nor iilfloil thi otturu luiuklnir uun mill lilliluolf imidtuttd hut lin lit loin to wall a viilc- ramn li i it nur uf um pirty iii k i hiintly i wont ml u frlniilly ur iitlnif i kudw iiliut 1 ii uo all right uortdhl mini hi wtm trmluiiiif anuria hid field iiih motu uliiuiiite 1 i into ilm ruliiwuikfut nurlh m wau nut liluim tlifir imra of hlu iiiluuliin iocuhnrl hud tliu iiiiinn uf im i nil it iliiiiutironu limn tin iiml imi an oiiilirnllo in miviiritl juarrila with hlu unite idiom mill wow known um w ilulitnr an llrotty apprmirhtid ilia houuc lin uuluiil mom uloiy drrlnd ihomium iiml kllililin mil rumo olduii to ilia window ut whut im ihiiuglit wnu tlm livliiif room all wau cpiid kr an limtiiiit im ttinuahl t intro wuu no uriu ut liomn lliut tlia pluco wnu ilciinrlml ilioii rumo u iiliitrp fry llio rry of n i if jsgsesgssgu tho victory of scotty mclean surpassing all others in general excellence- salada is enjoyed by millions ol devoted friends dmjo black green or mlscctl rleiuls scaled packets only i cannot do cvenvthin hllil i win- glxi ribllino rou rl hit muhhr mil out onaiim utnokliitf tho truck of thn toluphnno oom- lintiy ritinii to 4- atop in front if jho im in rin t nilfl ii th oltlio norvimuly tlin mipcrlnlondont run to um uliln walk do you lliliik you uro rimiilnu u hollor factory wliy didnt you noma into town with uomo earn wuu j nut inirryltitf to tfflt to aup- imr mr urn mi calmly dnclarad ucotty mclaun tlin drivor au ho rllmliod down from tlin liltla cabin unat high on tlin front of tlia truck llilu in tlin inst tlma i am ifolnif to tull you to nun imiihio in running that morlilno anunuiicod thn uupor- inlvndout uu ho ronntiirod tho olllco knotty utoori tillnnt for a moinnnt thnn with n cunoouuly whlutlod futin 1m- tfail utiloullk thn too in from thn truok uml tutor iiauntorml to tho orowu nluht iiinrtnm 1 liul wn llio trouhh with hrotty uu wuu ut oiien tho worry ami tlia joy of tho uuiinrl ut g tutu nt hi wuu rck inuu uml miluy uml would not olioy diuiluno hut ho wuu faithful to tha lomnaiiy ntul oould im doitoinloil on to hrlwr homo tho hlif truok no m at tor whut tho roiulltloiiu qtm nluht ho nltt with tlm truck on u country roud it liavliijf invitotod u ocrlou cuiki of onuiiio trouble when lio ciuno hi no i duy ho muilo tho uaiuil amount of no i no and twlro thn comuuiiy hut tiuld tliinu for lib uioodlnif throiucli tin utrutu 11 lit that wum not thn worwt lo wau a vory diuvot with tho n of lilw crow no fur uu hla authority wont mart than onoo ho liad immiii thriittnnnd with durnliouu mwtly tllmnioiih know nil ubout it iio hud oiic boon thrown from tho top of u lillo of tluilwru booauoa 1m failed to hold nroimrly a croaa artu that boolty wuu rnouirlnif after that ho had looked upon tlia young driver uith sroat rohaotaiiii kopt out of bin way if pomdbla 1 the crow wuu workluff ovnrtlmo th oho day a after ionic effort had boon menu rod thn fundu with which to build tho linen up to tho illuo jllvor vullay ud oonutructlou wan wall on tho wuy toward 1 ian nock when the lilif truck rmnblod out of town the munilng fol- lowlutr thn miporlntoudonth outhurat it wau loadod with polau wlro tool uml a iiokiiii mini ucotty took thn turuu of tho valley rand almoat on two whnolu and tho imwaonknnj clunjr with all their mluht to tha rocklntr iiiuchlno tltaadv now calloil out thn wlro chlur muiihur au u particularly bud utratoh of road wan iitruck kuia here wjioa drlvlnif thlit truck wax hcottyu ruply and atopptkl on liiir juut a llllle moro with u mar tho truok went nworv- inw ulontc tho narrow road crunched ovr u culvurt tipped iwrlloumly tut it utruck u htrotch of huiki and roumllntf u bill cumo aut on u utoap docllna junt whut happened then no no over could toll hit thn truck loft tho roud uml want ttmrtnif throuifh tho woodu until it unally wont nuiawimo into tho iimhunkinent and htopttod mont of tho loud wau ucattarod nlonif tho atoiwi two of tlm men woro thrown from thnfr unath thn trlirk wuw a wrack but eliotty nut holding tho utoorlntf wboail nneoiioernoil ho tlootty wuu domotod in tho runku urul bocuino a dlitttor of holeu for tho tvlif ikiloh of thn linn duy uftor day lin wont out with tlia oixjw and worked douifodly au if in duaruco an indood ho wau tito wlro ohlof wan in ohuruvutid ho mad a it hlu dapoalal duty to klvo eloolty thn hardowt job oiihlhio i bteiidjty tho crow worked north ward liurrylnu uu tho upiduif rnlnu wero dun imd tho matin would noon bo imuuiouihlo tor duy a two woekn morn will luko uu thmutfh annouua- od uunuur that lit tf wo uot paut tliu liokhurt quarter with a luutch whatu tho matter thoror naked ono nf tho tiownr workcru tito old muu huyo no telepbouo linn can bo built ulonu hlu place ho will not bavo u titrlnif of potnm to look ut ull hlu ufa and ho hau nerved iiotlcoj that wo cant build but we are uolnir to uo throuuli junt tho iiamn au tho crew ouma nearer to tho iockhnrt faim thn weather urw mora thruatonlmc than when tho eiluo of the for hidden luml wnu tochd u llulit rain nommoncod hut mauuur punhed nu and next day tho crew wau dllfklnv hnutu and hottliiff polail uu uuual that in it wau for an hour cnmlntr down from tho farmhouiio hlu race uhowluu hlu oxoltomailt cumo ijwkiiart oet off my farm ho oiilorad you cant comn on horn with your lna or uinroll imi trouhlo t hut mr icookhurt replied ilio wlro nhlef tlilu lu a pulillo work and wo mimt build punt haro if wo et to jlunuook you will huvo tho iiilvun- tnua or bolnur on a jhrouuh lino and you can uol uervlco from tho ayutnm i havo told you oamn thn uurly uiwwor to tuy off my tnii he turned ohd atitrtod for htil liouuu heotty wan tho unit to uptmk wluirw uhall i llu tho nuxt holt that hroukht tho allont crow to uctlon and thn work wont on lmur after hour until by nluht when tho hlif truck wuu nturted for towjj a lino of polea huf ucrohh tho fturmu i front pointed into tho louden uwy wo uot him ull rlttht boujitad muiihur lin knew ho couldnt bluff id whoi iext two duyu ruin foil und i the third tho truck plawnd hi tho way up the valley roud it wamutonu- ida a roarlttu jlood in tho i ivor which now mid tlnm bucked ucrouu tlm road am thn crow ouiun in alht of tho ookiurt ornor itiwim nwuro uf uoino- thlnu awry inntead of the ionic how of pouh pointing tit tho oloudu then wau u clour vloweviry one wum tnlu- ink thuiti tlmy layutrutohthl out on thn wldn of tho highway llkn h many fuun trvou nautly ohonpad iff by a well wielded ax on thn polo luut to the hue of thono doatroyvd vm u pitioa uf paper draw ins blond tho man road i utliumli tl lioy crept lo i low and llfiliia jktmuolf pcrd aii- kloiiuly ihrnuieh hm lowr pane what hu hud tukou for uf llvhuf room hud liimnilrunufiiniindiitn a ulcu room ily n narrow 1mi1 in tho corner lood thn runner uml bealilo him iu wife they wero loaklnu inmloiiuly at little form tiuiulnu on thn bed with ull pccnulonul cry of pain hut i muut ifn hn heard ioclihart nay and then hlu wife bitccod lilm not her nlona pifnuloil by it ull tuotty liptooilurmind to th klrheu door uml ueutly kinvokinl lickhtirt hlmuulf rnmir to tcrnut him illiiljimikod ilaxodly at 4he callor wnll wtiutt10yoirwatittl i waul llcott imiiun lutrmlllii o carry out thn m ujier hit nude ntu idea if rindliuc out what could bi done lo uet thn linn thrauih then dimmed to i want to know if i can help you comn in they pauuod throuub tlm kltrboii to thn ulck room thn curly head of a child ouuad on tho pillow mid thn frightened mother knolt by tlin beduldo tint liabya very ulck came down la ut nluht and wn dont know whut to do mother lu alvuld to mvo inn ror the doctor uml nay would you do it ill pay you well lio it you uufeamod rltfht junt you watch me mid uootly made ruuh for out of doom aero th hold nicalu hn plowed tlm mud tlyintf from his uulrk foot tlin truck ktood de- uurted the remainder if tho crw bav- inie iioua liurk dawn tho roud tt utroiibthnn tho poleu weakenotl in their poulllon by tho rulum iveaplnar to thn neat ho turned tho machine with many a twckhitf and a tart ink until lie had thn wet highway hefono hi in thnn fuuter uml fuuter until it wuu churnlntf out u vory iihower of mud from the w he obi thn men likkked up lu we ml or thn wlru chief held up hlu limulm uml ordered jdm to ulop in vain on paut them nil ho hod enjoying- thn feel of tho power beneath hlu touch around corpora alontf thn edifa of thtutoep fiver liaukw mplaahlnic throutth water thati over flowed tho road hn meed without a halt lu upend two mile down ha road wuu a furnihouuo lie liroutcht th truck to a atop without an if you plouutl lie entered thn houun and ruuhod to tho telephone on tho wall hn had been there imi fore doctor tlilu im ilorkharlm up the valley coma quick baby ulck moot you hultyay to town then nut attain and on with hlu bis truck vour mile farther lio atop pod and turned the truck maady ror tho next hlu lit in a moment ha hearll tho ratlin of the doctoru roadater and it cumo puffing and utoamlntf be uldo him nearly worn out by the hard run ieavo bar et on here your rhino cant makti tt throusli theao rtiadu tho doctor olwyed thn craw wuu mill wouderluir what had happened when again thn hltf truck ciinw uplaahbiu pout them on um re turn trip elcotty hlttlntf lmhlnd tlia wheel and a h iran re r tmuildo him tho driver lookml neither to rlfilit nor loft and ran tho truck utralifht ip tho roud and turned into the lane lead hi tf to the farmhnuao hlu hut liad lieen lout far hark ho wau coated with mud until only the uhlnluif freckled faco wuu rocosn liable hurry tot in here he ordered and led the way to the door then bcotty went back to lilu truck lifted thn hood from tho overheated engine and exhuiuded throw hlmuolf into tho truck uml dropped face down ward on tho iloor a touch on hlu whoulder later made hcotty turn to look utruluht up into tho fuee of john ijwjkliort that won a uood job and i ap preciate it- wo had a narrow cucapc thn nhlhlu better the doctor want a iret buck hut you didnt tell mo hut you wunted uootty itot to hlu feet and looked allently nut tnwurd thn road where lay tho ion if lino nf proutruto lwilea then with a pluck huf of nouraae im i of the telophoue crow hn could thn munu face become litem i told your beau mr ijiekhart imjfau a hot hy walt a minute if wo liud hud a telephone lino to your houuu tho loo- tor could liavo been koi hero houm quicker iteemu to me you ouulit to have hoime nnouifh to uee that i waved aliout ono hour by utopplnu down tho roud where they had ono hn i ituvad reprovlntcly at thn tall uu uml wiw thn idem face oof ten then coma in the limine well talk it over an hour inter thn men aw ha blif truok making itu way from tho fann- houjo tho mnn kathnrod around it well cxchtlmed mutuiur you worn lonif enouxh aliout it what did hn to you and what did you moan by that crony trip down tho roud never mind about tho detullu imaka uootty with iiih old muierlor air oo ahead and re net tho polemlfu u1 rlklit hut he told the mi per in tendon t tin illd john iwikhurt later whut ran wn do far you auked mr graen kindly you uovd u lot of troublo iwuldem doluir a uom1 deal id like like replied hcotty bo uteudy driver nf thn truck attain tlia uuperiutnudont iuukiuhi thatll modeut and wo will alao uho you for uettllnu cauou but pleauo pleuiiw keep down to decent rpted when yon coma throuuh town unit ilm tlmt rockleau uplrlt of your- uootty promlued a bfehioub questiom little nonuluu bail lieon told that ha muut ulwuyu wait luitleutly until hu wuu nerved at nieuw uml not try iicrouu tho table or help hlmulf one iluy whllnt dlnlnu ut a ntlh- irm with hlm moth or thn 111 tie fellow um ucc lite ut ly overloekihl hn wuh very putlout ror a timu but luut he could bnr thu uhuhi ut loiiur thn mluht nf every on it feed intc but hlmuuir wail too much for thu hunnry child xiunlnir ucroum to bin tnothui anlil in u loud whlnper mnlhcrrdo little lioyu who elurvu to ileuth no to heuveu yhe farmcrs prospenitv hohool tcbakftirutt luy if f annul ruln fl ininliotrf of wheal hlid ifollu it for 3 cd per bllnhol what will im ut i4ttle hoy an automobile w uuru clirtuuuti advoouta joans oomctimeq yen i in uolnif to t thut record hitinin tlie wordii flimtw lu to lit ulla uu idie mil nl tlm deik in ormr of the hull writing hi lul- hoine a pieer littlo uxpreuiilon no into liur nyeiiliml louiiinw blirk her chair uho rcaunled her pin- liolder ihoimhtfully hut uho wuu not hluklmr or ponlmliliiru no him wail liinl liurnboilt loan mid her uiunti- i in m two wet ku olio luut oi l in jouuii hiinin now end in hint time n y mu li y thllijiu he had i liuf lint tin ulrl jouiiu caller left ni into tlin imiuio ami wont out to thn kllchou to help her uuithr preporo lunch fit 111 aunt uln uiit lie fore her un in i ih ml letter huxy planu drlftluu throiikli litr mind for lielpinu joan to rillio how thin habit f lieulln tblnua tl iiotiietlhjn vapi untwln on im ijle h delllilful nirl plean- untly run tnrrii and moiiderfully intoreutiim hut indollii- hcnetiit lu ton ureal it llnw for mo to clnun my cyefl to i wonder if perl m pa a llttlo utrnlitlitfromtlinuhouliler tulk ulwiut thlu habit would not bo tho bent cnuruo to puruuo when joan renlly jota down to bljulnenn uhn doenn t cure ulwilt roundulmnit tnethndu i ii try tt uho ileddoil tonliilit n imer when we ur ijavlilf 0l porch viult will bo asood tlmn to tulk tlm matter out and aunt lilla returned to her interrupted letter that evening jounu father and mother took their uuual after dinner walk uho and imr aunt dlupound them- nolveu cjimfortubly on the broad porch tho ttlrl liornolf uvn aunt hha the openlnjf lilio wlulmd wlmn ulio ulunrod over into a nelkhbora yiird wliere blue formumenotu mutlo a pretty holder imil kuld tlomellma t wuiit a border or forifltmoiuitu by our fence dont you think it will add to tlm ynrl alitln you mulled aunt kiln u it would be very pretty ho v 1 joun aunt lfllui ajuiko very hlowly do you know thul yout life piomlu- to lie very crowded uomctlmo tlio ffirlm browu rumo tout li piualed puoker i dont kflt your meanliur auntie uha ualtl lit lon what in it mint bo1u t crowd my life no uometlmn aunt iciiaa eyuu mot jounu in a utralifht direct look an uho unld why dont you roallxd how many ninny tlmnu you uro plnnnlnif to do uoineumn joan i couldnt begin to name nil tlin tlilllbm ive hoard you iiuy you wero lining- to do homotlmc ulnce 1vo lieen here and that but ft iwoweoku im- cumulatlon the trunk blown yon fell hut not lioforo aunt isiiam keen look imd had cauiiht tho hurt oxpreuulon in tholr deitthn quickly uho lonnod over und drew tho tonne k flaure clone to bur able my aoar um very tend erly the wordu came you aro muoh too aplendld in every way to lot thlu habit of indeflnltenobh kot a iprlp on you along- the path of uomctlmo too many hnvo iolteredund nover reached the goal i want you to arrive not to look at tho hopedfor mhlnlng in thn dlntunoo and promlua youruelf plnnunntly that uometlmn you will renllwi iu you undemtund dont you joan dour why i wunt you to aoo and utnp the momntlina habit iir fuee hlddon on aunt rlla uhouldoru joan reached for her auntu bund and cloaped it tlghu trencntly a tluuhed tearuluinod faco wau uhyly lifted ra volca that had a hint of itu uuual merry endenco opoki aunt 1511a do you uoethnt hlif elm troe in the meadow acroiw tho rood tho one wny over by ihe further feline and joan pointed to tho left wlmro a mlurtly elm liftoil lt brunoheu proudly in tho evening- light- you i uoo it aunt eluim volco currloit a note of inquiry all uum mer went on joan in anuwor to that umtpoken query that treeu been call ing me to comn over anil got acquaint ed and all nuinmor vva been auawer- injj back you you aometlmo uho uhot a- quick glaiicn ut her aunt hut ive decided that tho name tlmn for my vlalt to thn elm troo will bo tomorrow well pack a lunch und to over there about eleven oolock and upend tlireo or four houru tbath tho wny well uoltlo uiat uometlmn olnuolng up uhn caught her auntu look of quick approval that accompunlnd hor wonln and may tho olm tree plonlo mark tho ivoglnnlno of many nometline ful- fllhnentu nlcfhanto at plav llponlul fuel i it leu for ohiiorvatlou of in wuyu of olcpliniitii in artorded nt thn elephant rouervo in cai colony hontli africa ono of the pouila vlnlted by them hau on ono uldo u very utecp iiuiik floinetlmoh tho olephnnlu nfter drlnk- luii ntuuue tliomuolvea by ulldlng down tho inline ultllnjr on their hntincheu thn youngutetu ncauulonnlly heiiltata to ludulgu in thlu uport and they nre then coaxed up to tho op nig uhoved in thlu recallu a not her natural in tu nh- hnrvatlon muddbl dr carpenter mar victoria nyaiuui 1a unyu tlutt hn only ontnlnce wuyn into uomo of hit wutaiu ate utanvau ol6vadui tlialijiliuj by thn heavy iioiiiam nf the lilppopotu- muuau uu they nlimli lit mid out hut theao ktonveu aro entirely in tho way of huulneum and not for fun au ho wnu making iiih way down to the wutnr along one of tliouo piutmugeu it wum perhapu natural that dr car penter uhnuld wonder whut would hap pen if a hlppopntnmuu uhnuld chunoii to choose tlm uaino moment for com ing- up ono thing- wail clear the hip- pnpoiamuu could not turn dr carpenter uivam thn tllpmipola- inilu u rooii charanter it lu gentle if uiminlemled lio uuyu uipl it doeu not uihiih in tuivf ooeiirrud to him that in fringement of n right of wuy might huve count itu led mnloiitutloii from l0 point of view of the hippopotamus whv thev quailrclutd ilia luily of tlm houuo uuliered the new cook into the dining room ami iieguu the uuual interrogutlonu and now tell mo nhe uuked why did you luave yom hiht plucn ob tnitni il wuu hiimethluk biuv- ful couldnt utop thuro on no no- outit thn muutur und muuuu uued to quarrel tlkii cut and dog how undl nuld thn liuiuhikin ko wonder you oouldut utnp und whut did they quarrel about well tnontly replied tlm demon ho thu way th dinner wau looked tludjmt pothimu urn tike plnu tholr homu prevent thnrn from going too fur what should dc planted in the tall there lu uiicli a run in mm uprlng to gt iumii itimbm und planting- donn in ueod lime that anything that run be nciompllulmd in the full to leiiuim the work lu ilm uprlng nhould ho done mid particularly where full planting lu p referable at the lkperimentui kami ottawa it bun not lieon found uatlufui tory uikliig aim year with another to plant ii or tiny kind in tlm full kxpou in the long cold winter beginning iiliortly utter truuunluntliig lu not fav orable lj the treeu any which will lui luilow thu unowlhiua however havo much belter chmire nlthmiyb in uullii where there lit daugt r of heaving lute full pluutliig lu uliwafe when lowgrowing uhruliu and hfirli- nceoim pluntu nre planted in thn mil whci lu a good time thn iioouer it lu dmm the better nfter thn noil tieromeii inolnt nuoiiih to nnuure their not dy ing rrom luck or inoiuturo uu when httvriicjvnrlyrtheplnutu liavajtlinpcn to take root ngulii before winter npd in the ciiun or imrbuceouu pure tin 111 lu to make uoinn growth ilnnpbcrrli u gooanberrleu and cur- run tn may bu planted micceimfully in he itm her nnd the ndvnntngo over tiprlng jiluntlng lu hint if any die thny toil y hi- replaced 111 tho uprlng wheruuii if pliiutnd tn the uprlng it in too late tn replace them if they din und a iieiiuouu growth lu lout if atntw- berrien are planted in thn full tlmy nhould lie planted in hoptember or lie fore to mi mi re their rooting well und leiiiienlng danger from henvlng au uoon nu hiilbu run bo ptirchnhod in tlin utora they uhnuld it tlealred he procured and planted at niton au the longer time they have lu thn ground before winter the better thn bloom lu likely to lie in thn uprlng- tho bulbu referred tn include tullpu uiirclhhuu hyacinth croouu wipillhi and other hiirdy klndii the fall in a good tlmo to plant both rhubarb ami utimraguii limy muy hn planted with uuceeuu uny hum between now undvlntr lluuuily thoro are good re mi itu from planting ueudu of horhareouu iieron- nlalu trees and uhruliu lu thn fall tlm action of the frout especially on treo und alirub neodii muken germlu- utlon canler wlmn noadu of peren- nliiln are planted lu the fall it la bout to wait until junt lie fur e winter uetu lu to mnkn nure tlint tlio weed will not genmlnato before winter an if ueod uennlnuten u uhort tlmo lieforo wlntei thn tiecdllngu are llnblo to be killed hooiiji of treeu and hlinibn hnwovnr und nupcciiilly of frulto uliould plnnted nu noon nn rlpo no au to pre vent tholr becoming dry uuuulty fall planted woo do germinate vory early in tho uprlng w t mncoun dominion horticulture t- i ii ore tluiii on re imiird it uald nf ii young periiou i know that uho will aluuyu luilp when ulie in uuked to do if utiii ran do j fill t what uhn prefeiu to do otlmrwlte ulin will do nothing but rdegntroi to nlheru tlm thlugu that it would not bi imrirnly ugreeiilile for hir to do a pimoii of thlu type hi never likely to iirhlevn grelit thlngu lu life ihnue win have diliin icieut thililu iiuvn behind them a long record nf tlm llttlo thlugn thoy hnvo done no one i mi nvi r be iu tlm hlglmul uervhe in ilm world without being willing to do llttlo uu wll au ureal million nnth- lug lu mnie faial to uoilavi menl thuh o iiuvo nnibltlnii beynml nueu poweru if iu hievi muut and they wild refund o do little thlugu huvo niiihltloii nf hlu kind it lu doubtful ir there could tie round ull lhi tuilverun a ua no ion without annul i upii hy for help- 1 cum it lu tlm ond given privilege ill of uu in do iioinuthiiig mid thn ii thing will lount ror uu mm h uu grut do ml in the eynii or tlm judge iii the world if the email thing lu lilt hint wo uru ublu tu do when tlm gient war biirnmo aurli a mid reality n very old woman uald to imr milliliter who wait culling upon her all i got to help with lu the we llhe held up four ulilntng knitting uiiedleii au uhn npnkn und added i aint got n o money to buy yarn high uu yarn lu now but if anyone will provldn the yarn i will knit up nvry tniiiro i uumidtluilwl jlvo me llio of knowing that luui heliilng- ho ynrn wau provided and tlia very old wninaii knitted mm hundred uml ninety palrn of utnokliigii for our bnyu film hud done what ulm could llhe had unld i ran do uoinothlng und uhn hud donn that one thing joyfully trom tlm loweut to thn hlghout wn are only one when it coined to ourualveu paul crelghton ito good cnouoh tlmrol i guoiifi that will tin uald john an hn took a uhovolftll of milieu c ul of tho utovo tlia pan iimt empty but itu near enough nobody will uoo it if 1 can get tho utoro uwept about livo mmutea i can flulnh tlmt utory beforo nnyono comen the utoro wau uwept muoh uu the utovo hud boon cleaned tho open upaceu presented a good nppnnranco but outofttmwuy corn era and un derneath boxen and barrolu told adlf- ferenl utory however john unld it waa gooil ennuuh lho ntory wnu llnlnhod and tint putter hlddon out of night before tho clcrka arrived thoi mr wllllu proprietor catnn in liado thorn ull good morning glanced around and wont into bin private omen preunntly hn culled john toko theno lettnru to tho pfllco gu uoon uu you can they will bo junt in thnn for tho nlno oclock mull como right hook john hurried to the office uu lin had been bidden but having tlnpoultoi tlio lettnru wifely jujw no moro rouuon for hau to indeed ho even indulged in iv cumo of mnrbleu beforo ro turning to work when ha en to red tho utoro uitnlu mr wllllu mndu uo comment on iiih tnrdluoiui but retnitrued well john ivo nhnoht lonrnod my leunon john u tared what lounon wlrt why tho onp you vo been toaohlng mn lately john wau more puxvlod than over and all day long lie wondered what leuaon ho could pnnnltily teach mr wllllu tho next morning johnu work wait dona au upoodlly uu and no bettor than tho day beroro mr wllllu enmn lwfore thn clnrku nnd merit john nut on un erruml while hn wag gonn tho gentleman with a quint nmllo boguii to inventlgato thn corneru that john thought nolhidy would uoo when ho returned mr wllllu uald john i toldyouyeutenluy i hud almoul learned ktiy louuanr toduy i know it thor oughly would you like to hour it you ulr you have been tcuohlng mn how well i can get nlnug without you i thought tho ntovo needed oloiriilmc and thn utoro aweeplng every morning hut it uonina thny dont ho i ahull not need you any longer than llilu week 0i1inoinq out the ocht in others ouli literary nnu writing pf nnojier unld not long ugo la hroimh out ull thu good there wuu in hlu frlnndii bometlmou two frltmin both of whom havo many excellent qualllen iieem to bring nut what hi weak uml unfor tunate in euch other linitnad of what lu bent wo unmntlmnu any that two ululeru rub oaoh other tlio wrong way in each otheru company thny uro ir- rltubln uml dluugreoublii there aro no i u ii unueinuh people who make tho momboru of thlr family oolnuh iqveu tholr luirrllloeu bring out tho ignnbln quail t lei in thouo for whom thoy uunrl- ricea them im nothing for which wo ahnutd nlrivn mora ourueutly than to bring out tlin goodwill each oftun huitead of tho evil it lu uot enough to ho kind and geneioiih and uolfrorgelfnl wo havo fulled if oilf iinholtlmlimimii muken othtiim uetlluh if our court eny innv othem to irritability wo have fnllrd ii ul ohm the good lit um lirlugu out tho imnt hi uthuru cotlectino overdone 11 rut minx madge wuu making li trip in it triij u ihe lloket collector cumo iiloiig und cnlhd for the tlukelu mudgo iendlly guvo up bar tlukut hut lutei thoy mopped at a utaltou nnd u uiutlon buy unno down thu dint- form lulling cliololatenl neye 1 1 cried miidgn bruvuly you uii liik toy tlokut but not my ohouo- uxtow u hal 1 t lu fi mu motto lu maul o looking i uml not down wilt no ilnult hn inled wjilln im win lil laud 1 miully iiplrlug uhould be llioii woidu of um only inm hut mill i mu one miimot d i vnrythluff- and betitmin uninot do everything i will not re no to do the hoiunllilng thul i an i im- do you yourself linhiio lo ulnnp well ai you irntntct ly lkiflrjm do ninnll tronhli innlc iny to you do you nlurt ut iniddru nomcijl aro you uriullo to cohcntllritln lou on any oim tliiuir if mo ticrc ooiiinlliiiik wrontf witli your rtervoui ynlrlll 1 llur mi- tllllluer niuinu- dk milhs nluvinl 120 will donllio tho inritttlcf miki ovvrmlrnitind iiorven jtiul one or two doses liclpit nnluro to rrnlota ilium lo their normal futiclicma gimrnntcrd snfo und sura for sale in acton by k j ha53aui j 1 yml will i i niw pukmisis niirreic equipment the golden grain bakery tlio bread with lio three iih nnuwers nrst hukad having piirclinucd the ntoit next to browns drup store i hnvo better an larger prcniiaa moro room in which to wofcoino inortctiutomljt i wliropcrrin thu iicwprempcrriir saturday and will hu glad to liuvc thu public cnll to ulo ui there a 1 um amhqhtmnnt op bltiai buns cakes pies and pastry of all kinds every day george brewer mill fltncct jnto if ilm c 13 if next browns di1uq otone lrowiwtiitmmiwammimbrnrininrmmtocac j n oneill son georgetown ont distributors of dodge brothers motor cars studebaker motor cars for acton georgetown milton jt it usisiiman acton itonroicnlnuvo carriage rubber tires wo imvo tho ilcflt eoulpmctit for anplylrur cnrrinco rublter tirol at rcationnble prices automobile tops wo rocovcr aulo torw nnd fityour auto witli door oiwning curtniivi we have ready for sale ono ford ton truck 8 f t x k ft box lib miclvlno good cloactl cab tlili job la almotii oh good na new will hcii at a baraaln j n oneill son georgetown ont when customers ask for the best when a customer comes to us for tiro advice antl asks us to furnisli him witli tiros which wo honostiy boiiovo represent tho host vuluo on tho mnrkot unhesitatingly we recommend partridge tires cameos their nome wo know that thwo tlrtw aro recognized everywhere for their uitfnllliio dependability imd unit llio hotirco of thlu denhd nhllity in tho uneitcelletl quality of tnuterlubi ami worknunwhlp which enter lu tltclr nrodnoilon coiwumt teat und rigid in- tlpecuou dtlrino ntaimrnctiirguaruntea a tire which li tho top notch of uclilovemeitl pnruldpo tirch will give you kervlco beyond your hlfthcrit exnccuitioiui j fred blow stainless steel cutlery vlll 111 llhel- thiy neell n i i mill ulp 1 with a tmft t i tin m on ii lnlf hmird or in w mid li limy tin ir op wtirrtr iiilierwlmi wmilt lie tlmy in h ut i i i lu the luiiuil ihe din ut togo inim tulilu 10 00 doin nlrliel hn nil t t liuh in jiim i knlveu ilumit knk i imi 1 oiku 7j00 liwiu tnhh univ niil i irku 7jm 11 dwl ulntl ilniillh lltulnlciil ue knivm ddiii rt knuui 2 b0 loa n pii hi knuoi u00 loxen tho bond iiaudwau1 co i plrnn 1013 guclpm ir iihs stores policy to represent iouda ex actly n to thur qual xo ucil to those who know and to thoso who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis taken to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jcwellera gurlpii ontario lohiaiuorttillrsr ttonomo ow4d4 grand trunk wr the double track route hiittw 1c13nt montrcal to hon to detiioit chicago uuovcollod dlilnir ar norvlo vull information from any oran trunk tlouot iacnt or c 10 ilornliv dlnlrlat pununncor aeuit toronto h s holmes ajrenl acton ont phon r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station junt arrive cnr no 1 vecd oau a quantity of peklv corn and oil cake just received flour pkbd nouval iiran and shouts peed flour r noble ltd hlnrv awrcv manaqek when you nwsd boots shoes at nny tlmo iiuy proih w williams mill ktrwt aclon 7 famous ior satisfactory footwear eyisonaulh pkiciia

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