Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1921, p. 1

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t forty ovcnlli year no 15 s3 do ikil ykah acton ontario thursday morning october 13 1021 vsfcfl in unitkd htatiui slngta copies hvo cciit- rriik mkthodist church acton rev t m moyctl pur- ptraanaa willow bt 7 i lii tim xfliilulfir iliilijorl ihr ollluru of tho flmrc it ilpoclnl miuli by tha choir acton itaitlst ciickcii c k tv lew paotok 10 u li iluiphty mruwoi uml illhlc cluuu 11 u in 11m mlnlutor 7 p in i ho mhifutir you ahk coitdiamy wv111bd advcrttseinents- live fowl i wo jiny 2 or it hi for uood llvn fowl i mtaitkuan 3 tr- found molor cur llcemm no 43700 may im lecumd ut rum punmi acton wanted htr houmh lend particular to t ii uooillchuah iiruinpton out i coal ffeder ror bale a chrorln iti icoml condition with now ptpou apply j mhm c inhuman park avo acton coal ranqe for bale a unnd rbul rungo in jjond condition a buruulu fotf ruuh atiily to wanted a muld uttout llfleon youru to uulut in curlou for dm nhlldnin uml utuilut with light hoiuiokoopliiu apply lctf llox c4c aoton out coal heaterror bale all oxford coul tir wood heater im snud un nnwj apply to miui it n wanftnnouqii jmuh avoulio arlo notice dark tan hound came to my place a weak uuo owner ran have uutuo by paying nxpeiiiteu char oldham anton btilavfcd krilm home on tiiuday evenlnic u lull hrown iumornuian ml collar wltli ujw dou with tujf eddy on h any information about lilm will im pprecluto1 ly iiamimr wicawn h it no 1 arton f you wunt to hoy or elell heal estate auk kerr h knew mrdiitr only 6oo to igoco uniy iioa dopouit mtna jl uumlmr of building lolu it j hkim phone 3d anton house for bale that deulruhm bunuulow nti main fltroot imlinmlnk to tlm ttutata v the late w i mullhi ml roomu oloolrio huht wutorworku uorf wuur lu liouuo oojui burdon in inbla vuravfl imtrly tiaw abwi u hscoolhuiiil omy uort motor nir in kimmi condition lwowim- lon bivnii kit mien altnly to w m cooimjh 1s3 arton out sheep lost hnvm kill im 11 uml luttilim with tuc twarlne oiimn lit wr howard iumi in to ml oifonl tliiwn rum lam uml v kutrrxl twoyturolil rum for wl t hormrn t wuntts for fi itrakia vahattdit ltbllliiufnl jt 3 oon 7 krln iltona dsrst 143 qconcetowit pitmans shonthandtauqht mr w a nlcol will rivo 1aimm in hhorthunl uiid in tiropar to enroll u fw morn mtutlnntu x lrlvutv iwmonal tuition in ulwen which im thn moat lwiiiortclul irtothod to utudontu lrlvuta for louaoiut in tlio fivoiiln atr imrttoulurx uiuily ly mull to itox coi or phonn 14 or at roumonca if louirwi real estate if you want to buy or hu u furm una dm wo iiuvu u numbor in thti vlnliilty of anton aiho oiiu imlwtwm moffat uml aoton lit ufrwi do umlur cultivation nuiy lolii invcl icooil hnimu burn tlrivo liotl hor uml lion imn rurul mall ui tlnmma nflur cluiroh uml hohool urrui to unit liuyor ut 6 jm inimlluttl jkmlmltnloii kiirntw for unlit in ivnry iiunrtiir f anton ruiirliik in trloa from 1500 to j a hulth ttcul luituta akaiu mill utrabu aoton friday ootoder 14 the brute master ttturrliib lloluirt itonworth commiy amontt ttoi itnt in tliro rncln hturrlntf harold ijnyd baturdav october 1b xtft7o tlutru cub 1 ttfiir- rting lniill wlilto conidrty kluit ixv cnrollm wk kowh tuesday october 18 tim cnir4i of iuimoihlu imtlia tho hitut oiiummlfi of tbti kin of tiinutu th llrut iiiluo1t of thn avoiinliiif amiw ntur- rintf jtutn ibfuimj r l gregory the new furs ilicyvc a topic of absorbing interest u to feminity ilab there heen uiiy rudical development unci thn yc in the uylc wlmt arc the favored pcltuca above nil how do price- coin pure with former scaionn thcie are points anked by alniot every visitor to guelph cotninj to ec our fur display m tbcnc new fura iow on exhibit nhuw thxt the fulhions nrc tojbc rich and jjonoui auolutcly the loveliest coutn wrapj and n cck piece yau have cii any movement tit pfiee has bcrrt tlowiiwart thio unioiiut you expend will command much creator value than hi the past few carotin the fur coats amonj thee hudson seal i- still the prime favorite tor there are few furs poikerin tlioj pliancy and bupplcnena necessary to the ucceisful development of fur coat fashions our irodson seal coats are failuoucd all of the one rich peltry or combined with sable for iiitatjcc or with heaver american gray op- possum jim ft- tail uppoum niolo or squirrel persian lamb coats are prominent jn faihioui favor too tlun seanon thay aro handsomely fitylcd with voluminous cape collar and arpa cuftnui kod juatity peltry of hue curl and rich tnlky iloas other kinds in the sliowinu too to bo seen when you come to guelph wraps neckpieces muffs a rhowiiii notable for it- broad choices and x do pendablc qualities and lucludinn such peltries as these ilcaver squirrel cray oppohttum hucbion seal lvench kul foic ivmlan iimb fitch cahadlain mmurt inx wolmtadr cr such a wariely of atylci that every one choosing ii ue of fin dm j a iiecommi mode at a reasonable price d e macclonald bros ltd guelliis lkauing and laugest stoke wyralham tarden and macdonndl streeli guelph onl saturday specials salthd peanuts regular price 30c saturday special imc 2tc assorted aiocolaths re sue and coc per- lb saturday special price 35c ncilsons chocolate bars regular 5c each satur day special lrke6 for 25c a little lunch touches the spot right after the walk or the pic ture show of course you dont want much just enough to stay the hunger for the night wo aro very conveniently situated and are always ready with something tasty to eat hot or cold drinks of all kinds j mill street acton h wiles stove logic unlmm ota utovo lit wull ojt u ami oomieouwl with lie outlhlh it rinniol flva you tu worvloa you nuiient hiutln utovoii uiitl coo win rnnttom ut un ami itlil by um ur imuiki to norvu you wnll im- nuuuft wa uiuiruiiltio our work un tmlnjf iwrfftct iwrmunnnt uml mutilo in nrloo lw f mooney v actor acton ont news of local import ir to b hu tody im lixowiint iwln luut 1vlliy toorii- intf utiil urtirnoon wmu vry uifortuit- ut for kimikwooj kulr a uiilomlui itilllt bul lnvn i1uh1 in llo bull uml juilirm on tbnrxluy but owing to tb htonn tbr wuivi ry llttln llvn uumu brouuht in und no vliiltorx on wtduy 1 bu fulr wum rookhunntly inlihjmn until tuduy thuruduy mlaalonsry convention tody 1lt umtuat ronvtintlou of tin wo lotnu mluulonury ilocuty of oulh ulutrlit will im lu11 lu thn mntlollut cburcb toluy tbcro will ih tuul uiornlnu uml u f li r n mm addrium will ti llvfird by llru ulitnlow of toronto und by uru jollltftt ml lim- try friii juiuin tli lurlltj of fb lot ill imuloty will niilwrtuln thn dtilu- citlbu lo illnutir uml tu tk nw drinklou fountain liin now lilihloif roiintubi tirouout- td to tlin town by thn womnnu limtl- tuto im iwlriu- imitullmt lu tbu rront ufoa ut hit uoviiim nt itulmliiu l- twwn tlin utoin uniu huilliu- to ttt cumtoiui ilouu uml tbu xoitt olllr tint dralnuifn uyhikiii ruim to willow iltrt und umnro to tbu wllhw htrml iwir tint uroa uurroumllnu tn7 lmw fountuln wblrlj huu in rotoforii luimi u uruiui itlot will now li uurrurnl with sihiibi gnnma at st ahhhii an birjoynblii hoein rhtljrhiitf ww t id ut it albiuu lti hull hull luut wnlnnudiiy nvtinluif a iirorumini of fiitt rtulnluif miiuln wuu kivu und brlff udtlrtwuoi wtr tnuiln by 1uv i xi moynr llnv vnlbtir otwklrow und ltnv a c hkiwurt tba tunor of thti uddrxuuiitf wuu u uidrlt of welronih n tv mr iluiuih tbt nnw rivctnr uml wordu of cliriutluu fullowulil hont daallna russells sa georgetown bread again itn the kind that makes mother stop baking try it and s m1kkii lllteal and koui daily get the habit deal at d c russell mill sr acton s juriaulletun i furtur eutnjtl 11 v mihim iollco uuklutrutt wbituti jiirludlrllon wuu uivrul monthu pko iitndul to tlin wholn nountyiof ilnltou concinnroiilly with thut of lol- irti uuuutrutn phlolilu of oukvllln baa imwui udvihih by tint atlomoyoumirul that lilu jurludlntlon huu ihhsu furlhttr fxtemld to rfvr thn towuuhlw of icrlu mid lcruinoui tlio diivurtmnnt vldmitly luttoidu tr kwjh mr miwro buuy chiblrsn day ut st aluni koat hunduy iwlnif thn third lluu- luy in orlolxir lu chllilronu day throuuhout thn churrh of uuuluiul in cannula in lit albanm church arton rhlldrauu urvlrn will im bnll ut 11 juxk lu whlrli thn minlor hoyu will tnkn mrt thn rlor ulvlntf tlin utl- n at fit jolmu churrh ltock- wnod thn un uorvlco will m hm ut vltxk 1urfiiith um urgnd to u- ronruuo tho lluniluy ilehool by tlmlr lirmtaiirn church union u llv bubjaot thn muhjtrt of church union lu nvl- ntly u llvn tonic juilulntf from tho dlufiuhulon in thn vuriouu rlunvjiou uffoattxj mr 11 1 siikrn who huu boon umimilmr of tin union ooinmlt- tno from lha ouutdt whpn thn luiulw of union wiiu fonntml huu roculviul u cull n u mwtlnu or thn union commlttao f tlin mothmllut churrh to im tnld in toronto on thn lotli inut und lo h mimitlnu of thn joint rommlttwi of tho niimuentutlvflu of thn coiucnikatlonul rculiytfirlnil nd mtthwllut cliurohm n tlm sdth aoton clock gent to novu sootlu xlmutru iuilln a ivarau no id throo purotirml flhorthorn cattle to tho nova elcotla acrloulturul coiuk tliouo wrft n hi n hd n wtmik uub und urrlvl ifnly u thnlr ilcwtlnatloii theu fllia iilmulu worn uolocled by ijr cum- ilnuu und irof tnnnan of thn nov hrottn a iirl cultural collnu mimuiru iinlln innron now liuvo tliudlntlno- tlnn of huvlii hold liurolirod ulock to ctiulnniom on imth thn atlantic und um purine couut u lu uurcily urati- fylnic to tboiia onlfirirlalna farmeru to bavo cim torn mtu from oonan to ocoan vkm naur pata ruim th ntriclulii ut thn local bout nrtlfta m imvluir thnlr trauhleu thoua luyu owliftf to thn fart thut cltiunu hava lint yet ixxktme uctiuatnteil with tho nnw noutuka ratwi which wml into ot on or lot mir 1 ah a nhult hiuiiy tottfirw und luurclti havfl to im forwartl- mi to thnlr ilnatluutloii dully liutrkml not utilllolnnt juw inert thlh uiiiiiiam liurtloulurly to old country mull on wliirlitbo rotn linn iwmhi rulitoil from nlu to 4 cuutu ou un onllnnry lottr uml to foralcn uunttrlou whnro thn noulukn lu 10 contm for thn flrut ouuen und centh for eaoh additlonnl nunm vlaltoru from now htpahlrti town tr uml mru a v thurwton of ilttlntmi n u urrlvotl nil itatunluy to nimiud n wwk with mm vhurutnuu futhur und mothor mr und lira john thoinux mr thuruton lu u uta cukmu rruduutf who llki muuy othtm nn tlmo tnnmlmrw of our ututf hu vmurunmttl uml won n iioultlon of ini- liortuiirn in hlu nilnnttxl filly iln lu nnhihuulcul mumtrtntmlotit of thn llttlnlon courier with which journal iuu imiou utummilulwl for mutiy yeurw mr und mru thuruton worn murrlnd anion twontyfour yurn uu at end of thn wonk thay inland to o to kltnlwr1y in qray county to vlult thuruton mothr a family rp- unlon thn flrut in ovnr u quart or of u uitury wilt bo hold thera durlntf tlntlr lult aum monroe rturna from japn tho followlnu lottur ntoolvml luirluk thn wnnk clvnu ihn lntorhthik hifor- mutloit thut mr uml mm alox mr- wlin huvn hofiii eukutcotl lu ml- ulnnury work lu jnuvi ura rtui iibitf o vuncouvit ii o 1113 uvm t tukuukucho tokyo kit juimn eoiitmlmr 11th 1091 tjflur mr monrl am wo am ittuvliiu for cumula ut thn nud of thlu month in rnnootlon with ilia hiunloti work iiaimi kindly uid tha ihim lhuitui lo our homn ublrn 376y wull lllroot vonmuvn wo dit tnijfiy youi uiiwr vnry uiucih it lu uwo a loltrr from homo bwiry wiw vi uin nhl to uuy it oomuu very tvtfuhtrly itml whtui th it boutu urrlv w ruin ul- wuyu look forwutsl to tbtt hornti 1ittr cliriutluu urrtjllnk to ull ytiuru for thn muutor in j mum a muniton lovat duuflhur puuaad away thti tldtli thxiurred on buiuluy dii k mbcr at of lorothy knll duuihtr of thnnittm und riithrld bmhuw rorinkirly of acton ut omiiuwn llou- liltul thtt dluouun wumiouhllltlh ami tar troublo l ulx wtikuthn bout liliyiilclunu mut mwclul nuru luliord iiuht uml luy for her rooovory but in vnln tir yuru mlnu hutnuhuw 1 11 ilnvotvd chrlhtluio hho wum londnr in thn mimhiuii lluiul und uctlvn h tin flumluy hohool lurlnif har llhimti tuuyuu win ortiuvtl for hw rwxiwry lu tlm inwliyurun uml mntbi chiirohnm him wuu lovori by ull thy oullutl her thn little mluuhmury hlia whm tho joy und khaliioum of tho homo tho funwrnl wuh held from tlur futhr rohlitouio to vrohuct conwlory tor- onlu th flunt offorlticn wrv num- lolltl uml ihiuutirul thfrt rnniuiuu to jujiuru bur loiot har futher and nuithur und two hrtitharu full6 of toronto mu utxraald uf otluun aoton hydro shoi willi it vuw 0 uuiiilyluu- ii 11 cltl- kuu with ul thn lutout filer rhul uu- lilunrou ul ily iro inlru uml 111- rouruulntf u it uli r nun 0 nhirtrli currdit tho a ton hydro klfttrlr roinmliiuloii wl omui u oi w hydro uhfti lu um old ioul out bultillna init w4ik tliur 0 wllf bd 1 uula lluirn nhrlrlo llultliu rimlu l iii louut- oru urllht hui oru ruuuiui wuuhluk imichlmu ntr ha ojionlnu r oxt woflk will im lluilij un intorimtlui foutiim inf pto d imwbl rfflui thllny thn lnyllitf of tho tonfoot xmuiil roudwuy on thn ucvontli lino in truful kur huu ixxui liilulkd it nxtcudu for unurw four uml u nuurtnr mlku thtu luruthur rnrord work und thn enn- iruitoru uro iiaiiiu ronrutulutntl on ruuhluu u through uo rapidly all thut r mul mi lu to iuo u uhoulder ulouif mot 1 uldn of thn rtttmiuh un tut to im mil vuli loifu jo turn out lu imuuliur in two or thn a wooku tho whohi utratrh 41i1011m in nunn fir trulilr tim lownr two uilldit huvn boon in uuo for uotno time and tho iwordo of thn dln- trht in illlillit thn completion of thtu oonrrrtn rouiiwuy will imi a irocoliit for otlittr niiiulrltxilltlnii to rnnwlrutt roudu of rontotn oauvllln 11 tar pri man ahaant t thn only mnreuontatlvn of tho couity nmiu tliat wa inft nt thn fair lout tlulurday wnu jon moore of the ooorufttiwii hitrald who wuu arcoui- linulod by mru monro and thumb lor win ro worn thn olhnrfotlowu thut limy did not honor hiltoiiu imatout with thttlr iirniuiiicnt milton itnfonnnr wnll woll now lunt it rcully n thn lufornmr luvoutnd in u lalr of mllhlti uiuiotjinlmi tlin knlc iudik wum riirouonlml hy two momlmiru of thn uturf mr 1 a nil in roroinniiyuuil iwirtur wuu tin r with mru mtl4nml r vi it vhicunt llnotyiui oiwirator m uui iirtuttitit hut tlm editor of thn ilfiformor tlfd not honor aftonu uraut vull littr onoii lo tbu world with lilt irouono ho iii iniirli luvuwimj cf full fair muturu a lutkitlnu of thn illrontoru of acton mil iuir wnu hold ou tuwnluy ufttir- noon to coimlilr uinttnni rrowliitf nut of tbu nicnnt mil fulr tlin rcolitn nd oviiandltura worn uudltnd urul it iruu found that notwllhnnndlnk tho it 1 11 in tho foronoon of tho nor nod day aijiifih nihtnrinlly roduend thn utlmul- thut tho flnnnrnu aro in uatlu- fuctory oondltlon tlio rocoliitii klnir jowl nhnut ntiual to thn oniiomlllurou thn dlrnctnni wnm arntlfloil with tho ronort of thn nrlao award 1 thoro wnu not u uliiulo trot6ut nt thlu ytmru fulr a fnw adjuiitinnntii worn mado whom paliiahlo itrroru had tienn ddtontnd ulnrn thn tiar 11m flrut prun for opn of ukrloullural horuaii wan tukon hy dun- mcdouffall inutnad of d mroon- uu rnnorted thn roauunir wau uuthorluod by rouolutlnn to nay all ntu on und uflnr tho luth lnuu promlnant gorjfctown man diaa mr ifrntl a hurloy 01m of naorao- tnwun tndiiutrlnl lnudcrn dlnd lutur- inornlnif after a fnw tluyu tllnouu w1141 liorn in otioraotown 45 yoam utto ami hud i man intlmatoly ronuoct- nd nil hlu llfo with thn imluutrlul dn- vnlaiuihnit or thn town ho woji praitl- dnnt of harloykuy co lad anil u illrvctor of tho camilla newllo worku rld mr hurlny wuu an nkpnrt wn- nlilnbit und dovulniied un uutomutlo lulttlinf tnuchhm thut huu iwcoinn wltlnly kuowti thrflutfhniit cannilu almtut flftnen ynuru hro ho uturteil in hnulrytum for hlmunlf n thn uh fow youru hlu iiuhiiiiuui nxiuxiulntl umutly un took uu uatlva intnrtiat in tho nom- iniinlty ufo f thn town lt wbm ft luut mttulor of credit ijhiro a v a und u momtuir of thn ilnntlut church tlin rontuitnxtonutauh mado to tlm ilantlut cliumli warn luraly throuuh hu uotiflrolty mr hurlny lu ivnd tiy hlu wlfn nnn brothnr rwitu cnorifotown ami two uluttiru ihh fiuurul 011 monday wuu hold untlur mttuonln nuhlcou snumlld fulr ut qaoruatown ono of tho very iveut fulru over held lit aoomotowu took iiluoo them luut thuruday whon thn annual inhibition of kmjuouliik akrlnulturul ihiololy wuu hold thn woutliur wan dolluhtful and un uituuuully hi rim iitindinioa wuu tho rvhult tlm hhowlttif in thn hall wuu it ultrucllve mniiy of jtho cluuitoii worn well llllnd them wuu a ill ii ploy of dreuuad fowl uuch uu lu rurnly found l townuhlp fulr tho ludlou iloimrt- niontu wow wall nuiliitnlnod thn nn- trleu in rootn anil fruit wr fnwor thuu uuuul uu wnro nluo thoun of tlowiiru thouuh unino very mm floral ilea i aim wrr uhown thn tintrloii in horuaw wero ully ui totho averaitn of eoumn tha hnokmtyott ho run runi wih u fnut uro uamu finn cjuttlo worn on ftxhlhltlon rinl tho nntrlu in noul- wnrn uuntorouu thero woio taklru verywhera h looku very inuuh uu ut ftioy liutl conkvktod from ull fart tuttiretary tmoy wnu tlm buulaut lnu in iwn diirlnif tlio fair thn d i root oru uro in ictwut k loo vet tho hucchmh of thtu ywuru exhibition 1 1 4uurly qrmon by hv dr qrutium hunduy wuu ltmuoutlnnnl anutver- nary dny tn tho melhooht churihiui of quoliili nimlrlot ittiv i m moyor oooiuilfed hlu own nulnlt lu tho nnirnhi and in tha ovouluu irnhul utxtlmouu at thn itvonliltf rolvko btuo thn virn- urckntlim waa fuvorotl in hayjntf au ihu limuohnr thn ilevi john w oruluun r 1 m p ciiimrul knorntury of lcdudutlou toronto hr flruhftm luiu- iit iiih liiunllhllf und infortuutlonul tllu- oonrhu ou li uuliuo but wluit proved lo bit u veiy umiroprlntn tuxt luuluh 30 30 vt uliiill not thy timrtiurw iw rn- niuviul into ul oomnr any muk ih coutnmlml that chlrutu antlon in unit inu thn ii uu nhl id lu tlm mldut fii thn in uhoutd bo oinlllutod tothiy unit thiilanlloi hhouhl bn thmn willi chilli tim illitiilty uml imiiortituot thu iputiiiuru wniu wuu utronuly enj- nhuulavri ii truhwin av lutnrwitf lug information rnnnlhi- thn kiiuiik llomil hihtltutloiiu of thu ohurch thlr blah woholiimilo utumlliih blul thnlr lu- luonco lu luhiilrllim th htudixith tn duouloii in thu muttoi or rhrlulluu uhuruoui ami untivltlo tho iiihir- tunltlnu fill uuuh thurih und itu mtun- htiru to huvo a uhum lu tlm tnnlnlou- hum und extuiiulon of thu ooiiokou mid hihonlu or thn rthuroh worn ulourly ul fnrlh idlifuul ituhhoflittiniti uml ml loutlonu for- tlm oducuthni fuiul won ulwu new brunswick voted bono dry last monday largo majorities in citlem in towiu and in country against importation vote means the ejd of the use of liquoh vnry nmiihittlr und viry iiiniiinraut wuu um voto lliroiiuhoiit tlm tirovlnoa of now lirunuwlrk uuluut thij lmmr- tullou of ihiuor for uuo fur luivoruun inrhiuoa oirf loiiduy 11m hisu ihxlurwl with luinmuuu miijorllhu titut uiiuor lu nutrurluotl in ntiw itruuuwlck wfulmoriluml county uuvo u mujorlty uuuluut ljiiuor of l 300 tho city of 1 radnrlctou kiavo u 400 majority ou thn lunmdry uldu ilt john khv u majority of- sooo monrliin thu railway town 1s00 umathulu uu- itlfnn lumlttfutv any houiioholdnr hud thn rliclit t mirt uiniilicu ror hlu ihruoiiul uuo with fnw riiilrlrllonil umlir tho llulutloii which will follow monday u vote thlu i rlvlloco will lw ullluliod uml thu only 1 uul inirduuou of ihiuor lu thut jro- vliirn will im thoiui inudo ou ihyulruhu iroucrlitlouu for tmdlchiul iiuriumtou social and personal mluu itlnvniiu of toronto vlull arton ftiomlu luut wwk mr und mru u u wuiuitmrouifh vluitod rlallvujil uockwood tin hun duy mru a u nloklhi utnt u fow duyu durinif tlm wook with frloodu lu tur- mliui lilna johmttnn hud u hhuuunt vult luut wck with frlniidu ut llruitt- ford mru hob rt mclho onto vlullml artnin wiik i mr yf tor- ulu tlifi imut mr uml uml mru cwrlu hyndu luilw of toronto vulttwl acton frloi laut wfuk police court cattcfl thfl out nilml jurluillrtlon of inillcn uuiflutrulou lu ulvinif tlmiu vory i uuy l k i m r i llllcjil tho nroloinjid murray v murray cuuo which occujilad nlovoli hoilth ut thrii uittliiuu for tha hnarlnu roiniilotod luut wodimuduy uftnrin tlm jiidicinout of pollen muiiiutruto lldnrii wuu uu followu i find thut jiimou allmrt murray dofondant undmurtolta murray com- liluluunt huvolmutn murriod und lived in tho homo together uu h unhand and wlfn for upwurdu of thlrlyflvo youru idurliiu their murrlml llfn tlm monoy uml iiromirty now utumlliiif lu thn huu- bun dn numo wuu arcuuiulatod thu wlf- u from thn m i amino it of juutlo niitltlnd tn u rouuonuhlo uhuro for hnr imilnlnuunrn thn law oicimaui tlm huuhuud to uiiiiort hlu wlfo mr mur- iiy tho dtifoiiduut huu rocoituluml thlu ami nvldihiro huu mi put lu tn uhow thul diirlnu thu punt your hn huu provided a place of rouldtiuce unildj- pendodi ntkout 1 00ft in rauh for tha uuimrt of hlu wlfo uml homo thu dofonduut ndmitu thut for yoaru hlu wlfo hna itonu hi poor hnullh und for uovoral yearn huu lieon an invalid thlu fuct hau oldiintly not culled forth ny uollrltoim interout in llor wolfure ou hlu part inuumuoh uu nvjiioiiro hau wn that ho hau orfered ohjectlonu to the pure ha ho of uporlal utliniilutlna iludu and tho euuntcliii of expert ut- lontlon which nun in her condition naturally rfloli i re c tjiifortnnatoly the marital mlatlonn liclweon dm complainant und dofond- nnt hnvo bonn ntfnlnoil and unbind nml tuimetltnoii nlmnlv laiikuajro hau i con luiiiillnil from onif to the other arconllnif to tho nvldenco both have been anility in thlu row poet thn huuliaiuk in clnarly reunonulh1 for tlio tnulnteniinco of hlu wife untl dvldnuco ha i lion uddiiced to uhow ituftlclnnt caunn for miw rofuulne or iinultirtlfitf lo do thlu ttho maxlmuni unit thlu court lu ompoweroit to order thn defendant to pay lo thn com plainant for her malntniianco lu 30 00 pnr woek and thlu amount hau hut m- utly tmon increauod hy nu amantl- nnt lo tho utulute from 10 00 ier in thn interim imtwtwm ulttjiuru i huvn lnveutlentedho reronlu ofsilml- lur cuueu throuuljtiut tha province for precedent in thin mutter and huvo tmou unuhln tn find an order for the maximum amount in anycauo in fact tho mahout umnuut ordered under thlu tutu to of which ihavti imeu abln to eurn wuu ii g por week after oi nt ful couulderatlou of ull tho nvldoiiao put in und of thn oomll- tlouu uurroundlnk thlu uho i find unit tlm complainant lu entitled tn tha ii fit of thlu ant and i do hereby order the defendant to itay hereafter tt hlu wife marietta murray or tn her accent in writ in if for her nolo uuo mulntenance tha uum of 18 co ptr week at the merchantu tlank of canada acton on tlm unit lianvlnu day of each und every week uald pay- ntu to tluto from thn llrut day of ffoptomhor 1031 tlm tlorendant to pay in coutu of thlu court ou llaturduy afternoon u ullllna f tho court wuu held at nerval when u liumlmr of youuu men worn niarel llh 1ml u if intoxicated on thn public utroet uml oho with aituuult after hearluu u lurtfe iiumlwr of wltneuueu ituhhell mcclure uml elliott meclure hrotheru were convicted on tho hure they were fined 110 uml coutu ioh tho churueu ajculnut three other yoiinu inuu worn dlmnlaood for lack of i4vldenoo lluuwell mcclure wau uluo convletod of uuuaultlhu tliomau id ilukhnou jr lie wuu allowed off on uunpendnd uetit- ti no ii oi tuiyment of the coutu thetie churkom irew nut of lha mlu- cnmluct of thn youuif mon after uoour- liur u enno of aiatlve wlna from hurvoy 11111m their conduct wuu uo holuter- oiiu thut chief melville of clonrttowu wuu umt for crown attorney dick prouooutod untl wlent luirrlutor llramplou defemled tho uocuued phil 1orlnwi and ituuuell vdekoreut hud u ruoier forceful urifiiinant ut thn cornel of mill and main utreetu on ttutunluy ufteriionu chief cooney name ulonir aid thn row ceiiued the uftertnuth wuu churueu aualnut nanh hild liefore pollen miirlutrutn moore for dluturhhm thu pouee fvirheu came bofofo the mnulntratn on monday plnailml vullty and wuu fin oil too and roulli the ilelvreitt cuue will lie heard tutor an tlm aceuuod 11 von down thn country milton man itobld and cruelly dttlei ut tha brick work at milton hlejme alexuudnr ijwih uu employee of thn milton proiuiod ihlck company wok li n tally uuuuulthil uhout 4 ucloau hoit thiiruduy mnrnliitt into umuui- ucloukiithh with ti iiluh und rtihbod uf bin puy iuvliiu loutiilnlnif 16u 50 two weeku wimim th uuuuult wum made whlln i wuu utttmllnif the ilreu ut the kllnu ho wuu badly huttnrthl ulmut the bond uml hint inlkli blood iiiu condition lu iiuurtltx uu uorleuu normuu wllllauiu un imtluu uv ployod ut tha worku until tlm duy bn fore wiuturrvhted in llruntflrtl tlm followlntf day und hroimrri 4o mlltmi oit huh plo ion of boliiit iioh uuuuluiut 1 ho utwimiiul t u inn up for li lul ut hfllton ytjrilny i uftnrniwui ixifoni iolloo muicutruu m v mmro priurliuil or thn llljth he wihikend ut bor mluu iz knui flchool uimllt home in oult mru a k n irk tin uimnt u fow duyu in toronto tlm paut wek with her uluter mru hrywm mru june c cain pi kill of lleattle wuuh u vlultlna her uluter mru huuli mucdonaull tvmurlrk lltrwit mr and mru m orestf of toi upont the wekend at timtiomn of mr ooo atfiiew mill utreot mr pruuk cowdrey of midland wuu the uuettt of lilu uunt mm llrownlow or hllluldo furm for the wkend xtr ami mru john chluholm und mru ceo dlllu motored to toronto and umnt uoveral duyu with frleudu there mru a ii litewart or kitchener and mru hubert flmllh ami luihe of tor onto ii pen l u coupln of duyu lafct week wllh acton rrieudu mr tturl vi ni nt wont to fltmlph houpltul ou monday for uu nperuttou tor hernia tlm oiwrolloii wuu uuc- ceuurut und lin lu delntf well mr 1 j moore and tw younif frl mhi meuiiru iuthnr ami jvulik iiumon of toronto made u brief vlult nt moorecroft on raturduy mr itoy llrowu who upent hlu coli le vacation in lira ml on mun re turned hffliin ou fuiturduy iln enjoyed very ireutly hu vlult to thu weut mluu ullluu thurmlotiof littleton n if who viulted frlnnilu in port hopn en roulo to acton urrlvetl on momluv tn npeml thn week with frlnndu here mm purunuu of vt boon mm ml i ne a coup who hau i thu with her uluter mru a it llrown loft ou tliurjilil to vlult rrlomlu at intnr- i orouch xftim ijihan ilunuette nunm who imo from toronto wllh ilr j m murdnnujit to uuulut at thn nimratlon imrfofmed upon mr allan rmith m- biilly returned to toronto ou irlduy mr und mru annua mclachlan hllluhuiif announce thn luiuueemout of their daunlitcr ilora to william mckenxie unn of john mckeuule ou- prluuf tho marriaice to takn place thlu month mr it j ken aocompaulevf itnv i moynr ta mltnouu for thn wervlce ou itumlay nvenhur he knreatly on- joyed follnwuhlp with the coiucreicatlou here im bad upent un many profitable ami happy yoaru mr a w tttae fliu who came o anton uftor uervlnu throuch the vur und then returned likknauinil ur- ived imck in town taaln ou uaturday i flu t thre ynaru uhuonoa ho hau immii employ by the oreut icautern hallway mr yjtriia uayy he lu very iflad to not i wick to actun ami lioped to tnulft thlu hlu iiermunont home nasftagaweya council na llat eriaceeunta pud r luat rifluur maallnu i tho alwence of the ileeva mr job u nlorted chairman protein for the meet i n account punaed milton preuied ltriok co road dlvlulon s3 m ervlce dlvuion d3 n chluholm dlvlulon til allmrt caraill illvlalon g3 ceorite hnrrlu roatl uupt clnlntle heuderuou co tlyna- nltu woolu a mcleod puullnch town line m c iniweru puuhllnoh towiillne davuniwirt puullnch town- tno ob 34 oo lu go 14 00 10 00 1 bl unn 40 ml v mcjw1 dlvlulon 20 40 56 kduartl ismr luiuo linn 140 2q thou taylor 3 culvertu id 00 iklnjf riumhoro towullne 43 7d 13 ulchurduati u ravel so d nelleu dlvlulon co b 00 youuir uruvel 1g 00 cauklnettn 11 row lumlmr k sg n curnochuii uiavol 37 sb 11 llrlttnn aravelllnu 0 00 h camplmll wooil 13 00 alex mitchell 3 culvertu 13 co iv llurrowu team 1 day 8 ko k llelnhurt team 3 duyu is 00 j a white 3 dayuvork 7 00 wm teld 1 duyu work 3 u it andomon 1 dayu work 3 t0 auuiim kletcher ifrudlutf uml cullw hill chuu norrluh movluu cruuher i a nlven o u r bridge ihum 13 ho c iiiifot iron co culvert h 70 j a ily dor uruvel t 1 t0 juu harden ruvl h jo wm cohuril niuvel 13 ifi chuu iciliott rmvel 0 00 au mephull sruvel 7 go arthur lluild knivel a 10 dc c a iowprw uruvel 3 3 w wiluon roiuilr brld 3 00 vtuylor uiuvel 14 sc w mofjiren uruvel sb cs 13 ttllentnn uravel 10 67 j mnnlvan uravel 1 13 a aluxuudor uruvel 38 30 percy wood dltoliliuf lo w 17 rt juu llmpuon itecretury ikil- duru momorlul commit tin- fencluu uroundu 45 co municipal world uupplleu id 77 a uiunt uf 135 00 wuu muilo to uu ulut m wlunlnk ho belay dluublml mr a antiunion couipuhixl lo ttjo ciiiiucljof u 11 toh on tlm kupi04lnif townllnt uml- thu lloovn wuu puthorued to muvo un upimihiinieut wllh th kit- tphiilnv council uml oxumltm tlin nllu- tttlon roinmll udjniiiimd lo meet nuvom- im r 7 ut 1 30 p m john mallfculaul cloak canadas interests advanced by exminister former minister of justice seek- injf action on lurt of hritiuh law olliccrri canadas mlquebt fol extra tluitttoillal powthu 1oniloil l-iifc- october u canada will ut din next uimulniiuf thouuuuinh- ly of the ioauuo of natlomj prohuhly uoiuro tlio ollmluutlou of arllrln x or um iuuuu rovtiuaut lu tlm opinion of ulkhl hon c j dtihtrty who huu roturuttd to london uml will null for cuuudu ou luluiduy a iiiuurlul hmu- 1iilnk of tho cnmuunti rontributloii lo tljn ijuktiru nunc nt lo tlm premium of the luuulitlauu topreiumlutlvou for an turly diirlulon hy tho council of am- huuuuiloru ou hut uiiuutliin of callolau jjji t uuwuriltwuoiluu fiwilur 4u-ox- the hum liihly uuiotlnir whirl i wum of uimilul into out to camilla uuhl hon mr hohorty ihu txmlnluler of jiiutltn hnvlnif i con nworn lu toduy it a irlvy cuuii- rlllor mi uion1 or hlu 1 u titutuu huu tlm rluht to ut on tho judlnlul comiultton of ihu privy council uy wilil memlmni of thu cuiiudluu flu- pruim court huvo donn in tho punl hon mi rjohnrtyu luut duty ju mlnlulur ofiuutuo while ovbrueuu will i w to prowu thn llritluh law ntilceru rr in hon with rouurd to cunuduu rottueut prufnrred luut year for u declaratory urt ullowlnif the nxerciim of rerluln nxtru- territorial jurludlctlou hy the dominion iliiplto ooulrury romlltlonu of tho llritluh north atinrloa act fjirtl mllner luut yuar uuroed to ihu prluclph of thlu rotiueut hut iiolhliiu huu uu yot iwim donn to put it into ffect hon mr hoherty iitatml that lie wuu ulud to im fron from pollllnul dutleii jin lu rouervlni hlu tlfrfllulou jiu to hlu future antlvllleu until hlu rulurti to oanada a county town opinion tha naformar blua up tha political bltuatlan in the praaant campulan tho i limn polltlrul pur una hi ilulton huvo now thtlr cundhluteu lu the aid 1 he ihfht will utuhntbtclty he ono of tho imuit upiolaunlar and keenly fouuht conleutu uvor wuued in thtu hluturla old rltllnif latch f tho cnndldateu will haya ulniuut hacklnu uml uiipporl umoiiu the ilotorule und it ul m ply dpendu who ran poll thn luraeut voto dr anderuon tho uittlnu mumtior will huvo hlu mipport mainly wu linu- ulnn in thn tow nu and villa una eu- poclully in thmm lownu whero luauu- fuclorieu uro loruttd uu ihu tariff wll bn a leadlna hunin with tho couuer- itlveu mr pitjhnr ttcluu u llfolonut tlllr nf tlm noil untl a very mircnubfii oim at that will imll u hlu vote in tlm rural diutrlctu ojitl lu uninii canon divide tlm honoin lu tlm townn with idr amler- tni uu tho ulmrulu nro well united in thin cam pule ii nd will uivv a uoud uc- unt nf theiunnlvou in thn pipnii poll- inu uuhdlvluioiin mr ponlu uupiuirt nf cnuriie will coma mainly rrom thn rural nulwllvl- ulnnu and au thn furmeru urn well or- ifunlxoil im will poll u hlu voto throuiili- out tlka noiinty hut whnthor im will lio uu trtrupk in u dominion content uu ha wan when h rnn for tha irialu- irn ro mains o ho neon tlm tariff luuun may lio put uo utronuly imforo tlm furiuom that it may poruapa uffect mr iordu chance of election h lu doubtful however that it will au mr crerar tho leader of thn prouroiuilvnu in at thn hnud of the furmeru purty anil hlu influence tho election wllutouiit for much with thn farmnm nil over thn domin ion milton ho former tha hint uuu in thn election cam paign wau fired ut milton hint woek hen mibu conntnnc itnultnn of tor onto hpokn ut u inootluic of tlm xaidltw national ulmrul uml connervatlve au- lutlon hold in tlm o w v a pur- loru tha attendance wau largo ami ulsu lloultou delivered a very powerful ud- dretui on tho political- queittlonu uf tho day j fvu w is mecroudy of milton oooiiplnd tha chair immediately otter thn iiinntlna tho women met anil nruanlaed their furouu for an anaruotlo camiuilun in favor of their candidate dr alidnruou xf p lerved ut moorohoadu ontario ucliclous education council v annual canventtoa at brantford with bp undid prouramme for suntlay school worker kor thron ilayu ootolier 3c 30 and 37 llruplfnrd will im tho centro for all weulern ontario hunduy tlchnol on- thuuluutu mnrlop luawrenno a twm whnnn nuinn uuuueutu tho initt wonl in oikaiilxeil uu n day ttchonl work thu world over will im preiient untl will deliver four uddrouueu on thn ten cuminaml- mentu for tho hunduy ucliool teaohor mluulonu in the munday hctmol the itelatlon of thn home to the 11 uml ay hohool tlm chnllnnue nf thn flinnlay kohool lrofuihor tyetl lanufnrd nf vlotorlq itnlveriilty will deliver threnuddreimeii on hduciitloual ijvunifolhini itu meim- iuk- itu aifiinoloii itu xletliodu tliipportlifjr ihnao twd leaderu in tho vurloua heuulopu will imi ltev dr qoo t wehh general hnpl llupllnt hun duy tlrhonl hoard ltev liunfc laiuf- ford oenerul hecretnry methodtut riupilay bchool hoard vuutl hov c a xlyeru joint tloo rotary prtitihy tor lull flubluith mchool hoard mm i w hullock chlhlreun dlvlnhni iipoelillut from duyttm ohio will nun bit in tho chlldreuu dlvlulon hoot ion alontf with theun leuderu wllfbn tho full ntu it or thu ontario hollloun kihicutlnu copunll bihmlnif expert lnudcruhlp in every department of hunduy heboid work tlm theme of the con v tuition will bit icilurutlonulvuiiuoyiim an attempt will im mud to utudy the nil ik i mi n imimlu uf thn varloiiu utfo uroupu of childhood uml youth ntid lo point tut the hiul wuy of niottliuf tlionn ueeilti ihniitford lu prepat luif bn unteriuin the dtitewutuu wlti tholtwoll kimwn huupllallty in bt jouophu prliw ii tl a ouchru and asocial ovtnhiw will be held thuiutliiy niuht lunluht lu thn puriuh hull of hi jouophu clmroli ihlu lu tlm llltt of u uorliui of mi oh run lo im held lu thlu bull durlnif ho win ter moulhri llnv ilitlier oooibiiw ex- toutlu a i orilhtl invitation to everyone to utlepil xi bin iotut hulmeii will bo thu hoatbuti tlilu o von ink i

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