Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1921, p. 2

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jbljr artnu 3fa utbh tinmnnw rn7i titnn um uthuccli upwahd tin i hi urk ami tiny iiki ever hi the podeulul fi mill oopi from- o mi mini mi it looklm for uiinn apptilt iitlythi m mill ihi luck nelhiwilmi vt tltvnr-i-ii- ljwj iut i lit hiinwf itvu llllll it plllltl uwarl off the 1 1 imil nil ihut to dmw liln nlv ho iptl liin luiiiil itiiiinir it out r uk- ii tuxiu on i ii unfl irnrklim i hluiiulf idiillinf uikh k if cold i in tlm ut h tried lln i itirfi 1 1 kiii and y t dupilr lit olio inn ii liiiii llvnl ami if ullh llliii lufori iliy tin ti11111 1111 not in thy tnll rchuiuc mirik hum in ru the vnli o oml mm uuj lion- 01110 iiiuni hi tlu luiuu fulbd lo ii iiuppml wnrie yi hlu liiiil irmkl iiliilmt tin ik loit 11 i k mi i 11u iihooler mill lln uiiu uuuk tln litm u wiiinr out of uluhl w i ho wurdm jim lieilvoru hud hllllt their limn a l hi- tiluo of u 11 milt ruuli r it duo uml tht jioiid ut hint wuu tu f ot deep oii thought flllhl hldiiom mind imill clumber out und rlllit llmi- ho 11111w ho would itlit thnto two a o iturkotl a beaver pond tragedy clyton h ernt value supreme lsrineverypacket of salaba every utile leal will yield its full quota of generous goodness sold in scaled packets ortty clllflp comment ti nil 11 limit ji ynuiu f j amu a v i if ii hllu ii i11u1 miiuh u hit ituhli lit lit iiehh fnrhl4 hlokmi in drim mlnu hun lnvriimiiil- in- llmn 11011 beiuiiuo itllh liln iwn i hull hhi ft it fni like uu ittor r uu unowuii 4 lint uuii the rwbn udn ullppcl til 4u uml fron unit thliitf lo uhl not climb i to tilt uurface eptlon wuu uwultlnif yhat uliflit when younif hldnoy m c aiodhlll the deputy uhnrlft v tun ifutno warden utopiied in ilil peter ijuiiharu trapping cub in tin cucnjou ijilo ha wun too ulinpy lo lluton to what tlio volorun trapper hud to nay uhout iwtaveru iolor who i1111i not talked to a woul for a month euuorly mixed mia op portunity to oxorctuo hlu tomjuo uml what 1if llil not know ulioiil tlio llvou of tlio fourfooted f ureal ilwullaru you ihiull wrltn down on u iioifinuo utai liven whnii the loo in froko tlilk ovor u luiiiil uml cavunut willi nnnw itu huoly in imi uu tlilu uu u uhlnulo in mill t of u liouvur iiouim kitlil 1ntnr tha liulililwj of ulr tlmui rlt- turu liroutlio out kooivit tlio lod from rrmxjii i iciioiiii muny a man hu rll through into dno water front of u liouvnr liouiiu uml uaniu of ein drown ntl too utilnoy comforlujily rolltul in lilu liliiiikotu uml uiittlluif ilown to u uool wloop uftnr liln twmitytlvonilla trmtp on miowalnnim liounl old i worlu liut lio wwu no ilrowuy thut at tlm tlmo thoy inadfl no uimmhui impruuulaii 011 i1i111 ho did not think of tlmm ayuln until thlrtyulx linurii lutor at nlno oclock the noxt tnomliiif fildmty utild ua lnntfl to old iotor uml wont on nliout hlu liuulncuui o wum mukhiif for lllmrp atmlt itrwim to find jack uml ioula nolhootuu who uocnrdlnif to riort wvrn uluuiflttnrinif tiioouo mid iiuullmr tlio nuwit hcromu tho hortlnr all iuy tho younu warden wont uttiatllly towaril tho north at llliilit lio mailtan owin camp atxl in tho njnrnlmi when tlio tlrt hht ullm- morod im wont down to tho hud- wttlnru of tlio tlhun aim la tlovon oclock found him ifiivlnif ut b tlotihla lino of uiiowmiioo tranku uml within htilf an hour ho utooil lu tlm uhiltr of n nnruco tro liwiklnif ut a call in pfrom tho flrpoln olilinnoy wlilrli roiia hlnn iiiuoko uvldniilly tlio nbi- liootuu imyu woiro rooklnc hreakftiuu ontktild tho cuhlu wore idlod five m 00110 cnrcuutioii anil nour hy utooil tho nloilifo that tlio luwhroakera woro uuiiib to haul out tholr idumlnr j nut itoydnd thn cull in illdnoy could tho niiiooth imowoovumd wurfnco u po nil tniulo hy bouvin that liut attnuoil tlio utruuin klliiliik tho thonita of hlu unour hhnnti down ovor hlu iumiim mo thut ho could nton uulokly off tlmm if nood ite ho bllnntly nnnmclud tho cabin with out iiaiiulnu ho otxinoil tho door look- vd in and iiuld hallo bayul junk nulhootii who wuu frylntf moat ut tho flronluco whirled round unl hiuml touard a rlllo thut loaiithl uifulimt a bunk ijhiih who wan ait liln kiiotiti tuuklnif 1111 a tutok jumod to liln foot and liiiatcliud nt tho uhoutlt kulfn in hlw holt it wuu a liininmit for antfon not for wiiinlh in 11 tuiiih flllney hud hlx uik- iihootor in hlu hand ami wuu tnilumf tho irluifor in tiiiok hucodutdon ho flrod thruo mholu ui over juoku hood olio clow imimiiio iouik uml tho third into tliu roof of thn cublu tlio 6ftvot wan nutuntunoouii with a curuo juok muiiiad hlu movamnnt towunl tho rlflo ami ilronikul to tho tloor to iijkumt tlm flyliuf hullotw zoulu alurt tlriidl von two nonio iut imm uml hold ui your hundml onlorii1 illdtmy anil jiwt kui thin in mlhd if you htnrt uuythlm ill hftvo to uhoot to lilt nuxt i tlmo i thn two lawhroukiim oumo out with 1 ihdlr immlu attovo tliulr haariu and uftor hhlnoy hud tukon tlio knlfi from i ymihi uml hud niudn huro tluit noltbor of thntn currlod ft concnuhid weaiwui ho wild now imiyu atuy hnroln front of tlio door wlillo i uot your ooatw uml unowmhoah thnn wnll wturt wo not qulto u ultlo trlti imforo uu htoiiiiliitf fiuulti tho cabin uldnoy quickly icutlinrinl u tho two mackin aw cootw uml twojuilm of unowttlioom ho loiuiwi tlmm out of tho door uml a uiicoml lutor brought nut ilia tnlttm uml tho ounu all tho wltllo ho kfnt uu oyo nntlio two mon ulvlnu thom no opportunity for u hoatllo movo tliiuonly thn nolhootuu lirothom mit on thplr hnownliooa ami ullnpod into thulr coat 11 now woijo nihily auul tlm younif wurtlon von two movo on ujiuuil uu 1 ulop lively well follow my track bunk liut uu thoy taruod to bo flu1noyt vyh full on tho iwuver iond uuuy traoka lol hack ami forlh liuwin tho ouhlu ami kh iimooth iiurfmco imino- iiutoly ho ullpppil hlu puck from htu uhoiildorm uml unt it down loiiuio lh ilitor wait a inlmltnl bo ooinmumlml vvlf uko a look round horn ilrdt jlkuoiik turn touuutuul ti down towunt tho pond fjto hvoly tiowl yptivn imon truppluif houvor huvmit you7 nultlior of tlup tnudo mimwor but tlmy oxoliutiailtubcnltlcant uluiioiii an ho upnrounhotl tlai wind with tho brothnrn ulioiul of i bufcu4my w thut hlu iiurinluu wup uorroot ntnr tlo uboio wmm a pluoo wlnrn thoy hud oul a lurito liolo in tho loo uml had built uti uniturwutair mtookndn it won uvl- dont thut thoy bud lookotl ut ui tmn oiat mornluif for tho ho that lutil formod ovur tliu holt bail hotm frtmhly kihoppod uwuy- hldnoy pullod 011 ntuko that iirotrudvil aliovo tho our- fucu iiuiilud out thu ntool trap und toitand it into tho hiiow thath ono mora count ietlnt you- lio unj i mipikiimi youvn uoop dyna- nltlnir tho houimn loo iotm taka a look ut thl ono down horn i twenty ynrd uwuy wan u mound of i now that ha warden know in die tod i n beaver houc from th nhorvmlda 1 hen h unoxpcitd 11m 111 nil ndiootiu i1111i nllpiird on imn if hhi uiowihoco ilnil wi 1 lylrif lint on lop or tl v mound imil 1 wuu hold ni bin fut lo provent him rrom jtlfp- ailukliitutliuwultiraiiuidncytamo to tlio top tlio moouo klllur ruluud hlu iiiiohuliiiii mid bniilifbt it down hiutvl- ly oil thu viunlnnil brad llldnny urltup- nl for the odirc of tho beuvor houne iiiimkii hhi hold und vtlh rlnulutf hfud wink n udfond tlinn ho roullxod mut- ilonlv thut ho wuu fiiro to tmtia with 1i011ii1 could axmtci no mercy fvum th ntlhooluh hrolln rn to mvi uu m- uolvoii thoy would tlnluli him und no 0110 would over know what liud linjt- aunlu b cutmi to tho u 11 r face uml hi in tlmo iih frlttl lo nolkii tho unow- thut tlio lawbrollkor wuu wlnld- hut juotc wuu wily b- urtoil the 111 out of rurb uml wulttd until flldnoy hail uruupml ut tho bo u no then ruined uurli u uhowor of hlowu thut tho word 011 una bin to doduo hit effectively lutnk buck an hliluoy went down ilu oyen nwopt mice ulnnif tho curvo of the uliore und lio took o uroat hroatli uuw hlu only c bunco for life a uleniler one lo lui mini hut unythlntf in tlilu oxtreinlly wna worth tryluif in that ono ooniprohonulvo clauro ruiiulit iiliht of tlio upnt whnro the iiourheru hnd cut tho holo in tho lea to uet their imuvor trap it wau ulxty fiwit idruluht to tho rlkhu turnhuf under thn water uu nearly uu iia could juduo lu that direction illdney took u ixiwerfiil htroko uml unt nut to nut hlu forlorn hotie at thi ktnot watttriiportm meet tlio immtnoi iteforo ho had won the uwlinmlua rac4i unit ho had mautnred tho urt nf iwim mlntf under tho uurfuco hut thin water wau irnrolil ami lilu head nt 111 rlnulutf from tho murderouu hlowu thut jack nolhootuu had dealt him with eyon wide open uearchlnif for the upot of lltfht that would toll him whero tho openlnif wuh ho uwum nn lu freevlnif world of watery darkneuu gradually hlu utrencth nhlied no iluht it wuu too lonif a rhanco anyway it would ihi a quick death liut ho would tluht to tho end where woo the opening- wuu tliat a ifllm mer of llifht over thero nr wan it only tho dunclnif tiro in hlu eyon ho toward it reached it and feehly thrunt hlu handu upwurd they met tho open tlr ami inunhnd tha niliio nf tiroken ire iu11 head cumo out ami bin burnt inif ituieu tilleil with tha hroath nf lire thn younir warden was weak from thn uiruln or hlu ulnctfle lnit ho know that ho had not u ueeoud to lone if lu need hock und uaw tho two mooifo klllorm leanluir over tho heaver houaa uml poerlnif into the wuter whero thoy liellevoil thnlr victim to huvouunk for tho laut 1 1 1110 an yet they had not lluncod toward tha trap holo putting hotli humlu on tho thick odifa of tho iro olduey uavo a tnlitbty heave uml drew hmnolf out of tho water ii lu knneu touched the ndifo of thick ion and ho utuuiierrtd to hlu foot hlu face wuu towarxl tho cabin thero ukabibt tho hunk routed a rifle that vuu hlw goal aa ho took hlu unit running utepu a uhout uoundod tiehlnd him and ik knew that ho had tmen hikiiioii ii wuu u raro to tho cabin ami ulthouifli lio had a uturt tho mldu warn ojjubmt him for tho minw wau doep and tho law hru kern imd on their unnwuhoeh whereuu ho wuu nnmliilf in hlu moo- cauliiu hhiklnif twolvn inchon at every ulrldo horeovor ha wuu nearly spent and thoy were frouh llehlml him lie couhl hoar tho quick nhuok chuck ihuck chuck of hlu puruueru unow- ho4iu und knew that thoy were comp luf nearer and nearer putiliik forth ovory atom nf onoruy io ran on realising only loo wall thai iiico ho wau overtaken tho law break on wouhl quickly ovenwwer hfm uvl ilnntly louiu wau the leader nf tho two for uldnoy could hour jack yell- inir att him qot him youve got iml now tho iloor wau nlmout within inc he luupod for it with tho dreuu of hlu utronutli throw it oimiii and plunsail through a clawlutf huml dniicemled on hlu uhoulder und ulld on llko ti footliall player mukluif a hnudlonif dlvo ho plunuejl ror tho rlllo uuthored it into hlu hunau und awunif round ull in thn uumn hactlon of u uecond iiulu nolhootuu had tumbled in tho doorwuy lie wau now luuldo tho cabin on bin knoou with hlu uunwuhoou utlll fuutenoil to hlu mooounlim hlml him hlu brother ueolntfwhut hail liiippeneil wuh in tho unt nf thmwltiu- 11 p hlu humid hldnoy nut with bin liuck auulnut the hunk und wltfi tho rlllo luilntlntf at tho hrotheru i hero wuu no nooil to kivo any command vou win huld jack with n iunte you hot i do mild hlilnoy whouo breath wnu coiulnu in ruupu one lltllii fhm movo from you lhyn and ill bltvo to wuu to uomo kood lend pomn inwblo you utuutlluir il tho ilwr uml nit down houhlo your hrothor wlillo 1 kid my wind 1or an lulur they w fayed in tin cnhln whllo illdney wruik tho water from hlu clothe uml put on dry uooku and heavy undnrclotheu from hlu puck then ul tired hi uu old uwentoi ami 11 pair of nverullu thut ho found in thu cuhlu uml curry ink bin wot clolhliik oirhilwtiuok liirtnnk jack und laiulu down lo the lmud uml hud them lull hlu imowuhoeu nut of thn hole tp front nfllto beaver hoiiuu thuy hud flouted totho niirfiico uml were uouu tho womu for tlm wetlna am uoon uu ho hud udjuhtcd tho thonuu bit uu out with hlu two iuptlvoh for old 1cler lmitiurri oclock thut iiviiiiluu tlmy reach ed tho irupperu luhln uml topped for ti tilulit tieuver tondu lu dungorouw ldacau in winter no hi iotor whan bo tiud heuril hldiiovmuxmirleiiiv vouvo upokon tha truth aldiild- at loan l when thorp uro 4ny nolhootuuoh round li juckt l the lawhreuker mndo no unnwju hay aiodhlll wilil old poter i uh ndlatln to ro out for uomo uhudk lantfof tho week ouiu ill go lonff wltli yn i dont lov them hersani uy you do come ilons paid the youns vrur- don taiurll maketv oolublo little ptrtj taytlning thc tu i ii lug oockcncla the ileuiuiid ror ibn vt 11 llnhibed iliu fed truto futtuied chlrkon bun iwuiu imwii in oxtii of hut 11 pply uml wbiro tlilu roudltlou evlui 1 it u 11 wllliout uul 1 1 if thut tlio ii ice 11 nt be entlciiu or ntinictlvo to the careful uml uiitemntlc farmer who u hlu pnwlnct for murki t in tlm inont eonomlcul unit uttrurtlve und who rtupn ulti re win 1 lu tin enhanced prico and a ready dor- und for uhut he buu to offer miirkellnu of ban ur iuuv cblckenu ntrulcbt off thu ranuc 1 lowu u uiniiu prolll or poimlbly no roflt 1 1- a 0 1 1 uu4d v1 1 y u nuut u a 1 to tho funner tho deuir uml tin con- the eeiiuumer lu cruduully ronlu- luu that ho lu the trout nut louer uu tho ff nl uml wuuto from jtlte luihuhihed hlckun lu tho uumn ml from thn well futlouod blrtl lu tlio llrut rvimlltlon tlilu wuulu may run to fifty nr ulvty pr uiiil of tho whou cunuuu while fattened bird it will not exceed thirty per cent tlilu cenvlucluu ectiiioiuy uml the 111 proved in klu re iiid ilnllcuto tluvor f tho mrut or tho milk futtuned rblck- iiii liuu r rented un unlimited demand nt boinn uml ubroail it lu therefore well worth while to conultlur tha fol lowlnif ulinplo method nf rutterdntf when it lu tlmo to market either lartca or utuall quuntltleit of imi ul try cruto lvimlluif crate feeding hnu proveit the laout uatlufnelory method or prepurbiif imi u i try for market with the exception of hrolleru turkoyu wulerfowl which are uuuully ronuld- ored lo do tuitler in limited iuii conutrucllon of cruluu tho la rye metal commerclul huttorleu mmally uuod where ureal mi ltd nam urn uvull ubln ran lie purcliuiunl hut for home uuo i rutei can ito tnnda mnauurlni uhout 0 feet lnnif jc lochia wldo uml 20 inrheii liltfh dlvldotl by two tluht partitions into throa reiupnrtmnntii eaob caiiuhlo of holdlntf four hlrdu of from 4 to c noiimlu each tho frumo of 3 inch by 1 inch tnrlnl in covered hy ululu 1 inch wldo uot 3 jnclieu upurt uml runulnu loimtli wlue on three uideu and peritendlcular on the front to allow tho chlikenu to fthxl from u v ubuikid trouitli made frim two pleceu of 3 inch by t inoh imtird nulled touether und net 011 pp- trudlnif lirurkelu uo uu lo louvo tli imttom of tho trough ultout 4 inchon nliove thn liottom of the rrato uml tho upper edjjo olwiut 3 incbcu from tho front tlio bottom u lutn of tho cruto iilumt 1 lio nailed on tho upper part of thn frame lo prevent injury to the chlokomt feet uhould tho crate bo utood mum tho unround tho crate u uhould imi plac- ml on iilandii 10 inchon front tha nroimd and uomo ahuorlient audi uu uuhou or uund upread umlernoutli in catch tho dropphiifii thn crate uhould 1m pluc- hi in rome roil ub nholtor preferuhly where mout of tho llubt can imi ex clude when tho hlrdu arc not fcodlnc vnrmln lleforo lielnff pluceil in tha crate tho hlrdu uhould lio wnll juntod with lino uulphur lfoodliir- they uhould lio ularved for 31 bouru und then fed only nparlnjf- ly for tho unit two dayu uraduully increaubitf tio quantity up till tho third day when tho tmuuhn uhould tm kept tilled until thoy nettle down ami refuua lo take mora led twloa a day with au lontt lnterva lie i we on feeilii an jmuuiihln roinmenuuraln with llalt and lmmodb utely remove or empty trmi a it after food ink if poiuilblo darken tho cruto and leave hlrdu quiet till tho next ilatlon a iiatlufactory ration uhould ihi exceptionally palatable und thatwlll produce tho whltout anil fluent texture of fleub in tho uhorleut per 1ml lir thin purnouo finely ground oatn mixed with uour uklmmcml milk nr but termilk to tho coiiulutoiicy of thin ihirrblfio 110 that it will iioiir into tho trouuhu lu iteul if u quicker ualn in weight lu do- irvul com niojil nr buckwheat hour may ho added but it tiitmt lio remem bered that thn addition of either to kavo tlmo in nt tho ovpeuua of tex ture in tha flnluh nf thu flouh tho addition of corn to tha nillon will put on fat but lu wtmo tnurketu u fat chicken will ik accepted un equal in tho lieut niluhod poultry tho fultenliik period will vary from 10 dayu to 3 wuokw am tho ttnlnu will imi from 1 lb lo 3llwf on ood rohuut ohlcknnu that huvulioeii carefully fed aw it lu pouulblo ta put on n utund of kalii to 3 to 4 poiinuu of uruln con- mimed pluu uitur uklmmed milk it in nnuy to ueo thut tho uuocemmful fatten- inir of iiaullry lu a profitable under- tnfalnif w t hcotl poultry oivlulon kxperlmoutul linn ottawa dlw own that lu not umlnfttnod luhillliitid u r in the workman who lie in 11 and in jjiwid fuller iu full hlu tree h hut it o 11 uluke uiut he ban pro- nt into tbo imuind kir finwu tlio tree into iom uvii ihn prlxeuu lu cullod bucklnu a wyer nlwayn wyirku hi the 1 1411 loc mill uml i10 unwu tlm loan into ullllm the lloolitender lu u iiiklllnu cump nit 1 the chiilii u round tho higu uo bwymny iirtliuilbrttil willi u donkey nbi a clpiiitr follnuii tho loji au t in helnif druifiid in a nwumpur iiipii ibn rommy clour for tho iokm mil u iiniier ruin iff tho uliurp rn- rtf of thn loipi uo thoy will druji luoro nelly a choker in tho cabin ihi placid ulwiut a u a blijli rlimlter in h loirtlhuf lump lu die workman who uoeu up tho inu- iiiiu muni to pluca hlith llneu from tint donkey enclna tho uklit ureuunr pntu un lino uikni tiktd rouibi uo bo lom will ulldn more roudlly thn utiuithi punk o porn ten tlio donkey 11 ul nt whlntlo und uluuulu the work- in in with it a donkey lu u nlu- itoiiury encln with cubliu thut lopa iiro replnred iikaii in loir humlllnif in hid wtiit a iwiom in a number ef lojiu in thn water held hi pluco by boom iitlcku in formrr tlmru tho word hull flitbt- r 1j111 commonly beard it applle to the man lu u iuiilhf cump who bujl ib iniiiuilrnled hlu uuperlor nblllty with ida hutu in iiumomuu oncounteru with hlu follow workeru tlilu exiireuulou lu 110 limner lieard inuuarfi uay bncainai ilitliuulf lu louulut cam pit lu a pautlmo in fehlch workmr a fillit id now a r uomlii of the ooui ocmb ok thought rirmueuu nf purpouo lu ono nf the moot nocohunry uluown of ohuruntor uml 11110 nr the bout inutriimenlu of uuccpuii without it tonliiu wnuteu uu effort u in a muxo of innmnilii tone leu clieutortlbid wo are very muoh what nthoru think bf uu the reception our obuervm- tlonn meet with blvo uu con rate lo pro- oo4l ur llainpu our nfforth hanlltt nothliuc in uo euuy uu lo dooelvo onau aolf for what wo wluh that wo readily belle vo liemohthenuu whatever aro tho lmmorjtu of fortune they yt reipiire a paluto nt to retluh und nude them woutuluim lteiiyjiilier that what you tuillevo will depend voryinurh upon what you ro nouh iorler iot uu watch well our betflmiluuu ml twill u will munaue thomuidyvu alex clurk ho ooiquil of chrlut lu tho worldil only uoolut liopo und tbo note promluo of worldpeace it lu u rruuado to which i urxo you u critnaun not uw- liuf tur uu object tho redemption of u ul 1 1 iil city however holy hilt tha fieu- llitr of ihu wlioln world from the duvuu- lutlnu- ncourtto of war muruliull unu woodumln8 linco in ubln thn im ul woodu u liiuunui bmirur imluluo 9 mmurrjnrqiii womanhood in the ualancc lu tha utumlnnl of american womuil- hood uolnif ul if down tho ulmout i entury old iiiruifijlo for nurfruue bun ut luut won itu victory ami women ire nverywhero luklnu their rluhtful placeu on un equality with men hut doea tlilu inciiii that woman lu to come down to tho level of ninnu weuknouuea uml bud hnhltu or docu it incut that ii lip lu lo ucqiilro hlu imilltjcal jioweru uml utlll mulntuli her tradltlouul hlli 1 morality it in fienerully udmlttod that tho uua or lohurco in ut beet un unclean habit und obuirvutlon proven that itcoarunnn tho flner iijilrltuul nnturo yot more and more whut are known nu cttlturod luilleu uro tnklnir to uinnklnir and hicn nubility thn no call oil blubor nta ru of eihicilted rnllned women ore tunihik to rouajh nlutur and polite uweurlni to nmphanlxo tbolr uent- onrtu a if u in mc uuhjectn of tin uronteut delicacy uro iktluir handled otwiul in tho moot indotlcuto and flip pant manner by thn ulrlu nf this uen- o rat ion und tlilu in the proueiico uf men there in a way 10 encupe holnu a prtulo and yet not liecomo lowd hut many of the women of our day do not lutein to linl it nn thoy hurry to adji ihemuelven lo their new and lartcor atutuu hi tlilu wlmt it in voire tn mean for women to im equal with mnnt all that in hlnliont and lipat in uu for- hldu many a falllnir or fa i ion muii hftu tied hlu hnpoii to n nnblo woman and bun rluen niraln thn pure tender heurtu and uelfnffaclntf life of motbor or uluter or wlfo uro the uult of the earth ij1 it tint louoltn iiuvor if the purity of wnnimihood mimt ivo vuty to tho vote lwltor rellnquln tlio vote woman may uho over lui equal with man and hluher tfbo wutchmau wlitzn hon wauto a confidant wonder how many fathom fool jealauu or tho way tho crown- up uon fcncu to mother ij he want 11 u confi dant i dont uuppoiio well over know for mout ot them wouhl die rather hum admit thoy cared lint all the uame if tho truth wore known father would ulvo a hroat deal if uon cam ilm for uilvlcc aa u rule uon eoeu uny where oluo except to father doeunk ho it too luto to help tho fa thorn with brawn honu hut horow tho uecret fur be no jit fit you nk fathom with iu uro jimt lieklnuliiff t jnlil ilulen in uonny when ho wuiitu to talk tn ou dont toll lilm in ulop lifu nlno or run and lull mother that is if you really want tn iwi in on hhi iierretu ufler lie urowti p a very ulmplo luut itt ami nauy lindnruluud vou dont luithor to talk murh tq folku who arent a hit lulunuted in you and ion hi exuotly you you may ho inordinately proud of him you may love him till it imrlu hut ho ban no way of knowluir iilcuu you pal around with him and tlio tlmo lo beiil 11 t bo chutnil with your boy lu rlulit now liiiulii dhinupollii t lui wiiiiien tulk mo uiiiij nii imn 1 women liny city lmiv i in roil un 1u11 hi tnweti it our ouv- inm nt iiuthiirllb1 will oidymm lloiitoii 1 1 11 nm rlpt u 1 own id lu utiuill tinouili lo lilile in html a womuuu uulrlx in iliiylwu ton i tli 00 uml iiuthir heporler if tlmo lu unylblutf thut lu more bomnclul than pitihimijty we want it oaurk llpenlatoi xi ml itupl wlmt ho nowu uulouu he uardeiier wuuhhilftou lln id jwnr wuifnu and jiiwnr profllu uro iflui h hetler than no wuffou uml m prolllu chicago newu it tbouiuu may bo culled tho 1 lower city but iiudnn lu rupldly lomlutf lo ilm rrout uu iho plntir city ten don adyert liter 1utobuu on the kuneu dopt imlliule pi n or any more than pulcheu on tint ueut indlnito huckulhlinir klnk- iiton whlu i home ontario jnllu teak when tut doom barn locku nlc unt imlnu llxid it mlfht ho jiiut uu well in ex- ilno tlm beudu of tho uttuitdunlu otluwii journal hipiehow or ollmr tho fellow who nlwuyu proimulnu three oheeru for nimlmnly nr homethlnir never ueenui be willliiif lo cfliitrlbiite anytbltiif uliinvrlciltfttrdjuouiuit ire are no many unemployed lie- 1 for omi teuuoii mnployiim cull- rfonl to puy tlm price thut hi lorn iffnril to urcopt for thnlr nervlreu nauhvlllo 11a liner oictionaitvo laot word 1or a loiia tlmo dictionary maknrn fare content to utop ut yukiloury uml uymuruy wonlu which hnvo to da with the nclenro of feminututlou thou uomnhody cumo aloiuf with myxommn now ilm cnmpltiru or tho oxfor1 dio- hnnary imuun lu 1644 hy tho lunifliuh ihlloluulcal hoclety huvo found utlll mother luut wool vyxi thlu lu a icontluh dialect word oomlnif down from tho fifteenth century uml it meaiim ueeut it hanlly ueomu likely thut yxt will ovor lio o unt ml frpni uu place au thn luut word in tho imikiiuii innmmk pain is an indication ot mttrfcronco witli llto notriiial yuticlmns uf the body il ia aitln of troultlr und if tallowed lo continue cuei ilvu atill furliior diaokdcis co tu tn on iein id y tlml nrlirf from ii xin pi 011 id lio y tlio filet etnp in llto irnuttnnnt nf liny diacnu wbicli iu toroainl i fcadaohcncuralgiii rlioiimatic tuclclie sciatic nbj ovnan pain one or two dr miles antipain phi and ll fcwin uonc guurntitcccl sufabud sure piico 30c lor sale in acton by ii j 1ms3ar0 hudachisano rhucmitk new phkmisks m j1etteii kqulpmen-r- the golden grain bakery the ilniul wlui tho 1lirm bu llltewiclth iu1st dltlcal havin purchased the rtore next lo urowvo drup store i have better and larger prcmri more room in which to welcome more cuitomcr 1 will open in the new premise on saturday and will he jud to have the public call to sco us there a rum aflmolttulcnt op ultkal ihjns cakes wes and pastuy op all kinds eycry day george brewer mill qyltcirr i c is v next bhowng druq syoilt linimmmmimmriiirinniniiimmimimiiitm j n oneill son georgetown ont distributors of dodge brothers motor cars studebaker motor cars for acton georgetown milton 3 it irishman acuiii kcnrcsenbiuvo carriage rubber tires wo huvo die fteut equipment for applying cnkriagc rulilwr tire nt itcfihonable ivketf k automobile tops we recover auto toprt rind fit your auto wllli door orhjiiinfi curlnhta we have ready for sale one ford low truck 8 ft x g ft box with shelving good cloacd cab thiri job in almoflt oh good mi new will tell ul a bargain j n oneill son georgetown ont describeb ami how uuliltbo momxilod iieii- th man who hud uruhhod ti tnuteh front the trulltn cop 1 hiippouo yon oiild like lo know who t unt jurwcl t am hh t vllly llocklnulioriu nlifht of tpe liuth knuht nf tbo jur- tor kuluhl or the irnubb icuul and ilulit of the cloldeu oniuu and i mild tho nop ulii jumeti murphy totiluht luut nlghl to-mor- i nlht uml ovnry ouior nlifht dcfendiwq u in our more nr leuu witty ulunif muvm u unit ml htuteu nowupuper tho protluet of the phonnuraph lu freipiont- ly referred lo uu canned mualn tho phruuo lu commonly uuod dlmphruuliiu ly hut connlim lu ono nf tho nioxt uueful urt that clvlllkatlmi him de veloped n ml t iakou ono of itu hlabout formu in tho mechnnlsm nf tho phonn uraph a leisurely halfhour mlicht ho hpnnt pleuuuutly and not improbably lu recalllnu uomo nt iho uueii of can- nliuf hut many tblmrn thut niuko life worth whllo uro cunnod pro- duetu that jwoull olherwluo not huvo i me iv uvullable uooku aro the cup- md wludom nr milluhiiouu of thn iilfij without thlu punned proihnu tho wfmlom uf floloinou would hav died on thu tuhtoiii wlndu ami llhukeuponro ami iinu fellow und milton und itun- oioft uml ull the uclimthibi uml ueeru ami ulnuiru would huvo died with llnli own ifoneriitlou chailltv tb me lu iu mm ii hut lu bad in tho bout of nu j and uo much that lu uomt in thu worut of uu thut it doeiint liehoivo uuyv of mi to talk ulumt thu tout of uu mns u 11n iuur tltollmtdorgnuuutej maamurilkiolfrin wwtjicfaor lafutor adult atll dniffattfc writa fbrplmrnboofc why why aro partridge tirem iiicreauiiip in popularity nntoun our cuhtomers why aro wo bo enutuaiaatlc about partridke ilrca and why do wo htronjjly ecotnmentl hom to you because in actual ervlc larlritl tirol are dcmoiwlratlnj thtlr creautcea what wo have seen utul heard about tiicue fiturtly hahdbullt tired convinces uh tfint for ullround ccohomy thoy are uniiurnditscd partrldfie tired alt not only bulwtimually reducing wile- aire ccwih but their rugged wctiritin qiiahueii elinllrtntd frequent and expcmlve repairs partridge tires came ti thejr name wlui akivud youdbftuffnil satisfaction l stainless steel cutlery iy i i ti ii lumvn lul nil ik ill or iii ii ul i litm i ul i il inn tin ir up- i ru vll i nlhi iuiii uoull be ktulii i fi i ir tuld iln humi inn dull with inn hi i in b it 7 tlti llipuhiiul 1rlre lluuiri 11 u iluen tubl- tig 00 loii miliil iiiiikiii 1 i ihiu i mini klilven iji nm rt knlvi h mil 1 oi ki 7jm him n j nidi kuuin and i orkii 7j10 i1oh h j 10 dm iliikd lliindlni fltubib mli i kriln m ii rt miimii 12 so diikli iilhlo kiihoi 1100 iiokcii lie uure ami buy n m ible make the bond iiaumvaiti co il pbetx 1012 guclph tbr stores- pblicy to rcpreteiit ood bx- nctly aa to their qunlity to cell to thoeo who know and tn those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence hy always giving you iatw fact ion lie savage co jowcllen gublp11 ontario jsjgravtngfs liiriciimomniwwbr grand trunk svs the double track route illstwluknt montncal tohonto dctnoit gmioaqo unexcelled dpilnc car uervloe dlecpluit ruru nu nlifht tralnu ami parlor can on principal day train vull information from any grn trunk ticket rant or o 10 ifornhv diutrlct pa un oncer auuit toronto ii a houvea agent acton ont phono 1 r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station jiihl arrive cnv no 1 feed oate a quantity op tpbeo corn and oil cake just itkcbived i flo0h pked n0uval bran and shouts feed flour r noble ltd hcnnv awncv manager j fred blow when vou nel boots shoes at any time iiuy fkom w williams mill street acta famous for i satisfactory footvrear reasonable prices ij ihmmdk

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