Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1921, p. 3

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ffiljr a rtnn jforcr llrrsb ntinmnav wroniai c lcho antlweils whvt why hi it hi it tho teiideriul foil iuut ir ml tint rouuh ul roud wtiy in it tlntl tho wkcul hurk lullut tarry hi hitvliiil imtilt wllh t ik fut mini 111 umit tlli1 iivi illll illlinothillt jiulh to unit hi i iiluhftut hlltl a hurdi n to ttliy in it hint tho oil 1 no why lu it thut mho and u while th mi dm lrlulilitt 1 1ii willi il tho 1 1 lit out tn thut urn imrdfut old ul i ik 1 nt v r u hitter tin ami tlto it urt thut in itmiill ut fun why lu it thouo who uro utiilihtit liuvn ulwum lh iiuyut lull uli why hi it tlioui wlio notl lint liav ulwuyu u muut bulf wlidn thtnm uhii havo uovir ii i arrow 1 llloi why u it ijiut dm nuou 1 why lu it iiiii inlln ti ilvi j nut it llll if i- all nt dot imilt i onf uiwid 7 iri llko nil j tliru uro tli it nnru wn ulwuyu toll ami tho doodn thut uro witrtlr but liltln prultu uro thn onnu that urn puhliuhcd vjill rob ran the doctor a woman wit rocking lior huhy jtntiirluy ut unmluwu in tho idoumuhlp vi imlluu hoiuowunl imuml lu tlm jluy of lliucnj f i din aloyiudrlu lor woult puul uhn imil uuruod imr dylnir 1 1 1 11 mill there wan no doctor oil ilio rrey outline of a man ofwar oppourtd in thu dlutuuco utid u wlrn- iniai iuouuuio wuu in nt miking for he yfiirwrtr u roply thn voimtlun mopped tho wur v drew in within u quarter of a ml in uiitl in unite of tlut heavy uwotl a life boat jiut out to her luuuoneorn on tho venetian watched thulr pronrnuu b reu thloiot i y un tlm utth imvat uwuiiif tip mid down in the trouuli of tlm ucm atlotirlh thn uldo of venetian wail rouiliod and tlm nlnil wltiufi help wdm no noroly needed mounted a rou ladder pro pa led for hlni ilia hubyu ufa wuu uuved ilia iiiiuin of tho baby wan ulliuilmitli tlm r of tlm wuruhlp wau thn queen rilxalulh homo tlmo uuo jumon arthur u flro- limil of thn cuinillun l uiinr moil- uiniilll wuu uttaokotl in mliloritii with luivoro intnrnal liamorrlmuo ii iiwiim hlm hfn ti wlrtilntth lllfl ion moil iti rurrlvil no luiirttiwui hut liar rommumlor iwmnrtml wlroltmn rom- mutilcutlou with the auuit lliuir iliwt thrlun kuvi iktmlu of the luuiiu uyiip toinn unil rwmlvwl ilnlly iirimcrlntloim rroni thu aloctor mi bounl llin iiwiimirt utlr- tlwi llcuuuul wumwtill oil til iwlll to rrtutvory whan lifl ruu him mont real tho cant a hi a trump uleamj- hi u oillf of mnxloo wuu tavcil jxt with lilomuhie thilxonlnir with iliuith mtai- litjf lihu in tho fucn mi uccount of in hiliujuuto iruxllrul aid li iclil4l til cull hy wlruldhji tar uomimluiica from naval utatlou uiatiy nllu away a llntir loo mllnti farthitr away rilok- ful ul tho rail uuil tho uhltii nurno inmln haulo to mply willi thn iitou- uary iriicriiitloii wltlrli wau thnn niltwl from tho trump nuuimr moillcliio cluuit and tho captain rflcovorvml tlttt iiiuuuuckut wan criuthliitf from omioiui to davair ami una tit tho puif- unnicvni doiitilnie hln ovorooiit in half a teal put lilw mhpulilurjolnt out uml wan in tfmsat buhl a wlrwle wonnaao wuu wint from tho vaam1 to oataiid uml thence to dover for u mircaon to moot the iwat uml on arrival ut tho ailmlralty xmur thn lumwiiiktir wau limmptly uttauiled to new court of m iii ac leg- thrt court of iltruolou ito vivlilly ilumcrllmul ly victor iiu0 in jt hovol notrw dawo ium bin tllncovanxl in iarlu nay u oorronpondout kfbry nlaht tho imusarn of tlm city blind ien lumo lobti ilaaf man dumb mn imrulyml timn cumo to tho iiouimi of tho klnif of kayiit imiiiuii tho town itall uiid hi trua xieuuuth wtylo mwmt thnlr no mean iarliic lu rvtilry all kiltcht lonif ntihjlibom comitlahifld to the uollce who aim titeht roountly mtoandml on tho court of mlraaliiu with uii ojiwtmunt onlflr hut not at ull dlmliuiruinml tho batfifurw it up houtia auulti in thn ojhiii ulr on u nloro of wtnto it roiml uml thn ravolry imiuuii nfrmth tint blind wiw thu tlouf hiturd urmlniui mn took out muitlral lu- mtnimciitm mid played vlillo tho crlp pm1 lluntf down ihalr nrutchou and merrily foxtrottod in the ruddy laro of u cum n tiro tlm nolloo woro mot liyn ittuhhoru rmhttuoce und blown woro rulnml on thom with nrutchnii our splendid pos8i0iliyieb kvory ufa hau unlamlld tkiuitlhllltiou luvory one of u can lo u iiuccafw hi tho hlshnwt unnitn of the word a uun- r4 in tho wuy of dolnte homuthlnu worth while momittliluif thut will bona fit our follow und tnako tlio world a llttlo imittft- ait than if wo had not llvwl thn younsf peopla who en- couruko thummilvon in thlnklnif thut thoy huvi no chanc who make thum- luilvm imiiovo that whllo orfnrt roiwyn homo poopln it lu no uuii for thom to try uro ovrlooklii tholr own wonder ful pooutlulltlctf uomt of iih llvo on tlm mirtaw of our itaturu nvor lior- hik down to thitl wbut riolt lotmultu may llo out of uluht or what roiiervolru of imiwor itrt uwultlutf durovnry not vry llfo lu a uiiaeinu of oourun hut vrv llfo au tho iwiutlhlluy of uuo y enonmduo size op elephant poor thut twlco u rouml un eltttihuntu foot oquuli uu liolttht hoemu ulmout lu- crodlblo yet uuo h in tho fact and llttlo rotlnctlnu will uhow you that it u not no wbmlnrful au it mipoarw to 1m thlnitm uro lurao or hnmll oom- miruttvoly uml if we could uoo tho foot of an olophunt by tltmlf it would proiumt a far- illnamnt anmiarunaa ua to uikh from what it ulvou whep ovor- nlmdowml try tbu mountain at tlonh h uupporu thn olephanlw fiar lu ultio aiionnoiiu ouo our from u kliult mil- mill klllod by u oollikitoi for tho now york- mumuim of nat uml ulutory now fonuu tho too of u tuhln nt whlnli tlm hiinlur und uiviii of hlu frluiutu muy ult in comfort oil laut wofu i ih vd you a nor uixdnt liliitory of qiiotin illr took iiim to tho old ilny ii m ulxty yonru ro wry vividly tullrd tin idiin ttt mid tucfii mid plan uhhh 1 hud fnpii for fifty old u 1 it fro i klit iihud lodhiuu ruli bulldlnir with uluto roof uml wldn plntformu on both front ii nt mil in i wi on uhlliiici nearly opiioultn tlm nohlo tcrnln nhivator tiiih biilhllnu wau u it oil not inly for inciilvluu nud ulllliur uiiinrul fraluht but nim of thn hpaoo wuu u tilled for utorluir ifruln t thu ifruln liuyorii fifty ynarn i wuro ii a i nlokllu and onnruo tilkm thu nlrulliw ba tho l thtttaiirtfiurotiililiv the rlnvator uml ooorun tolton u tared hlu at tho frolliht uhtid or xont it down to hlu mill ut a ion iuwuou which hour lull i it k in thouo duyu ijiro quun- tltlnu of urtiln wora brouuht licr to ureat rlvulry in to who wouir pouji tir lurloy loiiinu camn hr ofton thn buyoru look out for ymimolf wan thn motto rivoii to kdwurd on uruduiitlou day hy un oxixrltnood hut udward noon dlucoiirud thut tho mora turafully b olmyd thlu lujunntlou tho uuui lilu rrloiidu and folk uonmnd to ouro ulutiit doluu- it for him i lo mooii found tin in ull buuy tryliuc to holp tho younu imoiio who woro look ing out for o thorn he then clninxtd to u newer motto which hiiyn tmlt out for othera und thoy will look out for you quite suggestive tho uuudiai lud ataked why did david uay ho would rnthai in a door- kwihtr in tho hoiimw tint lanitv ilaojiuaa uuawnrod uit lmy ho could then walk otjtflldo wlillo ur- mon wiw imlnk ifreuoliiid hon toil truiimcrlpt i ruot bntwntm thn luiym iiocuro tho whaat ltrliilh of fiirmnr from lonu dlwtuin ti would no down town to mtiat raruinru comluif in with thn hlnn o uorurlnir thn bruin itoforo thnlr com pi tlloru unt a ohanra ut it i rcmom br ouo tlmn ijiou trott who wau biiylnu for mr loltnn and thn buyor for tho nlnkllua ccittluic into un urtfu- iiuint oyer thlu a llo tod unfair rnm pntltlon a black nyn and u bloody noun wuu thn rumill aftnr tlmt tho coniimitltlon wuu ktienor than ovfcr ii thn couruo of tlmo hnwavor my old time frlond aooruo tolton not thn wflmtorn fnvnr dhipouod of hlu mill ut q ion lawiioii and took up hlu ubodi hi thn lltntn of wuiiblnutifn horn 111 comluruuljluruln bmjuicailxoraom jouru llo bad thn mlufortuiio lutur to full white honidlna a truln 1 wout ami lout bin rluht arm nt thn uhoiitdor a tow ynuru oko i in panned awuyj hlu hrothtir lid ward who ut that tlmn wau u priiupurouu farmer tho uitcond linn lerln hour onirliige wuu in partnnrhhlp with goorwo for u uiinibor of yoaru whim ho wan hi thn tollllnu imuhieuu horo the mlrkllnu aold thnlr mill to john harvey mr ijonjumln nlcklln dlnd anil kdyard ami hlu non allwirt went into tho hour mllllnir lu auolpli thn tolton mill wau uocurod by 1 rouro urou but later thn old mill wau con verted into a tannery which moiuin rtiultli operated hut thn lively urn in huylntr f tho iayi to tlfty yearn nuo wnii nover ucnln uoou hi ac ton acroau tho a t it tracku on quonn tltroot on tho o t it property bo- uldo thn emit itldlntf tltoro blood in thouo dayu n whltowauhod cottojfo whlnh wau ocouplm for yearn by william wauou and hlu flua family mr wntuon wim on nmployoo of thn o t it for yearn mr and mm wntuon rallied throe alio dauiclitoru in thlu homo thoy inodo many frloudu in thnlr hchoolblrl dayu and whnu thoy urow up to womanhood wnro much uouaht attar by thn youutf of thlu und othur communltlen who wnro hilnoero nud anxlmiu lu tholr offortn to uocuro thorn to icraco the hoiimu ovory ronpoctublu yoimtr lu thnua dayu naturally intend oil to oh tub lnh kllnauhfl nldeut wau by 11am molini thoy made a happy uoodtookhitf pulr and thnlr llvnn to- rother liavn boon hnppy all through bum wuu a carotin tor uorvnd bin tlmo with nick hamilton and finally took a poultlon with tho d t 1l brldtfu- bullilliib ennp thn now family movod to llarnlu where thoy nro ntlll living tholr two itonu nhi flno titalwart rltl- xniu nrid nuaromafui bualuohu luou lto tar au i know flam and kllioi aro now urand parent w thoyro happy in tholr homo tlou anyway luuliolla won jim wlluon u haknr for ithr liunuaiid thoy uoltlotl in iucun und wnro hi bifulnnnu thcro for many youru uml may lw you rachel thn ynnniroit with betuitlfiil wblto hair lu tiald to have been tho tnout uucceuuful in thn matter of uecurluc n himhaud with lame ineanu no nna over told mil who ho wuu but i iinderulatid haolinlu home linn uluo boon a huppy onn olio od it roaull u llttlo incident lu which tlaurod in mr watuonu homo n- twoeu fifty and uhtty youru uro you know in thn early dayu wo lad no mutchnu uuoh uu thituo wo nun with uuah prodlkul wan to today efomo frlondn of mr wntuon hud iwan lu toronto nml found that a uulpli mutoli hud been invouted ilitd wau put on thn mnrkot l boiiffhl a faw biiiiohnu nud whan ho oaniu to act unt wllllum ouo or tbeuo blluobnu happened lu that day ami william pulled off ouo row of ton mutnlion uml tfikvo jhoni to in ft au aurcat olty and wondnrful invention vlio mutohou worn lu llttlo hloeku aliout tich hquaro 1 hoy were mht down itout throofourthu thnlr lnniflli mil onully npllt nrf in rown thoy worn nailed tnleurnpli mutoheu ihoy rapidly umw hi favor und jt wiui lull 10111 hofnrfl ovorywxly in tlifu iiootlon wan dltipofliu lilt oil tin lor ihix und utool mid imlnif tolouruph mntclwh they won nhorler and only nbout hulf uu thick at the nutrbou u toiluy woll in thn couruo of tlmo tho rlrlu luivhik uono to homea of thnlr own mid tho old folku huvluir rouehnl ipn old uifo tlmy woro culled to tholr lohti homo and laid tenderly to ntf tho pnoplo of tho humlnt where they hud lived au itood noltchhorn and ul non 11 frlondn over ulnca thny name from tho old homo in food ujlil iroland wolirthoro booii mary ouilln it on ut mo throe 01 four union enmo to hod you know when i icot out my lion to write thuwn old htorlom i often have to uihiuii bourn ut it und it uoniethnnu mot 11 prolfy into iwiforo x uet through with onoiiuh to fill thltl minion tho odltor bivou mo i runt mhilvo my pmi iilouif llku tho youiuiltm mlmi llumiutt touohon ut uohool it i bollnvo that man who rutin tho blif tyiionnttluu muoliluii in thn vkuu lnctin oiiloo un load my writ hut juhi uu wnll uu thulrn uo ofton pruwn my huntl oonnhlorhiu it no old nud immi1 uo crippled up with plowing und iheumutluui v and thnn you know uinu tit linen i liuvodo uo ulow with my thinking i try hi uot ull tho uttlo dntuttu oorruflt uud thut ofton oohih inn u lot of tlmo hi thhikhui batik n qundav itfiadinq you un imtk th d id of your blrthj lit uoi10 on olui niutit mitt it the dm f your dnuth an hour u wi 1 i ut 1 bun h not only ar 11 f out u inim llut heinmltuu hut uiuiliiully linllui up 11 ulnkiou fund of uplrltmil iipllat upon wlih h line may draw- hi iivlly in 11 moral oinor- uiury john audrow llolmtii nit nim 10 fellow r or euiijt t oifiilni that tho mo 1 11111 nil or thn uiunypioll towwhii 1h1 i oiiiiiiimu fui hiir him in that of llv njt in thn world and yt not im lint of un world lit u for ml 1o m l dully ihone who rtkoifiilun only tli nd in uhupt bhi kiflo to it who chi h llli tho cliriuthiu llfo tn tmitlnlly m uciloufi utl and it utti rly incnuulnti nt with rrlvnllly dorii it not mil on tirtulu iiriut triithu tin upprnhi imlon of whlrh involving unit i and putumt tlinuuht and how 1 an 11 man think that lu in 111 olormtl tt for 111 it hi itircoly inkiiued h ll uiul tl hln puruulth wn do not mean to tutlmutn that it lu a duty to bo uluui 11ml lou fund on tho tontrary wo hold fuut to tho dortrlnii that ht llevoru uboiill ulwuyn rojolro hi tlm iord hut tvou about ohrliitluu joy hit re lu u 1 rtuln illuulty uud tohrloty or in tin- or lho lltiipunt mul trlpplni i ay in whlrh ninny k ruomi talk of tnnlr hilullonu to thu 1orl au ir theuo were ttrmitrirtrrminrrrnitrrymtri attpnrfoir i utoppotl 0110 uluht ut krnohur llwltui rlnml to hi ur tin uruun of worldwldu milfilrity lu that pluro i wont into tho ruthmlrat at nljhtftill all ilio ii re nail or lea weio favorublo i bote wuu only mm unlit in ull tho ruthodrul und unit a faint taper on thn ulfcjr i looked up into thn v n ernhlo an lion amr uuw tm uhudowi of milurlou urojjuj nu t itliitdrutawoko uml nil th uwilton uootnod to lift and quiver uu thu iiuulo ruiim under tlu m lhat hiutnimnnt did not ueein to 1m mndu out of wood und inntal but out of human beurtu uo wonderfully did it pulnato with every emotion now lauuhhur ilka u rbibl now nohhlnir llko a tomihint at mm in otiio nt thn nmula would illo nwuy until you cquld hear tho nrlokut ohlrp outuldo th wall ami thnn it would roll up until it boomed aa if thn uuruo of the una and tho cruuh of un uval- hhchn had n truck tho nruau pi pen at tlm 1111 1110 moment at onn tlmo thut nlaht it boomed au if u uipiudroti of uplrltu woopluu up from earth hud mot a uiiuudroii of destondliik anuelu whouo iflory ltoat hark tho woo i aald to myuolf that ortfnu plu lu tlm point at whlrh tho httnnonlou of earth moot tho hnllfllujulm of heave 11 au i utood uiorw mul looked nt thn dim taper on tho hilar of tho outhodrul i wild how much llko ninny u chrlumnnu hfo uiadowu hover and hoinetlmou bin hopo in dim and faint uud nickorhuf llko a tuper on oiu uuun hut at what lliift oimi wllhi tho v uvmiu lrvult forth wltltimuuln upon itlu uoul and thn ulr ikicoiuou rououuut oh thn anuolu ot qod boat it with their uhinhitr uoop- trou ol tho iinl god baa many fnlr and lmuiutlful dauuhlorn but thn falr- out of them ajl in her wlinso wayu aro plnauantnehit nnd whouo patbu uro peaces dr talmnun national blandcitb tho orlsln of national ulandern in a myutnry uomoono nturtu them otiio n lontlnua thom and tho rout of un tic- copt thom au goupol nnd klvn thom further urroucy icnullhlimnn aro aliened to ha uupor- uby und reuervod tholr ufa on an lu lumliu mild to ihi roniioiiulbla h11u- buh thoy jiavo luen and dim tho b i if if out travolloru of all tho natlonu if lciiklinhinon woro nliy uud reuurvod ttioy wouldnt havo boon tho plonooru in colouliuatlon icmplrohuildhiir con- auout oominorco and tlio like au a matter of fact tho overupo icnkllnlunaii in uu per- sociable nnd if any proof of that in needed it in to im found in thn fact that icniflatid lu par oxcallenco tho homo of apart hikirt domandn sociability imajflne a tonnln boom amonu a uuporaby roaorveil pooplol ucotiimpn aro alloirod to bo mean unco careful wl th bawboon thouu- undn of jokou havo itoon built up on thut nlamler ltut uu a matter of fact lho elcot an all who havo had to do with him know in extraordinarily ifnnoroun nnd kindhearted auk thn troauuror of uny lioupltall tltornu tho tout thn irluh aro doubly aland ored they uro alloaotl to lui a icny witty rucn jirofroo and carolonu tjiln in n nlnn dor thn irlah aro u uud people all tholr lioautlful molodlou aro in a minor koy irluh humor dooaut roallyixlut tho irluh uro ronlly in- tnnuoly uorlniih and mi to bolnu caro- lena it in a fact that they aro thrifty clenu uml hiipermorul thn french nro hiipponnd to be lr- roaponalhlo and ounltablo an obvloun dander which thogroat wnr klllod or oncht to havo killed thnn there to tlio wily iiuupnak- abln turk kor a foot ho in utwut au ulmpln nn thny make eml thn hutch nro allotted to ho it t olid uml ull thut tlm term imp ii on itu a uland- or for tho hutch aro very much all thorn tho tuln might ho contlnuod but thn ronult would bo thu hume whothur deallnif with tho onto yan kee tho emotional wnluhmnn tlio tioachoroun u pan lard or tho ay ltnllun blundoni nil i wiiehe poqtmtn a lit gcauck 1viut in decliirotl to bo tho louo- llout muudon iilntlnn in thu world in ultuatot on tlm hopnr river lu tho northern territory of auutrnlla horo dwell a tnlulonnry nnd hlu younu wife thny aro out ok ontlroly from tho companlonuhlp of thnlr fol low whltou for only n row auulrullaii nlvorlnlnou llvo in lho dbtlrlot tho luuimut duo tor in live liundrod mllon awny nnd it in two bund rod mllou to tho iinurout whlto uottlor only once a yonr dooh tho mluloimry obtain nnwn from tho iiutuldu world uud uimintlmou nltclitooii inontbn olaiuni lief mo n mull im roiolvnd hot no inontbn otto tho homeatoad wau hurled twenty foot under water through a uiiddeu ttootl it wuu a trying tlmo for uin tulualnnnrym wlfo who luitl juut icivon birth to her flrut baby lor throo duyu and nlahtu her hu- lmnd uhalnted by bbirku rowod thom u uuiull boat to hlllu ulxty mllon dlutmit honvy rulnn drnhhuf thom all thn tlmo justice in potsdam cluirued tluit thq orowlnif of tho xk in hor poultry run provouted uojiool children lournhik thnlr ioumoiih a initudam wopiau wuu hauled luifont tho looul juilico oh a mod with beltir n publlo tiulwnure tho womiin huvhuf iloohlrod tho cook wan old uud hoaruo and thut t hor f nro bin crow could not l hourou of duturbntiro to tho uohool chlldroih tlm judico adjourned urn tiaiie to ouubht thn 000k to upmmr lho 000k howovor whlob raino to tlm ooulrt in a capacity renimblln that of a ooilefendant rofiutsd it hrtiw 11 nil tto judk iiftor uakhik mnno rmnurkm uhout tlm vuuiabu lonu of leal tlmo oooauuinud tllhtnluiod tho 1 uho sleep ca you do it woll r just ouo ur two lpafvof 1k mlhkh nkhvink 1 bo will non tho tlm irritated uud ovorntrnln niliinrvoo luurujiituoilhafo und hiiro uolai in agton uy ic j uabu ten minuten diffcrence it ul jill mult lliat turn i the ioiimi mulr thn illnnenl my tlinti llnrry ii llui tut lookhiu up tlllhlu of ult dlhai guli ii 11 i if hi p rly uud wo win rallhijf hi iilkliru uml 11 mid llluly 10 full of pnmiothui hi tiiichii nifi r i to tflvo un un extra tui iiiiuutt 1 1 vi ry day uftn u hool ulltll uh tauyhl up it willlli1 it uuil loihu our pluiou on th ut hool u 1111 pcrlmpn fur prut tiro wim railed it limp tin ntltber wanted to lij to thut lltnif ullolh lhri the nihool uud tlm fun it builo fair lu tuko from uu hurry rohimnd htttytxt on lho tut in falh il of promothm jult urbool look 11 idlmlulhy job and iwvr iiiniiuntid to unythhiif i rhniu tho xtrti inn mlmitini loiru- id in lovu tlio work ipuilo up problem hi prolihtn v1111 pinuintcit wenlulioud uml uuvur tiliiln droppeil luiru li my 1i111ii u lltip by tttep upwnrd i riinin ut hint to the henrli wh ro you 1100 trie hut i tremble to think what mlubt havo hnppi und hud i turned down that itikhnru orfei- for tho- uukn of ufloi nrhool fun on tho pluyuround itu all 11 muttir of vuhii it uud ueltliiir u point of vliw boyu ion t choouo without wi h hlnn will nil nldou of lho qmutlon uud win 11 thut old love for fun nt thn rout or prhu lpln unit life rholrou ulundn in your way tlpottlo it tlm jililunu ovpirionno lu helm dll- pliililiid ovi ry ihiy oholcflu oro con utaiitly belnu pi u od hi font un n onninrv br bnlnnro of nvrry younif- mnnn lf tiirn to look iihiiul uu you heiltnte und wi lab tho vnlunii icllxaletli ker- r1iiou uut isnnintplrrnrtto nrtrutwprortttinnhttoirtnrktulr g thl uiohopo untold tttohv lho othnr dpy in a company of pracheri uml othoru llhiliop cundlnr nithli 1 th nraifraauiutuvlklw win 11 1 uin iiponklnu i do not rot rrtdil for wbut i do nit tho bluhop had thn nlaht lief nro itindn onn of thn utroni eitt nddreaceu 011 tho uub jit t of chrlutlun education i ever hoard onn or hlu propoiiltlnun wan tint thn ittato tmliiot rivo chrlutlun niluculiini uo thmiaht of thlu anec dote nil u ilhiiitrntlon hut bo did not lllvn it nnd bo uot no credit for not llvliir it an irluhmuii hud boon muk- init bin llvliuf by dltrhlntc ho inn- clulcl thnt thlu nort of work wuu too hard nud that ho would un into uomo euulor liiiiilnemi ho thoimht ho mlaht do wnll hi tho poultry buulncuo uo bo rot uonm hoim mid iteirnn in dun tlmo a creat many ohlrkenu woro hatched out nnd hud to im fed thn mi a i biruu to rout a rood uuin of money a friend volunteered to rivo him uomo mlvtcfl ho told put not to feed them on meal nl together hut mix tuiwiliimt with tho moal a llttla a llrut lho uinmitit of meal mlrht lm uru dually rmluced mid that of tho uuwdiuit lucreaund until tho rbloku would lourn to llvo on uuwduut ulto- rntbiirhrt hri lweon tlm ouiiorlmmiu lu thn rourao of tlmo hlu ohlcknnu wnro dnad hn did not ifko to lot hlu friend kuowlio hud boon uurh n fool un ho naid nothing hut hlu frlotid wnn uux- iniiu to know how pat wait rottluu lilonu in dm poultry hlinlnoiui ho meet luff him nna day ha unld woll put imw nro your cblokonu rottlntf on ob folno fnlno nald pat thu othnr day onn of mo bona ha tolled four rlilckonu and throe of uiom hud wooden lofcu and the other wan a woodpecker now unld tho blubop i thnuuht of fclvluir that uhowlnc how tho utnto hntcbch nut waodpockorn but i didnt do it and now i ot no credit ror not 1011101 it hlcbmond advocato it hi poaalbln for a whip to reach u point in lho ocean whom it lu 1000 mllon from laud in any dlrontlon in fart thin nun tin dnno at uovorul polntu ily lonvluff hmi ivuiirijiqo or vuncou- vnr ami nail i no into thn north pacific a upnt in reached where thoro lu no land not ovon au lulot for n thnuaand ml i on in any direction in too hoii- iiiu from tjio uouthorn point of anolont kamuchatka unuthouutward a uhlpwlll roach a point pioro than a thniiuand mllon from laud tho noureut to tho north lie i tin tlio aleutian lalandu anil to tlm south tho flnndwinlj iulaudu or hawaii in tho flautheni indian oman it lu pourilhlo to unll a thousand mllon out from tho uoutbnrn point of auutrnlla and now zealand and ntlll ho uu far away from any other land and lho nainn mny bo douo in a wout- erly dlroctlnn from cniw horn qemo op thought qenlun without rellcton lu only a lump in the outer rata of tho polar n it may uervo to rant a ijlenm of ilkht on ihoiin lhat am without while tho inbnbltnnt lu in durkuouu ii mnro tho world in a comedy to thouo who think u trurody to thouo who fool horaco walpolo when cat met6t8 doq hfoit or lho luuthiitlvo uitlouu of ihimiiilhiited linhnulx may 1 trui d bnk wtmt- thritl lirrthnhnyr wh11 ihy mia 1 wild and w re it ft nd tlu mi ivii ut 11 mn nln nth 1 11 xamiil v 11 a i itmmi uiiluii doif will turn round uud round itv i urllhl uo to rl to ulrel a ro million in oik iluyi win 11 itn iiiim n hlu hid to tnnilph down hi kitltl hi ji r li makii luul fof dm mwilvii tfm huitlnillvo iiuhhiif of a 1 ul whin it met in 11 dii wllh wlili h it lit not ou friendly t rmu in au hi dlcullmi thut tlm nit huu ouiild iu trodltlonul oitiuuy at nuailmm an involuntary poulllou of d ft n u nulnt tho nxpnrteil altui k tlm furt tlmt mm uit in terrified lu appttrtnt by thn hihllhir or tlm fur wblli urchhir the iwlt hrhuu lho fet t clout to uul 1 ivi n tho cluwu a firmer urip on tho 1iolip thun periulhlnif xi optlonully lupld 111 live men t in any direction mnrtovir thn cut known iimunr- luly thai thu dtir hill uaek to iilnk uu innth lu tho back of itu neck uo it wlthdruwu uu be id uu fur uu pouu- ihi ituublh ohmibou ioliorlod thut bo found nutlvnu of hnltl play in if with 1ml lu that bounced wlili h in tho tlritt refereilro to nil her or ruoulchout prhutly tho tunulluh t hi mint t rimed h udpourll marliu with uin niibutunro and en hod it rub in r mm lutouli u ruuuy hot in ihj3 dliiiiolvod uomo rubber hi unph- lo diy ho then fuutuuutl a rubborliual uhool between two piece it of fabric and uo introduced lho raincoat to tho world ltut 1no1t imiuirtunt coodynar let uomo or a ruhlier uud uulpbur mlx- luro full on 4ho lid or a utovo and noted with omnxouieut thnt it harden ed without innltlnir hn hud dlucovor- od thut it wuu pouulblo to vulcunlxo rubbor a luakaa it u- liiuiiur unnultivn to tlm rhuuunu of tho iieuuonu und lucrouueu itu utroiirtb and otuutlclty the wihelcbb in iceland an intoroutltir appllcutltm of thu wlreltttu tnhuraph nyutom wtlu inudn uomo thnn hro between thnhhotland lultitidn of northern flootlaud uud iroland ictlutid huu n population of homnthlnu ukn uo 000 and a rrowlnu farm lnduutry which huu boon fouler od by nurloulturul uuioolu but ban hud until recently no connect ion with tho lout of tho world except through a ityntem of ulow ocean malln to m- relvo tho nown of tlm world frouh overy duy by nloctrlc wuveu comlnif thrtiuith thn air proved au trout a no n nation for uiti ire land em nn it wnn for tho llrut pnnuoiirom on n utoamuhlp in tho mlddlo of lho atluutlt tflined i bin roiao pnmted tbroiirli llluco and upniiliib ijiiiiu thou into llpanlub river whom onn lu likely to n doxtin duyu journeylnu- tlinnluh uml canoe iaueu uud uovorul inlteletn intervene tint muhiuhuuru luke tlio uaallua lllvor hi roarbt d tho i ralbjjijjuiiuui ulrmi- tliroliutrwllcliy ihautirul iicetmry tall nplrou or plnen reach luuvou- wurtl aliovn thn 10 lid wall of foreut that limn itbor bunk moouo door uud other wild nuhnulu often oiuorun from lho douno woodu to unxe at tho pntadntf utruuroru tilt y urn uelilnm molentod nnd aro ipiito fonrlt mi und proueut uiiloiidld turaurotu for the rniuoia rxcollont ttuhhue hi at hand tho whnln dlutanro upncklotl trout lake trout huitu plko mul muuklen uro uo plentiful thut mm aeldoni tautu with out rettlnu a blto protty llttlo utroumn room utoulhir throuuh tho fnrtutu to dont throw your 01dcarpelaway thy malta naw llavaralblo u kuan band for valvatax poldr 3 canada rug company london ont wanted at once two hundred men autooau tractor median lea tiro vulcmilkom itnttery itnpnlrhiu oicy- arotylono woldlnp mocbnnlcn onr r to 15 por dny vraln for thenn at our blif modern ncboo laruout nud liout equipped in icontern canuda ill if now ntjulpmontn of nil itlndu includ- inc aero oiikhien actual practical uyutmatlo truluhir very lieut lnutnir- tlonu only few wooku required wo train you iloy and ovonhir clanson without extra cliarao hoard ami room 1710 mi cull or wrlto ltouutlful rro catalogue he von teen yearn experi ence uchaolu from coaui to coast ilomphlllu ills auto gau tractor uchool ifi3 klnir htroot weut toronto 114 notice to the farmers now havo your nhauno to rot your lileh prlcoo far your fowl if you havo any lionn or chlobonn for unla call mo by mall and i will ro at once to buy your fowl having n contract with a doalor to unpply ib cralou ovory week i am pro pa rod to pay thn blah out prlnou to uot thn inquired number cull mo up rlffht away nud you will do for hotter uxlra prloeu for kut henu now laid lcjiaii when brourht to my pluro luit mo know your atldreuu or number of tolnphnno and youll ho mirn to havo tho bont of uatlufafl- tlon alex oildoord p o ho 100 main ht acton corner tlchool tano fall millinery opening miss florence murray has opened muhuory parlors in fhe rooms next to mooroheada st oro nnd tins on display all the latest fall models a cordial invitation to all to call mr farmer you should ue uptodate in the home as well i as having uptodate machinery let us instal a pneumaticwatersystem lowest p0ss1iile pricks quotations kreesend sketch howard and mccarveu 21 wilson st iuemii phone 270w ontarios wilderness is sporting paradise the two hunilrit 11 miuoiinif down i vir between wnlhi ullpphq- into one xquliiltu hk after lother und mukhiu ar imrtuini hi imintod tho unite of out door pluu 10 by thouo who havo boon no fortuu in 11 a o buvo travelled thlu oularlo itir trull llm ulurt lu iiuiuilly mudo from hlu t aid 11 if r mlhu wtut of hudhury pour tin ir ullvor off rluiiu into tho mhiiiliiiiaiiiia and lo coax tho truvolleru to buvo the hlu river unl ueek tho hlddnu elm rum of dm lilnterlnntl tho uldo trlpu ofton loud to wuloru over which while men buvo never flu lit mi tlm majority of tho imrtnrou nro jilitt imiic eiioiul lo clvo you a rhunco to ii t tho kluku out of your calveu mid urn a pltuuum ruther thun a burd- ulilp tho porta un nt auhroy gurro nrfnidii 11 wonderful uluht that of thn river 11 11 ml nit uud nwlrlliiif tlirotirh u ptnrter mlln i or ire mid thnn murk hut a 107 foot imp over a cliff it takeu i onn and a half houru to uhoot turf forty mllo nipldn u1i1i1 lu done with no mme effort than rtclhihir hi tho mn on uml 1111i11r thn paddla now mid ihoii to keep it lu tho cliunnol tho porta jje around xlhiuluuuuiia tunnel in made by team ovir a it nod road that parulleln thn narrow out lu tlm uolld rock tbrourb which tho river hurnn itu wuy for threo mllon lho route really oudu ut tho can adian ump club iiouuii ouo half hour nlmvo t lower by from thli later it lu u 4o inluutn motor run to tlm railway at ihnuuulon tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices our stock op groceries and provisions is always uptodate and fresh prices lower than the lowest our special rlciul mnek tci nt itsc li n great favorite try ii it in good 50e value fall and winter underwear in aix sizes especially good value see our while ami striped rtaimclcltcfl wo can savo you money on thcoc i carhartt and mekay overalls cabiiartt kiuki trousers at prewar prices spijendid good value in mens and roys iioots tannery cooperative c a- conway manager i mill street acton 3rrarmmmmmmrarm read the advertisements l the publisher of this paper draws your at tcutjon to die advertising columns and particularly to the advertisements of the local mcrcliants these merchants have invested their money in goods to satisfy the needs and desires of all their enterprise is a distinct service to our com munity for this reason we should buy from lliem to the best of our ability and in so far us our needs and judgment of value dictates 1 then too the general commodities advertised in our columns are worthy of consideration it is desirable that readers should ask merchants lo sup ply advertised goods wherever possible by doing so tlie cycle of trade is kepi alive and iiiter-comnmn- ity commerce stimulated we repeal read the ad vertisements uwmmnw

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